Flushing the car cooling system. Means for flushing the cooling system

The engine cooling system allows the engine units to maintain operating condition for the maximum amount of time. Drivers are well aware that from time to time it is necessary to change antifreeze, which loses its properties in 2-3 years or 30-45 thousand kilometers. Provided not only complete replacement coolant, but also adding it if necessary.

At the same time, even maintaining the coolant level regularly at the required level, the cooling system can become unusable and lead to engine malfunctions. To avoid this, experienced car owners recommend flushing the engine cooling system every 2 years. This procedure is performed on a paid basis by specialists in the service, but it can be carried out independently. As part of the article, we will explain how to flush the engine cooling system with our own hands, including without the use of a special fluid.

The engine cooling system consists of a number of elements that must interact correctly with each other so that the coolant is supplied to the hottest parts of the engine during operation. The most vulnerable element of the cooling system are the hoses, which can become clogged or torn from excessive loads.

During the operation of the car, sand, stones, insects get under the hood, dust and other contaminants form on the engine. Some of the contaminants eventually end up in the cooling system, mixing with the coolant. This leads to the fact that scale forms on various metal structural elements, which eventually exfoliates and gets into the hoses. They become clogged, which reduces the efficiency of the cooling system or completely disables it.

If on the dashboard, the problem may lie not only in the lack of antifreeze, but also in the problem directly with the cooling system, which will be quite expensive to solve if one or more elements need to be replaced. To avoid this, it is recommended to flush the engine cooling system every 2 years.

In car repair services, engine flushing is carried out with special tools that can be bought at stores specialized in engine consumables. There are many similar means, but the most famous of them are Lavr and Motor Resurs. The cost of specialized tools for flushing the engine cooling system is extremely high, and many drivers use ordinary distilled water to clean the system of extraneous "garbage". This method is cheaper, but also much less effective, since water does not fight scale, but only cleans out accumulated microparticles.

If the question arises, how to flush the engine cooling system inexpensively and effectively, you can use a solution of citric acid or Coca-Cola. Both fluids do an excellent job of cleaning scale and other contaminants from the cooling system.

The process of flushing the cooling system is quite simple, and it consists of the following steps:

Thorough flushing of the cooling system is necessary to remove the formed deposits, dirt, corrosive elements and harmful impurities that can lead to a violation of the stability of the system. We strongly recommend that after flushing the cooling system, fill in new antifreeze, because in the old fluid, even if the car has not driven so many kilometers, there are particles of contaminants.

It is no secret that the acid environment allows you to overcome scale and rust, and it is advisable to use it to clean the cooling system. The most affordable way to create an acidic environment yourself in large volumes is to use a mixture of citric acid and water. The resulting solution allows you to get rid of contaminants in the engine cooling system.

Some features of flushing the cooling system with citric acid:

  • To create a solution with severe contamination, it is recommended to use 1 kilogram of citric acid per 10 liters of water. If the pollution is moderate, the amount of citric acid per 10 liters can be reduced to 800 grams;
  • After citric acid is poured into the cooling system, you need to drive a few kilometers by car (let the engine run for 10-15 minutes at medium speed without sudden accelerations), then leave the product for another 45 minutes;
  • Before filling in new antifreeze, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the system of citric acid residues; for this, flushing the cooling system with water is repeated 3-4 times.

Citric acid performs just as well as many professional cooling system cleaners.

It has long been known that in everyday life the Coca-Cola drink can be used as a cleanser. The composition of soda contains various components that allow you to clean rust and dirt. Coca-cola can also be used to clean the engine cooling system.

Some features of flushing the engine cooling system with Coca-Cola:

  • The engine running time on Coca-Cola should be minimal - 4-5 minutes, after which the engine should be turned off and the drink allowed to remain in the cooling system for another 30-35 minutes;
  • Washing with water after Coca-Cola must be carried out more carefully than after other means, since elements of sugar can settle on the pipes of the cooling system.

It should be noted that upon completion of cleaning the cooling system from contamination using Coca-Cola, it is recommended to start the engine after filling the antifreeze with open lid radiator to allow any remaining air bubbles to escape. Next, turn off the engine and add coolant to the resulting additional space.

And I want to propose a new interesting topic for discussion on the pages of my blog. Various hard and soft particles accumulate in pipelines that are designed to transport working fluids in a car engine. Over time, they interfere with normal circulation and even lead to the destruction of parts and loss of operational properties. How to flush the engine cooling system - asks one of the blog's regular readers. I studied the information and decided to offer several solutions on this topic.

Many of the domestic motorists neglect flushing and in vain. The procedure is not laborious and it is quite possible to perform it in the garage on your own. For many years, VAZ car owners have been doing it on their own, as well as other types of repair work. All recommendations are quite fair and feasible for owners of imported vehicles.

The radiator and pipelines become clogged during operation. Decomposition products, all kinds of oil and fat deposits, rust particles and various other scale are deposited in them. As a result, the performance of the radiator and the entire cooling system is reduced. It is better to flush in time, and then I will tell you how to do it.

Radiator failures can lead to costly repairs or even replacements. There are many ways to help get rid of rust and other types of plaque and pollution. The flushing procedure with the simultaneous replacement of antifreeze is recommended to be done at least once every couple of seasons. The final frequency depends on the operating conditions of a particular vehicle.

Traditional improvised means for washing

Citric acid is one of the most popular cleaning agents. It is important to properly prepare its solution, and in this case it will not harm the rubber components of the system and at the same time thoroughly wash it. To do this, take 100 grams of acidic lemon powder and dilute it with a liter of warm water.

In order not to harm the system, it is optimal to flush in several stages. This will avoid chipping massive pieces of scale. In the absence of acid, you can replace it with dairy products - whey. It is believed that such a tool is even more gentle on parts of the cooling system that are not made of metal.

Another type of cleaning products can be found in the refrigerator of almost any family. This is the favorite drink of many, Coca-Cola. Due to the presence of phosphoric acid in it, almost any scale can be removed. However, this acid is known to damage soft rubber components.

In addition, the composition of the drink contains sugar that clogs the system. This is why, after rinsing with cola, you need to run distilled water through the system to help dissolve and remove the sugar. Another tip - before using cola, you need to release gas from the bottle. The expansion of such gas on a running engine can lead to undesirable consequences.

Caustic soda well softens scale that has settled on the walls of pipelines and inside the radiator. However, it requires careful proportions, and it is undesirable to abuse this powder. We take a 5% solution of such soda and dissolve 50–60 grams in a liter of heated water. It is desirable that the engine run for several hours. After that, the soda solution is removed from the system.

The use of professional car cosmetics and its varieties

In addition to traditional household methods for cleaning the radiator, there are professional cleaners. They differ in different composition and concentration, but they can be found on the shelves of any auto shop.

Is it possible to get rid of plaque and deposits with their help? Of course yes, but each of them can be based on different active substances:

  • acid products are aggressive to rubber and plastic parts. They dissolve inorganic scale well and allow you to quickly get rid of oil if it gets into the system when piercing the cylinder head gasket;
  • alkaline type preparations effectively fight organic deposits. They do not need to be bred, because. they are sold in a consistency suitable for use;
  • acid-base contains different active substances. They are poured into the system sequentially and after the engine warms up, they will successfully clean the cooling system.

Some motorists prefer to save money and flush the radiator with pipelines with water. Despite the availability, it is better not to do this at home. The fact is that the water contains salts that will settle on the walls. Due to the scale that has appeared, you will have to clean the cooling system again. In extreme cases, you can use water for this procedure, but only distilled.

Few car owners know how to flush the engine cooling system, although a whole lot of nuances must be taken into account in this process.

Of course, some people do it on their own without any theoretical knowledge. So you can only harm and disrupt the process of the cooling system. We will also consider the question of which liquid to flush the cooling system can be used. Right now you can find out how it is washed automotive system cooling, and what fluids are used for this.

During operation, the engine is subjected to heavy loads, and therefore it heats up to high temperatures. It turns out that the engine cooling system lowers its temperature. In this very system, a coolant circulating through special channels is involved. According to its physical principle, it acts as a coolant, absorbing heat from the motor. Then the hot liquid is cooled by a radiator, after which all the heat is dissipated in the air space. If the cooling system fails, the engine in your car will constantly overheat.

Why doesn't she work?

There are a number of reasons why a car's cooling system is not working properly. It is possible that plaque has formed in the radiator tubes and channels, which interferes with the heat transfer process. It is noteworthy that these precipitations practically do not conduct heat, so it remains inside the engine compartment, and the radiator will simply idle.

In general, plaque is something similar to scale, which is formed as a result of ongoing oxidizing processes while maintaining a rather high temperature.

Serum wash

You need to flush the cooling system with whey - this is one of the most better ways. The fact is that the serum has an acidic environment in which all scale and other plaque will quickly dissolve. But there are other reasons for the poor performance of the cooling system. For example, a so-called air lock can form in the channels. The liquid will not pass through the lines at all, so in this case it is simply impossible to avoid engine overheating.

Also, the failure of the fan can cause poor performance of the cooling system, but this has nothing to do with the so-called channels. But a radiator clogged with dust and debris can also interfere with the proper operation of the cooling system. The heat exchange process is disrupted, heat is not removed from the engine compartment, respectively, the engine itself will heat up to critical temperatures. If you really have at least one of the above problems, then you definitely need to flush the cooling system

Flushing fluids

If the car is operated in harsh conditions, then the liquid for the cooling system can be changed once every two years.

However, it is worth remembering that before replacing it, you must first flush the system. How to flush a car cooling system? There are special chemicals on the market for this. You can use ordinary distilled water as a flushing fluid only if the drained coolant does not have any deposits, and also if its normal color is preserved. It is not recommended to use ordinary water for flushing, as it contains a large amount of salts that will accumulate on the main channels.

In general, you can flush the cooling system with almost any liquid that has a so-called acidic environment. It is in such conditions that any precipitation will be destroyed. To do this, special chemicals are added to the water. It can even be ordinary vinegar. You can purchase special additives. Of course, the most effective are specialized fluids for flushing the cooling system, which can be purchased at any automotive store.

Folk ways

Someone pours ordinary Fanta lemonade or whey into their system - all of these products have an acidic environment, so any precipitation will instantly break down. Citric acid is also one of the best options. In general, all of the above liquids and products are much more effective than chemical ones. active substances which are sold in automotive vehicles so we suggest you flush your coolant with either citric acid or whey. We assure you that you will not cause any harm to the car by this very action! However, remember that in this case you will definitely need to re-flush the engine with distilled water, as some chemicals may remain, which during the chemical reaction may well create new precipitation.

Lemon acid

Flushing the cooling system with citric acid is one of the best and most common options among motorists. In principle, there is nothing complicated here, you can do all this with your own with my own hands. First you need to drain the old fluid from the engine cooling system - do not be afraid, just follow basic safety measures. Never do anything with a warm engine. Along with this, you must be aware that the coolant contains toxic substances, so it is best to work with special gloves and goggles.

Next, park your vehicle on level ground. We unscrew the cap of the expansion tank, install some container under the car, where the old liquid for engine cooling will merge. Do not forget to unscrew the cap at the bottom of the radiator! Then we rearrange the container and drain the coolant already under the motor itself. We proceed to the process of flushing the cooling system. We twist absolutely all the plugs back. Pour diluted citric acid there. We start the engine and let it run for a while. It is necessary that the filled liquid passes the entire circuit through the main channels, removes all sorts of raids there. Then turn off the ignition and let the engine cool down. Repeat the same procedure with citric acid a few more times.

In general, the number of repetitions of the above procedure directly depends on the state in which the liquid will be drained into the container. If it does not have any precipitation and has retained its normal color, then you can stop there, otherwise you need to repeat all the same steps until the desired result is achieved. Are you sure there are air pockets in the channels? To do this, you need to disconnect the so-called nozzles of the throttle assembly - this will remove absolutely all the air from the system. After flushing the cooling system with citric acid, do not forget to clean the radiator of dust and debris, as it plays an important role in the engine cooling system.

In order for the engine to last longer and not fail, it must be cooled and maintained at operating temperature. The cooling system takes care of this. It provides efficient heat removal from the cylinder-piston group, preventing the engine from overheating. But because of high temperatures over time, scale forms in the cooling circuit, and the question arises: how to flush the engine cooling system?

This procedure is quite complicated. And if you do not have certain skills and knowledge, then it is better to entrust the flushing of the cooling system to qualified service stations. However, if you have some tools and are familiar with the car's structure, you can clean the car's cooling system yourself.

When to flush the cooling system

This is a very popular question that interests many owners. To avoid clogging and breakdowns, it is worth flushing the cooling system at least once every 2 years. In addition, every 30,000 - 45,000 km, the fluid should be changed, this will help prevent engine failure.

How to clean the cooling system on your own? To begin with, it is necessary to study in detail the mechanism of heat removal. Branch pipes are considered its most vulnerable point; in the event of a blockage, they can tear, and a leak will appear. Therefore, in order not to damage them, you need to use only gentle solutions.

What means to wash: the pros and cons

So that flushing the system does not take a lot of time and does not cause significant harm to the cooling circuit of the car, it is worthwhile to review all the means suitable for this procedure.

The question of how to flush the cooling system is very popular, and there is an answer to it. To do this, it is best to use special means for flushing the system. They are widely available and are sold in auto chemical goods stores and markets. It's just that their cost is high.

If you are wondering what is the best way to flush the engine cooling system using only improvised means, then below you will find a list of substances suitable for this.


Indeed, with the help plain water without much effort, you can clean the cooling system without fear of any consequences. For this procedure, it is recommended to fill in distilled water, since it does not contain impurities and will not cause scale formation.

  • The main advantage is that you do not need large expenses. You can distill water yourself at home, or buy it at a car dealership for a penny. This is the cheapest and most accessible way.
  • The disadvantages include flushing time. Distilled water does not contain caustic components, and therefore flushing pipes and hoses will take quite a long time.


I mean citric acid. It is often used to clean the engine from scale. When it comes to minor contamination, it is recommended to use 800 g of citric acid per 10 liters of water. In difficult cases, a solution of 1 kg of citric acid per 10 liters of water is suitable.

  • This method is relatively cheap, easy to perform and harmless.
  • It is recommended to be careful not to exceed the specified concentration of citric acid, as this may damage the metal components.


Another folk remedy that many motorists resort to. Diluted vinegar is great for do-it-yourself engine cooling system flushing. In addition, it is sold everywhere and at the same time it is inexpensive.

  • The main plus is ease of use, universal availability, low cost
  • In excessive concentrations creates the risk of chemical burns and may damage cooling system components. The optimal proportions are 0.5 liters of acetic acid per 10 liters of water.

Caustic soda

It is also sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Caustic soda is only suitable for flushing copper radiators. But if you are not 100% sure that your system consists of this particular metal, then you should not risk it.

If you are familiar with the device of your car, then use no more than 1 liter of a 10% caustic solution per 1 bucket of water to flush the engine.

  • With proper use, caustic soda allows you to remove all contaminants from the engine cooling system.
  • This substance is very caustic, so it must be used as carefully as possible. Under no circumstances should contact with eyes be allowed.

Milk serum

Incredibly, but true - whey is really suitable for thorough cleaning of radiators and hoses. It is absolutely non-aggressive and gently affects the components of the system without damaging or violating its integrity.

  • Easy to use, relatively cheap, safe for humans.
  • It is not easy to find whey, and in some regions it is even considered a shortage.

It's time to talk about precautions. Many motorists use folk remedies to flush the cooling system, not considering that they contain very caustic components that can cause damage to the internal mechanisms of the car. If you are determined to flush the cooling system yourself, then you need to familiarize yourself with the list of undesirable solutions and substances in detail.

Sweet carbonated drinks (Coca Cola)

No matter how harmless carbonated drinks may seem at first glance, they should never be used to flush hoses and radiators. It's all about the high content of sugar and carbon dioxide, which can cause serious damage to rubber and plastic parts.

Carbonated drinks remove impurities due to the presence of phosphoric acid (H 3 PO 4) in their composition. However, the concentration of sugar is too high, it will burn, so it is strictly not recommended to use Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite, or any other drinks.

Detergents for household chemicals (Fairy)

Dishwashing detergents are also not suitable for complex cleaning of the cooling system. Their composition is designed to eliminate animal fats, so it is useless in the fight against organic deposits. In addition, cleaning with household chemicals is quite expensive, since cleaning products cost a lot of money.

Washing machine products (Calgon)

Similar funds can be found in any supermarket. But they are designed solely for the removal of limescale and are also ineffective at removing additives and oil residues. In addition, if you incorrectly calculate the concentration, you will provoke the formation of a fistula in the system and damage to the radiator, which is unacceptable.

Cleaners and detergents (Whiteness)

Any solutions containing sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) provoke the destruction of aluminum. Any household products designed to quickly remove stains and all kinds of contaminants should not be used to flush the cooling system, as they entail corrosive processes that are detrimental to the cylinder block and radiator.

Means for removing blockages (Mole)

We are talking about products designed for cleaning sewers. They are also based on the caustic soda mentioned above, but they should not be used to clean automotive components. This will adversely affect the condition of aluminum radiators, seals and seals.

Should I flush the system after applying the sealant?

When removing scale and all kinds of deposits, both in the hoses and on the radiator, it is recommended to use cooling system cleaners even before applying the sealant. This will help eliminate all formations without a trace. As a result, the components will operate normally and reliably remove heat, preventing the engine from overheating.

Flushing the cooling system must be carried out in accordance with all the rules. Before cleaning, completely drain the antifreeze and dry the hoses, and after using soda, acetic acid and other substances, rinse them several times with running water.


If you have at hand all of the above substances, or at least some of them, you can flush the cooling system on your own. But if you have any doubts about the success of the operation, then it is better not to take risks in vain and entrust this procedure to qualified service station masters. They will be able to recommend antifreeze or antifreeze to you, taking into account all the features of your car, and give recommendations on servicing the engine cooling system.

A new car practically does not cause any trouble to the owner, it is only necessary to carry out maintenance, change it in time motor oil in the engine. But over time, all components and assemblies begin to wear out and age, the main and furnace radiators become clogged from dirt and road dust. To get rid of various litter and slag, it is necessary to flush the engine cooling system; for this, different formulations, both industrial and folk, there are many recipes. The cleaning of the system is professionally carried out by specialists at car washes or car services, but it can also be done by hand, without resorting to the services of craftsmen.

Any engine cooling system (ODS) of a car consists of water pipes (hoses), radiators (main and heating), a thermostat, a water pump that provides forced circulation coolant (coolant). As a result of constant interaction with the heated metal, as well as from aging, various deposits accumulate in the liquid (antifreeze or antifreeze), and it begins to become cloudy. Also, oil from the engine can get into the antifreeze, it penetrates into the SOD due to leaks in the cylinder head gasket.

There are different methods for flushing cooling channels and radiators, in general, they do not fundamentally differ from each other, the difference lies only in the use of compounds and the sequence of actions. It is possible to flush the engine cooling system with water without resorting to any chemicals, but this is the case when it is not too dirty and there are no traces of oil in it. Properly flushing the SOD means completely getting rid of dirt or oil (emulsion), while the antifreeze must be transparent, and the engine must be at operating temperature (not overheat). And it is very important to choose a composition suitable for washing, which did not harm the car, but would only benefit!

What is the best way to flush the cooling system

For washing, industrial and folk remedies, the effectiveness of which is established on the basis of experience. The most popular "folk" compositions for effective cleaning of cooling channels are:

  • lemon acid;
  • composition for washing dishes Fairy;
  • milk serum;
  • bleach "Whiteness";
  • vinegar solution;
  • diesel fuel;
  • caustic soda;
  • washing preparation Cillit Bang.

Someone flushes SOD even with Coca-Cola, but not all formulations are safe, and you need to know the exact dosage, the procedure for cleaning. Of the industrial products, car owners most often advise using special brand auto chemicals:

  • prestone;
  • Abro;
  • LAVR;
  • Hi Gear;
  • Liqui Moly;
  • Fenom;
  • WYNNS.

In some situations, SOD flushing is required after the sealant (more precisely, after it has been used to eliminate antifreeze leakage), this situation occurs if the dosage is not observed, and as a result, the furnace radiator is clogged. Here, both folk and special industrial preparations (a whole complex) are already in use, and if they do not help, then there is only one way out - to remove the stove radiator and clean it.

If an emulsion appears in the cooling radiator (RO), this means that oil is penetrating into the SOD from the engine. Such a symptom indicates a malfunction of the head gasket or the cylinder head itself; it is highly not recommended to operate a machine with such a defect. Before flushing from the emulsion, it is necessary to eliminate the breakdown, otherwise its formation will continue. It is not so easy to get rid of oil in the system, in some cases it is necessary to flush several times, use different means.

Citric acid is a highly effective composition for washing out dirt, including oil residues from the RO, washing is not difficult, but if the interior of the SOD is heavily contaminated, this operation has to be repeated several times. Let's look at a specific example of how such a procedure is performed, it is not necessary to copy all the actions exactly, but the principle itself, we hope, will be clear:

  • we take sachets of citric acid at the rate of 100 g per 1.5-2 liters of antifreeze, prepare the solution in advance by stirring the powder with hot water in some container, dissolve it;
  • if the engine is cold, warm it up to operating temperature, then turn off the engine;
  • substituting a bucket or a plastic canister below, drain the old coolant from the radiator and cylinder block by unscrewing the corresponding plugs (opening the taps). Where the drain holes are located depends on the car model;
  • without installing plugs (without closing the faucets), pour clean water into the expansion tank, spill the system until a relatively clean liquid begins to come out of the drain holes;

  • close the drain, first fill the SOD with ordinary clean water, warm up the engine, turn it off, pour water through the faucets;
  • then we already pour the citric acid solution prepared in advance into the expansion tank, stirring it again, then we start the engine;
  • we close the hood, get behind the wheel, drive a car from 15 to 50 km, it is very desirable that the stove tap on the car is open;
  • after the trip, we drain the solution, most likely it will be a cloudy dirty color;
  • again we repeat the pouring with water, closing all the plugs (faucets), we fill the system with fresh antifreeze.

If the work is done in the summer, you can, in order to achieve a better effect, pour distilled water for a while and drive for several days. In the future, it will be necessary to fill in the coolant recommended for this type of car, most importantly, do not forget about this change. Even if the emulsion enters the coolant, you can flush the engine cooling system with diesel fuel, although diesel fuel does not remove slag very effectively, but it fights oil deposits well.

How to wash the radiator from rust at home

Rust in the cooling system is most often formed as a result of the operation of the car on water, which is poured into the SOD in the summer to save money, but in winter it is still necessary to switch to antifreeze. Before filling the car with a new coolant, flushing should be done, and a sign of rust is red spots on the expansion tank, a dark red color of the liquid inside the tank itself.

Flushing in such cases is carried out in the standard mode: it is also necessary to heat the engine to operating temperature, then stop the engine, turn off the ignition, drain all the dirty liquid. At home, there is no way to drive the car into a pit or a lift, so usually a similar procedure is performed on a flat area somewhere in the yard. Of course, it is recommended to drain the rusty mixture into a pre-prepared container; a flat canister with a cut-out sidewall is best suited for this.

We rinse the system several times with running water, then use a solution of citric acid, you can also use a solution of vinegar. Before refueling with fresh antifreeze, it is recommended to ride on distilled water for some time, then fill the car with coolant. It should be noted that it is quite difficult to get rid of rust, in some cases it is necessary to change the antifreeze several times before it becomes clean, without a cloudy sediment.

Should I flush the cooling system after applying radiator sealant?

When coolant leaks through loose connections in the pipes, quite often car owners use a special sealant that prevents coolant from leaking; for this, a special composition is added to the radiator. In many cases, the tool really helps to get rid of antifreeze smudges, but the wrong dosage of sealant often leads to clogging of the stove radiator. As a result, the stove stops heating normally, which is a rather serious problem. The question arises how to flush with minimal loss of time and money in order to restore the heater to working capacity.

The most common tips on this topic that you can hear from motorists:

  • perform a standard wash with citric acid;
  • use whey as a washing agent;
  • pour Fanta or Coca-Cola into the cooling system for washing;
  • apply Hi-Gear branded autochemistry.

Of course, you can try to use any of the proposed methods here, but, unfortunately, in this situation they do not always work, especially if a lot of sealant has been added. The surest option is to remove both radiators (main and furnace), and then clean and rinse the parts, blow them with compressed air.

Purification of SOD with "Whiteness"

The cooling system can become clogged due to the mixing of two different coolants that are incompatible in terms of characteristics, because of this, the liquid coagulates, and a kind of “porridge” is obtained. It is not easy to wash such a slurry out of the RO, and industrial auto chemicals very rarely help here. Craftsmen for washing take the Whiteness cleaning agent, which has an excellent cleansing effect. What does the application of this composition look like in practice:

Now the expansion tank can be filled with fresh antifreeze, and during the operation of the machine it is advisable to monitor the color of the coolant. According to car owners, "Whiteness" effectively removes dirt from radiators, but it has its drawbacks - it's a strong smell, and the product corrodes aluminum. Therefore, when washing after using a cleaning agent, its residues must be thoroughly washed out to avoid corrosion of the metal.

The effect of flushing the cooling system with Coca-Cola

Another very unusual solution is to rinse SOD with Coca-Cola, but for some reason it seems strange to many that the drink is able to corrode dirt. But there is still an explanation for this chemical reaction: the soda contains phosphoric acid (acidity regulator). According to some drivers, Coca-Cola really helps to wash the inner walls of the radiator and is not the worst flushing agent. But before using this composition, it is imperative to open the bottles of liquid and wait until the gas is completely out of them.

For rinsing, the Coca-Cola drink is not diluted with water, it is poured whole, which means that to fill a 10-liter RO, you need to buy five large bottles of lemonade. But is it worth experimenting with such an unusual tool for a car, when there are a lot of proven compounds, as well as certified products specifically designed for this purpose?

Pros and cons of flushing the cooling system

Cleaning SOD, of course, has a positive effect, it has its own advantages:

  • improved circulation of the coolant;
  • reduces the risk of overheating the engine;
  • the metal of radiators corrodes less, respectively, the parts last longer.

But flushing still has some drawbacks, especially if it is performed illiterately or using unacceptable means. From an incorrectly selected concentration or composition of the flushing solution, pipes can corrode, the water pump seal leaks, and metal corrosion occurs. In some cases, cleaning simply does not give any results, it turns out to be a waste of time and money. Also, individual samples of factory products, for example, the Felix flushing agent, are not praised. According to some opinions, the drug does not bring any benefit, in addition, it corrodes rubber.

Maintenance of the cooling system

During the operation of the vehicle, antifreeze (antifreeze) gradually loses its qualities, from constant circulation, heating and interaction with metal, it begins to become cloudy. The frequency of replacing the coolant depends on many factors, but in general it is recommended to change the coolant every 40-50 thousand km of the distance traveled or once every 2 years (in some cases, 5 years). Also, the fluid is replaced:

  • when it becomes cloudy (blackening);
  • when oil gets into it;
  • with the appearance of foam, flakes.

If the coolant has acquired a red color, the reason for this is the formation of rust, it is impossible to delay the replacement of antifreeze here, and it is necessary to find out what is causing the rust. If the fluid is replaced on time (according to the regulations), it is not allowed to become cloudy, most likely, a global flush will not be needed, it is enough to flush the system with distilled water when changing the antifreeze.

Video: How and with what to flush the radiator and cooling system of a car engine
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