Wheat porridge - the best recipes. Wheat porridge in a slow cooker with mushrooms and lard Wheat porridge with mushrooms and onions calorie content

Today is fasting. Those who fast have to try to somehow diversify their diet. Various kinds of cereals come to the rescue.

I would like to offer you this recipe for wheat porridge. We will cook it with mushrooms and onions. I was too lazy to buy regular mushrooms, but I always have canned ones, so I used them. You can take fresh champignons and cook with them.

I have wheat cereal in bags: a very convenient invention! 80 g in a bag.

To prepare wheat porridge with mushrooms and fried onions, we will prepare the products according to the list.

Cook wheat grits. Place the bag in a saucepan, add water and salt.

Cook until done. In this case, readiness is determined in a primitive way: the bag is swollen - the porridge is ready!

While the cereal is cooking, cut the onion into quarter rings and fry in sunflower oil.

Add mushrooms and fry again. I fried until a light brown crust appeared on the mushrooms.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Add chopped parsley.

By this moment the porridge is already ready. Remove the bag from the water and place the porridge in the frying pan. Don’t rush to throw away the water in which the cereal was cooked! With it you can bring the porridge to the state you need. I literally added a ladle of water so that the porridge became porridge, an easy mess.


Serve wheat porridge with mushrooms and fried onions right there.

Bon appetit!

Have delicious fasting days!

Wheat porridge - the best recipes

Wheat porridge - general principles and methods of preparation

Wheat porridge is long-lived. As a staple food, it is mentioned in the Bible. And from the tables of our ancestors - the Slavs, this product never disappeared. They ate it both on weekdays and on holidays, treated dear guests and treated ordinary travelers. They prepared porridge with water or milk, adding butter and all kinds of dressings, sauces, and gravies for taste.

Nowadays, the popularity of porridges, including wheat, has fallen somewhat. Why not try to raise her rating. Cereals are inexpensive, so try making porridge at home. If you like it, then you will cook it regularly. This will diversify your menu for breakfast or dinner. In addition, wheat porridge quickly restores strength; it is simply necessary for people engaged in heavy physical labor. It is eaten with milk, cream, and fruit. Unsweetened porridge is served with cracklings, meat, fish, mushrooms, vegetables, etc. After turning off the burner, leave the porridge on the stove for 15 minutes so that it becomes softer and more tender.

Wheat porridge - food preparation

Two types of wheat cereals are produced from wheat - Poltava and Artek. The first is whole purified grains or coarsely crushed grains (the grains are quite large). Artek - this type includes finely crushed cereals. For meatballs, casseroles, viscous milk and liquid porridges, Artek is used. Porridge is also cooked from Poltava coarsely crushed cereals. And whole grains are used to season soups.

Before cooking, usually only Poltava groats are washed with water. The finely crushed one does not need to be washed, although some housewives wash both. It is believed that this improves the quality of the porridge. Usually, when water with cereal boils, foam with debris forms on the surface, so it must be removed. Before putting the cereal into the water, it must be inspected for debris in order to remove pebbles or other small objects.

Recipe 1: Wheat porridge with water

This porridge can be eaten as an independent dish, or used as a side dish. For example, serve with meat, fried mushrooms or liver. Rinse the cereal well under slightly warm water so that the flour is removed from it and the porridge does not look like a paste. If you like sticky, viscous porridges, then you don’t have to rinse.

Ingredients: wheat cereal - 1 cup, 2 cups water, butter and salt to taste.

Cooking method

Pour cold water over the cereal. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Season the porridge with oil. If suddenly the water has boiled away, but the cereal has not yet boiled until soft, you should add a little boiling water and cook further.

You can make cutlets from yesterday's porridge. Add an egg, a little semolina, mix everything. Make small cutlets and fry them in butter. Serve hot. Children will also eat them with pleasure.

Recipe 2: Sweet wheat porridge with milk

Many people will like this porridge. Simple, but so delicious! Just right for breakfast. All the joys at once - positive emotions from food and a boost of energy for the whole day. Moreover, the porridge turns out not cloying, but just right. If, however, the sweetness does not seem enough, you can add sugar or honey individually to the plate. If the porridge seems watery to you, next time add a little more cereal, for example 2/3 cup.

Ingredients: cereal - half a glass (regular faceted), milk - 1 liter, half a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of sugar, butter.

Cooking method

Add wheat, salt and sugar to boiled milk. When it boils again, reduce the heat to low and leave to simmer for 40 minutes, covered with a lid. Do not stir the porridge, do not remove the lid. After the specified time, turn off the heat, add oil and stir. Close the lid and let it brew for another 10 minutes. For cooking, use only thick-walled dishes so that the porridge does not burn.

Recipe 3: Wheat porridge with mushrooms

You can, of course, simply boil wheat porridge in water and serve it with fried mushrooms. But it will be too simple and not so interesting. This recipe is completely different, as is the taste. Why does the porridge benefit from this, because it is cooked in a mushroom broth. It is better to take white mushrooms; the broth from them will be more aromatic. What to do if there are no whites? Take any fresh mushrooms, but then for more flavor, you can add a mushroom bouillon cube to the broth.

Ingredients: cereal - 2 cups, mushroom broth - 6 cups (1.25 l), 400 g of mushrooms, 80 g of butter, 4 onions, herbs, vegetable oil for frying, salt.

Cooking method:

Boil the mushrooms and drain in a colander. Pour the broth into another bowl, cool the mushrooms and cut them as desired.

Melt the butter, pour in a little vegetable oil and fry the finely chopped onion, at the end add a glass (250 ml) of mushroom broth and boil.

Add washed wheat cereal, melted butter, and salt to boiled mushroom broth (1 liter). When the porridge begins to thicken, add mushrooms, onion sauce (fried onions with broth), stir and place in the oven for 40 minutes (200 C). Sprinkle the finished porridge with herbs and season with melted butter.

Another recipe with mushrooms


2 cups wheat cereal (arnautka),
4 glasses of water,
1 clove of garlic,
100 gr. butter,
300 gr. champignons,
1 onion,
100 ml. milk,
Salt and pepper to taste.

Step by step recipe:

To prepare wheat porridge, efforts in the kitchen alone are not enough; it is very important to use high-quality wheat groats.

I rinse the cereal well and cook it in salted water, stirring occasionally so that it does not stick to the pan. When the wheat porridge is almost ready, add butter and finely chopped garlic to it. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat until done.

I prepare the mushroom sauce: I cut the onion into strips, the mushrooms in half, and then into 2-3 parts, depending on the size. I fry onions with mushrooms in vegetable oil, salt and pepper.

As soon as the liquid formed during frying has evaporated, add milk and simmer for another 2 minutes.

I put the porridge on a plate and pour the sauce over it.

Well, now our wheat porridge with mushrooms is ready, bon appetit!

Recipe 4: Wheat porridge with meat

You will want to have this porridge for dinner. The aroma of garlic pleasantly tickles the nostrils, uplifting the mood, the soft, juicy meat pleases the stomach, satisfying hunger, and the tender porridge restores strength after a hard day. A complete idyll - pleasant, healthy and tasty!

Ingredients: wheat cereal - 1 cup, meat pulp (pork, chicken fillet), 2 cloves of garlic, 1 carrot, 2 onions, water - 3 cups, allspice and black pepper to taste, salt and bay leaf, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Grate the carrots, chop the onion and meat into small cubes. Crush the garlic so that it is flattened but holds its shape, for example, press it against the table with the blunt side of a knife (so that it is convenient to fish it out later).

Fry in a cauldron, adding onions and carrots alternately until golden brown. Add meat and garlic, fry until meat juices evaporate. Pour in all the water, adding bay leaf, spices and simmer for 25 minutes. Garlic and bay leaf are no longer needed. They need to be taken out of the cauldron and thrown away. Add washed wheat grits to the meat. As the liquid boils, reduce the heat and cook, stirring, until the cereal becomes soft. Turn off the heat, let the porridge sit in the cauldron for 15 minutes and then serve on plates.

To make wheat porridge tastier, it is best to cook it in a cast iron cauldron. Then it won’t burn, and the cauldron holds heat well.

And finally, a short video about the beneficial properties of porridge

Wheat porridge has been known since ancient times. Its mention as a staple food product dates back to the times described in the Bible. And during the period of the ancient Slavs it was the most popular product. It was on the table on weekdays, on holidays, and for treating honored guests or ordinary wanderers. It can be prepared with either water or milk. To improve the taste, oil, sauces and dressings were added to it.

In modern society, porridges, including wheat, are not so popular. Wheat porridge is incredibly tasty. A variety of dishes can be prepared using this grain. With the help of wheat cereals you can diversify your diet for every day. In addition, it can be used to restore strength in a short time, which is why athletes often use it. It goes well with milk, cream or fruit is added to it.

Wheat porridge is also an excellent side dish for meat and fish. Porridge with the addition of mushrooms turns out to be very tasty and aromatic. A good recommendation: after cooking, do not immediately serve the porridge; leave it to simmer for 10 minutes under the lid, so it will become more tender and soft.

Ingredients needed to prepare the dish “wheat porridge with onions and mushrooms”:


Method for preparing wheat porridge with onions and mushrooms:

1. Before cooking, a mandatory step is to wash the cereal, preferably several times with changing water. Then you need to put it in a saucepan, fill it with clean water in a ratio of one to two and add salt.

2. Boil the cereal for about 20 minutes, first covered with a lid and then without it, to achieve the required level of consistency.

3. While the cereal is cooking, prepare the onions and mushrooms. Cut the onion into half rings. (you can use fresh champignons, dry or frozen) cut into pieces.

4. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it up a little, add onion, fry until golden brown.

5. Then add mushrooms to the frying pan (or non-stick ladle), and fry them until brown, so that a small amount of water remains.

6. The finished frying of onions with mushrooms must be lightly simmered, then left in the pan for 10 minutes under the lid.

7. Combine the prepared wheat porridge, fried onions and mushrooms, mix thoroughly so that the juice from the mushrooms is absorbed into the prepared cereal.

This simple recipe will help you prepare a second course for the whole family without much effort and time. Wheat porridge in a slow cooker with mushrooms and lard is ideal for a hearty lunch or dinner.

You can use any mushrooms for this dish. In my case, these are champignons. Oyster mushrooms and even wild mushrooms will do. Since champignons cook quickly, I choose them.

As for lard, it is better to choose a piece with a meat layer; it will be very tasty. However, even without this, the porridge will not suffer. I add lard to the dish to make it juicier and fattier. If suddenly you don't like lard, just replace it with vegetable oil and use more mushrooms.

Multicooker Redmond 4502 (power 860 W)


  • wheat cereal 1.5 tbsp.
  • water 4 tbsp.
  • lard 100-150 g
  • champignons 150 g
  • onion 1 pc.
  • pepper, salt to taste
  • cumin (optional) ½ tsp.

How to cook wheat porridge in a slow cooker with mushrooms and lard

  1. First I put the lard, cut into small pieces, into the bowl. I turn on the “Frying” program for 10 minutes and cook for about 5 minutes until the fat begins to render well and the pieces of lard are slightly browned. Then I add chopped onions. I sauté it in this fat until it turns golden brown.

  2. I prefer not to wash the champignons, but to clean them so that they do not absorb moisture. To do this, I remove the thin skin on the cap and lightly scrape the stem of the mushroom with a knife. I cut it into arbitrary pieces and place it in the multicooker bowl to sauté.

  3. I cook for another 10 minutes on the “Frying” mode, periodically stirring the contents of the bowl. All moisture from the champignons should evaporate.

  4. I thoroughly wash the wheat grits and place them in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper, and also add cumin. I really like it in porridges.

  5. I fill it with water in the amount of 4 tbsp. I select the “Express cooking” program in the menu, or you can replace it with “Pilaf” or “Porridge”, that is, any mode that is available in your multicooker for cooking porridge. I set the time for this dish to 35 minutes. I close the lid, turn on “Start” and do other things, waiting for the signal.

  6. This is what completely finished wheat porridge looks like in a slow cooker.

Do not rush to turn off the keep warm mode if you do not intend to serve the dish right away. The porridge thickens and hardens very quickly as it cools. And if she’s hot, she’s not afraid of such changes. Even after a few hours of heating it will be fresh, juicy and very tasty.

I served porridge with mushrooms and lard this time with Korean pumpkin. A very successful combination. I recommend it to you too.

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