Sprays Panavir Inlight and Intim - instructions for use. Panavir Inlight for children: plant-based antiviral drug Panavir spray method of application

Currently, there is a tendency that when choosing medicines, people give preference to drugs of natural plant origin. It is generally accepted that such products are gentler on the body, and their effects are more targeted. One of these drugs is Panavir Inlight spray - bactericidal, immunomodulatory, antiviral agent.

Description of this medicine

A spray for topical use that has an immunomodulatory effect and effectively fights viral pathogens. The drug is made on the basis of a natural component and rarely causes side effects. "Panavir" is produced in several release forms, due to which the range of its use is quite wide.

This drug is able to stimulate the production of interferon in the body. Almost every person is familiar with the properties of interferon - this is a special protein that is synthesized by the body. Thanks to it, cells become more resistant to the effects of viruses and the ability to prevent their reproduction.

The drug is characterized by the following pharmacological properties:

  1. Neuroprotective.
  2. Wound healing.
  3. Painkiller.
  4. Antipyretic.
  5. Antiviral.
  6. Anti-inflammatory.
  7. Immunomodulatory.

Composition, pharmacological forms of this medication

The manufacturer produces the medicine in several pharmacological forms:

  1. Rectal suppositories.
  2. Vaginal suppositories.
  3. Gel intended for external use.
  4. Injection solution.
  5. Spray gel "Intimate".
  6. Spray "Panavir Inlight".

Such a variety of pharmacological forms allows absolutely every patient to choose the most effective and convenient version of the drug for him.

Panavir throat spray is packaged in bottles with a volume of 40 ml and equipped with a special sprayer.

In accordance with the manufacturer's annotation attached, the main active ingredient in the spray is an extract obtained from the shoots of tuberous nightshade, as well as an extract of purple echinacea, the healing properties of which have been known since ancient times.

What else is characteristic of the Panavir spray? The composition of the product is unique.

It includes polysaccharides as additional components: uronic acids, galactose, xylose, mannose, rhamnose, glucose. Polysaccharides are necessary for the human body as a source of energy. Polysaccharides also help maintain the desired blood sugar level. In this way, the brain can receive the nourishment it needs, which helps increase concentration, improve memory, and mental activity.

The composition of the drug also includes such additional substances as purified water, hydrogenated castor oil, lanthanum nitrate, sodium hydroxide, polyethylene glycol.

It is worth considering and paying attention when choosing a medicine that the manufacturer produces two types of spray. One of them contains eucalyptus oil, and the other does not.

Eucalyptus oil is added to the medicine in order to speed up the process of regeneration of damaged tissues and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process.

Indications for use of the drug

In accordance with the instructions for use attached to the Panavir spray, it is indicated for use for the treatment of ENT diseases and the prevention of infections in the following cases:

  1. Burns of the mucous membranes in the oral cavity.
  2. Damage to the mucous membranes in the oral cavity is of a traumatic nature.
  3. Runny nose of a viral nature.
  4. Flu.
  5. ARVI.
  6. Insect bites.
  7. Period of seasonal diseases.
  8. Stomatitis, bleeding gums.
  9. Pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis and other throat pathologies of infectious etiology.

Many people are wondering at what age Panavir spray is allowed. More on this below.

Contraindications for use, negative effects of this medicine

The only contraindication to the use of Panavir spray that is worth noting is individual sensitivity to any component included in the drug. Using the product in this case can lead to the development of an allergic response of the body and manifest itself as itching and burning on the treated mucosal surfaces.

However, additional symptomatic therapy for allergies is not required; all clinical manifestations disappear independently and completely after stopping the use of the spray.

Caution must be exercised when using Panavir throat spray:

  1. Patients with severe forms of pathologies of the spleen and kidneys.
  2. People who are prone to allergic reactions.
  3. Patients with severe intolerance to polysaccharides.
  4. Children's age up to 1 year.
  5. The period of exacerbation of severe systemic pathologies: tuberculosis, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, collagenosis (an immunopathological process accompanied by dysfunction of connective tissues; collagenosis includes rheumatism, dermatomyositis, rheumatoid arthritis).

There are no restrictions on the combined use of Panavir Inlight with other drugs that have anti-inflammatory effects and are intended for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

Besides, medicinal product can be used for a long time without any consequences.

There are no hormonal components and alcohol in the composition of the drug, so the spray can be used during the lactation period, during pregnancy. The drug is also safe for children and can be used from the age of 1 year.

It is recommended to store the medicine in a ventilated, dark place, where the air temperature is no more than 25 degrees. If the specified conditions are met, Panavir for the throat retains its therapeutic properties for 5 years.

Use for therapy in children

The medicinal spray can be used for the treatment of respiratory diseases in children from the age of 1 year, but only as an element of complex therapy, in addition to therapeutic drugs. The duration of use of the drug must be determined by a pediatrician, and self-medication is unacceptable, since any treatment should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist.

  1. A prophylactic agent during periods of epidemics of seasonal colds.
  2. Insect bites.
  3. Deprivation therapy.
  4. Herpes (the components included in the drug can reduce itching).
  5. Stomatitis.
  6. Runny nose.
  7. Sore throat with various etiologies.

Methods of application

For the purpose of treating ARVI in combination with other medications, it is recommended to perform 2-3 sprays twice a day using Panavir throat spray. In severe forms of the disease, it is allowed to increase the frequency of applications to 5 per day, but in this case you should first consult a doctor.

In order to prevent infection with respiratory diseases, it is recommended to spray up to 2 sprays into the throat twice a day.

For the treatment of lichen, herpes, stomatitis, it is recommended to spray the product on the affected area twice a day. It should be used in a similar way to eliminate the itching that occurs after an insect bite.

It is important to adhere to some precautions when using Panavir Inlight:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use the drug if its expiration date has expired.
  2. The product can only be used if recommended by a specialist.
  3. The use of the drug under the age of one year is unacceptable. This is due to the impossibility of using the spray in young children.

Spray "Panavir": analogues

This medication is based on herbal components, and therefore it has virtually no contraindications and is completely safe:

  1. The medicine can be used during pregnancy.
  2. You can combine the use of the drug with other medications.
  3. Allows you to strengthen your immune system.
  4. Has a long-lasting protective effect.
  5. Accelerates regeneration.
  6. Has a regenerating effect on the mucous membranes in the nasopharynx.
  7. Shows its effectiveness when used prophylactically.
  8. Can be used for therapy.

If necessary, Panavir Inlight can be replaced with a similar product. The most popular analogues are: “Ergoferon”, “Kagocel”, “Tiloron”, “Yodantipirin”, “Lavomax”, “Tilaxin”, “Ingavirin”, “Virasept”, “Oxolinic ointment”, “Amizon”, “Amiksin”.

Not everyone knows what to replace Panavir spray with. Analogues should be selected by a doctor.

It is important to remember that all of these drugs differ in their composition, although their effects are similar. Nevertheless, medications can provoke negative effects and have contraindications and age restrictions.


How much does Panavir oral spray cost? Its average cost in Russian pharmacies is about 370 rubles. The price may vary in different pharmacies and regions of the country.

There are a number of diseases that are viral in nature. Certain types of viruses, including the most common one - herpes (up to 90% of the population are carriers) are activated during a period of sharp decline in the body's immune defense.

Panavir intimate spray, which simultaneously affects both the virus and the immune system, can not only cope with the disease, but also protect against re-infection.

In contact with


Panavir intimate spray: composition

The main substance having the most active action- plant heteroglycoside. Additionally, the composition includes:

  • water;
  • lanthanum salt (rare earth metal);
  • polyethylene glycol.

It is thanks to the lanthanum salts in the composition that the drug is able to protect the area treated with the spray from repeated infection, without causing any harm. negative action on mucous tissues.

Panavir intimate: therapeutic use

The main effect of the drug Panavir intim in the form of a spray is aimed at suppressing viral infections. Additionally, the production of interferon protein is activated to increase protection against existing infection and prevent re-infection. Therapeutic effect:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • antiviral;
  • antipyretic;
  • pain reliever;
  • neuroprotective.

Panavir intimate spray has an effect on the microflora after the first use. Activated immune proteins and cells enter the site of inflammation and destroy pathogenic agents.

Blood flow increases at the site of application, which in turn increases the efficiency of removing toxins and breakdown products.

In this case, regeneration and healing of damaged tissue occurs.

Panavir spray for intimate areas is used for the following diseases:

  • genital herpes;
  • papillomavirus, including in the active stage;
  • cytomegalovirus infection (Panavir is prescribed in combination with other drugs);
  • secondary immunodeficiency, aggravated by infection;
  • interferon deficiency state at the preparatory stage for pregnancy.

Panavir vaginal spray has a good therapeutic effect during unprotected sexual intercourse as a preventive measure to protect against viruses and sexually transmitted infections.

Panavir intimate spray: instructions for use

The drug Panavir is available in the form of a spray in bottles, volume 40 ml. The internal contents of the bottle are a white homogeneous medicine, the smell is non-standard, weakly expressed. The set is equipped with an elongated nozzle for intracavitary use.

For maximum effectiveness of the drug Panavir intimate spray, the instructions for use must be followed exactly. Do not apply to other areas of the body. Do not use in ophthalmology.

Panavir intimate spray instructions for use:

  1. The optimal dosage is 2 clicks on the spray valve.
  2. Before use, shake the bottle several times.
  3. During use, the bottle is held vertically.
  4. For intravaginal use, use only the included attachment. Place the nozzle with the valve on the bottle of medicine, insert it, taking a lying position, make 2 presses. For best results, do not change position for 10 minutes.
  5. Application frequency up to 5 times a day.
  6. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of damage. After eliminating the painful symptoms, it is necessary to continue the course for another 7 days.
  7. If the spray head has dried out due to irregular use, immerse it in hot water for a few minutes, then pump it with sharp pressures.

When using Panavir intimate spray, the instructions advise not to interrupt treatment until the infection completely disappears.

Panavir intimate spray during pregnancy

The drug does not have a toxic effect, does not contain any hormones, does not cause neoplasms (does not provoke cell proliferation) and mutations, and does not affect female reproductive and sexual function. Panavir intimate spray during pregnancy has a wide range of actions, namely:

  • prevents viruses from penetrating mucous membranes;
  • suppresses the activity of viruses;
  • prevents the proliferation of viruses;
  • activates immunity at the local level;
  • eliminates itching, relieves inflammation and unpleasant painful conditions;
  • heals mucous membranes and skin.
The drug has a pH-neutral value, therefore it does not cause allergic conditions and is indicated not only during pregnancy, but also during lactation.

Panavir intimate spray: reviews

When treated with Panavir intimate spray, reviews are mostly positive. Regarding the use for the diagnosis of vaginal herpes about complete cure for initial stages almost all patients say. But in advanced stages of the papilloma virus, a spray alone will not have a positive effect.

Reviews from the use of Panavir spray in gynecology are mixed. Doctors rarely prescribe it as an independent medicine - only as an adjuvant, preventive and light therapeutic treatment.

At the same time, Panavir easily copes with unpleasant, painful symptoms in the intimate area. Effectively relieves itching, redness, burning. The drug is suitable for use before sexual intimacy as a.

Panavir intimate spray: contraindications

Currently, no contraindications have been identified for the use of the drug. The instructions for Panavir intimate spray warn of possible individual intolerance to individual components. But such cases have not yet been identified in gynecological practice. The drug is successfully used during pregnancy, feeding a baby, in the preparatory stage before pregnancy, as well as for the treatment of children of all ages.

Useful video

You can learn about what Panavir intimate spray is used for in the following video:


  1. Panavir intimate spray is an innovative, registered drug that has a pronounced antiviral effect and is intended for genital use.
  2. A large number of studies conducted in clinical settings have confirmed the effect of Panavir against almost all types of HPV.
  3. The medicine is rarely used as monotherapy; it has the greatest effect in combination with other drugs, especially in advanced, chronic stages.
  4. Currently, additional research is being conducted and the indications for the use of the drug Panavir are expanding.

In contact with

There are no complete analogues. In some cases, other antiviral and immunomodulators can be used as an analogue.

Available in different dosage forms: gel, suppositories, injections, spray.


Average price online*, 345 rub.

Where can I buy:

Instructions for use

Panavir Inlight spray is a new generation therapeutic and prophylactic antiviral drug with a wide spectrum of action.

Used to restore and protect mucous membranes and skin epithelium. It has bactericidal, immunomodulatory, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.

Available in 40 ml bottles. The content is homogeneous mass white with a weak specific odor. The kit includes an extended nozzle for intracavitary irrigation.

Indications for use

Panavir spray is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

The drug has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect on the skin and mucous surfaces, while alleviating the manifestations of unpleasant symptoms. Panavir Inlight can be used:

  • in the complex of therapeutic treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, viral runny nose, sore throats;
  • as a wound-healing agent for severe bleeding gums, as well as for trauma to the oral mucosa after visiting the dentist, or insect bites;
  • for the therapeutic treatment and prevention of symptoms of various dermato-venereological diseases of the external genitalia caused by viruses or bacteria;
  • as a barrier, protective agent for sexually transmitted infections;
  • during the rehabilitation period after operations to remove genital warts, papillomas, on mucous membranes and skin, including the genitals;
  • in cases of unpleasant sensations (dryness, itching, burning) on ​​the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs, including those associated with hormonal changes in the body, disturbances in the composition of the microflora;
  • as an anti-inflammatory drug that stimulates and accelerates the regeneration of damaged cells.

Directions for use and doses

For infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mouth, nose, and larynx, it is recommended to irrigate the infected cavities with 2-3 presses on the valve. Perform strictly after meals. When using the drug externally, it should be applied to the entire affected surface up to 2 times a day.

When administering the drug vaginally, you need to use a special nozzle included in the Panavir Inlight kit. It is attached to a bottle and inserted into the vagina. Then spray it with a spray bottle with several pumps. For effective penetration of the medicine (for vaginal administration), it is necessary to remain in a lying position for 5-10 minutes.

It is important that the bottle with the drug must be shaken before each use and held vertically during use. Duration of treatment: complete disappearance of obvious and painful symptoms + at least another 6-7 days.

As a prophylactic agent, the spray drug is used during seasonal exacerbations of respiratory viral infections and influenza. In this case, the oral or nasal cavity is irrigated with 1-2 pumps twice a day. The spray is also recommended for use for the prevention of herpetic sore throat, manifestations of herpes and papillomavirus on the skin and mucous membranes. Scheme of application - spraying 2-3 times/day in the oral or nasal cavities.

To prevent viral and infectious diseases sexually transmitted, the genitals are treated with a spray before contact. Maximum effectiveness is achieved through regular use of this antiviral drug.

Pregnancy and lactation

Using the spray during pregnancy does not have any effect negative impact on the growth and development of the fetus. During treatment you should stop breastfeeding.

Side effects, overdose

The drug does not have carcinogenic or mutagenic properties, is non-toxic, side effects were not observed. The spray can be used for a long time without the appearance of overdose symptoms.

Individual intolerance to individual components of the spray is possible. People with pathologies of the spleen and kidneys, or with allergic reactions to rhamnose, xylose, glucose or mannose should not use this drug.

When irrigating with Panavir spray, redness and a slight burning sensation and itching may sometimes occur, which quickly disappear. The use of Panavir spray inlight in children is limited.

Composition and pharmacokinetics

The composition includes polyethylene glycols (acting as auxiliary binders), biologically active heteroglycoside, salts of rare earth metals, water. The main active ingredient is a heteroglycoside of plant origin. It is a purified extract of the germs of the nightshade family Solanum tuberosum (potato). Under the influence of the complex polysaccharides it contains (galactose, glucose, rhamnose, etc.), active synthesis of interferon begins, activation of leukocytes occurs, which, entering the lesion, destroy all pathogenic microbes, blocking their synthesis. In other words, the body’s own immunity increases.

The active ingredients of the drug have a complex effect at the cellular level, stopping the processes of viruses entering the body, while suppressing their activity by blocking harmful proteins. Painful inflammation and itching are relieved, healing of mucous membranes and skin is accelerated several times.

Storage conditions and expiration dates

Keep out of reach of children at a temperature not > 25 o C. When the spray head of the spray dries out, you should (after removing the protective cap) lower the bottle with the sprayer down into warm water. Then pump the spray head with sharp pressure.

The drug is suitable for use for 3 years. It is important to remember that the product cannot be used after the expiration date. If the composition in the bottle becomes cloudy, Inlight spray is considered unsuitable for further use.

The medicine Panavir is made from an extract of potato leaves (nightshade). The drug has a direct effect on pathogenic viral microorganisms, preventing them from spreading and multiplying, regardless of the stage of development. Various forms of Panavir are used to treat the oral cavity, for the nose, in gynecology, for the treatment of genital herpes, influenza, arthritis and other diseases. The active ingredient of the drug allows you to stimulate leukocytes, “forcing” them to produce their own interferon, which also has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

Panavir is presented in several dosage forms: tablets, spray, suppositories, gel, solution for injection. Each form of the drug has its own instructions for use and indications for use. The medicine is suitable for use from childhood.

be careful

The presence of papillomas, warts, condylomas, moles and spines on the body is the first sign of malignant melanoma!

We hasten to warn you that most medications “treat” warts, papillomas, moles, etc. - this is a complete deception of marketers who make hundreds of percentage points on drugs whose effectiveness is zero. They do not cure the disease, but only mask the symptoms.

The pharmacy mafia makes huge money by deceiving sick people.

But what to do? How to treat if there is deception everywhere? Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Makhson conducted own investigation and found a way out of this situation. IN this article The doctor also told how to 100% protect yourself from melanoma, for only 149 rubles!
Read the article in the official source on link.

The main contraindications to the use of Panavir include:

  • Severe forms of renal pathologies, diseases of the spleen.
  • Children's age (use allowed from 12 years and only in the form of ampoules and solution for intravenous administration).
  • Pregnancy (use of the drug in the form of suppositories is prohibited, injections are allowed).
  • Breastfeeding period.
  • High sensitivity to components.

The method of using Panavir will directly depend on the type of disease and the form of release of the medicine. Also, in each individual case, the doctor prescribes a special unique course of treatment, which will include many factors: the patient’s age, the type of pathology developing, the presence of concomitant diseases, individual indicators patient and more.

Reviews from pregnant women regarding the use of Panavir are mostly positive. But in this case, the manufacturer recommends using the drug with caution - only if it is really necessary.

During pregnancy, the use of Panavir is allowed, but only on one condition: if the expectant mother receives serious benefit from the use of the drug, while for the developing fetus the risks of negative effects will be minimized. It is prohibited to take Panavir while breastfeeding. If there is a need for this, then while using Panavir (regardless of the form of the medicine used), it is worth taking a break from breastfeeding. You need to know this when trying

Panavir spray: instructions for use

Panavir spray is used to treat the throat and oral cavity. The use of the drug is recommended in the morning and before bed if you have the first cold symptoms. The use of the drug allows you to normalize the condition of the oral mucosa, as well as have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

Panavir spray has a strong antiviral, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, regenerating effect, and also acts as an antiseptic, providing good protective and healing effects.

Gel spray Panavir with eucalyptus for children and adults has many positive reviews. The drug can be used to reduce the risks of oral cavity development and the occurrence of inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes.

It is necessary to treat the oral mucosa in the morning and before bedtime. Treatment involves 2-3 clicks (if necessary, it is recommended to treat the oral cavity again after a few minutes). You can achieve high efficiency from using the drug only if you use it daily in accordance with the instructions.

If you have already developed cold symptoms, it is recommended to use the drug more often – 3-5 times a day (at equal time intervals).

Doctors' opinions on the most effective methods of treating warts and papillomas

The chief physician of Moscow City Hospital No. 62 describes his vision on this matter. Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson
Medical practice: more than 40 years.

“I have been treating people’s papillomas and warts for many years. I’m telling you as a doctor, papillomas along with HPV and warts can really lead to serious consequences if they are not dealt with.

The human papillomavirus is present in everyone on whose body there are papillomas, moles, warts and other pigmented formations. According to rough estimates, 80-85% of the planet's population has it. By themselves they are not dangerous. The problem is that an ordinary papilloma can become melanoma at any time.

These are incurable malignant tumors that kill a person in just a few months and from which there is no salvation.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmaceutical corporations sell expensive medications that only relieve symptoms, thereby hooking people on one drug or another. That is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of cancer diseases and so many people suffer from “non-working” drugs.

The only drug that I want to recommend, and it is also officially recommended by WHO for the treatment of papillomas and warts, is Papinol. This drug is the only remedy that has an effect not only on external factors (that is, it removes papillomas), but also acts on the virus itself. At the moment, the manufacturer has managed not only to create a highly effective product, but also to make it accessible to everyone. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive it for 149 rubles.”

Panavir injections: instructions for use

Panavir is also sold in the form of ampoules with a solution for intravenous injection. The package contains 5 ml ampoules. This drug is rarely used in IV drips, because there is no need for this - everything is done through one-time injections. The drug is prescribed for herpes of different localization, secondary immunodeficiencies, cytomegalovirus infection, stomach and duodenal ulcers, tick-borne encephalitis, rheumatoid arthritis, influenza, ARVI, bacterial prostatitis in chronic form.

The treatment regimen traditionally looks like this:

  • The drug is administered intravenously in a slow stream.
  • For herpes, administration of two doses of the drug (200 mcg) with a break of 1-2 days is indicated.
  • For cytomegalovirus infection and HPV, three times with a break of 2 days is indicated, twice with a break of 3 days during the second week of treatment.
  • For stomach and duodenal ulcers (during exacerbation), five injections are used with a break of one or two days.
  • For cold viral pathologies, two intravenous injections are indicated with a break of 16-20 hours.

The dosage for children over 12 years of age should be no more than 100 mcg. The use of Panavir in young children (less than 12 years) is prohibited. For children, similar drugs with a less pronounced therapeutic effect can be prescribed. It is also recommended to use with caution medicine, if the child is 12-15 years old. The manufacturer of the drug generally recommends that you stop using Panavir until you reach adulthood.

The main side effects include: local allergic reactions, the occurrence of reversible damage to the kidneys and liver in case of a serious overdose of Panavir.

Panavir Inlight: instructions for use

Panavir Inlight gel spray is popular among children and adults for the treatment and prevention of various viral pathologies. Indications for the use of this drug are: HPV, herpes, cytomegalovirus infection, gastric ulcers, colds of a viral infectious nature, inflammatory diseases oral cavity, etc.

The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • To prevent colds, Panavir is used twice a day - you need to irrigate the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and nasal passages with the spray.
  • When treating inflammation, infectious lesions of the oral cavity and larynx area, treatment of sore areas is indicated twice a day, in the morning and evening after meals. The duration of treatment usually does not exceed 1 week.
  • To prevent localized pathologies of an infectious nature, it is proposed to irrigate the vagina using a spray using a special nozzle.

Panavir suppositories: instructions for use

Panavir is sold in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories, which have become widespread in the field of gynecology and proctology in recent years. You should wash your hands before using candles. The insertion of the suppository should be carried out in a supine position. The duration of treatment, exact dosages and other important points should be determined only by a doctor. It is prohibited to use Panavir suppositories on your own without consulting a specialist to treat or prevent any viral infectious pathologies of the intimate area.

The dosage is usually prescribed as follows:

  • Two suppositories (with a break of 1-2 days) for encephalitis, herpes viruses type 1 and 2.
  • One suppository every 2 days for HPV and cytomegalovirus infection.
  • For cold viral pathologies, one suppository is prescribed (no more than 5 suppositories for the entire course).

Panavir in the form of suppositories has no significant side effects, judging by reviews on the Internet, so many patients tolerate it well. If any side effects occur, you should immediately stop using the drug and consult a specialist. He will identify the reasons and prescribe an analogue.

Panavir gel: instructions for use

Panavir gel, judging by the reviews, is well suited for the treatment of adults and older children. The drug is used for papillomas and other skin neoplasms, inflammatory lesions of the mucous membrane by the human papillomavirus (for genital and oral herpes). This microorganism is the causative agent of types 1 and 2 herpes infections.

The method of application is as follows:

  • The medicine is intended only for external use and treatment of mucous membranes.
  • Children and adults need to apply ointment thin layer on painful areas.
  • Do not allow the drug to penetrate into the eyes.
  • High effectiveness of using Panavir is observed if the medicine is used immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms.
  • Only a doctor can determine the treatment regimen and duration of the therapeutic course.

Panavir cream is usually applied to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membrane several times a day, with an average duration of treatment of 6-7 days.

The main side effects include the likelihood of allergic manifestations on the skin. In this case, use of the drug should be stopped immediately. Panavir should be used with caution during pregnancy (if there is no need to completely abandon it), as well as for the treatment of young children.

Panavir intimate spray: instructions for use

Intimate gel Panavir is actively used in gynecological and urological practice. Judging by the reviews, this is a really high-quality and effective medicine that can have a negative effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

Important! To maximize the effectiveness of the drug, you must strictly follow the instructions for use. Do not use the drug to treat other areas of the body or for ophthalmic purposes.

Instructions for use are as follows:

  • The dosage recommended by the manufacturer is no more than two presses on the valve.
  • Shake the bottle well before use.
  • If intravaginal use is intended, then you need to use the nozzle that comes with the medicine.
  • Treatment with Panavir can be done no more than 4-5 times a day.
  • The duration of the therapeutic course will directly depend on the type of disease and the level of its development.
  • If the symptoms of the disease have been eliminated, it is recommended to continue the course of treatment for another week.

The therapeutic course of taking Panavir should not be interrupted if the symptoms of infection and pathology do not disappear during treatment. If the use of the chosen form of the medicine does not produce results, you should contact a specialist to prescribe analogues.

Panavir tablets: instructions for use

Panavir is not currently available in tablet form, so doctors most often recommend using an injection solution for intravenous administration of the drug. Capsules contain 200 mcg of active ingredient. The drug has a powerful therapeutic effect, so in any case, regardless of the type of disease and the stage of its development, it is recommended to strictly follow the instructions for use, as well as follow the basic recommendations of the doctor.

The main analogues of Panavir are: Isoprinosine, Acyclovir, Allokin-alpha, . The main advantage of Panavir over these drugs is its affordability with complete similarity in composition, active ingredients, and effects on the human body and pathogenic microorganisms.

On the forums you can find many positive reviews about Panavir - the drug copes well with infectious and inflammatory lesions of the oral cavity, nasal passages, oropharynx, intimate areas and other places.

Under no circumstances should gel, cream, spray, or suppositories be used for other purposes. For example, if Panavir was purchased for intimate areas, then its use is allowed solely for the purpose of treating the groin area, vagina, genitals - such a drug is prohibited from being used for the treatment and prevention of ailments and their symptoms, manifestations localized on the skin in other parts of the body or mucous membranes nasopharynx, nasal passages.

In the video, a popular dermatovenerologist talks about the use of Panavir in the form of a gel and other similar products:

A number of products are produced under the Panavir brand, such as suppositories, gel and solution. The latter form is used against a wide range of diseases, as it affects the body as a whole. There is another popular option - Panavir spray. It is used for intimate areas, in particular to combat the papilloma virus, etc.

Panavir intimate spray is an antiviral agent that can help with infection by various harmful microorganisms. You can buy it not only to eliminate the virus.

Release form and composition

Panavir spray is available in two versions. One of them is called Inlight, and the other Intimate. It’s easy to guess from the name that the first type is used to treat infections of the oral cavity, and the second to treat the genitals. The active ingredients remain the same.

The medicine is produced in the form of a white, homogeneous liquid, which has a mild, unusual odor. It is packaged in bottles with a volume of 40 ml. Each of them has an elongated nozzle, which facilitates the use of the product in the intimate or oral area.

The main active component is this heteroglycoside. It is isolated from plant cells Solanum tuberosum, that is, potatoes, so this drug is classified as natural. In addition to this substance, the spray includes:

  • Water;
  • Lanthanum nitrate (rare earth metal);
  • Castor oil;
  • Polyethylene glycol;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • Sodium hydroxide.

The work of the drug is carried out mainly due to the activation of interferon synthesis. This protein is very important for the body's immune system. A person with strength not only copes with pathogens faster, but is also protected from secondary infection. Thanks to the extract of potato shoots, which are rich in xylose, galactose, glucose, uronic and other acids, Panavir gel and spray prevent the following types of effects:

  • Antiviral;
  • Pain reliever;
  • Immunomodulatory;
  • Wound healing;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antipyretic.

Once on the tissue, the components of the composition enhance local blood circulation. Thanks to good blood microcirculation, the process of removing waste, toxins and decay products is accelerated. This allows you to quickly eliminate particles from the body that appear as a result of the activity of harmful microorganisms.

In addition to other advantages, Panavir spray is an absolutely natural remedy

Indications for use

The drug Panavir is prescribed for a variety of infectious and inflammatory processes in human body, which appeared against the background of the activity of fungi, bacteria and viruses.
For example, indications for the use of Panavir Inlight are:

  • Bleeding gums. The drug is prescribed as a wound healing drug. It is recommended to be used after a dental examination if the oral mucous membranes were damaged during the examination;
  • Colds. The medicine acts as a preventive measure against acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, viral and influenza. It helps alleviate clinical manifestations.

Panavir intimate gel is indicated in the following cases:

  • Operations to remove condylomas. After such a surgical intervention, it is recommended to treat tissues, including the mucous membranes of the genital organs;
  • Venereal symptoms due to hormonal imbalance. When hormonal status changes, itching, dryness and burning may occur;
  • HPV with high oncogenicity. In this case, the spray acts as a preventive measure against cervical cancer;
  • Changes in microflora. If you have problems with the problem, the chance of developing infections and inflammations in the genital area is especially high. Such processes are characterized by changes in microflora, which becomes a signal for the use of intimate spray.

Unpleasant sensations, such as itching and burning, sometimes occur after sexual intercourse. In this case, you can again turn to the help of Panavir. Moreover, the medicine is used as a prophylaxis against sexually transmitted pathologies. It can be used after completion of unprotected intercourse.

Most often, Panavir is used in the complex treatment of genital herpes, human papillomavirus and cytomegalovirus infection. It is prescribed against interferon deficiency conditions. They can be diagnosed in women who are planning to become pregnant in the near future.

As it becomes clear from the indications, the drug (especially in the gynecological field) does not act as an independent medicine. This is only an adjuvant, which is most often prescribed for preventive purposes, but it also contributes to more effective treatment through other drugs.

Special cases

Since most of the components of the medicine are natural, it is considered almost completely safe. In particular, it is permissible to use it during pregnancy, although this does not eliminate the need for prior medical consultation. According to the manufacturer, Panavir:

  • Non-toxic;
  • Does not affect hormonal levels;
  • Does not lead to the appearance of neoplasms;
  • Does not cause mutations in the fetus;
  • Does not negatively affect reproductive function.

This allows you to use the medicine during pregnancy. During pregnancy, it will be useful, as it will prevent the further development and spread of various viruses, while increasing local immunity. The spray promotes healing of irritated tissues, it fights symptoms such as inflammation, itching and soreness.

Note. It is permissible to be treated with Panavir not only for pregnant women, but also for women during breastfeeding.

The main proven contraindication to the use of the drug is individual intolerance, the likelihood of allergies to one or another component of the composition. It is also not given to children under one year of age and to patients with severe kidney dysfunction. Research and testing have revealed possible side effects in the form of redness and flushing of the skin, as well as itching at the site of application. Such consequences soon go away on their own and do not require discontinuation of treatment.

Instructions for Panavir spray

To prevent the drug from causing harm, it is important to use it according to the instructions for use. It determines not only dosages, but also specific areas of use. You cannot treat anything except the oral cavity with the Inlight spray, and anything other than the genitals with the Intim spray. It is prohibited to use drugs in ophthalmology.

The genitals are treated as follows:

  • The bottle is shaken several times;
  • It is held vertically;
  • While in a supine position, the nozzle is inserted inside;
  • Two clicks on the spray valve are enough;
  • After completing the procedure, it is better to lie down for about ten minutes.

In this way, the intimate area is treated up to five times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, but usually depends on the severity of symptoms. It is best to continue treatment for a week after the unpleasant symptoms disappear. You should not complete therapy until the infection is completely gone.

To treat diseases of the mouth and larynx, irrigation is carried out in the morning and evening. You must hold your breath while spraying. The course is continued until the symptoms disappear, but it is better to wait about another week after that. The same applies to the prevention of ARVI and influenza. Use should be especially long-term during cold seasons.

Over time, the spray head may dry out if the bottle is not used regularly. In this case, it is enough to soak it in hot water and leave it for a few minutes. After this, you need to make a few sharp presses to get the system to work again.

If for some reason Panavir spray is not suitable for you, you can use Epigen spray in this case

Cost and analogues

In pharmacies, Panavir spray can be purchased at a relatively low price, which averages from 250 to 350 rubles. Full-fledged analogues to this tool In terms of composition, no. Epigen spray has a similar effect to Panavir, but its price is several times higher than the drug described. You can buy this medicine for about two thousand rubles.

There are many drugs that are used to treat the genitals. Many are advised to buy products like Detoxopirol, Ferrovil, and Yodantipirin. However, all of them have their own contraindications and application features that need to be monitored. Only a doctor can determine the appropriate treatment.

Panavir is relatively low cost and safe. Its use can be combined with barrier contraceptives, due to which the risk of contracting sexually transmitted pathologies will become even lower. The combination of these two remedies will come in handy during intimate relationships with untested partners.

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