A sophisticated woman. Know how to act in conflict situations What is a girl's sophistication

Sometimes you really need to respond to aggression. Take the side of those who cannot defend themselves (animals, children, people with mental disorders). Beware of people who enjoy fighting. If someone is being rude to you, ignore the person or calm down and then tell them how you feel about their actions and what you need to do to solve the problem. You can remain with your opinion, but at the same time defend it politely. Don't insult people and be respectful, even if you don't approve of their words or actions. Never stoop to the level of the offender and do not make hasty conclusions about people. Surround yourself with positive, polite people who live the same lifestyle as you.

Develop a sense of style. This is a mandatory condition. Read fashion magazines, learn something new about clothing styles, as well as how to combine different things. Create your own look and ditch clothes that don't suit you. It is better to always follow your usual style, and not try to adapt to all new trends.

  • You must have good taste in clothes. Avoid vulgar clothing and strive for modesty. Deep necklines, very short skirts, midriff-baring tops and transparent dresses indicate that a girl does not respect herself and her body. T-shirts with inappropriate slogans, logos and sexual innuendos will tell people that the girl is desperate to attract attention. Elegant girls do not have such a need.
  • Maintain personal hygiene. You should always be neat. Comb your hair, keep your nails clean, brush your teeth, and shower or bathe regularly. If you wear perfume, apply a very small amount. Excessive perfume is repulsive and does nothing to hide the smell of sweat, despite popular belief to the contrary. It is important to maintain a clean body - untidiness and unkemptness are repulsive. Do not leave the house with a dirty head under any circumstances.

    • Take care of your skin. The skin should be smooth and clean. Wash your face morning and evening, apply sunscreen and wear a hat. Make a mask once a week.
  • Don't crack your knuckles. Many people hate this sound and consider this habit unworthy of women.

    Speak calmly - this will show politeness. Speaking loudly will attract a lot of unnecessary attention to you, and it is not only unpleasant, but also disrespectful to others. Always listen carefully to your interlocutor and look him in the eyes.

    Don't slouch. Good posture is very important, but there aren’t many girls with straight backs these days. By correcting your posture, you can get rid of some health problems.

    Watch your behavior. Accept invitations to parties, but avoid immature childish behavior. If you are invited somewhere, communicate with people, but speak calmly and do not try to attract the attention of everyone present. If you drink alcohol, try to keep the amount you drink to a minimum and don't drink more than you can handle. Alcohol will not add attractiveness to your image. If you are under 18 years of age, do not drink alcoholic beverages.

    Develop conversation skills. Sophisticated girls avoid dirty topics and talk about books, art, politics or fashion and travel.

    • Expand your lexicon and do not use slang expressions. Avoid swearing, racist language, homophobia and any other comments that highlight your intolerance, otherwise you will be considered rude and insensitive.
  • Smile. Be friendly! Smiling is an easy way to make your image more attractive.

    • Be nice. If you want people to like you, you will have to try. Refined girls do not tolerate rudeness; they are pleasant to be around and talk to.
    • Be polite to service personnel (waiters, maids, etc.). If you want to understand whether a person is truly well-mannered, pay attention to how he treats those below him. social status, and not with those who are higher.
  • Hair should be clean and neatly styled. Don't have complicated hairstyles. Loose curled hair with a hoop or a high ponytail would be quite appropriate.

    Think beyond your appearance. Good parents encourage their daughters to be interested in learning, and not just in dressing up and getting their nails done. If a child begins to be interested in science and engage in self-education from childhood, in adulthood this will be positively assessed by management.

    • Be responsible. Well-mannered girls always return everything in the same condition in which they received it. Unless they are in a restaurant where the waiter has to take away the dirty dishes, they always express their willingness to clean up after themselves or carry their luggage without expecting someone else to do it for them. And when someone does them a favor, they do not take it for granted, but sincerely thank them.
    • Don't let others take advantage of you. You can be polite and respectful, but you shouldn't bend to others. If you allow yourself to do this just once, it will happen again and again in the future. Set strict boundaries for your personal time and space and communicate this information to others.
  • Choose the right words. A well-mannered woman listens more than she speaks. It is important to have a good vocabulary and not use words whose meaning you do not know. You must learn to express your thoughts clearly. Don't correct others if they say something wrong. Differences in background, family traditions and education mean that people speak differently, and it is not uncommon for people to use slang to achieve a specific effect. If you try to correct someone, the person will feel irritated by a know-it-all like you.

    Understand what we are talking about. The mind and general development are important here. You don't have to be a bookworm to be smart, and there's no need to flaunt your knowledge, but not being aware of current world events will negatively impact your image. Try to delve into all the news so that you at least have an idea of ​​​​what is happening.

    Don't swear. Mat is considered a manifestation of inconsistency. You can make a good impression if you keep it up swear words to a minimum or completely abandon them.

    Be confident, but don't overwhelm the other person. Avoid passive-aggressive thinking - sooner or later you will fall into a trap that you set for yourself. Calm self-confidence speaks of maturity, thoughtfulness and determination. Elegance implies balance, and self-confidence is a clear manifestation of balance.

  • Choose colors that complement your skin and eye color. For example:

    • Blue eyes: orange, dark blue, dark crimson, light green, gray, white, black, turquoise, burgundy, deep red. The following colors should be avoided: bright red, lime green, bright pink, brown, pale blue and all desaturated tones.
    • Brown eyes: any shade of pink, charcoal, yellow (it will highlight all the undertones in the eye color, although it is not liked), all dark colors, green. All other colors are neutral, including brown, so there are no restrictions for this eye color.
    • Green eyes: burgundy (it will brighten your eyes), dark red, dark blue, black, brown, white. Gray should be avoided (it will dull the color of the eyes). But if you have gray-green or bright green eyes, gray will look good. Avoid yellow, bright red (this would be too harsh), and blue-white (this will make you look like John Travolta), as well as orange and green (it will overwhelm your natural eye color).
    • Skin tone. For people with cool skin tones, pale pink, blue, green, black and shades of burgundy will suit them. Avoid all shades of yellow, red and white flowers. You can wear orange at your own risk. People with warm skin tones can wear brown, gold, dark red, coral and terracotta. If you have red hair, wear shades of gold, beige, burgundy, light or dark green (but avoid bright green shades), and blue.
  • These are not photographs. These are amazingly realistic paintings by St. Petersburg artist Sergei Marshennikov. The main character of all his works is a tender, sensual beauty, defenseless in her nakedness. This is not trivial erotica. This is more than lust. It's a dream…

    1. Women's beauty and charm

    Refined spirituality.

    2. Delightful female beauty

    A wonderful moment of tender feminine charm.

    3. Tenderness incarnate

    The embodiment of true femininity.

    4. Delicate charm

    Refined, refined, fragile, semi-childish nature.

    5. The beauty of a luxurious woman

    Passion, romance and mystery of a luxurious woman.

    6. Feminine attractiveness

    Female beauty as a subject of admiration and inspiration.

    7. Real feminine power

    Femininity and charm.

    8. Touching and defenseless

    Half-naked girl in a dream.

    9. Dream woman

    The pristine beauty of the female body.

    10. Peaceful sleep

    Incredibly tender and sensual beauty.

    11. Divine beauty and modesty

    Beautiful girl, bashfully covering her body with luxurious fabrics.

    12. The ideal of a chic woman

    If a girl is told that she is a sophisticated woman, does that mean what she is? and got the best answer

    Answer from Pacer[guru]
    A bearded joke immediately comes to mind)))
    She considered herself such a refined nature that even instead of toilet paper I used serpentine)
    But seriously...
    If someone told a girl that she is a sophisticated woman, then first of all you need to look at what the person who said it means by a sophisticated woman. Nowadays it has become so fashionable to throw around beautiful compliments without even bothering to ask what actually stands behind these beautiful words. But what she really is is a completely different question)

    Answer from Nighthawk sage[guru]
    She is refined, well-mannered, has a keen appreciation of beauty, a deep understanding of fashion, a sharp mind, attentive to detail, punctual and sensitive.

    Answer from Alexandrawinter[newbie]
    So you are very sweet, maybe closed. Briefly speaking! If a guy said that you are sophisticated, then he respects and appreciates you very much. This is a very nice compliment.

    Answer from Cat Gender female[newbie]
    that means it is so, classic style, beautiful manners.

    Answer from Ieriy[guru]
    So cool and snobby))

    Answer from Alina Davydova[active]
    Maybe this is a verbal, mental bribe, although maybe the person is in a good mood or the woman is truly sophisticated

    Answer from 3 answers[guru]

    Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: If a girl was told that she is a sophisticated woman. Does that mean what she is?


    “There are few things,” Umbecca used to say, “that outrage me more than duennas. Isn’t it outrageous when a gentle, innocent girl, tremblingly standing on the threshold of coming of age, is entrusted to the care of a hired servant?! Have I not, for many cycles, observed the spiritual, moral and physical condition of my poor niece Ela? Would I allow someone to tear her from my chest? And now, when another vessel of virtue is entrusted to my care, will I risk giving it into someone’s careless, indifferent hands? Oh no, the very thought of it makes me shiver!”

    Umbecca could have expanded more on this topic, and often did so. However, no matter how harshly she criticized the duennas, there was one person for whom she made an exception.

    “You understand, my dear,” she said, “that my statements have nothing to do with you.”

    What is characteristic is that it was this duen who was the main and almost the only listener to Umbecka’s angry tirades. It was her old friend from Irion, the widow Vauxwell. After the tragic death of her husband, the widow lived for several moons in the Flower House, where only one old maid looked after her. But there was no doubt (Umbecca, at least, did not doubt) that Bertin was unhappy. How could she be happy in an empty house, when her precious husband was no longer in the world? So what if the widow herself claimed that everything was fine with her? Surely the grief she experienced damaged the poor woman’s mind. As a result, Umbekka, using her authority - after all, she became the governor's wife - ordered that the Flower House be locked, the maid fired and that the widow move into the governor's house.

    This act of mercy met with warm support and approval in the village - especially after Hey Thebal made it the topic of a sermon.

    For some time the widow lived happily (or so everyone thought) as the companion of her dear friend, so the people of Irion were somewhat surprised to learn that in the end the widow Voxwell “took advantage of the situation.” Before the onset of Theron's season, the widow was supposed to move to Warby and become chaperone there to a certain Miss Pelligrew. For the whole moon, if not more, this was all they gossiped about. Some sincerely felt sorry for “poor Mrs. Wildrop”, shocked by the widow’s ingratitude, others were unpleasant at the idea that the widow would work for hire, and others, not without reason, pointed out that the widow was completely unsuitable for such work.

    For that matter, Widow Vauxwell was one-armed.

    Umbecca's reaction to this amazed everyone. People thought that she would resist and forbid her friend to go to Warbi. But she, on the contrary, reacted very favorably to Bertin’s plans. Umbecca believed that the widow was gradually realizing her new place in life. Is it noble to live in a house where you are received out of mercy? And what is so shameful about serving in the house of respected gentlemen? If there are now duennas in high society, then why not a woman like Bertin Vauxwell, who was distinguished by the highest morality, become a duenna?

    If Umbecca regretted anything, it was only that her dear friend would waste her teaching talents on someone else’s child. Soon Miss Katya also had to come of age and go out into the world. In theory, one could hope that the widow herself would understand which young lady she should direct her gaze to, what her duty was. “Well,” Umbecca might say with a heavy sigh, “one cannot expect perfection from anyone in this world, and even less so from a woman mad with grief and melancholy.”

    And when the widow went to Warbi, Umbekka went with her.

    Nirri! - the fat woman exclaimed when she and Kata entered the house.

    Umbecka's maid ran as fast as she could to meet them, frightened that her mistress had returned so early. Umbecca immediately attacked the maid with so many orders and reproaches that she was confused.

    Help me undress! Take my jewelry off! No, just look! What do we have here - a decent house or some kind of hangout? Why hasn't the table been cleared after tea yet? And the fireplace isn't lit yet? We will have dinner in our rooms, and immediately!

    Yes, only an immediate and hearty meal could help Umbecca get rid of her anger.

    The meal was indeed plentiful. In public, Umbecca was affected and observed etiquette, but at home, sitting by the fireplace, she greedily pounced on food and stuffed her mouth with cakes, cold chicken, whipped cream and boiled kidneys, tartines with salad and slices of ham. The order in which the delicacies were eaten did not matter. She grabbed the food with her hands, and, having chewed the next portion, showered curses on the vicious widow Vauxwell, who had so shamefully violated her duty, so disgracefully neglected her duties.

    This just won't work for her!

    Poor Nirri ran up and down the stairs, raiding the pantry.

    Kata just absentmindedly pushed pieces of food around her plate with her fork. The aunt scolded her, took the plate from her and ate everything herself - meat, stewed pumpkin and pickled beets.

    It was drizzling behind the closed curtains.

    Finally, Umbecca stood up and walked away from the table. Before the meal, her body was shaking with anger, like a huge piece of jellied meat. Now she was ready to face all the vicissitudes of fate with the steadfastness of a rock. The pig's eyes sparkled angrily on her shiny face.

    Go to bed immediately, my girl! - she barked and, calling Nirri, ordered to bring her an umbrella and a hat.

    Kata objected:

    Auntie, but it’s still so early!

    Early?! - Umbecca glared angrily at her niece and pushed her towards the door. “Do you think that frivolous girls who envy Mr. Burgrove’s chosen ones deserve something more?” Answer when asked! - And, without waiting for an answer, Umbecca pointed to the door: - Go to your place, immediately! Nirri, lock her up!

    The key turned in the lock. Kata fell onto the bed, but pretty soon she jumped up, ran to the window, impatiently pulled aside the curtains and stared into the darkness. Lanterns were burning around the square, illuminating the wet, shiny pavement. Umbecca walked quickly around the puddles, her umbrella was like a battle shield. Like an angry warrior, she went to war against the house, where to this day Pelly was entrusted to the care of the widow Vauxwell.

    What could have happened? Kata often heard her aunt praising the Widow Vauxwell. “Bertin Vauxwell,” Umbecca used to say, “is an exemplary chaperone, she leads her charge on a short leash, she does not tolerate any objections. How different she is from others - lazy, indifferent duets!

    Kata turned away from the window in despair. She could still see Pelly's laughing face in front of her eyes as she sat on the boom seat next to Mr. Burgrove. Envy boiled like bile in her soul. She wrapped herself in a warm shawl and sat down by the fireplace. It was one thing to envy Dzhelika - the pretty Dzhelika Vance, whom everyone liked.

    But to be jealous of Pelly Pelligrew? This ugly girl?!

    The rain beat on the window frame and the wind howled.

    “Pelli, Pelli,” the raindrops seemed to be tapping.

    Jem's heart beat quickly. He pressed his back against the wall of a house in an alley somewhere near the Royal Assembly. Jumping out of the carriage, where the old harlequin was trying to hold him, the young man scurried along the pavement for some time, dodging all kinds of carriages, and made his way to more remote areas of the city. When will this day end? Jem was wet, cold, dirty, and now, in addition, he had to while away the night in Warby.

    The young man looked around in despair. One end of the alley was dimly lit by a lantern. In that direction lay the brightly lit central areas of the city. It was dark at the other end. From there the road led to a completely different Varbi, hidden from the eyes of high-society people. There were outskirts - narrow streets where servants, cab drivers and soldiers on leave indulged in their own entertainment. From the direction of the first Warby came the melodic sounds of the clavichord. From the second - muffled curses, snatches of rude songs.

    I had to leave. There was no point in even thinking about hiding until morning in the labyrinth of alleys behind the Royal Assembly.

    Meanwhile, he could stumble upon soldiers everywhere.

    Jem cupped his palms, exposed them to the rain and, collecting water, washed his face with it. The cut cheek immediately reminded of itself, but Jem continued to collect rainwater in his palms and furiously wash off the elderberry juice.

    But what was to be done with the stupid costume?

    Footsteps were heard nearby. Someone burped loudly. In the twilight, Jem could barely make out the man in the cloak. He was very drunk and walked swaying. It was a young servant, someone's page. He was wearing a wide cloak and a hat with a feather. He stopped at the wall next to Jem and began to urinate.

    Sorry, buddy,” Jem whispered and attacked the unfamiliar young man.

    A few moments later, Jem, wrapped in a cloak, rushed towards the outskirts of Warby, the so-called fun areas. The place smelled of sewage, smoke and fried meat. Jem pulled his hat down on his forehead and looked around. “How is it possible,” he thought, “that very close, just two hundred steps away, lies a completely different world?” There, behind not so thick walls, rich aristocrats indulged in exquisite pleasures.

    A disheveled creature walked past Jem with an open bottle of gin.

    Your health, young man! - the creature muttered and, swaying, took a sip from the bottle, then suddenly turned around and caught Jem by the hand. - Maybe the young man is lonely, huh?

    Jem turned around and realized that the creature was female. The woman squeezed his hand tighter. She was dressed in the pitiful remnants of what had probably once been a luxurious evening dress. There was a sour smell coming from the skirt, and even in the semi-darkness Jem could see the wrinkles on the woman’s face.

    Sorry, I...

    At that moment the door of the tavern opened invitingly. Jem broke free and hurried away. The whore shouted after him in a hoarse voice:

    Drink to your heart's content, young man! If you get pumped up, look for me here!

    The tavern was smoky and crowded. The earthen floor was strewn with straw, which had been trampled, mixed with mud and generously poured with ale. If it had been a fine night, the revelers would have poured out into the street, but today they were sitting here: fairly tipsy bluecoats, grooms who had become brave after drinking, footmen and kitchen servants - all now huddled together and sitting shoulder to shoulder. Sexual boys scurried between them, and among the women there were only whores, whose faces and breasts almost falling out of their neckline were generously decorated with flies. From somewhere in the depths of the tavern came drunken voices singing out of tune.

    In the pocket of the cloak of the page he robbed, Jem found several coins - a couple of zens and a few more jits. He pushed his way to the counter.

    Hey buddy! - they called out to Jem. Someone's hand lay on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw young man in a yellow velvet camisole. He smiled joyfully, but the smile immediately disappeared as soon as he realized that he had made a mistake. - And I took you for...

    Jem quickly responded:

    He will not come. Things, you know...

    And who are you? - The young man pointed to Jem’s clothes. “I thought I knew all the prince’s servants.”

    We have plenty of servants, my friend! - Jem muttered with a careless grin, shrugged his shoulders and turned away. His heart sank with guilt. He imagined how the young page boy was now lying in the mud. In the morning he would have a headache... but, on the other hand, he would still have a headache from a hangover. Well, at least he will be able to tell that a misfortune happened to him - he was beaten, robbed.

    Soon Jem, with a mug of ale in his hand, made his way onto the only free bench - in the very corner of the inn. Candles smoked right above his head and mercilessly poured wax on him. In the corner, next to Jem, there was a gang of blue-uniformed men. They sat in a circle, with their hands on each other's shoulders, and, waving their beer mugs, they sang one of their favorite songs.

    I'll tell you the truth, brothers and friends,

    I had one friend.

    He looks good and is tall,

    But he was alone

    Until he met a beauty,

    She was the most beautiful of all.

    She just beckoned with her hand

    And she took her with her.

    My friend was a good shot

    And he rarely missed the target,

    But for such a goal, truly,

    For the first time in my life I was pleased.

    When he met that beauty

    What was most desirable of all,

    She just beckoned with her hand

    And she took her with her.

    My friend used to visit the houses of the rich,

    Sometimes I ate on silver,

    Now with a secular beauty

    Dancing waltzes at balls.

    Yes, yes, with that same beauty,

    What was the most beautiful of all,

    That I just beckoned with my finger

    And she took her with her.

    And you, buddy, stand guard

    And don’t worry, and don’t give a damn,

    After all, in turn you will receive

    And a tender look and a kiss

    From a stunning beauty

    What will only lead the head

    And with a thin finger he beckons,

    And he will take you with him!

    Having finished, the blue uniforms began to laugh and accompanied the last chorus with indecent gestures. Jem blushed and looked away. Poor Jem! He remained innocent in many ways. He did not know that passion has so many faces. He closed his eyes and remembered Katya. Everything about them was so sublime and noble. And clean.

    Burning, hot tears ran into Jem's eyes.

    He raised the mug to his lips when someone touched his elbow. Jem turned around angrily and saw a friendly grinning face in front of him. The face belonged to a big man in a coachman's cap. He was smoking a pipe. Jem calmed down a little. At least a servant, and not a blue uniform, and that’s good. The coachman winked knowingly at Jem and complained about how disgusting the weather was.

    And your cheek, boy... - the coachman shook his head sympathetically. - You're supposed to be in Prince Cheyne's service, aren't you?

    Jem nodded.

    The coachman pointed to the coat of arms on the band of his cap. Jem took a sip of ale, trying to control himself and not show his flaring interest. But his heart began to beat wildly. How did he not immediately recognize who was sitting in front of him?

    In Irion, Stefel had a reputation as an inveterate drunkard.

    Jem said carefully:

    Archduke... of Irion?

    Yes. Noble, I don’t know who. And arrogant. Well, that's how it's supposed to be for aristocrats, guy. And when I was young, we were ordered to memorize the coats of arms of all nine provinces, can you imagine? Coats of arms and mottos, whatever. By heart, without hesitation, otherwise they would hammer all this into us with sticks.

    Jem smiled politely, but his heart screamed: “Stephen, don’t you recognize me?” For a moment, Jem was ready to open up to the old man, but he immediately changed his mind when Stephel squinted his eyes with curiosity and said:

    Listen, guy, have I never met you anywhere before? Jem turned pale. He suddenly became afraid. After all, he should have traveled secretly, without being recognized by anyone. With feigned nonchalance, he pulled the stolen hat lower. But Stefel himself answered the question asked:

    Oh, why am I, really... You just reminded me of another guy. This one would hardly become a servant, I think so. And then... he died.

    Poor fellow! - Jem burst out. He decided it was best not to add anything more. He was overcome by a strange feeling - a mixture of euphoria with sadness and fear. Yes, he was dead, he died for everyone who remained at home. For Steffel, for Nirri, for Aunt Umbecca. For Polty.

    “For Kata. I'm dead to Kata."

    Jem shook himself and drove away the surging feelings. He smiled at Steffel again. He understood that it was better to apologize and leave. But something made him stay.

    “You’ve gone far from home,” Jem tried to continue the conversation. It suddenly dawned on him. - They say that the snowy mountains there are a staircase to the sky. This is true?

    The coachman grumbled:

    What do I care about these snowy mountains, boy? I must tell you that it’s not easy for my horses to run on the green hills near Varby.

    But are you from there? From the mountains?

    Stefel answered this question like this:

    I'm generally not a fan of trudging from place to place. I can't stand any kind of change. If everything were the way it is now, and I was as old as you, boy, then I would probably say that I’m happy. In my time, everything was in its place. And now people don’t know their place, they don’t understand who their boss is.

    You think so?

    I say to my daughter: “Aren’t we in the Archduke’s service?” Where is the Archduke today, you ask? In Agondon, the Archduke is not going home. The whole of Tarn has fallen into the hands of an impostor, and I, a native of Tarn, am stuck in Warby! Oh, I got to live and see the world upside down!

    Stefel clearly could have expanded on this topic further, but it seems that he decided that such a train of thought could lead him in a dangerous direction.

    Precaution is never too much.

    He sighed.

    And all because of a girl, you know? That's why I'm hanging around here. Because of the young lady and because of their mistress.

    Steffel grimaced so amusingly that Jem could hardly restrain himself from laughing. He desperately wanted to ask about the young lady, but he stopped himself.

    Just in case, he touched his chest and felt for his secret talisman.

    “Be careful, be careful,” he said mentally.

    Someone's hand fell on his shoulder again. It again turned out to be a young man in a yellow camisole.

    Where are you! - he said slurring his tongue. He had obviously been drinking all this time and was looking for a familiar page. - Oh... again... I made a mistake. And how did you tell me who you are? I know all the prince’s servants firsthand...

    Jem turned away with the most determined look.

    Hey, waiter! - Stefel shouted.

    His mug was empty. Jem bought him another one. The coachman thanked him warmly.

    And your master,” Jem made a new attempt to find out the information he was interested in, “after all, as I heard, he caught the evil king.”

    Yeah, my master - big man, how big it is. - Stefel hesitated and suddenly said stiffly: - He was in alliance with the Zenzans.

    How should this be understood?

    Who? Your master?

    My Lord? Scarlet King, boy! If the scarlet king had had his way, we would now be just a province of Zenzan. This is how things would be, not the way they are now. And he resurrected the agonistic faith.

    Who? Edward Scarlet?

    No, Edward Blue. Listen, guy, I swear by our Lord Agonis, you don’t understand anything in life. Without the blue king, where would we be now, I ask you? In shit, boy, deep in shit!

    Behind them, a mug fell to the floor and broke. Two bluecoats fought over a whore. Some rushed there to watch the fight. Screams and laughter were heard. Others, completely indifferent to the fight, continued to knock back mug after mug to the accompaniment of whistling and drunken shouting.

    Only the guy in the yellow jacket continued to hang around Jem.

    Well, someone slashed you on the cheek... - he whispered hoarsely in Jem’s ear.

    Jem pretended not to hear anything and leaned closer to the coachman.

    And this young lady...

    What kind of young lady is this for you! This is a whore!

    Nearby, a woman squealed in a hunted manner, over whom a fight broke out.

    I'm talking about your young lady...

    What, what? Did you call our young lady a whore?

    Stephel frowned and grabbed Jem by the collar.

    No, no,” Jem said patiently and moved the coachman’s hand away. “I wanted to say: she’s probably unusually pretty.”

    And this hat... well, doesn’t suit you at all,” whispered a pestering guy in a yellow camisole in Jem’s ear.

    Steffel, meanwhile, fell into gloomy silence. With the most thoughtful look, he lit his pipe, took a drag, and released a cloud of smoke. Behind, a stool thrown by someone landed on a tray on which there were several mugs. Jem tried with all his might not to be distracted and to look only at the old man’s figure shrouded in smoke.

    Yeah, she'll definitely grab a nice hubby for herself. “You can marry someone like that to a king,” Stephel finally responded. - They say that the dark-haired ones will be the most beautiful, but she is just like that.

    Jem sighed.

    I wish I could just get a glimpse of such a beauty!

    It was risky. The coachman could get angry again.

    But this time he laughed.

    Oh boy, this nut is too tough for you! These are the only ones that are good for you and me. - And he pointed to the cocotte. - And it’s not easy to see our young lady with your own eyes! With these... disappearances... We have to keep our ears open.


    Stefel burped powerfully.

    Boy, haven't you fallen from the moon? Haven't you heard about Miss Viella Rextel?

    Jem was ready to ask about Gorgeous V, but at that moment someone grabbed his hand.

    I got it! - It was again the guy in the yellow camisole. This time he showed up completely drunk. Squinting from the smoke, he gazed at Jem's hat. Then he shook his fist at him. - So tell me, what did you do with him?!

    Hey guys, take it easy! - Stefel exclaimed.

    But no one listened to him. A moment later he ran away, and Jem and the guy in the yellow jacket were already rolling around on the dirty floor. For those who did not understand anything, their fight looked like a continuation of the fight that began a little earlier over a whore. In fact, now half the tavern was fighting. Bluecoats, whores, servants, coachmen and footmen, and even serving boys waved their fists and poked and slapped each other. The guy in the yellow camisole threw Jem on his back and grabbed him by the throat.

    Jem tried with all his might to escape. Let him be considered a coward - he didn’t care. He wanted one thing: to escape from here as quickly as possible. He managed to escape, but was immediately grabbed by a bluecoat and thrown back. Jem managed to dodge, but then a guy in a yellow jacket rose from the floor and knocked him to the floor again. Only on the third attempt, when the blue uniform grappled with the boy-server and when the guy in the yellow camisole who had risen from the floor was picked up by a bored cocotte, did Jem manage to gain the desired freedom.

    Soon he was running through dark, slippery streets in the pouring rain.

    | | Here's how to answer this question Bogdan Zubchenko, Ukrainian perfumer, perfume critic.
    “The light, transparent, sophisticated composition of this fragrance instantly transports you to a fairy garden. As soon as I sprayed this scent, created by the professionals of the world famous perfume concern IFF (International Flavors & Fragrances Inc.), I immediately realized that its wonderful beginning, its magical history, owes its wonderful citrus notes.
    They say that the orange tree is God's gift to perfumers because by using different parts of it, you can create a rich, complex and refined composition. Its leaves give one note, its fruit peel another, its flowers a third, and its bark a fourth. We can feel all these shades in Journey of DreamsTM. It is important that, thanks to the skill of the perfumers, these citrus notes do not associate the fragrance with the image of a sporty lady. We imagine a woman who is romantic, sophisticated and light.

    A beautiful LOTUS blooms in the heart of the fragrance. As you know, in the East the lotus is a sacred flower. It symbolizes purity as well as samsara. Samsara translated from Sanskrit means “the eternal wheel of life,” when what dies is reborn in a new quality. Blooms again, renews itself again. This ability of a modern woman to always be young and delightful is embodied in the Journey of DreamsTM fragrance.Wonderful aroma. The embodiment of spring and female individuality. Discover it for yourself!”

    Journey of Dreams Eau de Parfum TM, 29 ml
    (price 300.00 UAH or 1100 rubles)
    The fragrance is sold as part of the Beauty that Changes the World charity program. 8 hryvnia from the sale of each bottle will be used for the rehabilitation of women who have undergone surgery to remove a breast tumor.
    Dreams... they give strength in difficult times. The power to achieve the impossible and turn today into a wonderful future. Purchasing the Journey of Dreams fragrance TM , you give wings to the dreams of hundreds of women to gain faith in themselves.

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