Family game night. Games and competitions with the family - at leisure and on family holidays Games for a family of 4 people

Vova is 9 years old, he sits in the chair opposite and draws his family. In the picture, mom, dad, grandma and he occupy separate rooms, in which everyone is busy with their own affairs. Mom is in the kitchen cooking food, dad is at the computer, grandma is watching a TV series. “And I do my homework, and then play on the tablet,” Vova completes her drawing. “Would you like it differently?” - I ask. I ask, but I already know the answer. Of course yes!

Artem, Petya, Arina and other children who were brought to my reception talk about their family in approximately the same way, but with minor changes. They have different families, different problems, but the basic needs are very similar - to be loved and spend quality time as a family.

Therefore, I have collected some of the most favorite games for children and me that will help the family have fun and solve many psychological problems.

These games do not require any material costs, just a piece of your time.

Games for children from 2 to 6 years old

Game "Confusion"

The optimal number of players is four. The three join hands and become entangled, crawling through each other's arms and legs. The fourth one goes out the door and then comes back to unravel. The disentanglers change alternately. If there are three of you in the family, then you can untangle yourself. Believe me, it's not that easy =)

This game promotes physical contact, which is essential for children's mental development, especially those who are not very fond of it or have already grown beyond the age of hugging.

Game "Hide and Seek"

You can hide a toy in a small apartment. The choice of toy can tell a lot about a player. For example, my little client hid a potty toy during a meeting, thus acting out his embarrassment and aggression on others about fecal incontinence.

This game is very useful during the period of separation of children from their parents: the crisis of 3 years, adaptation in kindergarten and school, adolescence. By losing in the game, children transform experiences and feelings into their mental reality, and then bring them to life.

Game "Blind Man's Bluff"

Blindfolded, you need to catch any family member and name him.

This game promotes the release of accumulated emotions, cohesion, and tactile contact.

Game "Palms"

Trace the child's palm on three sheets of paper. Together with your child, color your palms red, green and yellow. Showing a red palm, the child should stand still without moving. Showing yellow - speak in a whisper and walk on tiptoe, green - shout loudly and run fast. Alternate your palms.

The game teaches volitional regulation, switching attention, listening, and energy release.

Game "Name Calling"

When passing the ball, call each other “names.” It could be fruits or vegetables: “Oh, you’re a carrot” or “You’re a lemon.”

The game relieves aggression and allows it to be expressed in an acceptable form. There is always anger at parents, because they scold, forbid, and do not understand. With such a game you give your permission to be angry and accept it, and this is the best prevention of psychological and even physical diseases.

Competition "Boasters"

There are two options for bragging: about yourself and about your neighbor. Boasting about yourself every night when the family gets together can boost self-esteem, build trust, and simply let you know how your day went. By bragging about each other, we remind ourselves that we value and love in our family, we teach them to be attentive to each other, to look closely and listen. For example: “You were very fast today when you got ready for school.”

Game "Raft"

Everyone is sailing on a ship. Suddenly - a shipwreck. Everyone needs to sit on a small raft (a mat or square with boundaries marked) and decide what to do next.

This exercise is aimed at increasing family cohesion. The main thing is to give the child the opportunity to “write the script”, and your task is to correct it (give a hand if you want to “fall into the sea”, resolve conflicts, teach skills to get out of difficult situations, stimulate imagination).

Games for children from 6 to 14 years old

Children of this age can find their favorite pastime in the games listed above and vice versa.

Bowling game

Play sets are sold in children's stores, but you can play with anything. The pins can be books, which fall easily from almost any ball.

This game promotes self-control and, like all competitive games, teaches you how to lose. By encouraging and helping, while playing with their parents, children live through their failures and prepare to enter competitive adult life.

Game "Crocodile"

One by one, it is necessary to show (without words) an animal; at an older age, an abstract concept or emotion.

The familiar game teaches communication, increases self-esteem, attentiveness, stimulates imagination, and increases vocabulary.

Game "Family History"

In a circle, everyone offers one sentence to make a scary story (funny or fantastic). The resulting story can be acted out.

In the story, as in life, you have different events, but a common family history.

Game "True or False"

After throwing the ball, we ask a question to one of the family members. You need to answer: “true or false.” If the participant gives the correct answer, the right to ask passes to him. Depending on the statement, the game can be educational, bonding and relaxing. If you want to learn capitals, ask: “Is it true that the capital of Kazakhstan is Astana?” There is a misunderstanding between you: “Is it true that I am offended/judgment/dislike you?” Do you want to talk about sex, but don’t know how: “It’s true that the only effective way to prevent pregnancy is a condom” (to prevent embarrassment for the child, mom can ask dad the question, but the child will definitely receive important information for him).

Game "Who am I"

Each player writes the name of a literary character/actor/cartoon character on a small piece of paper and passes it to the other so that no one can see. We hold the leaf on our forehead. As a result, the player sees the names of everyone except his own. Players take turns asking those around them leading questions. Questions should be such that they can be answered “Yes” or “No”.

The game promotes communication, imagination, and attentiveness.

Great games are mafia, sea battle And "dots" on paper . As well as games that can be purchased in stores: chess, checkers, dominoes, lotto, monopoly, darts, twister, Jenga, Pentago, backgammon, table hockey, football, bowling, snooker, golf and many others.

Be kids with kids and feel how great it is!

When it’s cloudy and dreary outside, and everyone stays at home, you don’t have to be bored!

To while away a rainy evening, arrange fun party For a group of different ages or just to have fun for no reason, family games for children and adults will help.

The whole family is at home: what to do?

Family games not only unite a small and friendly team, but also develop individual abilities - ingenuity, logic, memory, observation, speed of reaction, imagination.

They are very useful for kids, but no less important for older ones.

After all, it is at such moments that people feel truly family and friends, turning into a strong family from advertising posters.

An ideal option for spending time together at home is a game whose rules are clear and accessible to all participants, grandmothers and toddlers alike.

Below we will present you the most popular family games for children and adults.

Some require props (game board, chips, cubes, cards, outfits, pencils, paper), which should be thought about in advance. Others are completely spontaneous and require no preparation.

Floor and board games for the whole family

It’s great when you have a magical shelf in your arsenal with treasured boxes, purchased on occasion or without.

“Monopoly”, “Settlers”, “Operation”, “Family”, “Scrabble” (aka “Scrabble” or “Wordmaker”), “Activity”, assorted adventure games with chips and dice...

Detective, strategic, economic, card, humorous and serious, all these family board games will add a unique flavor to your everyday evenings.

Unusual card games (the classic “Uno”, its humorous analogue “Svintus”) require a special deck of cards and knowledge of the rules.

For “Twister” you will need a branded set consisting of a floor covering with multi-colored circles and a spinning “drum”, and also the remarkable flexibility of the participants (it’s almost like yoga!).

Don't forget about your favorite classics, especially if you're playing with elderly relatives.

The older generation will be happy to join in such quiet family games as lotto, dominoes, backgammon, checkers or “Battleship”.

The whole family can collect puzzles of increased complexity with their favorite landscapes or characters. And also, train your memory and manual dexterity with the help of the Memory game.

The most creative companies can conduct experiments and show tricks - there are a lot of thematic sets for this.

Contact games (creative, with elements of communication and guessing)

If you are tired of everything you have and want to get some fresh inspiration and creativity (and the right team has gathered), play creative or theatrical games.

1. "Associations"
Participants are divided into teams. Cards are prepared in advance, on each of which 8-10 words (objects) are written.

The player’s task is to use associations to explain the meaning of each word so that his team can guess.

The more points from the card are solved, the more points your group has. Adjectives with the same root cannot be pronounced.

2. "Crocodile"
A similar game, only the word guessed by the host or the opposing team must be explained using gestures and pantomimes (without uttering a sound).

With a small number of people, you can play without dividing into teams - then the one who guessed goes “to the board” to show a new word.

3. "Who am I?"
Another guessing game for which you will need stickers with adhesive backing and felt-tip pens. Participants come up with pseudonyms (“code names”) for each other.

Real people or movie characters are chosen (from Carlson, Kolobok and Batman to Madonna and Michael Jackson). Names are written on paper and pasted on the participants' foreheads.

The hero, who is destined to find out who he is, asks simple questions, the participants answer “Yes” or “No”. Example: “Am I a cartoon character?”, “Am I round?”, “Do I like honey?”

4. “We have contact!”
The chosen leader thinks of a concept or object and names the first letter (for example, “T”).

All other participants come up with words starting with the letter T and try to describe them to each other, but without the leader guessing.

If someone in the team understands what his friend is trying to communicate, he says: “There is contact!” From this moment on, within 10 seconds the presenter must also guess this word.

Does not know? Then the participants pronounce it simultaneously on the count of three, after which the presenter is obliged to give out the second letter of the hidden word. Now “Contact” includes items starting with two letters, and so on.

The dialogue goes something like this:
– I have my word. This is a delicious dessert from cream cheese and eggs.
- There is contact! (count to ten, the host does not know the answer)
- One, two, three - Tiramisu.
- Okay, the second letter is O. Now you need to come up with words starting with “TO.”

5. “Make up a fairy tale”
A game that requires a minimum of paraphernalia - just paper and pen. The team needs to compose a fairy tale.

The difficulty is that each participant writes only one sentence on a piece of paper, completely unaware of what his previous colleague came up with.

Then the page is folded and passed to the new participant, and so on in a circle. At the end, the fairy tale is solemnly read aloud: as a rule, it’s never boring!

6. “What’s missing/changed?”
A game to develop memory and attention. The participant must remember as accurately as possible everything that is on the table or in the room.

Then he goes out and the team makes changes to the interior. The player must guess which item is missing or has changed its place.

7. "Masquerade"
Trying on unusual images is a favorite pastime for children, but adults won’t be bored at your costume ball either.

The game options vary - you can come up with outfits from scrap materials (paper, beads, glue, fabrics, ribbons, felt), or use those prepared in advance.

Based on the results of dressing up, you can organize a costume procession, a competition for the best image, or stage a play for grandparents.

8. “Fanta”
At major holidays, the adventurous game “Fanta” remains the most favorite pastime of guests.

Cards with assignments are placed in a magic bag, and each participant asks the question “What should this phantom do?” takes out one at a time.

To add excitement, some versions of the game include valuable collateral (a banknote, a phone, a toy).

The most important thing is that tasks for forfeits are humorous, decent (we play with children!), safe and not offensive!

Distracting your child from computer games and various applications on tablets and smartphones is sometimes a difficult task for many parents. But at the same time, parents cannot always offer an interesting alternative for children in the form of outdoor or board games. Today we will tell you what you can play with the whole family so that no one gets bored.

Playing outdoors not only brings health benefits, but also develops qualities in children such as dexterity, strength, ingenuity and creative thinking. These games can be played on the playground, in nature, on the lawn of a country house, and you will need very few additional props.

Ball up!

For this game you will need a ball, with which the driver stands in the center of the circle created by other players. He throws the ball as high as possible with the words “Ball up!” (you can come up with your own signal word), and at this time the players run away from it as far as possible (but you cannot hide behind trees or other objects). When the driver catches the ball and shouts “Stop!”, the players must freeze in place and not move (if someone does not stop at the signal, they must take three large steps towards the driver). Now the driver’s task is to throw the ball and hit one of the players with it; if he manages to do this, then this player becomes the driver in the next game. If it was not possible to stain anyone, then the driver again stands in a circle.

Canvas Basketball

You will need a piece of tarpaulin to cut holes in different diameters(just no smaller than the existing ball), cover their edges with colored tape and assign a value in points to each hole. Then the players take turns throwing the ball, the winner is the one who scores the maximum number of points in 10 throws. You can complicate the task and make each throw at a greater distance from the tarpaulin than the previous one.

Street twister

This game can be purchased in a store, or you can draw the outlines of circles on the asphalt yourself using colored chalk (if you don’t mind your lawn, you can draw circles on it with special water-based paints that wash off after rain). You yourself determine the size of the playing field and the size of the colored circles, and if you want circles of the same size, take a cardboard box, cut a hole in it and use it as a stencil.


Find two trees or pipes standing next to each other in your yard and stretch two ropes between them at the top and bottom to create a “window.” Now let the children (and adults too) jump through the “window” so as not to hit the ropes. This develops dexterity and coordination of movements in children, teaches them to jump in height and determine by eye the distances between objects. Then the task should be complicated: between two ropes, stretch a few more like a web, now let the participants climb through the obstacle without touching the ropes or breaking them.


This is an unusual running competition because you have to run in pairs. The players stand with their backs to each other, holding hands. Now each pair must cover the distance from one landmark and back, without tearing their backs away from each other and without breaking their hands. First, one participant runs forward and pulls the other player with him, then they run back in reverse - the one who pushed becomes the one who pulls, while trying to move synchronously with his Siamese twin. The winner is the pair that covers the distance there and back faster.

Ice riches

In hot weather, this game will delight children. Freeze ice cubes in a mold, first placing a small toy or other “treasure” (this could be, for example, flowers or plant leaves) in each mold. Or you can color the water with food coloring, then you will have multi-colored “precious stones” with riches. Give them to children and let them try to melt the ice with their hands, warm breath or other means. Just be careful so they don't accidentally swallow the surprise!

In order not to cause overwork in the child, you should alternate active games with calm ones from time to time.


This is a good old game that both children and adults love to play. Each player collects one item and puts it in a bag. One of the players is blindfolded and must come up with a task for the owner of each item pulled out of the bag by the presenter. You can do it another way: before the start of the game, each participant writes notes with tasks and puts them in a bag, then the bag is passed around in a circle and everyone must pull out their task for this con. You can come up with anything you want: sing a song while sitting under the table, give flowers to the first person to enter the room, or even take the iron out for a walk.


All participants come up with words, write them on pieces of paper and put them in a hat. Then they are divided into pairs, and here the fun begins: in one minute, first one member of the pair, then the other must explain to each other as many concepts as possible, which are written on pieces of paper pulled from a hat. If you are playing with children, you should, of course, avoid words like “reverb,” “hydroelectric,” and “somnambulist.” The pair with the most words guessed in 2 minutes wins.


Before the start of the game, a presenter and explainer are selected. The presenter says a word to the explainer, and he, with the help of gestures, facial expressions and movements, must explain it to everyone else. The person explaining is prohibited from making any sounds, showing or using surrounding objects, but if the word is difficult to explain in its entirety, then it can be shown that he is explaining it in parts. The player who guesses what is being said becomes the explainer in the next round, and the one who made faces in front of the participants in the last round guesses the word.

Falling tower

In stores the game is sold under the name “Jenga”, but you can make it yourself. To do this, you will need about 50 wooden blocks, 25 centimeters long and about two wide and high. Then you should build a tower, alternating longitudinal and transverse laying of bricks. Players then take turns carefully pulling out one block at a time and placing it on top of the tower. This must be done as carefully as possible, otherwise the tower will collapse. The player whose actions caused the collapse is considered the loser.

What, besides common living space, unites several people in a family? Friendly Sunday lunches, cozy dinners together, big family holidays... But now, the feast and fun are over, and adults again freeze in front of the TV, children return to their favorite computer games, and the apartment again becomes a communal apartment for several people immersed in their own affairs. Sad. Why not spend the evening doing some common activity so that your children have something to remember later with warmth and love? After all there are many games and entertainment for the whole family, and we are ready to offer them to your attention.

Games for the whole family

Let's not talk about playing cards, dominoes, lotto, backgammon, checkers and chess. Everyone knows these games. We want to talk about creative games that every member of the household will enjoy, games that are exciting and unifying. For example, "A Tale in a Circle" . You can play this game at home, or you can use it to while away a long journey so that the road does not seem so tiring. So, someone says the first phrase, for example: “Once upon a time there was a princess.” The next participant continues: “And she had a favorite doll.” Then the next storyteller comes in, and so on in a circle. A fairy tale can end in ten minutes, or it can last for several days. The main thing is that this game requires the participation of the whole family.

Game for attentiveness and memory "What changed?" . Lay out several objects on the table and invite the presenter to carefully study their location. Then, when the host leaves the room, make some changes to the order of things on the table and invite the returning host to find these changes. Sometimes it can be very difficult (one little girl simply took the refill out of the pen, and her mother wondered for half an hour what had changed), but it is very fun.

A game "Adjectives" . The presenter, having retired, writes a short story, deliberately omitting all definitions before the nouns, and invites the other players to take turns naming any adjective, which the presenter immediately writes into his story. The result is a fun read-aloud that generates lots of laughter and lifts your spirits.

The next game is called "Crocodile" , but there must be at least four players. Two teams are formed. The first team thinks of a word and calls it to one of the players of the second team. The task of this player is to pantomime the mystery so that his team can guess the word. The team can ask questions that can only be answered with “yes” and “no,” and also only with pantomime. If the word is guessed, the teams switch places.

In addition to games, you can come up with other entertainment that will bring your family together and bring pleasure to everyone. For example, work out together on the weekend cooking something delicious . Stick dumplings or bake pies with different types fillings, and don’t drag them into your room to the TV or computer, but have tea at a common table. Or master some outlandish dish together, because it’s both healthy and fun when done with the whole family!

You probably have a lot of family photos, but you don’t have enough time to put them in an album. Call your family for help, let them help you sort photos by dates and events , let them come up with interesting, funny captions for photographs, because for loved ones there is nothing more valuable than family memories. So remember different stories from your life, arranging the pictures in places. It will be interesting for both you and your children.

Correctly selected games for the whole family are one of the the best ways unite households. They can be active if parents are ready to remember their childhood and move actively; with words, if children can already read or are just learning to read; creative, and most importantly, they will be developmental in any case.

The role of family games in child development

A child understands the world through play. The game develops, educates, teaches. In the process of play activities, the child learns the rules and manners of behavior that he will need to cope with life's difficulties. Children may enjoy playing alone, but they also usually enjoy playing with others.

While a child plays alone, he conducts a kind of internal dialogue, and playing with other children, as well as with parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers or friends represents communication, exchange of information and experience. It is important that the child has the opportunity for both.

In the process of playing together, opinions and knowledge are transmitted, behavior patterns are developed and skills are trained. Try to have your child play with other children, and also find time to play together.

In most cases, play with young children is simple steps, usually repeated frequently, accompanied by a standard set of words. Small children really like it. How older child, the more he understands, and the more complex his game actions become.

In joint games, children play different roles, which reflect the child's daily experiences and own views. Problems are discussed, beliefs are formulated, and explanatory work takes place. During the game, rules and values ​​are transmitted that are useful in other situations.

The best cooperative indoor games occur spontaneously and occur without formal instruction or direction. However, some family games for children and adults are presented below. Try them out at your next celebration. Perhaps these family fun activities will suit you and your household best.

Active indoor games for children and adults

When organizing active games at home for children and adults, pay attention to the following:

  • "It's me",
  • “Bundle with a gift” (this game is conditionally mobile),
  • "Search for treasure."

"It's me!"

This family game can be played if at least 4 people are ready to play. You can play it both at home and on the street, but, perhaps, only in the summer.

  1. All participants form a circle. You can stand, you can bring chairs and sit down.
  2. The driver is chosen using a counting rhyme.
  3. The driver calls the names of two participants. For example, dad and Katya. Having heard their names, dad and Katya must change places.
  4. The driver must try to get ahead and be the first to take the place of one of the named participants, Papa or Katino.
  5. The participant left without a seat turns into the driver and himself names the following names.

Game "It's Me!" is an excellent way to develop attention and train reaction speed.

"Bundle with a gift"

To play this game with your family, you need to involve as many participants as possible, it will be more fun.

The main props are prepared in advance - surprise package.

It's done like this: a small souvenir is wrapped in wrapping paper and carefully, preferably in one place, secured with tape. Then follows another layer of paper, secured with tape, and another, and another. You need to pack the souvenir until there are quite a lot of layers. You should carefully tape the layers so that it is easy to unroll the package.

Similar gaming competitions Musical accompaniment should be provided for children and adults. In particular, this competition requires a cheerful music track with short pauses every 15-20 seconds of music. If there is no such track, appoint someone responsible for the music (he will stop the melody at short intervals).

The game itself is organized as follows:

  1. Participants stand or sit in a circle.
  2. To the music, they begin to pass the package around in a circle from hand to hand.
  3. The participant holding the package when the music stops must remove one layer of packaging.
  4. The music resumes, and the package moves again in a circle.
  5. At the next pause, the next layer is removed and so on.
  6. The surprise goes to the one who unwraps the last layer of packaging.

By regularly conducting similar games for children at home, you can develop in them such a wonderful human quality as the ability to share. The winner does not receive the prize for any special talents or achievements. As the number of wrappers decreases, it will become increasingly difficult for children to decide to give the package to the next player. And following this rule will teach you to be responsible in your interactions with others, as well as to follow accepted rules and fulfill voluntarily assumed obligations.

The game trains children’s ability to be happy for another person, sincerely congratulate them on success, and not consider such a loss as a personal defeat.

However, it is better to end this and other family competitions with the participation of children with a little encouragement for each of the players. Small souvenirs will help the losers to sincerely rejoice in someone else’s victory.

"Treasure Search"

The good thing about the game is that all family members can play it, and parents, as the most experienced and cunning ones, have to come up with a game plan, the tasks themselves and write them down on cards (for example, “under the window”, “in the locker”, “on the chair”) "). For children who can read, this is not difficult, but for younger ones who have not yet mastered this skill, tasks can be presented in the form of pictures, even schematic ones.

Clues are hidden in different places of the house or apartment.

When drawing up a search plan, parents should take into account the capabilities of their children and their age. It is best for kids to draw a search plan, marking the beginning of the path with a cross. For children who already know how to read or are at least learning to read, text prompts are compiled. It could be a word, phrase or even a small phrase.

The first card is given out just like that or, if you want to complicate the beginning of the game, as a prize for a solved riddle or a solved puzzle. The remaining clues are placed in different places in the home, as pointers to the next search point. For example, a card with the word "window sill" indicates that the next sign can be found by examining all the windows of the house.

For older children, you can make the task more difficult and use riddles, word games, or puzzles instead of direct instructions.

Thus, the search for a surprise or treasure proceeds in stages with the help of signs or a route plan. And the final destination should be the place where the parents “buried” the treasure, which goes to the seeker.

To ensure that little “treasure hunters” do not lose interest in the gameplay before the end of the search, parents must provide the necessary assistance to their children. Still, an adult, when drawing up a task, can sometimes overestimate the child’s capabilities, or estimate it not entirely correctly. Therefore, the prize, regardless of how the search went, should go to the search participants.

The educational role of this game for children in the house is that it trains logical thinking (when the signs are encrypted) or reading skills (reading cards for treasure hunting is very exciting and the training is unobtrusive). And the ability to use a plan develops spatial thinking.

Games for adults and children with words

There are a huge number of word games that the whole family can play. Here are just two of them: “Cablegram” and “Find and Name.”


This game is notable for the fact that it does not require a specially equipped place; the road on the way home or the house itself will do. All you need is a pencil and paper.

The rules of the game are simple: Any word or name is written in a column (it is desirable that it consists of five or more letters). And then this word “turns” into an abbreviation, that is, an encrypted sentence.


WITH– the most

IN– delicious

E- food

T- aunts

A– Alena

And stands for SVETA like this: “Aunt Alena’s most delicious food.”

There can be many decryption options. Parents can choose for themselves: to compose them together or organize a competition for the best proposal. The main thing is that it has meaning, although humor, hyperbole and fantasy are welcome.

During this family game, participants train their skills in working with words and letters, and their verbal ability to compose coherent phrases.

Creative family leisure

Creative games for the whole family include “Gifts from Santa Claus”, “If I were a King”, “Magic Melody”.

"Gifts from Santa Claus"

“Gifts of Santa Claus” (wizard, fairy, etc.) is a variant of another well-known game “Snowball”. It has different variations and this is one of them. In this case, the basis of the plot is the giving of gifts.


  1. The order of players can be determined by drawing lots or counting.
  2. The first participant says a phrase, the second repeats it and adds his own, the third repeats the previous two and ends with his own.
  3. The game continues until the first mistake.


Mother: Santa Claus gave me (here is the name of a specific gift) a ball.

Child: Santa Claus gave my mother a ball, and he gave me skates.

Dad: Santa Claus gave mom a ball. He gave Sasha skates. And he gave me a bag of health.

The game trains memory and speech skills in reconstructing text. And the opportunity to present the most unusual, and even fantastic gifts, develops the imagination well.

"If I were a king"

It is necessary to organize this game action in a well-known room.

  1. Determine which items from which room(s) can be used. For example, from the kitchen and bedroom or only from the nursery.
  2. Agree that the end of the game means that used items are returned to their permanent places.
  3. Division into teams can be done in various ways. For example, if there are two children in a family, then one team may have a father and a child, and the other may have a mother and a child. In other situations, mom is against the child and dad, or dad is against the child and mom. Here parents and children can show their imagination and form teams in different ways.
  4. The team that starts first is determined by lot. The beginning is this: “If I were a captain (a king, an astronaut - you can call a profession or a fairy-tale hero), then I would have a cap, a sword, a map, a compass and a pipe (five items that can be attributed to the chosen character are called).
  5. The second team is given up to five minutes to search for the named things in the selected room. Moreover, you need to quickly find a replacement for exotic items that do not exist in a simple home. For example, an umbrella can turn into a sword, a map can be drawn in a notebook, a couple of bows can be attached to a beret to make a cap, and so on.
  6. The team that gave the task evaluates the result. Then they change.

This game for the whole family will be a good exercise in imagination and creative rethinking.

"Magic Melody"

Another version of the game for home, it is more creative and, to some extent, even experimental. It can arouse interest in a person of any age.

  1. Glasses or glasses are required (it is better if it is a set of identical items) in an amount of six to twelve pieces. You can replace them with glass bottles or jars.
  2. The vessels are filled unevenly with water.
  3. To produce sound, that is, tapping on a glass (glass, jar, bottle), you can use a suitable stick (even a drum stick, if available).
  4. And then the experiment begins: changing the water level to produce different sounds.
  5. The actual creative stage will be an attempt to play some kind of melody on a “created” musical instrument.

Summer games for adults and children

Summer is a period of active recovery from the winter cold and boring evenings at home. At this time of year, many parents have the opportunity to spend more time with their children. When the summer school holidays begin and the first storm of emotions from the coming summer passes, you will most likely be thinking about what to do with your child. If your children are already tired of swimming and playing football, offer them new and interesting activities that will unite your whole family and provide you with warm memories for a lifetime. Spend this time doing activities that the whole family can participate in. Do you know what to play with your child in the summer?

Let's play travel

If the whole family is going to visit another region or another country, start your summer vacation by turning part of the house into the place where you are going. Study this country or region, find 2-3 distinctive features of this area and reproduce them at home. Plan daily educational games at home with your children on these imaginary journeys.

Let's have a picnic together

Even picnics can be turned into family games for children. For them it is always a small interesting and fun journey. And if you take with you not only your parents, but also your friends and their parents!... If your child goes to senior group kindergarten or primary school, contact the parents of his kindergarten or school friends and organize a joint picnic. Arrange for everyone to bring a blanket, various toys and, of course, something tasty. Before this activity, you and other parents should find out if any of your children have food allergies.

We organize a photo hunt

For older children or those interested in photography, organize a photo hunt. Prepare a list of items found in your yard or area. Take pictures of these items with your child, and then upload the pictures to your computer.

Celebrating Nature Protection Day

Your children and their friends can take part in environmental activities with you. Come up with 2-3 activities that help environment, for example, planting young trees and watching them grow over the summer. Collect old clothes and use them as work shorts and cover-ups. Let the children act out skits in their new outfits.


The most interesting thing about the idea of ​​gardening is that it is a very long activity that requires careful preparation, because you need to start taking care of the plants in early spring. Before you start organizing even the smallest vegetable garden or garden, look at catalogs and useful websites with your children, write down ideas, and then decide what you want to grow - flowers or vegetables? Children will love to monitor any plantings, and the harvest of vegetables will also come in handy in the kitchen. In the spring, go shopping for seeds and fertilizers, and in the summer, tend to your garden. Distribute the responsibilities for caring for the plants in the family, who will water and who will clean the garden, discuss the successes achieved together, and the fruits of your joint labor will bring great pleasure to the whole family.

Radio controlled models

Radio-controlled helicopters, cars, tanks or boats provide an excellent opportunity for exciting family competitions. Organize radio-controlled car races for speed, tank races with overcoming obstacles and hitting a conditional target, or helicopter flights along a given route and landing as accurately as possible. Determine the conditions for the competition and the criteria for identifying winners in advance with the whole family. Of course, such competitive battles on the ground or in the air will appeal to both children and adults.

Ice cream fights

The Ice Cream Fight game is similar to water fights and kids will love it on a hot summer day. Buy a few kilos of cheap ice cream, large spoons and go into the yard to have a fun sweet battle. Pay attention to the children's clothing - it is best to play in swimsuits. A prerequisite for the game is to clean your yard together at the end of the battle.

Reading competition

This is a very useful option for playing at home on the eve of the new school year. Pick a topic that you all would like to study. For each family member, select age-appropriate literature (books, magazines, newspapers, Internet sites) and help younger children read the material. On the board, write how many books each of you should read, and then write the name of each book or magazine you study under your name. Determine your reward system for reading more books and organize an award ceremony for the winners. A good idea before traveling anywhere would be to read literature about a new place and plan a travel and excursion route with the whole family.

Bicycle washing

You can arrange a bicycle wash in your yard using the example of a car wash. Prepare a sign with the words “Bicycle Wash”, collect water, cleaning products and sponges and invite the children to wash their bikes first, and then your neighbors may ask you to wash their bikes for a minimal fee. This activity will be for your children good example how money is earned in the family. Spend your entire joint salary on sweets for the whole family or put it in a common piggy bank.

Family board games

Board game phenomenon

Today, board games are becoming increasingly popular. Both children and adults love them, and they are especially good for playing with the family. What is the secret of the growing popularity of modern board games? After all, it would seem that in the 21st century the computer and computer games must outweigh completely and unconditionally, but...

The popularity of board games lies in the organization of the process itself:

  • Board games(at least most of them) are designed for two or more participants, which means that the game becomes a means of communication, experiencing vivid emotions and excitement without destructive consequences;
  • Board games are able to gather both children and adults at one table, this is one of the few forms of leisure that contributes to the unification and cohesion of the family;
  • Board games in terms of time and location, they are absolutely universal. It depends only on the desire of the players whether they will play on a rug by the fireplace or in a cafe, whether this will happen early in the morning or late at night;
  • Board games contain techniques that promote the development of certain skills: logic and abstract thinking, the art of communication and concentration.

All these qualities of board games allow us to talk about them as a therapeutic tool, accessible and low-cost.

Modern board games for the whole family

Our propensity to play is probably in our genes, although we probably don't think about it as children. Much more important is the excitement and excitement with which we immerse ourselves in the world drawn on a sheet of cardboard.

At the same time, modern board games for children and adults are more diverse and often more complex than their predecessors. A wide selection of board games allows everyone to find a board game to suit their taste.

  • Economic games allow for a strategic struggle for territory and resources. The most popular game in this segment for many years has been the well-known game “Monopoly”.
  • War games- games with military strategies, where the struggle can unfold at the level of countries and even planets. Boys really like these types of games. And the undoubted leader here is the game "Bakugan".
  • Action games(collection games) – the main task is to reach a certain point on the playing field or they are sent to search (collect) given objects, as, for example, in “Elfenland” or “Crazy Maze”.
  • Detective games– require players to determine the exact picture of the crime. The most successful game of this genre is “Mafia”, which today is mastering television screens and club spaces.
  • Classic board games no doubt have not lost their popularity to this day. Checkers, chess, dominoes are games for all times.

The game has become part of the modern socio-cultural sphere, moving with the times, creating new types and types every year. So-called Cross-media games have already appeared - hybrids of modern media technologies and board games. In addition to well-known attributes (cubes, field, etc.), they can use a multimedia disk or mobile phone. This class of games includes SMS chess, where the game situation is displayed using a regular chessboard, and the game process itself is implemented by exchanging moves via SMS. The video game “Atmosfear” is built on the same principle, which comes with a special DVD disc. Players move chips around the playing field on the table, and receive instructions and tasks from the TV screen, feedback controls the DVD player remote control. But this is just the beginning...

Twister - a family game - how to play Twister?

Twister is exciting game, which is perfect for children's parties and family parties, picnics, hikes, and just playing at home or in the yard. Be sure to purchase Twister to play with your children if you don’t already have this game. You can rest assured that it will become one of the favorite family leisure options for your family members.

The Twister game has simple rules, but these rules can be changed and supplemented at your request. If you have lost the instructions, the following steps will help you refresh your knowledge of the game.

  1. Lay out the playing field on the floor. It's best to play indoors, but if you decide to do it outdoors, lay out the board on the ground, making sure there are no sticks, stones or other hard or sharp objects underneath it. To prevent the field from being blown away by the wind, weigh down the corners with something heavy.
  2. Take off your shoes. All participants must be barefoot, no matter with or without socks. But remember that the field surface is slippery!
  3. Determine the participant who will spin the roulette and play the role of Judge in case two participants occupy the same circle on the field.
  4. Stand at the edges of the field. If two players are playing, they must stand on opposite edges of the playing field (lengthwise) facing each other, with one foot on the nearest yellow circle and the other on the nearest blue one. When there are three participants, the arrangement is the same as in a two-player game, but the third person stands on the side of the field with the red circles, standing on two of them. If you decide to play with four players, split into two teams so that they stand opposite each other, while occupying all four colored circles.
  5. Spin the roulette! The judge does this first and then loudly calls out the color drawn and the body part that must be placed on the circle of that color. All players must move at the same time, while occupying only an empty circle. If two players stand on the same circle, the Referee must decide who was first. If all six circles are already occupied, the Judge spins the roulette again. If the named body part is already located on the dropped color, then the player must move it to another circle of that color. When playing with four players, you can place more than one body part on the circle.
  6. You cannot remove your arms or legs from your position. Except when you need to let another player's hand or foot pass. But the Judge must be warned about this in advance. Otherwise, the player is eliminated.
  7. You can only touch the field with your hands or feet. You can't fall. Anyone who breaks these rules is eliminated. The game continues until one player remains on the playing field: he becomes the winner. If two teams play, the one losing is the one whose at least one member violated the rules.

Games for the whole family can develop the creative, logical and other abilities of not only children, but also adults. And most importantly, they can make life more fun and friendly. Play for your health!

Game for the whole family "Unfortunately, fortunately" | family leisure

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