Log in to the page using the anonymizer. Which free anonymizers are best to choose? Reasons for restricting access

The Chameleon anonymizer for VKontakte allows you to quickly visit this site for free. It is easy to use and does its job perfectly. But why use an anonymizer?

Let's study the probable reasons for using anonymizers:

  • Blocking at the provider level.
  • You need to use VK without restrictions at work.
  • Other blockages that prevent you from visiting the site.

At the moment, VK is blocked at the level of providers in Ukraine. Anonymizers can be used to bypass restrictions. They change the data so that the destination site cannot be determined.

There is another option - VPN. How does this technology work?

  1. The traffic is sent to a server in another country.
  2. The entrance already occurs from it.
  3. The provider sees that the traffic is going to a foreign server, but cannot determine the destination site.

You can comfortably use VPN not only on a computer, but also on a smartphone. You will need to download a suitable program from the official store to install on your phone.

The Chameleon anonymizer for VKontakte is also necessary when restricted at work. Administrators often block access to social networks. What is it for?

  • This saves employees time.
  • Specialists will not visit websites and chat with friends instead of doing work.
  • It is possible to increase labor productivity.

We strongly advise against using mirrors if visiting social networks is prohibited by your superiors. When you are caught chatting with friends, you cannot avoid a reprimand and a fine. Is visiting VK worth such a high risk? You'll have to decide for yourself.

Mirror Chameleon

Chameleon is one of the popular anonymizers. It has a number of advantages:

  1. Easy to use.
  2. You can quickly log in.
  3. Provided free of charge.
  4. Works stably.
  5. Unlike VPN, there is no significant drop in speed. But users still often note a decrease in parameters.
  6. You can go not only to VK, but also to other portals.
  7. You can visit sites anonymously and increase your security.

The disadvantage of this option is that services can also be blocked. If your system administrator has enough knowledge, then rest assured that he will soon restrict entry to VKontakte through the Chameleon anonymizer mirror.

In the future, you will have to look for another service or more complex ways to bypass the blocking. Therefore, you should not rely solely on this method; it is not a panacea.

How to enter through the Chameleon mirror

Has your system administrator started blocking anonymizers yet? Then you can use Chameleon. Required:

  • Go to cameleo.xyz.
  • Select a site. In this case, VK.
  • The page is navigated.
  • Please login.
  • The portal is entered.

The whole procedure takes no more than a minute. The anonymizer quickly replaces data to bypass various restrictions. In the future, you can fully use the site and there will be no difficulties.

Important: Chameleon cannot be used to perform actions that are prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation. This fact is described in the service rules. In case of violation, the anonymizer has the right to release all information upon request law enforcement. After identifying the user's location, you can wait for guests.

Anonymizer without restrictions

Not only can you log into VK through the Chameleon anonymizer. There are many other services to use:

  1. proxy.org
  2. hideme.ru
  3. 2ip.ru/proxy
  4. dostupest.ru

There are dozens of services available online. But it’s worth using reliable anonymizers that you can be completely confident in.

Don’t be upset if the admin at work has blocked your favorite social network - find out how to log into VK through an anonymizer and forget about network restrictions. What kind of “beast” is this and why was it invented?

An anonymizer is a resource that helps you bypass any bans on visiting blocked sites and, in addition, allows you to hide this from admins. Moreover, the service allows you to access the Internet completely anonymously, without the risk of exposing your location. Of course, if you decide to engage in illegal activities, experienced programmers will find you out, but an office admin certainly won’t bother.

This means that you will definitely succeed in secretly logging into VK through an anonymizer from a work computer or in a country where this social network is blocked. Do you want to know how to use this “invisible hat”? In this article we will present the most popular services in this area, and also tell you how to outwit bosses and system administrators with their help.

How to use?

In fact, you may not know it yet, but there are a great many anonymizers for working with social networks. The functionality is the same everywhere, plus or minus, they differ mainly in their appearance. Let's look at the largest and most popular ones.


First of all, we will explain how to access Contact through the Chameleon anonymizer for free: in our opinion, this is the most popular service among Russian-speaking Internet users. Experts note its simple interface and 100% success in bypassing blockages.

So, to log into VK through an anonymizer to my VK page, you need to do the following:

  • Open your browser with a new tab and type http://cameleo.ru/ into the address bar;
  • Wait for the site to load. The color scheme of the original Chameleon is white and green. We specifically emphasized this detail because today there are fake phishing sites on the Internet that look like real ones, but are traps. Fraudsters thus collect logins and passwords from users’ personal profiles and use them for their own purposes. Check the accuracy of the address, or better yet, copy it from our article.
  • Right in the middle of the page you will see a field for entering the URL of the blocked resource. Enter “vk.com” there (or select it from the list below) and press Enter or the Go key.
  • The service will redirect you to VKontakte, do not be alarmed if there are unfamiliar words and numbers in the address bar, this is the principle of anonymizers - they load the necessary sites at a different URL.
  • Don’t be afraid to enter “my page” on VKontakte through an anonymizer, feel free to log in and chat with friends for your own pleasure - none of the bosses will know about it!

Please note that all such resources are free,


We figured out how to log in to VKontakte through the Chameleon anonymizer for free, but there are also other similar sites that we have tested for safety and reliability. One of them is Noblockme.

  • Go to the website noblockme.ru, remember to spell the address correctly;
  • The native color scheme is white and blue;
  • The interface here is just as simple - right at the top there is a field for entering the desired URL;
  • Enter vk.com and click “Open”;
  • Ready.

If you are looking for a reliable VK mirror to log in through an anonymizer, Noblockme will be the ideal solution if Chameleon does not open for some reason.


There is another cool platform that works on the same principle - Proxy.toolur.com. This is a large foreign resource that operates all over the world. The site works entirely on English language, but you don't need a translator - the interface is almost identical to the previous two.

  • Go to proxy.toolur.com;
  • Enter the desired address in the input field;
  • Click Go ;
  • You're at the place.

We explained that you can enter Contact through the Chameleon anonymizer for free, and the other two resources operate under the same conditions. If you find yourself on a site where you need to transfer money to someone or enter a code received via SMS, run away from there immediately, most likely you are being scammed.

How the anonymizer works

Do you want to know how through Chameleon my VKontakte page opens to a different address and how you avoid blocking? Let's try to explain everything in accessible language:

  1. As you know, each device that connects to the World Wide Web is assigned a unique code - an IP address. It makes it easy to calculate the user's location.
  2. The essence of the anonymizer's work is to hide this IP and replace it with another one that is currently not in use. Thus, Ukrainian citizens today can visit Russian sites that are closed to them - as if their computer was, for example, in the Netherlands.
  3. Since the person is using a false address, he cannot be

    When an anonymizer may be needed

    There is one main rule for safely using an anonymizer to enter a VKontakte page for free: carefully check the accuracy of the spelling of the resource address. Never pay money for this. If your anti-virus program begins to block the activity of the site, it is better to leave it and use another one - just in case.

    Well, now you know how to log into VK through an anonymizer-mirror for free - now you are not afraid of any blocking or prohibitions. Stick your tongue out at your admin and feel free to continue communicating directly in work time. But don’t forget to work too, because, as they say, “ It's time, and it’s time for fun!”

Sometimes it happens that it is impossible to log into VKontakte using your account. The reason lies in the blocking of social networks by the system administrator from your work or place of study. What should you do if you urgently need to visit your account, but it is impossible to do so?

The best solution would be to use workarounds, including an anonymizer or a mirror. About how it all works and what it is needed for, just below.

Login to VK

How to log into your VK page

Login to the social network is carried out exclusively through the main page, accessible via the link - http://vk.com. You should take into account its official address, because there are replica sites that look like the original login pages, but transfer all the information received to attackers.

So, by going to the suggested address, you will see the main page of VKontakte. Pay attention to the authorization window located on the left. You will be asked to enter your email or phone number, supplemented with password information. Then click on the “Login” button. If no errors were made when entering data, authorization will occur and you can safely spend time on your page.

Login to VK to your page

How to access a page on VK through an anonymizer

An anonymizer is a specialized service aimed at hiding information about the user when working on the network. They are used as intermediate points necessary for authorization on one of the sites that are closed to free access by the system administrator or provider.

The technology hides the user's real address, which allows you to bypass the blocking without any problems. Simply put, the system does not even notice the user’s presence on a prohibited site.

The number of anonymizers is quite large, so you can choose any one, because they work on a similar principle. However, for the security of your personal data, do not forget to change your password after using such services. The following service will be given as an example: https://2ip.ru/anonim/.

After clicking on the link, you will see a form to fill out. The country whose IP will be used to log in will be listed here. Nearby is a line for the site we plan to visit. In the URL we enter the previously encountered http://vk.com. You can select any country from the list, but in some cases the redirection will not work. It is best to give your preference to United Kingdom or Germany. All that remains is to click on “Open”, after which you will be redirected to the VK main page.

As you can see in the address bar, the link will look different, since it will reflect a visit to the site through a proxy server used by the anonymizer.

Simply put, you get the opportunity to hide your activity from the system administrator.

We enter through the mirror

By clicking on the address above, you will find yourself on the main page of the mirror. It will not be difficult to understand it, because it is completely translated into Russian. All you have to do is enter the link address to view and click “Go”. Popular queries that are in high demand are located just below, and the necessary VK will be on the first line.

Then everything happens in a similar way and you are redirected to the main page of the social network. In this case, the login will be carried out using a mirror, so it will not be possible to track your activity, at least the system administrator will definitely not notice anything.

How to log into VK through a mirror on a mobile phone

The options given above may display pages incorrectly if you log out through mobile gadgets. In this case the best solution will use the service http://apidog.ru/auth.php. It has long established itself as a trusted platform and allows you to visit your account through any operating system.

It is worth noting that it was created exclusively for visiting the VKontakte social network, so if you want to navigate through other resources, we advise you to pay attention to the options given above.

So, by visiting the address above, you will see an informative window with fields for logging into your account. The system with which you plan to access the social network will be indicated below. By default it is Android. To change the settings, just click once on the list and select the option you need. By the way, there is a mobile OS not only from Google, but also from Apple. Just choose an iPad or iPhone. The developers did not forget about support for BlackBerry and Windows Phone.

By the way, the service will be useful not only for those who want to bypass the ban on using VK, but also to appear online in an offline status. This means that strangers will not be able to find out what you do at work or for what purpose you access the social network.

It is worth noting that this method does not always demonstrate the desired result and may not work properly. The reason for the malfunctions lies in the policy of the social network, which, at any opportunity, blocks such services in order to eradicate alternative ways to visit your account in any way other than the official page.

Additional options

In addition to all the services described above, there is auxiliary software that facilitates visiting the social network. First of all, this applies to special browsers with a built-in anonymizer. By the way, they are often equipped with an additional VPN, which allows you to visit blocked sites.

If you don’t want to install additional software, the solution can be found in plugins. There are already a huge number of suitable options in browser stores that can be used to solve the problem that has arisen. They work on the same principle as individual services, that is, they allow the user to visit pages on behalf of another browser.

Bottom line

All the methods described above, although they operate within the law, are oppressed by the governments of some countries. A striking example of this is the scandal surrounding the blocking of torrent trackers and instant messengers in the Russian Federation. But be that as it may, as long as they are available online, you can use any of the options offered.

It’s impossible to say exactly which one is better to give preference, because all options can equally be called excellent solutions for getting out of an uncomfortable situation when visiting a social network is deliberately blocked.

The only caveat is the handling of your account. The whole problem is that all these services are mandatory require entering your data for authorization. There is no assurance that your account information will not be shared with third parties who can do with it as they wish. Therefore, do not forget to monitor your security and promptly change your password after using mirrors for a long time.

). What is it about? Imagine a situation where social networks blocked you at work. In this case, this will be very useful.

Now I'll show you how to log into VKontakte using the Chameleon anonymizer.

Video tutorial: log into VK via chameleon

Chameleon VKontakte

This anonymizer is very popular. It can be used to access any websites. But most often, users access the social network through it.


The main page of the service looks like this.

How to use it? In the form you need to indicate the address of the site you want to visit. And then click the “Go” button. Write vk.com in the field and log in.

You will be taken to the specified resource. Everything is the same here. The only difference is the address. Pay attention to the address bar. There is not a standard site URL, but an encrypted value.

The principle of operation here is as follows. The Chameleon service encrypts our presence. IP address (see

A huge number of users have their own account on the social network Odnoklassniki and perform many actions there - posting photos, communicating, listening to music, following the news, etc. However, for various reasons, users may be deprived of the opportunity to access their favorite network - blocked by an employer, a regional provider, or even one of the family members. Especially for such cases, there is an anonymizer for classmates - a functional program that allows you to access the website of one of the largest social networks at any time.

How to use anonymizer for Odnoklassniki?

A computer or smartphone is blocked by the IP address received from the Internet provider during connection. Moreover, it doesn’t matter which home or office computer you use – access to the site is blocked through the router that distributes the Internet. Anonymizer allows you to go to the site you need without detecting your IP address, that is, anonymously. Among “users,” anonymizers are also known as “website mirrors.” Many of them are posted on popular websites and forums as answers to questions or in feature articles. In total, to get to a blocked site, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Use a search engine to find the site of the anonymizer you need.
  2. Enter a site you cannot access into the address bar
  3. Press the "OK" key
  4. Start using the “blocked” site that opens.

The mechanism for using Odnoklassniki mirrors is very simple, the main thing is to find out about it in a timely manner, then your favorite social network will always be at your disposal.

Limit communication in in social networks cannot be considered a fair measure. If a person cannot live without “posting” something on Odnoklassniki, such blocking may be justified. However, if a person conducts important correspondence (even not related to work), and every message must arrive on time, no one has the right to “cut off” him from social networks, and this injustice must be corrected.

Basic anonymizers for classmates - brief characteristics

The list of mirror sites is quite large and is in constant dynamics - some disappear, others appear, it all depends on who is quickest. We bring to your attention a list of some standard anonymizers with which you can access a blocked site.


A universal anonymizer that provides access to many popular social networks and video hosting sites. To get to the site you are interested in, you just need to click on the desired icon and you will find yourself on the resource you are interested in in “incognito” mode. The advantages of the site are that it is completely free and does not require any authorization or confirmation.


The program belongs to the group of universal ones and will provide the opportunity to visit not only classmates, but also other social networks and hosting sites.

The advantages of an anonymizer are as follows:

  • Located on premium hosting, which allows sites to load much faster
  • Works with the latest generation of web resources
  • Supports any platform and operating system (Windows OS; Android, iPad, iPhone, etc.)

A completely free anonymizer that does not set any restrictions and is constantly updated. You will be able to use Odnoklassniki without any restrictions and use the functions available there - listen to music, play applications, correspond with other users, follow news, etc.

An alternative to the Chameleon anonymizer, it also provides the opportunity to use blocked social networks and video hosting sites.

In addition to the sites mentioned above, you can use the following anonymizer sites:

  • ViaPROXY


When using anonymizers, there is a high risk of catching a virus or discovering that all computer passwords have been hacked and someone else is using your accounts with all their might. To avoid such unpleasant situations, use only trusted mirrors and links from trusted sites.

Even if you don’t belong to a “risk group” (you don’t live in a “problem” region, you don’t have a strict and tough leader, and your family is completely okay with you spending time on social networks), it’s still worth learning how to use an anonymizer for classmates. Additional benefit functionality is that they allow you to access Odnoklassniki, even if the official website is temporarily unavailable for technical reasons.

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