Car homemade products.  Radio circuits for the car enthusiast Useful homemade cars

Making a car with your own hands is a task worthy of a real man. Many people think about it, some take it on, and only a few bring it to completion. We decided to tell the stories of cars made, as they say, on the knee. We’ll talk about the work of professional body shops, including those like A:Level or ElMotors, another time.

The work of the masters of the East

Most of the home-made people are in the so-called developing countries. Afford expensive car Not everyone can, but everyone wants to. And in these countries they look at copyright, let’s say, in a peculiar way, not in a European way.

It’s easy to find a video on the Internet about an entire factory of “homemade” supercars in Bangkok. These cost tens of times less than the original. Now it no longer works: apparently, the German journalists who made videos about home-made workers did them a disservice, and local authorities began to think about the missing licenses of the “masters” and the safety of the cars they riveted. It’s clear that these crafts were not specifically crash tested.

It is interesting that, in principle, the Thais maintained supercars - they made spatial frames from metal profiles and pipes and “dressed” them in fiberglass bodies. In most cases, do-it-yourselfers simply take old cars, cut off the “extra” body panels and attach their own. For example, this replica was built using this technology Bugatti Veyron from India. An ambitious project, right according to the saying “to love is like a queen, to steal is like a million.” The author and owner used an old one as a basis Honda Civic. And he tried - outwardly the copy turned out to be worthy: it’s not for nothing that the audience looks at it so carefully.

Another Indian, a former actor, now a social reformer, concocted a parody of the Veyron from the Honda Accord. It turned out creepy. Another one took the Tata Nano as a basis. Let me remind you that this is officially the cheapest production car in the world with peculiar proportions. Very weak and slow. However, the author of this project is clearly not without a sense of humor, because Veyron, on the contrary, is one of the most expensive, powerful and fastest production cars.

Supercars from junkyards

The Chinese are not lagging behind their Thai and Indian colleagues. A young glass factory worker, Chen Yanxi, did not parody someone else’s design, but made his own, his own. And even though his car looks decent only from a distance, and only goes 40 km/h (the installed electric motor doesn’t allow it anymore), I don’t want to laugh at Chen. Well done for going your own way. More often it happens differently.

Three years ago, 26-year-old Chinese prop designer Li Weilei was so impressed by the Tumbler Batmobile from Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight that he built one. It took him and four friends 70,000 yuan (about 11 thousand dollars) and only two months of work. Lee took the steel for the body from a landfill, shoveling 10 tons of metal. To help offset the costs, he now rents out his Tumbler for photo and video shoots for just 10 bucks a month. But tenants must be prepared to roll the “replica” by hand. The car cannot drive because it has no power unit, no functional helmsman. In addition, in China only cars produced by certified manufacturers are put on the road.

Another Chinese craftsman, Wang Jian from Jiangsu province, made his own “copy” of a Lamborghini Reventon from an old Nissan minivan and Volkswagen sedan Santana. And he also hauled metal from a landfill. I spent 60,000 yuan (9.5 thousand dollars) on this matter. At the car carburetor engine, it smokes mercilessly, it does not have an interior or even glass, but the author himself likes the result, and the neighbors believe that Jian’s car is a fairly accurate copy of Lambo. The author claims that he is able to accelerate to 250 km/h in his supercar. No one risks dissuading him.

As you can see, most of all do-it-yourselfers love to copy Ferrari and Lamborghini. Externally. Inside this car, designed by Mr. Meath from Thailand, is a quarter-liter Lifan motorcycle engine.

The funniest and most touching creation is by Chinese farmer Guo from Zhengzhou. He made a Lambo for... his grandson. The car has children's dimensions - 900 by 1800 mm and an electric motor that allows it to accelerate to 40 km/h. A battery of five batteries is enough for 60 km of travel. Guo spent $815 and six months of work on his brainchild.

A Vietnamese car mechanic from Bac Giang province created a resemblance of a Rolls-Royce using a “seven”. I bought it for 10 million dong (about $500). He spent another 20 million on “tuning”. Most of the amount went to metal, electrodes and a radiator grille a la Rolls-Royce, ordered from a local workshop. It turned out rough. But the guy became famous. A real Rolls-Royce Phantom in Vietnam costs about 30 billion VND.


In the vastness former USSR The traditions of self-building are also strong. In the Soviet years there was a movement called “samavto”, which united enthusiasts homemade cars and motorcycles. And there were quite a few of them, since in those years it seemed that it was easier to assemble a car with your own hands than to buy it - despite the total shortage of spare parts and bureaucratic obstacles. And what interesting projects were born in those years! Yuna, Pangolina, Laura, Ichthyander and others... Yes, there were people. However, they remained.

Several years ago, I wrote about the brainchild of Muscovite Evgeniy Danilin called an SUV, reminiscent of the Hummer H1, but significantly superior to it in cross-country ability.

I immediately remember my long-standing acquaintance with Alexander Timashev from Bishkek. His workshop ZerDo Design in the 2000s created a whole series of interesting homemade products, the first of which was the “Darkhan”, also a similarity to the Hummer based on the GAZ-66. Then the “Mad Cabin” appeared, a type of American hot rod, made from the cabin of the ZIL-157 army truck - “Zakhara”. .

The Crazy Cab was followed by homemade products in retro style - the so-called replicars, speedster and phaeton. And for them, Kyrgyz craftsmen made not only bodies and interiors, but even frames.

Since you have decided to become a self-taught electrician, then probably after a short period of time you will want to make some useful electrical appliance for your home, car or cottage with your own hands. At the same time, homemade products can be useful not only in everyday life, but also made for sale, for example. Actually the build process simple devices at home is not difficult. You just need to be able to read diagrams and use the ham radio tool.

As for the first point, before you start making electronic homemade products with your own hands, you need to learn how to read electrical circuits. In this case, ours will be a good helper.

Among the tools for novice electricians, you will need a soldering iron, a set of screwdrivers, pliers and a multimeter. To assemble some popular electrical appliances you may even need welding machine, but this is a rare case. By the way, in this section of the site we even described the same welding machine.

Special attention should be paid to available materials, from which every novice electrician can make basic electronic homemade products with their own hands. Most often, old domestic parts are used in the manufacture of simple and useful electrical appliances: transformers, amplifiers, wires, etc. In most cases, novice radio amateurs and electricians just need to look for all the necessary tools in a garage or shed in the country.

When everything is ready - the tools have been collected, spare parts have been found and minimal knowledge has been obtained, you can proceed to assembling amateur electronic homemade products at home. This is where our small guide will help you. Each instruction provided includes not only detailed description each stage of creating electrical appliances, but is also accompanied by photo examples, diagrams, as well as video lessons that clearly show the entire manufacturing process. If you do not understand some point, you can clarify it under the entry in the comments. Our specialists will try to advise you in a timely manner!

If you think that homemade crafts are for kids and bored housewives, we will quickly dispel your misconceptions. This section is entirely devoted to making homemade products from car parts and rubber tires. Almost anything can be made from a tire. From garden shoes to a full-fledged children's playground with swings, fairy-tale characters and elements for relaxation. Finally, ever-busy dads will have the opportunity to show their creative talents and create something useful and beautiful in their own personal plot or backyard.

Car tires tend to deteriorate, especially considering the quality of our roads and sudden temperature changes. Instead of sending an old tire to a landfill, it can be slightly transformed and donated new life on the playground, in the garden or vegetable garden.

We have collected a huge number of examples of how to do car homemade products using tires for various household and aesthetic purposes. Perhaps one of the most popular ways to use a used tire is to create children's playgrounds. The simplest option is to bury a row of tires halfway and paint their upper part in bright colors. The architectural element created in this way will be used by children as a device for walking and running with obstacles, and also instead of “furniture”, because you can lay out sand products on the surface of the tire or even sit on your own, relaxing on a quiet summer evening.

You can aesthetically diversify the exterior of the site by using tires to create fairy-tale dragons, funny bears that will greet your guests at the entrance to the yard, crocodiles and other animals lurking in the garden. For flower lovers car tire can replace a full-fledged flowerpot, and plants planted in it will give the yard a well-groomed look.

You can please children by creating a comfortable swing from the best preserved tires. You can leave the shape of the tire in its original form, and, spending a little more time and effort, create an unusual swing in the shape of horses.

Whatever you choose to create a car craft, your children will in any case be delighted to see a homemade car craft in the yard. Inventive children will be able to play new games, and will definitely be proud of their folder, showing off your creation to their friends. And the mixture of happiness and pride for you in the eyes of a child is perhaps the only thing for which you can step on the throat of a long-awaited day off in the company of a sofa, TV and beer.

Mini car wooden lift


This device may not be out of place among a car enthusiast’s equipment, Fig. 1. Thanks to their extreme simplicity, they can be made in literally 15 - 20 minutes. A one and a half meter board 50 mm thick, a few square bars and nails - that’s all necessary materials for the manufacture of two “express lifts”, which simultaneously serve as wheel stops.

Of course, the pattern can be repeated using metal corners.

and. "M/K" 02-1988,

and. "Ezermeshter", Hungary

Garage switch

The light in the garage is usually turned on by an ordinary mechanical switch. But this method has three significant drawbacks:

The voltage to the lamp is supplied sharply, therefore, in winter, when negative temperatures The light bulb often breaks.

To turn on the light, you need to open the entrance gate and fumble with your hand somewhere in the area where the electrical panel is located, which is unsafe, especially in high humidity.

When leaving, you can easily forget to turn off the lights.


Figure 2 shows a simple tested circuit

automatic switch, which automatically turns on the light when the entrance gate is opened, while ensuring smooth ignition of the lamp, and automatically turns off the light when the gate is closed. The circuit is based on the well-known KR1182PM1 microcircuit, a phase power regulator up to 150 W.

The control element is a reed switch S 1. The figure shows how it is installed in the gate opening. When the gate is closed, the magnet is very close to the reed switch, and the reed switch contacts are closed. The lamp is turned off. When the gate is opened, the magnet is removed from the reed switch. Its contacts open and capacitor C1 begins to charge. The lamp lights up smoothly and, after about two seconds, is already burning at full intensity.

Thus, the lamp is on all the time while the gate is open (or slightly open). This solution, of course, is not suitable for a bathroom, but note that when you are in the garage, you always keep the gate open. It doesn't even have any kind of internal lock or handle. Moreover, many garage doors are made in such a way that to completely close the gate you need to apply some force to it. This is done so that you do not accidentally get poisoned by exhaust fumes.

The adjustment consists only of establishing the relative position of the reed switch and the permanent magnet. The reed switch is placed in the cut of the block. Then, it, together with the places where the wires are soldered, needs to be insulated by pouring epoxy resin.

Klimov N.I.

Probe - car mechanic indicator

When checking the car's wiring and looking for faults in its electrical equipment, the driver often has at his disposal control lamp or electronic tester. However, this may not be enough to check, for example, the presence high voltage on spark plugs, etc. And having only a test lamp, it is impossible to determine the health of the capacitor or the integrity of the signal line.

In order for the above work to be carried out on the road, you need to stock up on a relatively simple and highly capable probe, assembled according to the diagram in Fig. 3.


The probe is convenient because when working with it, you do not need any connecting conductors to connect to the circuits being tested - their role is played by... the hands of a car mechanic.

An amplifier is made using three transistors of different structures direct current, loaded on LED H.L. 1. In the initial state, the transistors are closed, the LED is off. But it is worth applying a constant voltage to the XP1 probe and the E2 sensor (plus it should be on the probe) 5.5 V or more, as through resistors R 1 - R 2 and the emitter junction of the transistor VT 1 current will flow. The LED will light up. It is easy to calculate that the probe “triggers” at an input current of less than a microamp. That is why a connecting conductor, for example, between the E2 sensor and the car body is not needed - just touch the sensor with one hand and grab any metal part attached to the body with the other so that you can check the voltage in different points wiring.

If you need to check the integrity of a conductor or section of a circuit, connect the probe and sensor E1 to them. Now through the circuit under study and resistors R 1, R 3 current will flow from the power source G.B. 1. The LED will light up again.

Now about working with the probe. Hold it in your right (or left) hand. Controlling the voltage, touch the E2 sensor with the finger of your right hand, the “ground” of the car with your left hand, and the required points of the electrical equipment with the probe. When checking the integrity of the chain, touch the E1 sensor with your finger, touch the probe with one end of the chain, and touch the other with your left hand. To eliminate errors in the indication due to the high sensitivity of the probe, check the status of the LED when touching the circuit under test only with the probe probe.

To check the capacitor, the fingers of the right hand are still held on the E1 sensor, the probe touches one terminal of the capacitor, and the other with the left hand. A short flash of the LED at the moment of connection will indicate that the capacitor is working properly.

To check for the presence of high voltage on the spark plugs, the probe is brought close to the high-voltage wires. The flickering of the LED will indicate voltage discharges in the combustion chamber.

Before each measurement, you need to check the functionality of the probe by “shoring” the probe and the E1 sensor with your hands. If the LED does not light up, you should check the power source or the quality of contact of the battery terminals with the device circuits. Don't forget to recharge your batteries periodically.

Ponomarev V.


Alarm - Fasten your seat belts!

Nowadays, driving with unfastened seat belts can lead to not only serious injuries in the event of an accident, but also financial losses when encountering a traffic policeman. And yet, most drivers are accustomed to driving without wearing a seatbelt, and it is very difficult to break habits - you can simply run into a fine due to forgetfulness.


Figure 4 shows the diagram and design of a simple alarm that gives an intermittent sound signal if you turn on the ignition but do not fasten your seat belt.

A homemade sensor is installed on the belt buckle, made from two rings from spiral plates inserted into pre-drilled holes in the lock body. When you insert the metal tongue of the belt into the buckle, these springs are closed through it. Well, then everything is clear from the diagram.

When the ignition is turned on, the voltage from the lock output is supplied to the power circuit of the microcircuit D 1. Stabilizer R4-VD1 protects the circuit from voltage surges.

If the ignition is turned on and the seat belt is not fastened, the multivibrators operate and an intermittent high-pitched sound is heard from the piezoelectric tweeter B1.

If the belt is fastened, the multivibrators will be blocked and there will be no sound.

Kasimov V.

A device for listening to the noise of car mechanisms

Car enthusiasts know how difficult it can be to find the source of extraneous noise in a car. There are many such sources: engine, transmission, exhaust system, wheels, body elements, air flows flowing around the car while driving.


The simple device described in Fig. 5 can help in identifying and analyzing the sources of noise, creaks and knocks of various types, which sometimes occur only at a certain speed and various loads. The device allows you to diagnose the condition of bearings, valves, injectors, brake pads and many other mechanisms and components.

Signal from noise sensor BQ 1 goes to the input of the bass amplifier D.A. 1. Variable resistor R 1 allows you to adjust the sensitivity of the device when listening to noise of varying intensity. The output signal goes to the headphones. Gain - up to 26 dB. Quiescent current consumption - no more than 9 mA.

The design and dimensions of the sensor are largely arbitrary. It consists of three parts - a base, a sensitive piezoelectric element and a flat magnet, which allows you to easily install the sensor on the machine component under test and also easily remove it.

The base is made of metal - steel, copper, brass or aluminum alloy. A piezoelectric sound emitter from a musical postcard was used as a sensitive element of the vibration sensor. The sensing element can be soldered to the base or glued with epoxy resin. After soldering the flexible shielded cable (its length is not critical), the element should be protected from moisture with a sealant. The shape of the base must ensure protection of the sensitive element from accidental impacts.

On the side of the base opposite to the element, a small flat magnet is glued (or rigidly attached in any way). It must be quite strong in order to securely hold the sensor even on the car's suspension parts when driving on uneven roads. The author used a magnet from a faulty computer hard drive.

The device is powered by a galvanic battery “Krona” or similar imported one. A battery pack will also work. The sensitive element in the sensor can be any piezoelectric sound emitter, for example ZP-19, ZP-3.

Any telephone with a resistance of about 8 ohms is suitable for working with the device. You can use stereo phones with a resistance of 2x18 Ohms for players by connecting them in parallel on the X2 connector. If the sound volume in phones is not enough, it can be increased by connecting an oxide capacitor to pins 1 and 8 (plus to pin 1) with a capacity of 10 μF for a voltage of 10V.

The finished board is placed in a suitable box with a battery compartment and space for installing a sensitivity control, power switch and connectors. Power switch S.A. 1 can be combined with a variable resistor R 1.


The assembled device does not require adjustment. The view of the device is shown in Fig. 6.

The device is very interesting to use. It allows you to hear sounds that are usually not perceptible by ear - the rustling of bearings, the chirping of injectors, and even the dripping of oil from the walls of the engine.

Nefedov V.


"Leak" in the injector

IN injection cars The mixture formation is controlled by the processor using information from various sensors, in particular from the engine temperature sensor. In some cases, due to a defect in the firmware or its inconsistency with the climatic zone, the engine may not start at low temperatures in winter, or may overheat when high temperature in summer.

In order not to change the firmware, you can add another control to the car, somewhat similar in action to the choke handle of an old carburetor engine.

The engine temperature sensor is usually a semiconductor thermistor. The diagram is shown in Figure 7.


First you need to measure the resistance of the sensor at room temperature. R 1 should be equal to the measured one, and R 2 is 10-15 times more. To plug variable resistor it is necessary so that it the coaxial switch turned off at maximum resistance(and not the minimum, as in volume control circuits).

Night alarm

In many cities there are “streets of broken lamps”, and the courtyards can be very dark at night. It is so dark that a car parked at the entrance may go unnoticed not only by another driver, but also by a pedestrian. The consequences can be very unpleasant. Well, just at least leave the headlights on at night! But this is not a solution, since the current consumption side lights is high and the battery is catastrophically discharged.

Therefore, you can equip your car with parking night warning lights made from super-bright LEDs. Moreover, such an alarm turns on automatically, immediately after turning off the engine. The LEDs consume very little current (no more than an alarm in standby mode), and the battery is not in danger of being discharged, even when the car is parked for a week.


The diagram is shown in Fig. 8. Three conventional super-bright LEDs and one super-bright flashing LED are connected in series, plus a current-limiting resistor. The circuit is activated through the oil pressure sensor. When the engine is running, the oil pressure in it is high and the sensor contacts are turned off. When the engine is turned off, the oil pressure drops and the sensor contacts close, and this LED circuit turns on through them.

In total, you need to make two such chains, for the front and rear of the car. The circuits are connected in parallel.

It is most convenient to place LEDs in the headlights, but on the edge, as a backlight, because the front main headlights get quite hot and can melt the LED housings. The rear is most convenient to place in the signal areas reverse. There are a total of two LEDs in each headlight.

Super-bright LEDs are clearly visible at night and very well indicate the dimensions of the car, even slightly illuminating the area around it.

Tikhonov M.A.

Antison device

Most accidents that occur at night and early in the morning are caused by drivers falling asleep at the wheel. The device shown in Fig. 9 is usually called Antison.


These devices are shaped like a hearing aid that is attached behind the driver's right ear. When the driver falls asleep, his head usually leans forward, the contacts of the position sensor close, and a sound signal sounds. The position sensor does not respond when the head is tilted to the side or back.

The main requirement for such devices is as follows:

A minimum of parts, which can ensure high reliability of the device;

The power supply must last at least one year and provide the circuit with a minimum voltage.

Such a device must consist of the following components:

Position sensor;

Sound generator;


The position sensor can have various designs, for example, a mercury sensor, using a swing ball, or a spring sensor.

To ensure that the sensor does not have false alarms due to random vibration, it is better to use a metal cylinder from roller bearing. Such a sensor is more likely to eliminate false alarms, since in order to close the cylinder contacts it is necessary to overcome friction resistance. The sensor body can be made from the body of a ballpoint pen, placing contact plates made of tin inside it (Fig. 10).


The reliability of such a sensor is higher than with a ball, since it provides linear contact with the bottom plate and flat contact with the vertical plate.

Most suitable for sound alarm The diagram should contain a minimum of details.

Circuit parameters R 1 - C 1 provide an oscillator frequency of about 1 kHz. An electromagnetic telephone can be used as an emitter.

Diode bridge VD 1- VD 4 allows you not to think about the polarity of the connected power source. A lithium cell can be used as a power source CR 2025 13V . The circuit consumes a current of less than 5 mA, and then only during sound, so such a source can keep the circuits operating for a year, providing sufficient volume sound signal. The sensor is indicated in the diagram as a switch SA 1.

VA - electromagnetic capsule type TON or TM2M from headphones, or similar.

Diodes VD 1- VD 4 types of KD522 can be replaced with almost any low-power diodes for general use.

The KT315 transistor can be replaced with the KT3102 transistor. The KT361 transistor can be replaced with the KT3107 transistor.

Those who do radio electronics at home are usually very inquisitive. Amateur radio circuits and homemade products will help you find a new direction in creativity. Perhaps someone will find an original solution to this or that problem. Some homemade products are already used ready-made devices, connecting them in different ways. For others, you need to completely create the circuit yourself and make the necessary adjustments.

One of the simplest homemade products. More suitable for those who are just starting to craft. If you have an old but working cell phone with a button to turn on the player, you can use it, for example, to make a doorbell for your room. The advantages of such a call:

First you need to make sure that the selected phone is capable of producing a sufficiently loud melody, after which it must be completely disassembled. Basically, the parts are secured with screws or staples, which are carefully folded back. When disassembling, you will need to remember what goes with what, so that later you can put everything back together.

The player's power button is unsoldered on the board, and two short wires are soldered in its place. These wires are then glued to the board so the solder doesn't come off. The phone is going. All that remains is to connect the phone to the call button via a two-wire wire.

Homemade products for cars

Modern cars are equipped with everything you need. However, there are times when it is simply necessary homemade devices. For example, something broke, they gave it to a friend, and the like. That’s when the ability to create electronics with your own hands at home will be very useful.

The first thing you can tamper with without fear of damaging your car is the battery. If you don’t have a battery charger at hand at the right time, you can quickly assemble it yourself. To do this you will need:

A transformer from a tube TV is ideal. Therefore, those who are interested in homemade electronics never throw away electrical appliances in the hope that they will be needed someday. Unfortunately, two types of transformers were used: with one and with two coils. To charge a battery at 6 volts, any will do, but for 12 volts only two.

The wrapping paper of such a transformer shows the winding terminals, the voltage for each winding and the operating current. To power the filaments of electronic lamps, a voltage of 6.3 V with a high current is used. The transformer can be remade by removing the extra secondary windings, or you can leave everything as is. In this case, the primary and secondary windings are connected in series. Each primary is rated at 127 V, so combining them produces 220 V. The secondary are connected in series to produce an output of 12.6 V.

Diodes must withstand a current of at least 10 A. Each diode requires a radiator with an area of ​​at least 25 square centimeters. They connect in diode bridge. Any electrical insulating plate is suitable for fastening. A 0.5 A fuse is included in the primary circuit, and a 10 A fuse in the secondary circuit. The device does not tolerate short circuit, so when connecting the battery, do not confuse the polarity.

Simple heaters

During the cold season, it may be necessary to warm up the engine. If the car is parked where there is electrical current, this problem can be solved using a heat gun. To make it you will need:

  • asbestos pipe;
  • nichrome wire;
  • fan;
  • switch.

The diameter of the asbestos pipe is selected according to the size of the fan that will be used. The performance of the heater will depend on its power. The length of the pipe is everyone's preference. You can assemble a heating element and a fan in it, or just a heater. When choosing the latter option, you will have to think about how to allow air flow to the heating element. This can be done, for example, by placing all components in a sealed housing.

Nichrome wire is also selected according to the fan. The more powerful the latter, the larger diameter nichrome can be used. The wire is twisted into a spiral and placed inside the pipe. For fastening, bolts are used that are inserted into pre-drilled holes in the pipe. The length of the spiral and their number are selected experimentally. It is advisable that the coil does not become red hot when the fan is running.

The choice of fan will determine what voltage needs to be supplied to the heater. When using a 220 V electric fan, you will not need to use an additional power source.

The entire heater is connected to the network via a cord with a plug, but it itself must have its own switch. It can be either just a toggle switch or an automatic machine. The second option is more preferable; it allows you to protect the general network. To do this, the operation current of the machine must be less than the operation current of the room machine. A switch is also needed to quickly turn off the heater in case of problems, for example, if the fan does not work. This heater has its disadvantages:

  • harmful to the body from asbestos pipes;
  • noise from a running fan;
  • smell from dust falling on the heated coil;
  • fire hazard.

Some problems can be solved by using another homemade product. Instead of an asbestos pipe, you can use a coffee can. To prevent the spiral from closing on the jar, it is attached to a textolite frame, which is fixed with glue. A cooler is used as a fan. To power it, you will need to assemble another electronic device - a small rectifier.

Homemade products bring those who do them not only satisfaction, but also benefits. With their help, you can save energy, for example, by turning off electrical appliances that you forgot to turn off. A time relay can be used for this purpose.

The simplest way to create a time-setting element is to use the charging or discharging time of a capacitor through a resistor. Such a chain is included in the base of the transistor. The circuit will require the following parts:

First you need to determine what current will be switched through the relay. If the load is very powerful, you will need a magnetic starter to connect it. The starter coil can be connected via a relay. It is important that the relay contacts can operate freely without sticking. Based on the selected relay, a transistor is selected and it is determined what current and voltage it can operate with. You can focus on KT973A.

The base of the transistor is connected through limiting resistor with a capacitor, which, in turn, is connected through a bipolar switch. The free contact of the switch is connected through a resistor to the power supply negative. This is necessary to discharge the capacitor. The resistor acts as a current limiter.

The capacitor itself is connected to positive bus power source through a variable resistor with high resistance. By selecting the capacitance of the capacitor and the resistance of the resistor, you can change the delay time interval. The relay coil is shunted by a diode, which turns on in the opposite direction. This circuit uses KD 105 B. It closes the circuit when the relay is de-energized, protecting the transistor from breakdown.

The scheme works as follows. In the initial state, the base of the transistor is disconnected from the capacitor, and the transistor is closed. When the switch is turned on, the base is connected to the discharged capacitor, the transistor opens and supplies voltage to the relay. The relay operates, closes its contacts and supplies voltage to the load.

The capacitor begins to charge through a resistor connected to the positive terminal of the power source. As the capacitor charges, the base voltage begins to rise. At a certain voltage value, the transistor closes, de-energizing the relay. The relay switches off the load. In order for the circuit to work again, you need to discharge the capacitor; to do this, switch the switch.

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