What do peony flowers mean? Peony is a symbol of love and wealth

Peony is a regal flower.

There were legends about peonies in both China and Europe.

In Ancient Greece, peony was considered a symbol of longevity. The generic name of the flower is derived from the Greek word "paionios" - healing, healing. In ancient times, the root of the plant was considered miraculous, capable of expelling evil spirits, obsessions, and calming cramps. To do this, pieces of its roots were strung like beads and worn around the neck.

An ancient Greek legend connects this flower with the name of the doctor Peon, who healed the god of the underworld Pluto from the wounds inflicted on him by Hercules. Peon's ability to heal people from illnesses was superior to the gift of his teacher, the god of healing Aesculapius, which is why he became so jealous of the student that he decided to poison him.

Trying to evade the teacher's revenge, Peon appealed to the gods for help and the gods, taking pity on the poor fellow, turned him into a flower. So Peon evaded the revenge of Aesculapius, perhaps that is why botanists, not without intent, named the flower: “evading peony.” According to another legend, the plant got its name from the Thracian region of Paeonia, where it grew in large quantities.

Peonies were most popular in China, where they began to be cultivated. They have been grown there for over 2000 years. “They take care of peonies for a year and admire them for ten days,” say Chinese flower lovers.

There are many legends, fairy tales and entertaining stories in China about the favorite flower - the peony. Here is one of them.

An ardent fan of peonies, Ho-Chi, had only peonies growing in his garden. The flowers were of all colors, with petals smooth, curled, fluffy, feathery. Some were the size of a good basket of sunflowers. When the peonies bloomed at the beginning of summer, the garden became beautiful, and it was called the garden of “a hundred flowers.”

One day, the mandarin's son, Chang-Ei, passed by the garden. Seeing a beautiful garden, he ran in and began knocking down flowers with a stick and trampling bushes with his feet. There are still such nasty people who do not appreciate beauty and strive to destroy it. Chang-Ei was like that.

In vain did Ho-Chi beg the mandarin's son to spare the plants, but he continued to destroy the garden. Then the old man got angry, beat him with a stick and pushed him out of the garden. He sat for a long time in the devastated garden of Ho-Chi and wept bitterly. Suddenly he saw a beautiful girl who turned to him with the words: “Bring me water, I will revive your flowers.” When Ho-Chi returned with water, the girl was not there, but the garden became even more beautiful, and the peonies were more magnificent and of unprecedented color. On one bush one could notice flowers of different varieties.

The Chinese present peony flowers as a sign of love. For a long time it has been a symbol of longevity, and in Japan it represents shyness. No wonder the saying has been preserved: “He turned red like a peony.”

From Japan at the end of the 18th century, peonies moved to Siberia.
The Siberian white-flowered peony is called white marina root; the Mongols boil it in soup, and mix the roasted seeds into tea. It was the fragrant Siberian peony that was brought to Paris at the end of the 18th century, where gardeners paid big money for it and tried to breed it. But cultivation of the flower did not give good results, and it did not become widespread in Europe. In Ancient Greece and medieval Europe, peonies were famous for their miraculous properties. The plants were believed to help with choking and falling sickness, and the roots were used as a talisman.

Goddess Flora, getting ready for a trip, decided to choose an assistant during her absence. To do this, she convened a council, inviting representatives of all colors. The flowers arrived on time, only the rose was late. But when she appeared, those present were amazed by her magnificence and began to persuade her to remain Flora’s assistant.

Only one peony objected, because he believed that it was superior to the rose in all qualities. He puffed himself up, puffed up, to outdo the rose, if not in beauty and scent, then at least in size. Everyone was amazed by his unspeakable audacity, and the flowers chose the rose as Flora’s assistant. Then the peony began to protest loudly and became so noisy that Flora could not stand it: “Proud, stupid flower!” - she said. - For your complacency, always remain as fat and pouty as you are now. And let not a single butterfly touch you with a kiss, not a single bee take honey from your corolla, not a single girl pin you to her breast! They say that only then did the peony turn red with shame, hence the saying: “Red as a peony.”

But Flora still didn’t succeed - the peonies are blooming, the bees eagerly land on them, people love to plant these flowers and make bouquets from them. Pliny the Elder even claimed that the peony is carefully protected by the spotted woodpecker, who is ready to peck out the eyes of anyone who tries to pick the plant.

The myth remains a myth, but in terms of the beauty of shape and color of flowers, aroma and elegant greenery, peonies rightfully belong to one of the first places among the best garden perennials.

So, in some eastern countries (China, Japan) the peony was considered a symbol of love, shyness and bashfulness, in others (India, Ceylon, Iran, Pakistan) - a symbol of clumsiness and stupid pride.
For the ancient Romans, the peony symbolized pomposity and complacency.

Of course, the rose is the queen of flowers, but the peony also has many advantages. This is a very beautiful large fragrant flower. Its color ranges from white, pink to dark crimson. There are yellow, cream, chestnut, and opal peonies, which are similar in color to both ivory and mother-of-pearl. Some varieties not only resemble roses in appearance, but also in smell; the smell of others is similar to the smell of violets, lilies of the valley and even balsam poplar.

Basically, peonies are densely double flowers with petals of different shapes and sizes, arranged in different variations. The peony blooms for 10-15 days, but the bush remains decorative, as the plant has beautiful carved leaves. In terms of the beauty of shape and color of flowers, aroma and elegant greenery, peonies rightfully hold one of the first places among the best garden perennials.

The war had barely retreated from the walls of Leningrad when the famous Chinese tree peonies bloomed for the first time in the Leningrad Botanical Garden. Throughout the years of the blockade, flower growers took care of them, keeping the seeds in the cold, in a greenhouse, or in a greenhouse, accustoming them to the local climate. And when the flowers faded and the seeds ripened, they were sown again. And they sprouted after 7 months. The descendants of these peonies subsequently became mother plants in the development of new domestic varieties of tree peonies. Peonies are found everywhere from Vladivostok to the Arctic. There are over 600 varieties of them in the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences alone.
These flowers can live for decades without replanting. There are known cases of peonies staying in one place for even more than a hundred years. Unusually hardy plants, similar in flower color to roses, are of great value.

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Peony is a symbol of love and wealth

It is known that flowers have their own energy and influence a person, his mood, emotions and even actions. This influence may or may not be beneficial. It depends on many factors: whether the flowers are fresh or fading, with rounded leaves or thorns, whether you like them or for some reason you dislike them. Therefore, it is very important to choose and correctly activate flowers in order to bring favorable energy into the environment, adjusting and improving the atmosphere around you and your loved ones.

We have already written earlier in an article about the six main rules of plants in the house, which Feng Shui considers to be the strongest activators of good luck and the most favorable flowers such as: peony, chrysanthemum, lotus, magnolia, orchid, sunflower, and also some others. In this article we will dwell in more detail on the properties of peonies and recommendations for attracting good luck with their help.

It is important to know! Peony is the carrier of pure Yang energy. There are hundreds of colors peony, but in China only red color carries the symbolism of love, honor and wealth. Therefore, when we talk about peonies, we will mean red flowers or at least flowers close to it. Remember, the richer the color, the more favorable energy the peony carries.

If the chrysanthemum in Feng Shui symbolizes happiness, then it is the red “imperial” peony that symbolizes Love. You can talk endlessly about this luxurious flower, get drunk from its amazing smell and admire this lush flower of all possible shades. Perhaps this is why female beauty is compared to the beauty of this flower. Thus, according to legend, the famous concubine of the Chinese emperor Yang Guifei always kept fresh peonies in her bedroom, and the emperor fulfilled his beloved’s every whim and was always only with her.

Peonies for spouses.

The opinion that Is it possible to put peonies or their image in the bedroom, Feng Shui Masters are divided. Some believe that the red peony in the love and marriage sector of the bedroom can bring activity into married life if there is a feeling of cooling or lack of passion. Others believe that placing a peony in the bedroom can encourage a more active spouse to seek pleasure outside. In the couple's bedroom peony brings newness to relationships, to be more precise, precisely in sexual terms. Think about it, is it worth the risk?

Peonies for unmarried girls.

According to Feng Shui, peony is a flower that has magical powers. If there is an unmarried girl in the house, it is believed that if you put peonies or their image in the living room, they will attract your soulmate to her, and she will soon get married. At the same time, as soon as the marriage takes place, the image and the flowers themselves must be removed from the house where she lived with her parents so as not to cause trouble. If you want to get married, but you don’t have a living room where you can put peonies or hang a picture, then place these flowers at the entrance to your bedroom, so they will attract a lot of favorable Qi to you and help you achieve your plans.

You can also draw or embroider peonies yourself, but you don’t have to hang the finished work on the wall. Any item made with your own hands has the greatest power in fulfilling what you want, because during the manufacturing process it absorbs your energy and positive thoughts about what you want.

Peonies for career and business.

Since ancient times, the peony has been considered a “royal” flower, the flower of rulers and emperors. It is not just a symbol of exclusivity and aristocracy, masculinity and grace, but is also a flower that personifies upward movements in the field of achievement.

Peony is appropriate if you want to make a breakthrough in business, move up the career or social ladder. Place a bouquet of these luxurious, fragrant flowers in your living room or office and you will receive a huge charge of positive energy and good luck to boot! If you don’t want flowers, you can get by with a painting. In winter, to maintain the yang energy of success, you can hang an image of peonies with soft colors on the north wall.

Peonies in the garden.

If you have a garden or personal plot, and you like to work with it, then to gain success and prosperity, you can plant a peony bush. It is better to do this in the southwestern part. This, among other things, helps solve all sorts of problems that may arise in relationships with others. During the flowering period, the peony becomes a symbol of great wealth, the flowering bush personifies royal prosperity, and the peony root, dug up during the flowering period, has healing properties - it treats impotence in men and regulates the menstrual cycle in women.

Peony petals do not wither for about three weeks, which is why in China it is called the “flower of twenty days.” It is also believed that a peony bush can live much longer than a person. Therefore, when planting a bush of this flower, you can be sure that with proper care, it will delight you with its incredibly beautiful flowers with a magical magical aroma for many years.

Important! If for some reason you don’t like peonies, under no circumstances buy them, don’t put them on the table, don’t hang pictures with their images on the wall, and don’t plant them in your garden just because they bring good luck. The energy given off by peonies will not be favorable for you, and changes in life will be positive if you yourself feel negative about these flowers! Love these flowers, and they will love you and attract success to you!

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An amazing peony is not just a flower that makes us happy every spring, but it is also a big and beautiful legend that everyone who knows about it should know.

The legend says that once on our planet there lived a famous doctor-healer named Peony, who was a student of the legendary Aesculapius. Throughout his life, Peony treated everyone who turned to him with a decoction of a flower whose name no one knew. And one day it happened that he was able to cure even the god Pluto, who received many wounds after a fight with Hercules.

But Peony’s glory haunted Aesculapius and, envying his student, he decided to poison him. I found out about this

God Pluto, grateful to Peony, saved his healer by turning him into exactly the same flower with which Peony treated his patients. Since then, this wonderful flower has been named after the legendary doctor.

Today, peonies are especially revered in China. Here it is customary to always hang pictures in the house.

depicting these flowers, which will definitely bring happiness and good luck to the couple in their marriage. Chinese boys and girls very often give each other a peony, as in this case they signify love and fidelity for life.

However, we must remember that such paintings should under no circumstances be hung in the marital bedroom, as this foreshadows the husband’s imminent betrayal. The ideal place for them is the living room or kitchen.

But people also like to give peonies as gifts in many other countries, including Russia. It turns out that this flower is ideal for those born according to the horoscope under the sign of Scorpio. These luxurious flowers can even be considered a talisman and patron.

And peonies should definitely be given to those born on the 1st, 2nd, 20th and 29th of any month.

If, then the person who gave it wishes the newlyweds family well-being, wealth and prosperity in everything. Moreover, among other bouquets that are given for a wedding, a composition of peonies will look very impressive and simply charming!

Also, peonies can be given on anniversaries, professional holidays and just like that - for absolutely no reason. After all, this divine and incomparable flower is ready to give everyone not only its beauty, but also good luck in all endeavors.

And in order for the gift to be even more valuable, the number of flowers in the composition should also be taken into account.

  • 1. Nine flowers - true friendship.
  • 2. Seven colors - love.
  • 3. Five plants are always given to close and distant relatives.
  • 4. Three flowers are a complement.
  • 5. And one peony is a gift for a girl with a hint of her elegance and originality.

But an even number of peonies is never given to anyone, because in this case they symbolize mourning for the deceased.

Peonies are very beautiful flowers. Their aroma will probably not leave anyone indifferent. Note that this flower is endowed with extraordinary power and strength. Probably no other garden plant has similar qualities. Now we will talk about what peony means in Feng Shui.

What do these flowers represent?

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, terry peonies are and, by the way, have always been, a symbol of dizzying love, passionate emotions and romantic relationships.

It is believed that peonies can evoke warm feelings, extraordinary love, mutual passion, and also contribute to building new, exciting relationships.

How can you use the power of pions?

Experts in this teaching advise using their wondrous power when decorating the interior space of your home. In particular, this will be useful for those who dream of soon finding their soulmate and building strong relationships in marriage (or strengthening them). This recommendation will not hurt single girls who are now looking for a life partner.

For example, let your house be decorated with the painting “Peonies”. Feng Shui, or rather experts in this industry, recommend hanging such images in living rooms and bedrooms. But in this matter you need to know one feature. According to Feng Shui, peony has a powerful force, therefore, as soon as the goal in the form of a long-awaited companion is achieved, such paintings and posters should be removed from a prominent place.

Married life and peonies

Fresh flowers in a vase in the bedroom, or just a photo of peonies according to Feng Shui, are considered a real magnet that attracts a new wave of passion and romantic feelings into a relationship. When such a talisman is in an intimate room, the spouses begin to treat each other with reverence. This effect of peony is its undoubted advantage. Let us note that this talisman gives some couples liberation and frees them from excessive timidity and complexes.

Feng Shui classifies peony as one of those things whose capabilities cannot be predicted. Experts advise not to lose sight of the negative side of the action of such a talisman, which is that the peony can stir up a new galaxy of romantic emotions. Peony can push one of the spouses to banal betrayal. To prevent this from happening, a painting depicting these flowers (or another similar Feng Shui talisman) should be hung in the bedroom for a short time. In order to refresh the relationship, you do not need to hang the image for a month or two; a few days of this attribute being in the room will be enough.

Peonies for career and business

Since ancient times, it has been believed that the peony is a “royal” flower, the flower of emperors and power. It is not only a symbol of aristocracy, chosenness and courage, but also personifies upward movement in the field of achievement.

If you are planning to make a breakthrough in business or move up the career ladder, then peony will be appropriate. A bouquet of such flowers should be placed in the living room or in the office, thanks to it you will receive a charge of good luck and positive energy. If you don’t want live plants, you can hang a picture. In winter, in order to maintain the energy of success, you can decorate your apartment by hanging a picture with soft colors on the north wall.

Peony color

Color also plays a big role in what a peony means in Feng Shui. Flowers of different shades attract different things into the house. So, according to Feng Shui, bright red peonies are a powerful activator of energy flows that circulate in the space of the home. These, by the way, are the strongest peonies. Less powerful ones are light pink and white.

Let us note that a less saturated color, of course, does not deprive them of their ability to attract romantic dates, acquaintances and meetings into a person’s life.

Where should peonies be placed according to Feng Shui?

If you are a single person, then experts in this field advise decorating the entrance to the bedroom with a beautiful painting with peonies. A married couple who has long legalized their relationship, but wants to refresh their feelings, should hang such an image in the living room.

Those who have country houses need to remember that energy flows exist not only in the space of the home, but also outside its walls. Therefore, to strengthen marital relations, it is worth making a flowerbed and planting peonies on it. It should be located near the house (in the southwestern part of it).

Note that from the sector, which according to Feng Shui symbolizes family well-being and love, you need to remove all possible objects that interfere with the goal. This applies in particular to things related to water, for example aquariums, fountains, vases of flowers, etc. Experts say that water negatively affects the effectiveness of Feng Shui symbols, which are designed to attract mutual, passionate love under the arches of the house.


Now you know what peony means in Feng Shui, and how such flowers will help you in your personal life and career!

According to the data American Peony Society- a large international organization dedicated to these flowers - there are more in the world 6,500 peony varieties. They differ in color, shape and size of buds, number of petals. But they all have one thing in common - this is a unique, in terms of beauty, flower, which is rightfully considered imperial. In the article we will tell you what peony means in different cultures, and also look at unusual interpretations of the flower as a tattoo.

What does peony mean in different countries?

In Russia, we are used to seeing lush flowers in garden plots, dachas or front gardens, and as a cut flower - at grandmothers' houses or in florist shops. We perceive it as an ordinary garden plant. But it has a rich history, its meaning is multifaceted and surprising.

What is the symbol of peony in China?

Homeland of double flowers - China. Fluffy inflorescences decorated the imperial gardens 200 BC. Only the emperor and his relatives had the right to wear silk clothes with their image. In the language of the Celestial Empire, the name of the flower sounds like "fuguihua" - "flower of wealth and nobility". This is the most common meaning of a bouquet of peonies.

In China, peony means spring, so one of the popular images in Chinese painting is a lush bud and a butterfly, as symbols of the rebirth of life.

What do peonies symbolize in Japan?

In Japan, peony varieties appeared thanks to wandering Chinese monks and immediately won the hearts of the islanders. They have their own symbolism in Hanakotobe- Japanese language of flowers. According to him, the peony represents bravery and courage. Samurai painted his image on their armor to increase morale and meet a worthy opponent.

The durability of peonies is confirmed by the real “peony miracle”, which can be seen in the resort city of Fukuoka. At the Hakozaki-gu Temple there is a winter garden of peonies, where they bloom in February under special straw covers that protect the fragile buds from the snow.

What do peonies mean in Feng Shui?

According to ancient Chinese teaching, the flower represents masculine yang. Live or painted peonies attract positive energy and have a beneficial effect on the room.

If they are placed in the work sector, the person will begin to move up the career and social ladder. If you put a bouquet of peonies in the living room, an unmarried girl will quickly meet her soulmate. It attracts love and passion. But peonies should be kept with caution in the bedroom. They increase sexual energy. This will help diversify the lives of the spouses, but may push one of them to cheat if his libido does not find an outlet in the family.

What does the color of peonies mean?

The spherical inflorescences do not have a very large color palette. Let's look at the meaning of the most popular shades:

    White and light pink Peony inflorescences symbolize shyness and some bashfulness, so they are appropriate to give to girls, young women and brides.

    Pink peony bouquet - the most romantic surprise. It is a symbol of love, care and tenderness.

    Saturated red shades are considered noble and represent respect, power, wealth and prosperity. They can be given to a teacher, university lecturer or dean of a faculty, mother or grandmother. In any case, with such a gift you will emphasize the status of the recipient and wish him prosperity, professional and personal success.

What does a peony tattoo mean?

Tattoo artists believe that the meaning of a tattoo is not related to the historical understanding of the image, but to the character of its wearer and the meaning that a person puts into it. Usually, for girls Peonies drawing means beauty and sex drive. But do not forget that this plant is a carrier of male energy. His image as a tattoo gives a man strength, tenacity and belligerence.

Many people get peony tattoos as a symbol of amulet. Such a talisman saves you from illnesses, evil and negative energy.

We have given a brief overview of what means peony in different cultures and countries, and also learned how to interpret its image on the body. The main thing to remember is that the peony is a truly majestic and beautiful flower. If you give him as a gift or give something with his image, the gift automatically becomes royal.

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