What does deposited salary mean? What does deposited salary mean? How to make a salary deposit in 1s 8.2

Let's consider the features of calculation, accrual, payment, and deposit of wages in 1C: Accounting. Before talking about “salary” actions in the program, let’s consider the general sequence of these actions. The fact is that the system does not have a single document that allows you to calculate wages, accrue them, take them into account in the accounting and tax accounting, pay. All these actions are carried out by various documents, and usually a certain sequence of actions related to wages is used.

Below is the composition of such a sequence. Not all of the above stages must strictly follow each other.

  1. Registration of an employee for work using a document Personnel > Hiring to the organization. A document can play a similar role Personnel > Personnel transfer of organizations, but it can affect those employees who have already been hired.
  2. Document preparation Salary > Calculation of salaries to employees of the organization. Using this document, you can register in the system information about the amounts of wages accrued to the employee and about the withheld personal income tax. It should be noted that when filling out this document, the accountant is usually forced to resort to independent calculations. This document, in fact, forms payslip by employees of the organization.
  3. Document preparation Salary > Salary payable. In fact, this document is intended to automate the creation payroll.
  4. Decor RKO (Cash desk > Cash order) - If wage paid through the organization's cash desk, Outgoing payment order (Bank > Payment order outgoing) if wages are paid through a bank. These documents can be filled out based on a previously created and posted document Salary payable. Moreover, the system provides special processing ( Salary > Salary payment using expense orders), which allows you to automatically generate cash settlements for each employee based on payroll created by the document Salary payable. This processing is needed when wages for each employee are paid on the basis of a separate cash settlement.
  5. Document preparation Salary > Deposit > Deposit for those employees who did not receive wages. Moreover, in the future, the payment of deposited amounts is reflected in a special way - for example, using RKO with the corresponding type of operation. In accordance with the law, if the deposited amounts are not received by the employee within a certain period, they can be credited to the organization’s income by document Salary > Deposit >.
  6. Filling out the document Salary > UST calculation to calculate the Unified Social Tax on wages.
  7. Filling out the document Salary >- to generate entries for payroll accounting in accounting and tax accounting.

As you can see, even simplified payroll accounting requires a lot of work. Let's look at the individual stages of the listed processes. We have already gone through step 1 of the list above - we hired employees and worked on personnel transfers. Therefore, now we will deal with step 2, namely, calculation and payroll.

Preliminary information

The program has only basic payroll capabilities - so the user usually has to make manual adjustments to the payroll calculated by the program or fill out the document used to calculate the payroll manually. The simplified methods of calculating wages, which are provided in 1C: Accounting, are unlikely to satisfy the accountant of an organization that uses various forms and systems of remuneration. As already mentioned, if you need a serious system for automating the HR service and automating work with salaries, it would be best to acquire a specialized software package, such as 1C: Salary and HR Management.

The system has processing Payroll assistant (Salary > Payroll Assistant).

It contains a numbered sequence of steps that must be completed in the process of preparing the system for payroll, accrual of wages, its reflection in accounting, payment, and deposit. In addition, the processing form contains information about the latest entered documents of various types and other background information.

This processing, along with the tab Salary, which is on Function panels, allows you to improve the convenience of working with the “salary” part of the program and provides an alternative interface for actions that can be found in the main menu item Salary.


The payroll operation in 1C: Accounting is carried out using the document ( Salary > Calculation of salaries for employees of organizations).

Let's create a new document for payroll (by clicking Add in the form of a list of documents).

Pay attention to the fields From And Month of accrual. Here in the field Month of accrual automatically set to 01/01/2009, and in the field from - 01/30/2009 - that is, the last day of the month (in our case it is Friday). It is no coincidence that the last day of the month is shown here. The fact is that wages in organizations are usually calculated on the last day of the month for which wages are calculated. This is done so that the accrual of wage income complies with the requirements of clause 2 of Art. 223, ch. 23 "Income tax individuals"Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It states the following:

“When receiving income in the form of wages, the date of actual receipt by the taxpayer of such income is the last day of the month for which he was accrued income for work duties performed in accordance with the employment agreement (contract). In case of termination labor relations Before the end of the calendar month, the date of actual receipt by the taxpayer of income in the form of wages is considered to be the last day of work for which the income was accrued to him.”

The system automatically fills in the fields with information about the document date and the month of accrual. These fields can be edited manually. For example, if we need to calculate wages for an employee who was fired before the end of the calendar month, we can manually edit the field with the date of our document.

The document has two tabs. Tab Accruals is filled in with a list of employees and contains information about accrued wages. Tab Personal income tax contains data on personal income tax calculated on the basis of data from the Accruals tab.

There are several ways to fill out the tabular parts of the document:

  1. They can be filled in manually using the buttons Add and filling them out, selecting the necessary parameters in the tabular parts and entering the necessary parameters manually.
  2. The table parts can be filled using the command Fill in > Based on planned accruals. This command uses data that is stored in the register. Data is entered into this register when filling out documents on hiring, relocation, and dismissal of employees.
  3. You can use the command Fill in > List of employees. When you select this command, a window will be displayed to set the parameters for selecting employees, after which the table fields will be filled in.
  4. Table parts can be filled using buttons Selection in each of them. Clicking on these buttons opens the organization's employee directory. In addition, the tabular part Personal income tax has a button Calculate- when clicked, personal income tax is automatically calculated based on the data stored in the tabular field of the tab Accruals.

We will try to fill in the fields automatically based on the information register Planned accruals for employees of the organization (Fill in > Based on planned accruals). Let's see what we can come up with:

If we recall the personnel tasks that we solved above, it turns out that we must accrue a salary to Sergei Petrovich Vasiliev in the amount of 20,000 rubles; we hired him at the beginning of the year, we did not make any personnel moves. But with Galina Vladimirovna Petrova, the situation is more complicated.

In the month for which we calculate wages, we first moved her to another position with a lower salary, and then completely fired her on the last working day of the month. In her previous position, Petrova G.V. a salary of 15,000 rubles per month was due, on the new one - 14,000. And judging by the accruals that are reflected in the program window, it may seem that Petrova G.V. a salary of 29,000 rubles was accrued. Actually this is not true. The fact is that the 1C “salary” module, as already mentioned, is built according to a simplified scheme. If personnel movements were made during the month, or the employee’s wage rate changed, when filling out the document, data on accruals will be displayed without taking into account the time worked.

Obviously, the employee’s salary in the last month of her work will consist of two parts - part of the working days will be paid at the old salary, part at the new salary, in addition, upon dismissal she may be entitled to some kind of payments, for example, it turns out that in previous periods, due to an error in calculations, she was underpaid; perhaps something will be withheld from her wages. The accountant must carry out all these calculations independently. We will not delve into the details of calculating wages for G.V. Petrova. Suppose that as a result of calculations it turned out that in the last month she should be credited with 24,500 rubles as wages. Let's set the amount equal to 24,500 rubles - delete one of the lines with information about the “extra” charge, and edit the amount in the other.

After editing the data, switch to the tab Personal income tax, click on the button Calculate, we will answer additional questions from the program with consent. Here's what we got:

It is important to remember that the data in the personal income tax tab is not automatically recalculated. If you manually changed the data on the Accruals tab, you must click on the Calculate button by switching to the Personal Income Tax tab.

The program automatically calculated personal income tax amounts based on those listed in the tabular section Accruals amounts of income and their codes and based on personal income tax data that was entered when filling out information about individuals.

Let us remember that to Vasiliev S.P. tax deductions do not apply to Petrova G.V. A standard tax deduction of 400 rubles is applied. As a result, for Vasiliev S.P. we receive the following personal income tax amount: 20,000 * 13% = 2,600 rubles. For Petrova G.V. we get the following amount: (24500 - 400) * 13% = 3133 rub.. If you get different numbers, check the personal income tax parameters set for individuals in the corresponding directory.

The amounts of personal income tax deductions change periodically. To manually, without waiting next update program, you can change these sizes, you can use the reference book, ( Salary > Accounting for personal income tax and unified social tax > Amount of standard personal income tax deductions). This reference book can also be used to clarify the current amounts of deductions established in the program or the correspondence of the amounts of deductions to their codes.

After making sure that the calculations are correct, save and post the document by clicking on the button OK.

After execution, the document generated movements in the following registers:

  • Accumulation register. The amounts due for payment based on the results of the document are recorded here.
  • Accumulation register Personal income tax calculations with a budget. It stores the amounts due for payment to the budget based on the results of personal income tax calculations. After all, the organization pays personal income tax for the employee, so it is the organization that is responsible for settlements with the budget. Information about tax deductions is also stored here. Above, setting up personnel accounting policies ( Enterprise > Accounting policy> HR accounting policy), we indicated there that when calculating personal income tax, the calculated tax should be taken into account as paid. Therefore, along with records on personal income tax debt, records on the repayment of these debts are also formed. It is clear that these entries will not reduce the real debt to the budget for personal income tax until the calculated amounts are actually paid.
  • Accumulation register Personal income tax information. This register stores data on employee income for the purposes of calculating personal income tax. The calculation of personal income tax depends on the amounts of income accrued to the employee in previous periods; this register is used to store these amounts.

If there is a need to enter data on employee income for the purposes of accounting for personal income tax and unified social tax manually, this can be done using the document Salary > Accounting for personal income tax and unified social tax > Entering income and taxes personal income tax and unified social tax. If there is a need to recalculate personal income tax or return personal income tax, you can use the documents Salary > Accounting for personal income tax and unified social tax > Recalculation of personal income tax, Salary > Accounting for personal income tax and unified tax > Refund of personal income tax.

After finishing working with the payroll document, you can generate some reports. For example, in order to check the accuracy of salary calculations before they are reflected in accounting, you can generate some reports.

Report Salary > Payslip (free form) provides data on accruals and deductions:

This report, as its name suggests, is free-form. With its help, it is convenient to check the accuracy of payroll calculations. But if you need a payroll report, the form of which is approved by law, namely, this is a report in form No. T-51, you need to run the command Salary > Payroll T-51.

You can display employee payslips using the command Salary > Payslips.

Now that wages have been accrued, formed, in fact, payslip, let's start forming payroll, that is, let’s complete step 3 of the list of “salary” operations given above.

Payroll accounting

In order to start paying wages, you need to create the appropriate statement. In particular, this payment statement according to form No. T-53 or payroll - form No. T-49. For this purpose, 1C:Accounting provides a document Salary payable (Salary > Salary payable).

In the picture below you can see the form of this document.

There are a few things you need to know when filling out this document. So, you can fill it out (in particular, we are talking about the tabular part Salary payable) automatically using the commands Fill in > By debt at the end of the month or Fill in > List of employees.

The first option is suitable if you want to fill out a document on materials stored in the register Mutual settlements with employees of organizations. The document will include all employees of organizations to whom the organization owes something. In the second case, you can include employees of certain departments in the automatically generated list and include some other selection methods.

If necessary, you can fill out the table part by selecting employees using the button Selection or by entering information about them after creation manually (using the Add) new rows in the tabular section.

Button Calculate located next to the button Fill, allows, after filling out the tabular part with a list of employees, to calculate the organization’s debt to them and enter the required amounts into the document.

Pay attention to the field Payment method. There are two options available here - Through the cash register And Via bank. When paying through the cash register, there may be situations where the employee has not received wages, which in one of the next steps in accounting for wages will lead to the deposition of unpaid amounts. Accordingly, when paying through a cash register, the payment is processed using a cash receipt order. When paying via bank transfer Money is issued using a payment order.

Formation document date payroll may be greater than the date of the payroll document.

Let's consider how the table field of the document will be filled after selecting the command Fill in > For debt at the end of the month:

We left the payment method activeThrough the cash register. As you can see, our document has not yet been recorded. After filling out the list of employees, fill in the fieldSumfor each employee. This is done with a buttonCalculate, which is located on the document form toolbar (next to the buttonFill). When you click this button, the system will offer to save the unsaved document. This is what the document looks like after clicking the buttonCalculate:

If necessary, the amounts to be paid can be edited manually.

Pay attention to the field Mark. It may contain the following values:

  • Not paid;
  • Paid;
  • Deposited;

This field is filled in based on the results of salary payments. Payment is made using payroll(form No. T-53) or payroll (form No. T-49). The forms of these statements can be printed from the document. For example, in the picture below you can see the form payroll.

Before it becomes known whether the salary according to the statement has actually been paid (if the payment method is through the cash register), the document Salaries payable to organizations is not carried out. After the funds are paid (or not paid and intended for deposit), the document is opened again, the values ​​in the field are changed Mark With Not paid on Paid or Deposited, after which the document is processed.

Let's assume that Vasiliev S.P. from our example, I received a salary - enter the parameter in the mark field in its line Paid. And Petrova G.V. I didn’t receive my salary, so we decided to deposit it and made a corresponding entry in the field Mark.

By the way, in order to quickly process large lists of employees, it is convenient to use a button to group change the contents of a field Mark. This is a button Replace mark with, which is located in the table field toolbar. For example, you can quickly replace all marks with Not paid on Paid(most employees usually receive their salaries), and for those employees who did not receive their salaries on time, make a note Deposited.

So, we made the necessary marks in the document, saved and processed it (using the OK) and now we will form RKO based on this document. To generate a cash receipt order based on our document, select it in the list of documents and select the context menu command Based on > Cash disbursement order.

In the picture below you can see RKO, filled out based on our document.

Tabular part Salary payment is filled in automatically, we just have to select the appropriate cash flow item ( Salary), print out the necessary printed forms and post the document by pressing the button OK.

As you remember, one of the amounts due for payment under our payroll, turned out to be subject to deposit. Let's enter the document Deposit of organizations based on document Salary payable.

This document has several tabs, which, when entered based on, are filled in automatically. If necessary, you can derive from this document Depositor card. If necessary, you can print a report Book of analytical accounting of deposited wages (Salary > Deposit > Book of deposits).

When depositing unpaid wages through the cash register, a document Deposit of organizations makes movements according to registers Mutual settlements with depositors of organizations, Mutual settlements with employees of organizations, Information on payments to employees of organizations according to payrolls. Also, during its implementation, accounting records of the form are made D70.Employee K76.04.Employee for the amount of deposited wages, and as a subconto Worker the employee whose wages are deposited is used.

To pay deposited wages, you can use RKO (Cash desk > Cash order) with document type Payment of deposited wages. If the person whose salary is deposited does not receive it on time, it is written off as the organization’s income with a document Write-off of depositors as income of organizations (Salary > Depositing > Write-off of deposits to the income of organizations).

So, now we have dealt with the calculation, payment and deposit of wages. But there are still several important operations ahead. The next operation we will perform will be the calculation of the unified social tax. In our classification, this operation is No. 6.

Calculation of contributions for social needs

Before calculating the Unified Social Tax, you need to check the rates of social contributions. This can be done using the menu command Salary > Accounting for personal income tax and unified social tax > Information about unified social tax and Pension Fund rates. When the information register form will open Information on UST and Pension Fund rates on a scale for non-agricultural producers for 2009, it can be filled in automatically by clicking on the button Fill.

These parameters are the same for all organizations, and the premium rate for accident insurance depends on the type of activity in which the enterprise is engaged.

This rate should be filled out independently for each organization for which accounting is maintained ( Salary > Accounting for personal income tax and unified social tax > Contribution rate for accident insurance). Let's assume that our organization is subject to contributions at a rate corresponding to the 6th class of professional risk, that is, the rate will be 0.7%.

Now, to calculate and calculate deductions for social needs, we will use the documentUnified Social Tax calculation (Salary > UST calculation). If before filling out the document (as in our case), the organization’s employees were paid wages, we can create a document and then click the button in its toolbarFill in and calculate. By clicking this button, the document is filled in automatically.

Tab Accrualscontains information about accruals for employees, tabUnified Social Tax calculation(given above ) contains tax calculation.

Of course, you can use more than just the button to fill out this document. Fill in and calculate, but also other ways.

Let's run through the document and see what movements it has generated. The document modified data in two registers. Firstly, this is the accumulation register Calculated UST, where the document records information about the amounts of calculated contributions. Secondly - the accumulation register UST information on income, where records are made about the accrued income of employees.

Now that we have completed the calculation of contributions for social needs, we can move on to reflecting wages in accounting, namely, to paragraph 7 of the above diagram.

Reflection of wages in regulated accounting

For reflection of wages in regulated accounting let's use the document Reflection of salaries in regulated accounting (Salary > Reflection of salary in regulated accounting).

In the figure below you can see the document that we created and automatically filled in with data on how wages, personal income tax withholding and social contributions are reflected in accounting.

Automatic filling of the document is done using the button Fill. He creates the necessary entries in accounting and tax accounting, guided, firstly, by the methods of reflecting wages in accounting, specified for the types of employee accruals, and secondly, by documents Payroll And Unified Social Tax calculation(filled out and posted) for the relevant period. As a result, the document generates transactions. If necessary, the document can be edited manually. If everything is filled out correctly, we can process the document.

When posted, the document generates accounting records of the following type:

During the document posting, changes are made to the accounting register Posting journal (accounting) and to the accounting register Journal of transactions (tax accounting for income tax).

Payroll reports

1C: Accounting provides for the generation of various reports related to remuneration and taxation. In particular, these are the following reports:

  • Salary > Structure of debt to employees. This report allows you to obtain data on debt to employees for a certain period. Information is displayed on the opening balance of settlements, the amount of funds accrued and paid to employees, as well as the final balance of settlements with employees.
  • Salary > Analysis of labor costs. The report allows you to analyze the organization's expenses for wages, including accruals to employees and deductions for social needs in the context of expense accounts (in our case - account 26), accounts for calculations of wages (70), accounts for deductions for social needs (sub-accounts of account 69 ).

  • Salary > Personal income tax and unified social tax accounting > Tax card 1-NDFL. The report allows you to generate Tax card for accounting of income and personal income tax (form No. 1-NDFL) for employees of the organization in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties Russian Federation dated October 31, 2003 N BG-3-04/583
  • Salary > Accounting for personal income tax and unified social tax > Information on the income of individuals 2-NDFL. The report allows you to generate a Certificate of Income for an individual (form No. 2-NDFL).
  • Salary > Personal income tax and unified tax accounting > Individual unified tax card. The report generates a certificate Accounting card for the amounts of accrued payments and other remunerations, the amounts of accrued single social tax as well as amounts tax deduction in a year . The card is generated in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2004 N SAE-3-05/443.
  • Salary > Personal income tax and unified social tax accounting > Individual card according to compulsory pension insurance. Generates a report Individual card accounting for the amounts of accrued payments and other remunerations, the amounts of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance for the year.

Documents, reports and other system objects available in the menu HR > Personalized accounting, allow you to prepare reporting forms for personalized accounting for the State Pension Insurance system.

Situations often occur when an employee, for one reason or another, cannot collect his salary on time. According to the law, such “forgotten” money must be deposited. In order to deposit wages, you need to create a Payroll document (menu “Salary” - “Payrolls”). In the journal that opens, create a new document “Salaries payable to the organization.” In the “Payment method” field, you must select the value “Through the cash register”.

Important! In the “Setting up filling” section, you must select the month of accrual and in the “Pay” line, select the “Salary per month” method.

To fill out the tabular part, you need to click on the “Autofill” button (located on the top command bar of the document) and select the option to fill out the tabular part “By debt at the end of the month.”

After the document is filled in with a list of employees, you must click on the “Replace with...” button (located above the tabular part of the document) and select the payment method - “deposited”. After the document “Salaries payable to the organization” is filled out, it is necessary to reflect the fact of salary deposition; to do this, you need to enter the “Salary Deposit” document based on the document (the “Enter based on” button).

Salary and personnel records

Salary payment and deposit

Types of payments

In the header of any payroll for salary payment, first of all, the type of payment is indicated, which determines the rules and procedure for filling out the document:

  • “Next payment” and “Next payment with debt repayment” - preparation for payment of wages for the month of payment or for all previous months;
  • “Advance” - registration of advance payments in the amount of established fixed amounts to each employee. In this type of payment, it is necessary to make a preliminary calculation of personal income tax and unified social tax for the amount of payments. By default, the calculation is made using the “reverse” method;
  • “Advance by preliminary calculation” registration of advance payments by preliminary calculation for the first half of the month. In this type of payment, it is necessary to make a preliminary calculation of personal income tax and unified social tax for the amount of payments.
  • “Depositors” - preparation for payment of previously deposited amounts;
  • “Dividends” - preparation for payment of dividends;

In addition to the listed types of payments, the user can independently create payments in the “Types of Payments” directory, which can roughly be called inter-account payments; these are payments for specific accruals, for example, a one-time bonus.

Payment of wages through the cash register

Payment of wages through the cash register is registered with the document “Statement to the Cashier”.

Based on such a statement, you can enter the document “Cash Expense Order” and register the payment for all employees of the document at once.

The configuration allows you to generate a set of expense orders for paying wages separately for each employee using the “Payment of salaries by expense orders” processing.

In the processing form, you must indicate the payroll, fill in the date of generation of cash orders. In the tabular part of the processing, you should note the employees for whom cash receipts will be generated.

A set of cash outgoing orders is generated automatically by clicking on the “Create documents” button. To post these cash orders, click on the “Post Documents” button.

Paying salaries through a bank

Payment of wages through the bank is registered with the document “Statement to the Bank”.

To pay salaries through a bank, employees must have personal accounts to which salaries are transferred. These accounts are indicated in the information register “Personal accounts of employees for salary projects” in the context of salary projects (agreements with the bank). In this case, several agreements can be concluded with one bank.

When filling out a statement to the bank, filling in payment amounts is possible both for a separate salary project and without taking into account the project (for all personal accounts of employees).

Based on such a statement, you can enter the document “Debit from a bank account” and register the payment for all employees of the document at once.

Deposit, payment and write-off of the depositor

Unpaid wages may be deposited. The “Salary Deposit” document is intended to register this fact.

The deposit document can be generated on the basis of the document “Statement to the Cashier”. Data can be filled in automatically by clicking the “Fill” button on the balances of unpaid wages. When carried out, the document also generates

Payment of wages through the cash register according to the statement

To prepare for the payment of wages, use the document “Salary Payment Statement” ( "or the "Salary" tab). If monthly salaries are paid, the document “Calculation of salaries to employees” must first be completed and posted.

In the “Salary Payment Statement” you must indicate the month for which the salary is paid, the method of payment (through a cash desk or bank), as well as the department (optional). The tabular part can be filled out automatically or manually. To fill it out automatically, click “Fill - By debt at the end of the month”, then “Calculate”. The amounts payable to employees (minus tax) are calculated. Amounts are subject to change. To reflect the payment, you need to mark “Paid” for each employee; you can do this for everyone at once by clicking the “Replace the mark with - Paid” button. But until the payment document is entered, the statement is considered unpaid. We record the statement using the “Record” button. This document is not posted and does not generate accounting entries.

To reflect the payment of money from the cash register, you must enter an expense cash order. You can do this manually (create cash settlement, specify the type of operation “Payment of wages according to statements”, then select the statement), or based on the “Salary payment sheet”. Let's use input based on. A document “Cash expenditure order” has been created with the type of operation “Payment of wages according to statements”, it indicates the statement and the total amount to be paid:

If necessary, fill out the DDS article and details of the printed form, then carry out cash settlement. Postings Dt 70 Kt 50 are generated for each employee:

Now the “Salary Payment Statement” is reflected in the program as paid. If you open it, you can see that a payment document is indicated for each employee, and a payment document for the payroll is also indicated. In addition, the paid statement cannot be changed.

If, nevertheless, there is a need to change the paid statement, you need to find the payment document - in our case, RKO - and cancel it (or delete it). After this, the statement will become available for modification. We must not forget that you will also need to make changes to the payment document or enter it again.

Payment of wages through the cash register using expense orders

If you need to issue expense vouchers for each employee, you can use the appropriate processing.

We create a “Salary Payment Statement”, indicate the payment method “Through the cash register”, fill out the document as usual, mark the employees as “Paid”, write down the document. Then click “Go - Payroll by expense orders.” In the processing form that opens, lines with amounts for employees are already filled in. At the bottom, indicate the date of issue of expense orders, then click “Create documents” and “Post documents”. The created RCOs are displayed in the lines.

For each employee, a document “Cash expenditure order” was created and posted with the type of operation “Payment of wages to an employee”, which generates the posting: Dt 70 Kt 50.

The “Salary Payment Statement” reflects payment by expense orders.

Processing “Payment of salaries by expense orders” is also available through menu “Salary - salary payment" and the "Salary" tab.

Paying salaries through a bank

To reflect the payment of wages through the bank to the personal accounts of employees, it is necessary to indicate in the document “Salary Payment Statement” the method of payment “Through the Bank”, then fill out and record the document. At the same time, employees do not have the “Paid/Not Paid” mark.

Then, based on the statement, the “Payment order” is entered. The amount is entered automatically. As the recipient, you must indicate the bank in which the employees' personal accounts are opened, and you must also indicate the recipient's account. To do this, you will have to enter the bank in the “Counterparties” directory, indicate the account details there, then select the bank and account in the payment order.

After filling out and recording the payment, you need to use the link to enter the debit document from the account. A statement “Write-off from the current account” has been created with the type of operation “Salary transfer”, it indicates the amounts for each employee. When conducting a write-off document, it generates postings Dt 70 Kt 50 for each employee.

In the “Salary Payment Statement”, “Write-off from the current account” is indicated as a payment document:


When paying wages through a cash register, a situation may arise when an employee has not received the payment due to him. In this case, the uncollected salary is registered as a deposit.

To reflect this operation in the program, we will first create a “Salary Payment Statement” (payment method “Through the Cashier”) and fill out the document as usual. We will mark the employee whose salary needs to be deposited as “Deposited”, and the rest – “Paid”:

Now, paying the statement will require two operations. We reflect payments from the cash desk to employees who have received a salary using cash register services (as described above). And to reflect the deposit based on the “Gazette”, we enter the document “Deposit”. It is completely filled out, a statement is indicated on the “Unreceived salary” tab, and a list of employees is indicated on the “Employees” tab.

Available in the “Deposit” document printed form depositor cards. When posted, the document generates a posting for each employee according to Dt 70 and Kt 76.04 (“Calculations for deposited amounts”):

In the “Salary Payment Statement”, “Deposit” and RKO are indicated as payment documents:

If the employee subsequently receives a deposited salary, the program must manually enter a “Cash Expenditure Order” with the transaction type “Payment of Deposited Salary.” To automatically fill in, click “Fill in - All unpaid documents.” Employees whose salaries were deposited, statements and amounts are automatically entered into the tabular part. You can also fill out the document manually, but it is necessary that the deposit amount and statement be indicated correctly.

When carrying out cash settlement for the payment of deposited salaries, it generates a posting for each employee: Dt 76.04 Kt 50:

Transactions on depositors are reflected in the “Book of Depositors” report ( menu “Salary - Salary payment"or the "Salary" tab):

Documents for depositors are stored in the “Deposit Documents” journal ( menu “Salary - Salary payment"or the "Salary" tab).

In case of expiration limitation period, the depositor's debt is written off to the income of the organization using the document “Write-off of depositors to the income of organizations” ( menu “Salary - Salary payment - Deposit documents"or the "Salary" tab).

Payment of wages must be carried out regularly at any enterprise that employs hired personnel. Like any other operation, there are some important features that an accountant responsible for payroll calculations in 1C programs must know about. In this article we will figure out how to pay wages in 1C: Salaries and personnel management 8 edition 3.

First of all, you need to set up the main payment methods; for this, the program provides several levels.

You can make settings:

1) for organization

2) for a specific unit

3) for a specific employee, if the method of paying him wages differs from the general one.

In this article, we will look at two ways to pay salaries:

Through the cash desk of the enterprise;

Through a bank without a salary project.

If employees receive wages through the organization’s cash desk, then it is necessary to set the appropriate setting, and then reflect the fact of payment of wages in the document “Statement to the Cashier”.

We fill out the document by clicking on the appropriate button, the amount to be paid is automatically determined taking into account all accruals and deductions of the employee for the month minus amounts already paid. Also, when filling out the statement, the personal income tax to be withheld from this salary is determined.

This document makes it possible to round off the amounts payable and change the percentage of payment if a situation arises when the organization is not able to pay 100% wages to employees in a given month.

The following printable forms can be obtained from the document.

The document “Statement of Transfers to Accounts” is needed in order to reflect the payment of wages through the bank without a salary project.

In this case, it is necessary to indicate this setting in the card of employees for whom this method of payment of wages is used (set the switch to the “By transfer to a bank account and indicate the account number”). We fill in the document the date, month of accrual and nature of the payment. The bank is also indicated here. Filling out the table part is done by clicking the “Fill” button. If necessary, data can be added manually using the “Add” button.

After checking the completed data, the document can be processed, and the organization’s debt to employees is written off and the withheld personal income tax is registered. It is also possible to set the mark “Transferred for payment” for a document, after which this document becomes unavailable for editing.

If the need arises, you can enter information about uncredited wages. After filling out and submitting this document, the salary will be considered unpaid and personal income tax will not be withheld.

The document has printed forms:

Register of transferred personal income tax amounts;

List of salaries transferred to the bank.

In this article, we looked at the two most common methods of paying wages in an organization. In the event that one of the salary payment forms is not filled out automatically if there is a debt to employees, then first of all, check the payment settings discussed at the beginning of the article. For example, if an employee’s salary payment method is “Through the cash register”, and then you want to see it in the automatically completed list of transfers to accounts, you will encounter certain difficulties, so approach the issue of settings carefully.

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