I. Krylov

Today we will offer you options for questions for a quiz on Krylov’s fables. It is not for nothing that the works of this author are called a storehouse of folk wisdom. After all, every fable carries the deepest meaning, which can be conveyed to children in a comic form.

Necessary for a deep understanding of Krylov’s wise fables. In addition to general questions regarding the author’s work, you can also find here those that relate specifically to one creation. Let's get started. To begin with, children should be introduced a little to the rules of the competition. You can read about them in the next paragraph of the article.

Rules for the quiz

Before we move on to the Krylov quiz questions (with answers), it is necessary to discuss the rules of the game. Carrying out any entertainment event requires special preparation. Before asking questions, you need to give an interesting opening speech.

To conduct the competition, it is worth dividing the entire class into two or more groups. This can help develop the competitive spirit and community of the team. We offer the following reward system: each correct answer brings the group one point. Based on the results, it is necessary to calculate the number of points earned; the group with more points receives a prize. Absolutely anything can be a prize - an A in literature, a sweet present (candy), and so on.

So now is the opening speech to give before the fable quiz. You can find the answers to it at the very end of the question section of the article.

Variant of the introductory speech: “Since childhood, we all love to read the famous fairy tales of Ivan Andreevich Krylov. Whatever the life situation, “Krylov’s” images instantly appear in our heads. Either I remember the Pug barking at the Elephant, or the Monkey mocking its reflection in mirror. And how often do we meet people who can be compared to the Monkey, who, because of his ignorance, broke valuable glasses. Despite the fact that the fables are small in size, they have a huge meaning. These famous fables always accompany us in life, helping us to realize real values. Before conducting an interesting quiz on Krylov's fables, we have to divide into two groups. The team that gives the most answers will receive a prize. Do not shout out the answer, raise your hand. If the answer is given without my permission, then the point is not counted. bon voyage through the wonderful world of fables!"

General issues

The first stage of the quiz on Krylov's fables will contain general issues on the life and work of the writer. Go!

Our first question: how many fables did I. A. Krylov write? The answer may not be exact (example: about a hundred, about three hundred, and so on).

Second question: who remembers the tree where the crow tried to eat the cheese?

Third question: whose singing did the donkey like more (nightingale or rooster)?

Fourth question: what birds are present in the fable “The Cuckoo and the Rooster”?

Fifth question: do the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf” and the fable “The Wolf and the Fox” have any common features? If yes, which ones?

If the children find it difficult to give an answer, or two incorrect attempts were made for each team, they can say the correct one. In this case, the point is not counted to anyone. Correct answers: 1 - about two hundred; 2 - spruce; 3 - rooster; 4 - Cuckoo, Rooster and Sparrow; 5 - identical heroes, everywhere the Fox, with the help of deception, leaves the Wolf hungry.

"The Monkey and the Glasses"

Before the quiz on the theme of Krylov’s fable (tour “The Monkey and the Glasses”), you need to read the fable to the children. Only after listening to the piece can you ask questions:

  1. What ailment did Monkey develop from old age? Answer: “My eyes have become weak.”
  2. What did Monkey get? Answer: glasses.
  3. How many did she buy? Answer: half a dozen.
  4. Why didn't the glasses help the main character? Answer: She was wearing them incorrectly.
  5. What ultimately happened to the glasses? Answer: The monkey broke them on a stone.
  6. Who can explain in their own words: what is the moral of the fable? Answer: Ivan Andreevich actually meant knowledge by glasses. They are often broken by some obstacles, including: reluctance to learn, try and improve themselves. The result is this: Monkey was left with nothing because of her ignorance and unwillingness to learn.

"Swan, Crayfish and Pike"

As you can see, the questions for the quiz on Krylov's fables are not difficult and very interesting. Do you guys like the game? Wait for the students to respond. Then let's move on to the third round called “Swan, Crayfish and Pike”.

First, let's read the fable. This can be done by both the teacher and the children. You can offer reading line by line or sentence by sentence. To interest students, you can hold a small competition in expressive reading. The group that reads more expressively receives an extra point. If the guys tried equally, then you can add one point to both groups.

Questions for the quiz on Krylov “Swan, Crayfish and Pike”:

  1. What did the heroes of the fable transport?
  2. Where was the swan going?
  3. Where did the cancer go?
  4. Where does the pike go?
  5. Explain in your own words: What is the moral of the fable?

Answer: 1 - cart with luggage; 2 - into the clouds; 3 - back; 4 - into the water; 5 - the moral of the fable is that work must be done together, otherwise nothing will work out, things will go awry.

"Dragonfly and Ant"

The fourth round will be dedicated to I. A. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”. Have children role-play reading. Questions:

  1. What does the author call the Dragonfly at the very beginning of the fable? Answer: jumper.
  2. What did Dragonfly do all summer? Answer: she sang.
  3. Who did Dragonfly turn to for help? Answer: to the ant.
  4. How is Ant related to the heroine? Answer: gossip.
  5. What did Dragonfly ask for? Answer: give her shelter until spring.
  6. What did Ant answer to the gossip's request? Answer: go dance.

That's all the questions for the fourth round. You did a good job with your assignments. Let's now move on to the last round, in which we will test your knowledge of the fable "The Crow and the Fox".

"A Crow and a fox"

To make it more difficult, before the last round you don’t have to re-read the fable, but test your knowledge and memory.

First question: the moral of the fable says that a flatterer will always find a corner, where? Answer: in the heart.

Second question: what did God send to Crow? Answer: a piece of cheese.

Third question: how did Crow hold the cheese? Answer: in the mouth.

Fourth question: why did the Fox compliment the Crow? Answer: she wanted to steal the cheese.

Last question: what did the Fox ask you to do? Answer: sing.


Lesson type
Lesson format: quiz.
Lesson Methods

Age category: 5th grade

- Literature.
- Literature. 5th grade. Textbook-reader for educational institutions. At 2 o'clock /Aut.-state. M.A. Snezhnevskaya and others - M.: Mnemozina, 2011
— Lesson planning based on literature. 5th grade: Methodological manual for textbooks by Korovina V.Ya., Kurdyumova T.F. and others. “Literature. 5th grade.” /O.B. Belomestnykh. - M.: Publishing house "VAKO", 2002
- Handout;
technical means training

Visual aids :
— handouts: cards with fable texts;
— visual clarity “Lesson presentation”





  1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.


III . Quiz.

1) Warm-up competition.

- Name the heroine who saw her image in the mirror. (Monkey)
— Who had both the table and the house ready for winter under the leaf? (at Dragonfly)
— Who “wants to get into big bullies” without a fight? (Pug)
—Who was “led through the streets as if for a show”? (Elephant)
- What color was summer for the dragonfly? (Red)
— What type of tree was the crow perched on? (Spruce)
-What captivated the fox? (Cheese spirit)
—What was the first part of the crow’s body that the fox admired? (Neck)

2) Contest“Bulletin board” (Slide 2)

Read the announcements. Which of the fable heroes could they belong to? Name what fable this hero is from.


4) "Captains Competition"

Execution time - 5 minutes.


Naughty Monkey,

Yes, clubfooted Mishka

They fight, but it makes no sense.

“Stop, brothers, stop! - Monkey shouts.-


I, the prima, will sit opposite the second.

Wolf at the kennel

I ended up at the kennel.

They run: another with a club,

Other with ______________.

Wolf and Lamb

But we don't write history;

And something must happen,

5) “I know you”

Everyone is not fit to be musicians. ("Quartet")

Things won't go well for them. ("Swan, Cancer and Pike")

The swan rushes into the clouds,
The cancer moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water. ("Swan, Cancer and Pike")

We'll probably get along,
Let's sit next to each other. ("Quartet")

Tearing up a pile of manure,
The rooster found a grain of pearl. ("The Rooster and the Grain of Pearls")

6) “Rebuses” (Slide 13)

I stand firm and straight.

8) “Casket” (Slide 15-20)

This chest contains various items. You must remember which hero they belong to and which fable this hero is from.

acorns-pig"Pig under the oak"

piece of cheese - Vorone “The Crow and the Fox”

plate of fish soup-Demyanu "Demyanov's fish soup"

violin-monkey “Quartet”

a bunch of grapes - I wanted to get the Fox “The Fox and the Grapes”

9) “Homework”

During the lessons you became acquainted with the genre of fables. We read a lot of fables by Ivan Andreevich Krylov. And now, I think it’s time to find out what kind of fabulists you are. We check your homework.

10) Summing up the lesson.

IV . (Slide 21).

Teacher. In 1855, a bronze monument to the great fabulist was erected in the Summer Garden of St. Petersburg. Krylov is depicted sitting in a chair, thoughtful. On each side of the high pedestal there are bas-relief images of characters from Krylov's most famous fables. The monument was built with money collected throughout Russia. Such is people's love!

Question for the class

Teacher. Indeed, in our lives we constantly encounter well-known Krylov characters. Still among us are the Crow and the Fox, the Swan, the Cancer and the Pike, the would-be musicians the Monkey, the Donkey, the Goat and the club-footed Bear. And if you look closely, we will discover some shortcomings in ourselves. After all, there are no people without shortcomings, and now, as in the old days, intelligence coexists with stupidity, hard work with laziness, modesty with boasting, talent with mediocrity. I really hope that Krylov’s moral teachings will help you become a better person.

Poem by P. Vyazemsky (Slide 22):

He corrected people with fun,
Sweeping away the dust of vices;
He glorified himself with fables,
And this glory is our reality.
And they won’t forget this one,
While they speak Russian,
We confirmed it a long time ago,
Her grandchildren will confirm it.

How do you understand the lines?
Do you agree with the author?

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"Lesson-quiz "Experts of Grandfather Krylov's fables""

Quiz: “Experts of Grandfather Krylov’s fables” in 5th grade

The purpose of the quiz lesson:

Summarize and systematize the children’s knowledge about the fable as a literary genre and the fables of I. A. Krylov;

Planned educational results


    check students' knowledge of the fable as a genre of literature.

    check your knowledge of the texts of the studied fables by I.A. Krylov, the ability to find the moral of a fable, the skills of expressive reading of fables.


    development of speech and creative thinking of students;

    formation of communicative competence (formation of the ability to interact in collective activities, development of such skills of students as expressive reading and the ability to construct one’s own oral statement).


* ability to work quickly and harmoniously in a group, self-control;

    nurturing interest in classical literature.

Lesson type : combined, generalizing.
Lesson format: quiz.
Lesson Methods : verbal, visual, creative activity, explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, partially search.
Form of organization educational activities : individual, group, collective.
Age category : 5th grade

- Literature.
- Literature. 5th grade. Textbook-reader for educational institutions. At 2 o'clock /Aut.-state. M.A. Snezhnevskaya and others - M.: Mnemozina, 2011
- Lesson planning based on literature. 5th grade: Methodological manual for textbooks by Korovina V.Ya., Kurdyumova T.F. and others. “Literature. 5th grade.” /O.B. Belomestnykh. – M.: Publishing house “VAKO”, 2002
- Handout;
- technical training aids

Visual aids :
- handouts: cards with fable texts;
- visual clarity “Lesson Presentation”

Equipment : cards with texts of works, works by I.A. Krylov, computer, projector.

Decor: portrait of I.A. Krylov, illustrations for fables, exhibition of books by I.A. Krylov.

Educational technologies used: computer presentation for the lesson.


I love where there is an opportunity to pinch vices.


Organizational structure of the lesson:

    Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

The teacher's introductory speech, which states the purpose of the lesson, the form of work, and the rules of the game.

Guys, a few lessons ago we got acquainted with the work of the wonderful Russian fabulist I.A. Krylov.

II . A word about the fabulist I.A. Krylov.

February 14 marks the 245th anniversary of the birth of I.A. Krylov. He left us a legacy of more than 200 fables, imbued with satirical sharpness, bright and apt language. They exposed social and human vices. N.V. Gogol called Krylov’s fables “... the book of wisdom of the people themselves.” And today we have to remember and consolidate the knowledge gained.

III . Quiz. Two teams participate in the quiz.

1) Warm-up competition.

Name the heroine who saw her image in the mirror. (Monkey)
- Who had both the table and the house ready for winter under the leaf? (at Dragonfly)
- Who “wants to get into big bullies” without a fight? (Pug)
-Who was “led through the streets as if for a show”? (Elephant)
- What color was summer for the dragonfly? (Red)
- What type of tree was the crow sitting on? (Spruce)
-What captivated the fox? (Cheese spirit)
- What was the first part of the crow’s body that the fox admired? (Neck)

2) Contest“Bulletin board” (Slide 2)

- Read the advertisements. Which of the fable heroes could they belong to? Name what fable this hero is from.

Answers: Monkey “Monkey and Glasses”, 2. Dragonfly “Dragonfly and Ant”, 3. Rooster or Cuckoo “Cuckoo and Rooster”, 4. Crow “Crow and Fox”

3) Competition “Picture Gallery” (Slides 3-12)

Task: guess which fable the illustration belongs to. Slides with illustrations for the fable are shown on the screen.

4) "Captains Competition"

For the competition, the teacher prepares cards; text of the fable with missing words (equal in number) for each team.

Task: restore the texts of I. Krylov’s fables by filling in the missing words.

Execution time – 5 minutes.

Scoring: 1 point for each correctly inserted word.


Naughty Monkey,

Yes, clubfooted Mishka

Play Quartet.

We got sheet music, bass, viola, two violins

And they sat down on the meadow under _____________,-

Captivate the world with your art.

In the bows,

They fight, but it makes no sense.

“Stop, brothers, stop! - Monkey shouts.-


How the music should go! After all, you are not so __________.

You and the bass, Mishenka, sit opposite__________,

I, the prima, will sit opposite the second.

Wolf at the kennel

The wolf at night, thinking of getting into the sheepfold,

I ended up at the kennel.

Suddenly the whole _______________ yard rose up.

Smelling gray so close to the bully,

The dogs are flooded in the barns and are rushing to __________;

The hounds shout: “Wow, guys, thief!” -

And instantly ________________ for constipation;

In a minute _____________ became hell.

They run: another with a club,

Other with ______________.

Wolf and Lamb

The strong always have ________________ to blame:

We hear countless examples of this in history.

But we don't write history;

But this is what they say in fables.

A lamb on a hot day ___________ to the stream to drink;

And something must happen,

That there is a hungry ____________ Wolf near those places.

He sees a lamb and strives for the prey;

But, to give the matter at least a legal look and feel,

______________: “How dare you, impudent one, use an unclean snout

There's pure turbidity here __________

5) “I know you”

Based on the passages, determine which fable they are taken from.

And you, friends, no matter how you sit down,
Everyone is not fit to be musicians. ("Quartet")

The crow croaked at the top of its lungs. ("A Crow and a fox")

When there is no agreement among comrades,
Things won't go well for them. ("Swan, Cancer and Pike")

The swan rushes into the clouds,
The cancer moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water. ("Swan, Cancer and Pike")

You are gray, and I, my friend, am gray. ("Wolf in the kennel")

The powerful always have the powerless to blame. (“The Wolf and the Lamb”)

And Vaska listens and eats. ("The Cat and the Cook")

We'll probably get along,
Let's sit next to each other. ("Quartet")

Tearing up a pile of manure,
The rooster found a grain of pearl. ("The Rooster and the Grain of Pearls")

6) "Rebuses"(Slide 13)

Answers: 1. Dragonfly “Dragonfly and Ant”, 2. Pug “Elephant and Pug”, 3. Cuckoo “Cuckoo and Rooster”, 4. Pike “Swan, Pike and Crayfish”

7) Playing with the audience (Slide 14)

Assignment: in an excerpt from Krylov’s fable “The Oak and the Reed,” the author used 32 letters of the Russian alphabet. Find the missing letter. (b)

It’s not just the sun that I block the rays of,

But, laughing at both whirlwinds and thunderstorms,

I stand firm and straight.

As if surrounded by an inviolable peace.

Everything is a storm to you - everything seems like marshmallows to me.

Even if you grew in a circle,

Covered in the thick shadow of my branches,

I could be your protection from bad weather;

But nature has assigned Brega, the stormy Aeolian domain, to your destiny.

Of course, she doesn’t care about you at all.

8) “Casket” (Slide 15-20)

– This chest contains various items. You must remember which hero they belong to and which fable this hero is from. (The teacher displays objects one by one from the “chest”. The students’ task is to name the hero and the fable.)

acorns-pig“Pig under the oak tree”

piece of cheese – Vorone “The Crow and the Fox”

plate of fish soup for Demyan "Demyanov's fish soup"

violin-monkey “Quartet”

a bunch of grapes – I wanted to get the Fox “The Fox and the Grapes”

9) “Homework”

– During the lessons you became acquainted with the genre of fables. We read a lot of fables by Ivan Andreevich Krylov. And now, I think it’s time to find out what kind of fabulists you are. We check your homework.

10) Summing up the lesson.

Announcement of the results of the competition between two teams.

IV .Final speech from the teacher . (Slide 21).

Teacher. In 1855, a bronze monument to the great fabulist was erected in the Summer Garden of St. Petersburg. Krylov is depicted sitting in a chair, thoughtful. On each side of the high pedestal there are bas-relief images of characters from Krylov’s most famous fables. The monument was built with money collected throughout Russia. Such is people's love!

Question for the class . What do Krylov’s fables teach us?

Teacher . Indeed, in our lives we constantly encounter well-known Krylov characters. Still among us are the Crow and the Fox, the Swan, the Cancer and the Pike, the would-be musicians the Monkey, the Donkey, the Goat and the club-footed Bear. And if you look closely, we will discover some shortcomings in ourselves. After all, there are no people without shortcomings, and now, as in the old days, intelligence coexists with stupidity, hard work with laziness, modesty with boasting, talent with mediocrity. I really hope that Krylov’s moral teachings will help you become a better person.

Poem by P. Vyazemsky (Slide 22):

He corrected people with fun,
Sweeping away the dust of vices;
He glorified himself with fables,
And this glory is our reality.
And they won’t forget this one,
While they speak Russian,
We confirmed it a long time ago,
Her grandchildren will confirm it.

How do you understand the lines?
Do you agree with the author?

Do you like I. Krylov’s fables and why?

« No, sir, books are different. What if, between us,
I was appointed censor
I would lean on fables. Oh, fables are my death!
Eternal mockery of lions and eagles!»
A.S. Griboyedov

Introduction to the quiz

The subject of our conversation is a fable. The fable belongs to the oldest literary genres. Works of this kind were passed on from mouth to mouth, copied out completely, so that each subsequent generation would not forget the simple truths set out in them. Since childhood, we have known about the Raven and the Fox, the Elephant and the Pug, and other characters. What is a fable? Today's quiz is dedicated to this interesting genre.

The quiz on the theme “Fable” contains 15 questions. All questions are answered.

Quiz creator Iris Review

1. What is a fable?
Answer: A fable is a short story, most often in verse, mainly of a satirical nature, consisting of an introduction, events and morality.

2. A person who writes fables is called...
Answer: fabulist

3. Who are usually the characters in the fable?
Answer: Animals endowed with human qualities, plants, things

4. What famous people do you know who turned to the fable genre?
Answer: Aesop, Phaedrus, Lafontaine, Lessing, Sumarokov, Khemnitser, Kantemir, Trediakovsky, Izmailov, Dmitriev, Krylov, Demyan Bedny, Mikhalkov and others

5. Which fabulist are we talking about?

Who has not heard his living words?
Who hasn’t met him in their life?..

The singer's inquisitive mind knew and saw everything,
Wanting one thing more than anything,
To live a free and happy life
His people and his homeland.

Answer: about Ivan Andreevich Krylov

6. What is the moral of the fable?
Answer: The moral of a fable is a short moralizing conclusion, an instructive conclusion from the main narrative, which is given at the beginning or end of the fable

7. What is the structure (composition) of the fable?
Answer: in the most general case - the beginning, the development of the action, the climax, the denouement. Sometimes some component may be missing

8. Is there always a moral in a fable?
Answer: as a rule, yes. But morality cannot always be presented explicitly. Sometimes it is read “between the lines”, as if “dissolved” in a fable.

9. What is the main purpose of the fable?
Answer: Purpose: fables are the revelation and designation of human vices, shortcomings and flaws in social life. A reminder of old truths.

10. As a rule, fables allegorically depict human actions and social relationships. What is an allegory?
Answer: An allegorical depiction of an object or phenomenon in order to most clearly show its essential features. Allegory - allegory - depiction of an abstract concept through a concrete image.

I wrote a fable for those people as an edification,
That they hover around the bosses endlessly,
Ready for instructions
Count a normal sneeze
A superior person.

Answer: S. Mikhalkov

12. Which fables by I.A. Krylov are these phrases from?

“And you, friends, no matter how you sit down, you are still not fit to be musicians”;

“The cheese fell out - such was the trick with it”;
Answer:"A Crow and a fox"

“Yes, you worked in the summer, so go and dance”;
Answer:"Dragonfly and Ant"

“Since then, I haven’t set foot on Demyan”;
Answer:"Demyanov's ear"

“And Vaska listens and eats”;
Answer:"The Cat and the Cook"

“The Cuckoo praises the Rooster because he praises the Cuckoo”;
Answer:"The Cuckoo and the Rooster"

“When you could lift your snout up, you would have been able to see.”
Answer:"Pig under the Oak."

13. What is personification?
Answer: Personification is the endowment of human qualities to animals, the revival of objects and natural phenomena.

14. What is “Aesopian language”?
Answer: Aesopian language (named after the Greek fabulist Aesop) is the ability to disguise the main idea.

15. Why do we, residents of the 21st century, need to study fables?
Answer: vices in society have not disappeared. Fables have not lost their relevance today.

Quiz on Krylov's fables.

1. Which fable contains the following words: “The cart is still there”

A) Monkey and glasses

B) Wolf in the kennel

B) Swan, crayfish and pike

D) Demyan's ear

2. Who did Moska bark at?

A) On the hedgehog

B) On the snake

B) To the lion

D) On the elephant

3. What is the Lamb’s fault in the fable “The Wolf and the Lamb”?

A) In the fact that he muddied the waters for the wolf

B) The fact that the wolf wants to eat

B) In waking up the wolf

D) In ​​scaring the wolf

4. Continue the sentence from the fable: “The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts baking pies and sewing boots...”

A) Pie Man

B) Ice cream maker

B) Janitor

D) Road worker

5. Where did the crow land with a piece of cheese?

A) On a stump

B) On a branch

B) On spruce

D) On a tree

6. Where did the cunning wolf go in the fable “The Wolf in the Kennel”?

A) Run away

B) In the corner

B) Into the forest

D) Into negotiations

7. “Why, without fear of sin, does the Cuckoo praise the Rooster?”

A) Because he is beautiful

B) Because he praises the Cuckoo

B) Because he is her friend

D) Because he helped her

8. What did Dragonfly do in the summer?

A) I was swimming

B) Helped Ant

B) Sang

D) Flew to my sister

9. “I know you.” What fable is this moral from? (connect the fable and the moral with an arrow)

“How many times have they told the world,

That flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future,

And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.” "Casket"

"Forward someone else's misfortune

Don’t laugh, Dove!”"A Crow and a fox"

“When there is no agreement among comrades,

Things won't go well for them,

And nothing will come out of it, only torment.”"Siskin and Dove"

“It often happens to us

And work and wisdom to see there,

Where you just have to guess

It’s easy to get down to business.”"Swan, Pike and Cancer"

10. From what fable is this sentence: “They are trying their best, but the cart is still moving.”

A) Elephant and Moska

B) Swan, Cancer and Pike

B) Monkey and glasses

D) Chest

11. From which fable are the following words: “My dear, how beautiful!”

A) Elephant and Moska

B) Raven and Fox

B) Frog and Ox

D) Wolf and Lamb

12. From what fable are these words: “Where is it? What an empty thing! Isn’t it stupid that they value him so highly?”

A) Crow and Fox

B) Pig under the Oak

B) Rooster and pearl grain

D) The wolf and the lamb

13 . "Larchik."

– The chest contains various items. You must remember which hero they belong to.

Mirror -

grain –

snare -

a piece of cheese -

acorns –

14. “Rebuses. Guess the name of the fable."

15. "Bulletin Board"

- Read the advertisements. Which of the fable heroes could they belong to?

16. “Who said such words?”

  • “My dear, how beautiful!

What a neck, what eyes!”

  • “Everyone just lied to me about the glasses;

But they are of no use for hair.”

  • "Friends! What's all this fuss about?

I, your old matchmaker and godfather..."

  • “Don’t leave me, dear godfather!

Let me gather my strength..."

  • “Wait!

How should the music go? That’s not how you sit.”

His fables will survive centuries. K.H. Batyushkov

Target: generalization of students’ knowledge about I.A.’s fables Krylov, develop memory, attention, cultivate interest in reading.
I competition.
Name Krylov's fables about: Fox (“Crow and the Fox”, “Fox and Grapes”, “Wolves Fox”, “Good Fox”, “Fox”, “Fox and Donkey”)
Volke (“Wolf and Lamb”, “Wolf in the kennel”, “Lion and Wolf”, “Wolf and Cat”, “Wolf and Shepherds”, “Wolves and Sheep”).
Medvede (“Quartet”, “Bear with the Bees”, “The Hermit and the Bear”, “The Hardworking Bear”, “The Peasant and the Worker”)
Monkeys ("Mirror and Monkey", "Monkey and Glasses", "Monkeys", "Monkey", "Quartet")
People (“Peasant and Worker”, “Cat and Cook”, “Large”, “Curious”, “Demyan’s Ear”, “Peasant and Snake”, “Two Boys”)

II competition.
Who owns the words?
“My dear, how beautiful! What a neck, what eyes!” (To the Fox from the fable “The Crow and the Fox”)
“They only lied to me about the glasses; But they are of no use for hair.” (To the monkey from the fable “The Monkey and the Glasses”)
"Friends! What's all this fuss about? I, your old matchmaker and godfather...” (To the wolf from the fable “The Wolf in the Kennel”)
“Don’t leave me, dear godfather! Let me gather my strength..." (To the Dragonfly from the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant")
“Wait! How should the music go? After all, YOU don’t sit like that” (To the monkey from the fable “Quartet”)

III competition.
Remember the missing word

  1. “Two... (barrels).”
  2. "The boy and... (Snake)."
  3. "Fox and... (grapes)."
  4. "Hardworking... (Bear)."
  5. “Trishkin... (caftan).”
  6. "Dragonfly and... (Ant)."
  7. "Donkey and... (Nightingale)."
  8. "Cat and... (Cook)."
  9. “A pig under... (oak tree).”
  10. 10. “Wolves and... (Sheep).”

IV competition
“The moral of the story is this”
- What fable had such a moral?

1. “How many times have they told the world,
That flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.”
("A Crow and a fox".)

2. “The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts baking pies,
And the boots are made by the cake maker:
And things won’t go well.” (“Pike and Cat.”)

3. “It often happens to us
And work and wisdom to see there,
Where you just have to guess
It’s easy to get down to business.” (“Casket.”)

4. “Forward someone else’s misfortune
Don’t laugh, Dove!” (“Siskin and Dove.”)

5. “When there is no agreement among comrades,
Things won't go well for them,
And nothing will come out of it, only torment.” ("Swan, Pike and Cancer",)

V competition.
Many phrases from the fables of I.A. Krylov became popular words. We often say “The casket just opened” or “And Vaska listens and eats,” without even thinking that these words were first uttered by Krylov’s heroes. Krylov has a lot of such phrases that have become catchphrases. Here are some of them:

  • “Yes, but it’s still there”
  • “The powerful are always to blame for the powerless”
  • “There is no stronger beast than a cat!”

Do you remember what fables these lines are from?
(Respectively: “Swan, Pike and Cancer”, “Wolf and Lamb”, “Mouse and Rat”).
Not only lines from Ivan Andrekich's fables, but even the names of the fables themselves became catchphrases. Who will name them? “Trishkin Kaftan”, “Swan, Pike and Cancer”, “Elephant and Moska”, “Demyan’s Ear”, “Cuckoo Rooster”, etc.)
The greatest expert on the Russian word, I. A. Krylov enriched our literary language many figurative expressions that have become proverbs and sayings. They are used in disputes, since it is better to confirm your thoughts with them than with long arguments:

  • “The eye sees, but the tooth numbs”
  • "Harrow in Peacock Feathers"
  • "Jumping Dragonfly"
  • "Trishkin caftan"
  • "Monkey's work"
  • "Disservice"
  • “And the casket just opened”
  • “And Vaska listens and eats”

VI competitions.
1 Crossword

"Ivan Krylov"

  1. A writer who composes fables (fabulist).
  2. The city with which Krylov’s childhood is connected (Tver)
  3. The position in which Krylov began his career (sub-office clerk)
  4. French poet-fabulist, Krylov translated his fables into Russian (Lafontaine)
  5. Musical instrument played by Krylov (violin)
  6. An important part in the fable, the conclusion is the lesson (moral)
  7. Works for the theater that Krylov wrote (plays)
  8. Profession in which Krylov worked for 30 years (librarian)
  9. and 10. Heroes of one of Krylov’s most famous fables (Dragonfly and Ant)

2 Crossword

"I.A. Krylov"
1. “To that misfortune... she ran very close” (fox).
2. “The Naughty Monkey, the Donkey,” the Goat and the club-footed Bear started to play...” (quartet).
3. “She knows she is strong” that barks at the elephant.” Who is this? (Pug).
4. “My dear, how pretty! What a neck, what eyes!” Who is this? (Crow).
5. “Somewhere God sent a crow a piece of...” (cheese).
6. “Through the streets... they were driven, apparently, for show” (Elephant).
7. “The monkey, out of frustration and sadness, hit the stone so hard that the splashes sparkled* What is this? (Glasses).
8. “On a hot day, a lamb went to a stream to drink; and it must have happened that a hungry man was prowling around those places...” Who? (Wolf).

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