How to properly transport children in different types of transport? Rules and requirements for transporting children in a car according to the traffic rules Changes in the traffic rules for transporting children.

It has been (or only) 10 years since changes were made to the Road Traffic Regulations regulating the transport of children in cars. They were criticized a lot and, finally, the need for change became obvious.

Let us remind you that now, according to the Rules of the Road, children under 12 years of age must be transported in the back seat using “child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using seat belts,” and in the front seat - only “using child restraints.”

On the one hand, both doctors and police have repeatedly pointed out that seat belt adapters that fit the definition of “other means of fastening a child” do not ensure reliable fixation and not only do not save the child during an accident, but, on the contrary, can further injure. The corresponding bench tests were carried out by the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Scientific Research Automotive and Automotive Institute "NAMI"" As it turned out, it is safer to fasten a junior schoolchild in the “usual” way.

On the other hand, many parents indicated that by the age of 12 (and even earlier), their children had already completely caught up with the height and weight of their mothers and fathers, which means that their safety can already be ensured with standard devices that are equipped with any modern car - seat belts . But it was simply impossible (and even unsafe) to place a “baby” who was about 170 tall and weighed about 50 kilograms in a child car seat or booster seat. When meeting with representatives of the State Traffic Inspectorate, the parents were forced to lie about the age of the child, and the traffic police officers were not very keen to find out the age of the young passengers - they were not required to carry documents with them.

So the need to make changes to the rules for transporting children has been long overdue, but they turned out to be half-hearted. It would seem much easier to set restrictions solely on height, focusing on the minimum parameters for which seat belts are designed (150 cm). Nevertheless,

...the developers of the bill simply lowered the age of a child for whom a car seat is required - now it is seven years old. From 7 to 11 years old, the car seat can be used at the discretion of the parents, depending on the height and weight of the child.

But, it should be noted, we are only talking about transportation in the back seat of a car. Children under 11 years old can still be transported in the front seat only in child car seats. The fine for violating this rule is 3,000 rubles.

There is one point that can be subject to double interpretation - what is included in the category of “child restraints” in addition to car seats and infant carriers. For example, GOST R 41.44-2005, approved by order of Rostekhregulirovanie No. 318-st on December 20, 2005, states:

Child restraint systems: a set of elements consisting of straps or flexible elements with buckles, adjusting devices, fastening parts and, in some cases, an additional device (for example, a carrycot, a removable child seat, a booster seat and/or impact shield) which may be attached to the interior of the vehicle body. The device must be designed in such a way that, in the event of a collision or sudden braking of the vehicle, the risk of injury to a child in the restraint is reduced by limiting the movement of the child's body.

That is, car seats, boosters, and seat belt adapters fit this definition.

On the other hand, the current version of the traffic police separates “child restraints” and “other means” that allow you to fasten a child with seat belts.

Until the bill is approved, it seems most reasonable to focus on the comments for the media made by the leader of the all-Russian political party “Automobile Russia”, State Duma deputy of the VI and VII convocations Vyacheslav Lysakov. According to him,

...all adapters - both "pads" and "triangles" - are now excluded from the list of restraint devices, that is, they cannot be used when transporting children under 7 years of age. How and with what to restrain children over seven years old is at the discretion of the parents.

The deputy did not make any comments about boosters (children's car seats without a backrest), but formally, they, like belt pads, do not belong to restraint devices - after all, they only allow the child to take the correct position relative to the seat belt. Most manufacturers allow their use only for children weighing at least 15 kg, i.e. 4 - 4.5 years. They can probably only be used to transport children over 7 years old.

And finally, another innovation - leaving a child under 7 years old in a car without adult supervision will now be prohibited, corresponding addition lobbiedpersonallyformer children's ombudsman Pavel Astakhov and included in clause 12.8 of the traffic rules.

The amount of the fine has not yet been approved, but most likely it will be 500 rubles. So no more “I’ll run by for a minute while the baby dozes off in the car!”

It is expected that the changes to the traffic rules will come into force on January 1, 2017. However, according to Vyacheslav Lysakov, it is not yet possible to talk about specific dates: changes to the Traffic Rules do not require any preparatory work or additional by-laws, so as soon as the document is signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, you will have to take into account the new traffic regulations . Perhaps tomorrow?

Children are the most vulnerable category of citizens, including when transported in a car. In 2016, transporting children in a car must comply with certain traffic regulations; we will talk about them directly in this article.

Children in the car, rules

According to new rules in 2016, vehicle drivers will face stricter penalties for transporting children without special equipment.

Until 2013, violations of transporting children in a car were punishable by a small fine of 500 rubles. In 2016, for this offense, we are talking about a very significant fine of 3 thousand rubles.

Important! The lack of child restraints is not a compelling argument or justification for traffic police officers!

A fine is imposed for transporting children under 12 years of age without special child safety equipment. The thing is that standard seat belts are designed for passengers with a height of more than 1.5 meters.

Important! In addition to the immediate lack of special children's equipment for transportation, a fine is also imposed for its incorrect installation!

Transporting children in a car 2016

According to the 2016 traffic rules, transportation of children under 12 years of age must be carried out using special fastening equipment, namely:

  • Up to 6 months - a special infant carrier or child seat for the little ones.
  • Up to 12 years old – a special child seat.

The law also contains the wording “other means,” but we’ll talk about that later.

Transporting a child without a seat

Transporting children without a special restraint device is strictly prohibited by the law of the Russian Federation; for this offense the driver is punishable by a fine.

As mentioned earlier, the fine for transporting a child without a special restraint device is 3 thousand rubles. At the same time, prices for child seats range from 2-4 thousand rubles. As we can see from the above data, it will be much more profitable to buy a special restraint device and be confident about the safety of your child than to regularly pay this fine.

Important! Of course, when stopped by a traffic police officer, you can declare that the child has already reached 12 years of age. Traffic police officers do not have the right to demand a birth certificate. The child must at least look approximately 12 years old. But it should be remembered that the pursuit of savings very often leads to very sad consequences!

Child restraint

As mentioned earlier in the article, there are two types of child restraints. The first is infant carriers, used for the smallest passengers. The second is car seats intended for use up to 12 years.

Car seats are used for small children up to 6 months. Due to their dimensions and design features, they are installed transversely on the rear seats of the car. It is secured with the usual standard belts of the vehicle, and the child himself is securely fastened with the belts that come with the infant carrier.

A baby car seat takes up a lot of space in the car. On the other hand, it provides an optimal, safe and comfortable position for the baby. As an alternative, there is a car seat for small children.

Car seats are used for children up to 12 years old. The car seat is directly secured with standard seat belts, or with specially designed brackets that come with it. As a rule, child car seats have the ability to adjust the angle of the backrest.

Important! For the youngest passengers, special bolsters are used to properly secure their heads!

Children's car seats are divided into five main groups according to age and weight category. Transporting a child in a seat of an inappropriate group is also punishable by law. When traveling in a car seat, the child should feel as comfortable as possible.

Seat belts for children

Children under 12 years of age can also be transported in a vehicle using special boosters and seat belt adapters.

In the law of the Russian Federation, they are precisely what is meant by the wording “other means that allow you to fasten a child using seat belts.”

So, let’s look at what an adapter and booster are:

  • An adapter is essentially a metal element that lowers the seat belt to the child’s chest. It is the cheapest and absolutely ineffective way of protection. When the load occurs during a car collision, the adapter simply breaks.

  • A booster is the lower part of a car seat, that is, essentially a car seat without a backrest and belts. It is also not particularly effective.

Important! These child protection devices for transportation in a car do not provide adequate safety. Whatever you say, standard seat belts are designed for adults, not small children.

Boosters and adapters are still legal, but their use is only allowed in the rear seats.

Child in the front seat

In the legislation of the Russian Federation, there are no restrictions on transporting children in the front seat, but provided that proper safety of the child is ensured. So, for a child under 12 years old when transported in a vehicle in the front seat, it is necessary to use a special car seat.

In addition, to transport a child under 3 years of age in the front passenger seat, the car seat must be placed backwards, that is, facing the seat. In this case, you should turn off the airbag in advance, since if activated, it can cause significant harm to the child.

Children over 3 years old must be seated facing forward. The airbag must be turned on.

Important! According to all crash tests and studies, the front passenger seat is considered the most dangerous place in a car. For this reason, you should think twice before placing your child on it!

Carrying children in your arms in a car

Carriage of both infants and older children in arms is strictly prohibited by the law of the Russian Federation. To transport infants in a vehicle, you must use a special infant carrier. Which is installed on the back seat.

Bottom line

  • Children under 12 years of age are the most vulnerable category of passengers in a vehicle. To transport them, it is necessary to use special devices, and the reason for this, first of all, should be the safety of the child, and not a fine.
  • To transport infants, it is necessary to use specially designed bassinets.
  • The fine for violation when transporting children is 3 thousand rubles. It is much more economical to purchase a special device than to regularly pay a fine, and in addition, you will ensure the proper safety of the child.
  • Adapters and boosters are not prohibited by law and by purchasing them you will save money. So the price of the adapter most often does not exceed 500 rubles. But you should remember when using them, first of all, you will endanger the child.
  • Research shows that the use of infant carriers and car seats reduces the risk of a child being injured in an accident by more than 60%.

This concludes our article. We hope you found it useful. And remember, safety is never too much, especially for children.

Every driver is responsible not only for himself, but also for his passengers. If there are children in the car, then additional responsibility is imposed on the driver. Since 2016, new rules for transporting children have been in force, which we will talk about.

Any vehicle is designed in such a way that the built-in seat belts are only effective for passengers taller than 150 cm. When transporting children whose height is less than 150 centimeters, it is imperative to use a car seat, both in the back and front seats.

Many laws and sources indicate that children can be transported without a car seat from the age of 12, but this only means that by this age children usually already grow above 150 centimeters and when transporting them, built-in seat belts can be used. If you use built-in belts to secure a child, they can simply put pressure on the neck of a child under 12 years old; in the event of an accident, the child can slip out of the belts and get injured.

It is also strictly forbidden to hold children in the arms of one of the parents or other adults while moving, since in the event of an emergency the baby’s weight increases tens of times and holding him will be a big problem.

Clause 22.9

The Russian Traffic Regulations have clause 22.9. It regulates the rules for transporting children. To clarify this point, the following things will need to be said. The other means in question are various holding structures, even those that were made independently. But at the same time they must correspond to the weight and height of the child. Every car has the ability to fasten such a retaining structure.

It is strictly forbidden to transport children in the arms of their parents, this is very dangerous. At the speed limit in the city and an accident, the child’s weight increases 25-30 times and it is very difficult to keep the child from hitting him. In addition, an unbelted adult can, in an accident, press his body against a child and injure him.

Where and how best to install a child car seat

Russian Traffic Regulations 2016 allow children to be transported both in the front and back seats of a car, this is not a violation. But before placing a child in the front seat in a car, according to the Russian Traffic Regulations 2016, it is imperative to turn off the airbags. In the event of a collision, the pillow will hit the child in the back and may harm him.

The best place to install a child car seat is in the center of the back seat. This place in the car is the safest and is ideal for transporting children of any age in a car.

Types and types of child seats

Before you buy a child car seat for your child, you need to understand what type of seat you need. For children from 0 to one year old, you need a seat that will be attached to the front or back seat of a car. In this case, the baby will be secured in the chair with a belt that will cross his stomach. Or the baby can be secured in a reclining position and fastened with a three-point belt.

You can also use a seat in a car from zero years old, in which the baby will half sit, while it is better to place the device with its back relative to the movement of the car.

For children from one to 4 years old, it is better to use seats in which the child is secured with a five-point harness. Such a seat can be placed both on the back and on the front seat and this will not be a violation of the RF Traffic Regulations 2016.

From three to seven years old, children in the car can use seats that have an adjustable backrest. In this case, the passenger is secured with standard car seat belts.

For older children from 7 to 12 years old, the chairs have some design features. For example, the back of a chair is detachable in case a child under 12 years old grows out of such a chair. The device also has a limiter for the upper strap of the belt.

When choosing a seat to transport a child in the front or back seat, parents should be in the mood for a serious purchase, but they must also consult with the child. It is best to choose a chair for children under 12 years of age with fitting, the child should be as comfortable as possible there.

Then transportation, both in the front and rear seats, will be as comfortable as possible for both the baby and the parents, and the traffic police will not be able to fine the driver for violating the 2016 rules for transporting children under 12 years of age.

What is the fine for incorrectly transporting children?

Not long ago, changes came into force in the rules for transporting children in a car in the back and front seats and for violating the traffic rules of the Russian Federation in this area. Now drivers who incorrectly transport children in cars are punishable by a fine of 3,000 rubles. Moreover, as the law states, a violation is not only the absence of a special chair for children under 12 years of age, but also its incorrect installation.

It is the responsibility of both drivers and parents to ensure that the child is transported in the car only in a special seat, otherwise they will have to break the traffic rules and then pay a considerable fine.

What changes occurred in 2016

In 2016, a legislative act introduced some changes to the Russian Traffic Regulations that regulated the transportation of children in a car. According to the current traffic rules, if the child has not reached the age of 12, then he can only be transferred in a special chair.

At the same time, traffic police officers insist that if the baby has reached a height of more than 150 cm, then a chair is not required. But in this situation, it is best to act according to the rules and use special restraints for children. Also, changes in 2016 affected the fact that it is necessary to use either car seats or boosters and no other devices.

In the bus

Since 2016, changes have also affected the transportation of children on the bus. Now the rules for the organized transportation of a group of children have become more stringent. Now the bus must be no older than ten years from the date of release. Also, the bus must have tachographs, as well as a satellite dish for navigation.

In addition, the rules for organized transportation of a group of children mean that children under 7 years old can be transported on a bus for no more than three hours. If the journey must last more than four hours, then since 2016 children must be accompanied by a health worker, and the bus must also have food for feeding children during the journey.

In airplane

As for transporting children under 12 years of age on an airplane, there are no age restrictions on the flight. But doctors recommend flying with children who have already reached the age of three months.

Typically, children under two years of age are transported on an airplane on the lap of an adult and the baby does not require a separate seat. For babies up to six months old, you can order a special cradle, especially if the flight is long. Disposable linen is included with the cradle. If you have the opportunity, you can bring your stroller on the plane. When the baby turns two years old, you will need to buy a separate ticket for him.

New rules for transporting children in cars. Choosing a car seat!

The question that worries all parents now is what changes will there be in the rules for transporting children in 2018?

The latest changes to the rules for transporting children came into force on July 12, 2017. No changes are expected in 2018.

Next, we will consider the general rules for transporting children in private cars. Follow the news in the group In contact with.

  • Transportation of children under 7 years old

    In the back, in the front seat, in the cab of a truck- The use of a child restraint is mandatory.

    Transportation of children from 7 to 12 years old

    Children over 7 years old are allowed to be transported in the back seat of a car and in the cabin of a truck without the use of car seats or any other means. It is enough to fasten them with a standard seat belt.

    It is mandatory to use a car seat in the front seat of a car until the child reaches 12 years of age.

    Transportation of children over 12 years of age

    According to the Traffic Rules, children over 12 years of age are subject to the same general passenger responsibilities as adults.

    Leaving a child in the car

    It is prohibited to leave a child under 7 years of age in a car in the absence of an adult when parking the car.

    Please note that the ban only applies during parking. The rules allow leaving a child during a stop for no more than 5 minutes.

    Points of the Rules of the Road

    The rules for transporting people are described in Chapter 22 of the Rules. Children are mentioned in clause 22.2 - transportation in the back, clause 22.6 - organized transportation of children and clause 22.9 - special requirements for the transportation of children. It is paragraph 22.9 that, from July 12, 2017, is set out in its entirety in a new edition. New paragraph from July 12, 2017 in paragraph 12.8 - leaving a child in the car.

    22.2. Transporting people in the back of a flatbed truck is permitted if it is equipped in accordance with the Basic Provisions, but transporting children is not permitted.

    22.6. Organized transportation of a group of children must be carried out in accordance with these Rules, as well as the rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, on a bus marked with identification marks “Transportation of Children”.

    The organized transportation of a group of children, in addition to the Traffic Rules, is regulated by a separate document “Rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by bus.”

    22.9. Transportation of children under the age of 7 years in a car and a truck cab that is designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX* child restraint system must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

    Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a passenger car and truck cab, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child , or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a car - only with the use of child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child.

    The installation of child restraint systems (devices) in a passenger car and the cabin of a truck and the placement of children in them must be carried out in accordance with the operating instructions for the specified systems (devices).

    It is prohibited to transport children under the age of 12 on the back seat of a motorcycle.

    * The name of the ISOFIX child restraint system is given in accordance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TP PC 018/2011 “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”

    It is prohibited to leave a child under 7 years of age in a vehicle while it is parked in the absence of an adult.

    Traffic police fine for violating the rules for transporting children

    Fine for violating the rules for transporting children established by part 3 of article 12.23 of the code of administrative offenses and constitutes from 3,000 to 100,000 rubles.

    3. Violation of the requirements for the transportation of children established by the Traffic Rules -
    entails the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of three thousand rubles; for officials - twenty-five thousand rubles; for legal entities - one hundred thousand rubles.

    Therefore, do not be surprised if a taxi driver refuses to transport a child without a child seat. For such a violation he faces .

    If a taxi driver agrees to carry a child without a child seat, you should be wary, firstly, this is a threat to the safety of your child, and secondly, such a taxi driver most likely works illegally and does not have a license to transport people. Such a license is not issued to individuals.

    Leaving a child under 7 years of age alone in a car is a violation of stopping and parking rules. Liability is provided for in Part 1 of Article 12.19 in the form warning or fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

    12.19.1. Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles, with the exception of cases provided for in part 1 of article 12.10 of this Code and parts 2 - 6 of this article, -
    entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

    In Moscow or St. Petersburg, this violation is qualified under Part 5 of Article 12.19 - in the form of a fine of 2,500 rubles.

    12.19.5. The violation provided for in Part 1 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg, -
    shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand five hundred rubles.

    Perhaps in the near future a separate article will be allocated for this violation.

  • Small children in a car are always an increased responsibility for the driver. To protect the life of a child who is a passenger in a vehicle, experts recommend, and the Traffic Rules oblige, the use of special devices.

    Small children in a car are always an increased responsibility for the driver. To protect the life of a child who is a passenger in a vehicle, experts recommend, and the Traffic Rules oblige, the use of special devices. On December 1, 2016, new requirements were introduced that made it mandatory to transport a child only in a special child car seat. This means that any other restraint devices in the form of boosters or adapters have become “outlawed”. How to transport children correctly? What recommendations do experts give for transporting children? What will change for drivers of passenger vehicles transporting a child in 2019?

    Features of transporting children in a car

    Not all road users know that passenger cars are equipped with standard seat belts designed for passengers with a height of at least 150 cm. The Traffic Rules provide for a rule allowing the transportation without restraints of those passengers who are over 12 years old. This age was not set by chance: according to legislators, it is by the 12th birthday that most teenagers acquire the build for which standard car seat belts are designed.

    Today it is allowed to transport a smaller child using any devices, the list of which, unfortunately, includes restraint devices that do not guarantee full protection. We are talking about all kinds of adapters and boosters, which, at a minimum, are ineffective in side impacts. In general, such products are not currently subject to certification, which means trusting the life of a child to a dubious plastic stand is extremely reckless.

    Fine for transporting children in a car

    The amount of penalties for violating the rules for transporting children is given in paragraph 3 of Art. 12.23 Code of Administrative Offences. In 2019, for failure to comply with traffic regulations (“Transportation of Children”), the driver will be fined 3,000 rubles. Such a violation will “cost” 25 thousand rubles for an official, 100 thousand rubles for a legal entity. For adult passengers whose transportation is carried out in violation, the law provides for a more lenient punishment - a fine of 500 rubles.

    It is necessary to understand that road users will not be able to avoid administrative liability, both if there is no special car seat in the car, or if it is installed incorrectly. The required technology for installing a child car seat is usually given in the product instructions.

    What changes were made to legislation in 2016?

    On December 1, 2016, amendments to the traffic rules came into force, which made it mandatory to transport a child under 12 years of age in restraints made in the form of car seats. It is believed that only in this case will small children be ensured maximum safety, both when placing such passengers in the front seat, and when installing a car seat anywhere in the large rear seat. Transporting children according to the new rules will also ensure the effective operation of standard seat belts, regardless of what caused the vehicle to get into an accident (frontal or side impact, car rollover, etc.)

    The corresponding changes were made to paragraph 22.9 of the traffic rules and came into force on the first day of winter 2016, which is largely explained by the traditional deterioration of the road situation at this time associated with cold weather, heavy precipitation and icy roads.

    The new rules for transporting children are designed to reduce damage to their health and life, so ignoring such requirements can always be regarded as a negligent attitude towards the fate of young passengers. Remember that standard seat belts can only protect a child if they are used correctly: they must pass clearly across the chest and lower back, fitting tightly to the body. Such conditions can be provided for short passengers only by using special car seats.

    It is worth considering other recommendations from experts on transporting children in a car:

    • The safest place to install a child car seat for a child will be the central place of the rear seat.
    • The best protection is provided by restraint devices, the design of which involves reliable fastening of the product to the main seat, as well as the presence of 5-point seat belts (with such a car seat, small children receive protection, including when the car rolls over).
    • It is strictly forbidden to transport children in a car while holding them in your arms (research shows that in the event of an accident, the speed of movement of a child in your arms increases by 7-8 times).

    Additional materials on the topic:

    Standard personal income tax deductions for children in 2019: sample application Fine for lack of MTPL insurance in 2019
    Tachograph on trucks 2019: how to circumvent the law from April 1, 2015 and whether an individual needs to install a tachograph on a truck Fine for driving into the oncoming lane Fines for tinting from January 1, 2019

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