Coaching - What is it in simple words? Who is a coach? Who are coaches.

Professional consultants introduced the business to coaching over 30 years ago. And they continue to develop this direction. One of the leading business coaches, John Whitmore, along with his colleagues, first conducted employee training in the early 1980s. And they introduced the term “performance coaching” (English “performance coaching”). Life and business coaching, career, personal, business and other types of coaching are based precisely on its principles.

What is coaching and its brief history

In today's organizations, the word "coaching" has become fashionable. But where did this term come from? The English word "coach" comes from the Hungarian "kocsi", which translates as "wagon" and literally means "from Cox". Cox is the name of a small Hungarian town where horse-drawn carriages and wagons were once produced. The word was supposedly associated with teachers or coaches who, like a cab driver, guided their students along the path of knowledge, based on their own experience.

However, there is another hypothesis about the origin. In the past, rich families used to take a guide with them during their travels, who rode with them in a carriage and helped them navigate the road. This option better reflects the phenomenon of coaching. After all, this is how a good coach behaves. He does not aggressively “pull the reins”, as the driver does, but simply stays nearby and carefully guides the “student” to the goal, helping him to reach his potential.

« coaching is about partnering with clients and participating together in a thoughtful creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” - International Coaching Federation (ICF)

However, let's put the labels aside. Coaching in its purest sense has always existed. And unconsciously practiced by emotionally and spiritually developed people - those who really trust and respect others, and also believe in their potential. And those who are ready to spend their time listening, supporting and pushing a person to become better than he was.

Coaching as a discipline and profession is a relatively new phenomenon. Until 2000, no one in the scientific community had mastered coaching to the level of PhD (as they designate a Ph.D. in the West). And its first application in the business environment occurred only in the 1980s by Mr. John Whitmore, executive chairman of Performance Consultants International.

Whitmore worked closely with Harvard University professor and tennis player Timothy Galwey, author of Tennis as an Inner Game and Work as an Inner Game. Galwey challenged traditional coaching methods in the sport. He argued that the role of the coach is not to hone the technique, but to help the player remove or reduce internal obstacles to the result and unleash his natural abilities.

Gallwey, Whitmore and many others who now work in the business arena started out in sports. However, sports coaching remains rooted in older models and is still instruction-based for the most part. After working with Galvey in the USA, John Whitmore founded the Inner Game organization, within which he formed a team of coaches who supported the position of Galviy.

They also believed that the key to successful coaching and performance improvement was removing internal obstacles, learning, and enjoying the process. Today they have become the leading exponents of business coaching and have defined it as follows:

“Coaching unlocks a person's potential and aims to maximize their performance. He not only teaches, but helps to learn.”

The essence of coaching is to increase awareness and responsibility. Regardless of who it is designed for: an individual, a team or yourself. Mindfulness increases engagement, interest, and the ability to learn. Responsibility is born from a conscious choice that leads a person to self-respect, confidence and self-motivation. Both awareness and responsibility are a state of mind. And the last one is the key ingredient. Knowledge and experience are important to performance, but none of these are as important as state of mind. This is exactly what coaching does. The coach redirects attention to future opportunities, helping to put past mistakes and any limiting beliefs behind.

This approach also takes into account the individuality of a person, uses his unique qualities. No two people are internally or externally the same - we all think and act differently. And in the past, these differences were often tried to be controlled, standardized and leveled - for ease of management. Simply because the management people thought they knew better what was right.

Standardization was the key to growth and success in the 1900s, when mass production was booming. This offered economies of scale and ease of management. However, this approach had its side effects, including overcontrol, which fostered a culture of guilt and criticism. Hence the low involvement and interest of employees, dissatisfaction and stress in the workplace, lack of choice and responsibility. Ironically, this made the job inefficient.

Over the past few years, senior executives around the world have begun to recognize the benefits and opportunities that quality coaching brings. Many choose to partner with a professional coach, and some learn the principles and skills of coaching on their own to maximize the professional potential of their team.

Many business leaders are finally realizing the true transformational impact coaching has on people and organizations. Traditional hierarchical structures are gradually being replaced by the coaching style. This is a new management culture that allows you to integrate meaning and purpose into activities. And also to maximize the levels of awareness and responsibility of employees, their faith, joy and passion for work.

Organizations are gradually beginning to unlock the potential of their employees and allow them to see the world more holistically. Integrity and purpose are the holy grail for organizations of the future. It's a higher level of productivity and a better world.

Where did the concept of coaching come from?

Historically, there have always been “coaches” in society. In some circumstances, this person was a city priest, in some - a shaman, and in some - an elder (father, grandfather, uncle). Before the phenomenon of coaching (or coaching) progressed to its current state, the term "coach" was used mainly in the arts (dramatic coaching), in athletics and in the corporate environment. Many executives hire external consultants as a sort of mentors to give them an unbiased and objective view of the company.

Coaching is now seen as a valuable and convenient service for the general public. Thanks to the emergence of "official" training, which is available to future coaches, anyone can now find a personal and well-prepared coach who will help him achieve his goals and desires. In personal or professional life.

What is coaching in simple words?

Coaching is a professional relationship that helps a person achieve results in life, profession or business, enabling them to bridge the gap between where they are and where they would like to be. The coach or trainer forms partnerships with their clients to help them design the life they want and identify their potential and resources to achieve their ideal and lead a purposeful, fulfilling life. By creating clarity, the coach moves the client's attention to the action and accelerates their progress. It helps to achieve greater focus and realize all the possibilities.

The founder of the ILCT coaching project, Patrick Williams, described coaching as follows:

“A powerful human relationship where trained coaches help people design their future, not overcome their past… The coach helps the client to form their vision and goals in a particular area of ​​life, as well as create several strategies to achieve these goals. The coach is able to recognize the strengths of each person, and also recognizes their responsibility and ability to make their own decisions, while at the same time providing support and maintaining an unconditional positive attitude.

- Therapist as Life Coach, 2007

According to the International Coaching Federation (ICF):

The coach honors his client and recognizes his competence in work or life in general. The coach assumes that each client is a creative, resourceful and whole person. Based on these provisions, the responsibility of the coach is as follows:

  • Find out and clarify what exactly the client wants to achieve, and agree on an action plan with him.
  • Encourage customer self-determination.
  • To seek from the client his own solutions and strategies.
  • Maintain responsibility and awareness of the client.

All this helps the client to significantly advance in their views on work and life, improve leadership skills and reach their potential.

What is the philosophy of coaching?

The fundamental position in the philosophy of coaching is this: a person has immeasurable resources of energy, wisdom, abilities and creative genius, which are waiting in the wings and are always ready to move. We all have the ability to create the life we ​​want. And by cooperating with a coach, this can be done faster and easier. It helps us to use these resources and facilitate the process of change and realize our potential.

Many of the basic psychological theories (the work of Adler and Jung, for example) and current concepts ("positive psychology" and "solution-oriented therapy") are precursors to coaching. Instead of focusing directly on pathology, these psychological concepts focus on changing behavior by raising awareness and choosing desired future outcomes. And also by solving current problems in life. At the same time, a person is considered as the creator and artist of his life.

The core philosophy of life coaching is:

If there is a gap between where you are now and where you would like to be, that gap is the place for life coaching. Why struggle and struggle on your own when you can get what you want in much less time, with outside support and the right tools?

How is coaching different from psychotherapy and other areas of care?

Professional coaches know the importance of identifying the characteristics and ethics that distinguish coaching from counseling, therapy, mentoring, or even friendship.

Although coaching and psychotherapy share some similarities, therapy often focuses on the impact of the past on the present, healing psychological dysfunction, and alleviating emotional pain. The therapist is considered an expert and a person who has the answers to questions about what is best for the client.

Coaching focuses on the present and future, the client's own strengths, life goals and desires. The coach works with clients to create opportunities and enrich their lives. Based on the belief that every individual is whole and gifted, coaching assumes that the client is able to determine what is best for them. The trainer only works together with them - helping to maximize the personal and professional potential of the applicant.

Why has the coaching industry achieved such popularity?

We live at a time when the field and practice of coaching is expanding and evolving. The demand for coaching arose when business leaders began to need it. They began to seek help in dealing with issues of their professional and personal lives.

In addition, as companies began to shrink and be replaced by others, and people who lived in the baby boom era crossed the 50-year-old milestone, coaches began to be hired to help people navigate the changes and get back on track. Since then, the profession has continued to grow and develop. Why? It's simple: because it works.

In 2014, a study was conducted on behalf of the International Coaching Federation. It showed that of those people who have ever sought the help of coaching:

  • 80% became more self-confident;
  • 73% noticed improvements in interpersonal relationships;
  • 72% improved their communication skills;
  • 70% showed improved performance;
  • 61% noted improvements in business management;
  • 57% became better at managing their time;
  • 51% demonstrated improved team performance;

Of all the people surveyed, 99% indicated that they were “almost or completely satisfied with working with a coach and the results obtained,” and 96% said they were ready to repeat this experience.

Now about 10% of the population is under the negative influence of mental illness or problems from the past that need to be addressed in order to move forward. The rest of the population (90%) who are not eligible for psychotherapy can benefit from coaching to help them turn their dreams into reality and achieve more fulfilling lives.

Top 7 Coaching Books

  1. Coaching. Basic Principles and Practices of Coaching and Leadership.
  2. Leader's inner strength. Coaching as a method of personnel management.
  3. Coaching. How to turn the conscious into the unconscious in the work of a coach.
  4. Living in the Flow: Coaching.
  5. Agile team coaching. A Guide for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers in Transition.
  6. The Complete Guide to Personal Coaching Methods, Principles, and Skills.
  7. Effective coaching. Lessons from the Coach Coach.

What is coaching: 10 definitions

Lately, everyone is trying to understand the nature of coaching. Therefore, below we present a number of definitions of this concept, which we managed to find.

However, before doing this, I would like to emphasize that in the course of the study, a huge number of definitions were found. And very different: from classical coaching and coaching psychology to team and executive coaching. It is possible that all this is a symptom of an unregulated industry.

However, there is still a moment that warms the heart: there are some common features between all these definitions. And perhaps at some point in the future, coaching will become a more standardized discipline, like a real science.

10 definitions of coaching

  1. “Unlocking a person's potential in order to maximize his performance. It does not teach, but helps to learn” (John Whitmore, 2003).
  2. “A collaborative, solution-oriented, results-oriented, systematic process in which the coach promotes performance, life experiences, self-directed learning, and personal growth of the client” (Anthony Grant, 1999; baseline definition by the Association for Coaching since 2005 ).
  3. “Professional partnership between a qualified coach and an individual or group of people, in which the participants strive to achieve results dictated by the goals set by the individual or team” (ICF, 2005)
  4. “The Art of Simplifying the Work, Learning and Development of the Other” (Miles Downey, 2003).
  5. “Coaching is directly related to improving performance and developing skills through training or mentoring” (Eric Parslow, 1995).
  6. “The psychology of coaching is to improve a person's well-being and performance in personal life and career; it is based on coaching models originating in adult and child education or psychological approaches” (a group of coaching psychologists from the British Psychological Society).
  7. “Coaching is the development of a person's skills and knowledge in order to improve their performance and lead to the achievement of organizational goals. Coaching is aimed at high performance and improving the quality of work, although it can also affect a person's personal life. It usually lasts for a short period and focuses on specific skills and goals” (CIPD, 2009).
  8. “Psychological skills and techniques that are used in one-on-one relationships to help someone become a more effective manager or leader. These skills are usually applied to specific issues related to the current moment… in a way that the client has them in his arsenal and can always use (Bruce Peltier, 2010).
  9. “Team coaching is a powerful alliance that aims to develop and improve the quality of human learning, as well as effectiveness and ability to achieve goals” (Laura Whitworth and colleagues, 2007).
  10. “Coaching is about empowering people to make informed decisions and empower them to become leaders in their lives” (Karen Weiss, 2010).

Interestingly, while trying to find definitions, we came across the following interesting statement from Bruce Peltier:

« The trainer should be able to give coaching a good working definition and articulate the difference between coaching and psychotherapy.«.

While this suggestion may seem obvious at first glance, the wide range of existing definitions is a real challenge for a coach who wants to define their activity as a “good working definition.” If only it were that easy...

What is life coaching?

Life coaching is a synergistic relationship between a professional accredited coach and a client, designed to use the full potential of the latter. In the same way that Olympic athletes would not be able to fully train without the added support, enthusiasm and insight of a coach, many of the most successful business people of our time, as well as professionals, leaders and entrepreneurs, turn to the services of a life coach - to take their lives, careers to the next level. or business.

A bit of a consultant, a bit of a motivator, a bit of a psychotherapist, and a bit of just a friend, coaches work with managers, entrepreneurs, and everyday people to help them set and achieve their goals—in their careers, in their personal lives, or in both.

Why does life coaching work?

“The coach has the opportunity to look at things from the outside. And shed light on difficult situations. Often such a person can act as a kind of mouthpiece, give advice, help develop skills and motivate.”

— CFO Magazine

An article on public administration presented the results of a study that compared self-directed learning and life coaching combined with learning. The study found that self-practice increased performance by 22.4%, while training combined with weekly life coaching improved performance by 88%. And that's why:

1 A responsibility. Most life coaches call clients three times a month. These scheduled calls encourage clients to do more than if they were doing everything on their own. Think about it: if you work out in the gym with a personal trainer, you overcome more difficult loads than if you work out on your own. By working with a professional coach, clients set bigger goals, take more decisive action, and even think bigger.

We are responsible for our own development. The coach trusts his "students" and holds them accountable for progress in their thinking, learning, or actions that will eventually lead to the goal. There are joint development activities designed and agreed upon from the very beginning. No accusations or judgment from the coach.

2 Expertise A trained life coach knows how to help you set the right goals, make more money, and structure your personal and professional life. He knows how to achieve more productivity with less effort. With the help of a coach, a person gets more in less time.

3 Reporting. A well-trained coach knows the right words to use to get you naturally motivated. When working with an experienced life coach, there is no place for intimidation or coaxing tactics. As a rule, coaching shows the greatest effectiveness when the coach calls his ward once a week. Therefore, the client has a whole week of time to change something in his thinking and take some action to achieve his goals. The call usually takes from 30 minutes to one hour. For the client, this practice is as challenging as it is inspiring. Typically, a call from a coach is eagerly awaited.

4 Speed.Most find that with the advent of a life coach, positive life changes come faster.

5 Understanding. The coach feels the individuality of his ward and tries to take this into account, taking certain measures, and also develops his “self-awareness”.

6 Actions. To fully grasp the meaning of this term within the framework of coaching, it is worth familiarizing yourself with such concepts as brainstorming, action design or planning, responsibility and control of activities.

Who turns to life coaches?

Entrepreneurs, executives, big businessmen, actors, musicians, creative people, managers, startups, specialists and even housewives - they all achieve their goals with the help of a life coach. If you are not where you would like to be, and there is a gap between these places, then this gap is the field of activity for a life coach. Not only can a coach help bridge the gap between what you want and what you want, it can also help you overcome limiting beliefs.

What does a life coach usually work with?

  • definition and achievement of goals, problem solving;
  • planning - in business, career and life;
  • correct blocking beliefs and fears;
  • ignorance of order in affairs;
  • formation of financial security and independence;
  • balancing business and personal life;
  • making key decisions and developing strategies for success;
  • work with communication skills;
  • solution of problems;
  • building strong relationships;
  • destruction of the "glass ceiling";
  • assistance in promotion;
  • search for the optimal area of ​​work or business;
  • search for the ideal partner / love / relationship;
  • exit from the vicious circle;
  • shaping important life changes;
  • starting a business;
  • business development;
  • achieving a dream life;
  • defining core values ​​and interests;
  • satisfaction of personal and emotional needs;
  • help in organization;
  • making money;
  • release of free time;
  • the formation of a more cheerful and eventful life;
  • many, many more...

Frequently asked Questions

How is life coaching fundamentally different from consulting, psychotherapy, sports coaching, and just a good friend?

Consulting. Life coaching can be seen as a form of consulting. However, counseling is usually more about information and experience. For example, it is possible to contact a consultant to solve a specific problem in the business. In this situation, you expect the hired expert to share knowledge and experience in this particular area.

As for life coaches, they may not have experience or knowledge in a certain area. A coach is a specialist in helping you develop all areas of your business or personal life. Unlike many consultants who only suggest a solution, a life coach follows you around to help you integrate changes, gain new skills, and set goals to make sure that what you set out to do actually comes to fruition. This is one of the reasons coaching is so effective: it is one thing to have information and quite another to use it and make changes in your life.

Therapy. Coaching is not psychotherapy. There is no work on past problems or traumas. They are not psychologists and psychotherapists. If you contact a coach without solving some problem from the past, then he will not help you with this. To solve it, you will have to contact a therapist. Quite often, unresolved psychotraumas prevent us from getting what we want from life.

As for life coaches, they are focused on the present and future, on the goals of the client. They help a person move forward, achieving personal and professional goals. Most life coach clients are accomplished and healthy individuals who may be somewhat stuck at a certain stage or simply want to change something in their lives. The coach is their support.

sports training. Life coaching often includes the principles of sports training. For example, become the best version of yourself, do more than you think you can, work in a team and go to the goal. However, unlike sports, coaching is not a competition. A life coach helps you win not in a competition, but in your own life.

Best friend. A good friend or two (or even three) is fine. However, is your friend a professional to whom you can trust important aspects of your life or business? In addition, friends often cannot tell us the truth because they do not want to risk the relationship. A good life coach is never afraid to do this. Why then, in addition to a good friend, not get the services of a good life coach?

Who uses life coaching and why?

The International Coaching Federation says it beautifully:

“People hire a life coach because:

  • They want more.
  • They want to grow.
  • They want it to be easier.

Everything is simple. A life coach helps the applicant to realize all three points. In short time."

What are the benefits of using a coach?

  • You begin to make better decisions and act more purposefully.
  • You stop putting up with petty annoyances.
  • You have an incentive to work for the result.
  • You set more effective goals based on your true desires.
  • You have more time and energy.

Does the life coach work more on personal goals or on business/professional ones?

Usually with both. A life coach is the only professional trained to deal with all aspects of life. This is convenient, because very often problems at work affect your personal life. And vice versa. Some clients prefer to spend more time on their business goals, while others may focus on personal goals. How exactly to use coaching is up to you.

What does a life coach usually focus on?

It focuses on what the client wants. And where the client wants. The goals of the client are the goals of the coach. Although the latter may have some bold suggestions that will help you reach your goal faster. Sometimes, for example, to become more successful in business, you need to do some work on your personality.

Why does coaching work?

There are several reasons for this:

  • Interaction with the coach forms the client's motivation to work and enthusiasm.
  • A professional helps to set more effective goals that really motivate.
  • A person develops new skills that lead to greater success.
  • Coaching is supportive. Being alone with ourselves, we run the risk of falling into a trap and walking in a vicious circle, even if the initial intentions were the most positive. Life coaching helps you get out of this circle. Therefore, changes are given with less struggle and effort.
  • A coach is an objective and positive support. Not everyone has a friend or colleague who can provide this. If you are working on yourself alone, then try to imagine how much more useful you can do with a coach.

Why is life coaching so popular?

  1. People are tired of doing what they “should”. And they want to do something special and more meaningful in their lives. However, few are able to see exactly what they want. And if they are able, they do not see ways to reorient their lives. Life coaching helps you do both.
  2. People understand how easy it can be to achieve something that at first glance seems out of reach. A coach is not a miracle worker (well, sometimes), but he has a set of tools with which a Big Idea can become a Reality.

Can't I achieve my goals on my own?

We have been taught that “hard and independent work” is the key to wealth, a successful life, and happiness. Most believe that in order to achieve what you want, you need to sacrifice something. Some even sacrifice their health, free time, or relationships.

However, these sacrifices are not required. It is possible to have all of the above. And with life coaching, you'll find that you don't have to sacrifice it to get what you want. You may need to change a few things, but these changes will result in more free time for friends and family, more money, more opportunities, and more success at work. And many clients of coaches notice this.

Athletes, artists, executives, and even presidents understand that they cannot do this solely on their own. They realize that they need a qualified person or a whole team of experts to help determine the best direction, as well as provide support and feedback. Without this, it is almost impossible to achieve the ideal. No athlete would dare to go to the Olympics without the support of a coach. The coach provides an added advantage. Why don't you have this advantage?

Why do successful people still hire coaches?

In reality, no one needs a life coach. However, many would like to turn to him. Are you doing what you love the most? Do you put up with any unpleasant aspects of your life? Do you live relatively "easy" or do you mostly struggle with something? How are you doing financially? Do you have a really strong and sincere desire for something? Most people can get a lot more out of their lives. I thought that I would start writing when I retired, that is, at the age of 65. But in the end I wrote my first book at 30! Life coaching really speeds up work and results.

Can a client become addicted to a coach?

No. A person may need a life coach at a certain time - to maximize opportunities or to accelerate their personal growth. Anyone with goals has the opportunity to take advantage of the advice, support, and some of the tools that a coach provides. He is needed for this. As for the formation of addiction, then you should not worry. As a rule, life coaches work with accomplished, healthy and successful people. They are not psychotherapists and should not be doing his job. If you suddenly begin to feel dependent on your life coach, see a therapist.

Can a coach hurt someone?

No. The client is always responsible for his own life. He makes his own decisions and acts on his own. A life coach only provides positive support. Sometimes a life coach can challenge a client or offer a non-standard path for him. However, it is the client who will decide whether to follow the advice of the coach or not.

The coach does not in any way control the thoughts, actions, or life of the person who has addressed him. If you feel unwell after talking to a coach or any situation related to him, let him know about it. Perhaps this is due to a misunderstanding. Or you simply do not fit the style of work of this person. Try contacting someone else. The client should feel energized and motivated to act.

Can I hire a life coach for a special short term project?

Yes. Some clients do just that. I am hiring a coach to support me in working on a project. Many people who apply, having achieved their main goals, prefer to continue working with a coach. Because there are even more interesting things!

How long does a partnership with a coach last?

One month. Although usually most people after turning to coaching change their minds about it - finding it more useful than they thought before. Therefore, they prefer to work longer. There are many cases where work with a coach lasts three to six months. However, if coaching is not working, you can always stop it right away. Some coaches may ask you to sign a contract with a deadline. Although most still do not limit the client to dates.

This does not apply to corporate contracts, as the company's projects are limited in time. Everything is discussed individually.

What is the standard cost of a coaching service?

Most coaches who work with individuals charge about 10,000 rubles for a month of work and 3-4 calls lasting from 30 to 60 minutes. Coaches who work with officials charge more for their services. At the same time, they work with some of these clients for more than one or two hours a week. The approximate price for all this is from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles per hour. Corporate coaching costs even more. Here, rates can vary from 50,000 to 500,000 rubles per month and usually start at 20,000 rubles per hour. Both in the case of individual coaching and in the case of corporate coaching, the coach can work right on the spot.

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In this article, I want to shed light on the topic of coaching, since a lot of ambiguous information about coaching and coaches has gathered in the post-Soviet space. Some people got to the right coaches and are very happy with the result, while others got to the charlatans and realized that they just lost money.

In addition, I will give you some tools to get you started on what coaching is all about.

In this article, I will cover:

  • Who is a coach (history, definition).
  • The difference between a coach and a psychologist, trainer, consultant.
  • How to distinguish a coach from a charlatan.
  • What kind of questions do clients turn to a coach for?
  • How can a coach be useful to a client?
  • What a typical coaching session looks like.
  • How much can a coach earn?
  • Can coaching be helpful to you?
  • Can you become a coach.
  • What it takes to become a coach.
  • My coaching journey: how I became one and what it gave me.

I am sure that my thoughts will seem objective to you, since, on the one hand, I am a certified coach, and on the other hand, coaching is not a source of my income, since my main job is personnel management on the largest Ukrainian TV channel. In addition, I myself hire coaches for the development of company employees and see different representatives of this profession.

I have been a certified coach for several years now. When I tell others that I am a coach, they always ask me the same questions:

  • Who is a coach? What is a personal growth coach?
  • How do you work with clients? Do you give them advice?
  • Is it true that clients pay $100 for one coaching session?
  • And you really only ask questions?

Everyone has heard the word "coach" for a long time. Each of us has different associations with the word “coach”. Someone imagines a personal growth coach, someone a psychologist, someone a charlatan-infobusinessman, and someone, maybe, an avid NLPer.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with coaching. It’s just that all these people at one time caught the trend of the popularity of coaching and began, among other regalia, to ascribe to themselves the newfangled word “coach”.

Real coaches don't teach anything at all.

But everyone will probably agree on one thing: coaches make good money. And it's really true. A coaching session, even for a novice coach, costs $50 already, but experienced coaches charge from $100 to $200. But there are those who can charge $500 or even $1,000, but these are usually very well-known coaches who work with business owners, and this work is limited to either a series of intensive coaching sessions, between which there is a pause of 6-12 months, or, on the contrary, episodic meetings once a month.

But what is most striking is that real coaches (and what a real coach is, I will tell below) do not teach anything at all. They don't tell you what decisions to make, they don't make you work better or harder. And what is no less striking is that they do not talk to the client about his past, but, as a rule, about the future.

So why do people who ask questions about the future get thousands of dollars from their clients?

Let's try to figure it out. Let's start with a definition.

What is coaching?

Official version:

coaching(English coaching - training, training) - a method of counseling and training, differs from classical training and classical counseling in that the coach does not give advice and hard recommendations, but seeks solutions together with the client.

My version:

coaching- this is a special kind of work of a coach with a client, thanks to which the client achieves outstanding results faster, more joyfully and easier than he himself would have worked to achieve them.

A bit of history

Timothy Golwey

It all started with Timothy Galwey, who was the author of the concept of the inner game, which formed the basis of coaching. The concept was first described in the book The Inner Game of Tennis, published in 1974. It is this date that can be considered the date of birth of coaching.

The idea of ​​the inner game came to him while working as a tennis instructor.

The enemy in the head is much more dangerous than the opponent on the other side of the "grid". The task of the coach is to help the player remove or mitigate internal obstacles. As a result, the natural ability of a person to learn and achieve efficiency will be manifested. The goal of the "inner game" is to reduce any interference in the unfolding and fulfillment of a person's full potential.

Timothy Galwey


He developed Galwey's ideas in application to business and management. John Whitmore is a British racing driver, one of the UK's leading business coaches, and the creator of the popular GROW coaching model.

John was a student of Timothy Galwey. In 2007 he received the President's Award from the International Coaching Federation (ICF), recognizing his work in promoting coaching around the world.


Considered the creator of coaching as we know it today.

Thomas was a financial consultant. One day, he noticed that his most successful clients didn't so much ask him for financial advice as they asked for personal business advice. Business executives and CEOs were interested in learning how to quickly respond to a changing economic environment, how to effectively manage employees, and someone simply could not formulate their future professional goals.

Here are just a few of Thomas' accomplishments:

  • Founder of the Coach University (, the International Coach Federation (ICF), the International Association of Certified Coaches (IAC) and the project.
  • Developed 28 personal and professional programs.
  • Author of six books for coaches and 14 internal exclusive works for Coaching University students.
  • Among the more than 28 programs he has developed, Clean Sweep is very popular with us.

How coaching has evolved

  • From the 70s to the mid-80s - the stage of the birth of coaching in the United States.
  • Mid 80s - coaching began to spread in the US.
  • Mid 1980s - coaching intensified in Germany.
  • The end of the 80s - in Germany, the development of personnel through coaching began.
  • The beginning of the 90s - in Europe and the USA, the division of coaching into specializations started.
  • Mid / late 90s - in Europe and America, coaching is actively gaining momentum.
  • From 2002 to the present day - a phase of in-depth professionalization.

The difference between coaching and other types of assistance and counseling is shown in the graph:

Thus, coaching is the only type of counseling in which the client is the expert and the coach only asks questions.

How to distinguish a real coach from a real charlatan?

coach Charlatan
Studied at a certified school
coach (ECF or ICF) and can present their certificate
Didn't learn coaching at all, learned from books, learned from another coach, studied at an uncertified school
Inspires confidence, does not press with its authority, does not impose services Does not inspire confidence, convinces of the need for his services, uses manipulation techniques
Asks a lot of questions Talks a lot and gives advice
When asked about the price, he gives a direct answer with a specific figure. Does not name the price, asks how much you expect, offers to pay "how much you can"
Has a specialization (career coaching, life coaching, business coaching) Ready to work with any request
Can talk about his own successful experience in the chosen field. For example, when offering coaching to executives, you can tell
about his at least 5 years of experience in managing a team of 20 people or more
Cannot confirm experience in the selected topic. So, for example, while doing relationship coaching, he himself does not have a partner

Separately, I want to talk about the "coaches" who studied at Erickson University coaching.

It is worth noting that due to the fact that Marilyn Atkinson spent many years of her life calling her former NLP teaching the newfangled word "coaching", now many students of this school are perceived as coaches. I do not want to challenge their right to be called whatever they want, but I am obliged to shed light on this issue.

Who is Erickson, whose name is called his teaching:

  • So, Erickson (Erickson) Milton Hyland (1901-1980) is one of the most popular American psychotherapists XX century.
  • Wrote over 140 papers on psychotherapy. In 1923 he developed a number of methods hypnotherapy, including the method of raising the hand.
  • Erickson - founder and president of the American Society clinical hypnosis(American society of clinical hypnosis), founder and editor of the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. Regularly held his famous seminars hypnotherapy and short straight psychotherapy.

Erickson's biography does not indicate that he was a student of one of the well-known coaches at that time (they are on the list above). In addition, Erickson himself did not call himself a coach, and his science - coaching.

But then came Marilyn Atkinson, who taught her NLP followers. However, at some stage she began to call herself a coach, without specifying who she studied with. Here is information about her:

  • Marilyn Atkinson - President of Erickson University International, Doctor of Psychology, coach, world famous trainer, student Milton Erickson, famous psychologist.
  • Marilyn is the author of many works, since 1985 she has been teaching and consulting for the world's leading corporations, and is the founder and president of Erickson University International (Canada) to this day.
  • Marilyn is the author of the following books on coaching: "MASTERY OF LIFE: The Inner Dynamics of Development", "REACHING THE GOALS: A Step by Step System", "LIFE IN THE FLOW: Coaching".

Therefore, internationally certified coaches often challenge Atkinson's right to call themselves a coach, as well as her students.

For what questions do clients turn to a coach?

The range of questions with which clients turn to the coach is really very large. Here is some of them:

  • Business planning, budgeting, goal setting.
  • Establishing a balance between work and personal life.
  • Solving difficult situations.
  • Achieve maximum productivity at work.
  • Solving business and personal problems.
  • Making key decisions and developing strategies.
  • Increasing sales.
  • Manage my life instead of letting other people manage me.
  • Increase my company's profitability by at least….
  • Take the adrenaline out of my life so I don't burn out.
  • Accelerate my own development.
  • Develop a path for my own growth.

An example of specific queries I've worked with:

  • Which career path to choose.
  • How to overcome your weaknesses to become a marketing director.
  • Learn how to manage a company (a person has recently become a partner).
  • How to talk to a shareholder about your development.
  • Increase your income by 50% in 6 months.
  • Create passive income of $200 in 10 months.
  • Buying a car (not on credit) for 1 year.
  • Career advancement to a manager position in 1 year.
  • Reducing stress and tension so that work is high.
  • Find a boyfriend by the end of the year.
  • Finding a balance in life (so that work is not at the expense of other areas of life).
  • Increasing the level of well-being and energy.
  • Learn to manage your time, identify your capabilities, and effectively set deadlines for completing tasks.
  • Bringing order to life (instead of the existing chaos).
  • Lose 5 kg in 3 months.

What does a typical coaching session look like?

A typical coaching session lasts 60-90 minutes. If the meetings are frequent, it can be reduced to 30-45 minutes. Meetings usually take place in a cafe or restaurant, as well as at the client's workplace (in his office or meeting room). Less often, a client comes to the coach's office.

Before the coaching session, the client forms his request - a certain task for the duration of the session. During the session, the client with the coach will have to find a solution to his request.

The result of the coaching session is a clear understanding of the client, what to do to achieve his goal, and an action plan, usually for a week.

During the session, the coach asks the client questions and uses various coaching tools.

A typical coaching session follows the GROW model that Whitmore came up with:

  • Goal - what is your goal? What do you want to achieve?
  • Reality - describe your situation now.
  • Options - what are the options for achieving the goal? Who can help you? What do you need? Let's do some brainstorming.
  • Will - what needs to be done to achieve the goal? What are the next steps? When could you do it?

One of the tasks of a coach is to raise the bar for the client. That is, helping the client set higher goals so that he achieves more in life.

Now, as promised, I give one of the coaching tools.

This is a tool for a comprehensive assessment of the client's life and the search for weaknesses in it.

There are 30 questions here. Each question must be answered "yes" or "no".

Now calculate your score separately in each area. If the sphere scored less than six "yes", then there are problems there. If eight or more - everything is fine. Between six and eight - it would be worth improving.

And now your goal is to do it in 90 days to collect all 30 “yes”. Weak? ;)

How much can a coach earn?

Most often, a coach will charge $100 for a coaching session.

Clients do not apply one-time, but buy an average of 5-10 coaching sessions (private clients usually take five, corporate clients - 10). In such cases, the coach can make discounts.

The coach is not loaded 100% of the time. A load of 40–60% is considered good, since the remaining time is required to move around the city, attract new customers, maintain sites, and so on.

Many coaches give trainings, which in general also charge about $100 an hour.

Let's take a typical working day of a person - 8 hours. With a load of 40%, our coach will work 3 hours a day. This will be three coaching sessions of 60 minutes each. For such a day, the coach will earn $ 300 (provided that the coach did not give discounts).

A coach earns $6,000 in 20 working days.

This is a person who does not engage in any other activity besides coaching. There are few of them, but I know a few representatives.

More often than not, a coach's income fluctuates between $3,000 and $10,000.

If coaching is not the main activity for a person and there is a permanent job besides it, such a coach conducts no more than one session per day. And not for all 5 days he has clients. Usually it is 3-4 days. That gives 300-400 dollars a week or 1,200-1,600 dollars of additional income per month.

There are coaches who practice coaching solely to maintain their experience and have one session per week. That gives 400 dollars a month.

Can coaching be helpful for me?

Are you ready for coaching?

Rate from 1 to 4, where 1 is incorrect and 4 is completely correct.

You can count on me to be on time for meetings. 1 2 3 4
I will honor agreements and keep my word 1 2 3 4
I want to listen and take advice from my coach 1 2 3 4
I'm direct and I promise my coach a "no games" relationship 1 2 3 4
I will immediately tell the coach that I am not getting the desired result,
if i get that feeling
1 2 3 4
I guess I have limiting beliefs
my development, and now it's time to take steps
moving forward
1 2 3 4
I am ready to expand my scope and replace the ineffective
behavior more efficient
1 2 3 4
I am fully prepared to take my life to the next level 1 2 3 4
I want to experiment with ideas and concepts
which the coach will offer
1 2 3 4
I will immediately tell the coach that he crosses my personal boundaries,
and in this case I will ask him to change his approach
1 2 3 4
I am ready to change HERE and NOW 1 2 3 4
I know what I want and will use a coach to get it 1 2 3 4
I am fully aware that I am solely responsible for the results. 1 2 3 4
I want the coach to always tell me the truth under any circumstances. 1 2 3 4
I have the necessary resources to pay for coaching,
and I consider coaching a worthwhile investment in my life
1 2 3 4

___________ total score


  • 60–53. You are a very good candidate for coaching!
  • 52–47. Are you ready. A slight resistance holds you back. This is where coaching starts.
  • 46–39. You are in a waiting position. Before we get started, we'd better talk first about why you think about coaching.
  • 38–0. Come back when you're ready to make a decision. Now you are not ready to take responsibility and make significant changes in your life. Coaching for those who are READY. Now may not be your time. This slice gives you an understanding of where you are now.

Can I become a coach myself?

You can safely answer yes to this question if you can answer yes to all of the following:

  • You want to help other people achieve their goals.
  • We are ready to become a model for them and to achieve our goals in different areas of life.
  • We are ready to allocate time for training and basic coaching practice (more than 100 hours).
  • You have time for coaching sessions after graduation.
  • Ready to learn, train, conduct sessions in the presence of others, receive feedback from the coach.

What does it take to become a coach?

The algorithm here is the following:

  1. Choose a school that suits you based on location, course times, reviews, and is ICF certified.
  2. Collect money for the course ($1,000-2,000).
  3. Complete a training course (average 1-3 months of intensive classroom training 2-3 days per week or 10-12 months of online classes once a week for 60-90 minutes).
  4. Start hosting free coaching sessions. You need to spend at least 100 hours.
  5. Start telling people around you that you've become a coach.
  6. Create your site.
  7. Start attracting clients.

My coaching journey: how I became one and what it gave me

Initially, I went to learn coaching not at all to practice coaching, but to improve my leadership skills. My team grew from 2 to 10 people, and I needed to learn how to manage them effectively. Since I had read all the major books on management at that time, I was looking for management advice in the field of leadership.

Leadership training did not arouse my interest and respect, so I switched to coaching. I met a coach who told and showed me what coaching is, and my training began. I studied at the International Academy of Coaching MAXIMUM (don't take it as advertising) with Maxim Tsvetkov for 10 months, every week for 90 minutes in the format of webinars.

Doing all my homework, I began to set goals for myself, work on achieving them and saw the effectiveness of coaching as a way to achieve goals (although I just wanted to learn how to manage people).

Coaching works like magic: it is enough to set a goal and realize the ways to achieve it, as you automatically start working on it.

By the end of the course, I already had clear goals in all areas of life. In addition, my employees have noticed a change in my management style, and our relationship has become an order of magnitude better.

I needed coaching practice to get my certification, so I started coaching everyone I knew. It so happened that many of them very quickly achieved their goals. One of my subordinates, after a month of coaching, left for a higher position in another company with a salary twice as high. :)

I realized that coaching works like magic: it is enough to set a goal and realize the ways to achieve it, as you automatically start working on it.

I received the certificate and began to inactively coach those clients who came to me mainly on the recommendation. Over time, there are more such clients. But for me, the main priority is my career: I want to become a CEO in 5 years, so I don’t devote as much time to coaching as I could. For me, it is rather an opportunity to earn pocket money for my favorite toys (phone, laptop) on the weekends.

What coaching gave me:

  • Achievement of a number of goals (career, health, salary).
  • Experience managing people in a more democratic style.
  • Meeting new and interesting people.
  • Awareness of your purpose.
  • A more balanced life.
  • Improving relationships with others.

For more information on coaching and development, please visit my website. :)

The origin of the term "coach" in comparison with the concept of "trainer" is interesting. According to Wikipedia:

The term came into Russian from English, and in English it came from the name of a cargo vehicle, which was named after the place of its appearance. The first use of the word "coach" to refer to an instructor is recorded around 1830 inOxford University- "coach" in slang began to be called a person who helps a student prepare for an exam. The word "coaching" has taken on the meaning of "taking people from where they are to where they want to be." In sports, the use of this word was first recorded in 1861.

As you can see, in the English language coach and trainer have been used interchangeably for a long time and, in principle, are also now used as interchangeable concepts, since the English “coach” is translated as “trainer”. The word “coach” is also there, but in relation to sports they say “coach”. In Russian, since the term “coach” is well-established and familiar to everyone, and “coach” came to us relatively recently in relation to coaching as a new trend, but not to sports coaching, it is easier to distinguish between concepts.

Coaching usually involves a purely educational activity, where the coach is concerned with developing well-defined skills in his trainees. He can simultaneously perform the role of a psychologist, but this depends on the desire of him and the students, it is not meant by default.With a coach, the situation is reversed: he, in principle, can also teach something, with mutual desire, but in “pure” coaching there should not be any advice and recommendations, there should be only questions, thanks to which the client himself comes to the realization that necessary.

Who do you need, a coach or a trainer?

If you are interested in a question not out of pure curiosity, most likely you have a need to contact one of these specialists. It may be noted that the concept of "trainer" is now often applied to psychologists, coaches or teachers who conduct group trainings. Trainings can be devoted to both the development of specific skills and general personal development. Those. the same person can be both a coach and a coach at the same time, can be a coach but not be a coach, or be a coach but not a coach. So that you do not get confused, look at the sign:

During individual work

  • all attention is focused solely on you and your task, which I would like to solve.
  • You get the opportunity to consider all aspects in detail and comprehensively, to discuss all the details that may concern you.
  • You will not be embarrassed by the presence of unfamiliar people.
  • You do not have to switch attention to the problems that concern others.
  • A closer and more trusting contact with the coach can develop through face-to-face communication.
  • As a rule, there is less emotional intensity in the process of work and, as a result, a more sober view of things.

Group classes have the following positive aspects:

  • The atmosphere and energy of the group, the support of like-minded people (depending on how you fit into a particular team, sometimes training participants may refuse to be by no means like-minded)
  • An opportunity for those who are not yet ready to be very frank to avoid this (at an individual session, no one will force you either, but the quality and result will be worse if you hide some of the information)
  • The opportunity to observe others, listen to their stories - this can give confidence to those who lack it yet
  • Usually in a group, everything goes a little more dynamically - it can be more comfortable for active people
  • You can make new useful and pleasant acquaintances
  • One head is good, but many are better: often the insights of others lead participants to their own productive thoughts.

Do you know how a coach compares favorably with a coach? If you don't know how to do something, you can't possibly teach yourself without outside help. Each person can become a coach on their own. From the side, of course, it is more visible, but we are all able to look from the side and at ourselves.

This is called mindfulness - the ability to disengage from selfish and emotional interests and look at the situation as a disinterested person. This skill helps a lot in life in principle: what is more important for you, in fact, to maintain a warm relationship with your loved one or to satisfy momentary pride? In the heat of conflict, we often forget about it, and the developed skill of conscious perception helps to catch on before it's too late.

You can learn numerous coaching techniques, choose the ones you like best, and apply them to yourself and your acquaintances. You can learn both from free materials on the Internet, and by going to a coaching school: more expensive, but faster and better. To make it easier for you to decide, we give you a free guide from Konstantin Dovlatov, one of the most famous and effective coaches in Russia.

A guide to choosing coaching training can be downloaded from this link:

In this article, you will learn who a coach is in simple words and what is the meaning of the coach's activity.

What is the difference between a coach and a coach, consultant, mentor and friend.

You will understand why you need a coach, how to choose a coach for yourself and what 3 conditions must be met for successful work with a coach.

  • trainer
  • friend
  • mentor
  • consultant

Who is a coach - in simple terms and what is the meaning of the coach's activity

Another newfangled word that came from the bourgeois world. And many say that now without a coach anywhere:

  • if you want to succeed, you need a coach;
  • if you want to build a business, you need a coach;
  • if you want to achieve results in sports, you need a coach;

Yes, wherever you go, you need a coach everywhere, I don’t even know how people got results before, except perhaps with the help of Old Man Hotabych.

By the way, maybe this was the prototype of the first coach?

So, who is this very coach, without whom in today's world can not do.

Coach is a slang term. The literal translation from English “coach” is a carriage, carriage, trolley, and for the first time, students called their tutors that helped them in their studies. The sacred meaning is that the coach, like a crew and a tutor helping his clients, will move from one point to another. So this word came into use in the West, and later it took root with us.

That is, in simple words, without any pathetic expressions about special states and other crap - a coach is a person who helps you achieve any results faster, more comfortably and easier than if you did it all alone.

I’ll clarify if you wish, and without this no coach will help, you can achieve it yourself, but with the help of a coach you will do it easier, easier and faster.

But desire comes first. The purpose of a coach is to help you achieve this result, and you do all the work yourself.

Below you will understand how it works in practice.

My definition of how a coach works

Even as a child, I noticed one feature, when a person does not know something and you tell him, the probability that he will do it directly depends on how much this person trusts you as an expert. But on the other hand, even if he does not see you as an expert and with your help he finds a solution himself, the probability of implementing this solution is about 100%.

The difference between a coach and:


The coach gives direct instructions on what and how many times you need to do in order to achieve a certain result. And the coach gently leads to the fact that you yourself find the solution that you need to perform in order to get the desired result.

The most important thing is that the coach works individually, the coach works with the group. Of course, everything is relative, there are both coaches working with one person and coaches of the leading groups, but the main difference is still in this.

Another no less significant difference is the system for obtaining the result.

The coach knows how to get a certain result. Based on his own experience, as well as various methods, he shows and requires the implementation of certain actions that will lead to this result.

Let's take sports as an example. The coach has a methodology on how to bring an athlete to the 1st category, CCM and Master of Sports, and so on. He will not move away from this technique, because ... it has been tested by time, other athletes, and so on. And he requires the athlete to perform these exercises.

The coach helps his student to understand what actions he needs to take to get the result. Each person is individual. If two people set the same task. They can solve it differently, but both get the result.

The coach helps you understand what solution is right for you, and the coach gives you the solution that will lead you to the result.


To solve the problem, the consultant gives several options in what ways it can be solved. The coach with his questions leads to the fact that you yourself find these solutions.

Wikipedia writes that coaching is similar to consulting, but this is only superficially. Indeed, the occupation of a coach can also be called consulting to some extent, but the task of the consultant is to give a ready-made solution to obtain a result and control its implementation. If the result is not obtained, the consultant proposes another solution.

The coach does not give ready-made solutions, he helps you find your own solution. While some coaches can't resist giving advice, it comes from the fact that everything is now intertwined, coaching and consulting and training and mentoring.

And yet, you get the greatest result in solving a problem when you find a solution yourself, and not when it is told to you from the outside.


A mentor is an older and more experienced friend who passes on his experience and knowledge to a younger one.

Coach - may have little to no knowledge of your field, but he can help you find answers and solutions to get results.


When you didn't know that there were such strange people as coaches, what did you do and do when you have a problem?

Correctly go to a friend, sit down at the table with a cup of tea or whatever be stronger. Tell us about your problem and ask for advice. A friend, based on his life experience, tries to give you advice on how to act in a given situation. Thus, he is trying to protect you from the rake that he has already stepped on.

In principle, it is also an effective tool, but the solution that helped your friend is not always suitable for you.

A coach, on the contrary, helps you find your own solution that is right for you. Based on your life experience and knowledge.

Some life situations, I quote:

— « The work does not bring satisfaction, there are no growth prospects, and I do not see myself in any other type of activity» — Vadim, 47, works as a delivery driver.

— « Life has faded and lost its colors, the goals that I would like to strive for have disappeared from it."- Zhanna, 37 years old, realized with alarm that her circle "home - work - kindergarten - school - home" was closed. But life does not stand still, and you want something like that.

— « I tried to open my own business - my favorite business, which I am ready to do 24 hours a day, but I did not receive income. And I would like to turn my hobby into a business. But don't know how» — Nikolai, 30, aspiring entrepreneur.

— « I tried myself in business, it went well, I began to earn money, but in a certain period everything came to naught. Got into debt, already paid off. In my gut I understand that I need to start over again, but fear is sitting, suddenly it won’t work again» — Andrey, 53, works as a teacher

These are not imaginary situations, they happen all the time. And often a person does not even realize that he already has problems and by leaps and bounds goes to his death. There are many more such examples.

When there is still time for means and strength, you say, here, do this and that, and in this place, like this, and everything will be fine».

But no, he doesn't need it. He comes in a year and a half, when he is already full ... and pockets full of debts.


And he himself no longer has the strength, nor the desire, nor the means to change anything.

This is where a coach comes in handy. A coach will help you find a solution that is right for you and no one else.

Most likely you are wondering: Am I really not able to solve these problems myself, without the help of a coach?»

And I will answer you - “of course you can, and be sure to decide. But first you need to get the necessary knowledge. To practice, most likely you will not succeed right away, you can go in the wrong direction, then in another, which may also turn out to be wrong. Having strayed through the labyrinth of the wrong sides, in the end you will get your result, but sometimes it turns out to be no longer needed, because on the road you are tired and exhausted. With the help of a coach, you will achieve results faster, easier and in more comfortable conditions, but this is not always the case.

There are many questions on which a coach can help you, I will give only those for which you can contact me:

  • Strategic business development from scratch to...
  • Starting a business from scratch...
  • Increasing profits in business at any stage of development ...
  • Finding hidden sources of income in your business that you do not know about;
  • Increasing sales;
  • Conduct of negotiations;
  • Strategy and tactics to attract customers to the business;
  • Business development;
  • Opening new sources of income;
  • Achieve maximum productivity at work and in business;

Coaching Methods

There are three methods of coaching.

For some reason, only two are mentioned everywhere - this is coaching from below and coaching from above, but there is also coaching on a par, so, in more detail:

coaching from below

In this technique, the coach looks at your situation from the outside and with his questions helps to find your individual solution. At the same time, the coach does not have to achieve significant results in the area in which he specializes. However, you get the result.

The simplest example is in sports, a coach who raised at least one Olympic champion himself could never get significant results. He knows how to teach, not to do. Rumor has it that the coach of the Russian synchronized swimming team does not even know how to swim, most likely this is nonsense, but nevertheless this did not prevent our team from winning gold medals.

coaching from above

This is what mentoring is, when a coach is a master who has achieved high results by his example shows how and what to do. You, as a client, observe and repeat after him. Once a week or a month, we meet and the coach points out mistakes and what was done wrong, and what needs to be continued on the contrary.

Coaching on par

This is, as you already understood, when the coach is, as it were, on an equal footing, but he knows how to look at the situation, so to speak, from a bird's eye view and helps you find the right solutions.

The option of working with you is chosen by the coach, depending on your individual qualities.

How coaching works

It's very simple - coaching consists of four main actions, which in turn can be divided into smaller ones:

  1. Reality - where and / or in what situation you are now, in other words - point A;
  2. Goal - where you want to be after a certain period of time - point B;
  3. Search for necessary actions and solutions, as well as what can interfere or delay;
  4. Where to start - what needs to be done first to move from point A, as a rule, this action needs to be done within 48 hours after the session, but this depends on the coach and his methodology.

Coaching session

For coaching, you attend a series of coaching sessions. How much depends on the methods of the coach and your agreement with him.

There are two options.

The first is coaching until a certain result is achieved within a certain period or without a period. In this case, the cost is negotiated for the entire coaching at once. Payment can be either in full or in part.

The second is timing coaching. In this case, the payment is either for each session or monthly.

As a rule, the session lasts from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, but I can sometimes extend the session until we get the result planned for the session. Yes, it happens.

How to choose a coach

You have probably already understood that a competent coach, and you don’t need another, never gives advice on what to do in this or another situation. On the contrary, he will ask you such a "bunch" of questions until you yourself find a solution. Although this may not always be a lot, sometimes two or three questions are enough.

The most important thing when choosing a coach is his personal qualities and abilities, not certificates.

It can be:

  • openness to new people;
  • sociability;
  • charisma;
  • patience;
  • the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor;
  • savvy;
  • willingness to learn and master new knowledge.

Should a coach be a successful person?

- ideally - yes, only after all, the concept of success is different for everyone.

Unfortunately, even if the coach has certificates and the necessary skills, it is not certain that he will help you. You may simply not be able to approach each other. Therefore, there is only a practical way.

As a rule, most coaches conduct introductory sessions for free or at a fairly low cost.

When you decide in which area you need a coach, sign up and have a session with him. At the session, you will understand whether a coach is right for you or not.

Unfortunately there is no other way.

And one more feature, in order for the coach to help you, three conditions must be met:

  1. Your desire - it should be, if the coach will help, but the desire should be primary;
  2. Respect for the coach – if you do not respect and acknowledge the authority of the coach, nothing will work. You know, some coaches call themselves by their first names just to get more respect.
  3. Trust - should be limitless, if you have even a drop of distrust, then time and money are wasted. Ask questions, clarify, but trust must be 103%.


You have learned who a coach is, in simple words, and what is the meaning of the coach's activity. What is the difference between a coach and a coach, consultant, mentor and friend. Why do you need a coach, how to choose a coach for yourself and what 3 conditions you need to meet for the success of working with a coach.

You can download the checklist right now "30 proven ways to increase profits in business" and … to find out how many ways you are already using, and most importantly … how many ways you can apply and get more money from your business

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