Mechanical gearbox locking - box lock, blocker or multilock. How to block a gearbox from car theft Installing a lock on a gearbox


The frequency of car thefts in large and small cities has increased several times in recent years. This sad state of affairs has prompted many car owners to take care of the safety of their iron horse and equip it with one or more anti-theft systems that can, if not prevent, then delay the moment of theft. Transmission protection is one of the types of anti-theft systems, and today we will talk about it.

Why is this necessary?

A gearbox lock is one of the most popular types of anti-theft protection used by today's motorists. There are so many varieties of such systems that both the owner of a domestic car and a business-class foreign car can choose a model to suit their taste and budget.

What is gearbox protection used for? Why is transmission control lock so popular in our country and abroad? The answer to the question will be given by official research, which summarized the statistics and helped to draw a certain conclusion.

It turns out that cars equipped with a gearbox control lock were stolen almost twice as often as others.

Why did this happen? To do this, it is worth understanding how the hijacker acts to achieve its goal. Many people think that the main task is to simply break out the window, break the lock, and starting the car will not be difficult. However, even domestic cars are equipped with immobilizers and alarms controlled from a key fob, which operate using electricity.

The thief only needs some electronic equipment, which makes his work much easier. All that is needed is to press a few buttons on the signal interceptor when the owner points the key fob at the car and closes it.

Mechanical protection is much more difficult to cope with - this explains why the gearbox lock is so popular. To hack such a system, you will have to act manually, which is not always easy for a hijacker.

Main varieties

Transmission control lock has several different types, which differ in both price and ease of use. Of course, the price also varies widely.

The most inexpensive and common type are pin-type locks with mechanical control. In fact, such a design consists of two parts. The first of them is mounted in the gearbox housing and consists of a hole with a lock. The second part is the pin. To lock the gearbox, simply install the pin in the hole and turn the key. To unlock, repeat the procedure in reverse order.

The gearbox pin lock is even more common, although the price for the mechanism itself and its installation is much higher. Oddly enough, one of the components of such a lock is also a pin. The only difference is that it is mounted into the lock body and is not visible from the interior.

The principle of controlling the mechanism is quite simple: when you turn the key, using a system of springs, the pin independently moves into the hole and is fixed. When the key is turned in the opposite direction, the pin comes out of the hole, thereby releasing the box.

It is worth noting that one of the main advantages of such systems is their invisibility. All that is visible to the owner is a small, barely noticeable keyhole, and it is unlikely to be found quickly.

Today, the chance to part with a car, especially in a large metropolis, is more than great. Despite all the efforts of law enforcement agencies, theft statistics are growing by leaps and bounds. Car thieves feel quite free, since their weapons today include the most modern devices for opening even “intelligent” anti-theft systems. Most often, so-called grabbers are used for these purposes. Even a schoolchild can use such devices, let alone “professional” thieves. Therefore, purchasing an expensive security system cannot give you a 100% guarantee that nothing will happen to your vehicle. What to do?

Experts recommend not to rely only on modern electronic devices. It is best to supplement your alarm system with conventional mechanical interlocks. The fact is that even after bypassing the alarm, car thieves will have to spend a lot of time and effort to break the mechanical lock. There are no universal keys for it, and the design of this device is so complex that no master key will help. Do not forget that the main function of the alarm is not to tell where the thief went in your car, but to prevent him from doing it. Blockers are best suited for this task.

Functions and principle of operation of mechanical anti-theft locks

By and large, anti-theft locks are modified mechanical locks that prevent the car from starting to move. Such “anti-theft” devices include locking and force mechanisms.

According to their functional features, blockers can be:

  • locking control mechanisms;
  • restricting the movement of a car, including its towing;
  • protecting against illegal entry into the interior or under the hood of a car.

Depending on the method of use of the device, there are:

  • adapted (suitable for specific car brands);
  • universal (used for different vehicles);
  • portable (such blockers can be removed from one car and placed on another);
  • stationary (installed as a standard element, removed only in specialized workshops).

Removable locks are characterized by low reliability, so it is better to give preference to built-in models.

When choosing a good mechanical lock, it is important to pay attention to the reliability and cryptographic strength of the product.

Healthy! Cryptographic strength is the level of complexity of locking the system (determined by the complex structure of the lock cylinder itself).

The locks are designed to reliably lock the main transport hubs, which we will consider in more detail.

Gearbox lock

Gearbox blockers can be either built-in or removable. Security mechanisms are also divided into the following categories:

  • Pin. The principle of operation is that a special pin rests against the lever, as a result of which it becomes impossible to move it from one position to another.
  • Arc. The blockers are removable and are placed directly on the lever itself from the outside.
  • Pinless. A built-in element, which is an internal locking mechanism that reliably locks the gear forks.

Pin models require the use of a key, but in order for the lever to work, the key must not only be removed, but inserted into a “secret” place known only to the car owner. Automatic transmission locking is most often carried out using just such a system.

Among the disadvantages of such devices, it is worth noting their low reliability, since, having gained access to the engine compartment, the thief can easily connect the second gear. This is enough to leave. Therefore, it is recommended to combine gearbox locks with engine compartment protection.

Hood lock

Such means against car theft are:

  • Mechanical, which can only be opened with a special key. Such a lock consists of a lock cylinder, which is connected to the hood lock mechanism using a cable.
  • Electromechanical. Such locks consist of a locking mechanism, wiring and an electric drive. Such blockers are controlled via a digital relay, alarm or immobilizer.

If we talk about the advantages and disadvantages, electromechanics are quite easy to install and operate. Among the shortcomings is the connection of the mechanism with the “signaling”. If a thief breaks into the alarm system, the hood lock will be disabled automatically.

The most popular are conventional mechanical locks, although they can also be opened with a regular master key if desired.

Steering wheel lock

Steering shaft locks are considered the most reliable option for protecting your car from theft. Such mechanisms cost pennies, but they can delay an attacker for 15-20 minutes. Installing the device also does not cause any difficulties, since it is enough to place the split coupling on the steering shaft in the area of ​​the pedals. In order to remove such a blocker, car thieves will need a specialized tool, which, in addition to everything, makes a lot of noise.

If we talk about the disadvantages of steering wheel locks, the main disadvantage is the inconvenience of use, since the lock must be constantly removed and replaced.

A lock on the door

Car door locks are so-called deadbolts. In this case, the protective function is performed by the pin. However, it is worth considering that such elements must be installed on each individual door. Even if installed independently, such protection will be quite expensive.

Pedal lock

Pedal locks can also be external or internal. The first ones are put on the pedals when they are in the upper position. This makes it impossible to squeeze the gas or clutch. If we are talking about an automatic transmission, then in this case the blocker is installed exclusively on the gas pedal.

The design of such a protective mechanism is simple. The blocker itself is placed on the pedal, and a special bracket rests against the floor of the cabin. To open such a lock, the thief will have to use specialized tools or find out the code. In any case, he will not be able to quickly and silently deal with such a lock.

There are also similar locking elements for brakes. To do this, a return valve is installed in the brake system. As soon as the attacker presses the brake pedal, the brake cylinder rod will press the pads against the car disc and the car will simply stop.

There are also systems that allow you to block not only the wheels, steering wheel and other parts of the car, but also the starter.

In custody

From all of the above, we can conclude that the most reliable anti-theft protection of a mechanical type is a pin-type gearbox lock, installed together with a hood lock and a steering lock. Oddly enough, these products are the cheapest. However, it is worth considering that mechanical interlocks cannot become a full replacement for alarm systems. Therefore, it is best to take care of comprehensive protection for your machine.

In this article we will talk about mechanical anti-theft devices - hood, pedal, gearbox, and door locks. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Even a simple mechanical security measure, such as “steering wheel locks,” can deter a criminal from attacking a vehicle. After all, in order to eliminate mechanical protection, you must first find it. Typically, anti-theft devices are hidden from prying eyes and installed in unpredictable places.

An attacker can find them, but this takes time. As we know, time delay plays into the hands of car owners. According to statistics, if a criminal tinkers with a car for more than two or three minutes, he will probably refuse to steal it. Mechanical anti-theft is used to protect the car, and we will discuss which one to choose below.

Transmission, hood, door locks

The most common mechanical protection is gearbox lock. They come in complex and simple shapes, arc or pin. Typically, such a lock is installed to block reverse gear, i.e. the lever cannot be moved from this position. This means it is impossible to move.

Criminals do the following: they squeeze the clutch and roll the car to the desired location. Firstly, it is inconvenient and time-consuming, and secondly, this action will be noticed by those passing by. This means that in a place where there is a large crowd of people or during daylight hours, the chance for hijackers is minimal.

If you have any doubts about the transmission locking, then it is safer to additionally lock the pedals. Then the car (especially with an automatic transmission) will not be able to move without your knowledge. The question arises, is it possible to simply saw through the lock? According to the developers, their products are made from durable modern materials, the lock cylinder is resistant to drilling, and the security of the digital code is several tens of millions of combinations.

If you don’t trust external blockers and don’t believe in their good protection, then you can use internal gearbox lock. Its operating principle is similar, only the protection mechanism is located in the depths of the gearbox. Those. no brackets or levers, just one lock cylinder next to the transmission lever. There is a nuance: who should you trust to install the internal blocker? After all, you will have to disassemble the transmission to install it, and this operation is not cheap.

There is a special hood opening locking cable. Its task is to prevent intruders from opening the hood. As a result, they will not be able to remove the battery or block the electronic alarm. The hood locking cable is controlled from the interior, where there is a turnkey cylinder.

There is a mechanical anti-theft device that blocks the brake or clutch drive. The bottom line is that a check valve is installed in the corresponding circuit, for example the brake system, which is controlled from the passenger compartment. When attempting to steal a car, the first time the criminal presses the brake pedal, this will cause the brake circuit to block. The car becomes unable to move further, because the wheels will be blocked.

For complete protection, this system has an additional locking feature in the vehicle's electrical circuit. For example, in addition to blocking the brake circuit, the starter can be blocked.

Blockers are used to protect against theft. These are additional cylindrical pins that are installed to protect entry into the vehicle interior. Simply, in order for a criminal to steal a car, he must first get into the salon. To prevent access, blockers are used that are installed in the car doors. These are not purely mechanical devices, but electromechanical ones. The point is that the blocker can only be opened using the original key; no other key will work.

The blockers are protected against opening by a master key or a metal ruler. Of course, you can break the glass and thus enter the interior of the stolen car, but why spoil the appearance of the car? This is not profitable for hijackers.

Among other mechanical anti-theft means, we note: steering column locks, which are protected from turning by the steering wheel and anti-theft ignition locks. The latter are made of very durable materials and have a good degree of burglary resistance. Anti-theft ignition locks serve as a good alternative to conventional steering locks, although they require replacement of the standard lock.

Even the most primitive anti-theft can save a car from the actions of intruders. The most important thing is correct and reliable installation. You shouldn’t install them at a dealer; these ones break down once or twice if stolen. You need to look for a third-party service that specializes in installing anti-theft devices. Or better yet, a non-standard installation solution that will scare away car thieves. A simple secret button in a secret place that blocks the starter will be better than sophisticated anti-theft devices. After all, no one will look for where she is.

As a result: the most primitive mechanical anti-theft device can save a car from theft. It is the use of a good alarm system together with a mechanical anti-theft that is the key to reliable protection against theft.

Cars have been stolen, are being stolen, and will be stolen. We need to come to terms with this and shift the focus of the problem from the automotive sphere to the social one. But it is not at all easier for the owners of stolen cars because Zhorik Kosoy had a difficult childhood, and he is so offended by society that he steals cars from him. Zhoriki should be dealt with by the relevant services, which, by the way, we feed quite well with taxes. Our task is to ensure the safety of your car.

The simplest and most effective?

The simpler the device, the more reliable it is. This has been tested for centuries and cannot be disputed. The mechanical locking of the gearbox has also been tested over years of use, and many have become convinced of its simplicity and reliability, because the system has saved more than a dozen cars from these same zhoriks.

Naturally, every lock can be picked and opened, and every car can be stolen in a matter of minutes without noise or dust. This depends on the qualifications of the thief and his level of knowledge about the stolen car. As sad as it is to realize, the most advanced security systems only delay the theft process, but in no way make it impossible, despite what the sellers of cunning systems tell us. However, you need to be on the safe side, and mechanical transmission locking is one way to sleep a little more peacefully. In addition, the cost of installation and the cost of the device itself are incomparable with the cost of a car.

Operation of mechanical gearbox locks

Despite the tales about the exclusivity of this or that mechanical gearbox lock, they all come in only two types - pin and arc. Car thieves also divide them into interior and engine compartment ones. Both mechanical interlocks have no meaning as a full-fledged security system. They can only be effective in combination with other security systems.

All mechanical locks work on the same principle - they block the transmission control drive system. There can be a great variety of blocking options:

  • gearshift lever lock;
  • blocking the automatic transmission control drive cable;
  • backstage lock for manual transmission;
  • internal mechanical gearbox lock;
  • blocking the gear shift mechanism on the box itself.

This is the only way to block any box using mechanical methods. Manufacturers classify blockers in their own way, but hijackers don’t classify them, they hack them. But the principle of operation of all blockers is the same - to prevent the gearbox from operating under any conditions until the owner removes the blockage. The range of prices in the assortment of such devices is explained by the different levels of complexity of a particular design.

External gear lever locks have more of a psychological effect on the public. They say that the owner cares about the safety of his car and put a bright red crutch on the gearshift lever for good reason. Most likely, this is not the only protection for the car, and besides, you will have to tinker a lot with an inconvenient stick in order to carefully and silently saw it or drill out a lock in full view of passers-by.

Although it is not at all necessary to remove it. If the car has a manual transmission, then just get into the cabin, press the clutch, and roll the car to a convenient place. There they are already engaged in dismantling the protection and searching for other devices. If the gearbox is and the mode selector is fixed in P mode, parking, then the situation is a little more complicated. You will have to look for the drive cable for switching automatic transmission modes. This will prolong the theft process by just a few minutes, but they can be decisive.

Conventionally, we called them salon ones, because they are installed in the salon, they are attached from the salon, and they are controlled from the salon. You can just bypass them from anywhere. Not only from the salon. If this is not the bulky lever described above, then it is a mechanical lock for the automatic transmission control drive cable. There are several models of them, each manufacturer recommends installation in different places, but mostly they are placed near the gear shift lever.

To bypass such a system, you do not need to drill out the lock cylinder or select a key. It is enough to get to the gear shift drive from under the hood or from under the car and switch the automatic transmission mode manually. Quiet, peaceful and without unnecessary attention-grabbing actions.

These devices directly block either the shift lever, which is located on the box, or the gearbox mechanism itself from the inside. In both cases, a regular cylinder with a lock is used. Only now the thief will have to look for the place where the blocking is installed, and if the service station employees who installed the blocking did not leak information to him, then the search may take several hours, which will certainly reduce the thief’s chances of success.

Whatever lock we would have to put on the car, it is important to know that no device can provide a 100% guarantee of the safety of the car. Often the likelihood of theft depends on ourselves. So, rely on multilocs, but don’t make a mistake yourself, have successful and safe roads!

Gearbox locking is an almost completely discredited concept. A car was stolen, and there was a lock on the checkpoint - these are the kinds of reviews you hear very often. For a specialist, there is no doubt that the traditional design of these locks leaves no chance for protection. The main offers on the Russian market are as follows:

A pin or pinless device for the gearbox selector in the car (gear shift knob between seats). The main attack options are the lock cylinder, the pin, alternative gear shift control - a cable or selector on the box itself. In short, for a professional, the question of neutralization is 5 minutes.

Relatively recently, a solution from Defengroup appeared in the form of a mechanical or electromechanical GEARLOCK lock for the selector on the gearbox itself in the engine compartment, naturally in parallel with blocking access under the hood using an additional hood lock. Compared to traditional locks, this solution is innovative. It cuts off attempts to break into the car from inside, or to control the box alternatively. In general, it is original and interesting. I immediately cut off purely mechanical options for controlling this lock, since this could be one of the weak points during attacks.

As usual, using my car as a test subject, I installed this product. As I use it, I will leave reviews in the forum at the link below. I’ll immediately note some nuances identified during installation and start of use, I think many will be interested in this:

  1. The list of machines for which this device is used is limited, although it is gradually expanding. Today (July 2010) there are 34 models and 10 brands of cars.
  2. Not all locks have protective covers, for example there were none for my ToyotaCamry, they are about to go out of production, but this is apparently a matter of time.
  3. After installation and initial adjustment, everything works fine, but there is a slight difficulty in moving into the parking position. Moreover, this did not appear initially, and does not always appear during operation. This issue can be resolved by adjusting the lock bracket. It’s probably worth paying attention right away during installation and using it a little to identify the points.
  4. The device will work perfectly with car alarms, i.e. close and open the lock when arming and disarming, respectively. But my car has a system that recognizes the owner by tag. Since the period of radiation there is 4 seconds and the pause for recognition can stretch up to 8 seconds, the lock does not always have time to open before the engine starts, then the opening does not occur due to the ignition being turned on - the lock is cut off for the anti-burglary function. You need to pay attention to this; the situation is similar to the control of door locks from tag systems.

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