Partisan movement in the Great Patriotic War 1941 1945. Partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War

Guerrilla war 1941-1945 (partisan movement) - one of the components of the USSR's resistance to the fascist troops of Germany and the Allies during the Great Patriotic War.

The movement of Soviet partisans during the Great Patriotic War was very large-scale and differed from other popular movements in the highest degree of organization and efficiency. The partisans were controlled by the Soviet authorities; the movement had not only its own detachments, but also headquarters and commanders. In total, during the war there were more than 7 thousand partisan detachments operating on the territory of the USSR, and several hundred more working abroad. The approximate number of all partisans and underground workers was 1 million people.

The goal of the partisan movement is to destroy the support system of the German front. The partisans were supposed to disrupt the supply of weapons and food, break communication channels with the General Staff and in every possible way destabilize the work of the German fascist machine.

The emergence of partisan detachments

On June 29, 1941, a directive was issued “to Party and Soviet organizations in front-line regions,” which served as an incentive for the formation of a nationwide partisan movement. On July 18, another directive was issued - “On the organization of the fight in the rear of German troops.” In these documents, the USSR government formulated the main directions of the struggle Soviet Union with the Germans, including the need to wage an underground war. On September 5, 1942, Stalin issued an order “On the tasks of the partisan movement,” which officially consolidated the partisan detachments already actively working by that time.

Another important prerequisite for the creation of an official partisan movement in the Great Patriotic War was the creation of the 4th Directorate of the NKVD, which began to form special detachments designed to wage subversive warfare.

On May 30, 1942, the Central Headquarters of the partisan movement was created, to which local regional headquarters, headed mainly by the heads of the Central Committee of the Communist Parties, were subordinate. It was the creation of headquarters that served as a serious impetus for the development of guerrilla warfare, since a unified and clear system of control and communication with the center significantly increased the effectiveness of guerrilla warfare. The partisans were no longer chaotic formations, they had a clear structure, like the official army.

The partisan detachments included citizens of different ages, genders and financial situation. Most of the population not directly involved in military operations was related to the partisan movement.

Main activities of the partisan movement

The main activities of partisan detachments during the Great Patriotic War boiled down to several main points:

  • sabotage activities: destruction of enemy infrastructure - disruption of food supplies, communications, destruction of water pipes and wells, sometimes explosions in camps;
  • intelligence activities: there was a very extensive and powerful network of agents who were engaged in reconnaissance in the enemy’s camp on the territory of the USSR and beyond;
  • Bolshevik propaganda: in order to win the war and avoid internal unrest, it was necessary to convince citizens of the power and greatness of power;
  • direct combat operations: partisans rarely acted openly, but battles still occurred; in addition, one of the main tasks of the partisan movement was to destroy the vital forces of the enemy;
  • the destruction of false partisans and strict control over the entire partisan movement;
  • restoration of Soviet power in the occupied territories: this was carried out mainly through propaganda and mobilization of the local Soviet population remaining in the territories occupied by the Germans; the partisans wanted to reconquer these lands “from within.”

Partisan units

Partisan detachments existed almost throughout the entire territory of the USSR, including the Baltic states and Ukraine, but it is worth noting that in a number of regions captured by the Germans, the partisan movement existed, but did not support Soviet power. Local partisans fought only for their own independence.

Usually the partisan detachment consisted of several dozen people. By the end of the war, their number had increased to several hundred, but in most cases a standard partisan detachment consisted of 150-200 people. During the war, if necessary, units were united into brigades. Such brigades were usually armed with light weapons - grenades, hand rifles, carbines, but many of them also had heavier equipment - mortars, artillery weapons. Equipment depended on the region and the tasks of the partisans. All citizens who joined the detachments took an oath, and the detachment itself lived according to strict discipline.

In 1942, the post of commander-in-chief of the partisan movement was proclaimed, which was taken by Marshal Voroshilov, but then this post was abolished.

Particularly noteworthy are the Jewish partisan detachments, which were formed from the Jews who remained in the USSR and managed to escape from the ghetto camp. Their main goal was to save the Jewish people, who were particularly persecuted by the Germans. The work of such detachments was complicated by the fact that even among Soviet partisans anti-Semitic sentiments often reigned and there was nowhere for Jews to get help from. By the end of the war, many Jewish units mixed with the Soviet ones.

Results and significance of guerrilla warfare

Partisan movement in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. was one of the main resistance forces along with the regular army. Thanks to a clear structure, support from the population, competent leadership and good equipment of the partisans, their sabotage and reconnaissance activities often played a decisive role in the war of the Russian army with the Germans. Without partisans, the USSR could have lost the war.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. In the rear of the German troops, under the conditions of the most brutal occupation regime, a people's war unfolded and was waged in the form of a partisan and underground movement. This was a unique phenomenon. In its scope and effectiveness, it turned out to be unexpected both for the leadership of its own country and for the enemy. In the USSR there was neither a concept of partisan and underground struggle developed in advance, nor personnel trained to conduct it. According to Soviet pre-war doctrine, in the event of aggression, the enemy had to be defeated in a decisive counter-offensive on its own territory. Many military leaders who dealt with the issue of interaction between regular troops and partisans were unreasonably repressed in the 1930s, and hidden bases that were created in advance in the western regions of the USSR to organize the partisan movement in the event of war were liquidated.

The German command assumed the possibility of resistance Soviet people in the territory occupied by the Wehrmacht, but only on an insignificant, limited scale. However, already a week after the start of Operation Barbarossa, it began to realize that it had miscalculated, and to solve the “problem of pacifying the rear area,” security divisions alone would not be enough and combat divisions would have to be removed from the front.

In Berlin, hopes were pinned on the fact that by intensifying terror it would be possible to nip in the bud the resistance movement in the occupied Soviet lands. The Chief of Staff of the Supreme High Command of the Wehrmacht, Field Marshal W. Keitel, issued an order on September 16, 1941, according to which, for an attempt on the life of one German, it was prescribed that from 50 to 100 local men and women be taken hostage and destroyed in a way that increased the “terrifying effect” residents. At the same time, the invaders, who used the carrot and stick method, carefully concealed their villainous plans to transform the territory of the USSR into a colony of the “Third Reich” and mass extermination of its population, they carried out propaganda that Germany was waging a war against the USSR supposedly for some “liberation purposes.” This propaganda had its effect on some citizens. By the beginning of 1942, more than 60.4 thousand people entered the service of the occupiers as policemen, village elders, and minor officials of the German administration. A large number of patriots died at their hands. The majority of the population despised traitors among their fellow citizens and treated them the same as invaders.

But at the beginning of the occupation, the possibilities for resisting the enemy were extremely insignificant - people simply did not have weapons. In addition, the majority of the population remaining under the yoke of the invaders were women, children, teenagers and elderly men, who, due to their age, were not subject to conscription into the army. But their hatred of the enemy was no less than that of the Soviet people who were at the front or in the Soviet rear. Part of the population joined the underground organizations created by the communists in cities and towns or, having obtained weapons, went into the forests to become partisans. Many people did this based on their moral and political convictions, seeking to fulfill their patriotic duty to the Motherland and continue the struggle against the inhumane Nazi “new order”. Not the least role in the development of the resistance movement was played by the desire to protect their relatives from the atrocities of the invaders, or to take revenge on the invaders for the ruined lives of their loved ones. The motives were different, but partisan warfare soon turned into a real fact, which began to greatly worry the German command.

An important role in the development of the Soviet partisan and underground movement was played by the directive of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks dated June 29, 1941 to Soviet and party organizations in the front-line regions, as well as the resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of July 18, 1941 on the development of the struggle in behind enemy lines. However, both of these documents were secret. Their contents were known only to a narrow circle of party and Soviet workers, who were mainly in the Soviet rear. The bulk of the population of the occupied territories had no idea about them. In their actions and behavior, they were guided, first of all, by the level of awareness of personal responsibility for protecting their home, city, village and country as a whole from the invasion of foreign invaders.

July 3, 1941 from the speech of I.V. Stalin, heard on the radio, became aware of the calls of the party and government to deploy partisan and sabotage activities behind enemy lines. However, neither the secret directives nor Stalin’s speech addressed the issues practical organization partisan movement, providing the fight behind enemy lines with weapons, communications, interaction of the partisan and underground movement with the Red Army. At that time, real support for the partisans could only be provided by the NKVD, which sent their special units behind enemy lines to engage in sabotage activities against enemy forces. But most of the partisans acted independently at this stage of the war. The bulk of the detachments arose spontaneously. Subsequently, the number of partisan formations grew thanks primarily to the support of the local population.

In July 1941, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, the General Staff, and the Main Political Directorate of the Red Army obliged the military councils and political departments of the fronts to provide full support to the republican and regional party committees in the creation, arming and training of partisan detachments and groups, as well as their transfer to enemy lines. At the end of 1941, 3,500 partisan detachments and groups, numbering about 90 thousand people, managed to gain a foothold in the occupied territory. A major role in the organization and development of partisan formations was played by Soviet military personnel, who found themselves surrounded during the retreat, but escaped captivity. Among the partisans of the Leningrad region in 1941, their number was 18%, in the Oryol region - 10%, in the Lithuanian SSR - 22%, in Belarus - 10%. They brought discipline, knowledge of weapons and military equipment to the partisan detachments. Based on their combat experience, the partisans solved their tasks more confidently. During the Battle of Moscow, they actually disorganized the supplies of the German Army Group Center, destroying sections of railways and bridges in its rear and creating rubble on the railway tracks. In January-February 1942, partisans of the Smolensk region liberated 40 villages and hamlets in the rear of Army Group Center, where Soviet troops had landed. They recaptured Dorogobuzh from the enemy and united with Red Army units that carried out a raid behind German troops. During this raid, about 10 thousand square meters were liberated. km. The German command was forced to throw 7 divisions against them. In the Battle of Moscow, the partisans interacted with special forces of the NKVD, which also actively operated behind enemy lines, smashing their garrisons, destroying equipment and personnel of Wehrmacht formations.

May 30, 1942 I.V. Stalin gave instructions to create the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement (TSSHPD) at the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command. This headquarters was headed by a prominent statesman and political figure P.K. Ponamorenko, whose deputies were approved by representatives of the General Staff and the NKVD. The TsShPD, subordinate to Headquarters, which exercised general leadership of the partisan movement, worked in close contact with the General Staff, military councils of fronts and armies, and leaders of party bodies of the republics and regions. He performed a wide range of tasks in organizing, planning and directing the combat operations of the partisans, establishing connections with the underground and partisan formations, their material support from the mainland, training personnel and specialists, and organizing intelligence. In active fronts, republican and regional partisan headquarters began to operate with similar functions, which were operationally subordinate to the TsShPD, and in the armies - the operational groups of these headquarters. Their commanders were included in the military councils of the fronts and armies.

The activities of the headquarters of the partisan movement and the patriotic upsurge among the population of the occupied areas caused by the defeat of the Germans near Moscow had a great influence on the growth of resistance behind enemy lines and the increase in the effectiveness of partisan actions. The large losses of the partisans during the armed struggle in the winter of 1941/42 were quickly restored. Since May 1942, the number of partisan detachments and groups began to grow. If in May 1942 there were 500 partisan detachments operating behind enemy lines, including 72 thousand people, then by mid-November 1942 there were already 11,770 detachments in which 125 thousand partisans fought, and by the beginning of 1944 their number doubled and amounted to 250 thousand people. In this case, we are talking only about those partisans with whom the TsShPD maintained contact. The number of partisans began to grow especially quickly in 1944, when there was a struggle for the complete liberation of the country from the invaders. In total, during the war years, over 6 thousand partisan detachments, numbering 1 million people, operated behind enemy lines.

The activities of the partisans were multifaceted. They disrupted enemy communications, made deep raids behind enemy lines, provided the Soviet command with valuable intelligence information, etc. The largest in 1943 was the “Rail War” operation carried out by the partisans, which was integral part battle of Kursk. During the operation, 215 thousand rails were blown up, which amounted to 1342 km of single-track railway track. In Belarus alone, 836 trains and 3 armored trains were derailed. Some railway lines were disabled, which created many problems for the German troops.

Evidence of the strength and scope of the people's war were the partisan regions - large territories conquered from the invaders and held by the partisans in the Leningrad, Kalinin, Smolensk and Kursk regions, in Belarus, in the north of Ukraine, in the Crimea, etc. In the summer of 1943, the partisans became complete masters of one sixth (over 200 thousand sq. km) of the entire occupied territory. About 4 million people worked and fought here in the name of victory over the enemy. These edges limited the enemy's retreat zones and made it difficult to maneuver and regroup his troops, reserves, supply bases and command posts.

The partisans did a lot to prevent the mass abduction of Soviet people by the occupiers for forced labor in Germany. At the end of 1943 - beginning of 1944, up to 40% of the citizens forcibly removed by the invaders were liberated by the partisans and the advancing Red Army.

The underground movement also gained great momentum behind enemy lines. Its participants distributed newspapers and leaflets among the population, which they received from behind the front line or published them themselves, provided the partisans with intelligence data, supplied them with medicines, destroyed the most cruel representatives of the German administration and traitors, organized sabotage at industrial enterprises captured by the Germans, etc. d.

Massive sabotage by the population of the activities of the occupying authorities, the actions of armed partisan formations and underground organizations - all this turned the occupied territory into an arena of a fierce battle with the invaders. The partisan and underground movement had major military, economic and political significance. The partisan movement was taken into account when the Soviet command prepared strategic operations. In this case, partisan units were assigned specific combat missions.

During the war, partisans diverted up to 10% of the German troops operating against the USSR. They thwarted the plans of the Nazi leadership to use material and Natural resources occupied territory to provide Germany and its armed forces, inflicted great damage on the enemy. They derailed 20 thousand military trains, blew up 120 armored trains, disabled 17 thousand locomotives and 171 thousand cars, blew up 12 thousand bridges on railways and highways, destroyed and captured 65 thousand cars.

Thousands of foreign citizens - Slovaks, Poles, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Spaniards, Yugoslavs and others - fought together with Soviet partisans and underground fighters in the temporarily occupied territory of the USSR. At the same time, up to 40 thousand Soviet citizens who found themselves outside their homeland participated in the European Resistance Movement.

The temporarily occupied Soviet territory did not become a secure and calm rear for the invaders. Their plans to force USSR citizens to work for Germany without complaint did not come true. This was, first of all, the merit of the partisans and underground fighters, which was highly appreciated by the state. More than 300 thousand partisans were awarded orders and medals. 249 partisans were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and two leaders of the partisan movement S.A. Kovpak and A.F. Fedorov were awarded this high title twice.

Kulkov Evgeniy Nikolaevich,

Ph.D., military historian

Each generation has its own perception of the past war, the place and significance of which in the life of the peoples of our country turned out to be so significant that it went down in their history as the Great Patriotic War. The dates June 22, 1941 and May 9, 1945 will forever remain in the memory of the peoples of Russia. 60 years after the Great Patriotic War, Russians can be proud that their contribution to the Victory was enormous and irreplaceable. The most important part of the fight Soviet people against Hitler's Germany During the Great Patriotic War, the partisan movement appeared, which was the most active form of participation of the broad masses in the temporarily occupied Soviet territory in the fight against the enemy.

A “new order” was established in the occupied territory - a regime of violence and bloody terror, designed to perpetuate German domination and turn the occupied lands into an agricultural and raw materials appendage of the German monopolies. All this met with fierce resistance from the majority of the population living in the occupied territory, who rose up to fight.

It was truly a nationwide movement, generated by the just nature of the war, the desire to defend the honor and independence of the Motherland. That is why in the program of combating the Nazi invaders such an important place was given to the partisan movement in enemy-occupied areas. The party called on the Soviet people remaining behind enemy lines to create partisan detachments and sabotage groups, incite partisan warfare everywhere, blow up bridges, spoil the enemy's telegraph and telephone communications, set fire to warehouses, create unbearable conditions for the enemy and all his accomplices, pursue and destroy them in every step, disrupt all their activities.

Soviet people who found themselves in territory occupied by the enemy, as well as soldiers, commanders and political workers of the Red Army and Navy who were surrounded, began to fight the Nazi occupiers. They tried with all their might and means to help the Soviet troops fighting at the front and resisted the Nazis. And already these first actions against Hitlerism bore the character of a guerrilla war. In a special resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks) dated July 18, 1941, “On the organization of the fight behind enemy lines,” the party called on the republican, regional, regional and district party organizations to lead the organization of partisan formations and the underground, “to assist in every possible way in the creation of mounted and foot partisan detachments, sabotage destruction groups, deploy a network of our Bolshevik underground organizations in the occupied territory to lead all actions against the fascist occupiers" in the war (June 1941–1945).

The struggle of the Soviet people against the Nazi invaders in the temporarily occupied territory of the Soviet Union became an integral part of the Great Patriotic War. It acquired a nationwide character, becoming a qualitatively new phenomenon in the history of the struggle against foreign invaders. The most important of its manifestations was the partisan movement behind enemy lines. Thanks to the actions of the partisans, the German fascist invaders developed a constant sense of danger and threat in their rear, which had a significant moral impact on the Nazis. And this was a real danger, since the fighting of the partisans caused enormous damage to the enemy’s manpower and equipment.

Group portrait of fighters of the Zvezda partisan detachment
It is characteristic that the idea of ​​organizing a partisan and underground movement in enemy-occupied territory appeared only after the start of the Great Patriotic War and the first defeats of the Red Army. This is explained by the fact that in the 20s - early 30s, the Soviet military leadership quite reasonably believed that in the event of an enemy invasion it was really necessary to launch a guerrilla war behind enemy lines, and for this purpose they were already training the organizers of the partisan movement, certain means for waging guerrilla warfare. However, during the mass repressions of the second half of the 30s, such precautions began to be seen as a manifestation of defeatism, and almost all those who were involved in this work were repressed. If we follow the then concept of defense, which consisted in victory over the enemy " little blood and on its territory,” the systematic preparation of the organizers of the partisan movement, in the opinion of Stalin and his entourage, could morally disarm the Soviet people and sow defeatist sentiments. In this situation, it is impossible to exclude Stalin’s painful suspicion of the potentially clearly organized structure of the underground resistance apparatus, which, as he believed, the “oppositionists” could use for their own purposes.

It is usually believed that by the end of 1941 the number of active partisans reached 90 thousand people, and partisan detachments - more than 2 thousand. Thus, at first, the partisan detachments themselves were not very numerous - their number did not exceed several dozen fighters. Difficult winter period 1941-1942, the lack of reliably equipped bases for partisan detachments, the lack of weapons and ammunition, poor weapons and food supplies, as well as the lack of professional doctors and medicines greatly complicated the effective actions of the partisans, reducing them to sabotage on transport routes and the destruction of small groups occupiers, the destruction of their locations, the destruction of policemen - local residents who agreed to cooperate with the occupiers. Nevertheless, the partisan and underground movement behind enemy lines still took place. Many detachments operated in Smolensk, Moscow, Oryol, Bryansk and a number of other regions of the country that fell under the heel of the Nazi occupiers.

S. Kovpak's detachment

The partisan movement was and remains one of the most effective and universal forms of revolutionary struggle. It allows small forces to successfully fight against an enemy superior in numbers and weapons. Guerrilla detachments are a springboard, an organizing core for strengthening and developing revolutionary forces. For these reasons, the historical experience of the partisan movement of the twentieth century seems to us to be extremely important, and when considering it, one cannot help but touch upon the legendary name of Sidor Artemyevich Kovpak, the founder of the practice of partisan raids. This outstanding Ukrainian, people's partisan commander, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, who received the rank of major general in 1943, plays a special role in the development of the theory and practice of the partisan movement of modern times.

Sidor Kovpak was born into the family of a poor peasant from Poltava. His further fate, with its intensity of struggle and its unexpected turns, is quite characteristic of that revolutionary era. Kovpak began to fight back in the First World War, a war on the blood of the poor - as a scout-plastun, who earned two brass St. George's crosses and numerous wounds, and already in 1918, after the German occupation of revolutionary Ukraine, he independently organized and led a red partisan detachment - one of the first in Ukraine. He fought against Denikin’s troops together with Father Parkhomenko’s troops, participated in battles on the Eastern Front as part of the legendary 25th Chapaev Division, then fought in the South against Wrangel’s troops, and took part in the liquidation of Makhno’s gangs. After the victory of the revolution, Sidor Kovpak, who became a member of the RCP (b) in 1919, was engaged in economic work, especially succeeding in road construction, which he proudly called his favorite work. Since 1937, this administrator, famous for his decency and hard work, exceptional even for that era of defense labor, served as chairman of the Putivl city executive committee of the Sumy region. It was in this purely peaceful position that the war found him.

In August 1941, the party organization of Putivl, almost in its entirety - excluding its previously mobilized members - turned into a partisan detachment. This was one of many partisan groups created in the wooded triangle of Sumy, Bryansk, Oryol and Kursk regions, convenient for partisan warfare, which became the base for the entire future partisan movement. However, the Putivl detachment quickly stood out among the many forest units with its particularly bold and at the same time measured and prudent actions. Kovpak partisans avoided long stays within any specific area. They carried out constant long-term maneuvers behind enemy lines, exposing remote German garrisons to unexpected blows. Thus was born the famous raid tactics of partisan warfare, in which the traditions and techniques of the revolutionary war of 1918-21 were easily discerned - techniques revived and developed by commander Kovpak. Already at the very beginning of the formation of the Soviet partisan movement, he became its most famous and prominent figure.

At the same time, Father Kovpak himself did not at all differ in any special brave military appearance. According to his comrades, the outstanding partisan general was more like an elderly peasant in civilian clothes, carefully looking after his large and complex farm. This is precisely the impression he made on his future intelligence chief, Pyotr Vershigora, a former film director, and later a famous partisan writer, who spoke in his books about the raids of the Kovpakov detachments. Kovpak was indeed an unusual commander - he skillfully combined his vast experience as a soldier and business worker with innovative courage in the development of tactics and strategy of partisan warfare. “He is quite modest, he did not so much teach others as he studied himself, he knew how to admit his mistakes, thereby not exacerbating them,” Alexander Dovzhenko wrote about Kovpak. Kovpak was simple, even deliberately simple-minded in his communication, humane in his dealings with his soldiers, and with the help of the continuous political and ideological training of his detachment, carried out under the leadership of his closest comrade, the legendary commissar Rudnev, he was able to get them to high level communist consciousness and discipline.

Partisan detachment of Hero of the Soviet Union S.A. Kovpaka walks along the street of a Ukrainian village during a military campaign
This feature is clear organization all spheres of partisan life in extremely difficult, unpredictable conditions of war behind enemy lines - made it possible to carry out the most complex operations, unprecedented in their courage and scope. Among the Kovpakov commanders were teachers, workers, engineers, and peasants.

People of peaceful professions, they acted in a coordinated and organized manner, based on the system for organizing the combat and peaceful life of the detachment, established by Kovpak. “The master’s eye, the confident, calm rhythm of camp life and the hum of voices in the thicket of the forest, the leisurely but not slow life of confident people working with self-esteem - this is my first impression of Kovpak’s detachment,” Vershigora later wrote. Already in 1941–42, Sidor Kovpak, under whose leadership by this time there was an entire formation of partisan detachments, undertook his first raids - long military campaigns into territory not yet covered by the partisan movement - his detachments passed through the territories of Sumy, Kursk, Oryol and Bryansk regions, as a result of which Kovpak fighters, together with Belarusian and Bryansk partisans, created the famous Partisan Region, cleared of Nazi troops and police administration - a prototype of the future liberated territories of Latin America. In 1942–43, Kovpaks carried out a raid from the Bryansk forests on the Right Bank of Ukraine in the Gomel, Pinsk, Volyn, Rivne, Zhitomir and Kiev regions - an unexpected appearance deep behind enemy lines made it possible to destroy a huge number of enemy military communications, while simultaneously collecting and transmitting the most important intelligence information to Headquarters .

By this time, Kovpak’s raid tactics had received universal recognition, and its experience was widely disseminated and implemented by the partisan command of various regions.

The famous meeting of the leaders of the Soviet partisan movement, who arrived through the front in Moscow in early September 1942, fully approved of the raid tactics of Kovpak, who was also present - by that time already a Hero of the Soviet Union and a member of the illegal Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine (Bolsheviks). Its essence was fast, maneuverable, secretive movement behind enemy lines with the further creation of new centers of the partisan movement. Such raids, in addition to causing significant damage to enemy troops and collecting important intelligence information, had a huge propaganda effect. “The partisans brought the war closer and closer to Germany,” said Marshal Vasilevsky, Chief of the Red Army General Staff, on this occasion. Guerrilla raids raised huge masses of enslaved people to fight, armed them and taught them the practice of fighting.

In the summer of 1943, on the eve of the Battle of Kursk, the Sumy partisan unit of Sidor Kovpak, by order of the Central Headquarters of the partisan movement, began its famous Carpathian raid, the path of which passed through the deepest rear of the enemy. The peculiarity of this legendary raid was that here the Kovpakov partisans had to regularly make marches through open, treeless territory, at a great distance from their bases, without any hope of outside support and help.

Hero of the Soviet Union, commander of the Sumy partisan unit Sidor Artemyevich Kovpak (sitting in the center, with the Hero's star on his chest) surrounded by his comrades. To the left of Kovpak is the secretary of the party organization of the Sumy partisan unit Ya.G. Panin, to the right of Kovpak - assistant commander for reconnaissance P.P. Vershigora
During the Carpathian raid, the Sumy partisan unit covered over 10 thousand km in continuous battles, defeating German garrisons and Bandera detachments in forty settlements of Western Ukraine, including the territory of the Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. By destroying transport communications, the Kovpakovites were able to block for a long time important routes for the supply of Nazi troops and military equipment to the fronts of the Kursk Bulge. The Nazis, who sent elite SS units and front-line aviation to destroy Kovpak's formation, failed to destroy the partisan column - finding themselves surrounded, Kovpak made an unexpected decision for the enemy to divide the formation into a number of small groups, and break through with a simultaneous "fan" strike in various directions back to the Polesie forests. This tactical move brilliantly justified itself - all the disparate groups survived, once again uniting into one formidable force - the Kovpakovsky formation. In January 1944, it was renamed the 1st Ukrainian Partisan Division, which received the name of its commander, Sidor Kovpak.

The tactics of Kovpakov raids became widespread in the anti-fascist movement in Europe, and after the war it was taught to young partisans of Rhodesia, Angola and Mozambique, Vietnamese commanders and revolutionaries of Latin American countries.

Leadership of the partisan movement

On May 30, 1942, the State Defense Committee at the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command established the Central Headquarters of the partisan movement, the head of which was appointed the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus (Bolsheviks) P.K. Ponomarenko. At the same time, partisan headquarters were also created under the military councils of the front-line war of the Soviet Union.

On September 6, 1942, the State Defense Committee established the post of commander-in-chief of the partisan movement. He became Marshal K.E. Voroshilov. Thus, the fragmentation and lack of coordination of actions that reigned at first in the partisan movement was overcome, and bodies appeared to coordinate their sabotage activities. It was the disorganization of the enemy rear that became the main task of the Soviet partisans. The composition and organization of partisan formations, despite their diversity, still had much in common. The main tactical unit was a detachment, which at the beginning of the war numbered several dozen soldiers, and later up to 200 or more people. During the war, many units united into larger formations (partisan brigades) numbering from several hundred to several thousand people. Their armament was dominated by light small arms, but many detachments and partisan brigades already had heavy machine guns and mortars, and in some cases artillery. Everyone who joined the partisan detachments took the partisan oath, and strict military discipline was established in the detachments.

There were various forms of organization of partisan forces - small and large formations, regional (local) and non-regional. Regional detachments and formations were constantly based in one area and were responsible for protecting its population and fighting the invaders in this particular territory. Non-regional partisan formations and detachments carried out missions in different areas, carrying out long raids, being essentially mobile reserves, by maneuvering which the leadership of the partisan movement could concentrate efforts on the main direction of the planned attacks in order to deliver the most powerful blows to the enemy.

Detachment of the 3rd Leningrad Partisan Brigade on a campaign, 1943
In the area of ​​extensive forests, in mountainous and swampy areas, there were the main bases and locations of partisan formations. Here partisan regions arose, where various methods of struggle could be used, including direct, open clashes with the enemy. In the steppe regions, large partisan detachments could operate successfully during raids. The small detachments and groups of partisans who were constantly located here usually avoided open clashes with the enemy, causing damage to him, as a rule, with unexpected raids and sabotage. In August-September 1942, the central headquarters of the partisan movement held a meeting of the commanders of the Belarusian, Ukrainian, Bryansk and Smolensk partisan detachments. On September 5, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief signed an order “On the tasks of the partisan movement,” which indicated the need to coordinate the actions of the partisans with the operations of the regular army. The center of gravity of the partisans' fighting had to be shifted to enemy communications.

Intensification of guerrilla activities in railways the occupiers immediately felt it. In August 1942, they recorded almost 150 train crashes, in September - 152, in October - 210, in November - almost 240. Partisan attacks on German convoys became common. The highways that crossed the partisan regions and zones turned out to be practically closed to the occupiers. On many roads, transportation was possible only under heavy security.

The formation of large partisan formations and the coordination of their actions by the central headquarters made it possible to launch a systematic struggle against the strongholds of the Nazi occupiers. Destroying enemy garrisons in regional centers and other villages, partisan detachments increasingly expanded the boundaries of the zones and territories they controlled. Entire occupied areas were liberated from the invaders. Already in the summer and autumn of 1942, the partisans pinned down 22-24 enemy divisions, thereby providing significant assistance to the troops of the fighting Soviet Army. By the beginning of 1943, the partisan regions covered a significant part of Vitebsk, Leningrad, Mogilev and a number of other regions temporarily occupied by the enemy. In the same year, an even larger number of Nazi troops were diverted from the front to fight the partisans.

It was in 1943 that the peak of the actions of the Soviet partisans occurred, whose struggle resulted in a nationwide partisan movement. By the end of 1943, the number of its participants had grown to 250 thousand armed fighters. At this time, for example, Belarusian partisans controlled almost 60% of the occupied territory of the republic (109 thousand sq. km.), and on an area of ​​38 thousand sq. km. the occupiers were completely expelled. In 1943, the struggle of Soviet partisans behind enemy lines spread to Right Bank and Western Ukraine and the western regions of Belarus.

Rail War

The scope of the partisan movement is evidenced by a number of major operations carried out jointly with the Red Army. One of them was called “Rail War”. It was carried out in August-September 1943 on the enemy-occupied territory of the RSFSR, the Belarusian and part of the Ukrainian SSR with the aim of disabling the railway communications of the Nazi troops. This operation was connected with the plans of the Headquarters to complete the defeat of the Nazis on the Kursk Bulge, conduct the Smolensk operation and an offensive to liberate Left Bank Ukraine. The TsShPD also attracted Leningrad, Smolensk, and Oryol partisans to carry out the operation.

The order for Operation Rail War was given on June 14, 1943. Local partisan headquarters and their representatives at the fronts assigned areas and objects of action to each partisan formation. The partisans were supplied with explosives and fuses from the “Mainland”; reconnaissance was actively carried out on the enemy’s railway communications. The operation began on the night of August 3 and continued until mid-September. The fighting behind enemy lines took place over an area of ​​about 1,000 km along the front and 750 km in depth; about 100 thousand partisans took part in them with the active support of the local population.

A powerful blow to the railways in territory occupied by the enemy came as a complete surprise to him. For a long time, the Nazis were unable to counteract the partisans in an organized manner. During Operation Rail War, over 215 thousand railway rails were blown up, many trains with Nazi personnel and military equipment were derailed, railway bridges and station structures were blown up. Bandwidth railways decreased by 35-40%, which thwarted the Nazis’ plans to accumulate material resources and concentrate troops, and seriously hampered the regrouping of enemy forces.

The partisan operation codenamed “Concert” was subordinated to the same goals, but already during the upcoming offensive of Soviet troops in the Smolensk, Gomel directions and the battle for the Dnieper. It was carried out from September 19 to November 1, 1943 on the fascist-occupied territory of Belarus Karelia, in the Leningrad and Kalinin regions, in the territory of Latvia, Estonia, Crimea, covering a front of about 900 km and a depth of over 400 km.

Partisans mine the railway track
It was a planned continuation of Operation Rail War; it was closely connected with the upcoming offensive of Soviet troops in the Smolensk and Gomel directions and during the Battle of the Dnieper. 193 partisan detachments (groups) from Belarus, the Baltic states, Karelia, Crimea, Leningrad and Kalinin regions (over 120 thousand people) were involved in the operation, which were supposed to undermine more than 272 thousand rails.

On the territory of Belarus, more than 90 thousand partisans took part in the operation; they had to blow up 140 thousand rails. The Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement planned to throw 120 tons of explosives and other cargo to the Belarusian partisans, and 20 tons to the Kaliningrad and Leningrad partisans.

Due to the sharp deterioration of weather conditions, by the start of the operation it was possible to transfer only about half of the planned amount of cargo to the partisans, so it was decided to begin mass sabotage on September 25. However, some of the detachments that had already reached the initial lines could not take into account the changes in the timing of the operation and began to implement it on September 19. On the night of September 25, simultaneous actions were carried out according to the plan of Operation Concert on a front of about 900 km (excluding Karelia and Crimea) and in a depth of over 400 km.

Local headquarters of the partisan movement and their representation at the fronts assigned areas and objects of action to each partisan formation. The partisans were provided with explosives and fuses, mine-explosive classes were held at “forest courses”, metal was mined from captured shells and bombs at local “factories”, and fastenings for metal bombs to rails were made in workshops and forges. Reconnaissance was actively carried out on the railways. The operation began on the night of August 3 and continued until mid-September. The actions took place on an area with a length of about 1000 km along the front and 750 km in depth, about 100 thousand partisans took part in them, who were helped by the local population. Powerful blow to the railway. lines was unexpected for the enemy, who for some time could not counteract the partisans in an organized manner. During the operation, about 215 thousand rails were blown up, many trains were derailed, railway bridges and station buildings were blown up. The massive disruption of enemy communications significantly complicated the regrouping of retreating enemy troops, complicated their supply, and thereby contributed to the successful offensive of the Red Army.

Partisan bombers of the Transcarpathian partisan detachment Grachev and Utenkov at the airfield
The objective of Operation Concert was to disable large sections of railway lines in order to disrupt enemy transport. The bulk of the partisan formations began hostilities on the night of September 25, 1943. During Operation Concert, Belarusian partisans alone blew up about 90 thousand rails, derailed 1041 enemy trains, destroyed 72 railway bridges, and defeated 58 invader garrisons. Operation Concert caused serious difficulties in the transportation of Nazi troops. Railway capacity has decreased by more than three times. This made it very difficult for the Hitlerite command to maneuver their forces and provided enormous assistance to the advancing Red Army troops.

It is impossible to list here all the partisan heroes whose contribution to the victory over the enemy was so noticeable in the common struggle of the Soviet people over the Nazi invaders. During the war, wonderful partisan command cadres grew up - S.A. Kovpak, A.F. Fedorov, A.N. Saburov, V.A. Begma, N.N. Popudrenko and many others. In terms of its scale, political and military results, the nationwide struggle of the Soviet people in the territories occupied by Hitler's troops acquired the significance of an important military-political factor in the defeat of fascism. The selfless activities of the partisans and underground fighters received national recognition and high praise from the state. More than 300 thousand partisans and underground fighters were awarded orders and medals, including over 127 thousand - the medal “Partisan of the Great Patriotic War” 1st and 2nd degree, 248 were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Pinsk detachment

In Belarus, one of the most famous partisan detachments was the Pinsk partisan detachment under the command of V.Z. Korzh. Korzh Vasily Zakharovich (1899–1967), Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General. Born on January 1, 1899 in the village of Khvorostovo, Solitorsky district. Since 1925 - chairman of the commune, then of the collective farm in the Starobinsky district of the Minsk region. Since 1931 he worked in the Slutsk district department of the NKVD. From 1936 to 1938 he fought in Spain. Upon returning to his homeland, he was arrested, but released a few months later. He worked as the director of a state farm in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Since 1940 - financial sector of the Pinsk regional party committee. In the first days of the Great Patriotic War he created the Pinsk partisan detachment. The Komarov detachment (partisan pseudonym V.Z. Korzha) fought in the Pinsk, Brest and Volyn regions. In 1944 he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Since 1943 - Major General. In 1946-1948 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff. From 1949 to 1953 – Deputy Minister of Forestry of the BSSR. In 1953-1963 - chairman of the collective farm "Partizansky Krai" in Pinsk and then Minsk regions. Streets in Pinsk, Minsk and Soligorsk, the collective farm “Partizansky Krai”, high school in Pinsk.

Pinsk partisans operated at the junction of Minsk, Polesie, Baranovichi, Brest, Rivne and Volyn regions. The German occupation administration divided the territory into commissariats subordinate to different Gauleiters - in Rivne and Minsk. Sometimes the partisans found themselves “drawn”. While the Germans were figuring out which of them should send troops, the partisans continued to operate.

In the spring of 1942, the partisan movement received a new impetus and began to acquire new organizational forms. A centralized leadership appeared in Moscow. Radio communication with the Center has been established.

With the organization of new detachments and the growth of their numbers, the Pinsk underground regional committee of the CP(b)B began to unite them into brigades in the spring of 1943. A total of 7 brigades were created: named after S.M. Budyonny, named after V.I. Lenin, named after V.M. Molotov, named after S.M. Kirov, named after V. Kuibyshev, Pinskaya, “Soviet Belarus”. The Pinsk formation included separate detachments - headquarters and named after I.I. Chuklaya. There were 8,431 partisans (on the payroll) operating in the ranks of the unit. The Pinsk partisan unit was led by V.Z. Korzh, A.E. Kleshchev (May-September 1943), chief of staff - N.S. Fedotov. V.Z. Korzhu and A.E. Kleshchev was awarded the military rank of “Major General” and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. As a result of unification, the actions of disparate detachments began to obey a single plan, became purposeful, and were subordinate to the actions of the front or army. And in 1944, interaction was possible even with divisions.

Portrait of 14-year-old partisan reconnaissance Mikhail Khavdey from the Chernigov-Volynsky formation, Major General A.F. Fedorov
In 1942, the Pinsk partisans became so strong that they were already destroying garrisons in the regional centers of Lenino, Starobin, Krasnaya Sloboda, and Lyubeshov. In 1943, the partisans of M.I. Gerasimov, after the defeat of the garrison, occupied the city of Lyubeshov for several months. On October 30, 1942, partisan detachments named after Kirov and named after N. Shish defeated the German garrison at the Sinkevichi station, destroyed the railway bridge, station facilities and destroyed a train with ammunition (48 cars). The Germans lost 74 people killed and 14 wounded. Railway traffic on the Brest-Gomel-Bryansk line was interrupted for 21 days.

Sabotage on communications was the basis of the partisans' combat activities. They were carried out in different ways over different periods, from improvised explosive devices to Colonel Starinov's improved mines. From the explosion of water pumps and switches to a large-scale “rail war.” During all three years, the partisans destroyed communication lines.

In 1943, the partisan brigades named after Molotov (M.I. Gerasimov) and Pinskaya (I.G. Shubitidze) completely disabled the Dnieper-Bug Canal, an important link in the Dnieper-Pripyat-Bug-Vistula waterway. They were supported on the left flank by the Brest partisans. The Germans tried to restore this convenient waterway. Stubborn fighting lasted 42 days. First, a Hungarian division was thrown against the partisans, then parts of a German division and a Vlasov regiment. Artillery, armored vehicles and aircraft were thrown against the partisans. The partisans suffered losses, but held firm. On March 30, 1944, they retreated to the front line, where they were given a defensive sector and fought together with front-line units. As a result of the heroic battles of the partisans, the waterway to the west was blocked. 185 river vessels remained in Pinsk.

The command of the 1st Belorussian Front attached particular importance to the capture of watercraft in the port of Pinsk, since in conditions of heavily swampy terrain and in the absence of good highways, these watercraft could successfully resolve the issue of transferring the rear of the front. The task was completed by the partisans six months before the liberation of the regional center of Pinsk.

In June-July 1944, Pinsk partisans helped units of Belov’s 61st Army liberate the cities and villages of the region. From June 1941 to July 1944, Pinsk partisans inflicted great losses on the Nazi occupiers: they lost 26,616 people in killed alone and 422 people were captured. They defeated more than 60 large enemy garrisons, 5 railway stations and 10 trains with military equipment and ammunition located there.

468 trains with manpower and equipment were derailed, 219 military trains were shelled and 23,616 railway rails were destroyed. 770 cars, 86 tanks and armored vehicles were destroyed on highways and dirt roads. 3 aircraft were shot down by machine gun fire. 62 railway bridges and about 900 on highways and dirt roads were blown up. This is an incomplete list of the partisans’ military affairs.

Partisan-scout of the Chernigov formation “For the Motherland” Vasily Borovik
After the liberation of the Pinsk region from the Nazi invaders, most of the partisans joined the ranks of the front-line soldiers and continued to fight until complete victory.

The most important forms of partisan struggle during the Patriotic War were such as the armed struggle of partisan formations, underground groups and organizations created in cities and large settlements, and mass resistance of the population to the activities of the occupiers. All these forms of struggle were closely interconnected, conditioning and complementing one another. Armed partisan units widely used underground methods and forces for combat operations. In turn, underground combat groups and organizations, depending on the situation, often switched to open guerrilla forms of struggle. The partisans also established contact with escapees from concentration camps and provided support with weapons and food.

The joint efforts of partisans and underground fighters crowned the nation-wide war in the rear of the occupiers. They were the decisive force in the fight against the Nazi invaders. If the resistance movement had not been accompanied by an armed uprising of partisans and underground organizations, then the popular resistance to the Nazi invaders would not have had the strength and mass scale that it acquired during the years of the last war. The resistance of the occupied population was often accompanied by sabotage activities inherent in partisans and underground fighters. The massive resistance of Soviet citizens to fascism and its occupation regime was aimed at providing assistance to the partisan movement and creating the most favorable conditions for the struggle of the armed part of the Soviet people.

D. Medvedev's squad

Medvedev’s squad that fought in Ukraine enjoyed great fame and elusiveness. D. N. Medvedev was born in August 1898 in the town of Bezhitsa, Bryansk district, Oryol province. Dmitry's father was a qualified steel worker. In December 1917, after graduating from high school, Dmitry Nikolaevich worked as secretary of one of the departments of the Bryansk district Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. In 1918-1920 he fought on various fronts of the civil war. In 1920, D.N. Medvedev joined the party, and the party sent him to work in the Cheka. Dmitry Nikolaevich worked in the bodies of the Cheka - OGPU - NKVD until October 1939 and, for health reasons, retired.

From the very beginning of the war, he volunteered to fight against the fascist occupiers... In the summer camp of the Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade special purpose The NKVD, formed from volunteers by the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs and the Central Committee of the Komsomol, Medvedev selected three dozen reliable guys into his squad. On August 22, 1941, a group of 33 volunteer partisans under the leadership of Medvedev crossed the front line and found themselves in occupied territory. Medvedev’s detachment operated on Bryansk land for about five months and carried out over 50 military operations.

Partisan reconnaissance officers planted explosives under the rails and tore up enemy trains, fired from ambushes at convoys on the highway, went on the air day and night and reported to Moscow more and more information about the movement of German military units... Medvedev’s detachment served as the nucleus for the creation of an entire partisan force in the Bryansk region the edges. Over time, new special tasks were assigned to it, and it was already included in the plans of the Supreme High Command as an important bridgehead behind enemy lines.

At the beginning of 1942, D. N. Medvedev was recalled to Moscow and here he worked on the formation and training of volunteer sabotage groups transferred to enemy lines. Together with one of these groups in June 1942, he again found himself behind the front line.

In the summer of 1942, Medvedev’s detachment became the center of resistance in a vast region of the occupied territory of Ukraine. The party underground in Rovno, Lutsk, Zdolbunov, Vinnitsa, hundreds and hundreds of patriots act in concert with partisan intelligence officers. In Medvedev’s detachment, the legendary intelligence officer Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov became famous, who for a long time operated in Rovno under the guise of Hitler’s officer Paul Siebert...

Over the course of 22 months, the detachment carried out dozens of important reconnaissance operations. Suffice it to mention the messages transmitted by Medvedev to Moscow about the preparation by the Nazis of an assassination attempt on the participants of the historical meeting in Tehran - Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, about the placement of Hitler's headquarters near Vinnitsa, about the preparation of the German offensive on the Kursk Bulge, the most important data about military garrisons received from the commander of these garrisons of General Ilgen.

Partisans with a Maxim machine gun in battle
The unit carried out 83 military operations, in which many hundreds of Nazi soldiers and officers, and many senior military and Nazi leaders were killed. Much military equipment was destroyed by partisan mines. Dmitry Nikolaevich was wounded and shell-shocked twice while behind enemy lines. He was awarded three Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner, and military medals. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 5, 1944, State Security Colonel Medvedev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1946, Medvedev resigned and until last days throughout his life he was engaged in literary work.

D. N. Medvedev dedicated his books “It Was Near Rovno”, “Strong in Spirit”, “On the Banks of the Southern Bug” to the military affairs of Soviet patriots during the war years deep behind enemy lines. During the activity of the detachment, a lot of valuable information was transmitted to the command about the work of railway roads, about the movements of enemy headquarters, about the transfer of troops and equipment, about the activities of the occupation authorities, about the situation in the temporarily occupied territory. In battles and skirmishes, up to 12 thousand enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed. The detachment's losses were 110 killed and 230 wounded.

The final stage

The daily attention and enormous organizational work of the Central Party Committee and local party organs ensured the involvement of the broad masses of the population in the partisan movement. The guerrilla war behind enemy lines flared up with enormous force and merged with the heroic struggle of the Red Army on the fronts of the Patriotic War. The actions of the partisans took on a particularly large scale in the nationwide struggle against the invaders in 1943-1944. If from 1941 to mid-1942, in the conditions of the most difficult stage of the war, the partisan movement experienced the initial period of its development and formation, then in 1943, during the period of a radical turning point in the course of the war, the mass partisan movement resulted in the form of a nationwide war of the Soviet people against occupiers. This stage is characterized by the most complete expression of all forms of partisan struggle, an increase in the numerical and combat strength of partisan detachments, and an expansion of their connections with brigades and formations of partisans. It was at this stage that vast partisan regions and zones inaccessible to the enemy were created, and experience was accumulated in the fight against the occupiers.

During the winter of 1943 and during 1944, when the enemy was defeated and completely expelled from Soviet soil, the partisan movement rose to a new, even higher level. At this stage, on an even wider scale, the interaction of partisans with underground organizations and the advancing troops of the Red Army took place, as well as the connection of many partisan detachments and brigades with units of the Red Army. Characteristic of the partisans’ activities at this stage is the partisans’ attacks on the enemy’s most important communications, primarily on the railways, with the aim of disrupting the transport of troops, weapons, ammunition and food of the enemy, and preventing the removal of looted property and Soviet people to Germany. The falsifiers of history declared the guerrilla war illegal, barbaric, and reduced it to the desire of the Soviet people to take revenge on the occupiers for their atrocities. But life refuted their assertions and speculations and showed its true character and goals. The partisan movement is brought to life by “powerful economic and political reasons.” The desire of the Soviet people to take revenge on the occupiers for violence and cruelty was only an additional factor in the partisan struggle. The nationality of the partisan movement, its pattern, arising from the essence of the Patriotic War, its just, liberating character, were the most important factor victory of the Soviet people over fascism. The main source of strength of the partisan movement was the Soviet socialist system, the love of the Soviet people for the Motherland, devotion to the Leninist party, which called on the people to defend the socialist Fatherland.

Partisans - father and son, 1943
The year 1944 went down in the history of the partisan movement as the year of widespread interaction between partisans and units of the Soviet Army. The Soviet command put forward tasks to the partisan leadership in advance, which allowed the headquarters of the partisan movement to plan the combined actions of the partisan forces. The actions of raiding partisan formations have gained significant scope this year. For example, the Ukrainian partisan division under the command of P.P. From January 5 to April 1, 1944, Vershigory fought almost 2,100 km across the territory of Ukraine, Belarus and Poland.

During the period of the mass expulsion of fascists from the USSR, partisan formations solved another important task - they saved the population of the occupied areas from being deported to Germany, and preserved the people's property from destruction and plunder by the invaders. They hid hundreds of thousands of local residents in the forests in the territories they controlled, and even before the arrival of Soviet units they captured many populated areas.

Unified leadership of the combat activities of the partisans with stable communication between the headquarters of the partisan movement and partisan formations, their interaction with units of the Red Army in tactical and even strategic operations, the conduct of large independent operations by partisan groups, the widespread use of mine-blasting equipment, supplying partisan detachments and formations from the rear a warring country, the evacuation of the sick and wounded from enemy lines to the “Mainland” - all these features of the partisan movement in the Great Patriotic War significantly enriched the theory and practice of partisan warfare as one of the forms of armed struggle against Nazi troops during the Second World War.

The actions of armed partisan formations were one of the most decisive and effective forms of struggle of Soviet partisans against the occupiers. The performances of the armed forces of the partisans became widespread in Belarus, Crimea, in the Oryol, Smolensk, Kalinin, Leningrad regions and Krasnodar Territory, i.e. where there were the most favorable natural conditions. In the named areas of the partisan movement, 193,798 partisans fought. The name of Moscow Komsomol member Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union, became a symbol of fearlessness and courage of partisan intelligence officers. The country learned about the feat of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya during the difficult months of the battle near Moscow. On November 29, 1941, Zoya died with the words on her lips: “It’s happiness to die for your people!”

Olga Fedorovna Shcherbatsevich, an employee of the 3rd Soviet Hospital, who cared for captured wounded soldiers and officers of the Red Army. Hanged by the Germans in Aleksandrovsky Square in Minsk on October 26, 1941. The inscription on the shield, in Russian and German languages- “We are partisans who shot at German soldiers.”

From the memoirs of an execution witness, Vyacheslav Kovalevich, in 1941 he was 14 years old: “I went to the Surazh market. At the Central cinema I saw a column of Germans moving along Sovetskaya Street, and in the center were three civilians with their hands tied behind them. Among them is Aunt Olya, mother of Volodya Shcherbatsevich. They were brought to the park opposite the House of Officers. There was summer cafe. Before the war they began to repair it. They made a fence, put up pillars, and nailed boards on them. Aunt Olya and two men were brought to this fence and they began to hang her on it. The men were hanged first. When they were hanging Aunt Olya, the rope broke. Two fascists ran up and grabbed me, and the third secured the rope. She remained hanging there.”
In difficult days for the country, when the enemy was rushing towards Moscow, Zoya’s feat was similar to the feat of the legendary Danko, who tore out his burning heart and led people, illuminating their path in difficult times. The feat of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was repeated by many girls - partisans and underground fighters who stood up to defend the Motherland. Going to execution, they did not ask for mercy and did not bow their heads before the executioners. Soviet patriots firmly believed in the inevitable victory over the enemy, in the triumph of the cause for which they fought and gave their lives.

When the Great Patriotic War broke out, the press of the Land of Soviets gave birth to a completely new expression - “people's avengers.” They were called Soviet partisans. This movement was very large-scale and brilliantly organized. In addition, it was officially legalized. The goal of the avengers was to destroy the infrastructure of the enemy army, disrupt food and weapons supplies and destabilize the work of the entire fascist machine. The German military leader Guderian admitted that the actions of the partisans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (the names of some will be presented to your attention in the article) became a real curse for Hitler’s troops and greatly influenced the morale of the “liberators.”

Legalization of the partisan movement

The process of forming partisan detachments in the territories occupied by the Nazis began immediately after Germany attacked Soviet cities. Thus, the USSR government published two relevant directives. The documents stated that it was necessary to create resistance among the people in order to help the Red Army. In short, the Soviet Union approved the formation of partisan groups.

One year later, this process was already in full swing. It was then that Stalin issued a special order. It reported the methods and main directions of the underground's activities.

And at the end of the spring of 1942, they decided to legalize partisan detachments altogether. In any case, the government formed the so-called. The central headquarters of this movement. And all regional organizations began to submit only to him.

In addition, the post of Commander-in-Chief of the movement appeared. This position was taken by Marshal Kliment Voroshilov. True, he led it for only two months, because the post was abolished. From now on, the “people's avengers” reported directly to the military Commander-in-Chief.

Geography and scale of movement

During the first six months of the war, eighteen underground regional committees operated. There were also more than 260 city committees, district committees, district committees and other party groups and organizations.

Exactly one year later, a third of the partisan formations of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the list of whose names is very long, could already go on the air via radio communication with the Center. And in 1943, almost 95 percent of the units could communicate with the mainland via walkie-talkies.

In total, during the war there were almost six thousand partisan formations numbering over one million people.

Partisan units

These units existed in almost all occupied territories. True, it happened that the partisans did not support anyone - neither the Nazis nor the Bolsheviks. They simply defended the independence of their own separate region.

Usually there were several dozen fighters in one partisan formation. But over time, detachments appeared that numbered several hundred people. To be honest, there were very few such groups.

The units united in the so-called. brigades. The purpose of such a merger was one - to provide effective resistance to the Nazis.

The partisans mainly used light weapons. This refers to machine guns, rifles, light machine guns, carbines and grenades. A number of formations were armed with mortars, heavy machine guns and even artillery. When people joined the detachments, they must take the partisan oath. Of course, strict military discipline was also observed.

Note that such groups were formed not only behind enemy lines. More than once, future “Avengers” were officially trained in special partisan schools. After which they were transferred to the occupied territories and formed not only partisan detachments, but also formations. Often these groups were staffed by military personnel.

Sign operations

The partisans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 successfully managed to carry out several major operations in conjunction with the Red Army. The largest campaign in terms of results and number of participants was Operation Rail War. The central headquarters had to prepare it quite long and carefully. The developers planned to blow up the rails in some of the occupied territories in order to paralyze traffic on the railways. Partisans from the Oryol, Smolensk, Kalinin, and Leningrad regions, as well as Ukraine and Belarus, took part in the operation. In general, about 170 partisan formations were involved in the “rail war”.

On an August night in 1943, the operation began. In the very first hours, the “people's avengers” managed to blow up almost 42 thousand rails. Such sabotage continued until September inclusive. In one month, the number of explosions increased 30 times!

Another famous partisan operation was called "Concert". In essence, this was a continuation of the “rail battles”, since Crimea, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Karelia joined in the explosions on the railway. Almost 200 partisan formations took part in the “Concert,” which was unexpected for the Nazis!

Legendary Kovpak and “Mikhailo” from Azerbaijan

Over time, the names of some of the partisans of the Great Patriotic War and the exploits of these people became known to everyone. Thus, Mehdi Ganifa-oglu Huseyn-zade from Azerbaijan became a partisan in Italy. In the detachment his name was simply “Mikhailo”.

He was mobilized into the Red Army from his student days. He had to take part in the legendary Battle of Stalingrad, where he was wounded. He was captured and sent to a camp in Italy. After some time, in 1944, he managed to escape. There he came across partisans. In the Mikhailo detachment he was the commissar of a company of Soviet soldiers.

He found out intelligence information, engaged in sabotage, blowing up enemy airfields and bridges. And one day his company raided the prison. As a result, 700 captured soldiers were released.

“Mikhailo” died during one of the raids. He defended himself to the end, after which he shot himself. Unfortunately, they learned about his daring exploits only in the post-war period.

But the famous Sidor Kovpak became a legend during his lifetime. He was born and raised in Poltava in a poor peasant family. During the First World War he was awarded the Cross of St. George. Moreover, the Russian autocrat himself awarded him.

During the Civil War, he fought against the Germans and whites.

Since 1937, he was appointed head of the city executive committee of Putivl, in the Sumy region. When the war began, he led a partisan group in the city, and subsequently a unit of detachments in the Sumy region.

Members of its formation literally continuously carried out military raids across the occupied territories. The total length of the raids is more than 10 thousand km. In addition, nearly forty enemy garrisons were destroyed.

In the second half of 1942, Kovpak’s troops carried out a raid beyond the Dnieper. By this time the organization had two thousand fighters.

Partisan medal

In the middle of winter 1943, a corresponding medal was established. It was called “Partisan of the Patriotic War.” Over the following years, almost 150 thousand partisans of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) were awarded it. The exploits of these people will forever go down in our history.

One of the award winners was Matvey Kuzmin. By the way, he was the oldest partisan. When the war began, he was already in his ninth decade.

Kuzmin was born in 1858 in the Pskov region. He lived separately, was never a member of the collective farm, and was engaged in fishing and hunting. In addition, he knew his area very well.

During the war he found himself under occupation. The Nazis even occupied his house. A German officer who headed one of the battalions began to live there.

In the middle of winter 1942, Kuzmin had to become a guide. He must lead the battalion to a village occupied by Soviet troops. But before this, the old man managed to send his grandson to warn the Red Army.

As a result, Kuzmin led the frozen Nazis through the forest for a long time and only the next morning brought them out, but not to the desired point, but to an ambush set up by Soviet soldiers. The occupiers came under fire. Unfortunately, the hero guide also died in this shootout. He was 83.

Children partisans of the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945)

When the war was going on, a real army of children fought alongside the soldiers. They were participants in this general resistance from the very beginning of the occupation. According to some reports, several tens of thousands of minors took part in it. It was an amazing “movement”!

For military merits, teenagers were awarded military orders and medals. Thus, several minor partisans received the highest award - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, mostly they were all awarded it posthumously.

Their names have been familiar for a long time - Valya Kotik, Lenya Golikov, Marat Kazei... But there were other little heroes, whose exploits were not so widely covered in the press...


Alyosha Vyalov was called “Baby”. He enjoyed special sympathy among the local avengers. He was eleven when the war broke out.

He began to become a partisan with his older sisters. This family group managed to set fire to the Vitebsk railway station three times. They also set off an explosion in the police premises. On occasion, they acted as liaison officers and helped distribute relevant leaflets.

The partisans learned about the existence of Vyalov in an unexpected way. The soldiers were in dire need of gun oil. “Kid” was already aware of this and, on his own initiative, brought a couple of liters of the necessary liquid.

Lesha died after the war from tuberculosis.

Young "Susanin"

Tikhon Baran from the Brest region began to fight when he was nine. So, in the summer of 1941, underground workers set up a secret printing house in their parents’ house. Members of the organization printed leaflets with front-line reports, and the boy distributed them.

For two years he continued to do this, but the fascists were on the trail of the underground. Tikhon’s mother and sisters managed to hide with their relatives, and the young avenger went into the forest and joined the partisan formation.

One day he was visiting relatives. At the same time, the Nazis arrived in the village and shot all the inhabitants. And Tikhon was offered to save his life if he showed the way to the detachment.

As a result, the boy led his enemies into a swampy swamp. The punishers killed him, but not everyone themselves got out of this quagmire...

Instead of an epilogue

The Soviet partisan heroes of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) became one of the main forces that offered real resistance to the enemies. By and large, in many ways it was the Avengers who helped decide the outcome of this terrible war. They fought on par with regular combat units. It was not for nothing that the Germans called the “second front” not only the allied units in Europe, but also the partisan detachments in the Nazi-occupied territories of the USSR. And this is probably an important circumstance... List The partisans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 are enormous, and each of them deserves attention and memory... We present to your attention just a small list of people who left their mark on history:

  • Biseniek Anastasia Alexandrovna.
  • Vasiliev Nikolay Grigorievich.
  • Vinokurov Alexander Arkhipovich.
  • German Alexander Viktorovich.
  • Golikov Leonid Alexandrovich.
  • Grigoriev Alexander Grigorievich.
  • Grigoriev Grigory Petrovich.
  • Egorov Vladimir Vasilievich.
  • Zinoviev Vasily Ivanovich.
  • Karitsky Konstantin Dionisevich.
  • Kuzmin Matvey Kuzmich.
  • Nazarova Klavdiya Ivanovna.
  • Nikitin Ivan Nikitich.
  • Petrova Antonina Vasilievna.
  • Bad Vasily Pavlovich.
  • Sergunin Ivan Ivanovich.
  • Sokolov Dmitry Ivanovich.
  • Tarakanov Alexey Fedorovich.
  • Kharchenko Mikhail Semenovich.

Of course, there are many more of these heroes, and each of them contributed to the cause of the great Victory...

Good day to all site regulars! The main regular on the line is Andrei Puchkov 🙂 (just kidding). Today we will reveal a new extremely useful topic for preparing for the Unified State Exam in history: we will talk about the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War. At the end of the article you will find a test on this topic.

What is the partisan movement and how was it formed in the USSR?

Guerrilla movement is a type of action by military formations behind enemy lines to strike enemy communications, infrastructure facilities and rear enemy formations to disorganize enemy military formations.

In the Soviet Union in the 1920s, the partisan movement began to form on the basis of the concept of waging war on its own territory. Therefore, shelters and secret strongholds were created in the border strips for the deployment of the partisan movement in them in the future.

In the 1930s, this strategy was revised. According to the position of I.V. Stalin, the Soviet army will conduct military operations in a future war on enemy territory with little bloodshed. Therefore, the creation of secret partisan bases was suspended.

Only in July 1941, when the enemy was rapidly advancing and the battle of Smolensk was in full swing, did the Central Committee of the Party (VKP (b)) release detailed instructions creating a partisan movement for local party organizations in the already occupied territory. In fact, at first the partisan movement consisted of local residents and units of the Soviet army that had escaped from the “cauldrons”.

In parallel with this, the NKVD (People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs) began to form destruction battalions. These battalions were supposed to cover units of the Red Army during the retreat, disrupt attacks by saboteurs and enemy military parachute forces. These battalions also joined the partisan movement in the occupied territories.

In July 1941, the NKVD also organized the Special Motorized Rifle Brigade for Special Purposes (OMBSON). These brigades were recruited from first-class military personnel with excellent physical training capable of conducting effective combat operations on enemy territory in the most difficult conditions with a minimum amount of food and ammunition.

However, initially the OMBSON brigades were supposed to defend the capital.

Stages of the formation of the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War

  1. June 1941 - May 1942 - spontaneous formation of the partisan movement. Mainly in the enemy-occupied territories of Ukraine and Belarus.
  2. May 1942-July-August 1943 - from the creation of the Main Headquarters of the partisan movement in Moscow on May 30, 1942 to systematic large-scale operations of Soviet partisans.
  3. September 1943-July 1944 is the final stage of the partisan movement, when the main units of the partisans merge with the advancing Soviet army. On July 17, 1944, partisan units parade through liberated Minsk. Partisan units formed from local residents begin to demobilize, and their fighters are drafted into the Red Army.

Functions of the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War

  • Collection of intelligence data on the deployment of Nazi military formations, the military equipment and military contingent at their disposal, etc.
  • Commit sabotage: disrupt the transfer of enemy units, kill the most important commanders and officers, cause irreparable damage to enemy infrastructure, etc.
  • Form new partisan detachments.
  • Work with the local population in the occupied territories: convince them of the assistance of the Red Army, convince them that the Red Army will soon liberate their territories from the Nazi occupiers, etc.
  • Disorganize the enemy's economy by buying goods with counterfeit German money.

The main figures and heroes of the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War

Despite the fact that there were a lot of partisan detachments and each had its own commander, we will list only those that may appear in the Unified State Exam tests. Meanwhile, the other commanders deserve no less attention

People's memory, because they gave their lives for our relatively serene life.

Dmitry Nikolaevich Medvedev (1898 - 1954)

He was one of the key figures in the formation of the Soviet partisan movement during the war. Before the war he served in the Kharkov branch of the NKVD. In 1937, he was fired for maintaining contact with his older brother, who became an enemy of the people. Miraculously escaped execution. When the war began, the NKVD remembered this man and sent him to Smolensk to form a partisan movement. The group of partisans led by Medvedev was called “Mitya”. The detachment was later renamed “Winners”. From 1942 to 1944, Medvedev’s detachment carried out about 120 operations.

Dmitry Nikolaevich himself was an extremely charismatic and ambitious commander. Discipline in his squad was the highest. The requirements for fighters exceeded the requirements of the NKVD. So at the beginning of 1942, the NKVD sent 480 volunteers from OMBSON units to the “Winners” detachment. And only 80 of them passed the selection.

One of these operations was the elimination of the Reich Commissioner of Ukraine Erich Koch. Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov arrived from Moscow to complete the task. However, after a while it became clear that it was impossible to eliminate the Reich Commissioner. Therefore, in Moscow the task was revised: it was ordered to destroy the head of the Reichskommissariat department, Paul Dargel. This was done only on the second attempt.

Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov himself carried out numerous operations and died on March 9, 1944 in a shootout with the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). Posthumously, Nikolai Kuznetsov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Sidor Artemyevich Kovpak (1887 - 1967)

Sidor Artemyevich went through several wars. Participated in the Brusilov breakthrough in 1916. Before that, he lived in Putivl and was an active politician. At the start of the war, Sidor Kovpak was already 55 years old. In the very first clashes, Kovpak’s partisans managed to capture 3 German tanks. Kovpak's partisans lived in the Spadshchansky forest. On December 1, the Nazis launched an attack on this forest with the support of artillery and aircraft. However, all enemy attacks were repulsed. In this battle, the Nazis lost 200 fighters.

In the spring of 1942, Sidor Kovpak was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, as well as a personal audience with Stalin.

However, there were also failures.

So in 1943, the operation “Carpathian Raid” ended with the losses of about 400 partisans.

In January 1944, Kovpak was awarded the second title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1944

The reorganized troops of S. Kovpak were renamed the 1st Ukrainian Partisan Division named after

twice Hero of the Soviet Union S.A. Kovpaka

Later we will post biographies of several more legendary commanders of the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War. So the site.

Despite the fact that Soviet partisans carried out numerous operations during the war, only the two largest of them appear in the tests.

Operation Rail War. The order to begin this operation was given on June 14, 1943. It was supposed to paralyze railway traffic on enemy territory during the Kursk offensive operation. For this purpose, significant ammunition was transferred to the partisans. About 100 thousand partisans were involved in participation. As a result, traffic on enemy railways was reduced by 30-40%.

Operation Concert was carried out from September 19 to November 1, 1943 in the territory of occupied Karelia, Belarus, Leningrad region, Kalinin region, Latvia, Estonia and Crimea.

The goal was the same: destroying enemy cargo and blocking railway transport.

I think from all of the above, the role of the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War becomes clear. It became an integral part of military operations by units of the Red Army. The partisans performed their functions excellently. Meanwhile in real life there were a lot of difficulties: starting from how Moscow could determine which units were partisans and which were false partisans, and ending with how to transfer weapons and ammunition to enemy territory.

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