Transportation of goods by water transport. River cargo transportation

Transport company“Trajectory of Logistics” invites legal entities to cooperate to order the service of river transportation of goods of any type and size, be it heavy equipment, building materials, oversized cargo and other types of cargo, both within the country and in the direction of the Near Abroad, CIS countries and China. For the convenience of our clients, we offer the following services:

  • drawing up optimal routes through the main ports;
  • consultation on all types of cargo transportation;
  • solving problems of unification different types delivery, storage in warehouses;
  • documentary support all the way;
  • additional cargo packaging;
  • customs clearance;
  • full forwarding;
  • transportation of general cargo;
  • carrying out loading and unloading at any stage of transportation;
  • protecting the interests of the client in the event of non-standard situations;
  • full insurance of the transaction.

Features and Benefits

A distinctive feature of water transport is that it is carried out only on large navigable rivers, along which you can sail to popular ports. This type is successfully used for international transport, in particular for the delivery of goods between China and Russia. In such cases, a multimodal transportation scheme is used. In this case, cargo by other means of transport is delivered to one of the ports of neighboring countries that have access to the sea, and then, after reloading onto river transport, they are sent further to their destination.

River transportation is very common in our state, as there is an extensive water network. This popularity is due to numerous advantages, namely:

  • this is one of the cheapest modes of transport;
  • has no restrictions on cargo dimensions;
  • there is no need to create new routes;
  • does not depend on weather conditions, in comparison with road or air transportation;
  • All types of escort and expeditions are excluded.

The disadvantages include the fact that this type of cargo transportation in most cases is seasonal, since many rivers in our country are winter time practically impassable. Also, one of the negative aspects can be emphasized by the limited geography, namely delivery to hard-to-reach regions, but at the same time, with multimodal transportation, the cost of delivery will be significantly reduced if it is possible to include river transport in the route.

You can order river transportation of goods using the service of our website or by calling the operator’s contact phone number. After submitting the completed form, within a maximum of 15 minutes, one of the managers will contact you, who will offer the most optimal route, time and calculate the cost based on your needs.

An important place in transport logistics is occupied by the transportation of goods by river, carried out using self-propelled vessels or towed barges. And although river cargo transportation cannot be called fast in terms of speed, it is more economical in cost than other methods of delivering goods. Thanks to the development of water communications within the country and the improvement of shipping conditions, the demand for this service always remains in demand, especially for those areas where there is no opportunity to deliver goods by other means of transport.

Having thoroughly studied the water transport system of the Russian Federation, the Trajectory company organizes cargo transportation by river transport, providing professional services in full.

Carrying out activities for sending cargo by river

Effective river transportation of goods is impossible without careful consideration of all the details, therefore the employees of TC "Trajectory" approach issues such as:

  • selection of water transport route ( optimal scheme);
  • legal assistance in preparing documents;
  • customs clearance for international transportation;
  • cargo insurance;
  • chartering a self-propelled or non-self-propelled vessel;
  • rigging activities;
  • organization of temporary storage of cargo;
  • forwarding support.

Using in practice self-propelled and non-self-propelled fleets, as well as river ports and berths, our company carries out both domestic transportation and delivery of cargo in the “river-sea” mode from Russia to other countries. Sometimes the use of river transport is necessary for multimodal cargo transportation.

River transportation of goods along the Volga

The well-developed deep-water system of the European part of the Russian Federation, where the Volga is the central transport artery, makes it possible to deliver all kinds of cargo to 15 constituent entities of Russia. Its length is 3530 km. By the number of internal water cargo transportation in the east of the Russian Federation the Volga-Kama basin is in the lead. Its water communications account for more than half of the cargo transported by river transport, including river-sea delivery. Among several channels in this system The Moscow Canal also includes, giving the capital a deep-water outlet to the Volga.

Sea-river cargo transportation

Artificial water systems and canals connect the Volga with 5 seas: the Caspian, White, Black, Azov and Baltic, which makes it possible to deliver cargo along the river, and then by sea to countries near and far abroad. The use of mixed navigation vessels (river-sea) makes it possible to transport such types of cargo as:

  • container;
  • equipment;
  • technology;
  • chemical products;
  • petroleum products;
  • cereals;
  • food products, etc.

A direct non-transshipment route by mixed navigation vessels makes it possible to avoid downtime in various transport processes during cargo transshipment, which saves time.

Requirements for river transportation of goods

Rivers have peculiarities in terms of curves, current speed, and different depths. Therefore, transportation of goods along them requires strict adherence to the fairway. Also, one of the main conditions for cargo transportation by water lines is reliable transport packaging. This is especially important when delivering chemical and petroleum products. Water pollution can result in heavy fines because river transportation practices involve environmental control. Securing cargo plays an important role in transporting various products by river.

Organization of cargo transportation along the river TC "Trajectory"

Our highly qualified staff have knowledge and experience in the field of river transport, so they will choose the most efficient route scheme and the most suitable water transport. Close long-term cooperation with ship owners and port services allows our company to quickly organize cargo transportation along the river. We calculate the cost of the bet at prices acceptable to the customer.
We offer domestic freight transportation by river vessels, river-sea delivery, as well as multimodal freight transportation using river transport.

River transport is an important link in the country's unified transport system. It occupies one of the leading positions in servicing large industrial centers of riverine areas.

Russia has the most widely developed network of inland waterways in the world. The length of inland waterways is 101 thousand km. The most important are tracks with guaranteed depths, which allows for the uninterrupted transportation of goods and passengers.

River transport is one of the oldest in the country; it is of particular importance for the northern and eastern regions, where the density of iron and highways or they are absent altogether. In these regions, the share of river transport in total freight turnover is 3.9%.

River transport has a small specific gravity in cargo turnover and passenger turnover - 4th place in Russia.

This is due to the following reasons:

1). The meridional direction of river transport (while the main cargo flows are carried out in the latitudinal direction W-E; E-W, this circumstance makes it necessary to combine modes of transport, using, for example, mixed rail-water transport).

2). The seasonal nature of river transportation (which is limited by weather conditions and sometimes time of day, for example, high-speed passenger fleets are not operated at night).

The duration of navigation on the inland waterways of Russia ranges from 145 days (in the East and North-East of the country) to 240 days (in the South and South-West).

During the inter-navigation period, ports work in cooperation with railway and road transport, despite the fact that low-speed river transport is inferior to other types of transport in terms of speed, but has its advantages.

Advantages of river transport:

1. Low cost of transportation

2. Requires less cost for the arrangement of tracks than in land modes of transport.

The importance of water transport is especially great for the Northern and Eastern regions of the country, where the railway network is insufficient, the density of the inland waterway network is 2 times greater than the average for the Russian Federation.

Hence, the share of river transport in the total freight turnover of these areas is 65-90%; in Russia as a whole, this figure is 3.7%.

The role of river transport in the country's economy is determined not so much by the scale of transport work, but by the special significance of the functions they perform.

In addition to transport services to the regions of Siberia, the Far East, including the Arctic, river transport carries out complex, expensive transportation along small rivers in hard-to-reach areas, as well as highly profitable transportation along small rivers in hard-to-reach areas, as well as highly profitable transportation of foreign trade cargo by mixed (river-sea) navigation vessels .

Currently, inland waterways are operated by 5 thousand shipowners of various forms of ownership.

The length of inland waterways is 101 thousand km.

Main types of river transport cargo:

Mineral building materials/sand;


Grain and other agricultural products.

According to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the total volume freight transport inland water transport during navigation in 2007 amounted to 152.4 million tons, which is 9.5% more than the level of 2006. The increase in this volume was mainly due to an increase in navigation period. Transportation of dry cargo (cement, metal, timber and construction materials) increased by 12.5%. At the same time, the volume of transportation of oil and petroleum products decreased by almost a third. More than a third of the total volume of river transportation is carried out in Privolzhsky federal district. The country's river ports handled 15% more cargo than in 2006.

State capital investments in 2007, intended for the development of inland waterway infrastructure, amounted to almost 2.6 billion rubles, which is 1.6 times more than in 2006. This made it possible to reconstruct a number of lock facilities on the Volga-Baltic Waterway ways, the Volga-Don Canal, in the Kama Basin, the Samara hydroelectric complex.

In 2008, 4 billion rubles were allocated from the state budget for the overhaul of navigable hydraulic structures of river transport. They are aimed at reconstructing 47 facilities.

Currently, a draft subprogram “Inland Waterways” is being developed, which should become part of the Federal Target Program “Development of the Transport System of Russia in 2010-2015.” The total amount of funding for this subprogram is determined in the amount of 235 billion rubles. As a result of its implementation, the share of deep-water sections in the total length of navigable rivers in the European part of our country will increase to 86%. Almost 2.5 km of new berths will be built in river ports.

  1. River systems and ports.

The Russian river fleet consists of 178 joint stock companies open type, including 27 shipping companies, 50 ports, 46 ship repair and shipbuilding enterprises, etc. 96 enterprises are under state control, of which 27 are state-owned enterprises, 17 are government institutions, 14 are shipping inspections, 14 are River Register inspections, 24 are educational establishments.

Fourteen river transport ports accept foreign ships.

The main one in Russia is the Volga-Kama river basin, to which the economically developed part of the country gravitates (40% of the river fleet's cargo turnover). Thanks to the Volga-Baltic, White Sea-Baltic and Volga-Don shipping canals, the Volga has become the core of a unified water system of the European part of Russia, and Moscow has become a river port of five seas.

The most important transport rivers in the north of the European part of Russia: Sukhona, Northern Dvina with its tributaries, Onega, Svir, Neva.

Siberia and the Far East have enormous navigable river routes. The greatest rivers of Russia flow here - the Amur, Yenisei, Lena, Ob and their tributaries. All of them are used for shipping and timber rafting, transporting food and industrial goods to remote areas. The importance of river transport for Siberia is very great, since the railway network there (especially in the meridional direction) is still insufficient.

Currently, approximately 5 thousand shipowners of various forms of ownership operate inland waterways, including about 30 joint-stock shipping companies (river shipping companies). The river fleet of the Russian Federation serves 68 republics, territories, regions and national districts.

  1. Technical equipment for river transport.

The material and technical base (MTB) of river transport is formed by:

Waterway (with associated structures and equipment);

Ports and marinas;

Shipyards (SSZ and SRZ);

The classification of rolling stock is shown in the figure.

The fleet (similar to sea transport) is the basis of the MTB, the main part of the technical equipment of river transport consists of ships different types:

Transport purposes (for transportation of goods and passengers) with a total tonnage > 14 million tons, of which< 1,5 млн. т приходится на суда смешанного плавания (река-море).

Service and auxiliary vessels (tugs, icebreakers, tankers) total capacity of tugboats is 1.6 million tons.

Technical (dredging, cranes, etc.) sharp increase in their construction costs stopped updating.

River routes are divided depending on depth and capacity into 7 classes and 4 main groups: superhighways (1st class), highways (2nd class), local routes (4th, 5th classes), small rivers (bth, 7th grades). In river transport, there are various technical structures that ensure efficient and safe operation. These are, first of all, locks for the passage of ships from one water level to another, buoys - signs to indicate dangers along the way or fencing the fairway, gates - signs in the form of towers or pillars installed on the fairway line to indicate the direction, places of turns, etc. d.

Deep-water inland waterways have a large carrying capacity, they can be compared to multi-track railways, and they are adapted to the mass transport of goods and passengers. Transportation of some goods by river transport along main inland waterways is 2-3 times cheaper than on parallel railways.

The main differences between river vessels and sea vessels:

a) less draft;

b) dimensions(due to shallow depths and tortuosity of most of the river routes, as well as the narrowness of the fairway);

c) the absence of a number of elements in the design and equipment (necessary on sea-going ships, which is due to the specific conditions of navigation on rivers), while river vessels going into large lakes and sea routes are almost no different in design from sea-going vessels. Average age river vessels are 20 years old, about ½ of all transport vessels (except dry cargo barges) are more than 20 years old.

The river fleet consists of:

Self-propelled vessels (passenger, cargo, cargo-passenger);

Non-self-propelled vessels (barges for various purposes);

Tugs (pushers - vessels without their own cargo spaces, but with a power plant for traction (towing) of non-self-propelled vessels);

Specialized vessels (vegetable carriers, mobile carriers, oil ore carriers, river-sea vessels, barges, refrigerators).

A waterway is the navigable part of rivers, lakes, reservoirs and artificial canals with hydraulic structures.

The waterway is characterized by:



Curvature radius (rotation);

According to the dimensions of the shipping channel, waterways are distinguished:

Superhighways – with guaranteed depths of up to 4 m;

Highways - with guaranteed depths of up to 2.6 m;

Paths of local importance - with guaranteed depths of up to 1 m.

Waterways are:

Navigable (on which safe navigation of ships is possible);

Floating (for rafting timber).

Navigable ones are distinguished: - natural (rivers and lakes);

Artificial (canals and reservoirs).

Ports are the basis of coastal river transport, where ships are loaded and unloaded, passengers board and disembark, Maintenance ships.

River ports are:

Universal (perform all types of work);

Specialized (only certain types of work - cargo or passenger).

The most important elements of the port are the berths, equipped with mechanized means for loading and unloading ships; there are warehouses and storage areas for bulk cargo.

A pier is an intermediate point where ships have a short stop for boarding and disembarking passengers and partial loading and unloading of cargo.

  1. Main performance indicators of inland water transport.

Vessel productivity is transport work in ton-kilometers or passenger-kilometers per unit of time (usually a day), calculated per 1 hp. or 1 ton lifting capacity. A distinction is made between net and gross productivity of a vessel. Net productivity characterizes the use of the vessel while underway while laden. It is determined by dividing the total amount of ton-kilometers of this type of work by the power-day (tonnage-day) of travel in a loaded state. Gross productivity is an indicator characterizing the use of the vessel during the entire operational time spent, i.e. the time of movement in loaded and unladen states, the time of all stops and non-transport work - is determined by dividing the total ton-kilometers by the force-day (tonnage-day) that the vessel is in operation.

Vessel utilization indicators by loading reflect the degree of utilization of the vessels' carrying capacity and power.

The indicator of the use of a cargo ship in terms of carrying capacity, t/t tonnage, is determined by dividing the mass of cargo loaded into the ship, Q e, for registration carrying capacity Q p:

The average load per 1 ton of cargo capacity of a cargo ship is determined by dividing ton-kilometers (where l hgr– length of travel of the vessel with cargo) per tonnage - kilometers with cargo:

Average load per 1 hp. The capacity of tugboats is determined by dividing the ton-kilometers performed on loaded voyages by the force-kilometers with the composition of loaded ships and rafts:

Share of running time with cargo a d is determined by dividing the tonnage-day of travel of a vessel with cargo by the total number of tonnage-days in operation:

Average productivity 1 ton lifting capacity of self-propelled and non-self-propelled vessels M egr determined by dividing ton-kilometers by the total number of ton-days in operation:

Vessel turnaround time is the time spent moving the vessel from the point of loading to the point of unloading and back, including the time required for initial and final operations (loading, unloading, locking, etc.), delays along the way and technical operations. Determined by adding the parking time t st; time spent on maneuvers t m; running time t x:

Let's consider the performance indicators of river ports.

The total cargo turnover of the port is the total amount of cargo in tons sent from the port and received at the port. This indicator is planned and taken into account for all cargo as a whole and with distribution by nomenclature: oil and petroleum products, timber in rafts, dry cargo ships (grain, ore, coal, ore, etc.). Special emphasis is placed on cargo transported in containers, as well as those subject to transfer from river transport to railway transport and received from it.

Loading and unloading operations include all work performed by port facilities at cargo berths and warehouses related to the transshipment of goods transported by river transport. This includes port and non-port operations, as well as the transhipment of oil cargo at oil refineries. Non-port include chores port, as well as work performed for other organizations in order to maintain a permanent workforce and more fully utilize fixed assets.

The volume of loading and unloading operations is planned and taken into account in physical tons and ton-operations. The volume of loading and unloading operations in physical tons corresponds to the port's cargo turnover minus the total weight of various cargoes sent from the client berths and arriving at these berths, as well as timber cargo sent from the port and arriving at the port in rafts.

A ton operation is the movement of 1 ton of cargo according to a certain loading and unloading option. A variant is the completed movement of cargo, regardless of the distance, method and additional work performed (weighing, sorting, etc.). When determining the volume of transshipment work in ton operations, any work related to the movement of 1 ton of cargo in the port is taken into account, according to the following options: transport-warehouse; warehouse-transport; transport-transport; warehouse-warehouse; internal warehouse premises (performed during the main work, and on separate orders).

The ratio of the number of ton operations performed by a port to the volume of loading and unloading operations in physical tons for a certain period is called the cargo transshipment coefficient.

  1. Problems and prospects for the development of inland water transport.

It is necessary to improve the unified system of internal routes in Russia, which is possible with the construction of canals and locks. In the 19th century The Mariinsky system with 39 locks was built.

The system of internal routes is of defensive importance: the connection between the south of the country and the north (the route through the European water system from Odessa to St. Petersburg) is 8800 km, and along internal routes - 4500 km.

It is necessary to deepen the fairway for the passage of vessels of greater carrying capacity to extend navigation periods; development of a system of ro-ro vessels (“Ro-Ro”) for horizontal loading, vessels of the “river-sea” type; sectional vessels (they are more economical than heavy cargo ships of the same carrying capacity with a simplified reloading system and are reconfigured depending on cargo flows); hovercraft and hydrofoils reaching speeds of up to 105 km/h; icebreakers and ships with reinforced hulls for polar conditions; increase in the carrying capacity of vessels (costs are reduced by 25-30%); increasing the comfort of passenger ships; creation of automated complexes for reloading operations; reconstruction of existing ports (Temryuk, Yeysk, Rostov, Azov, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, etc.); the creation of dock ships for the transportation of heavy, large-sized cargo and for the delivery of cargo to places in the Arctic basin that do not have reloading equipment, and much more.

Transportation by water makes it possible to deliver large quantities of cargo over long distances without loss of quality. One of the most common and effective ways to transport goods by water is sea ​​freight transportation. Most often they are carried out in a multimodal format, which involves the use of several modes of transport at once.

Features of water cargo transportation

Cargo ships are divided into types: sea, river, river-sea. The first category includes dry cargo ships general purpose, refrigerators, container ships, roll-on roll-off ships, bulk carriers with inclined hold walls, tankers, timber carriers, gas carriers, ferries. The second type includes: self-propelled cargo ships (automobile, ore, cement, container ships, refrigerators) and non-self-propelled barge vessels.

Water transportation has distinctive features. In one cargo compartment, cargo with different physical properties can be loaded and kept together for a long time. chemical characteristics. During a long period cargo transportation by sea goods are subject to additional loads caused by pitching and storm vibration, changes in humidity and temperature. Ensuring the safety of products in such conditions is possible only with strict adherence to the technology of loading, placement, and fastening.

Cargo operations are regulated by general and special rules, codes, guidelines for the maritime transportation of food, industrial, liquid, bulk, dangerous goods. Products for transport transportation by water are accepted and handed over with external inspection and verification of the correspondence of impressions and seal indices to the entries in bills of lading and loading orders.

River and shipping During the preparation stage there are several stages. IN mandatory the characteristics of the cargo are analyzed, the optimal logistics scheme is selected, accompanying documentation is drawn up, packaging and labeling, insurance, and loading are carried out. The safety and security of the goods and the financial costs of its delivery depend on how well the preparatory measures are carried out.

International sea freight

Sea freight transportation are regulated by the UN Convention, the Brussels Convention on the Unification of Rules on Bills of Lading, the Hague-Visby Rules, and other legal acts. Containers are actively used in the delivery of products by sea. Reusable packaging allows you to transport almost all types of goods. Our company delivers in containers of 20, 40, 45 feet.

By type, containers are divided into:

  • Dry Freight Container is standard for small cargo;
  • Dry Freight Container High Cube with increased capacity;
  • FlatRack Container - platform for oversized items;
  • Open Top Container - with an awning instead of a roof for loading from above;
  • Refrigerator Container – refrigerated for goods requiring temperature control;
  • Tank Container – tanks for gaseous and liquid substances.

Container ships are most often used to deliver consumer goods. Their main advantage is that there is no need for overload material assets along the ship's route. We provide container shipping by sea to ship any consignment of goods, including groupage containers and large ship consignments of machinery, fossil resources, metal and other cargo. Transportation consists of the following stages:

  • signing an agreement with a transport company;
  • Preparation transport documents;
  • loading;
  • delivery of material assets to their destination;
  • customs clearance;
  • unloading;
  • delivery "to the door" of the recipient at the request of the client.

Advantages and disadvantages of sea transportation:

  • the ability to transport large quantities;
  • no restrictions on dimensions and hazard classes;
  • reliability and safety;
  • efficiency.

On to the cons maritime transport This may include the impossibility of urgent delivery and dependence on weather conditions.

List of services for water transportation

One of the key specializations of the KVT LLC company is the organization of multimodal sea cargo transportation, which is most profitable in the international direction. In the process of fulfilling such orders, several types of transport are used at once, which makes it possible to carry out delivery in the “door to door” format. In case of mixed transportation, export is carried out from seaports containers of 20 (TEU), 40 and 45 (FEU) feet to any point in Russia. To send large cargo shipments of 1000 tons or more, various types of vessels are used: sea, river, river-sea. Cargo owners can order not only transportation by container ships, but also by partially or fully chartered vessels. The list of services also includes:

  • customer consulting;
  • loading and unloading, stevedoring works;
  • survey work;
  • collection, storage in warehouses;
  • consolidation of cargo in temporary storage warehouses (temporary storage warehouses);
  • registration of goods transport and customs documentation;
  • insurance;
  • tracking of cargo along the route;
  • delivery of goods in the “door to door” format.
  • remote release of cargo located directly in dry ports, for example, Novorossiysk and Vladivostok, through the Zelenograd (Mozhaisky) electronic declaration center.

TLT or “Dry Port” is a terminal that is directly connected to road and railway communications. It allows you to quickly organize all the necessary measures for further transportation and customs clearance of products.

Customs broker "KVT" has a partnership with largest ports and shipping structures, which allows planning international shipping most efficiently, delivering cargo of any type in the shortest possible time. Freight cost is calculated individually depending on the type, volume of goods and distance. A flexible system of discounts applies to ordering a comprehensive delivery and customs clearance service.

The company has a river-sea ro-ro barge at its disposal. This convenient river transport allows any wheeled vehicle to enter and exit the deck of the vessel without the use of cranes. That is why the NP-Technology company has the opportunity to transport not only non-standard cargo, but also cars using a barge.

Our services

The NP-Technology company provides the following services for organizing transportation using river transport:

  • chartering vessels of various capacities for transporting goods between any ports;
  • organization of freight forwarding and transshipment in river ports of Europe and Russia;
  • coordination with the relevant authorities of plans for the delivery of heavy and oversized cargo to a specific port;
  • transportation of goods with their subsequent transshipment if it is impossible for the vessel to enter the specified destination;
  • search and offer a convenient port for cargo processing, taking into account its nature, route and volume of the shipment;
  • organization and implementation of loading and unloading, as well as warehouse work at transshipment ports;
  • storage of goods;
  • delivery of cargo of any volume by river transport to the door and its customs clearance.

Distinctive features of river transportation

Wide delivery geography. Russia is one of the world leaders in terms of the length of navigable rivers. Transportation may involve more than 100,000 kilometers of river arteries and 130 ports.

Seasonality. Due to freezing of rivers in winter, navigation in most regions of Russia is suspended. Therefore, the use of river transport for transportation is seasonal. It is usually possible between early April and mid-November.

Water (river) transport is transport that carries passengers and cargo by ships along waterways of both natural origin (rivers, lakes) and artificial ones (reservoirs, canals). Its main advantage is its low cost, due to which it occupies an important place in the federal transport system countries, despite seasonality and low speed.

Advantages and disadvantages

River transport in Russia plays an important role in inter-district and intra-district transportation of our country. Its advantages lie in the routes of natural origin, the construction of which requires fewer costs than the construction of railways and highways. The cost of freight transport by waterway is lower than by rail. And labor productivity is 35 percent higher.

However, river transportation has a number of disadvantages - it is seasonal, low speed of movement, limited use, which is due to the configuration of the water network. In addition, the major arteries of our country flow from north to south, and from south to north, and the main cargo flows have a latitudinal direction.

Main highways

Thanks to the construction of cascades of waterworks, the Volga and Kama rivers turned into deep-water highways. The Moscow-Volzhskoe and Volzhskoe inter-basin connections today constitute a Unified deep-water system, the total length of which is 6.3 thousand kilometers. With the steady growth of inland water transport in the eastern part of Russia, the leading position is still held by the Volga-Kama basin. Its rivers account for more than fifty percent of the transport of passengers and goods. The main place in this basin was occupied by river transport of construction materials (60 percent). Their transportation is carried out in both directions, it is predominantly intra-district in nature.

What is transported along Russian waterways?

River transport on these arteries mainly delivers timber, both on ships and the old-fashioned way, on rafts, by rafting. Siberian timber is transported from the Kama to the Volga, and timber from the Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions, Karelia for the regions is transported along the Volga-Baltic route North Caucasus and Volga region. Moscow river transport is involved in the transportation of timber along the canal of the same name to the Moscow region and Moscow. Kuznetsk coal is transported into the basin through the ports of the Volga and Kama, and then it is transported along waterways to power plants. In addition, the delivery of salt occupies a prominent place - from the Baskunchany salt mine up the Volga to the ports of the Volga region, the Urals, the Center, to North-Western enterprises and for export. In addition, agricultural products from the Volgograd and Astrakhan regions, fish from the Caspian Sea, as well as chemical products from the Volga region and the Urals are sent up the Volga. Petroleum products and oil, grain cargoes are transported in both directions.

Main directions

River transport in Russia is especially developed in the Volga-Kama basins, because the Kama with its tributaries - the Vyatka and the Belaya - is important in connecting the Urals with the North-West, the Center, and the Volga region. Mainly grain, timber, oil, chemical cargo, and construction mineral materials are transported down the Kama. In the opposite direction, coal, cement, and timber are transported. In the upper reaches of the Kama, freight traffic is significantly less. In addition, the Volga-Don Canal contributed to an increase in the transportation of bulk cargo along the Volga. Thanks to it, grain, coal, melons, industrial products and other cargo are transported along the Volga from the regions adjacent to the Don. In the opposite direction - cement, ore, timber, chemical products. All this is transported by river transport. Samara, like other cities in the Middle Volga region, is the main consumer of these goods. A major role in the development of transportation is played by the water transport connections of this basin with the North-Western region, as well as with foreign countries Baltic Sea through the Volga-Baltic route. Apatite concentrate, ore, building materials, and timber are transported through it to the south, and chemical cargo, grain, coal and petroleum products to the north.

Passenger Transportation

The main passenger flows were also concentrated in the Volga-Kama basin. Any river station will offer citizens a variety of local, transit, intracity and suburban destinations. Passenger ships are quite widely used in organizing tourism or recreation. The longest transit lines are from Moscow to Astrakhan, Perm, Rostov and Ufa. The largest river station is located in the capital of Russia. In the Volga-Vyatka basin, the largest river ports are Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd, Moscow, Perm, Astrakhan, Kazan, Yaroslavl.

North-west direction

Since ancient times, rivers have served as the central transport communications of the North-Western and Northern economic regions. In its European part, the main waterways for the transportation of goods are the Northern Dvina with its tributaries Sukhona and Vychegda, Pechora, Mezen, and in the North-West - the Svir, Neva and the White Sea-Baltic Canal. The northern waterways carry a powerful flow of mineral construction and petroleum materials, timber, as well as grain and coal. The main ports are Naryan-Mar, Pechora, Mezen, Arkhangelsk, Kotlas.

The North-Western basin ensures the delivery of timber and apatite concentrate from the Kola Peninsula to the south from Karelia. In the opposite direction - industrial goods, grain, salt and petroleum products. Volkhov, Petrozavodsk and St. Petersburg serve as transshipment points for various goods. From here, permanent passenger lines are organized to Moscow and the Verkhnevolzhsky region. Local routes are also well developed here, this has become especially noticeable with the increase in the number of high-speed ships.

East direction

In eastern Russia, the Ob-Irtysh basin of Western Siberia occupies the first place in terms of transportation. River transport here contributed to the development of gas and oil resources, as well as forests. From the main transport transshipment hubs (Tobolsk, along the Irtysh and Ob, coal, drilling equipment and pipes, construction materials, food and industrial goods are supplied to the oil and gas fields of the Tyumen region. Delivery of goods to the inland areas of the mainland is carried out along the Northern Sea Route with subsequent transshipment at the mouths of the Taz, Pura and Ob on river ships. Most of the shipments are timber, which arrives in rafts to the river port of Asino. Then it is transported by ships to Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk. More than a quarter of deliveries along the Irtysh and Ob are construction materials, which come from the southern regions to the north, to the areas of the oil and gas industry.In addition, great importance has river transport for the transportation of grain cargo, salt, coal and petroleum products.

On the Ob, along with the ancient ports of Barnaul and Novosibirsk, an important role is played by the ports that arose in connection with the creation of industrial centers - Surgut, Ob, Labytnangi, Salekhard.

Yenisei and Angara

River transport of the Yenisei connects the southern part of Eastern Siberia with the Arctic regions. Here, timber transportation reaches two-thirds of the total freight turnover of the Yenisei. In addition, grain, oil products, coal and mineral building materials are transported along the river. The Upper Yenisei, from Minusinsk to Krasnoyarsk, is characterized by a predominance of downstream cargo traffic, with grain occupying the main place in it.

The mouth of the Angara: the bulk of the timber comes from here and divides the flow of goods on the Yenisei. The main part goes up, and from the mouth to Dikson - down the river. In addition to timber, transportation of construction mineral materials and coal plays a significant role. The main ports are Krasnoyarsk, Yeniseisk, Dudinka, Igarka, and on the Angara - Makaryevo, Bratsk, Irkutsk, Ust-Ilimsk.

Lena and Cupid

On the Lena, shipping starts from the port of Osetrovo and extends to the river delta. Here, in addition to domestic goods, cargo is delivered that comes from the railway - from Tiksi Bay and Osetrovo. Two-thirds of the traffic is coal and building materials, the rest is timber and oil. Most of them go from top to bottom. Cargo operations are carried out in the ports of Kirensk, Osetrovo, Yakutsk, Vitim.

In the Far East, the Amur and its tributaries Bureya and Zeya are of great transport importance. The main cargoes are grain, salt, metal, coal, timber, oil and fish. Large ports are Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk. In these areas, due to the insufficiently developed infrastructure of land communications, river transport is also important in the transportation of passengers.

Sea transport

The main importance of maritime transport is that it provides a very significant part of Russia's foreign trade. Cabotage is essential only for supplying the eastern and northern coasts of the country. Freight turnover for maritime transport is eight percent. This is achieved as a result of the longest transportation distance - approximately 4.5 thousand kilometers. Passenger transportation by sea is insignificant.

Problems of maritime transport in Russia

On a planetary scale, sea transport ranks first in terms of cargo turnover, standing out for its lowest cost of cargo delivery. In the Russian Federation, it is relatively poorly developed, this is explained by the fact that the main economic centers of our country are significantly removed from seaports. In addition, most of the seas that surround Russian territory are frozen. This significantly increases the cost of using this. Another problem is the very outdated fleet of our country. Thus, Russian sea and river transport was built more than twenty years ago, which is unacceptable by world standards; such ships should be decommissioned. There are practically no modern types of vessels in the domestic fleet: lighter carriers, container ships, gas carriers, horizontal unloading and loading vessels, and others. Before the annexation of Crimea, Russia had only eleven major seaports, which is not enough for such a large country. As a result, about half of the cargo traveling by sea was handled by foreign ports. Mostly exes Soviet republics: Ukraine (Odessa), Estonia (Tallinn), Lithuania (Klaipeda). The use of sea transport shipping hubs of other states also contributes to large financial losses. If the situation with the Black Sea ports has been more or less resolved, then a new port is being built on the Baltic Sea coast.

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