Peter Tolstoy's election headquarters. "He's also a fool"

TV presenter Pyotr Tolstoy is a man whose name is known to any Russian who watches TV at least occasionally. He once hosted “Sunday Time” on Channel One, but is now busy with several well-known programs, in particular, “Time will tell”, “Politics”. What is known about this man, whose fame has a slight taste of scandal?

TV presenter Pyotr Tolstoy: biography of a star

The Channel One star was born in Moscow, a joyful event occurred in June 1969. TV presenter Pyotr Tolstoy comes from a difficult family; among his ancestors there are representatives of an ancient aristocratic family. He is a descendant of the famous writer Lev Nikolaevich, of which he is very proud. This person is also related to TV presenter Fekla Tolstaya, writer Tatyana Tolstaya and designer Artemy Lebedev.

TV presenter Pyotr Tolstoy chose his path in life as a child. Already while studying at school, the boy decided that he would become a famous journalist. It is not surprising that, having received a certificate, he entered the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, at the Faculty of Journalism. It is known that university teachers speak positively about Peter, characterizing him as a diligent student who devoted a lot of time to study and self-development.

First steps to success

Of course, fans of the charming journalist are interested in how his rise to fame began. Having become a graduate of Moscow State University, future TV presenter Pyotr Tolstoy got a job on the staff of a branch of the French newspaper Le Monde. This allowed him not only to gain experience, but also to master the French language perfectly, communicating with foreign colleagues.

The descendant of the famous writer worked in the publication “Mond” for only two years. His next place of work was the Russian division of France-Presse. Tolstoy recalls with pleasure the times when his professional activities were associated with frequent business trips to Paris.

Personal life

Of course, Peter Tolstoy did not stop there. The TV presenter, whose biography indicates a desire for constant professional growth, in 2002 began hosting the “Conclusions” program, which aired on the capital’s Channel Three. Two years later, he finally sat down in a chair general director this channel.

2005 turned out to be a successful year for Pyotr Olegovich. Then he received an invitation from Ernst to go to Channel One. The TV presenter began hosting “Sunday Time”; in fact, this program became an analogue of “Conclusions”. It was this TV show that gave Tolstoy the star status he aspired to. He acquired the title of member of the Russian Television Academy in 2007, at the same time he was awarded the Golden Pen award. Previously, Peter managed to receive another prestigious award - “TEFI”.

What now

The Sunday Time program ceased to exist in mid-2012. Currently, TV presenter Pyotr Tolstoy is the face of the talk show “Politics,” aired on Channel One. In addition, he hosts the programs “Time will tell” and “Tolstoy. Sunday". Obviously, the title of the latest TV show is a reference to the presenter’s relationship with one of the most prominent Russian writers.

Mixed reputation

Pyotr Tolstoy is a TV presenter, biography, whose personal life is of keen interest to society. Such attention does not at all mean that the descendant of the famous writer is basking in the rays of people's love. The star has many ill-wishers who accuse Peter of bias, unacceptable for a journalist. For several years now, there has been talk about the propaganda that the TV presenter secretly conducts in favor of the current government.

A high-profile scandal in which Pyotr Tolstoy became a participant is an incident associated with the name of actress Chulpan Khamatova, who heads the Gift of Life foundation. Rumors have gained popularity according to which Khamatova took part in the election race on the side of Vladimir Putin without pleasure. The actress left the gossip without comment, but Tolstoy acted differently. The TV presenter said that the authors of such rumors openly harm the Motherland and even call for revolution.

TV presenter Pyotr Tolstoy is among the people who are not allowed into the territory of Ukraine. he received after his harsh statements on the issue of annexing Crimea.

At the beginning of 2015, Tolstoy was forced to contact the police to report arson. The victim of the attackers was a country house located in the Volgograd region, which is the property of a TV presenter. The investigative measures carried out in this regard helped to establish that the malicious arsonist was Peter’s former driver, who decided to settle accounts with the employer who fired him. Losses amounted to several million rubles. It is known that he was engaged in landscaping the estate for several years.

Pyotr Tolstoy, a popular Russian presenter, producer and politician, was born in 1969 in Moscow. Peter’s great surname is not a mere coincidence, but belongs to the family tree of Lev Nikolaevich (the brilliant Russian writer of the 19th century). This circumstance does not leave Peter indifferent, and he proudly carries this knowledge and honorably defends the Tolstoy family.

In addition to the great novelist, our talented contemporary there is a family connection with Fyokla Tolstaya, Artemy Lebedev and Tatyana Tolstaya. It is not surprising that with such a pedigree, Peter grew up to be a talented person, with well-instilled spiritual values.

Tolstoy dreamed of becoming a journalist as a child: he read a lot (he was interested in both Russian and foreign literature); was interested in everything that was happening around him and then described it with inspiration to his family and friends; reasoned competently and was ready to defend his position to the end.

As a child, the boy did not leave anyone indifferent to himself; he loved increased attention and praise. It was not difficult to decide on a university: the future popular TV presenter entered Lomonosov Moscow State University to study journalism. Studying was quite simple for the boy, he gained knowledge and learned something useful from each lesson; many skills would be useful to him in the future.

Peter was at the faculty one of the brightest students, participated in the social life of the university, loved the public and attention. The first steps in professional journalism began immediately after graduation from his native Moscow State University: Tolstoy was accepted for an internship at the fairly well-known French publishing house Le Monde.

His colleagues were French journalists who knew their job, which made it possible not only to gain the skills to perfectly express thoughts and to interest the reader from the first line, but also to learn the language of Hugo, Dumas, and Balzac. This publishing house became the starting point of Tolstoy’s dizzying career, it was just two years and it was necessary to move on, so the presenter got a job with Russian journalists at the France-Presse publishing house.

Fate always brought him together with France, the language, moreover, at the new place of work there were frequent business trips to Paris, which Russian journalist remembers to this day and remembers with warmth from everyone. In all publications, he worked conscientiously, always listened to the leader, but did it in his own way so that his superiors would positively evaluate this interpretation of their instructions. Working as a journalist is very difficult: getting up early, constant deadlines, irregular schedules, tough competition.

Peter's character allowed him to overcome difficulties with dignity; of course, he made mistakes and stumbled, but this strengthened him and bore fruit in the future. Since childhood, Tolstoy loved difficulties, the desire to be better than others in everything grew into the character of a winner, and the constant desire to be a star atrophied the fear of publicity. The peak of his career came on the First Channel of Russian television - the presenter worked long and hard towards this goal, therefore, when he achieved his goal, he did not waste time and showed everything he could and could do.

There were scandals, behind-the-scenes quarrels, conflicts, he was accused of substituting facts, of lying, but this is part of the profession and these situations only strengthen the spirit of rivalry. Weak people will not be able to be journalists, because they can withstand stream of criticism and accusations maybe not everyone, but Tolstoy could. He still succeeds in this, which gives no grounds to talk about incompetence and unprofessionalism.

Peter always finds himself at the peak of current events, writes and speaks about pressing problems of our time, and does not miss the chance to blame one or another public service in failure to fulfill official obligations. Accusations of lying end only with words, Tolstoy is becoming more and more popular, people want to hear him and believe him. This is evidenced by the high ratings of programs with his participation. Channel One strives to give the presenter more airtime, increasing the number of programs with the journalist.

In 2014/2015, Peter became actively interested in politics, government institutions, and already in 2016 he became Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and in 2017 he gets the opportunity to become the head of the Russian delegation in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. The desire to be useful to society, to realize goals and ambitions lead Tolstoy to politics; he no longer wants to simply write and speak on topics of interest to the people, he wants to be in this system himself, to be the voice of truth.

In the personal life of Peter Tolstoy, everything is going well: he has been living with his beautiful wife Daria Evenko for many years, his eyes still glow with love when he looks at the woman he loves. Peter's family is small, probably this associated with the profession of journalist, that’s why they have only one child, a charming daughter Sasha, who turns 18 this year.

Tolstoy’s family tries to spend all their free time together: they go on vacation, have fun at the dacha, and have dinner with their closest loved ones. Peter can still achieve a lot and is actively striving for this, which once again confirms his professionalism and serious attitude to the point.

How much did it cost for a descendant of the great Russian writer to be elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation?

Famous TV presenter and now deputy chairman State Duma Peter Tolstoy distinguished himself this week with a harsh anti-Semitic statement. Alexandrina Elagina found out how much it costs to turn from a popular TV presenter into deputies and say whatever you want about your people.

Commenting on the dispute about the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral to the Russian Orthodox Church, the official spoke critically:

“I would like to personally add that, watching the protests around the transfer of Isaac, I cannot help but notice an amazing paradox: people who are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who destroyed our churches, having jumped out there... from behind the Pale of Settlement with a revolver in the seventeenth year, today their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, working in various other very respected places - at radio stations, in legislative assemblies, continue the work of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers,” said Pyotr Tolstoy.

The Pale of Settlement is the territory where Jews were allowed to live in the Russian Empire.

Many saw anti-Semitism in the words of the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma. State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin promised to discuss with the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FEOR) the situation surrounding the statements of State Duma Deputy Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy. Tolstoy himself quickly disowned his words.

“On the contrary, it was a warning against repeating the events that happened 100 years ago, after which thousands of churches were destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of people were exiled and shot,”- wrote official on his facebook.

True, the deputy has spoken arrogantly before. He called the “Internet swamp public” “paranoid” and “people who don’t know their country.” Talking about the upcoming presidential elections in 2012 on the air of the Vremya program, Petr Tolstoy said about “those who will disagree with the election results”: “they managed to turn the country off its path only once - during the bloodless February and then bloody October Revolution, and this threw Russia back decades in its development..."

Political career

Pyotr Tolstoy graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov with a degree in International Journalism. The descendant of the great Russian writer began his career in the Moscow bureaus of French publications - Le Monde and France-Presse. In 1996, he became deputy editor-in-chief of the ViD television company, and worked as a producer and host of the Scandals of the Week program. Recently he hosted the “Sunday Time” program on Channel One, the talk show “Politics” with Alexander Gordon, and “Time will tell” with Ekaterina Strizhenova. Then in 2016 he decided to go into politics.

On February 6, 2016, Pyotr Tolstoy was elected to the Supreme Council of the United Russia party. In the United Russia preliminary vote, he received 75.8% of the votes and took first place in the Lublin single-mandate constituency of Moscow. There, on September 18, 2016, he won the elections and became a deputy of the State Duma VII convocation. At the first plenary meeting he was elected deputy chairman of the State Duma.

To become a State Duma deputy, Tolstoy spent 40 million rubles on the election campaign. 20 million rubles were provided by an unknown legal entity. The United Russia party invested the same amount in the candidate.

Financial report of Peter Tolstoy

Of the total amount, he spent the most 23 million rubles on “the production and distribution of printed and other propaganda materials.” Another 11.3 million went “to pay for other work (services) performed (rendered) legal entities or citizens of the Russian Federation under contracts.” “Other” expenses amounted to 2.4 million rubles, public events cost 2.9 million rubles. The cheapest thing – 161 thousand rubles – was “campaigning through the editorial offices of periodicals.” Tolstoy did not spend a penny on campaigning through television.

Biography details

Information about the candidate on the website of the Moscow Election Commission says: Tolstoy is a participant in the All-Russian social movement“Popular Front “For Russia”, expert at the Central Headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front. Works at Channel One JSC as deputy head of the Directorate of Social and Journalistic Programs.

Peter Tolstoy never hid it: in 2002-2008 he worked on Channel Three. First, the host of the final information and analytical program “Conclusions”, editor-in-chief, deputy general director and general director of OJSC TRVK “Moskovia”-Channel Three. This is confirmed by the Kontur.Focus counterparty verification database. Also, as a descendant of the Russian writer, he is a member of the international foundation “Legacy of L.N. Tolstoy."

There are some interesting moments in Tolstoy's legal history. For example, Pyotr Tolstoy established the National Institute of Media Foundation. The foundation existed until 2009 and was engaged in the development of the media space in Russia. Among the co-founders of the fund are currently Rosneft press secretary Mikhail Leontyev, head of the Directorate of social and journalistic programs of Channel One Andrei Pisarev, former head of the Russian Presidential Administration for Domestic Policy, now head of the Civil Society Development Foundation Konstantin Kostin, ex-State Duma deputy (“United Russia”) and advisor to the director National Guard Alexander Khinshtein.

According to his election declaration, Pyotr Tolstoy earned 39.3 million rubles during the year. He owns three land plots in the Volgograd region: 1.6 million square meters. meters, 3.8 thousand sq. meters and 1.8 thousand sq. meters. The declaration also indicates a house (21 sq. m.) and two apartments in Moscow - 65 sq. m. meters and 282.1 sq. meters. Together with his wife Daria Tolstoy, he owns four cars (Hundai Accent, two Toyota Land Crusier (2006 and 2014), Toyota Highlander) and four “motor vessels” (Progress-4, MKM, Finsport 425, Sarenta).

In contact with


Name: Petr Tolstoy

Zodiac sign: Twins

Age: 48 years

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 194

Activity: TV presenter, journalist

Family status: married

The famous Russian TV presenter, journalist, producer, politician, public and statesman, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russia, Pyotr Tolstoy comes from an ancient family of Russian aristocrats. He is a descendant of the great classic Leo Tolstoy and is the great-great-grandson of the writer on his father’s side, Oleg Vladimirovich Tolstoy.

On his mother’s side, Olga Tomara, Peter Tolstoy also has famous ancestors with a rich family history. The five-time great-grandfather of the TV presenter Stepan Vasilyevich Tomara was a member of the nobility of the Pereyaslav district and a collegiate adviser, the richest man of his time, who owned the Kovrai estate, which was called the pearl of the Pereslavl region.

Pyotr Tolstoy's maternal great-grandfather, Mikhail Lvovich Tomara, is a famous orientalist. Together with his wife Olga Mamontova, he lived most of his life in Sukhumi.

TV presenter Fekla Tolstaya is Peter Tolstoy’s second cousin, and the famous writer Tatyana Tolstaya, together with her son, famous Russian blogger, designer and entrepreneur Artemy Lebedev, are distant relatives of the TV star.

However, the biography of Peter Tolstoy is not only the glorious history of his ancient family and a luxurious family tree with names that are known throughout Russia: Peter Olegovich himself achieved a lot, glorifying his big name.

Peter Tolstoy dreamed of being a journalist since childhood. Having finished secondary school, he entered the international department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov. In the memory of his teachers, Tolstoy was remembered as a diligent student with great career ambitions.

Peter Olegovich Tolstoy took the first steps in his Olympus career in the French newspaper Le Monde, in its Moscow editorial office. Peter worked and at the same time learned French in practice, and after 2 years - from 1994 to 1996 - he got the opportunity to work in the capital's France Presse bureau. While in France, Tolstoy improved his level of journalistic qualifications at the Higher School of Journalism Training, which is located in Paris.

Peter Tolstoy soon applied the experience of his foreign colleagues in the field of domestic journalism. In 1996, the 27-year-old journalist became deputy editor-in-chief of one of the most progressive Russian television companies at that time, ViD. Tolstoy headed the information service, produced the program “Scandals of the Week,” and at the same time hosted a program on the TV-6 channel “In the World of People,” which was hosted by Vlad Listyev before him.

In 2002, the head of the capital’s Channel Three, Andrei Pisarev, invited Tolstoy to host the information and analytical program “Conclusions,” and 2 years later, the ambitious journalist himself took the place of general director of the three-ruble note.

In 2005, Konstantin Ernst himself invited Pyotr Olegovich to work on Channel One. The journalist took with him the entire staff of his program “Conclusions” in support. In fact, “Sunday Time” became its continuation, only this time on Channel One. It is worth noting that Tolstoy’s former management was not offended by the journalist. Pyotr Tolstoy, even for a certain period of time after moving to Channel One, continued to work at Channel Three as deputy general director.

“Sunday Time” soon made Peter Tolstoy famous throughout the country: in 2007, for his work as the host of the famous project, the journalist received “TEFI” - the main television award in Russia, which can be called the journalistic “Oscar”.

Since 2007, Pyotr Tolstoy has been a member of the Academy of Russian Television, and also received the Golden Pen Award in the field of journalism.

From April 2013 to June 2016, Peter Tolstoy, first together with Alexander Gordon, and then alone, hosted the socio-political talk show “Politics” on Channel One.

From September 2014 to July 2016, together with Ekaterina Strizhenova, he worked as the host of the famous talk show “Time will tell.” In addition, an ambitious journalist on the same Channel One led a project with a name that seemed to hint at the relationship of the presenter with the legendary writer - “Tolstoy. Sunday".

After being elected as a State Duma deputy in the fall of 2016, Pyotr Tolstoy had to leave television and concentrate his energy on working in the legislative body.

Petr Tolstoy was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of Russia in September of the year before last, having won a landslide victory in the Lublin single-mandate constituency of the capital. In October, at the first plenary meeting of the State Duma, Tolstoy was elected deputy chairman of the highest legislative body of the Russian Federation.

Last January, Pyotr Tolstoy headed the Russian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

It is worth noting that the love of TV viewers for presenter Peter Tolstoy cannot be called nationwide. There are critics who accuse him of bias, distortion and outright propaganda in favor of the current Russian government. However, the journalist, apparently, never tried to please everyone and expressed himself very harshly when characterizing the opposition. Admirers of the journalist and politician call him a true patriot of the country, not afraid to say out loud what many are thinking.

For example, from a report on Vladimir Putin’s speech after the fight between Emelianenko and Monson, Sunday Time cut out a whistle. Commenting on the story, Pyotr Tolstoy said very harshly that he was booed defeated the American opponent of the Russian bear, and not at all the Russian prime minister, as many believed.

Another scandal regarding the presenter’s statements occurred after the participation of the actress and head of the Gift of Life charity foundation, Chulpan Khamatova, in Vladimir Putin’s election campaign. There was talk that the actress did this without much enthusiasm, but Khamatova herself did not comment on the rumors. But Tolstoy spoke out on this matter, calling one of the authors of such assumptions a scoundrel and unequivocally hinting that such individuals call for revolutions that have never brought anything good to the country.

Peter Tolstoy is prohibited from entering the territory of Ukraine because of his statements regarding the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, as well as military operations in the East of Ukraine.

In February 2015, attackers committed arson country house famous TV presenter in the Volgograd region. It was not just a house, but an entire estate, which the descendant of Lev Tolstoy worked on for 10 years. According to the investigation, the arsonist was the ex-driver of the TV presenter, who thus took revenge on Peter for his dismissal. The estate caught fire like a match and burned completely. Losses from the fire were estimated at several million rubles.

In January last year, Tolstoy, commenting on the transfer of Russian Orthodox Church St. Isaac's Cathedral, said that, watching the protests around the transfer of the temple, he could not help but notice a paradoxical fact: the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of “those who destroyed Orthodox churches, jumping out from behind the Pale of Settlement with a revolver in the seventeenth year,” continue the work of their ancestors. These statements caused a protest from the Federation of Jewish Communities of the Russian Federation and accusations of anti-Semitism against Peter Tolstoy.

Opposition deputies of the St. Petersburg parliament Maxim Reznik and Boris Vishnevsky joined the voices that condemned the journalist, accusing him of inciting ethnic hatred. And Borukh Gorin, a representative of the Federation of Jewish Communities of the Russian Federation, regarded Tolstoy’s words about Jews as anti-Semitic and considered his statements “open anti-Semitism.”

Pyotr Tolstoy is married to Daria Evgenievna Evenko. The couple legalized their relationship as soon as the journalist received his diploma higher education, October 3, 1992.

Currently, the couple live in Moscow and are raising their daughter Alexandra, who was born in 2000. Peter values ​​his family greatly and protects it from excessive attention and the prying eyes of the intrusive press.

The personal life of Peter Tolstoy was happy, but he talks about it very reluctantly, preferring to be frank only on topics of politics and socially important issues. Family acquaintances note that the famous TV presenter and politician has a strong family and a reliable rear.

Pyotr Tolstoy was born on June 20, 1969 in Moscow. Father - Oleg Vladimirovich Tolstoy, mother - Olga Alekseevna Tomara. Pyotr Olegovich Tolstoy is the great-great-grandson of the writer Leo Tolstoy, the second cousin of the TV presenter Fekla Tolstoy. Graduate of secondary school No. 1231. Passed conscript service in the ranks of the Soviet Army in military unit 55201 on the territory of the closed city of Penza-19.

The dream of becoming a journalist appeared in Peter’s youth. After graduating from high school, he applied to Moscow State University, where he subsequently entered the journalism department. In 1993 he graduated from the international department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov with a degree in International Journalism. He also studied at the Higher School of Journalism Training in Paris. Classmates and teachers remembered Peter as a diligent student with huge ambitions.

The young man began his path to the heights of journalism in the Moscow branch of the French newspaper Le Monde. Peter worked in this place for two years, during which time he managed to learn French and become proficient in his chosen specialty. After this, the journalist transferred to the Moscow bureau of the France Press news agency, where he also stayed for two years.

Having gained invaluable experience working in the foreign language press, Pyotr Tolstoy returned to the world of Russian journalism. In October 1996, he received the post of deputy editor-in-chief of the famous television company ViD, where he subsequently produced programs. He was the curator of the TV project “Scandals of the Week”, as well as the head of the information and news support service of the television company “ViD”. In parallel with this, the journalist hosted the program “In the World of People,” which aired on channel TV-6.

Since September 2002, Peter has been the host of the information and analytical program “Conclusions” on Channel Three. Since March 2004 - editor-in-chief of the Third Channel, in July 2004 he was appointed its general director and elected a member of the board of directors of the open joint stock company TRVK "Moskovia". Since February 2005 - Deputy General Director of Andrei Pisarev's Channel Three, in 2006-2007 he served as the channel's General Director.

Peter Tolstoy gained popularity after moving to Channel One. In August 2005, he became the presenter, and since 2007, the director and presenter of the information and analytical program of the First Channel “Sunday Time”, which actually became an ideological continuation of the program “Conclusions”, previously aired on the Third Channel. In 2007, he was awarded the TEFI Prize in the category “Host of the final information program.” From the same year - member of the Academy Russian television. In June 2012, “Sunday Time” with Pyotr Tolstoy aired on Channel One for the last time.

In parallel with his work, since 2009 Peter has become deputy, and since 2012 - first deputy director of the Directorate of Social and Journalistic Programs of Channel One Andrey Pisarev. In 2011-2012, he acted as the host of television debates of candidates for elections to the State Duma and for the post of head of state. He hosts a number of socio-political talk shows on Channel One, in particular, since 2013 - “Politics” paired with Alexander Gordon, since 2014 - “Time will tell” together with Ekaterina Strizhenova and the program “Tolstoy. Sunday".

From 2012 to 2014, Pyotr Olegovich was a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and a member of the Commission for Culture and the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage. In February 2016, he was elected to the Supreme Council of the All-Russian political party"United Russia". Also, on February 10, 2016, he joined the Governing Council of Moscow school No. 1363. In May 2016, he participated in the United Russia primaries, and as a result took first place in the Lublin single-mandate constituency No. 199, gaining 75.8%.

In the elections of September 18, 2016, Petr Olegovich Tolstoy was elected as a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation from electoral district 0199 - Lublinsky - Moscow. Member of the United Russia party. The start date of the term is September 18, 2016.

At the first plenary meeting on October 5, 2016, Vyacheslav Volodin was elected deputy chairman of the State Duma. Coordinates the activities of committees on culture, information policy, physical culture, sports, tourism and youth affairs. Responsible for issues of publishing activities of the State Duma, organizes its cooperation with the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the OSCE PA.

Since January 2017, he has been the head of the delegation of the State Duma of the Russian Federation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. In July 2017, he was appointed head of the supervisory board of the newly created Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Parliamentary Television of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”. Member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia.

He was awarded prizes from the Union of Journalists of Russia, the Moscow Government, the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the ROC MP “Faith and Word” prize.

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