Reception and processing of waste paper. Waste paper recycling technology: a new life for paper and cardboard waste Making paper from waste paper

Recycling is a multi-step process whose goal is to recover paper fiber and often other paper components (such as mineral fillers) and use them as raw materials to make new paper. Over time, paper turns yellow and usually recycled fiber is mixed with new fiber to make new paper products.

When processed correctly, almost all types of paper are recyclable and can be used to make new paper. Some papers are more difficult to recycle because they combine several elements. For example, envelopes with plastic windows cannot be recycled; the plastic must be removed first. Plastic coated paper can also be a problem. Regular household paper can be recycled, but in any case it is necessary to check the possibility of recycling at the waste paper collection point.

The following types of paper are highly recyclable:

  • cardboard;
  • thick paper;
  • newspapers;
  • magazines;
  • advertising booklets, small brochures;
  • envelopes (without plastic windows);
  • copier paper;
  • writing paper.

Other types of paper are somewhat more difficult to recycle and are less commonly accepted for recycling.

  • Shredded paper - this paper is often not accepted because the fine fibers can jam the recycling machine mechanism; although some businesses will accept shredded paper if it is placed in a cardboard box, for example.
  • Note paper - it is accepted when the enterprise has the ability to remove glue from the paper.
  • Wrapping Paper – Some businesses will accept regular wrapping paper as long as it does not have inclusions such as glitter, tape or other embellishments.

Generally not recyclable:

  • dirty or wet paper;
  • pizza boxes;
  • paper cups;
  • candy wrappers;
  • napkins;
  • toilet paper;
  • paper towels;
  • carbon copy.

However, clean napkins, toilet paper, and paper towels can be used for production.

Waste paper recycling process

After using paper, it needs to be collected and sorted into different categories depending on the type. The technology for recycling waste paper depends on the material being processed and the final product. Typically, during the collection and sorting stage, kraft paper, corrugated board and packaging board are separated from graphic paper.

Scheme of the waste paper recycling process in the general cycle of production and consumption of paper products

In general, the waste paper recycling process consists of several stages. First, defibration is carried out in pulpers, in which the waste paper rotates in an aqueous environment. At this stage, inclusions also separate. After its completion, the suspension contains fibers and unbroken particles of waste paper. Then the waste paper suspension is cleaned from foreign impurities. Heavy impurities are removed by rotation in the drum, when sand, glass, paper clips, etc. settle in a dirt collector, and the light ones by passing the mass through a sieve. When processing cardboard and paper of complex composition, thermomechanical treatment is used to neutralize the effects of inclusions of glue, paraffin, wax, etc. Next, the paper pulp is further refined by grinding in a mill and subjected to fine cleaning.

Before using the resulting mass in the process of producing new paper, decolorization can also be carried out, i.e. removal of printing ink, since its presence may lead to a decrease in the quality of the final product.

The recycling cycle can typically be repeated up to 7 times, with each subsequent recycling making the fibers shorter and eventually becoming unsuitable for making new paper. Therefore, when producing paper, new source material is needed in any case.

Justification for recycling waste paper

Air and water pollution

Industrial paper production has a significant impact on environment at the initial stage of obtaining and processing raw materials and at subsequent stages. During paper production, highly toxic chemicals are released into the air and water. chemical substances, such as toluene, methanol, chlorine dioxide, hydrochloric acid and formaldehyde. Creating recycled paper requires fewer chemicals and bleaches than creating new paper. However, it should be noted that recycling paper production can produce more sludge. The US Environmental Protection Agency estimates that when recycled paper is recycled into new paper, water pollution is reduced by 35% and air pollution is reduced by 74%.


Using recycled paper reduces energy consumption, but there is debate about the exact savings. The US Government Energy Information Administration states that the energy savings from recycling paper compared to producing paper from unrecycled pulp reduces energy costs by 40%, while the Bureau of International Recycling states that energy costs are reduced by 64%.

Producing paper pulp from paper recycling actually uses more fossil fuels than producing pulp through the kraft process, where most of the energy comes from burning wood waste (barks, roots, sawmill waste) and lignin byproducts (black liquor).


Global paper consumption has grown by 400% over the past 40 years. Currently, about 300 million tons of paper are consumed per year. Paper is primarily made from virgin pulp, recycled paper accounts for 38% of the world's fiber supply, and non-wood fibers from plants such as hemp or kenaf account for 7%. The pulp and paper industry worldwide uses about 4 billion trees annually, or 35% of the total trees cut down. Trees specially grown in nurseries produce 16% of the world's pulp. Most of the wood used to make paper comes from reclaimed forests. Less than 9% of cellulose comes from ancient forests. It should be noted that nurseries can partially satisfy the demand for wood, but they cannot provide the existence of a variety of plants and animals, as in natural forests.

Recycling one ton of newsprint saves about 1 ton of trees, and recycling 1 ton of printing or copier paper saves just over 2 tons of wood.

Despite the environmental benefits of recycling paper, it is still very energy and resource intensive. A more environmentally friendly alternative to a constant recycling cycle may be to use.

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The website presents the products of several domestic and foreign companies. With our help, you can buy equipment for recycling waste paper, which is low-priced, but at the same time productive and reliable. Delivery, as agreed with the supplier, is possible to all regions of Russia.


Waste paper is waste from the production and consumption of paper products of all types, which can again become primary raw materials. The paper recycling cycle can be repeated up to 10 times, and after each of them the fiber length will decrease. This is an opportunity to organize profitable business with a small investment.

The processing process itself is simple. To obtain industrial paper raw materials from waste paper you need:

  • dissolve the glue, dissolve the paper into fibers using hydroprocessing;
  • clean up mechanical inclusions(metal clips, dirt, dust, glass) using a sieve or other filtering equipment;
  • process the waste paper mass thermally or mechanically, thereby decolorizing it (bleaching).

Recycling saves time and money required to process wood (as well as the natural resources themselves). The cost of the necessary equipment is relatively low; the funds invested in a small workshop pay off in approximately 2 years.

What equipment may be needed

The website catalog contains all the necessary equipment for organizing the waste paper recycling process, consumables and components. Thanks to our website you can find and order:

  • Presses for recycled materials and waste. Hydraulic models equipped with an electric drive are presented.
  • Recyclable shredders. Productivity up to a ton per hour.
  • Mills for turning cellulose. Wood and fabric are also processed.
  • Paper making machines. Allows the production of toilet paper from waste paper.
  • Equipment for washing and concentrating pulp. It is used for refining waste paper by removing fats, resins, and films.
  • Sand separators. Used to remove solid impurities (small particles).
  • Logo cutting machines. Using a band knife, such equipment produces finished rolls of paper of a certain width.

The equipment is produced by such enterprises as Omsk Paper Mill, Pressmax, Dazheng, and a guarantee is provided. It is possible to agree on the provision of installation, maintenance, and adjustment services for the ordered equipment.

To clarify the details of the ordering and delivery procedure, and obtain information about the packaging of the goods, you can call the supplier at the specified contact number or write a request message by filling out a special form on the website.

Recycling waste today is not only a profitable activity, but also very honorable, since it preserves the environment. And it is from this that the main advantage of such business projects arises - their subsidization by the state. Separately, recycling of waste paper as a business can be highlighted here. There are a lot of positive aspects - availability of raw materials, simple technology, several options for business development. The main difficulty that awaits all entrepreneurs is finding interested clients. To avoid downtime, it is necessary to search for buyers of processed products at the business planning stage.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 5/10.

Before opening a mini waste paper recycling plant in Russia, it is important to figure out which path to take. And this, in turn, will depend on the size of the start-up capital and how saturated the market is in a particular region. So what options for organizing a business are generally possible here?

Option one: collection of waste paper, its pressing and further sale

This scenario for the development of a mini-workshop is perfect for those businessmen who cannot boast of having large investments. To bring your plans to life, you will not need to rent large premises, hire qualified personnel, or purchase expensive equipment.

The business plan for recycling waste paper in this case implies the following technology:

  • collection of raw materials,
  • pressing waste paper,
  • delivery of waste paper to clients.

The compressed waste paper is then delivered to pulp and paper or construction plants.

Waste paper press machine

To start a mini-workshop here you will need to buy a waste paper press and truck to collect raw materials and deliver processed waste paper to customers. The cost of a pressing machine is low - about 300,000 rubles. The purchase of your own vehicle will result in a much more serious sum. Only possible variant saving here is buying a used car. Then you can start your own business if you have no more than 500,000 rubles. And, in order to calculate the possible profit, you can operate with the following data - enterprises accept compressed waste paper at a price of 1500-3000 rubles/t.

Thanks to simple technology and low costs, it is even possible to recycle waste paper at home - in an empty garage or suburban area.

Option two: partial recycling of waste paper

To launch a processing shop, you will need to buy a machine for processing waste paper and producing pulp from it. In this case, the profit from the business will be significantly greater. But you should also prepare for larger expenses.

Pulp as the main raw material is actively used by factories in the production of paper and paper products. And this component is more expensive on the market than just compressed waste paper.

Is there a pulp and paper mill nearby? Then pulp production is the best option for an entrepreneur.

In short, the technology for processing waste paper into pulp is as follows:

  • soaking waste paper,
  • bleaching and disinfection of waste paper,
  • whipping the mass into foam.

The resulting foam is pulp. And in order to automate the process, you will need to equip the workshop with a production line consisting of the following types of machines:

  • storage tanks (with and without agitators),
  • equipment for bleaching and disinfection,
  • pumps,
  • foaming agent

Today there are already fully equipped mini-lines on sale, costing from 500,000 rubles. (depending on power and degree of automation). But the starting investment will include not only the price of equipment, but also the purchase of transport for delivering pulp to clients. Profit from the sale of semi-finished products can be calculated based on the following data - enterprises pay 25,000-40,000 rubles for 1 ton of pulp.

Option three: full cycle of waste paper recycling

This type of business will require significant investments. But the income from the enterprise will satisfy even the most demanding needs.

And what can waste paper be recycled into?

  • In cardboard.
  • B and napkins.
  • In ecowool and cellulose.

Technological production diagram, depending on specific type the final product will vary.

Line for recycling waste paper into toilet paper

Organizing a workshop, even if it is of small capacity, is not easy. And the first thing to take care of is finding a suitable premises. The fact is that the production of paper from waste paper must comply with all established standards and safety rules. In this case, areas that are separate from residential buildings are suitable.

It is quite natural that processing waste paper into paper and other products will require special technological equipment in the workshop. Here it is hardly possible to talk about the specific cost of machines and devices, since these figures depend on the type of products received and the planned capacity of the workshop.

The cheapest lines (from 300,000 rubles) are for the production of napkins. A mini production line toilet paper and roll napkins will cost a businessman no less than 1,000,000 rubles. The most expensive industrial complexes are lines for the production of cardboard containers (from RUB 3,000,000).

Once a specific direction has been chosen, you can already buy equipment for processing waste paper and producing paper products. The starting investment also needs to include auxiliary machines - loaders, rams, and a delivery vehicle. But all costs will pay off very quickly if there are established sales channels. Practice shows that in large populated areas, a business of this type can be characterized by a profitability of 50-60%. The profit margin from a paper mill will depend on the specific production volumes.

Where to get raw materials?

The main task that will face an entrepreneur who decides to organize a mini-workshop in this area is the supply of raw materials. According to analysts, hundreds of tons of waste paper are sent to landfills every month. This means there should be no problems with the availability of used paper in the workshop.

Every modern waste paper recycling line can “eat” any paper raw material. And yet, before starting the process, all collected waste paper undergoes careful sorting. All raw materials, according to GOST 10700-97, can be divided into 3 classes:

  • "A" - raw materials High Quality from white writing paper and paper bags.
  • “B” - average quality raw materials from various printing products (exceptions - newspapers, cardboard).
  • “B” – raw materials Low quality from newspapers and impregnated cardboard.

Practice shows that in large cities it is quite possible to collect up to 15 tons of used paper per week.

Reception of waste paper can be carried out in the following ways:

  • special containers,
  • collection from enterprises,
  • purchasing from companies.

Each of the listed methods, in any case, will require certain costs. After all, even in order to pick up waste paper for free from the territory of a particular organization, you cannot avoid spending on freight transport and gasoline. It’s the same with containers – you’ll also have to spend money on buying them. In our country, the culture of garbage collection is not yet very developed, but similar bins, where everyone can throw out paper waste, can often be seen in large cities.

Literally all enterprises used to give away waste paper to anyone who wanted it for free - as long as the mountains of garbage were taken away. But with the development of the processing business sector, it is not uncommon for paper raw materials to be sold rather than given away for free.

But from which enterprises can waste paper be removed? Large supermarkets (grocery and sales) are considered the most “papery” places. household appliances). But here the entrepreneur will have to stand in line - for sure, every large store is already collaborating with someone.

To ensure that the collection and processing of waste paper does not cause difficulties, and there is no downtime on the production line, it is worth arranging prefabricated containers and concluding contracts for the collection of waste paper in advance.

Recycling paper waste, that is, waste paper, is a very relevant activity today, allowing for significant savings in natural resources. In addition, the collection and processing of waste paper is a business that brings a stable profit every year.

Large companies that process more than 100 tons of “paper waste” annually not only supply the Russian consumer, but also export their products to European countries. Along with large factories that produce paper products from recycled fiber, small enterprises that process less than 20 thousand tons of recycled materials per year operate quite successfully in our country.

What does recycling of recycled paper include? What is required to open your own mini-enterprise for recycling waste paper?

Waste paper: ideas for business

Of course, the use of recycled materials is noble and But why is recycling waste paper beneficial for an entrepreneur? In Russia, as throughout the world, work on the recycling of raw materials is not only welcomed, but can also find support from regional authorities, including financial support.

Another advantage of recycling waste paper is the ability to start a business with a small start-up investment. An entrepreneur can carry out not only a full recycling cycle, but also make a profit by performing only one or several stages of waste paper processing.

Today, the following options for “paper” business are in demand:

  • Reception (collection) of waste paper, followed by sorting and pressing.
  • Receiving pulp (partial processing).
  • Plant for processing waste paper and producing paper and paper products.

Collection (reception) and sorting of recycled fiber

Building a business at the first stage of recycling paper waste is the simplest solution that does not require grandiose financial investments. to organize such an enterprise - the presence of one or more accessible enterprises that process recycled fiber.

The business of primary processing of recycled paper includes the following stages:

  • Collection (reception) of waste paper.
  • Sorting and pressing.
  • Sales of paper to processing enterprises.

How to organize waste paper collection

The initial investment will require renting a warehouse and purchasing equipment - a paper press. The press machine, depending on the power, will cost from 70 to 500 thousand. The estimate for a paper collection business should also include the purchase and maintenance of trucks for transporting waste paper and finished pressed material.

First of all, in order to take over the uninterrupted supply of raw materials to enterprises engaged in processing waste paper, it will be necessary to establish permanent sources of raw materials. This can be done in different ways: open and advertise your “reception point” for paper waste, enter into agreements with small companies and entrepreneurs who are interested in removing paper waste, install containers for collecting waste paper near residential buildings, schools, and office buildings.

Paper waste sorting

The next stage is sorting and pressing of recycled paper raw materials. At this stage of processing, all actions are performed manually.

It is necessary to carefully sort through and separate all “non-paper” items - remnants of tape, cellophane, poorly soluble substances, metal staples. Further, all raw materials are divided into three categories:

  • High quality waste (category A). These include white “office” paper and white paper bags.
  • Medium quality (category B) is all other waste, except newspapers and cardboard of any type.
  • Low quality paper (category B). These are newspapers and cardboard “screened out” from the second group.

After separation, the paper raw material is pressed and supplied to recycling plants.

In general, a business such as recycling waste paper has many advantages. The only drawback can be considered quite low price, which is paid by enterprises that accept secondary raw materials for processing. Today, the average cost of pressed raw materials is from 1000 to 3000 rubles per ton.

Partial recycling of waste paper

To obtain greater profits, you can also consider an activity option such as partial or initial processing of waste paper into pulp, that is, into finished raw materials for paper production. Such an enterprise can be profitable if located close to a medium or large pulp and paper enterprise, with which it is possible to conclude an agreement for the supply of pulp.

Processing of recycled paper into pulp occurs in several stages. First, the waste paper is soaked in water for a while. The soaked mass is crushed and passed through a special sieve - at this stage the small debris remaining after sorting is finally eliminated. The paper pulp is disinfected and bleached (if there is appropriate equipment in the production line) and whipped with a foaming agent. The resulting mass is wrung out and dried. The resulting mass, which is called pulp, is supplied to the processing plant.

Organization of a workshop for partial processing

Accordingly, for the processing shop you will need to purchase a production line consisting of the following equipment:

  • Production tanks for waste paper soaking, storage and mixing tanks.
  • Pumps, sifters.
  • Equipment for disinfection and bleaching of raw materials.
  • Foaming machine.

Of course, organizing a workshop for processing waste paper into pulp will require significantly more financial investments than collecting and sorting paper raw materials. Depending on the capacity and country of origin, you will have to pay from 500 thousand rubles for a ready-made line for processing recycled paper into pulp. In addition, additional personnel and transportation costs will be required.

But the income from the sale of finished primary raw materials is incomparably higher. Today, the average price per ton of pulp varies from 25 to 40 thousand rubles.

Full processing cycle. Recycled paper products

It is no secret that a mini-plant for processing waste paper into paper pays for itself much faster than a waste paper collection point. However, organizing such a business will require not only the investment of large start-up capital. Organizing a mini-factory will be much more difficult: you will need to hire staff, ensure an uninterrupted supply of a sufficient amount of raw materials, and organize sales channels for your own products. There are also many safety requirements and standards for production premises and work organization.

In a small enterprise, depending on the equipment, it is possible to set up the production of paper napkins, toilet paper, cardboard, and kraft paper.

How to organize a mini-factory for processing secondary raw materials

The full cycle of processing paper waste into household goods requires maximum initial investment, as it includes organizing an uninterrupted supply of raw materials, renting or purchasing a large production facility. You will also need to purchase equipment for processing waste paper into pulp and a line for the production of paper products.

Before purchasing equipment, you must immediately decide on the direction of the products being manufactured. The equipment in a paperboard production line will be significantly different from machines used to produce paper napkins and toilet paper. Accordingly, the technology by which waste paper will be processed into paper also depends on what kind of product will be produced from paper raw materials.

The most inexpensive is a line for the production of “thin” paper: napkins. Equipment, depending on the power and degree of automation of production, will cost from 1,000,000 rubles. The main advantage of such products is high and constant demand among the population. But the production of products from “thin” paper does not pay off too quickly. The reason for this is the low price per unit of production and high competition in this area of ​​production.

You will have to pay much more for equipment for the production of kraft paper or cardboard. The cost of a line for the production of “cardboard” products today starts at 3,000,000 rubles. The advantages of this type of production are:

  • No need to bleach or dye paper stock.
  • Better price per unit.
  • Possibility of selling cardboard and packaging materials to industrial enterprises in large quantities.

With proper organization of sales channels, a mini-enterprise for processing waste paper into cardboard pays for itself quite quickly, in just 2-4 years.

Recycling waste paper at home will help you make money on free raw materials with a small investment. A ton of collected and recycled paper saves several large trees from being cut down.

Preparatory stage

The first stage for starting a business in the reception and processing of paper is the registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur. There are two types of activities associated with waste paper collection. This is the reception of raw materials and their processing, partial or complete. Collectors benefit from not paying taxes. They collect waste paper, sort it and carry out primary processing, and then sell it to other enterprises. There it will be used to make notebooks, wallpaper, and toilet paper.

An enterprise for receiving and producing finished goods provides an opportunity to earn more. There is no need to obtain a license, because paper waste belongs to hazard class 5 and does not pose harm to humans and the environment.

Then you need to find a building suitable for installing the equipment. This could be a barn, garage or storage space that will have to be rented. Scales are installed and a press machine is purchased in order to reduce the volume of raw materials. This will make it more convenient to transport.

Transport is needed to transport waste paper from different collection points for recycling and for subsequent shipment to a specialized enterprise. For small batches, a passenger car equipped with a trailer is suitable. When expanding the scope of activities, it is better to buy a minibus or Gazelle.

Organization of waste paper collection

To organize waste paper collection, you need to find regular suppliers. To do this, use the following techniques:

  • enterprise advertising;
  • concluding an agreement with organizations and offices that, as a result of their main activities, generate a lot of paper waste;
  • install their own containers for collecting recycled cellulose near schools and residential buildings.

For a workshop for partial paper recycling, the following equipment is needed:

  • tanks for soaking and mixing waste paper;
  • sifters, pumps;
  • equipment for disinfection and bleaching of waste paper;
  • foaming agent

An enterprise that completely converts waste paper into paper pays off much faster.

Technological process of recycling waste paper

The collected paper is first sorted according to GOST 10700-97. The main criterion for the supplied raw materials is density. There are 12 types of waste in total. They are divided into 3 groups:

  • Group “A” is considered the highest quality and most expensive– office, white uncoated and unbleached sulphate paper, pulp paper production waste, white bags and thick bags made of uncoated paper;
  • group "B" medium density consists of corrugated cardboard, old books without bindings;
  • to category "B" This includes low-grade waste paper of the lowest density and quality: colored cardboard, newspapers, impregnated bags, molded cardboard and paper waste.

Paper that has not undergone pre-treatment also belongs to the third group. Waste paper from the latter two is suitable for the manufacture of packaging containers and egg trays. The waste paper pulp of the first group is used to create notebooks, albums, and toilet paper.

The paper recycling process consists of several stages and depends on the type of waste paper and the subsequent use of pulp:

  • classification of waste paper;
  • cleaning from foreign objects;
  • defibration;
  • additional dissolution.

The first stage of the sorting process is carried out according to category. All waste paper is cleaned of impurities from fabric, metal, and tape. It is carried out only manually.

The previous stages are also most often carried out manually. But engineers are constantly working to create machines with artificial intelligence that can recognize the characteristics of raw materials when processing waste paper.

Necessary equipment

The waste paper is crushed into pieces measuring 1 or 5 cm using crushers and mills. If you skip this stage, the process of primary dissolution will be accompanied by excessive energy consumption. Large pieces of paper are more difficult to dissolve in water. If a mill is not purchased because of its high cost, hydraulic thinners with a vertically mounted rotor are used for dissolution. This mass can be used to produce cardboard and egg packaging.

Obtaining high-quality raw materials during processing

The sorted and cleaned waste paper mass is dissolved using a sieve, which has holes measuring 1 cm. First, it is immersed in a hydraulic thinner (water), then the sour mass is passed through a sieve. After this, some impurities remain in the raw material, consisting of paper that has not unraveled.

This procedure is carried out to remove the glue between the fibers and separate them.

Undissolved impurities are removed before the dissolution process. Special equipment is used for cleaning:

  • enstipper;
  • turboseparator;
  • fiberizer;
  • pulsation mills.

There the raw material is ground, as a result of which the waste paper pulp is completely dissolved into fibers. The cleaning apparatus consists of an electric motor, a stator, a rotor and a bath to accommodate the processed mass. During the centrifugal sorting process, the glue that holds the fibers together is dissolved, they are released, shortened in length, and any remaining undissolved parts are removed.

In the process of separating raw materials into parts, it is ensured that the dirt that is in the waste paper does not dissolve or become crushed. This may result in improved paper quality.

Then it passes fine cleaning. It is performed using a sorting device with small cells. Very short pieces of paper are not suitable for paper making, so they are discarded. They are sent for the preparation of low-quality cardboard and building materials.

The thermodispersive device removes resins, fats, films, and oil from the pulp. This occurs as a result of separation into substances that dissolve in water and those that do not dissolve in it. They go out into the garbage receptacle.

There are hydraulic thinners equipped with catchers for paper clips, films, sand, and ropes, which are often found in waste paper.

Additional processing

In some cases, additional types of processing are used. In this case, chemicals are used. To separate glue, wax, paraffin, which are often found in waste paper, hot and cold processing is used. They are used as additional cleansing methods.

In some types of waste paper processing, the raw materials are bleached and disinfected. Then it is whipped with a foaming agent. An overflow box helps improve the cleaning of waste paper. All contaminants settle at its bottom, while the liquid flows over the edges of the box.

You can discolor the processed pulp using:

Production of paper from wood and waste paper

  • heating;
  • mechanical impact;
  • introduction of chemicals.

Their name depends on how the waste paper will be used in the future.

Water is squeezed out of the resulting mass and dried. The mass obtained as a result of these transformations is called pulp. It is a raw material for the manufacture of new paper materials.

To obtain high quality paper, waste paper is mixed with unrecycled cellulose. Its long fibers bind short ones obtained from waste paper. In this case, you need less glue. The longer the fibers, the stronger the paper created from this pulp.

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