War film for elementary school children. Children's films about the Great Patriotic War

There are films that will not leave anyone indifferent, even those spoiled by special effects modern teenagers. And all because they contain the real history of the country and people, true love, tragedy and something painful that is very difficult to say in words. In our review of 10 Soviet films about the Great Patriotic War, which you should definitely show to your growing children.

1. “The Cranes Are Flying,” 1957, directed by Mikhail Kalatozov.

The film tells with amazing emotional power about ordinary people, whose destinies were mercilessly invaded by the war.

"The Cranes Are Flying" became the only Soviet film awarded the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival.

After watching the film, Nikita Khrushchev did not appreciate it, and called the main character, played by Tatyana Samoilova, a “whore.”

Before the film was shown in Cannes, Pablo Picasso told Tatyana Samoilova: “ I am sure that after your film is shown you will become a star", and after watching the film he called it brilliant.

2. “Young Guard”, 1948, director Sergei Gerasimov.

Some of them were recognized hooligans, some did not think about exploits at all, some did not want to listen to instructions or submit to discipline, but they were all united by the desire to throw off the fascist yoke.

In the early 1960s, the film was subjected to serious corrections due to the discovery of new facts and circumstances related to the Young Guard, as well as due to the decisions of the CPSU about Stalin’s personality cult.

The scene of the execution of the Young Guards was filmed late at night, but still thousands of people from all over the area gathered, who personally knew the Young Guards. After all, only 5 years have passed since the tragic events. Many cried, and the parents of the dead heroes fainted.

3. “And the dawns here are quiet...”, 1972, director Stanistav Rostotsky.

Girls who dream of great love and family warmth have to engage in an unequal battle with enemy paratroopers.

In the film, the pre- and post-war times are shown in color, and the war is shown in black and white.

Writer Boris Vasiliev, based on whose story of the same name the film was based, came to the set only once and stated that he would remain a fan of Lyubimov’s play, but did not agree with the concept of the film version.

There was a scene in the film where young anti-aircraft gunners sunbathe naked on a tarpaulin. The director had to remove it. Rostotsky, defending the episode, said: “ I need to show that they kill not just people, but women, beautiful and young, who must give birth and continue the family line.».

4. “Aty-baty soldiers were marching...”, 1977, director Leonid Bykov.

Tragedy, comedy, lyricism and heroism are intertwined in a film about a Komsomol platoon that stopped a column of German tanks at the cost of its own life.

“Guardians of morality” accused Bykov of “propaganda of debauchery.” And this despite the fact that the only love scene in the film lasts a couple of minutes, and the characters in clothes buttoned up to all the buttons are just talking.

“A man does not cry, a man grieves” is one of the most famous quotes from this film.

5. “Only “old men” go into battle,” 1973, director Leonid Bykov.

This film has everything: the heat of battle, and the joy of the first victory over the enemy, and the greatness of brotherhood, sealed by blood, and first love, and the bitterness of loss... And the “old men” are no more than 20 years old.

The film “Only Old Men Go to Battle” was based on the memoirs of Soviet pilots. The prototype of the main character of the film, Lieutenant Titarenko (aka Maestro), was Hero Soviet Union Vitaly Popkov, who served during the war in the legendary 5th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment under the command of Vasily Stalin, and his squadron was nicknamed “singing” because it had its own choir.

Two planes were donated to the regiment by Utesov’s orchestra, and one bore the inscription “Jolly Fellows.”

Not only were they invited to the screening of the film at the State Cinema Committee of Ukraine high ranks Ukrainian cinema, but also front-line pilots, including three times Hero of the Soviet Union, who shot down 59 fascist aircraft in 156 air battles, Alexander Pokryshkin. The film shocked him so much that when the lights were turned on in the hall, Pokryshkin did not hesitate to wipe away his tears.

6. “Father of a Soldier”, 1973, directed by Rezo Chkheidze.

A film about humanity, family, heroism, love and victory.

The author of the script, Suliko Zhgenti, volunteered to go to the front during the Great Patriotic War, served in naval landing units, and was seriously wounded. The prototype of the main character of the film “Father of a Soldier” served with Suliko Zhgenti.

Rezo Chkheidze admitted that the best review of the film for him was a letter from Sevastopol, which told an amazing incident. A man came to the police and admitted that he had committed the theft. Explaining the motives for his action, he stated: “I just watched the film “Father of a Soldier” and decided that I would honestly live in this world.”

Director Rezo Chkheidze: “We have monuments erected to few film heroes. And in Kakheti there still stands a huge monument to the father of the soldier Maharashvili, the main character of the film. This is a monument to all those men, women, old people, children who won the terrible war of the 20th century. In the village where the sculpture was placed, 300 people did not return from the war.”.

7. “They Fought for the Motherland”, 1975, director Sergei Bondarchuk

July 1942. Approaches to Stalingrad. Bloodless and exhausted Soviet troops are fighting heavy defensive battles and suffering huge losses...

The film was filmed in places where real battles took place, and while digging trenches, the film crew found many human bones, which were immediately given for reburial. Sappers constantly found remnants of mines.

To reproduce the explosions and explosions of shells, pyrotechnicians used five tons of TNT during filming.

8. “The Fate of Man”, 1975, director Sergei Bondarchuk

The film tells about a Russian soldier who, during the war, underwent terrible trials, was left without a home and without a family, ended up in a concentration camp, but managed not only to survive, but also defended his right to be human.

The young actor who played the role of Vanyushka was only 5 years old. For a long time, the director could not choose any of the children whom their parents brought to audition. Bondarchuk saw Pavlik Boriskin when he and his father came to the Cinema House for a screening of some children’s film.

The outstanding Italian director Roberto Rossellini, after watching the film, noted with admiration: “ This is the most powerful, greatest thing that has been filmed about the war».

9. “Ivan’s Childhood”, 1962, director Andrei Tarkovsky

... The childhood of 12-year-old Ivan ended on the day when the Nazis shot his mother and sister in front of his eyes.

The story “Ivan” by Vladimir Bogomolov, on which the film was based, was first published in the magazine “Znamya” in 1957. Subsequently, the story was reprinted 200 times and translated into 40 languages.
Despite the fact that so many years have passed, our contemporaries also turn to the theme of the Great Patriotic War in their work. Thus, a former naval pilot is of interest to both specialists and history buffs. His photographs show Moscow, Berlin, Prague, Vienna and Paris - photos from the Second World War are combined with modern photographs, taken from the same angle.

For those who are not limited to viewing photos, but want to learn more about the history of the war, it will be useful to read which can be found on the page of our website.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

On the eve of the Victory Day holiday, we talk with children, teach and read, talk about the exploits of our people, look for photographs of our relatives so that we can march in the parade with the Immortal Regiment. And children proudly tell and show their friends that this is their great-grandfather, who fought and became a hero.

Children do not know much about the war or its heroes. Therefore, the task of parents, teachers and educators is to provide as much information as possible, to tell children in an accessible form about the feat of our people over the fascist invaders.

There are many films about the Great Patriotic War that the whole family can watch and discuss what they saw. If the child is interested, he will later want to learn more about the hero and read a book about the war.

What films about war can be shown to children? There are, of course, scary films that traumatize children's psyches. But there are also good old films in which children can clearly see how children during the war helped their parents, worked, and participated in partisan movements. During the war, children grew up quickly. After all, they, along with adults, had to experience all the hardships of wartime.

My granddaughter and I also watch children’s films about the war, and then we talk. I would like our children to never forget about the feat of the people, that their grandfathers and great-grandfathers did not spare their lives for the sake of victory.

Today I will make a short review of children's films about the war, which we ourselves watched and which I recommend you watch with your children.

"Sit next to me, Mishka"

1977, director Yakov Bazelyan.

The film is based on Yuri German’s story “That’s How It Was.”

This film is about the children of besieged Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War.

May 1941. Weekdays. Mishka Afanasyev is a seven-year-old boy, preparing to go to first grade. In the summer he fell ill with scarlet fever and was hospitalized. On June 22, 1941, the war began. A military pilot is also in the hospital. He rushes to the front to beat the enemy, but the doctor does not let him go.

Misha became friends with the pilot.

The bombing began. Children flee to a bomb shelter. The bomb hits the hospital. With a shrapnel wound, Mishka and the military pilot were taken to the hospital, where they spent the entire summer.

In the fall, Mishka is discharged from the hospital. At home he is left alone. His friends Lena and Gena Loshadkin give concerts in the hospital in front of the wounded. A shell hit their apartment and they began to live with Mishka. The bread cards were left at the old apartment, Mishka shares his rations with friends.

Children endure all the hardships of the blockade, cold and hunger. Later, Misha’s dad takes the children to the fire station, thereby saving them from hunger.

In 1944, after the blockade was lifted, Mishka met with the pilot.

A very good film for children that the whole family can watch.

"Girl from the city"

Based on the story of the same name by L. F. Voronkova.

Yulechka and I watched this film over the weekend. We liked it.

War. The seven-year-old girl Valya is left alone. The house was bombed, the Germans killed the mother. Valya along with other people are evacuated to the Urals. But for some reason she lags behind the train and hides with several women in a haystack, where the kind woman Daria finds her.

Daria takes the girl to her place. Feeds, washes, treats her. And despite the fact that she herself has three children and a husband at the front, the woman leaves the girl with her family and does not send her to an orphanage.

Daria managed to melt the girl’s heart and became a real mother for her.

A wonderful film for children.

"Once upon a time there was a girl"

Awesome old movie. Black and white. The film, of course, is not best quality. But this film was shot in 1944, in Leningrad.

My granddaughter and I watched it last year before the Victory Day.

Film about besieged Leningrad. The story of two girls, seven-year-old Nastya and five-year-old Katenka.

Cold, hunger, traveling with a sled to the frozen Neva for water. Death of mother. The girls had to grow up with the terrible hardships of war.

Touching film. How passionately the child actors played their roles! It's impossible to watch without tears! The film very well shows scenes of besieged Leningrad and children who, no matter what, remain children.

Natalya Zashchipina and Nina Ivanova played their roles wonderfully. Later they became actresses. Nina Ivanova played the role of a teacher in the film “Spring on Zarechknaya Street.”

"A girl is looking for her father"

An old film, directed by Lev Golub in 1959.

Adventure film.

The film is about a little girl, the daughter of a partisan detachment, who is left alone. An old forester hides her in the forest. The forester's grandson saves the girl, risking his life.

The girl is being sought by the Nazis who want to use her as a hostage.


An all-time legendary film for children and adults.

Every year we watch it with great interest.

What other films can you watch about war with children?

"Tomorrow there was a war"

1987 The film is based on the story by Boris Vasiliev.

1940 Small provincial town. Ninth-grader Vika Lyuberetskaya reads poems by the banned poet Sergei Yesenin in a literature lesson.

Soon her father is arrested as an “enemy of the people.” The teacher is simply “bullying” Vika.

But tomorrow is war.

"Fourth height"

1977 A film based on the story by E. Ilyina about the girl Gula Koroleva, a little artist who acted in films from the age of 4.

In May 1942, Gulya went to the front and died heroically in the battle of Stalingrad.

I myself read this book more than once as a child and loved it very much.

"Winter morning"

1966 Based on the story “The Seventh Symphony” by Tamara Tsinberg.

The film takes place in besieged Leningshrad. The girl Katya saves the boy Seryozha during the bombing and takes care of him in the future. She helps care for the wounded in the hospital. There she meets Captain Voronov. The officer believed that his wife and son died at the beginning of the war. It turns out he is Seryozha-Dima’s dad. Voronov adopts the girl Katya.

"Son of the Regiment"

1946 Screen adaptation of the story by Valentin Kataev.

A Soviet intelligence officer brings a boy, Vanya Solntsev, to the regiment. The battery commander wants to adopt him, but dies in battle. The regiment takes care of an orphan. Vanya becomes the son of the regiment.

More films about war that you can watch with your children.

"Vasek Trubachev and his comrades", "Trubachev's detachment is fighting"

"Two fighters"

"Oginsky's Polonaise"

"Alexander Little"

"Five Brave"

"Four troopers and a dog"

"Eaglet" - about the hero Valya Kotik.

And cartoons about war and children of war, which we also watched.


"A Soldier's Tale"

Here is a small selection of films about war for children today.

Happy upcoming holiday, Victory Day, everyone!

Let our children never know the horrors of war. Peace, warmth and sunny spring to everyone!

Write your comments. What war films do you watch with your children? You can add to my list, I will be very grateful to you.

Best regards, Olga.

It's not so easy to find good cartoons and films about the Great Patriotic War. I want classics, authenticity and sincerity - after all, this is our story, and the slightest falsehood can ruin the impression. What to show children about the Second World War so that they don’t get bored while watching?

In our selection you will not see either “Brest Fortress” or the film “We are from the Future”. We have collected for you 12 works by Soviet directors and animators that you can safely show to your child without spoiling his psyche with premature experiences and the sight of a bloody massacre. The main thing is correctly placed accents: the concepts of good and evil, courage, true patriotism and pride for the Motherland.


1. Cornflower (1973)
Director: Stella Aristakesova

A boy is looking for his Grandfather all over the world and no one can help him. Finally, he sees a ship named after his grandfather, a war hero.

2. MEMORIES (1986)
Director: Vladimir Arbekov

The cartoon tells the story of a little girl who, during the Great Patriotic War, in a village devastated by the Nazis, dreamed of going to school.

Director: Witold Bordzilovsky

A cartoon for children about the Great Patriotic War, about real heroes, about how a boy and a girl helped Soviet paratroopers enter the bay.

4. SALUTE (1975)
Director: Irina Gurvich

A cartoon about a boy and his dad waiting for fireworks on Victory Day - May 9. The boy learns that his grandfather, like his friends’ grandfathers, did not return from the war, protecting their bright future.

5. GUERILLA SNOW Maiden (1981)
Director: Irina Gurvich

Cartoon about children of war. The Great Patriotic War. Harsh winter. A little girl carries a report to the partisans into the forest.

6. SOLDIER'S LAMP (1984)
Director: Kirill Malyantovich.

In memory of the feat of fathers and grandfathers - winners in the Great Patriotic War.
© EKRAN, 1984

7. A SOLDIER'S TALE (1983)
Director: Alla Gracheva

Based on a fairy tale by K. Paustovsky.
When Peter went to fight the Nazis at the front, his son gave him a rhinoceros beetle caught near his home, which the soldier took with him. Now they have to plunge into battles and battles, see how the sky turns black due to gunpowder and the enemy siege, and hundreds of bullets will circle around them. But they will definitely return to where they are expected.


Director: Oleg Nikolaevsky

An amazingly touching, sincere and bright film.
Seven-year-old Valentina was left an orphan. My father went to the front and disappeared without a trace. My mother and brother died in a bombing. During the evacuation, the girl fell behind the train and spent the night in a haystack, where she was discovered completely frozen by a village woman, Daria. And although she had four children of her own, Daria left the girl in her house...

Director: Vasily Pronin

During the war, our soldiers pick up an orphan boy. He refuses to go to the rear and becomes a scout, and then remains with the battery. When a battery crew dies in a battle with breakthrough German tanks, Vanya is sent to the Suvorov Military School, whose students participate in a military parade on Red Square.

3. MY GOOD DAD (1970)
Director: Igor Usov

An elegiac narration from the perspective of the boy Petya, who recalls his happy pre-war life in Baku, his father, composer and conductor, his always fussing mother, and his little brother Bob. But the war began, and all simple happiness came to an end. But dad went to the front and never returned. When leaving for the front, the father of ten-year-old Petya told him to always be kind to people, to help them in difficulties and troubles. My father did not return home; he died in battle. But his words forever sank into the boy’s soul and became the principle of his life.

4. GREEN CHAINS (1970)

Three Leningrad boys in the fall of 1941, having accidentally found a rocket launcher, followed the spy gang and, under the leadership of the experienced security officer Burakov, neutralized the fascist saboteur operating in the guise of the one-armed Uncle Petya.

5. Once upon a time there lived a GIRL (1944)
Director: Victor Eisymont

The story of two little siege survivors in besieged Leningrad: 7-year-old Nastenka and 5-year-old Katenka. Hunger, cold, traveling through the frozen city to the Neva with sleds for water, the death of the mother, injury - all this befell the children, who, along with adults, suffered all the hardships of the war.

The film was shot in besieged Leningrad. Natalya Zashchipina’s first film work (she acted in films from the age of five).

Do modern children need old films about the Great Patriotic War? Is it worth immersing them in that completely different reality, where they do not kill “for fun”, and even the best heroes do not have a “second life”? I really want to protect the child from sad feelings and emotions. But how then to preserve history, and how to tell children that war is not a game? We have selected, in our opinion, the best films about the Great Patriotic War and World War II that the whole family can watch.

"Green chains"

USSR, 1970, director Grigory Aronov.
Cast: Alexander Grigoriev, Pavel Luspekayev, Aristarkh Livanov.
Duration 01:32.

This fascinating film was the last film by Pavel Luspekayev, who played an NKVD major here - the actor did not live to see the premiere for less than a year. In the story, three boys uncover a gang of saboteurs who use rocket signals to cause explosions at food and defense enterprises in Leningrad. The action of the film develops not on the front line, but in the rear. Therefore, instead of scenes of military operations, the movie is replete with signs of wartime - food coupons, hedgehogs across the Neva embankment, bonfires in the middle of the streets, bombed front doors, and training in extinguishing land mines among peaceful Leningraders. So parents will have something to tell their children during the course of the film. At the same time, thanks to the detective plot, watching a movie is easy; at least, 10-12 year olds the same age as the heroes will definitely not get bored. True, you won’t be able to see truly “green chains” (that is, a signal from five green rockets) - the tape is black and white.

"Once Upon a Time There Was a Girl"

USSR, 1944, directed by Victor Eisymont.
Cast: Nina Ivanova, Natasha Zashchipina, Ada Wojcik.
Duration 01:08.

Of course, not everyone can watch contrasting black and white footage accompanied by uplifting music. But just imagine - the film was filmed in Leningrad right during the war, in 1944, when no one knew about the end date of the war. Perhaps thanks to this, the film turned out to be unusually touching and extremely honest. Two girls - 7-year-old Nastenka and 5-year-old Katenka are forced to put their games aside when sirens begin to howl over the city. However, despite the war, the children's world with dolls, Easter cakes, ringing laughter and the “Dog Waltz” still takes its toll. Although the baby has to take responsibility for her sick mother and walk with a bucket of water through the icy Leningrad. Both young actresses, who began their film careers in the film, eventually became famous. The eldest, Nina Gulyaeva, played the role of teacher Levchenko in the film “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”, and the youngest, Natasha Zashchipina, played the same “First-grader” Marusya Orlova.


USSR, 1972, director Vyacheslav Nikiforov.
Cast: Vladimir Samoilov, Alexander Samoilov, Gleb Strizhenov.
Duration 01:15.

The title of the film does not in any way set one in a military mood. However, in this case we are not talking about a small bird, but about the nickname of a partisan. As the song says, “The kingfisher is not a bird at all, it’s a boy’s heart flying up!” During the war, Kingfisher blew up a bridge, thus saving the lives of other people. For this he was shot by the Germans. Years later, his former comrades remember his comrade’s heroic deed. Since then, schoolchildren, incurring the teacher's displeasure, have been discussing among themselves not mice and elephants, but the feat of Kingfisher in biology class. It turns out that the brave partisan did not die. The guys dream of finding him, so they search and ask those he met. Spoiler alert! Thus, the hero turns out to be a biology teacher well known to the children. It is interesting that Kingfisher in adulthood and youth was played by father and son Samoilov. By the way, the eldest, Vladimir Yakovlevich, himself went through the war. A leisurely, calm film, not without detective intrigue.

"Street of the Youngest Son"

USSR, 1962, director Lev Golub.
Cast: Alexander Kornev, Roman Filippov, Valentina Ushakova.
Duration 01:38.

Previously, schoolchildren were forced to learn the names of all pioneer heroes by heart. So the name of Volodya Dubinin, about whom the film was made, is well known to the older generation. Using this film as an example, today's parents can tell their children about pioneers and heroes. Young Volodya lives in Kerch, is interested in modeling, works with sponsored kids, studies at a wooden desk with a hinged lid - you will have a reason to discuss with your child all the features of school childhood of that period. Moreover, the action is quite leisurely. The second half of the film takes place in the quarries, and there is a life and way of life here. Adults will appreciate the funny cameo role of the cook Uncle Yasha, who constantly does not fit into the dimensions of the quarries, performed by Roman Filippov. The picture is not without some pathos, but unlike many other children's films about the war, this film is in color, and therefore it will be easier for children to watch. In addition, thanks to the sea and mountain Crimean landscapes in the first part, the film does not look so dark visually.

"Fourth Height"

USSR, 1978, director Igor Voznesensky.
Starring Margarita Sergeecheva, Olga Ageeva, Larisa Luzhina.
Duration 01:15.

The name of the heroine of this film was also once known to both children and adults. Gula Koroleva was given only 20 years, but during this time she accomplished a lot. The real-life girl became one of the youngest Soviet actresses - she began acting in films at the age of 4, and in 1936 she had six films to her credit. With the outbreak of the war, she, like many of her peers, went to the front, where she died in 1942. More than half of the film's action takes place in the pre-war period, telling about Guli's work in cinema, her relationships with classmates at school, about jumping from a tower, about first love and other pre-war joys beautiful girl. However, the premonition of tragedy is always nearby - color frames of the film are interspersed with black and white ones from newsreels. A good story of human destiny, broken by war.

"Submarine chaser"

USSR, 1954, director Vladimir Nemolyaev.
Cast: Nadezhda Rumyantseva, Pavel Volkov, Evgeny Leonov.
Duration 01:07.

There is so much light, sun and greenery in the film that you will not immediately understand that the action takes place during the war. However, the film is dedicated to the struggle for the Black Sea coast, and the fleet enters into confrontation - with waves sweeping everything off the deck, kilometers of ropes and even, as it were, the smell of the sea. This is one of the first paintings by Nadezhda Rumyantseva. But don’t be surprised - instead of the usual blonde, there is a curly brown-haired woman in a vest and a pioneer tie on the screen. However, the actress’s recognizable timbre and light gait have already become her trademarks. Another pleasant surprise is young Evgeniy Leonov as a cook in a funny white cap. By the way, the film was directed by the father of the famous actress Svetlana Nemolyaeva, the founder of the famous cinematic dynasty. Despite the heavy topic, the film is quite positive - both visually and psychologically, so it is suitable for viewing by particularly sensitive children.

"Son of the Regiment"

USSR, 1981, director Georgy Kuznetsov.
Cast: Igor Nosov, Viktor Pavlov, Ivan Krasko.
Duration 02:08 (two episodes).

The story of the same name by Valentin Kataev, written during the war, was filmed twice. The first time was back in 1946. But the second film adaptation is a classic war film of the 80s with a good narrative pace. The normal clarity of the image and the modern manner of communication of the characters also contribute to viewing. The story of an orphan boy who is adopted by artillerymen takes place almost on the front line, among the trenches. All the hardships of camping life are evident. So the process of cutting a boy’s hair arouses intense interest among his senior comrades: how to cut a future artilleryman’s hair – to the comb, to the zero, to the half-box or with a forelock? As a result, an ordinary everyday situation stretches out for almost six minutes of screen time and becomes a kind of initiation, initiation into fighters. The almost complete absence of women on the screen (not counting the occasional German woman) with a gallery of various male characters hints that war is a purely male story. No matter how old the man is. After watching, don’t look for where else the talented boy has starred - the role of Vanya Solntsev was the only one in Igor Nosov’s filmography.

"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas"

UK-USA, 2008, directed by Mark Herman.
Starring: Asa Butterfield, David Thewlis, Vera Farmiga.
Duration 01:30.

The action takes place in Nazi Germany. The whole story is shown through the eyes of eight-year-old Bruno. He, along with his older sister and mother, are forced to leave a big beautiful house and move to another - due to the fact that his father got a new place. The boy has no idea that they are now living next to the concentration camp. In general, after stories about Soviet pioneer heroes, a German schoolchild’s lack of awareness of what is happening around him seems unreal. Bruno accidentally meets his peer, a boy in striped pajamas with a funny and incomprehensible name Shmul, who is behind the wire. Why is there a number on my new friend? Isn't this barbed wire protection against animals? And what is that stinking smell coming from the big pipes? Bruno has no answer to all these questions. Having betrayed Shmul once, he learns a good lesson, and after that he no longer refuses to be friends with him. As a result, thanks to his boyish curiosity, one day he finds himself on the other side of the wire. And having put on the same striped pajamas, he will no longer be able to leave the camp. The ending turns out to be absolutely heartbreaking. A poignant film shot in a language that a modern child can understand. Excellent music, good acting by famous artists David Thewlis and Vera Farmiga - they played Bruno's parents.

"Secrets of War"

Netherlands, 2014, directed by Dennis Bots.
Cast: Pippa Allen, Stefan de Walle.
Duration 01:32.

Another film for fans of Western cinema. The most recent film in our selection was released less than a year ago. The beauty of European films is often that, unlike Hollywood and Soviet films, even knowing the theme, it is impossible to predict in advance how the plot will develop. The childhood friendship of two boys and one girl in a Dutch town unfolds against the backdrop of a growing Resistance Movement (analogous to Soviet partisans). And soon the best friends are separated on opposite sides of the barricades: in one family, the older brother joins the Hitler Youth, and in the other, father and son secretly fight the Nazis. The girl is not so simple either. The dark-haired, curly beauty hides her real name Tamara Katz and turns out to be an athlete from a good Jewish family. The dense greenery of the Dutch forests, a crazy old woman for contrast, short pants of schoolchildren, signature women's hairstyles of the 40s and correctly selected types (by the way, not a single familiar face even for movie fans).

"Life is Beautiful"

Italy, 1997, directed by Roberto Benigni.
Starring: Roberto Benigni, Nicoletta Braschi.
Duration 01:56.

You probably haven’t heard of this film - at one time the film received three Oscars (including as best foreign film), as well as the Palme d’Or at Cannes, and quickly entered many lists of must-see films. And there is a reason for it. It cannot be said that the film was made specifically for children's viewing, but it seemed wrong to us to do without it in our selection. Filled with true Italian charm and humor, the film literally conveys love for life, for family, for children. And, of course, without the love story of Guido and Dora (these roles were played by the director himself and his wife), developing in the first part of the film, the second part of the film, which tells about the relationship between father and son in a concentration camp, would not have been so dramatic. With all his might, a loving father is trying to turn being in hell itself into a game for the boy. An incredibly touching and talented film. Start watching and eventually the whole family will sit in front of the TV.

What other films about war can you watch?

War films are always difficult to watch. But it is they, just like books and songs about wartime, that help us not to forget about the tragic events of the past and not repeat mistakes in the future. In addition, such films teach kindness, humanity, mercy and nobility and show that a person can and should remain human even in the most unbearable conditions. We have collected 15 Soviet films about the Great Patriotic War that you can watch with your children. Most of the films were filmed in the post-war years, when the memory of the terrible time was alive, but people continued to learn to live again under a peaceful sky.


Still from the film “They Fought for the Motherland”

Still from the film “Aty-Bati, the soldiers were marching”

"AlexanderSmall ", 1981

In the center of the plot of Vladimir Fokin’s film “Alexander the Little” is a child who is thrown into an orphanage, whose care is taken by soldiers of the Red Army. The events of the film take place in 1945 in the liberated territory of Germany. It is there that Soviet soldiers carry out an operation to save children from an attack by a group of werewolves.

Still from the film “Alexander Little”


"Sonregiment", 1946

The film “Son of the Regiment,” released a year after the end of the war, tells the story of Vanya Solntsev, an orphan boy picked up by soldiers of the Red Army. Not wanting to go to the rear, Vanya becomes a scout.

Still from the film “Son of the Regiment”

« TaleOpresentperson ", 1948

Another film filmed just a few months after the end of the war is “The Tale of a Real Man.” The film is based on the story of the same name by Boris Polevoy and tells about the pilot Alexei Meresyev, whose plane is shot down by the Germans. His legs are amputated, but the people nearby support Meresyev’s belief that even without legs a person is capable of much.

Still from the film “The Tale of a Real Man”

"Four tankmen and a dog", 1966-1970

The Polish military adventure series “Four Tankmen and a Dog” is probably one of the most famous wartime films. The plot centers on the crew members of the Red tank, as well as their dog named Sharik. The series takes place during World War II on the territory of the USSR, Poland and Germany, liberated by Soviet troops from Nazi troops.

Still from the film “Four Tankmen and a Dog”

"Oginsky's Polonaise", 1971

The little violinist Vasilek becomes an orphan on the very first day of the war. Wandering around in search of food, he ends up in a partisan detachment. Vasilek, playing the violin, distracts the Nazis, providing cover for the sapper group mining the railway bridge. After the hero and his comrade are caught by a German patrol, the organist of the local church, Frank, helps them escape...

Still from the film “Oginsky’s Polonaise”

"Sit downnear, Bear", 1977

The events of the film “Sit Next, Mishka” take place in besieged Leningrad. The main characters of the film are seven-year-old Mishka Afanasyeva and his friends Gena and Lena, who give concerts in hospitals and communicate with war heroes.

Still from the film “Sit Next, Mishka”

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