Roller drive chain GOST 13568 97. Roller and bushing drive chains

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1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering of the State Standard of Russia and the Research Institute of Coal Engineering

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 11-97 of April 25, 1997)

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia


Republic of Belarus

State Standard of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

T adzhikgosstandart


Main State Inspectorate of Turkmenistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan


State Standard of Ukraine

3 This standard represents the complete authentic text of ISO 606-94 “Short pitch precision roller drive chains” and contains Additional requirements, reflecting the needs of the country's economy

4 Resolution of the State Committee Russian Federation on standardization and metrology dated November 17, 1999 No. 407-st interstate standard GOST 13568-97 (ISO 606-94) was put into effect directly as state standard Russian Federation since July 1, 2000

© IPK Standards Publishing House, 2000

This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication on the territory of the Russian Federation without the permission of the State Standard of Russia

Table 6

Torque, daN m

Torque, daN m

*For chains of standard sizes PR-12.7-1000-1 and PR-12.7-900-2.

It is allowed to fit intermediate plates on the rollers of multi-row chains with a gap.

4.10 The maximum deviation of the length of a chain segment from the nominal value must only be positive and must not exceed that indicated in Table 7. The number of links in the measured chain segment must correspond to that indicated in Table 8.

Table 8

Drive chain type

Number of links in the measured segment

2PR, ZPR, 4PR, 2PV

4.11 The maximum deviation of the pitch from the nominal value should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in Table 9.

Table 9

Drive chain type

Maximum step deviation from the nominal value, %



4.12 Reliability indicators - mean time to failure and established failure-free operating time for the accelerated test mode are given in Appendix B. Appendix B also defines the modes and conditions of accelerated tests.

4.13 The limit state criterion for assessing the reliability indicators of all circuits is the increase in the length of the measured segment specified in Appendix B. Destruction of circuit parts is not allowed.

4.14 Chains should not have a propeller or crescent shape that would prevent the chains from being closed into a circuit by hand force.

4.15 Nominal values ​​of climatic factors on the chain are according to this standard and according to GOST 15150 for types of climatic modification U1 or UHL1.1, but operation of chains under the conditions of modification UHL1.1 is allowed if:

The lower value of the ambient air temperature is not lower than minus 45 °C.

The chains are protected from corrosion by periodic lubrication during operation and their preservation when not in use. The frequency and types of lubrication should be established in the technical specifications for specific types products.

4.16 Marking containing trademark or symbol manufacturer, and the pitch value in millimeters must have at least 5% of the outer plates on the outside of the chain and all connecting links also on the outside.

For chains with a pitch of 8...15.875 mm, pitch marking is not required.

The method, dimensions and location of marking are established in the working drawings.

4.17 Circuits must be preserved. Preservation of chains is carried out using working and preservation compounds in accordance with GOST 9.014. Preservation must provide protection from atmospheric corrosion for at least one year from the date of conservation.

The type of packaging is determined by the manufacturer.

5 Safety requirements

5.1 Safety requirements are requirements for ensuring dimensions (3.2), quality of thermal or chemical heat treatment (4.3), appearance(4.4), easy mobility (4.6), ensuring clearance values ​​(4.7), torque for turning the roller and bushing in the plate (4.9), permissible deviation of the length of the segment from the nominal value (4.10), ensuring reliability indicators (4.12 and Appendix B) .

6 Completeness

6.1 The length of the chain and the number of connecting and transition links are established according to the customer’s order.

6.2 Circuits may consist of:

Sections of a certain length (order in meters) without connecting links;

Sections with a certain number of links (order by number of links) with connecting or connecting and transition links;

Sections with a certain number of links (order by number of links) with double transition and two connecting links;

Closed segments with a permanent connection (endless).

6.3 The order must indicate the designation of the chain, connecting and transition links in accordance with 3.2.

7 Acceptance rules

7.1 Chains are subjected to the following types tests:

acceptance (chains of all types), periodic bench (chains of single and multi-row types PR and PV) and standard certification.

7.2 Acceptance tests

7.2.1 Each batch of chains is subjected to acceptance tests for compliance with the requirements of 3.2, 4.3-4.7, 4.9-4.11 and 6.2. The volume of a batch of chains of one standard size of types PR, 2PR, ZPR and 4PR with a pitch of 25.4 mm and more should not exceed 500 m. The volume of a batch of chains of other types and sizes is established by the manufacturer, but it should not exceed 1000 m.

7.2.2 Connecting and transition links must be submitted for testing for compliance with the requirements of 3.2, 4.3-4.5 and 4.9 in batches consisting of no more than 2000 pieces. connecting and 1000 pcs. transition links of the same standard size.

7.2.3 The batch must include chains of the same standard size (same designation), made from the same materials (grades), one at a time technological process, on one equipment.

7.2.4 All produced chains are subject to external inspection (4.4; 4.5).

7.2.5 To carry out acceptance tests, the following are selected from the batch using the random sampling method:

To check the dimensions (according to 3.2; 4.7; 4.10; 4.11) - five segments with the number of links according to table 8;

To check the performance of thermal and chemical-thermal treatments (according to 4.3) - three separate links taken from various places parties;

To check the completeness (according to 6.1, 6.2) - ten segments;

To check the mobility of hinge joints (according to 4.6) - three commercial sections of chain;

To check the mass (according to 3.2) - three segments from different places in the batch;

For testing for breaking load (according to 4.3) - two segments from different places in the batch, each with a length that ensures the placement of at least five links between the grips of the tensile testing machine;

For tests on torque when turning the roller and bushing in the plate (according to 4.9) - three samples;

For propeller and crescent tests (according to 4.14) - three segments.

7.2.6 For testing for breaking load (according to 3.1), links are selected from a batch of connecting and transition links to complete two combined samples according to one of the following options for a set of links:

Three connecting and four internal links;

Two connecting, two transition and three internal links;

Three connecting, two double transition and two internal links;

Seven transition links.

It is allowed to increase the length of the tested samples.

7.2.7 If a discrepancy is detected in at least one parameter of a chain, connecting or transition link with the requirements of this standard for this parameter, repeat testing of a double number of samples is carried out. The results of repeated tests are final and apply to the entire batch of products.

7.3 The consumer has the right to control the quality of chains in the scope of 7.2.1-7.2.6 using the methods specified in Section 8 of this standard.

7.4 Periodic tests

7.4.1 Periodic tests are carried out in the scope of accelerated bench tests for reliability in accordance with 4.12, 4.13 and Appendix B.

7.4.2 Periodic tests are carried out at least once a year.

7.4.3 Reliability indicators are established in technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner and monitored during operation. The sample size is at least five circuits.

7.4.4 If a circuit or its individual parts are destroyed during testing, or if it is determined that the tested circuits do not provide the specified values ​​of reliability indicators, repeat tests are carried out on a double number of circuits.

The results of repeated tests are final.

7.5 Type tests

7.5.1 Type tests are carried out when changing the design, material, technology, if these changes may affect changes in the performance of the circuits.

7.5.2 Type tests are carried out in the scope of acceptance and periodic tests.

7.6 Certification tests

7.6.1 The main type of certification tests are tests according to safety requirements (5.1).

7.6.2 Test samples are taken from several batches of chains of the same name and from the same grades of steel. In justified cases, sampling from one batch is allowed.

7.6.3 The selected number of samples for testing according to safety requirements is equal to twice the number of samples (except for completeness and weight checks, which are not carried out) specified in 7.2.5.

7.6.4 The requirements necessary for certification tests and not included in this standard are established by the certification body on the basis of industry and factory technical documentation.

8 Test methods

8.1 The hardness of parts is checked using Rockwell, Super-Rockwell or Vickers instruments, followed by conversion to the C scale of the Rockwell instrument.

The use of non-destructive testing methods is allowed.

8.2 External inspection according to 4.4; 4.5 is carried out with the naked eye.

8.3 The mobility of the hinge joints according to 4.6 is checked by pulling sections of chain along a sprocket with a number of teeth from 9 to 21 or by turning the connecting links and rollers of the chain by hand, lying on a horizontal plane.

8.4 Control of the total gap between the plates according to 4.7 is carried out with a universal measuring tool or a special gauge on hinges at sections of ungreased chain lying on a horizontal surface.

8.5 At least two hinges from each sample are tested for the strength of the connection of the rollers and bushings with the plates according to 5.9.

The rotation moment of parts in a connection is determined using universal devices or special machines.

8.6 Measurement of the length of the control section according to 4.10 and the chain pitch according to 4.11 is carried out after applying a technological load on a washed and dried section lying on a horizontal surface, at a load equal to 1% destructive. The number of measurements on each segment is at least four.

The length of the segment is measured with a caliper or a special measuring tool.

8.7 When testing for destructive load (rupture), the load must be applied to the ends of the segment through a roller inserted into the sleeve or through a roller smoothly and evenly. The test is carried out on universal tensile testing machines. The design of the machine's grippers should exclude the possibility of skewing the ends of the sample.

Other requirements for tensile testing are in accordance with A.2.4.2; A.2.4.3 of Appendix A.

8.8 If parts located in the grips of the machine are destroyed by a load below the destructive load, the test results are considered invalid.

8.9 Conditions for conducting accelerated bench tests for reliability according to B.4.12, B.4.13 of Appendix B.

8.10 The propeller and crescent shape of the chains according to 4.14 are checked by closing the ends of the chain sections with a connecting link.

9 Transportation and storage

9.1 Transportation of chains is carried out by all types of transport in covered vehicles in compliance with the rules of cargo transportation in force for each type of transport.

9.2 Each batch of chains of the same standard size must be accompanied by a document (label) containing:

Trademark or symbol of the manufacturer;

Symbol of circuits according to this standard;

Number of chains in a batch;

Quality Control Department stamp;

Mark of conformity, if there is a certificate;

Date of release of chains;

Batch number.

9.3 Conditions for storing chains before commissioning - 3 according to GOST 15150. Storage of chemicals in these premises is not permitted.

Shelf life - one year.

10 Operating instructions

10.1 Chains must be used in transmissions installed in compliance with the requirements of this standard.

10.2 Chain drive shafts must be checked for parallelism of the axes. The parallelism tolerance of the shaft axes should not be more than 0.2 mm for every 100 mm of shaft length.

10.3 Chain sprockets for radial and axial runout must meet the requirements of the relevant standards - GOST 591, GOST 592.

10.4 The crowns of sprockets operating in the same circuit must be checked for location in the same plane. Displacement of sprocket crowns (deviation from flatness) for gears with

center-to-center distance up to 1000 mm should not be more than 2 mm, the tolerance increases by 0.2 mm for every 100 mm center-to-center distance over 1000 mm.

10.5 The chain installed on the sprockets must be adjusted for tension.

The tension is considered normal if, with a sprocket center distance of 1000 mm

the sag of the driven branch of the chain is (40±10) mm when a force is applied (160±10) N [(1b±1) kgf].

With an increase or decrease in the center-to-center distance for every 100 mm, the sag boom is correspondingly increased or decreased by (4+1) mm.

For inclined gears (more than 45°), the lower limit of the specified values ​​must be accepted.

The sag is measured with a two-star chain drive in the middle of the driven branch, with a multi-star drive - in the middle of the chain between the drive and tension sprockets.

10.6 Operating modes of chains must be specified in the operating instructions (passport) for the machine in which the chains are used and the requirements for maintenance.

10.7 PR type chains with roller rollers and PRI type should be operated at a speed of no higher than 5 m/s.

10.8 It is allowed to operate chains in conditions where the values ​​of climatic factors go beyond the established nominal values ​​for climatic versions U1 or UHL1.1, while the values ​​of climatic factors, as well as, if necessary, additional requirements for chains, their storage and maintenance are established in regulatory document as agreed between the consumer and the chain manufacturer.

11 Manufacturer's warranty

11.1 The manufacturer must ensure that the chains comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the rules of operation, storage and transportation.

11.2 Warranty period - 12 months from the date of commissioning of the circuit.

APPENDIX A (required)

Precision roller drive chains with short pitch (ISO 606-94)


This International Standard covers chains used in most countries around the world. The unification of dimensions, strength indicators and other parameters that had different values ​​in existing national standards is provided. The standard does not include the standard sizes of chains existing in individual national standards, which fall outside the accepted series and, as has been established, do not have universal application, i.e. special purpose. 1 *

This standard applies to the same chain transmissions that were previously created on the basis of existing chain series. The range of chain pitches available in the standard from 12.7 to 76.2 mm is duplicated due to the inclusion of chains from standards created on the basis of ANSI standards, designated by the letter A in place of the third character in the designation of the chain number and, at the same time, chains from the main standards, developed in Europe, designated by the letter B in place of the third character in the designation of the chain number. These two series of circuits complement each other and therefore expand the scope of the standard.

The dimensions of the chains are set to ensure complete interchangeability for any size and to ensure the interchangeability of individual chain links during repairs.

^The section regarding asterisks is excluded, as it should be contained in GOST 591.

A.! Purpose and scope

This International Standard applies to single and multi-row, short-pitch precision roller drive chains intended for use in power applications. mechanical transmissions and other similar devices.

The standard establishes dimensions, maximum deviations, measuring and minimum breaking loads.

Chains manufactured to the dimensions and requirements of ISO 606 given in this annex shall also comply with the requirements of sections 4 to 11 of this standard (except for the marking requirements).

A.2.1 Nomenclature of assembled circuits and their elements

Figures A.1 and A2 show the types of chain assemblies and the types of parts from which they are composed.

The drawings do not define the design of the circuits and their parts.

A.2.2 Symbols

Precision drive roller chains are identified by the standard ISO “chain number” given in Tables A.1 and A.2.

To the designation of the chain number on the right, numbers are added separated by a hyphen:

1 - to indicate a single-row chain;

2 - to indicate double row chain;

3 - to indicate a three-row chain.

For example:

16V-1, 16V-2, 16V-3, etc.

Chains 081, 083, 084, 085 do not require such additions, because They are made only in single rows.

A.2.3 Dimensions

The dimensions of the chains must correspond to those indicated in Figure A.3 and in Tables A.1 and A.2. The largest and smallest sizes established to facilitate the interchangeability of chain links manufactured by different enterprises, and are not actual deviations that must be ensured during manufacture.

A.2.4 Tensile test

A.2.4.1 The load during tensile testing of samples before their failure must be no less than specified in A.2.4.2 of this appendix. This smallest load is not a workload.

It is intended primarily for comparing circuits of different designs. For questions regarding the use of chains, consult the chain manufacturer or use their published instructions.

A.2.4.2 A tensile load not less than the minimum specified in Table A.1 shall be applied slowly to the ends of a chain sample containing at least five free links not in the grips of the testing machine. The machine grips should not prevent the free rotation of these links in both directions in a plane perpendicular to the hinge axes.

Figure A.1 - Types roller chains assembled

1 area of ​​use............................................... ........ 1

3 Types, main parameters and dimensions.................................................... 1

4 Technical requirements.................................................... 6

5 Safety requirements................................................................... .... 9

6 Completeness................................................... ........... 9

7 Acceptance rules......................................................... .......... 9

8 Test methods......................................................... .........eleven

9 Transportation and storage.................................................... .eleven

10 Operating instructions.................................................................... ....eleven

11 Manufacturer's warranty................................................... ......12

Appendix A Precision roller drive chains with short pitch

(ISO 606-94)................................................ ......12

Appendix B Designations of matching standard sizes of single-row chains according to

The links have the following designations:

K1 - with one mounting hole located in the middle of each shelf;

K2 - with two mounting holes located parallel to the longitudinal axis of the chain, as shown in Figure A.4.

A.3.3 Dimensions

The dimensions of the links with shelves must correspond to those indicated in Table A. 2.

L.3.4 Manufacturing requirements

The shape of the flange link plates is at the manufacturer's discretion, but usually it is a single piece: an extended chain plate, part of which is bent to form a flange, as shown in Figure A.4.

The length of the shelf is also set by the manufacturer, but it must be sufficient to accommodate two holes along it for a K2 type link and not interfere with mating with an adjacent link. Usually the flange length is taken to be the same for both types of links.

A.3.5 Marking

The markings must be the same as on the chain plates, in place of which links with integral flanges are inserted (see A.2.7).

a - on the outer link

6 - on the internal link

Note - Link flanges of type K2 have two mounting holes, and type K1 with the same dimensions have one hole located in the middle of the flange, as shown by the dotted line (see A.3.2)

Figure A.4 - Links with K-type shelves

Table I

Dimensions in millimeters

Chain size

b v not less

L, no more

by, no more

b, no more

Weight 1 m | chains (calculated), kg 1

Single-row roller drive chains type PR





Single-row bush drive chains, type PV

Roller drive chains with curved plates type PRI


table 2

Dimensions in millimeters

Chain size

b no less

Ah, no more

b n, no more

Kommersant, no more

Double-row bushing drive chains, type 2PV

Double-row roller drive chains type 2PR



End of table 2

Dimensions in millimeters

Chain size

b x, not less

h, no more

b 7, no more

b, no more

Weight of 1 m of chain, (calculated), kg

Three-row roller drive chains type ZPR






Four-row roller drive chains type 4PR

Double-row bushing drive chain with a pitch of 9.525 mm and a breaking load of 20 kN:

Drive roller chain with curved plates with a pitch of 103.2 mm and a breaking load of 650 kN;

The designation of chains manufactured according to ISO 606 is A.2.2 of Appendix A.

The designations of matching standard sizes of single-row chains of this standard and ISO 606 are given in Appendix B.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Chains should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2 Plates and spring locks should be made from cold-rolled steel of normal or increased accuracy in thickness, rolled bushings - from cut cold-rolled steel of increased or normal accuracy in thickness and width or flattened strip, rollers - from cold-rolled steel, flattened strip or calibrated steel, rollers - from calibrated steel or cold-drawn wire.

For PRI type chain plates, the use of hot-rolled steel is allowed.

4.3 Chain parts must be thermally or chemically-thermally treated to a hardness corresponding to that indicated in Table 3.

The dispersion field of the hardness indicator should not exceed 8 units. The ratio of the depth of the diffusion layer (eutectoid and half of the transition layer) to the thickness of the roller, sleeve or roller diameter during chemical-thermal treatment must correspond to that indicated in Table 4.

Table 4

Drive chain type

Relative depth of the diffusion layer, %

The depth of the decarburized layer on the plates after heat treatment should not exceed 0.3 mm.

This layer must be removed to evaluate hardness.

4.4 Chain parts must not have scale, cracks, burrs, shells and corrosion lesions that reduce the performance of the chain and impair its presentation.

4.5 Chain plates must have a protective and decorative coating. The presence of coating in the holes of the plates is allowed. The type of coating must be installed in agreement with the consumer or according to drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

4.6 The assembled chain must have easy (without jamming) mobility in the hinge joints.

4.7 The total gap between the outer and inner plates of assembled single-row chains should be no more than that indicated in Table 5.

Table 5

Note - When using cold-rolled steel of normal thickness accuracy or hot-rolled steel for the manufacture of plates, an increase in the total gap by 50% is allowed.

The total gap of multi-row chains should be no more than 0.8 times the product of the total gap for a single-row chain and the number of rows.

4.8 Chains of types PR, PV with pitches of 8-15.875 mm must be subjected to tension with a load equal to 15-33% of the breaking load given in tables 1 and 2.

4.9 Torque moments for turning the shaft and bushing in one plate should not be lower than the values ​​​​specified in Table 6.

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GOST 13568-97

Group G15



Are common technical specifications

Driving roller and bush chains.

General specifications

OKS 21.220.30

Date of introduction 2000-07-01


1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering of the State Standard of Russia and the Research Institute of Coal Engineering

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol N 11-97 of April 25, 1997)

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia


Republic of Belarus

State Standard of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



Main State Inspectorate of Turkmenistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan


State Standard of Ukraine

3 This standard represents the complete authentic text of ISO 606-94 "Short pitch precision roller drive chains" and contains additional requirements reflecting the needs of the country's economy

4 By Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology dated November 17, 1999 N 407-st, the interstate standard GOST 13568-97 (ISO 606-94) was put into effect directly as a state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2000.

5 INSTEAD GOST 13568-75

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to drive roller and bushing single- and multi-row chains intended for power mechanical transmissions of various machines and mechanisms, except for drilling rigs.

The requirements of the standard are mandatory.

GOST 8.051-81 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Errors allowed when measuring linear dimensions up to 500 mm

GOST 9.014-78 one system protection against corrosion and aging of product materials. Temporary anti-corrosion protection of products. General requirements

GOST 591-69 Sprockets for drive roller and bushing chains. Methods for calculating and constructing a tooth and tool profile. Tolerances

GOST 592-81 Sprockets for leaf chains. Methods for calculating and constructing a tooth profile. Limit deviations

GOST 15150-69 Machines, instruments and others technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions regarding the impact of environmental climatic factors

3 Types, main parameters and dimensions

3.1 This standard establishes the parameters, dimensions and requirements for drive chains following types:

PR - single-row roller;

2PR - double-row roller;

3PR - three-row roller;

4PR - four-row roller;

PV - single-row bushings;

2PV - double-row bushings;

PRI - roller with curved plates.

3.2 Types, main parameters and dimensions of chains, their connecting and transition links must correspond to those indicated in Figures 1-7 and in Tables 1, 2, as well as in Figures A.1-A.4, in Tables A.1, A.2 Appendix A and Table B.1 of Appendix B.

1 - internal link; 2 - outer link; 3 - connecting link;

4 - transition link; 5 - double transition link

Figure 1 - PR type circuit

Figure 2 - Chain type 2PR

1 - internal link; 2 - outer link; 3 - connecting link; 4 - transition link;

5 - double transition link; 6 - intermediate plate

Figure 3 - 3PR type circuit

1 - internal link; 2 - outer link; 3 - connecting link; 4 - transition link;

5 - double transition link; 6 - intermediate plate

Figure 4 - Chain type 4PR

1 - internal link; 2 - outer link; 3 - connecting link

Figure 5 - PV type circuit

1 - internal link; 2 - outer link; 3 - connecting link; 4 - intermediate plate

Figure 6 - Circuit type 2PV

Figure 7 - PRI type circuit

Note - Figures 1-7 do not establish the design of chains, connecting and transition links and their parts.

Table 1

Dimensions in millimeters

Chain size

No less

No more

No more

No more

Weight of 1 m of chain (calculated), kg

Single-row roller drive chains type PR




Single-row bush drive chains, type PV

Roller drive chains with curved plates type PRI


table 2

Dimensions in millimeters

Chain size

No less

No more

No more

No more

Weight of 1 m of chain, (calculated), kg

Double-row bushing drive chains, type 2PV

Double-row roller drive chains type 2PR



Three-row roller drive chains type 3PR





Four-row roller drive chains type 4PR

Examples of symbols for circuits and components:

Single-row roller drive chain with a pitch of 12.7 mm with a distance between the internal plates = 7.75 mm and a breaking load of 18.2 kN:

Chain PR-12.7-18.2 GOST 13568-97

The same, with a distance between the internal plates = 5.40 mm:

Chain PR-12.7-18.2-1 GOST 13568-97

Accessories for this chain:

Connecting link - Link S-PR-12.7-18.2 GOST 13568.

Double transition link - Link P2-PR-12.7-18.2 GOST 13568.

Transition link - Link P-PR-12.7-18.2 GOST 13568.

Three-row roller drive chain with a pitch of 25.4 mm and a breaking load of 171 kN:

Chain 3PR-25.4-171 GOST 13568-97

Double-row bushing drive chain with a pitch of 9.525 mm and a breaking load of 20 kN:

Chain 2PV-9,525-20 GOST 13568-97

Drive roller chain with curved plates with a pitch of 103.2 mm and a breaking load of 650 kN:

Chain PR-103.2-650 GOST 13568-97

The designation of chains manufactured according to ISO 606 is A.2.2 of Appendix A.

The designations of matching standard sizes of single-row chains of this standard and ISO 606 are given in Appendix B.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Chains should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2 Plates and spring locks should be made from cold-rolled steel of normal or increased accuracy in thickness, rolled bushings - from cut cold-rolled steel of increased or normal accuracy in thickness and width or flattened strip, rollers - from cold-rolled steel, flattened strip or calibrated steel, rollers - from calibrated steel or cold-drawn wire.

For PRI type chain plates, the use of hot-rolled steel is allowed.

4.3 Chain parts must be thermally or chemically-thermally treated to a hardness corresponding to that indicated in Table 3.

Table 3

The dispersion field of the hardness indicator should not exceed 8 units. The ratio of the depth of the diffusion layer (eutectoid and half of the transition layer) to the thickness of the roller, sleeve or roller diameter during chemical-thermal treatment must correspond to that indicated in Table 4.

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Drive roller chain is a widespread type of chain used in chain drives. A wide range of transmitted power with a relative simplicity of design, as well as resistance to various aggressive environments, harsh operating conditions, pollution, high strength and wear resistance have led to the widespread use of drive roller chains in various industries, the food industry, etc.

Types of drive chains.

Structurally, the drive roller chain can be:





The Tula Chain Plant offers drive roller chains manufactured in accordance with GOST 13568-97 of the following types:

    PR - single-row roller;

    2PR - double-row roller;

    3PR - three-row roller;

    4PR - four-row roller;

    PV - single-row bushings;

    2PV - double-row bushings;

    PRI - roller with curved plates.

Design features and materials used.

The drive roller chain structure consists of 5 parts: outer plate, inner plate, pinion, bushing and roller. The inner plates, together with the bushing and roller, form the internal chain link. The individual internal links, or blocks, are structurally combined into a finished chain using rollers and outer plates. A special connecting link serves to close the finished circuit into a circuit; it comes complete with a chain.

Structural elements of chains are made of various grades of steel. All chain parts must be thermally or chemically-thermally treated to the required hardness in accordance with GOST.
Chain plates are usually made from carbon steel grades using volumetric heat treatment. Structural elements of rotation - rollers, bushings, rollers - are manufactured with carburization, which makes it possible to achieve high resistance of the chain to significant loads during operation chain drive. Under special operating conditions, steel grades with the addition of vanadium, chromium and other alloying components, as well as stainless steel, can be used.

Main parameters:

    distance between inner plates

The length of the chain and the number of connecting and transition links are set according to customer requirements.

Circuits can consist of:

    sections of a certain length (order in meters) without connecting links;

    segments with a certain number of links (order by number of links) with connecting or connecting and transition links;

    segments with a certain number of links (order by number of links) with double transition and two connecting links;

    closed segments with permanent connection (infinite).


1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering of the State Standard of Russia and the Patel Research Institute of Coal Engineering

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 11-97 of April 25, 1997)

3 This standard represents the complete authentic text of ISO 606-94 “Short pitch precision roller drive chains” and contains additional requirements reflecting the needs of the country's economy

4 By Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization of It Metrology dated November 17, 1999 No. 407-st, the interstate standard GOST 13568-97 (ISO 606-94) was put into effect directly as a state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2000.


Ci IPC Standards Publishing House, 2000<£>IPC Standards Publishing House. 2003

This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication on the territory of the Russian Federation without the permission of the State Standard of Russia

1 area of ​​use............................................... ....... 1

3 Types, main parameters and dimensions................................................. I

4 Technical requirements................................................... ..... 6

5 Safety requirements................................................................... .... 9

6 Completeness................................................... ........... 9

7 Acceptance rules......................................................... .......... 9

8 Test methods......................................................... ........ II

9 Transportation and storage.................................................... II

10 Operating instructions.................................................................... .... II

11 Manufacturer's warranty................................................... ...... 12

Appendix L Precision roller drive chains with short pitch

(ISO 606-94)................................................ ..... 12

Appendix B Designations of matching standard sizes of single-row chains according to

GOST 13568 and ISO 606.............................................. 20

Appendix B Parameters and modes of accelerated bench tests of circuits on

reliability................................................. ..21

/- and its link: 2 - outer link; connective ibciio; 4 - transitional gweio;

5 - double transition: chenault

Figure I - Type IIP Circuit

/ - internal link; 2- external geyio; J - connecting link; * - transition sbcho 5 - double transition link; 6 - intermediate plate

Figure 2 - Chain 2PR

^ in > 2 b o

C "N* j" 8 2 = 3

Figure 7 - PRI type circuit

Note - Figures 1-7 do not illustrate the design of chains, connecting and transition links and their parts.

Table I

Dimensions in millimeters

Tiinopaiuep chains

b. no less

b. no more

1 ‘-1 * !: ;■ :i.i-

itafpyiKa. kN. no less

Mucca 1 and chains (calculations), kg

:pi Mrshi 3.00

>dnys ro 2.31

thousand type 12



Prices drive bushings 9.525 | 7.60 | 3.59 | 5.0

single row

G1 V-9.525-13.0


[this at 78.1

water р 38.1


with totals 33.3





table 2

Dimensions in millimeters

Tiinopuipuep chains

b. less than

b. no more

by no more

*. no more

I destroy Marpyj-kl. kN. ee menss

Weight! m not mon. (calculated). kg

Double-row drive bushings, type 2PV

Double-row roller drive chains type 2PR



End of table 2

Dimensions in millimeters

Chain size

b|. ns pence

h, no more

bj. no more

6, no more

Weight of 1 m of chain, (calculated). KI


Delhi pr 7.75

from video 8.51

height 13.92

x inline 11.80

type ZP 50


ZG1 P-25.4-17I




pi prsh 12.70

JC couples 22.78


from type 4 17.75

Examples of symbols for circuits and components:

Single-row roller drive chain with a pitch of 12.7 mm with a distance between the internal plates L = 7.75 mm and a breaking load of 18.2 kN:

Same. with distance between internal plates L = 5.40 mm:

Double-row bushing drive chain with a pitch of 9.525 mm and a breaking load of 20 kN:

Drive roller chain with curved plates with a pitch of 103.2 mm and a breaking load of 650 kN;

Designation of circuits manufactured according to ISO 606. - L.2.2 of Appendix A.

Designations of matching standard sizes of single-row chains of this standard and ISO 606 are given in Appendix B.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Chains should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2 Plates and spring locks should be made from cold-rolled steel of normal or increased accuracy in thickness, rolled bushings - from cut cold-rolled steel of increased or normal accuracy in thickness and width or flattened strip, rollers - from cold-rolled rolled steel, flattened strip or calibrated steel, rollers - from calibrated steel or cold-drawn wire.

For MRI-type chain plates, the use of hot-rolled steel is allowed.

4.3 Chain parts must be thermally or chemically-thermally treated to a hardness corresponding to that indicated in Table 3.

The dispersion field of the hardness indicator should not exceed 8 units. The ratio of the depth of the diffusion layer (eutectoid and half of the transition layer) to the thickness of the roller, sleeve or roller diameter during chemical-thermal treatment must correspond to that indicated in Table 4.

The depth of the decarburized layer on the plates after heat treatment should not exceed 0.3 mm.

This layer must be removed to evaluate hardness.

4.4 Chain parts must not have scale, cracks, burrs, shells and corrosion lesions that reduce the performance of the chain and impair its presentation.

4.5 Chain plates must have a protective and decorative coating. The presence of coating in the holes of the plates is allowed. The type of coating must be installed in agreement with the consumer or according to drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

4.6 The assembled chain must have easy (without jamming) mobility in the hinge joints.

4.7 The total gap between the outer and inner plates of assembled single-row chains should be no more than that indicated in Table 5.

NOTE - When using cold-rolled steel of normal thickness accuracy or hot-rolled steel for the manufacture of plates, an increase in the total gap by 50% is allowed.

The total gap of multi-row chains should be no more than 0.8 times the product of the total gap for a single-row chain and the number of rows.

4.8 Chains of types PR, PV with pitches of 8-15.875 mm must be subjected to tensile load. equal to 15-33% of the breaking load given in tables I and 2.

4.9 Torque moments for turning the shaft and bushing in one plate should not be lower than the values ​​​​specified in Table 6.

Tabliya 6

Biggest moment, yesN m

III a 1 / «mm

A stunning moment. daN m

For chains of standard sizes PR-12.7-1000-1 and PR-12.7-900-2.

It is allowed to fit intermediate plates on the rollers of multi-row chains with a gap.

4.10 The maximum deviation of the length of a chain segment from the nominal value must only be positive and must not exceed that indicated in Table 7. The number of links in the measured chain segment must correspond to that indicated in Table 8.

4.11 The maximum deviation of the pitch from the nominal value should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in Table 9.

Table 9

Drive type UCI1II

Maximum pitch deviation from the nominal value. %



4.12 Reliability indicators - mean time to failure and established failure-free operating time for the accelerated test mode are given in Appendix B. Appendix B also defines the modes and conditions of accelerated tests.

4.13 The limit state criterion for assessing the reliability indicators of all circuits is the increase in the length of the measured segment specified in Appendix B. Destruction of circuit parts is not allowed.

4.14 Chains should not be propeller-shaped or crescent-shaped. preventing the circuits from being closed into the circuit by hand force.

4.15 Nominal values ​​of climatic factors on the chain - according to this standard" and according to GOST 15150 for types of climatic modification U1 or UHL1.1, but operation of chains is allowed under the conditions of modification UHL 1.1, if:

The lower value of the ambient air temperature is not lower than minus 45 "C.

The chains are protected from corrosion by periodic lubrication during operation and are preserved when not in use. The frequency and types of lubrication should be established in the technical specifications for specific types of products.

4.16 At least 5% of the outer plates on the outer side of the chain and all connecting links must also be marked on the outer side with a marking containing a trademark or symbol of the manufacturer and the pitch value in millimeters.

For chains with a pitch of 8... 15.875 mm, pitch marking is not required.

The method, dimensions and location of marking are established in the working drawings.

4.17 Circuits must be preserved. Preservation of chains is carried out using working and preservation compounds in accordance with GOST 9.014. Preservation must provide protection from atmospheric corrosion for at least one year from the date of conservation.

The type of packaging is determined by the manufacturer.

5 Safety requirements

5.1 Safety requirements are the requirements for ensuring dimensions (3.2), quality of thermal or chemical-thermal treatment (4.3), appearance (4.4), easy mobility (4.6), ensuring clearance values ​​(4.7). torque for turning the roller and bushing in the plate (4.9), permissible deviation of the length of the segment from the nominal value (4.10). ensuring reliability indicators (4.12 and Appendix B).

6 Completeness

6.1 The length of the chain and the number of connecting and transition links are established according to the customer’s order.

6.2 Circuits may consist of:

Sections of a certain length (order in meters) without connecting links;

Sections with a certain number of links (order by number of links) with connecting or connecting and transition links;

Sections with a certain number of links (order by number of links) with double transition and two connecting links;

Closed segments with a permanent connection (endless).

6.3 The order must indicate the designation of the chain, connecting and transition links in accordance with 3.2.

7 Acceptance rules

7.1 Chains are subjected to the following types of tests:

acceptance (chains of all types), periodic bench (single- and multi-row chains of types PR and G1V) and standard certification.

7.2 Acceptance tests

7.2.1 Each batch of chains is subjected to acceptance tests for compliance with the requirements of 3.2,4.3- and 6.2. The volume of a batch of chains of one standard size of types G1R, 2PR, ZPR and 411R with a pitch of 25.4 mm and more should not exceed 500 m. The volume of a batch of chains of other types and sizes is established by the manufacturer, but it should not exceed 1000 m.

7.2.2 Connecting and transition links must be submitted for testing for compliance with the requirements of 3.2, 4.3-4.5 and 4.9 in batches consisting of no more than 2000 pieces. connecting and 1000 pcs. transition links of the same standard size.

7.2.3 The batch must include chains of the same standard size (same designation), made from the same materials (grades) using the same technological process, on the same equipment.

7.2.4 All produced chains are subject to external inspection (4.4; 4.5).

7.2.5 To carry out acceptance tests, the following are selected from the batch using the random sampling method:

To check the dimensions (according to 3.2; 4.7; 4.10; 4. II) - five segments with the number of links according to table 8;

To check the indicators of thermal and chemical-thermal treatments (according to 4.3) - three

individual links taken from various parts of the party;

To check the completeness (according to 6.1, 6.2) - ten segments;

To check the mobility of hinge joints (according to 4.6) - three commercial sections of chain;

To check the mass (according to 3.2) - three segments from different places in the batch;

The test area for breaking load (according to 4.3) is two sections from different places in the batch, each with a length that ensures the placement of at least five links between the grips of the tensile testing machine;

For testing the torque when turning the roller and bushing in the plate (according to 4.9) - three samples;

For propeller and crescent tests (according to 4.14) - three segments.

7.2.6 For testing for breaking load (according to 3.1), links are selected from a batch of connecting and transition links to complete two combined samples according to one of the following options for a set of links:

Three connecting and four internal links;

Two connecting, two transition and three internal links;

Three connecting, two double transition and two internal links;

Seven transition links.

It is allowed to increase the length of the tested samples.

7.2.7 If a discrepancy is detected in at least one parameter of a chain, connecting or transition link with the requirements of this standard for this parameter, repeat testing of a double number of samples is carried out. The results of repeated tests are final and apply to the entire batch of products.

7.3 The consumer has the right to control the quality of chains in the scope of 7.2.1-7.2.6 using the methods specified in Section 8 of this standard.

7.4 Periodic tests

7.4.1 Periodic tests are carried out in the scope of accelerated bench tests for reliability in accordance with 4.12, 4.13 and Appendix B.

7.4.2 Periodic tests are carried out at least once a year.

7.4.3 Reliability indicators are established in technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner and monitored during operation. The sample size is at least five circuits.

7.4.4 If a circuit or its individual parts are destroyed during testing, or if it is determined that the tested circuits do not provide the specified values ​​of reliability indicators, repeat tests are carried out on a double number of circuits.

The results of repeated tests are final.

7.5 Type tests

7.5.1 Type tests are carried out when changing the design, material, technology, if these changes may affect the performance of the circuits.

7.5.2 Type tests are carried out in the scope of acceptance and periodic tests.

7.6 Certification tests

7.6.1 The main type of certification tests are tests according to safety requirements (5.1).

7.6.2 Test samples are taken from several batches of chains of the same name and from the same grades of steel. In justified cases, sampling from one batch is allowed.

7.6.3 The selected number of samples for testing according to safety requirements is equal to twice the number of samples (except for completeness and weight checks, which are not carried out) specified in 7.2.5.

7.6.4 The requirements necessary for certification tests and not included in this standard are established by the certification body on the basis of industry and factory technical documentation.

8 Test methods

8.1 The hardness of parts is checked using Rockwell, Super-Rockwell or Vickers instruments, followed by conversion to the C scale of the Rockwell instrument.

The use of non-destructive testing methods is allowed.

8.2 External inspection according to 4.4; 4.5 is carried out with the naked eye.

8.3 The mobility of the hinge joints according to 4.6 is checked by pulling sections of chain along a sprocket with a number of teeth from 9 to 21 or by turning the connecting links and rollers of the chain by hand, lying on a horizontal plane.

8.4 Control of the total gap between the plates according to 4.7 is carried out with a universal measuring tool or a special gauge on hinges at sections of ungreased chain lying on a horizontal surface.

8.5 The strength of the connection of the rollers and bushings with the plates according to 5.9 is checked at least two hinges from each sample.

The rotation moment of parts in a connection is determined using universal devices or special machines.

8.6 Measuring the length of the control segment according to 4.10 and the chain pitch according to 4. II is carried out after applying a technological load on a washed and dried segment lying on a horizontal surface, at a load equal to 1% destructive. The number of measurements on each segment is at least four.

The length of the segment is measured with a caliper or a special measuring tool.

8.7 When testing for destructive load (rupture), the load must be applied to the ends of the segment through a roller inserted into the sleeve or through a roller smoothly and evenly. The test is carried out on universal tensile testing machines. The design of the machine's grippers should exclude the possibility of skewing the ends of the sample.

The remaining requirements for tensile tests are according to L.2.4.2: L.2.4.3 of Appendix A.

8.8 If parts located in the grips of the machine are destroyed by a load below the destructive load, the test results are considered invalid.

8.9 Conditions for conducting accelerated bench tests for reliability according to B.4.I2, B.4.I3 of Appendix B.

8.10 The propeller and crescent shape of the chains according to 4.14 are checked by closing the ends of the chain sections with a connecting link.

9 Transportation and storage

9.1 Transportation of chains is carried out by all types of transport in covered vehicles in compliance with the rules for the transportation of goods in force for each type of transport.

9.2 Each batch of chains of the same standard size must be accompanied by a document (label) containing:

Trademark or symbol of the manufacturer;

Symbol of circuits according to this standard;

Number of chains in a batch;

OGK stamp;

Mark of conformity, if there is a certificate;

Date of release of chains;

Batch number.

9.3 Conditions for storing chains before commissioning - 3 according to GOST 15150. Storage of chemicals in these rooms is not allowed.

Shelf life - one year.

10 Operating instructions

10.1 Chains must be used in transmissions installed in compliance with the requirements of this standard.

10.2 Chain drive shafts must be checked for parallelism of the axes. The parallelism tolerance of the shaft axes should not be more than 0.2 mm for every 100 mm of shaft length.

10.3 Chain sprockets for radial and axial runout must meet the requirements of the relevant standards - 1"OST 591, GOST 592.

10.4 The crowns of sprockets operating in the water circuit must be checked for position in the same plane. Mixing of sprocket crowns (deviation from flatness) for gears with

center-to-center distance up to 1000 mm should not be more than 2 mm, the tolerance increases by 0.2 mm for every 100 mm center-to-center distance over 1000 mm.

10.5 The chain installed on the sprockets must be adjusted for tension.

The tension is considered normal if the spacing of the sprockets is 1000 mm

the sag of the driven branch of the chain is (40±10) mm when a force is applied (160±10) N | (16±1) kgf).

With an increase or decrease in the center-to-center distance for each MI) mm, the sag boom is correspondingly increased or decreased by (4±1) mm.

For inclined gears (more than 45*), the lower limit of the specified values ​​must be accepted.

The sag is measured with a two-star chain drive in the middle of the driven branch, with a multi-star drive - in the middle of the chain between the drive and tension sprockets.

10.6 The operating modes of the chains must be specified in the operating instructions (passport) for the machine in which the chains are used, and the maintenance requirements.

10.7 Chains of type IIP with folding rollers and type PRI must be operated at a speed of no higher than 5 m/s.

10.8 It is allowed to operate chains in conditions where the values ​​of climatic factors go beyond the established nominal values ​​for climatic versions U1 or UHL 1.1, while the values ​​of climatic factors, as well as, if necessary, additional requirements for chains, their storage and maintenance are established in a regulatory document as agreed between the consumer and the chain manufacturer.

And Manufacturer's Warranty

11.1 The manufacturer must ensure that the chains comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the rules of operation, storage and transportation.

11.2 Warranty period - 12 months from the date of commissioning of the circuit.



Precision roller drive chains with short pitch (ISO 606-94)


This International Standard covers chains used in most countries around the world. The unification of dimensions, strength indicators and other parameters that had different values ​​in existing national standards is provided. The standard does not include the standard sizes of chains existing in individual national standards, which fall outside the accepted series and, as has been established, do not have universal application, i.e. special purpose. 1 '

This standard applies to the same chain transmissions that were previously created on the basis of existing chain series. The range of chain pitches available in the standard from 12.7 to 76.2 mm is duplicated due to the inclusion of chains from standards created on the basis of ANSI standards, designated by the letter A in place of the third character in the designation of the chain number and, at the same time, chains from the main standards developed in Europe, designated by the letter B in place of the third character in the designation of the chain number. These two series of circuits complement each other and therefore expand the scope of the standard.

The dimensions of the chains are set to ensure complete interchangeability for any size and to ensure the interchangeability of individual chain links during repairs.

"The section concerning asterisks is excluded, as it should be contained in GOST 591.

A.1 Purpose and scope

This International Standard applies to single-row and multi-row, short-pitch precision roller drive chains intended for use in mechanical power transmissions and similar applications.

The standard establishes dimensions, maximum deviations, measuring and minimum breaking loads.

Chains manufactured to the dimensions and requirements of ISO 606 given in this annex must also comply with the requirements of sections 4-1! of this standard (except for the marking requirements).

A.2.1 Nomenclature of assembled circuits and their elements

Figures A.I and A.2 show the types of valuables assembled and the types of parts from which they are composed.

The drawings do not define the design of the circuits and their parts.

A.2.2 Symbols

Precision drive roller chains are identified by the standard ISO “chain number” given in Tables A.1 and A.2.

To the designation of the chain number on the right, numbers are added separated by a hyphen:

1 - to indicate a single-row chain;

2 - to indicate a double-row chain;

3 - to indicate a three-row chain.

For example:

16V-1, 16V-2, I6B-3, etc.

Chains 081, 083, 084, 085 do not require such additions, because They are made only in single rows.

A.2.3 Dimensions

The dimensions of the chains must correspond to those indicated in Figure A.3 and in Tables A.1 and A.2. The largest and smallest dimensions are established to facilitate the interchangeability of chain links manufactured by different enterprises and are not actual deviations that must be ensured during manufacture.

A.2.4 Tensile test

A.2.4.1 The load when testing specimens for stretching before their failure must be no less than that specified in A.2.4.2 of this appendix. This smallest load is not a workload.

It is intended primarily for comparing circuits of different designs. For questions regarding the use of chains, consult the chain manufacturer or use their published instructions.

A.2.4.2 A tensile load not less than the minimum tensile load specified in Table A.1 shall be applied slowly to the ends of a chain sample containing at least five free links not in the grips of the testing machine. The machine grips should not prevent the free rotation of the links in both directions in a plane perpendicular to the hinge axes.

Figure A.1 - Types of roller chain assemblies

a - internal link b - external link, single row

c - external double-row system with spring lock

e - other types of collapsible connecting links I >: "micron can be of different types with the structure and and only their location is shown I

s - transitional one but single row w - transitional link double

/ - internal plastid; 2 - roller; 3 - “boom; outer plate: 5-ialik; 6 - intermediate plate: 7 - connecting shaft; S - removable plate: P - spring lock; /0 - lock of any design (shown in the diagram); //- plate with a riveted joint bead. 13 - connecting removable roller: 14 -

riveted roller


1 The dimensions of links of all types are given in table AL.

2 Cotter pins can be of different designs. The pictures show examples

Figure A.2 - Types of links

g - sinu-row chain d - double-row chain e - three-row chain


1 Dimension c is the gap between curved and straight plates required for free mutual rotation.

2 Dimension hi determines the minimum width required for free longitudinal movement

3 The total length of the chain with a connecting or transition link lock must be equal to the width of the chain at the ends of the rollers b l or plus size b- in cases where the ends of the rollers are riveted (or, plus 1.6 bj for rollers with flared ends), if the locks are installed only with one side of the chain or plus 2 by if locks are installed at both ends.

4 The width of the chain along the rollers for chains with more rows than sin is equal to

S + (number of rows - \) r.

Figure A.Z - Links

Table A.1 - Dimensions. Measuring and breaking load of the base units

Roller diameter dno more

111 Irina between

AI mi it.idciM* them

Diameter fell and ka, no more

Diameter about 1vs regia bushing dj.ite less

Overall size lly passage penalty A|. no less

Width of the inner plate hy, no more

Width of outer and intermediate surface ■ tin h v no more

PaiMep curved

/, no less

NOTE - For use in motorcycles, there are also single-row design options of 5.21 mm (0.205 inch) and 6.48 mm (0.255 inch), respectively.

The results of the tests during which the destruction of the parts in the grips of the machine occurred are not taken into account.

A.2.4.3 Since during tensile testing the stress in the chain samples exceeds the yield strength, even if there are no noticeable damages, their use in operation is prohibited.

All chains should be subject to a process load equal to one third of the minimum breaking load specified in Table AL.

A.2.6 Chain length deviations

Measurements are carried out on an unlubricated finished product after applying a technological load.

A standard measured length of chain must have internal links at the ends and a length of at least:

610 mm - for chains from 05V to 12Vi from 081 to 0S5 inclusive;

1220 mm - for circuits from 16A to 72V inclusive.

oanorya lnan b A% no more

liuhrya * bottom b 5, no more

cross-stranded b„, no more

Target width at the ends of the palicoi

When measured, the chain should be clamped by the inner links at both ends

The chain must be tensioned along its entire length with the measuring load specified in Table AL and lie flat.

Deviations in the length of a chain segment from its nominal length should be no more than 0.15%.

The length accuracy of chains operating in parallel should be within the above limits, but chains should be selected in pairs in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

A.2.7 Marking

The chain must be marked with:

a) manufacturer’s symbol or factory mark;

b) circuit designation indicated in tables A.1 or A.2.

AZ Links with shelves

A.3.1 General

Unless otherwise specified, the parameters, dimensions and test procedures for chains having links with flanges must comply with the requirements established in A.2 of this standard.

A.3.2 Designation

This standard specifies two types of links with bundles having the same basic dimensions, given in Table A.2.

changes under severe operating conditions.

In addition to those indicated in this column, the manufacturer must inform the consumer of the chains with numbers 08B and SE, V of which the width between the internal plates is equal to

Distance between outer plates by not less than

A.3.4 Manufacturing requirements

The shape of the flange link plates is at the manufacturer's discretion, but usually it is a single piece: an extended chain plate, part of which is bent to form a flange, as shown in Figure A.4.

The length of the shelf is also set by the manufacturer, but it must be sufficient to accommodate two holes for a K2 type link along the carrier and not interfere with mating with an adjacent link. Usually the flange length is taken to be the same for both types of links.

A.3.S Marking

The markings must be the same as on the chain plates, in place of which links with integral flanges are installed (see A.2.7).

a - from the outside winter

6- on the 11th link

Note - Link shelves of type K2 have two mounting holes, and type K! with the same dimensions, one hole located in the middle of the shelf, as shown by the dotted line (see A.3.2)

Figure A.4 - Links with sticks of type K

T a 6 l i a A.2 - Dimensions of links with shelves (see Figure L.4)

Dimensions in millimeters

Penalty number

B and honeycomb shelves

Hole diameter, less

The distance between them along the width of the chain

Chain number according to ISO 6(16

Chain size according to GOST 13568

ISP number according to ISO 606


In the designations of two- and three-row ueicii according to ISO 606, the hyphens are followed by 2 and 3, respectively. Connecting and transition links for chains according to ISO 606 are designated by symbols with a hyphen placed before the penalty designations:

C - connecting link;

P - transition link:

P2 - double transition link.

Example: double adapter link for double-row chain 08 B-2:

APPENDIX B (mandatory)

Parameters and modes of accelerated bench tests of circuits for reliability

B.1 The following groups of circuit tests are established:

A - for applications operating primarily in the transmissions of motorcycles, scooters, in an oil bath or with periodic lubrication;

B - for chains operating primarily in open low-speed gears with periodic lubrication (transmissions of agricultural and similar machines);

B - for nena. working in drives of machines for general industrial purposes under conditions of periodic lubrication;

G - for chains operating primarily in high-speed gears in an oil bath.

B.2 The conditions for bench tests of circuits for reliability must correspond to those specified in tables B.1, B.2.

V.Z Design load for multi-row chains of 2PR types. ZG1R and 4G1R. tested according to the regimes of tables B.1 and B.2, are determined by multiplying design load for the corresponding single rows, use a coefficient equal to:

1.5 - for a double-row chain;

2.5 - for a three-row chain;

3.0 - for a four-row chain.

B.4 The duration of the test according to tables B.1, B.2 is indicated taking into account the running-in period.

For multi-row chains of 2PR types. ZPR and 4PR norms of mean time to failure and established failure-free operating time are determined by multiplying the average time to failure and established failure-free operating time for the corresponding single-row chains by a coefficient. equal to 0.8, respectively; 0.6; 0.5.

B.5 In Spokes B.1, B.2, the maximum increase in the length of a chain segment from its initial value with the number of links in Table S is given without taking into account wear during the running-in period.

Table B.1 - Test group A

Chain size

Parameters of an important body

Test modes and results

Maximum increase in LENGTH and length of the segment, mm

Caliche-sgvo links in the circuit

Number >kill


Passed it on! With

natru >ka. Dan

Middle marabo1ka until refusal for. no less

Having installed and pai be sot ka I on

pnara6o!k a. no less


Table B.2 - Test group B

Size or

IlapaMctpu 6a of the youth circuit

Test modes and results

Colmchs* With 1*o gaps in the circuit

Number S)6bCn IBC lobes



Average time to failure. no less

Installed uninterrupted operating time, not menss

Maximum increase in the length of the measured chain segment, mm


Rslakgor R.G.Goshsrbopskaya Technical relak legal O.N.Vlasoaa Proofreader V.E.Nestert Computer research L.N. Zayutaresa

Them. persons Ni 02354 dated 07/14/2000. Signed for publication on April 28, 2003. Conditional psyal. 3.26. Academician ml. 2.80.

Tirah 190 em. From 10485. Zak. 390.

IPK and the Agency of Standards. 107076 Moscow. Kololshyk lane.. 14. с* mail: info#

Typed in the I "l atelier on a PC Branch of the IPK Standards Publishing House - type. ‘Moscow printer** 105062 Moscow. Lyalin lane, 6.

Added to the site:

Approval date:

GOST 13568-97 (ISO 606-94)


General technical conditions



1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering of the State Standard of Russia and the Research Institute of Coal Engineering

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 11-97 of April 25, 1997)

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia


Republic of Belarus

State Standard of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



Main State Inspectorate of Turkmenistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan


State Standard of Ukraine

3 This standard represents the complete authentic text of ISO 606-94 “Short pitch precision roller drive chains” and contains additional requirements reflecting the needs of the country's economy

4 By Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology dated November 17, 1999 No. 407-st, the interstate standard GOST 13568-97 (ISO 606-94) was put into effect directly as a state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2000.

5 INSTEAD GOST 13568-75

GOST 13568-97 (ISO 606-94)



Are commontechnicalconditions

Driving roller and bush chains. General specifications

Date of introduction 2000-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to drive roller and bushing single- and multi-row chains intended for power mechanical transmissions of various machines and mechanisms, except for drilling rigs.

The requirements of the standard are mandatory.

2 Normative references

GOST 8.051-81 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Errors allowed when measuring linear dimensions up to 500 mm

GOST 9.014-78 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging of product materials. Temporary anti-corrosion protection of products. General requirements

GOST 591-69 Sprockets for drive roller and bushing chains. Methods for calculating and constructing a tooth and tool profile. Tolerances

GOST 592-81 Sprockets for leaf chains. Methods for calculating and constructing a tooth profile. Limit deviations

GOST 15150-69 Machines, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions regarding the impact of environmental climatic factors

3 Types, main parameters and dimensions

3.1 This standard establishes the parameters, dimensions and requirements for drive chains of the following types:

PR - single-row roller;

2PR - double-row roller;

3PR - three-row roller;

4PR - four-row roller;

PV - single-row bushings;

2PV - double-row bushings;

PRI - roller with curved plates.

3.2 Types, main parameters and dimensions of chains, their connecting and transition links must correspond to those indicated in Figures 1-7 and in Tables 1, 2, as well as in Figures A.1-A.4, in Tables A.1, A.2 Appendix A and Table B.1 of Appendix B.

1 - internal link; 2 - outer link; 3 - connecting link; 4 - transition link; 5 - double transition link Figure 1 - PR type circuit

1 - internal link; 2- outer link; 3 - connecting link; 4 - transition link; 5 - double transition link; 6 - intermediate plate Figure 2 - Chain type 2PR

Figure 3 - 3PR type circuit

1 - internal link; 2 - outer link; 3 - connecting link; 4 - transition link; 5 - double transition link; 6 - intermediate plate Figure 4 - Chain type 4PR

1 - internal link; 2 - outer link; 3 - connecting link Figure 5 - PV type circuit

1 - internal link; 2- outer link; 3 - connecting link; 4 - intermediate plate Figure 6 - Circuit type 2PV

Figure 7 - PRI type circuit

Note- Figures 1-7 do not establish the design of chains, connecting and transition links and their parts.

Table 1

Dimensions in millimeters

Chain size

b1, no less

h, no more

b7, no more

b, no more

Weight of 1 m of chain (calculated), kg

Single-row roller drive chains type PR




Single-row bush drive chains, type PV

Roller drive chains with curved plates type PRI


table 2

Dimensions in millimeters

Chain size

b1, no less

h, no more

b7, no more

b, no more

Weight of 1 m of chain, (calculated), kg

Double-row bushing drive chains, type 2PV

Double-row roller drive chains type 2PR



Three-row roller drive chains type 3PR





Four-row roller drive chains type 4PR

Examples of symbols for circuits and components:

Single-row roller drive chain with a pitch of 12.7 mm with a distance between the internal plates b1 = 7.75 mm and a breaking load of 18.2 kN:

Chain PR-12.7-18.2 GOST 13568-97

The same, with a distance between the internal plates b1 = 5.40 mm:

Chain PR-12.7-18.2-1 TOST 13568-97

Accessories for this chain:

Connecting link - Link S-PR-12.7-18.2 GOST 13568.

Double transition link - Link P2-PR-12.7-18.2 GOST 13568.

Transition link - Link P-PR-12.7-18.2 GOST 13568.

Three-row roller drive chain with a pitch of 25.4 mm and a breaking load of 171 kN:

Chain 3PR-25.4-171 GOST 13568-97

Double-row bushing drive chain with a pitch of 9.525 mm and a breaking load of 20 kN:

Chain 2PV-9,525-20 GOST 13568-97

Drive roller chain with curved plates with a pitch of 103.2 mm and a breaking load of 650 kN;

Chain PRI-103.2-650 GOST 13568-97

The designation of chains manufactured according to ISO 606 is A.2.2 of Appendix A.

The designations of matching standard sizes of single-row chains of this standard and ISO 606 are given in Appendix B.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Chains should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2 Plates and spring locks should be made from cold-rolled steel of normal or increased accuracy in thickness, rolled bushings - from cut cold-rolled steel of increased or normal accuracy in thickness and width or flattened strip, rollers - from cold-rolled steel, flattened strip or calibrated steel, rollers - from calibrated steel or cold-drawn wire.

For PRI type chain plates, the use of hot-rolled steel is allowed.

4.3 Chain parts must be thermally or chemically-thermally treated to a hardness corresponding to that indicated in Table 3.

Table 3

The dispersion field of the hardness indicator should not exceed 8 units. The ratio of the depth of the diffusion layer (eutectoid and half of the transition layer) to the thickness of the roller, sleeve or roller diameter during chemical-thermal treatment must correspond to that indicated in Table 4.

Table 4

Drive chain type

Relative depth of the diffusion layer, %

The depth of the decarburized layer on the plates after heat treatment should not exceed 0.3 mm.

This layer must be removed to evaluate hardness.

4.4 Chain parts must not have scale, cracks, burrs, shells and corrosion lesions that reduce the performance of the chain and impair its presentation.

4.5 Chain plates must have a protective and decorative coating. The presence of coating in the holes of the plates is allowed. The type of coating must be installed in agreement with the consumer or according to drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

4.6 The assembled chain must have easy (without jamming) mobility in the hinge joints.

4.7 The total gap between the outer and inner plates of assembled single-row chains should be no more than that indicated in Table 5.

Table 5

Note- When using cold-rolled steel of normal thickness accuracy or hot-rolled steel for the manufacture of plates, an increase in the total gap by 50% is allowed.

The total gap of multi-row chains should be no more than 0.8 times the product of the total gap for a single-row chain and the number of rows.

4.8 Chains of types PR, PV with pitches of 8-15.875 mm must be subjected to tension with a load equal to 15-33% of the breaking load given in tables 1 and 2.

4.9 Torque moments for turning the shaft and bushing in one plate should not be lower than the values ​​​​specified in Table 6.

Table 6

Torque, daNm

Torque, daNm

*For chains of standard sizes PR-12.7-1000-1 and PR-12.7-900-2.

It is allowed to fit intermediate plates on the rollers of multi-row chains with a gap.

4.10 The maximum deviation of the length of a chain segment from the nominal value must only be positive and must not exceed that indicated in Table 7. The number of links in the measured chain segment must correspond to that indicated in Table 8.

Table 7

Table 8

Drive chain type

Number of links in the measured segment

2PR, 3PR, 4PR, 2PV

4.11 The maximum deviation of the pitch from the nominal value should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in Table 9.

Table 9

Drive chain type

Maximum step deviation from the nominal value, %

2PV, 3PR, 2PR, PR, PV

PR, 2PR, 3PR, 4PR

4.12 Reliability indicators - mean time to failure and established failure-free operating time for the accelerated test mode are given in Appendix B. Appendix B also defines the modes and conditions of accelerated tests.

4.13 The limit state criterion for assessing the reliability indicators of all circuits is the increase in the length of the measured segment specified in Appendix B. Destruction of circuit parts is not allowed.

4.14 Chains should not have a propeller or crescent shape that would prevent the chains from being closed into a circuit by hand force.

4.15 Nominal values ​​of climatic factors on the chain are according to this standard and according to GOST 15150 for types of climatic modification U1 or UHL1.1, but the operation of chains under the conditions of modification UHL1.1 is allowed if:

The lower value of the ambient air temperature is not lower than minus 45 °C.

The chains are protected from corrosion by periodic lubrication during operation and their preservation when not in use. The frequency and types of lubrication should be established in the technical specifications for specific types of products.

4.16 At least 5% of the outer plates on the outer side of the chain and all connecting links must also be marked on the outer side with a marking containing a trademark or symbol of the manufacturer and the pitch value in millimeters.

For chains with a pitch of 8...15.875 mm, pitch marking is not required.

The method, dimensions and location of marking are established in the working drawings.

4.17 Circuits must be preserved. Preservation of chains is carried out with working and preservation compounds in accordance with GOST 9.014. Preservation must provide protection from atmospheric corrosion for at least one year from the date of conservation.

The type of packaging is determined by the manufacturer.

5 Safety requirements

5.1 Safety requirements are the requirements for ensuring dimensions (3.2), quality of thermal or chemical-thermal treatment (4.3), appearance (4.4), easy mobility (4.6), ensuring clearance values ​​(4.7), torque for turning the roller and bushing in the plate (4.9), permissible deviation of the length of the segment from the nominal value (4.10), ensuring reliability indicators (4.12 and Appendix B).

6 Completeness

6.1 The length of the chain and the number of connecting and transition links are established according to the customer’s order.

6.2 Circuits may consist of:

Sections of a certain length (order in meters) without connecting links;

Sections with a certain number of links (order by number of links) with connecting or connecting and transition links;

Sections with a certain number of links (order by number of links) with double transition and two connecting links;

Closed segments with a permanent connection (endless).

6.3 The order must indicate the designation of the chain, connecting and transition links in accordance with 3.2.

7 Acceptance rules

7.1 Chains are subjected to the following types of tests:

acceptance (chains of all types), periodic bench (chains of single and multi-row types PR and PV) and standard certification.

7.2 Acceptance tests

7.2.1 Each batch of chains is subjected to acceptance tests for compliance with the requirements of 3.2, 4.3-4.7, 4.9-4.11 and 6.2. The volume of a batch of chains of one standard size, types PR, 2PR, 3PR and 4PR with a pitch of 25.4 mm and more should not exceed 500 m. The volume of a batch of chains of other types and sizes is established by the manufacturer, but it should not exceed 1000 m.

7.2.2 Connecting and transition links must be submitted for testing for compliance with the requirements of 3.2, 4.3-4.5 and 4.9 in batches consisting of no more than 2000 pieces. connecting and 1000 pcs. transition links of the same standard size.

7.2.3 The batch must include chains of the same standard size (same designation), made from the same materials (grades) using the same technological process, on the same equipment.

7.2.4 All produced chains are subject to external inspection (4.4; 4.5).

7.2.5 To carry out acceptance tests, the following are selected from the batch using the random sampling method:

To check the dimensions (according to 3.2; 4.7; 4.10; 4.11) - five segments with the number of links according to table 8;

To check the performance of thermal and chemical-thermal treatments (according to 4.3) - three separate links taken from different places in the batch;

To check the completeness (according to 6.1, 6.2) - ten segments;

To check the mobility of hinge joints (according to 4.6) - three commercial sections of chain;

To check the mass (according to 3.2) - three segments from different places in the batch;

For testing for breaking load (according to 4.3) - two segments from different places in the batch, each with a length that ensures the placement of at least five links between the grips of the tensile testing machine;

For tests on torque when turning the roller and bushing in the plate (according to 4.9) - three samples;

For propeller and crescent tests (according to 4.14) - three segments.

7.2.6 For testing for breaking load (according to 3.1), links are selected from a batch of connecting and transition links to complete two combined samples according to one of the following options for a set of links:

Three connecting and four internal links;

Two connecting, two transition and three internal links;

Three connecting, two double transition and two internal links;

Seven transition links.

It is allowed to increase the length of the tested samples.

7.2.7 If a discrepancy is detected in at least one parameter of a chain, connecting or transition link with the requirements of this standard for this parameter, repeat testing of a double number of samples is carried out. The results of repeated tests are final and apply to the entire batch of products.

7.3 The consumer has the right to control the quality of chains in the scope of 7.2.1-7.2.6 using the methods specified in Section 8 of this standard.

7.4 Periodic testing

7.4.1 Periodic tests are carried out in the scope of accelerated bench tests for reliability in accordance with 4.12, 4.13 and Appendix B.

7.4.2 Periodic tests are carried out at least once a year.

7.4.3 Reliability indicators are established in technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner and monitored during operation. The sample size is at least five circuits.

7.4.4 If a circuit or its individual parts are destroyed during testing, or if it is determined that the tested circuits do not provide the specified values ​​of reliability indicators, repeat tests are carried out on a double number of circuits.

The results of repeated tests are final.

7.5 Type tests

7.5.1 Type tests are carried out when changing the design, material, technology, if these changes may affect changes in the performance of the circuits.

7.5.2 Type tests are carried out in the scope of acceptance and periodic tests.

7.6 Certification tests

7.6.1 The main type of certification tests are tests according to safety requirements (5.1).

7.6.2 Test samples are taken from several batches of chains of the same name and from the same grades of steel. In justified cases, sampling from one batch is allowed.

7.6.3 The selected number of samples for testing according to safety requirements is equal to twice the number of samples (except for completeness and weight checks, which are not carried out) specified in 7.2.5.

7.6.4 The requirements necessary for certification tests and not included in this standard are established by the certification body on the basis of industry and factory technical documentation.

8 Test methods

8.1 The hardness of parts is checked using Rockwell, Super-Rockwell or Vickers instruments, followed by conversion to the C scale of the Rockwell instrument.

The use of non-destructive testing methods is allowed.

8.2 External inspection according to 4.4; 4.5 is carried out with the naked eye.

8.3 The mobility of the hinge joints according to 4.6 is checked by pulling sections of chain along a sprocket with a number of teeth from 9 to 21 or by turning the connecting links and rollers of the chain by hand, lying on a horizontal plane.

8.4 Control of the total gap between the plates according to 4.7 is carried out with a universal measuring tool or a special gauge on hinges at sections of ungreased chain lying on a horizontal surface.

8.5 At least two hinges from each sample are tested for the strength of the connection of the rollers and bushings with the plates according to 5.9.

The rotation moment of parts in a connection is determined using universal devices or special machines.

8.6 Measurement of the length of the control section according to 4.10 and the chain pitch according to 4.11 is carried out after applying a technological load on a washed and dried section lying on a horizontal surface, at a load equal to 1% destructive. The number of measurements on each segment is at least four.

The length of the segment is measured with a caliper or a special measuring tool.

8.7 When testing for destructive load (rupture), the load must be applied to the ends of the segment through a roller inserted into the sleeve or through a roller smoothly and evenly. The test is carried out on universal tensile testing machines. The design of the machine's grippers should exclude the possibility of skewing the ends of the sample.

Other requirements for tensile testing are in accordance with A.2.4.2; A.2.4.3 of Appendix A.

8.8 If parts located in the grips of the machine are destroyed by a load below the destructive load, the test results are considered invalid.

8.9 Conditions for conducting accelerated bench tests for reliability according to B.4.12, B.4.13 of Appendix B.

8.10 The propeller and crescent shape of the chains according to 4.14 are checked by closing the ends of the chain sections with a connecting link.

9 Transportation and storage

9.1 Transportation of chains is carried out by all types of transport in covered vehicles in compliance with the rules for the transportation of goods in force for each type of transport.

9.2 Each batch of chains of the same standard size must be accompanied by a document (label) containing:

Trademark or symbol of the manufacturer;

Symbol of circuits according to this standard;

Number of chains in a batch;

Quality Control Department stamp;

Mark of conformity, if there is a certificate;

Date of release of chains;

Batch number.

9.3 Conditions for storing chains before commissioning - 3 according to GOST 15150. Storage of chemicals in these rooms is not allowed.

Shelf life - one year.

10 Operating instructions

10.1 Chains must be used in transmissions installed in compliance with the requirements of this standard.

10.2 Chain drive shafts must be checked for parallelism of the axes. The parallelism tolerance of the shaft axes should not be more than 0.2 mm for every 100 mm of shaft length.

10.3 Chain sprockets for radial and axial runout must meet the requirements of the relevant standards - GOST 591, GOST 592.

10.4 The crowns of sprockets operating in the same circuit must be checked for location in the same plane. The displacement of the sprocket crowns (deviation from flatness) for gears with a center-to-center distance of up to 1000 mm should not be more than 2 mm, the tolerance increases by 0.2 mm for every 100 mm of a center-to-center distance over 1,000 mm.

10.5 The chain installed on the sprockets must be adjusted for tension.

The tension is considered normal if, with a sprocket center distance of 1000 mm, the sag of the driven chain branch is (40±10) mm when a force is applied (160±10) N [(16±1) kgf].

With an increase or decrease in the center-to-center distance for every 100 mm, the sag boom is correspondingly increased or decreased by (4 ± 1) mm.

For inclined gears (more than 45°), the lower limit of the specified values ​​must be accepted.

The sag is measured with a two-star chain drive in the middle of the driven branch, with a multi-star drive - in the middle of the chain between the drive and tension sprockets.

10.6 The operating modes of the chains must be specified in the operating instructions (passport) for the machine in which the chains are used, and the maintenance requirements.

10.7 PR type chains with roller rollers and PRI type should be operated at a speed of no higher than 5 m/s.

10.8 It is allowed to operate chains in conditions where the values ​​of climatic factors go beyond the established nominal values ​​for climatic versions U1 or UHL1.1, while the values ​​of climatic factors, as well as, if necessary, additional requirements for chains, their storage and maintenance are established in the standard document as agreed between the consumer and the circuit manufacturer.

11 Manufacturer's warranty

11.1 The manufacturer must ensure that the chains comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the rules of operation, storage and transportation.

11.2 Warranty period - 12 months from the date of commissioning of the circuit.



Precision roller drive chains with short pitch (ISO 606-94)


This International Standard covers chains used in most countries around the world. The unification of dimensions, strength indicators and other parameters that had different values ​​in existing national standards is provided. The standard does not include the standard sizes of chains existing in individual national standards, which fall outside the accepted series and, as has been established, do not have universal application, i.e. special purpose.1)

1) The section regarding asterisks is excluded, as it should be contained in GOST 591.

This standard applies to the same chain transmissions that were previously created on the basis of existing chain series. The range of chain pitches available in the standard from 12.7 to 76.2 mm is duplicated due to the inclusion of chains from standards created on the basis of ANSI standards, designated by the letter A in place of the third character in the designation of the chain number and, at the same time, chains from the main standards, developed in Europe, designated by the letter B in place of the third character in the designation of the chain number. These two series of circuits complement each other and therefore expand the scope of the standard.

The dimensions of the chains are set to ensure complete interchangeability for any size and to ensure the interchangeability of individual chain links during repairs.

A.1 Purpose and scope

This International Standard applies to single and multi-row short pitch precision roller drive chains intended for use in mechanical power transmissions and similar applications.

The standard establishes dimensions, maximum deviations, measuring and minimum breaking loads.

Chains manufactured to the dimensions and requirements of ISO 606 given in this annex shall also comply with the requirements of sections 4 to 11 of this standard (except for the marking requirements).

A.2 Chains

A.2.1 Nomenclature of assembled circuits and their elements

Figures A.1 and A.2 show the types of chain assemblies and the types of parts that comprise them. The drawings do not define the design of the circuits and their parts.

A.2.2 Symbols

Precision drive roller chains are identified by the standard ISO “chain number” given in Tables A.1 and A.2.

To the designation of the chain number on the right, numbers are added separated by a hyphen:

1 - to indicate a single-row chain;

2 - to indicate a double-row chain;

3 - to indicate a three-row chain. For example:

16V-1, 16V-2, 16V-3, etc.

Chains 081, 083, 084, 085 do not require such additions, because They are made only in single rows.

A.2.3 Dimensions

The dimensions of the chains must correspond to those indicated in Figure A.3 and in Tables A.1 and A.2. The largest and smallest dimensions are established to facilitate the interchangeability of chain links manufactured by different enterprises and are not actual deviations that must be ensured during manufacture.

A.2.4 Tensile test

A.2.4.1 The load during tensile testing of samples before their failure must be no less than specified in A.2.4.2 of this appendix. This smallest load is not a workload.

It is intended primarily for comparing circuits of different designs. For questions regarding the use of chains, consult the chain manufacturer or use their published instructions.

A.2.4.2 A tensile load not less than the minimum tensile load specified in Table A.1 shall be applied slowly to the ends of a chain sample containing at least five free links not in the grips of the testing machine. The machine grips should not prevent the free rotation of these links in both directions in a plane perpendicular to the hinge axes.

Figure A.1 - Types of roller chain assemblies

1 - inner plate; 2 - roller; 3 - bushing; 4 - outer plate; 5 - roller; 6 - intermediate plate; 7 - connecting roller; 8 - removable plate; 9 - spring lock; 10 - lock of any other design (shown schematically); 11 - plate with riveted connecting roller; 13 - connecting removable roller; 14 - riveted roller


1 The dimensions of links of all types are given in Table A.1.

2 Cotter pins can be of different designs. The pictures show examples

Figure A.2 - Types of links


1 Dimension c is the clearance between curved and straight plates required for free mutual rotation.

2 Dimension h1 determines the minimum width required for free longitudinal movement of the chain.

3 The total length of the chain with the lock of the connecting or transition link must be equal to the width of the chain at the ends of the rollers b4 or b5 plus size b7 in cases where the ends of the rollers are riveted (or, plus 1.6 b7 for rollers with flared ends) if the locks are installed only on one side of the chain or plus 2 b7 if locks are installed at both ends.

4 The width of the chain along the rollers for chains with more than three rows is equal to b4 + (number of rows - 1)pt

Figure A.3 - Links

Table A.1 - Dimensions. Measuring and destructive load of base circuits

Dimensions in millimeters

Chain number

Chain pitch p1nom

Roller diameter d1, no more

Width between internal plates b1, not less

Roller diameter d2, no more

Sleeve hole diameter d3, not less

Overall size for chain passage h1, not less

Width of the inner plate h2, no more

Width of outer and intermediate plates h3, no more

Bent link size 1)

l1, no less

l2, no less

2) The manufacturer must inform the consumer of the actual dimensions, depending on the type of lock used, but not exceeding the values ​​​​specified in this column.

Note- For motorcycle applications, there are also single-row chain design options numbered 08B and 10B, which have a width between the inner plates of 5.21 mm (0.205 in) and 6.48 mm (0.255 in), respectively

Continuation of Table A.1

Chain number

Distance between rows ptnom

Width of internal link b2, no more

Distance between outer plates b3, not less

Chain width at the ends of the rollers

Lock width2) b7, no more

single row b4, no more

double row b5, no more

three-row b6, no more


double row



double row


The results of tests during which the destruction of links in the grips of the machine occurred are not taken into account.

A.2.4.3 Since during a tensile test the stresses in the chain samples exceed the yield strength, even if there are no noticeable damages, their use in operation is prohibited.

All chains should be subject to a process load equal to one third of the minimum breaking load specified in Table A.1.

A.2.6 Chain length deviations

Measurements are carried out on an unlubricated finished chain after applying a process load.

A standard measured length of chain must have internal links at the ends and a length of at least:

610 mm - for circuits from 05V to 12V and from 081 to 085 inclusive;

1220 mm - for circuits from 16A to 72V inclusive.

When measuring, the chain must be clamped by the inner links at both ends.

The chain must be tensioned along its entire length with the measuring load specified in Table A.1 and lie flat.

Deviations in the length of a chain segment from its nominal length should be no more than 0.15%. The length accuracy of chains operating in parallel should be within the above limits, but chains should be selected in pairs in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

A.2.7 Marking

The chain must be marked with:

a) manufacturer’s symbol or factory mark;

b) circuit designation indicated in tables A.1 or A.2.

A.3 Links with knives

A.3.1 General provisions

Unless otherwise specified, the parameters, dimensions and test procedures for chains having links with flanges must comply with the requirements established in A.2 of this standard.

A.3.2 Designation

This standard specifies two types of flange links having the same basic dimensions, given in Table A.2.

The links have the following designations:

K1 - with one mounting hole located in the middle of each shelf;

K2 - with two mounting holes located parallel to the longitudinal axis of the chain, as shown in Figure A.4.

A.3.3 Dimensions

The dimensions of the links with shelves must correspond to those indicated in Table A.2.

A.3.4 Manufacturing requirements

The shape of the flange link plates is at the manufacturer's discretion, but usually it is a single piece: an extended chain plate, part of which is bent to form a flange, as shown in Figure A.4.

The length of the shelf is also set by the manufacturer, but it must be sufficient to accommodate two holes along it for a K2 type link and not interfere with mating with an adjacent link. Usually the flange length is taken to be the same for both types of links.

A.3.5 Marking

The markings must be the same as on the chain plates, in place of which links with integral flanges are inserted (see A.2.7).

Note- Link shelves of type K2 have two mounting holes, and type K1 with the same dimensions have one hole located in the middle of the shelf, as shown by the dotted line (see A.3.2)

Figure A.4 - Links with K-type shelves

Table A.2 - Dimensions of links with shelves (see Figure A.4)

Dimensions in millimeters

Chain number

Shelf height

Hole diameter, not less

Distance between holes across chain width



Designations of matching standard sizes of single-row chains according to GOST 13568 and ISO 606

Table B.1

Chain size according to GOST 13568

Chain number according to ISO 606

Chain size according to GOST 13568

Chain number according to ISO 606


In the designations of two- and three-row chains according to ISO 606, the numbers 2 and 3 are placed after the hyphen, respectively. Connecting and transition links for chains according to ISO 606 are designated by symbols with a hyphen placed before the chain designations:

C - connecting link;

P - transition link;

P2 - double transition link.

Example: double adapter link for double-row chain 08 B-2:



Parameters and modes of accelerated bench tests of circuits for reliability

B.1 The following groups of circuit tests are established:

A - for chains operating primarily in the transmissions of motorcycles, scooters, in an oil bath or with periodic lubrication;

B - for chains operating primarily in open low-speed gears with periodic lubrication (transmissions of agricultural and similar machines);

B - for chains operating in drives of machines for general industrial use under conditions of periodic lubrication;

G - for chains operating primarily in high-speed gears in an oil bath.

B.2 The conditions for bench tests of circuits for reliability must correspond to those specified in tables B.1, B.2.

B.3 The design load for multi-row chains of types 2PR, 3PR and 4PR, tested according to the modes of tables B.1 and B.2, is determined by multiplying the design load for the corresponding single-row chains by a coefficient equal to:

1.8 - for a double-row chain;

2.5 - for a three-row chain;

3.0 - for a four-row chain.

B.4 The duration of the test according to tables B.1, B.2 is indicated taking into account the running-in period.

For multi-row chains of types 2PR, 3PR and 4PR, the norms of average time to failure and established failure-free operating time are determined by multiplying the average time to failure and established failure-free operating time for the corresponding single-row chains by a coefficient equal to 0.8, respectively; 0.6; 0.5.

B.5 In tables B.1, B.2, the maximum increase in the length of a chain section from its initial value with the number of links according to table 8 is given without taking into account wear during the running-in period.

Table B.1 - Test group A

Chain size

Basic body parameters

Test modes and results

Maximum increase in the length of the measured segment, mm

Number of links in the circuit

Number of sprocket teeth

Run-in period

Average operating time

to failure, no less



Table B.2 - Test group B

Chain size

Base Path Options

Test modes and results

Number of links in the circuit

Number of sprocket teeth

Drive sprocket rotation speed, min-1

Run-in period

Average time to failure, no less

Established trouble-free operating time, not less

Maximum increase in the length of the measured chain segment, mm


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