What do hockey players drink on game day? Why do athletes sniff ammonia at competitions? What makes a high-class athlete out of a person.

Hockey players, like other athletes, use sports nutritional supplements. This applies to both professionals and amateurs. Sports loads deplete the body, so the athlete needs special nutrition, which is not available to many city dwellers.

Despite the abundance of products in stores, it is not easy to find really useful ones among them. The food that most people eat is useless for an athlete because it does not contain enough proteins, healthy carbohydrates, vitamins.

Only sports nutrition can provide the body of a hockey player with everything necessary. Properly selected dietary supplements will help balance the intake and expenditure of energy, prepare for training and matches, and speed up the recovery processes of the body.

Amateur hockey players also need nutritional supplements. After all, they, as a rule, train in the evenings, after a working day, and need an additional source of energy.

Ice hockey is a team sports game on ice, which consists in a confrontation between two teams that, passing the puck with sticks, seek to throw it as many times as possible into the opponent's goal and not let it into their own.

  • 15-20% of your daily calorie intake should come from protein. 1 gram of protein equals 4 calories. For professional hockey players consuming 3500 calories daily, 131-175 grams of protein per day or 1.5-2 g/kg of body weight is recommended. Excess protein (3 g/kg body weight) is converted to fat, or will be burned as fuel if carbohydrate levels are insufficient. Athletes who consume too much protein may experience urinary calcium loss, dehydration, and liver disease.
  • 60-70% of your calories should come from carbohydrates. Basically, they should all be complex: starch in vegetables, grains, bread, pasta, cereals, rice, legumes (peas and beans).
    To maintain a high content of muscle glycogen, it is recommended to consume 500-600 g of carbohydrates daily. Your own needs can be calculated using the following formula: 8-10 g of carbohydrates X body weight (kg) = grams of carbohydrates per day. So, a hockey player weighing 90 kg should consume 700-900 grams of carbohydrates per day.

In general, carbohydrates are high-octane sports fuel. And the loss of glycogen leads to fatigue. Have you noticed that some players are literally knocked out in the third period? So, a few days before the match, they ate poorly. Fatigue entails a loss of speed, strength, power to push the skates off the ice, as well as a decrease in mental activity (low blood sugar).

Interestingly, in hockey there are almost no cases of doping. This paradox is explained by SKA captain Ilya Kovalchuk: “We are tested for doping four times a season, and so far no one has been caught. In hockey, pharmacology is not in the first place. This is a team game, and even if one person cheats, there will be little sense from this. Well, he will run around with bulging eyes. But after all on ice it is necessary to think also. Hockey is not athletics. This is one of the sports where doping does not play a big role. Except when it comes to recovery. I don't think doping will help you score more goals. With its help, it is only possible to break someone's neck.

Types of food

Protein and gainer

A balanced mixture of proteins and carbohydrates with a greater proportion of the former (protein) or the latter (gainer) is prepared with water or low-fat milk. A serving of a gainer an hour before a workout allows you to get the necessary energy reserve for serious physical exertion. To restore an exhausted body, drink a protein shake and get high-quality building material for your muscles.


With sweat, athletes lose not only water, but also minerals. Eat a complex of fast carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals both before and during training to protect the body from exhaustion and fill up with strength. Isotonic drinks from the world's leading manufacturers Isostar and Biosteel can be drunk even by children.

During physical exertion, the human body, through sweating, loses fluid and dissolved salts in it. Isotonic helps to restore the loss of these elements and replenishes glycogen stores.

Amino acids

Receiving in the right quantities of high-quality material for the construction of body tissues, the hockey player protects his muscle fibers during heavy loads and immediately after them. An important role in any BCAA is assigned to glutamine, which promotes the growth of dry muscle mass, strengthens the immune system and blocks catalytic processes.


The multivitamin complexes offered in pharmacies are intended for inactive people, so for an athlete such small portions of active elements will simply be useless. The hockey player should choose only serious decisions. For example, Isostar Vitamins & Minerals or complexes from Biosteel.


For players who "hear" their bones, doctors do not recommend continuing training until the problems are resolved.
For the treatment of diseases associated with joint pain, eating the right set of products is not enough. But, to keep the joints "in shape" there is something to advise:
Fish and seafood (good for high phosphorus content, which is important for strong bones and joints)
Gelatin improves the functioning of the joints due to mucopolysaccharides, High content in seaweed, ridges, cartilage.

Dried fruits are an integral part of proper nutrition for an athlete - an additional source of energy and a storehouse of vitamins.

Green vegetables, dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dates), bran are rich in magnesium. Magnesium has a positive effect on the functioning of the nerves responsible for the joints. In general, the consumption of these products has a positive effect on many "knots" of the body.

With age, the production of glucosamine and chondroitin decreases, which reduces the amount of synovial fluid that softens joint friction during increased stress. Special nutritional supplements for joints reproduce cartilage tissue, eliminate pain and characteristic crunch.

A popular supplement option is a complex of glucosamine, chondroitin (sulfate) and MSN (methyl sulfate methane). They are also called chondroprotectors. The course of treatment is quite long, in order to obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to take a long course of taking the drug (4-6 weeks. Example - Glucosamine & Chondroitin + MSM from Ultimate Nutrition.

Reception features

Comprehensive research regarding pre-game and during-game nutrition is quite difficult, but the basic guidelines are simple:

  1. Keep Hydrated
  2. Maintain blood glucose levels
  3. Maintain amino acid levels
  4. Use nutritional supplements as needed

Intense loads during training require a competent and balanced recovery of the body.

In order to achieve the highest degree of efficiency, we distinguish 4 main phases:

  • PHASE 1: 1-3 hours before the game
  • PHASE 2: 0-30 minutes before the game
  • PHASE 3: during the game
  • PHASE 4: after the game

1-3 hours before the game

To top up your glycogen stores and provide the body with readily available glucose circulating around waiting to be burned for energy, a 1:1 carbohydrate-to-protein meal 1-3 hours before a game is ideal.
Carbohydrates should be chosen with a low glycemic index: buckwheat, al dente pasta, wild rice, oats and analogues. Protein should ideally be of animal origin, such as meat or poultry.
Since only you know what works for your body and at what time, we give a range of 1-3 hours before the game. This meal is necessary before the game, but you should determine the time yourself, based on the speed of your digestion - so that the food does not lie like a stone in the stomach during the match and, at the same time, you should not be hungry. Find the perfect time and stick to it.

Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index: buckwheat, wild rice, oats and analogues ... are great for satiating the body for a long period.

Important to note: if you choose fatty meat, consume it more time before the game. Fat tends to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and proteins while not adding any performance benefits. good example The food for Phase 1 will be 200 grams of lean cooked meat and 1 cup of buckwheat.

0–45 minutes before the game

Phase 2 is an option for those who missed phase 1. For some reason, you weren't able to eat on time. Now for 30-45 minutes, you need a liquid combination of proteins and carbohydrates. Liquid food is absorbed more quickly through the gastrointestinal tract and you will be well fueled to play. 40g of whey protein isolate combined with a sports drink would be the perfect choice.
Or an option for those who ate in the 1st phase. In step 2, you can choose performance supplements: caffeine, neurostimulants, creatine, or beta-alanine (or all of the above). These nutrients increase alertness, alertness, concentration and allow you to act faster. These supplements bring the brain to a different level of performance. We can say that they allow the brain to work at high speeds.
Note: Gatorade sports drink has enough electrolytes, so you will need to add BCAAs or whey isolate to the drink bottle.

Gatorade sports drink helps the body recover from prolonged exercise. It contains elements in the same proportion as they are present in the body and is therefore quickly and easily absorbed.

Carbohydrates are needed to maintain glucose and high level energy throughout the game. Proteins / amino acids - in order to prevent the destruction of muscle tissue (muscle loss). Amino acids, in particular branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), are useful in that they delay the entry of certain signals into the brain, such as fatigue during exercise. While electrolytes provide optimal levels of hydration and optimal pH levels in the muscles.

During the game

It is critical to consume high glycemic carbohydrates in combination with either free-form amino acids or whey protein isolate, plus some electrolytes, to perform essential tasks.

We do not recommend sticking to marathon or triathlete strategies - do not use candies, gels or any type of solid food during the game. Liquid nutrition causes the least amount of stomach upset, and due to the explosive nature of hockey, you are more prone to stomach upset. Keep your "snack" in liquid form, it won't upset your stomach, and it's easy to eat on the bench.

Energy Gel is a high glucose product designed to support energy in athletes.

Inside your bottle should ideally be:

  • 20 - 40 g of high glycemic carbohydrates (sugars)
  • 10-15g whey isolate (or 5-8g amino acids) + magnesium/potassium/sodium.

This mixture should be prepared as a 6-8% solution. This means that the powder should only make up 6-8% of the total volume of the drink. Even a small increase in this volume, studies show, can delay the emptying of the stomach. The mixture will remain in the stomach for more for a long time and the nutrients will take longer to reach your muscles.
For example, 500 ml x 0.08 = 40 g. If your drink contains 40 g of total powder volume, then the water content must be at least 500 ml. After the game, you don't have to worry about such an exact percentage, there it can even be more than 10%.

After the game

After the game, it's time to take advantage of the 6 hour window that comes after intense physical activity to maximize the synthesis of glucose into glycogen in muscle tissue, which we discussed earlier in the carbohydrate material. A combination of carb powder + protein powder or just a big meal shortly after the game is over will do the trick! This will make you much more prepared (optimally fueled) for your next physical activity - either the next day or 2-3 days later.


Roma, play with him like a cat with a mouse, and then - slap, - the friends-fans of the armwrestler Roman Gadzhigadaev, the absolute winner of the Arctic in arm wrestling in 2008, gave parting words.

This year he is again a contender for the honorary title. Following the ritual, Roman first shook his opponent's hand, and then began to wring it. So much so that a vein stood out on his forehead, and his body trembled, as if from a stun gun.

Last Saturday, the regional arm wrestling championship was held at the M-Club. The hall was filled with the smell of cognac and cigars - from the audience and ammonia - from the stairs, where the athletes were waiting. Believe it or not, even Roman Gadzhigadayev doesn't know better way to calm the nerves. The prize fund of the tournament was one thousand dollars.

The best of the best received 600, and those who took first places received 100 each. Vladimir Martinenko acted as the host. Ten years ago, he was the absolute armwrestling champion in the Arctic. As KP ​​was told in confidence, two friends - Vladimir Martinenko and the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Murmansk Sergey Klyushev, who carefully watched the tournament, fought on their hands more than once.

In total, 23 guys took part in the polar championship in a "strong handshake": from 20 to 45 years old, in four weight categories. The largest among the wrestlers was Vladimir Karepin, but even his 142 kilos did not help him to become one of the finalists.

Similar competitions were held in 2002 and 2008, - said Sergey Yudnikov, chairman of the iron paw armwrestling club. - Surprisingly, this year there were many applications from women. But they were refused (because of the risk of injury. - Ed.). Many sportsmen from Olenegorsk. This is the only city in the Arctic where there is a specialized school. It is a pity that there is no armwrestling federation. How I envy, for example, the bandy federation: they have a "godfather" - Sergey Korobkov ...

The show was spectacular and bright. For a moment, imagine a situation where a jock of Schwarzenegger's dimensions breaks his hand, well, for example, Stallone ... Scarecrows and sports anger of some participants. So, one of them, taking the silver, shouted menacingly and beat his chest like a cinematic King Kong. As for the main title, it remained with Roman Gadzhigadayev.

Happy to win,” said the 32-year-old athlete and economics student. - I dedicate it to all Olenegorsk and my beautiful wife. What kinds of sports I just did not do, but most of all I like arm wrestling. There is nothing better than an opponent looking at close range in the eyes.

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Murmansk hosted the regional arm wrestling championship. Ludmila SHEKA

According to Roman, to be in shape it is not enough to go to the gym 4 times a week. We must also carefully monitor ourselves: drink spring water, eat the right food, refuse bad habits and love women.

Proper nutrition hockey player is one of the key elements in achieving the goals of pre-season training and in the competitive period. Whether it's building muscle, reducing fat, improving speed, accelerating recovery after games - whatever your goals are - proper nutrition plays a key role in your training.



A FOOD CULTURE will allow you to train harder, recover faster, avoid injury and fatigue, and promote muscle growth. Poor food culture works against everything you're trying to achieve. In order to develop the skills of proper nutrition, you must treat it the same way as all other components of the training process: weight control, flexibility, speed, ice preparation, etc.


Consider your grocery shopping, homemade meals, takeout, recovery (post-workout) drinks, restaurant food. By thoroughly thinking through your diet for the day / week ahead, you will be sure that you are eating the right food at the right time and in the quantities necessary for full recovery. Always have carbohydrate-rich food and water on hand: put a lunch bag in your gym bag, car, etc. During the summer months, get a fridge and stock it up with energy drinks, yogurt, etc. to use right after your workout. Grab recovery drinks to the gym for a speedy recovery of muscle glycogen levels during the 20-45 minute "carbohydrate window".

The key to building muscle is HIGH WORK and HARD WORK, not extra protein or expensive muscle supplements. The maximum load of the muscles during intensive strength training leads to an increase in the size of muscle fibers. Carbohydrates are the fuel that muscles use during muscle-building exercises.


They are used in between meals. It is REAL FOOD that provides all the essential amino acids that are so necessary for the growth of new muscles, while much cheaper than expensive supplements. Real food also provides many more other nutrients than simple protein powders and most body building supplements. Scientific studies show that under conditions of growth, the body can consume only 2-2.5 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day.

EXCESS PROTEIN IS NOT ACCUMULATED AS MUSCLE BUT IT IS ACCUMULATED AS FAT, OR GO TO THE KIDNEYS AND BE EXHAUSTED THROUGH THE URINE! Excess protein, in addition, puts an additional burden on the kidneys and liver, which get rid of the products of excess nitrogen.

Carbohydrates are the fuel of choice for the intense workouts required in hockey practice and games. Most carbohydrates are stored in the body as muscle glycogen. Muscle glycogen is stored in the body in a limited amount - 500-600g. The loss of glycogen leads to fatigue. You can feel such fatigue by the third period of the game if you did not eat well a few days before the match. Fatigue entails a loss of speed, strength, propulsion power, and mental performance due to low blood sugar.

Basically, all carbohydrates should be complex: starch in vegetables, grains, bread, pasta, cereals, rice, legumes (peas and beans). For recovery, eat more carbohydrates daily! To maintain a high content of muscle glycogen, experts recommend consuming 500-600 grams of carbohydrates daily. Own needs can be calculated using the following formula:
8-10 grams of carbohydrates x body weight (kg) = grams of carbohydrates per day.
For example, a 90 kg hockey player should consume 700-900 grams of carbohydrates per day.

Proper nutrition will allow you to train harder and longer. Than in best condition You are, the more glycogen you accumulate, the longer you can play at high intensity, the faster you will recover.


Choose types of bread that are lightly processed or generally coarse. They contain more B vitamins, calcium, and fiber than processed rice, white bread, and wheat crackers. Choose bread that has only grain as its first ingredient. Buy a few loaves, make sandwiches or use as toast. Baguettes and buns are better to choose from coarse whole grain rye, wheat, oats. An example of a quick breakfast on the go is low-fat bread or muffin, yogurt, and orange juice. Grain products are an excellent source of carbohydrates, a much-needed fuel for muscles. But, in addition, you will need vitamins and minerals, which are rich in fruits and vegetables. They are a kind of "spark plug" to start the muscles.


The largest amount of vitamin C and calcium is found in citrus fruits - lemons, oranges, grapefruits and tangerines. Just 200 ml of natural orange juice satisfies the daily need for vitamin C (60 mg), folic acid (vitamin B, necessary for the formation of protein and red blood cells), as well as calcium, which is excreted in 1 hour of intense training. Bananas are regarded as one of the most popular sports "snacks" as they are low in fat, high in fiber and calcium, great for replacing calcium excreted through sweat, and a good and quick energy boost food.

A banana, wholemeal crackers, and a glass of milk are a well-balanced meal or a light snack. Kiwi, strawberries are rich in nutrients. These fruits are a good source of vitamin C and calcium. Dried fruits are convenient and "portable" vegetables, "natural vitamin pills".

Some types of vegetables have more nutritional value than fruits. So if you don't eat a lot of fruit, just eat plenty of vegetables and get the same amount of vitamins and minerals. Eat dark, colored vegetables - they tend to have a lot of nutritional value. The most optimal biological value for athletes are broccoli, spinach, sweet peppers, cauliflower, carrots, and tomatoes are low in fat and high in calcium, vitamin C, carotenes, and health-promoting phytoantioxidants. However, tomato juice, as well as other vegetable juices - a convenient way to consume vegetables - are usually high in sodium, so look for low-sodium brands. Boiled or microwaved potatoes contain more nutrients than plain rice or pasta, especially when eaten with the skin on. Instead of basting it with sour cream or adding butter, puree it with low-fat milk or add a side dish of boiled vegetables, cheese, or low-fat sour cream.


Taken after training and games carbohydrates more important than food before the game!

Immediately after intense activity, you have a " opened door for muscle recovery, when they are most sensitive to the perception of carbohydrates and their accumulation in the form of glycogen - the "carbohydrate window", i.e. 20-45 minutes to quickly restore the "burnt" glycogen in the muscle. If you miss this 20-45 minute window, you will need more time to replenish your glycogen stores, especially if you have a busy day ahead of you. Muscles regenerate glycogen at a rate of about 5% per hour; therefore, it will take at least 16-20 hours for the full recovery of depleted muscles. During the 30 minute "carbohydrate window" after training, glycogen can be restored at a rate of up to 8-10% per hour.

Take about 150 grams of carbohydrates (in dry or liquid form) within 30 minutes. So, for a hockey player weighing 90 kg, 140 grams will be required: one banana and two glasses of fruit juice will replenish muscle glycogen stores. You can also prepare your own cocktail (7-10% sports drink - Gatorade, Fit Active, Fresh Up, Isostar Long Energy, etc.), or use frozen or fresh fruits (strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, blueberries, etc.) together with protein in the form of whey or powdered milk, and ice if you like a chilled shake.

Light carbohydrate-containing snacks are good after a workout, class or game. If you know that you will not be able to eat a full meal immediately after a game or workout, we recommend that you use the following set of products that should be consumed within 30 minutes immediately after exercise:

1. Fresh fruits and berries (preferably forest ones).
2. Dried fruits.
3. Fruit and vegetable juices (can be diluted with water).
4. Buns, crackers made from low-grade flour and with whole grains (Health, Grain, etc.).
5. Fruit yogurts.
6. Potatoes - boil at home and wrap in foil.
7. Cornbread.
8. Dry cereal, oatmeal.
9. Rice cakes.
10. Nuts and pome fruits.
11. Honey.

Try making your own smoothies with some of the above ingredients. If you know you won't be able to eat right after your workout, it's smart to bring some of the above foods to your workout in your bag or car. All this is a quick and easy meal for quick launch glycogen resynthesis at the end of a workout. The more “good” carbohydrate foods you have, the better you can support your glycogen stores. Most energy drinks (Gatorade, All-Sport, Powerade, Isostar, etc.) contain about half of the carbohydrates found in juices. This means that in order to get the required amounts of carbohydrates contained in juices, you need to drink 2 times more than a drink. Fast food drinks (Coca-Cola, etc.) should be completely excluded!

They contain more nutrients. Choose concentrated, carbohydrate-rich drinks and foods that you can dilute as needed during hot weather. Next, consume 150g of carbs every 2 hours after an intense workout.

Drinking or eating carbohydrates and protein in a 3:1 ratio can increase glycogen recovery in the first hours after intense exercise.

FAST AND SLOW CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates can be divided into groups as having a LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH glycemic index. Foods with a high glycemic index are faster than foods with a low glycemic index converted into glucose in the blood and transported to the muscles faster.


LOW-TO-MEDIUM GLYCEMIC FOOD (rice, pasta) are slowly absorbed, so it is best if you consume these foods BEFORE training or play, as they help maintain your energy levels longer, and may eliminate the need to consume additional carbohydrates during exercise for maintaining normal blood sugar levels. The list below shows some low, medium, and high glycemic foods. If you want more information about this parameter, you will find it on the Internet, where it is listed for most products.

Foods with a HIGH GLYCEMIC RATE (OVER 60) are quickly converted into glucose and transferred to the muscles at a high rate. Good to take immediately after training:

Fried potatoes 85
Corn flakes 84
Rice pancakes 82
Potato, microwave 82
Wheat puree soup 74
Graham 74 crackers
Honey 73
Watermelon 72
Bun 72
White bread 70
Wheat bun 69
Wheat straw 69
Grapes with seeds 67
Peeled wheat biscuits 67
Wheat puree soup (traditional) 66
Couscous 65
Raisins 64
Oatmeal 61

Bran Bun 60
Orange juice 57
Boiled potatoes 57
Rice, long grain 56
Brown rice 54
Popcorn 53
Corn 53
Sweet potato 53
Banana overripe 52
Green peas 48
Boiled white rice 46
Lentil soup 46
Orange 45
Peeled groats 43
Spaghetti without sauce 41
Bread from coarse rye flour 41
Apple juice without sugar 40
Grapes 40

FOODS WITH A LOW GLYCEMIC INDEX (LESS THAN 40) - is more slowly converted into glucose and enters the muscles. Good to take 1 hour before training:
Apple 36
Pear 36
Chocolate milk 34
Fruit yogurt, low fat 33
Peas 33
Frozen beans 32
Shelled peas, yellow 32
Milk, cream 32
Dried apricots 31
Green beans 30
Bananas unripe 30
Lentil 29
Common beans 27
Whole milk 27
Barley 25
Grapefruit 25
Fructose 23


Eat enough high-carb foods daily to fuel and refuel your muscles, keeping them toned and ready for action. A light snack eaten an hour before a workout does not significantly restore muscle glycogen. Eating before a workout or game will only dull the feeling of hunger and help maintain blood sugar levels. Therefore, EAT CARBOHYDRATES WITH MEDIUM OR LOW GLYCEMIC EFFECT. Food eaten an hour before training will be digested enough to be used as fuel and provide enough energy for the entire period of training and play. Small portions of low-fat protein are also suitable. They will settle down well and relieve the feeling of hunger. Stay away from protein-rich foods like steak, hamburger, cheese.

Large meals typically take 3-4.5 hours to digest, small meals take 2-3 hours, and liquid formulas 1-2 hours. Eat a large, high-complex-carb, low-fat meal 5-6 hours before your performance and protein: spaghetti with chicken or salmon, chicken broth, water, or 3-4 hours before the performance, you can eat a meal consisting of complex carbohydrates and protein (chocolate, oat cookies, banana, protein-carb mixtures and bars). Drink enough fluids (determined by temperature and humidity environment and personal characteristics). 2-3 hours before the performance, you can eat a light meal consisting of complex carbohydrates (see table). 1 hour before the performance, eat a high carbohydrate meal (banana, biscuits, fresh juice, yogurt, sports drinks). Eating before the game will give you more energy and keep you from feeling hungry during the game. A prerequisite for the choice of products and diet on a competition day is prior testing, based on your individual characteristics and your own taste. Try certain foods during the training period. Remember that exercising with "fluid / food in the stomach" harms your digestive system, impairs exercise tolerance. It is unacceptable on competition day to experiment with new, exotic products or on the advice of anyone. Do not forget to consult a doctor on the compatibility of products, as well as agree on the use of medications for correcting performance.


There should be 5-6 balanced meals per day. There should be three larger than normal meals daily, with 2-3 additional and smaller meals in between. Every day you need 500 to 1000 extra calories! To add 1 kg of weight in a week, you will need an additional 1000 calories per day. You already need to consume additional calories due to intense physical activity, but on top of that, you need 500 EXTRA CALORIES!

YOUR DAILY BREAKFAST SHOULD BE BIG. Essentially, this is your staple food of the day! Eat food every 2-3 hours daily. Frequent food intake is very important, as it is the main source of nutrients, as the basis for self-healing after intense exercise. Eat high-calorie healthy foods that are low in fat. Choose those products that, in comparison with analogues, have a higher calorie content in unit terms. Do not be lazy and do not visit fast food restaurants after training sessions. You wouldn't run a well-oiled Formula 1 race car with cheap low-octane gasoline, would you? Treat your body like a finely tuned machine. Fill it with the best fuel and treat it with care. Therefore, prepare yourself: buy organic products in bulk - more fruits, vegetables, cereals, pasta, lean meats, poultry and fish.

Get good sleep - you will be training hard and you need quality rest in the form of sleep to recuperate and grow.

It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours at night. Poor nutrition and insufficient rest - fatigue, injuries and poor training results. Intensify strength exercises, perform each set at the maximum, perform sets to the point where you are unable to complete them, make unsuccessful attempts.

REHYDRATION(recovery of lost fluid).

Our body is 60-70% water. Muscle tissue is 70-75% water. Blood is 90% water; if you do not replenish the fluid excreted through perspiration, the body becomes dehydrated. When dehydrated, blood volume decreases, circulation slows, and blood flow, carrying much-needed nutrients and oxygen to working muscles, is reduced or blocked, making further training impossible. The blood and circulatory system are also your "cooling system". During sweating, water is released from the blood, reducing the cooling mechanism, which can lead to "overheating". Dehydration by more than 3% of body weight increases the risk of heat stroke.


Dehydration affects functionality and increases your recovery time. If dehydration occurs during exercise, it is almost impossible to return to an adequate hydration state and your performance is reduced. Dehydration can affect the effectiveness of a workout in less than an hour of training.


You can't wait for your brain to tell you you're thirsty. By the time your brain tells you this, you can lose up to 1% of your weight. With a weight of 90 kg, this is 1 kg of weight lost, or 5 glasses of liquid. If you do not make up for this loss of fluid, then if you lose one more% of the weight, you will lose 10 glasses of fluid. This amount of moisture lost will significantly impair your performance. 1 kg of water loss through sweat requires replenishment of 1000 ml of fluid.


2. Headache

3. Dizziness

4. Nausea

5. Irritability

6. Weakness

7. Seizures

8. Decreased performance.

9. The color of urine is dark yellow (normal color is light yellow or clear).


Drink plenty of water before your workout and try to maintain that level throughout your workout. Summer workout: bring 2-3 liters of water with you. During summer workouts in hot weather, drink as much and as often as possible.


Drink according to the schedule - 200-250 ml every 15-20 minutes intensive classes. Studies show that during a strenuous workout, endurance increases if you drink a sports drink with a low sugar content (6-8% solution). Sugar in solution is the fuel (carbohydrate) and when combined with sodium promotes accelerated absorption. When you consume sports drinks with a range of carbohydrates, your muscles get an additional source of fuel, which helps maintain normal blood sugar levels and promotes longer physical and mental activity.


After exercise, the first thing to do is to replace the fluid lost through sweat and thus return the body to a state of optimal water balance.

THE BEST CHOICE FOR FLUID REPLACEMENT are juices and foods high in water - drink water, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals (electrolytes). Household juicers are a big help here: Throw in a few handfuls of different fruits and you'll have your own fruit blends. It is advisable to use carbohydrate-containing sports (energy) drinks (Isostar, Catorade, Powerade, etc.)


Soft drinks, soda - they have no nutritional value. They contain refined sugar, which does not feed the muscles with carbohydrates, and they do not have, in addition, other nutrients. Juices are a much better alternative: they contain natural glucose and, in addition, replace the sodium that is washed out through perspiration, as well as vitamin C and other nutrients.


The alcohol in beer has a dehydrating effect and acts as a diuretic, causing you to urinate frequently. By doing so, you lose precious fluids and dehydrate yourself. After training, you should restore fluid, not lose it. Beer is a poor source of carbohydrates. A standard can (150 calories, 12 ounces) contains only 50 carbohydrate calories. The rest of the calories come from alcohol, which is not stored in the muscles as glycogen. Therefore, beer does not contribute to your "carb loading"! However, beer in small quantities, having a small insulinogenic effect, accelerates the restoration of glycogen stores, so it is advisable to drink 500-700 ml with a meal (dinner). Beer in a volume of more than 1000 ml not only does not replenish the lost fluid, but also has a diuretic effect, and the effect of excess alcohol after exercise, as proven by many scientific studies, is unfavorable for the nervous and cardiovascular systems and the liver.


For intense strength and muscle building workouts, load your body with somewhat less muscle fuel than required. The carbohydrates in your muscles are energy. They are your fuel for training - and not protein at all. Lack of carbohydrates in the muscles significantly reduces the effectiveness of training. The function of protein is to repair and build muscle tissue. Excess protein does not make you stronger - it usually accumulates as fat.


How much do you need? 15-20% of your daily calorie intake should come from protein. 1 gram of protein = 4 calories. For professional hockey players consuming 3500 calories daily, 131-175 grams of protein per day or 1.5-2 g/kg of body weight is recommended. Excess protein (3 g/kg body weight) is converted to fat, or will be burned as fuel if carbohydrate levels are insufficient. Athletes who consume too much protein are at risk of urinary calcium loss, dehydration, and liver disease.


One 90g serving of turkey = 25 grams of high quality protein. Eat fried or cooked over an open fire. Take white meat, and remove the skin and visible fat underneath. Removing the skin from a chicken can reduce fat content by 75% and total calories by half. Frying adds 2-6 grams of fat per serving


170 grams of tuna = 40 grams of high quality protein. Buy tuna caught in the spring. Avoid high fat mayonnaise. Use it to make sandwiches, straight from the jar. Add mashed tuna to pasta. One serving of salmon 90 g = 23 grams of high quality protein. The high protein content and omega-3 fatty acids are good for the heart.


Eat beef in moderation. Choose the leanest parts - lean roast beef, sirloin, pieces from the back, barbecue. Avoid or rarely eat fatty meats such as ribs, hot dogs, sausage, salami, pepperoni. Lean roast beef sandwiches are nutritionally superior to a tuna and mayonnaise sandwich. Skip the sauce and mayonnaise. Eat lean beef as an accompaniment to a meal, but NEVER as a main course. Use mustard or low-fat salad dressing instead of mayonnaise. DAIRY PRODUCTS Give preference to skimmed or skimmed milk (fat content of 1% or less) - low-fat yogurt, homemade cheese, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese. Skim milk and yogurt have all the nutrients of whole milk but less fat and cholesterol


Choose olive oil for cooking. Saturated fats increase blood cholesterol levels. Avoid the following saturated fats: BUTTER; BEEF FAT - choose lean beef, remove fat;

CHICKEN FAT - Buy skinless chicken breasts, or skin yourself.


If you find yourself in a situation where you have nowhere to satisfy your hunger except for a fast food restaurant, make the right and healthy choice. Thanks to recent increased demands for healthy eating, many establishments now offer salads and other "heart-healthy" foods.

STREET SANDWICHES, PIZZA Wheat or other bun + turkey, chicken, tuna, lean ham with vegetables, asparagus, side dish or mustard - the best choice than a hamburger and fried potatoes with a higher fat content and low level carbohydrates. Do not add extra cheese, put more vegetables. Remove excess oil with a paper towel. We bring to your attention the Doping List of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).


Doping control can be in-competition and out-of-competition, i.e. is carried out at any time during the preparation of an athlete without prior notice.



Stimulants: Adrafinil, amfepramone, amphenazole, amphetamine, amphetamine, benzphetamine, bromantane, carphedon, cathin*, clobenzorex, cocaine, dimethylamphetamine, ephedrine**, ethylamphetamine, ethylenephrine, phencamfamine, fenetylline, phendimetrazine, phenmetrazine, phentermine, prolintane, selegiline, strychnine and others substances with a similar structure or pharmacological effect* * *. "analogous substances" means "a substance which is obtained by modifying or altering the chemical structure of another substance, but with the same pharmacological effect".

2. drugs:
Buprenorphine, dextromoramide, diamorphine (heroin), hydromorphine, methadone, morphine, oxycodone, oxymorphone, pentazocine, pethidine…

Cannabinoids (marijuana, hashish).

4. Anabolic agents:

1. Anabolic androgenic steroids:

A. Anabolic androgenic steroids of exogenous action: Androstadinone, bolasterone, boldenone, clostebol, danazol, dehydrochloromethyltestosterone, methyltestosterone, mibololone, nandrolone, 19-norandrostenediol, 19-norandrostenedione, norboleton, norethandrolone, oxabolone, oxandrolone, oxymesterone, oxymetholone, zolol, stenbolone, stano, 1-testosterone (delta 1-dihydro-testosterone), trenbolone and similar substances.

b. Anabolic androgenic steroids of endogenous action: Androstenediol, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone, testosterone and similar substances. 2. Other anabolic agents: Clenbuterol, zeranol.

Aromatase inhibitors, clomiphene, cyclophenyl, tamoxifen are prohibited for use only by men.

8.Masking agents are products that make it possible to hide the use of prohibited substances in urine or other samples used in doping control, or to change the hematological effect. Masking agents include: diuretics, epitestosterone, probenecid, plasma expanders (dextran, hydroxyethyl starch).

The use of glucocorticosteroids is prohibited orally, rectally, intravenously or intramuscularly. All other options for their use require medical notice.


M1. Expansion of oxygen carriers
- blood doping - auto-, homo- or heterologous products of blood or blood cells of any origin, different from conventional medical treatment. - the use of products that enhance the intake, supply or delivery of oxygen, i.e. erythropoietins, modified hemoglobin, blood based hemoglobin substitute products, microencapsulated hemoglobin products, perfluorochemicals, efaproxiral.

2. Arrive at the anti-doping station as soon as possible, but no later than within 1 (one) hour after receiving the notification, accompanied by a team official, coach, doctor; have an identity card with you. If you do not appear at the anti-doping point within the specified period, then the disciplinary committee of the international federation is informed about this, and appropriate sanctions are imposed.

3. Select a container containing sealed bioassay containers. Then, under the supervision of the person responsible for the collection and transportation of samples, fill the dishes with urine (at least 75 ml); then pour it into 2 equal parts - samples A and B, which are sealed; they are assigned a specific code, the name of the athlete is not indicated. Copies of codes are recorded in the protocol. The sampling time is not limited. In case of refusal to take a sample, appropriate sanctions are imposed.

4. After completing the procedure, you must make sure that the sealing of the bioassay is correct and that the paperwork is completed. The protocol should indicate the names of the drugs that you have taken recently.

Remember that conditionally acceptable drugs (eg local anesthetics, glucocorticoids) used in the treatment of injuries must be indicated in the protocol! Read the protocol carefully; in the event that the registration of the protocol is carried out on foreign language, require an interpreter, only after that you can sign the protocol. According to the anti-doping control regulations, the A sample is analyzed no later than 3 days after the sample is taken. If prohibited substances are found in it, the B sample is opened and analyzed in the presence of the athlete or authorized persons. If a prohibited substance is found in the B sample, the athlete is subject to appropriate sanctions. If a prohibited substance is not found in the B sample, then the conclusion on the analysis of the A sample is invalidated, and sanctions are not applied to the athlete.

Modern physical and chemical methods make it possible to clearly identify the drugs used by the athlete over the past 9 months! An athlete's refusal to undergo doping control or an attempt to falsify his result is considered as recognition of the fact of doping with all the ensuing consequences. Falsification of the results of doping control consists in various kinds of manipulations aimed at distorting its results. Detection of doping threatens the athlete with severe punishment, up to lifelong disqualification.

The use of drugs as doping entails appropriate administrative and criminal penalties. Once again we remind you: in no case do not buy and do not use any drugs on your own without consulting a doctor - there is always a possibility that they contain prohibited substances! We hope that the results of your performances will be positive, and the doping tests will be negative!

The German media insist that the most common ammonia is doping. It turns out that this is not such a crazy idea as it seems at first glance.

The topic of ammonia (namely, this substance is contained in ammonia) came to the fore after the match with in the quarterfinals. Then the German colleagues managed to photograph the defender, who brings a piece of cotton to his nose.

Ammonium chloride is not banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and in action Kutepova impossible to find crime. But it is possible that the hype in the press in a couple of years will lead to the fact that athletes will be prohibited from sniffing fleece. And ammonia vapor will be equated with other gases that were recently banned by WADA - argon and xenon.


There are only three criteria for classifying a substance as doping. It affects sports performance, causes potential or real harm to health and is contrary to the principles of "fair play". Moreover, to be considered doping, it is enough to meet any two criteria.

Now let's carefully read the instructions for ammonia so beloved in Russia (or, if scientifically, ammonium hydroxide). "When inhaled, the patient experiences a reflex excitation of the respiratory and vasomotor centers," the instruction reads. It is no coincidence that ammonia is most actively used in those sports where the result is achieved at the peak of psychophysical arousal. A weightlifter inhales ammonia vapors and lifts a record weight, a boxer gets up after a knockdown and strikes, a wrestler performs a winning hold ... Does ammonia affect sports results in these cases? Of course, and in the most direct way.

We go further and see if there is any harm to health. "In high concentrations, the agent can lead to respiratory arrest," the instructions for ammonia carefully inform. It is clear that nothing terrible will happen from a couple of breaths. But where is the boundary that separates the "high" concentration from the normal one? And wouldn't it be safer once and for all to ban a drug that, if accidentally ingested or over-inhaled, becomes fatal?

With the contradiction to the principles of "fair play" everything is, of course, more complicated. At least in our country, ammonia is used by everyone and even pregnant women. But for WADA, the extent of the spread of the drug has never been an obstacle to declaring it doping. For example, drops from the common cold "Rinofluimucil", which are sold in any pharmacy at a price of up to 300 rubles, have been equated with doping for almost a decade. Although there are dozens of their legal counterparts that can be used to combat nasal congestion quite legally.

History already knows examples when what began with an absurd publication in the Western media subsequently led to a real WADA ban. So, during the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, foreigners noticed that Russian athletes use inert gases, and in particular xenon, to restore. Our side never denied this: xenon was allowed at that time, and indeed this gas is even part of the air we breathe. It would seem, what could be more legal?

But for four years now, xenon and argon along with it have been included in the WADA prohibited list. There is no information about real disqualifications for these drugs, and it is extremely difficult to detect them in the body. But the fact remains: if you can even ban what we all breathe, why not ban ammonia?

"Instead of ammonia, you can smell the" STAR "

It is interesting, by the way, that the restrictions on the use of ammonia in some sports have already been thought about. So, in powerlifting, the rules prohibit "adjusting a suit or inhaling ammonia in the line of sight of spectators." Powerlifting is not yet included in the Olympic program, unlike weightlifting. There, ammonia is sniffed almost before each approach to the bar, in front of television cameras, and no one sees anything unusual in this.

It’s generally strange to talk about ammonia in the context of doping, the head of the integrated scientific group of the Russian boxing team told SE. Alexander Hakobyan. - This is a common and very common drug, not only in Russia, but also abroad. It is often used in everyday life, when, for example, a person suddenly becomes ill.

- Is ammonia really needed in boxing?

We sometimes use it in training, for example, if there was a knockdown. In the case of a deep knockout, it is not recommended to use it, and it will not help.

- Does the ammonia solution have any more modern and effective analogues?

In fact, getting out of a faint is an individual thing, different athletes here prefer different ways. Someone uses the Korean "asterisk" - it also has a strong pungent odor that irritates the nasopharynx. Sometimes they splash water on the face or tie a wet rag around the head. All of these methods have the same effect. But no one is going to ban cold water?

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