Game program for any party. Scenario of an entertainment program for adults Games for adults script

During the winter holidays, we finally have time to get together with family or a large company, and sometimes to celebrate an anniversary widely. We offer you a scenario that is suitable for celebrating a woman’s or man’s anniversary, any family celebration, corporate or New Year’s party.

What is an anniversary?

From Latin this word is translated as “year of jubilee.” An anniversary is a celebration of a person's 25th, 50th, or 100th birthday or activity. This is how it happened historically. But in our time, any “round” one, i.e. A date ending in "5" or "0" is called an anniversary. Starting from the child’s 5th birthday, all such years are celebrated as jubilees. What is the reason for highlighting "special" dates? Apparently, in the love of all people for the holidays.

Since ancient times, everything round in human life has been considered special, closely connected with natural and cosmic forces. Even before it was discovered that the Earth was round, the pagans revered the sun, which brought them warmth and light. A variety of rituals were dedicated to this round luminary - wooden wheels or hoops were lit and rolled down the mountains; girls wove round wreaths, and a belt shaped like a circle was considered a talisman by many peoples. People cast a magic circle around themselves against evil forces. Even a round dance, adopted not only by the Slavs, has ritual significance.

The same is true with round dates. They require a particularly reverent attitude towards themselves, as they mark a certain milestone in life. An anniversary is usually celebrated more widely than annual birthdays, with more guests and original entertainment.

All anniversary dates divisible by “4”, i.e. 20, 40, 60, 80 years, etc., should be celebrated especially brightly, cheerfully and at richly laid tables. During these years, Jupiter is strong, giving happiness and material wealth.
Anniversary dates divisible by 7 - 35 and 70 - are good to celebrate in an unusual, informal setting, since the number seven is ruled by Uranus, the planet of surprises. You can go on a trip.
Anniversaries ending in 5, as well as 30 and 50 years are celebrated among the best friends and loved ones in a pleasant, romantic atmosphere. These years are under the influence of Saturn, the planet of stability, or Neptune, responsible for mutual feelings and sexual harmony.

How to decorate a room for an anniversary? Holiday decoration ideas

First of all, in the interior, with the help of beautiful inscriptions, balloons, flowers, you can beat the number of the anniversary itself - for example, 25, 45 or 55, etc. But this is only possible if the hero of the day is a man. Not every woman wants to see her age number everywhere.

Opposite the entrance you can hang a stand with the inscription: “If I were a wizard...” You need to attach a marker to it, with which all invitees can add a phrase, thus making wishes for the hero of the occasion.

On another stand at the top there should be the inscription “100 reasons (you can indicate the age of the hero of the day) why we love you...” And the guests, in turn, indicate these reasons. To prevent the stands from looking boring, they can be painted.

To conduct competitions and prize draws, numbers are prepared from colored cardboard for guests. Those who come to the celebration take them without looking and keep them until the end of the evening.

Holiday script and competitions for adults

The host of the celebration becomes a wizard. There is a cap on his head, a shiny wand and a large book in his hands. Dance breaks are made at the discretion of the leader.

HOST: How we love birthdays! And especially such an anniversary! (The presenter begins to tell a parable.) “Once Molla was asked what the name of cooled pilaf is in Arabic. But Molla didn’t know and answered: Arabs never let pilaf cool.”

Then all guests are invited to the festive table.

HOST: Today's celebration is dedicated to a special round date, which means it becomes a little magical. Guests also touched the magic, leaving their wishes at a special stand.

Then Johann Strauss's "Waltz of the Flowers" is announced. First, the hero of the day dances (with his wife/husband), then everyone joins.

The hero of the day, our friend,
Sit for a while
Hey, pour a shot glass quickly!
Accept congratulations from friends
On your wonderful anniversary!

Poetry competition

The presenter announces the competition by putting on a cap and waving his wand. Then he looks into the “magic” book and announces that for the competition he needs one guest who pulled out the number 5.

On a piece of paper you can write some not very well-known classic poem with missing epithets, adjectives and pronouns.

The competition participant’s task is to insert the most suitable words from those offered within a certain time. After which the entire poem is read out in full. The guests applaud.

Mythological competition

Turning again to his “magic” book, the host announces that all present guests will participate in the next competition, but divided into two teams.

The presenter reads out questions related to mythology, and the teams answer.

  1. Why did the gods punish the young man by turning him into a daffodil? (Because he indulged in narcissism.)
  2. Before the gods turned the young man Hyacinth into a flower, who was he? (The son of the king of Sparta, a friend of Apollo, who accidentally killed him during sports games.)
  3. Why is the chrysanthemum so revered in Japanese mythology? (Because it is associated with the origin of the country. Japan's highest award is the Order of the Chrysanthemum.)
  4. What does the word "aster" mean in Latin? (Star.)
  5. In Slavic mythology there is a flower called. What kind of flower is this? (Pansies.)
  6. Cornflower is considered a royal flower, why? (Because in Greek the word is "basileus", which translates as "king".)
  7. Which people's mythology speaks of a non-existent fern flower? (In Slavic mythology it is said that it blooms in the wilderness once a year - on the night of Ivan Kupala - and the one who finds it gains wealth for life.)

Rhythmic competition

The host looks into his book again and says that only even numbers will participate in this competition, which takes us back to pagan times. The odd numbers remain in their places and help the game run by cheering loudly. One of the odd-numbered guests can be given a baby drum to create rhythm.

So, the participants go to the center of the hall and sit on chairs arranged in a circle.

The presenter sits on a chair and asks everyone to put their hands on their knees so that the right hand is on the knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left hand is on the neighbor on the left.

The participants’ task is to, while maintaining order, lightly hit their neighbor’s knee with their hand. The leader starts the game with his left hand and then his neighbor with his right hand, then his neighbor on the right with his left hand, etc. The blows should form a kind of magical rhythm.

And guests who are not participating in the competition, clapping their hands, set the pace, speeding it up.

Anecdotal competition

The presenter begins his story with the fact that round objects always have a special magical effect on people, and tells an anecdote.

A new Russian was getting ready to get married. And before the wedding he came to the architect:

- I need a completely round house.
The architect clarifies:
- Round?!
- Well, I said: absolutely round!
- What about the floor, ceiling and everything else?
- I told you they should be round!
- But why?! - the architect is amazed.
- Yes, my mother-in-law says: “You have a corner for me too...”

Then the presenter announces a competition of “round jokes”, for example about a kolobok, the sun, etc. All guests participate.

Shadow competition

HOST: Guess what there is in the world that is as big as the Eiffel Tower, but weighs nothing? That's right, the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. Our competition is called "Guess the Shadow".

To carry it out, the hero of the day is seated on a chair facing the wall, and guests of the festive evening with numbers 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 25, 27 prepare to participate. The overhead light is turned off (the host can do this by waving his hand with a magic wand, using the help of a volunteer from the guests), and a table lamp is installed behind the hero of the day. On the wall in front of him you can see the shadow of the person standing behind him. The hero of the occasion's task is to guess whose shadow it is when the players begin to pass between him and the lamp. Participants must try to prevent the hero of the day from recognizing them - they can change their gait, attach a clown nose to themselves, or make funny gestures. The one whom the hero of the day guessed replaces him in the chair. During the competition, you can play cheerful, quiet music.

Congratulatory competition

Participants with numbers 4, 6, 8, 14 are invited to participate. They are divided into 2 teams of 2 people. They are given a task: in 5-10 minutes. write a story for the hero of the day using one letter. For example, when all words begin with the letter "O" or "P". The story should have a small plot and a caption.

If the participants find it difficult, the facilitator can help them with such mini stories:

“One day a very educated monkey went to explore the surrounding area.

"ABOUT! Charming monkey!” The monkey was resting near the lake: “Oh, charming monkey!” They kissed each other. A charming charmer will appreciate a very frank opus.

Especially witty Olga and Oleg."

"An elderly peacock met a decent guy. They drank, danced, swam. Then they walked through the desert, asking for a drink. Later they crossed by ferry. The right promising guy will understand the invented work.

Pioneers of the past period."

The stories are read to the hero of the day one by one. Participants are rewarded with applause.

Digital competition

The HOST says that today's celebration is connected with the magic of numbers. And in the next competition the tasks will be related to numbers. Guests numbered 26-36 are invited to participate. It is advisable to hold the competition with fun, fast music.

Exercise 1. Dedicated to the number 3. It is required to name all known works, including fairy tales whose titles contain this number: “Three Comrades”, “Three in a Boat, Not Counting the Dog”, “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers”, “The Three Little Pigs” , “Three heroes”, “Three fat men”, etc.

Task 2. Dedicated to the number 7. Here you need to give examples of how often this number is used in our lives. For example, seven notes, seven days of the week, the proverbs “Measure twice - cut once” and “Seven do not wait for one”, the word “family” - seven “I”, etc.

Task 3. Dedicated to the number 5. It is necessary to list 5 animals whose names consist of five letters. For example, squirrel, zebra, cat, wild boar, marmot.

Task 4. Dedicated to the number 4. Participants must count to 40, without naming the number 4, but replacing it with the word “next”.

2 minutes are allocated for each task.

Namesakes Competition

The host, looking in his book, invites guests numbered 16, 17, 18, 19 to play. They must, with the help of the host, remember all the famous namesakes of the birthday boy, and compose a small horoscope for him on this basis.

For example, if the birthday boy’s name is Yuri, you should remember Yuri Dolgoruky, Yuri Gagarin, Yuri Nikulin and come up with the following “horoscope”: “The birthday boy has a strong character, and his influence extends so far that it even reaches outer space. At the same time, our hero of the day is not without sense of humor and loves to be first in everything!”

If the hero of the day is Sergei, then the images of Sergei Yesenin and Sergius of Radonezh will help here. If the name of the hero of the day is Alexander, there is a complete revelry of fantasy: Macedonian, Nevsky, Pushkin, Russian emperors. Ivan has “cool” namesakes - Ivan the Terrible, as well as Ivan the Fool and Ivan Tsarevich. The image of Mikhail will be created by the actor Derzhavin, the Russian Tsar Mikhail - the first in the Romanov dynasty, as well as the good Russian Mikhailo Potapych. Guests can associate the name Gennady with Gennady Khazanov and the good crocodile Gena. Valery is an artistic name, it is worn by such famous singers as Meladze and Leontyev. Vladimir is, undoubtedly, numerous courageous great Russian princes, and perhaps Vladimir Ilyich.

Similar ones are easy to make for women. Natalya - Natasha Rostova, Natalya is the boyar's daughter. Catherine - two Russian empresses; Elizabeth - both Russian and English empresses; Julia can be associated with Julius Caesar, as well as with the Italian Juliet; Olga's character will remind guests of Princess Olga or actress Olga Ostroumova; Maria are images of the Virgin Mary, as well as many of Pushkin’s heroines - Masha Dubrovskaya, the captain’s daughter. Tatyana's horoscope will be created by Tatyana Larina, Saint Tatyana - the patroness of all students.

The competition usually arouses great interest in any audience.

The evening is over. The presenter takes off his cap, puts his magic wand in it, a book next to it and makes a final toast “to the road.”

No one is noisy or fun party cannot do without outdoor games, fun relay races and mass entertainment. They create a special atmosphere of general fun, enliven the fading holiday and unite all guests. Various competitive games are especially good at corporate parties, as they promote team unity and, in an unobtrusive game form, raise team spirit in the team.

Many outdoor games and relay races, which are included in the entertainment program of adult holidays, come from childhood, but adult guests who are amused to a certain degree play them with great excitement.

We offer a large selection of outdoor games for any holiday, which contains games and competitions for different occasions: for family holidays, for youth parties or for corporate events - the choice is yours.

1. Outdoor games for any holiday:

"Two centipedes."

This is a fun activity to lift your spirits. All guests are divided into two teams - these will be two “centipedes”. Each player stands behind the other and takes the one in front by the waist.

Then they turn on cheerful music and the “centipedes” are given various commands: “go around obstacles” (you can first place chairs), “move while squatting,” “separate the second centipede,” etc.

This idea can be made a team one by coming up with a scoring system, but it’s better to arrange it just for fun and excitement, or during the dance break.

"Music has tied us".

Depending on how many pairs of players the presenter plans to call, he will have to stock up on so many skeins of narrow ribbon. The length of the tape is at least five meters.

The girls wrap this ribbon around their waist (it’s more convenient if someone helps), and their gentlemen, at the command of the leader, approach their partners, attach the free end of the ribbon to their belt and quickly begin to spin around their axis to the rousing music. This is necessary so that all five meters of tape are wound around his waist.

Whichever pair moves the ribbon from the female waist to the male one the fastest wins.

"Trouble in the Coop."

For this outdoor game pairs are called or created in place, each with one representative of the strong and weak half of humanity, they will have to take part in a funny chase.

Men are blindfolded, but first they agree with their ladies who will “cluck” and how: ko-ko-ko, cluck-tah-tah, chick-chick, pee-pee-pee, chiv-chiv-chiv, and so on. - to the extent of your imagination, according to this call, every blindfolded man must catch his “chicken”.

It’s worth warning right away that the room for an imaginary chicken coop should be small. If the presenter has too impressive a space at his disposal, then we advise you to fence off the “chicken nook” with ordinary chairs. The “commotion” is best done with music - in this case, the musical theme from the cartoon “Well, Just Wait!”, when the wolf also ends up in the chicken coop, is suitable.

"The artist's feet feed him."

The toastmaster solemnly announces that to stage a new blockbuster he needs the “brave seven,” seven of the most talented and beautiful guests. If there are none, then he conducts the selection process and selects candidates for the roles. Then he gives them small props or just cards with the names of the roles: Kolobok, Grandma, Grandfather, Bunny, Wolf, Bear and, of course, Fox.

Then he says that we are wrong to think that artists have an easy life. “The life of a Russian artist is hard and unprepossessing” - sometimes they have to run a lot to get a role. Therefore, if you want to become stars, you need to practice.

There are 7 chairs, the “artists” sit down, but as soon as the name of his hero is mentioned in the text, he quickly gets up and runs around the chairs. The presenter reads the fairy tale “Kolobok”, only to make it more interesting and unexpected for the participants - he improvises, and either adheres to the storyline, or composes on his own - so that no one stays for a long time.

Here is an example: “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a grandmother... Then a bear comes to visit Grandma and Grandfather! And he menacingly asks why Grandfather and Grandmother don’t have children. Frightened, Grandfather and Grandmother grab the first Bunny they come across and present it to the Bear. But the Bear is not so easy to deceive. Then Grandfather and Grandmother begin to bake Kolobok..."

When the guests flock to their heart's content, you can present everyone with a diploma of an Honored Artist, ask the audience to applaud them and once again remind you that “the feet feed the beginning artist.”

Such runners can be themed and universal, and they belong to the category of popular

"Adventures in the Swamp".

Two participants in these “swamp” competitions are given a pair of sheets of paper - they will represent hummocks. The players' goal: to move from one end of the room or hall to the other, placing one sheet of paper at a time under their feet. You can only step on the designated bumps.

The winner is the one who can complete the obstacle course there and back faster without ever stepping off the paper.

By the way, you can complicate the task and require the competition participants to bring something from the opposite end of the room, that is, they go there lightly, and carry back in their hands, for example, a glass or shot glass filled to the brim with alcohol. Whoever comes last drinks both as a penalty, and the winner gets a prize

"Pull the string..."

For this game, two chairs are placed in the middle of the hall, a rope is placed under the chairs (the length should match the width of the two chairs), so that its ends stick out just a little from under the chairs. Then two players are called, who artistically walk around the seats to the music, and as soon as the music stops, they must quickly stop sitting on a chair and pull the rope lying under it. This is repeated three times.

The winner is the one who can pull the rope in his direction more often - and he gets a prize!

"Fight for Survival".

Inflated balloons are tied to the ankles of the participants (the number can be any), two balloons for each. On command, everyone rushes to burst each other's balloons with their feet, trying to protect their own.

The game continues until the last ball. The winner is the owner of that very last ball.

(More extreme versions of an outdoor game with balls can be found)

2. Team games and relay races for any holiday:

"Pass the sausage."

2 teams are formed, with any number of participants, the main thing is to get equal teams. They line up behind each other's heads, each team is given a long ball - a sausage. Task: quickly pass the “sausage” sandwiched between your legs from the beginning of your column to the end. The last one in the column, having received the ball, clamps it tighter and runs to the first player, taking his place. And so on until, again, the first player takes his place. For each ball fall, one point is deducted.

The team that does everything faster and with fewer penalty points will win.

"Nimble spoon."

The presenter assembles two teams - male and female. They stand against each other. Each team is given a large tablespoon. At the leader’s command, each player must “pass” the spoon, that is, thread it through some hole in his clothes (through the sleeves, trouser legs, belt, straps). Then the “nimble spoon”, having reached the last player on the team, must return back in exactly the same way.

The team whose boat is “faster” wins.

Fun relay race "The ferry and the ferryman."

For this relay race you will need two ice sleds and a long rope, about ten meters. From each team we select the strongest participant and send him to the “opposite shore”. Those who remained on “this shore” (there must be at least ten people) take turns sitting in the sled. The strongman on the opposite side pulls them towards him, as if crossing the river. Then the presenter’s assistants deliver the ice cubes back, and the next batch is loaded onto them.

The second time, the “ferryman”’s work is much easier, since his comrades who have already been transported can easily help him in his work. By the way, different things happen “on the way”, and if there are people who fall off the sled, they drop out of the game and are considered “drowned”. At the finish line, there is always a count of players who have safely crossed to the other side.

The winner is the team that transports the most people and completes this task faster. Such outdoor games are especially exciting at youth parties or corporate events.

"How is your health?"

For variety, invite guests to take each other's temperatures. Then present a huge fake thermometer. The presenter recruits a team of boys and girls. Naturally, a huge thermometer is placed under the left armpit of the first male player. He must measure the temperature of the lady opposite him without using his hands, that is, the thermometer must move from one supposed patient to another. And so on until the players figure out which of them has a fever. The “sick” person, that is, the one who dropped the thermometer, is eliminated from the competition.

The “healthiest” team (those that lost the fewest players) wins. If both teams find themselves in an equal position, the competition can be repeated, complicating the conditions, for example, speeding up the pace (making it a timed competition) or offering to pass through one, while the player who ends up in the middle should not help in any way.

"Racing in a mortar."

In this game, participants will pretend to be hedgehog grandmothers, so they will need a “mortar” and a “broom” (bucket and mop). The bucket must have a handle, since you need to hold it when running.

The leader assembles two equal teams. He places one part of each team at one end of the hall, the other at the opposite. The first participant places his left foot in the bucket, takes a mop in his hands and, holding the bucket by the handle, hurries to his team standing at the other end. There he passes the “fairytale” props to his teammate, and he, in turn, runs in the opposite direction.

Calm relaxing music plays.

Leading. I hasten to tell you - hello!
To wish you good health.
I hasten to tell you - goodness!
To wish you new happiness.
I hasten to tell you - Joy!
Good luck, success and luck!
To wish everyone in the hall
Have the most wonderful mood.
Let songs, dances, games, jokes
They'll be here in no time.
So, friends, I'm starting -
Good evening, gentlemen!
The music changes in the mood to cheerful and rhythmic.

Leading. I am glad to welcome everyone who came to this hall today! I am also very happy to welcome those who really wanted to come, but did not come. In turn, I want to wish everyone present and even those absent happiness, kindness and love!

Auction "Smiling Auction".
Leading. Answer me without mistake - friendship begins with...

Party participants: "Smiles!"

Leading. And in most cases, acquaintance begins with a smile.
A smile - it costs nothing, but is valued very dearly. It lasts a moment, but sometimes remains in memory forever.
Shakespeare believed that a smile can achieve more than a sword. Do you want to win friends? - Smile!
Look around, what smiles surround us! But what kind of smiles are there?... The last one to choose an epithet for the word “smile” wins... But the one who comes up with the most original epithet also wins.

(A competition is held according to the rules of the game auction: participants name their options - charming, friendly, friendly, seductive, charming, etc. The authors of the last and original answers are awarded).

Comments: It is estimated that there are ninety-seven shades of smiles mentioned in the works of Leo Tolstoy. Who knows, your players might make the auction endless. Remember: don’t delay, know how to stop in time, control the situation.

Impromptu - game "Blitz - getting to know each other".
Leading. (Approaches one of the spectators.) Good evening! My name is (says his name) What is your name?

Viewer. (For example.) Natalia!

Leading. (To the hall.) Is there still Natalya in the hall? Please stand up... Thank you!

Leading. Good evening! I was born under the constellation Cancer, what zodiac sign were you born under?

Viewer. (For example.) I'm Aries!

Leading. (To the hall.) Are there anyone in the hall who was born under the constellation Aries?.. Please show yourself.... Thank you!
The leader approaches the next participant.

Leading. According to the eastern calendar, I belong to the year of the Goat. And you?

Viewer. (For example.) I was born in the year of the Tiger!

Leading. (To the hall.) Are there any more tigers here? Sorry, those born in the year of the Tiger?... Thank you!
The presenter approaches another participant.

Leading. I work in the cultural sector. What is your profession?

Viewer. (For example.) I am an educator!

Leading. (To the hall.) Are there any teachers among you? Show yourself... Thank you!
Approaches one more participant.

Leading. As Pushkin once wrote, “All ages are submissive to love!”, so I still dream of big and bright love. What are you dreaming about?...

Viewer. (For example.) You know, I also dream of love!

Leading. Friends, who else dreams about it, that is, love?... Thank you!
The presenter returns to the center of the hall.

Leading. My dears, I have a question for you: do you good memory?… Wonderful!
Then tell me, how many of those named Natalya are in the hall?... (Audience response.)
How many are there who were born under the constellation Aries?... (Audience response.)
How many people present belong to the year of the Tiger?... (Audience response.)
How many teachers are with us?... (Audience response.)
How many are there who dream of big and bright love?... (Audience response.)
What was the first question I asked you all?... (Audience response.)
Still, the first question was: do you have a good memory?

Game "Catch Hello".
Leading . Remember how it was with the poet: “I came to you with greetings...! I also came to you with greetings...
True, my “hello” must be caught. And catching him is not easy, but very simple. Can you hear the music?...
Cheerful rhythmic music begins to sound loud.

Leading. Applaud to the beat of the music...
Everyone present begins to clap their hands to the music.

Leading. Now I will approach each of you, and you, without ceasing to clap your hands, try to catch my “hello.”
Participants in the program (party), either sitting or standing, clap to the beat of the music. The presenter approaches each participant in turn and provokes them to catch his “hello”: at the moment when the participant’s palms separate during applause, the presenter extends his palm, as if shaking his hand, but immediately removes it, when the player's palms come together. The effect is created as if the players are catching the “hello” of the presenter.
The player who manages to grab the host’s palm, that is, catch his “hello,” is invited to the center of the playing area (hall). Thus, the presenter “recruits” three participants.

Game "Choose Me".
Leading. And now, our dear participants, let's play “elections”. (Addresses three participants.) You need to choose a pair for yourself. Who?...Whoever you think is necessary. Or who you like most in this room. Look carefully into the hall... Determine the goal... Have you chosen?... And now we will close your eyes.
The presenter puts “blind” masks on the participants so that they cannot see anything.

Leading. (Addresses the audience.) Dear friends, I ask you to stand up and change your locations.
Spectators move to other seats.

Leading. (Addresses the players.) And now you go to the masses and choose a pair for yourself. You can’t communicate, you can’t feel your chosen ones either. And you will see who falls for your bait a little later. So, make your choice, gentlemen!
There's a song playing "Choose me", players make their choice.

Leading. We take off our masks... Are you surprised or pleasantly surprised?... But a choice is a choice. Let's continue.
As they say, our regiment has arrived . (To the players.) We leave you alone with each other. No, you don’t need to leave, you just need to talk a little, learn as much as possible about each other. And in two or three minutes we will return to you...

Impromptu - game "Be healthy!"
Leading. (Addresses the audience) Dear friends, in the old days there was a belief: if someone sneezed during the festive fun, he was considered a happy person. So I suggest everyone sneeze together...
The presenter divides all those present into three groups: the first shouts the word “Box”, the second - “Cartilage”, the third - “Matches”; at the leader’s signal, all three groups each shout out their word at the same time and the result is a friendly: “Apchhi!”

Leading. Be healthy! Or, as people say: “Be healthy for a hundred years!” I see that happy and cheerful people have gathered here.
And there is another sign among people: what if you sneeze on an empty stomach:
on Monday - to the guests,
on Tuesday - to the news,
on Wednesday - for a tasty treat,
on Thursday - to the desired congratulations,
on Friday - for a love date,
on Saturday - to a new friend,
on Sunday - to daring fun.
So, good people, sneeze to your health and live richly!

Game "Mind Reading".
Leading. (To the players.) So, you had plenty of time to find out some information about each other. I will now ask you questions that you will need to answer without consulting.
What we say is text. And what we think about is the subtext. I don’t remember where I read this bold statement, but we will test it on our respected players.
First I ask a question, then you answer it. Then I put “magic antennas” on your head and they will reproduce your thoughts. And we will find out how much your words coincide with your thoughts.

“Magic antennas” are foam bunny ears on a plastic rim.
The success of this impromptu depends on its good preliminary preparation and coherence of the work of the presenter and DJ. It is necessary to make a “cut” of phrases from different songs in advance, think through questions for the “chopped” phrases, and the DJ must include the necessary tracks on asked question. Below is an example of such communication and “mind reading”.

Communication with the first couple.

Leading. (Addresses the member of the first pair.) What is the name of your chosen one? (chosen one)?...What is your first impression of her? (German)?... Now let's listen to your thoughts...
The presenter puts “antennas” on the participant, and a phrase from the song sounds in the soundtrack: “Oh, what a woman, what a woman, I wish I had one like that...” if the participant is a man. Or “And he’s as cold as an iceberg in the ocean...” if the participant is a woman.

Leading. (Addresses the other member of the first pair.) What are your impressions of him? (her)?...And now your thoughts on this matter...
The presenter puts “antennas” on the other participant; the phrase from the song sounds in the soundtrack: “Girls are different...” if the participant is a man. Or “Call me with you...” if the participant is a woman.

Communication with the second couple.

Leading. (Addresses the member of the second pair.) Are you glad that the choice fell on you?... Would you like to continue our acquaintance?... And what were you really thinking about, we will now hear...
The presenter puts “antennas” on the participant; the phrase from the song sounds in the soundtrack: “I looked back to see if she looked back...” if the participant is a man. Or “Tell me, tell me, what do you need, what do you need...” if the participant is a woman.

Leading . (Addresses the other member of the second pair.) How do you assess the current situation in relation to you of your chosen one? (chosen ones)?... But let's listen to your thoughts...
The presenter puts “antennas” on the participant; the phrase from the song sounds in the soundtrack: “I’m afraid of your love, sometimes cold, sometimes hot...” if the participant is a man. Or “But I don’t want, I don’t want for reasons of convenience...” if the participant is a woman.

Communication with the third couple.

Leading. (Addresses the member of the third pair.) What did you like most about your chosen one? (chosen one)?... But what will your thoughts sing to us...
The presenter puts “antennas” on the participant; the phrase from the song sounds in the soundtrack: “These eyes are opposite a kaleidoscope of lights...” if the participant is a man. Or “Your cherry nine…” if the participant is a woman.
Leading. (Addresses the other member of the third pair.) What captivated you most about the person opposite?... And to be honest...
The presenter puts “antennas” on the participant, and a phrase from the song sounds in the soundtrack: “We honestly want to tell you, we don’t look at girls anymore...” if the participant is a man. Or “And I love military men, handsome, hefty...” if the participant is a woman.

Leading. Thank you for your sincerity and forgive us for exposing your thoughts a little. Take our souvenirs as souvenirs that have already become yours. Believe me, from the bottom of my heart...
Participants in the impromptu event are given souvenirs.

Impromptu "Song Changelings".
Leading. Towards the end of our meeting, let's remember the songs. Or rather, we won’t remember, but we’ll guess. I will tell you a line from the song, “turning” the words to their opposite meanings. And you guess what song we are talking about. For example: “The clips were thrown away and they all lay down in a row.” In the original, the words sound like this: “Hung the beads, stood in a round dance.” Now it's your turn.

" "Above the floor of his hut...” (“Under the roof of my house...”)
" "The painter who paints the snow...” (“The artist who paints the rain...”)
" "Not a fashionable green stocking...” (“Stylish orange tie...”)
" "A beetle clung to the tree...” ("In the grass Grasshopper sat…".)
""Last night of defeats does not smell like bullets...” ("This Victory Day smelled like gunpowder...".)
""Tango of the black crow...". ("Samba of the white moth...".)
""Goodbye, the boy is a major..." (“Hello, second-hand girl...”)
If there is karaoke, it is appropriate to hold a karaoke singing competition.

Leading. I thank you for the gaming communication. Yes, our life is a game, and what matters is not how long it will last, but how it will be played. I wish you a successful game!

Games and competitions for the entertainment of colleagues

Game for adults "Attraction"

Anyone can participate. The players stand in one large circle, looking at the back of each other's heads. Now the presenter gives the task to press together as tightly as possible and make the circle narrower. And now the most difficult part: the guests, at the command of the host, simultaneously bend their legs and try to sit on each other’s knees. As soon as they succeed, the task becomes more complicated: now, at the command of the leader, the players, holding in this position, must extend their arms to the sides. So they all fell! The presenter comments on the situation with the words: “Next time, choose more reliable and stronger friends!”

Competition for adults “Don’t Yawn”

The players are divided into pairs. They are given 2 minutes to look at each other as best as possible and remember all the little details. appearance. Now the participants turn their backs to each other and the competition begins. It is forbidden to peep and cheat! The facilitator asks each pair in turn the following questions.

1. Remember the name of your partner standing behind you.

2. Remember the color of your partner's eyes.

3. How long are your partner’s trousers (it will be much funnier if the girl is wearing a skirt, but this does not change the wording of the question).

4. Tell me what shoes your partner is wearing.

Further questions get more complicated. You can ask, for example, what the partner is wearing on his neck, on which hand he has a watch, etc. The presenter can ask about the color of lipstick, about rings (on which fingers, what shape, etc.), what hairstyle does he have? partner. In general, the more unexpected and interesting the wording of the questions, the more fun and funny the competition will be.

Competition for adults “Hee-hee yes ha-ha”

Participants of the competition take places in the room so that all other players fall into their field of vision.

The first player starts the competition. Its task is elementary, but no less significant. He needs to calmly, clearly, without emotion, say one word out loud: “Ha.”

The second participant also loudly and clearly pronounces the word twice: “Ha-ha.” The third participant, accordingly, supports the previous ones and continues the noble cause, pronouncing the word three times, and so on, all in turn, adding one more to the number of words already spoken. All this, in accordance with the seriousness of the undertaking, must be pronounced with appropriate pathos, and do not forget about the facial expression!

The game is considered interrupted as soon as one of the participants allows himself, instead of “Ha-ha,” to slide down to the usual “Hee-hee,” or simply laugh!

It is best to conduct the game in a company where people know each other well and where a certain opinion has already been formed about everyone. The game is played as follows. All participants gather together. A presenter is selected. He silently makes a wish for one person present. The task of the rest is to find out who the leader chose. All participants in the game take turns asking the host questions about associations. The presenter thinks for a moment and pronounces his association. Participants in the game listen carefully to the answers and try to put all the associations into a single image, this allows them to guess the intended personality. Whoever is the first to correctly identify the selected person wins and gets the right to become the leader in the next game.

The word “association” refers to the presenter’s impression of a given person, his personal feelings, some image that resembles a hidden person.

An example of questions and answers to associations could be the following dialogue:

What vegetable or fruit is this person associated with?

With ripe tangerine.

What type of shoes is this person associated with?

With hussar boots with spurs.

What color is this person associated with?

With orange.

What type or brand of car is this person associated with?

With a bus.

What animal is this person associated with?

With an elephant.

What kind of music is this person associated with?

With Russian "pop music".

What mood is this person associated with?


After such answers, you understand that we are talking about someone perky, with a good-natured character and a broad soul. You look around in bewilderment: “Who could it be?” And then suddenly someone’s voice is heard calling your name. To your surprise, the presenter says, “This is the correct answer!”

Competition for adults “Blind Find”

To participate in the competition, players are divided into pairs - a man and a woman. As equipment, the presenter should have stools in stock for the number of participating pairs. The stools are turned over and placed upside down. The stronger sex is lined up at a distance of 3 m opposite the stools, after which they are blindfolded.

Girls are given 10 matchboxes. The task for the participants is not an easy one: a blindfolded man must reach his partner, take a matchbox from her, walk to a stool and place the box on one of the legs. Then he returns to his partner, takes her the next box, heads to the stool and... The competition continues until a matchbox is placed on all the legs of the stool. It is clear that fallen matchboxes do not count. And the most important condition: “private traders are prohibited from feeling the legs of the stool, the entire task must be performed under the guidance of their partners, who tell them where to go, what position to stand in, how to move your hand, where to aim, how to sit down, etc. And don’t forget to turn on fun music!

Competition for adults “Portrait painter”

Participants are given felt-tip pens and paper and asked to draw a portrait of the neighbor sitting on their left, with a right-hander doing it with his left hand, and a left-hander with his right.

Competition for adults “Writing letters”

Everyone who wants to take part in the game is given a regular A4 sheet of paper and a pen. The presenter asks the players questions, and they write down their answers, fold the sheet and pass it to another player, thereby exchanging sheets with each other. The questions can be the most banal. For example, who worked for whom, when, what, why, where did he do it, how did it all end?

Anything can come out, for example: Petya, tractor driver, yesterday, went to the dance, had nothing to do, on the roof, got lost.

Competition for adults “Exposure”

To conduct the competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance four album sheets with the inscriptions “bathhouse”, “CHILDREN’S MAINTENE”, “MATERNITY HOSPITAL”, “AT A THERAPIST’S APPOINTMENT”, which are attached to the participants’ backs. Those, in turn, should not know their content. The lucky ones turn their backs to the guests and take turns being interviewed by the host.

Questions could be the following (you can come up with your own):

♦ Do you like this place?

♦ How often do you come here?

♦ Are you taking anyone there with you?

♦ Who would you invite to visit this place with you?

♦ What five essential items will you take with you to avoid getting into a sticky situation?

♦ What do you usually do there?

♦ Why did you choose this particular location?

Questions can arise during the game if the process captivates the participants and spectators.

After the audience has had a good laugh, the presenter can remove the signs from the backs of the participants and show them where, in fact, they were “sent”. Now the players themselves will laugh long and merrily!

You can use the proposed scenario both at a New Year's party with friends and at family holiday. The script can be expanded, supplemented, or shortened at your discretion. At the same time, it is advisable to preserve the main outline of the holiday - travel.

At the entrance to the premises where the holiday will take place, there are posters with the following inscriptions:

1. Our New Year's Eve

Calling everyone to joy!

Be happy today

It will be a fun year!

2. If you came to the ball,

So you are not a baby.

Just do it well

And don't do anything bad!


Hurry up, come in

Look at the show!

Attention! Attention! Attention!

Notified in advance.

It’s not for nothing that the calendar sheet was placed here.

Let young and old remember:

This evening is carnival!

Let it not be a surprise to anyone -

The best costume will be awarded with a prize!

There is little time left before the holiday.

And let's hope everyone is ready

Seeing friends on carnival day

Without delay, at... o'clock!

Leading. New Year- the most cheerful, bright and joyful holiday, both adults and children love it, and everyone celebrates it in their own way. Some go to a restaurant, others go out into nature, into the winter forest, many, like us, celebrate the New Year at home, in the family circle. Let's celebrate the New Year in a fun and interesting way! I propose to go today on an unforgettable New Year's trip, on a cruise around the New Year's planet and celebrate the New Year together with other peoples! And before a long journey, let's fill our glasses and drink to good luck, since we need it everywhere and always: in work, personal affairs, and, of course, on the road. So, a toast.

May the New Year bring you good luck,

Complex problems will be solved

And success will bring with it,

Happiness and love to boot!

Leading. Friends, we board the train, into the soft carriage of the New Year's Express and set off on a journey around the New Year's planet. And the first stop is Poland.

Warsaw, the capital of Poland, turns into a real booth on New Year's holidays, carnival processions take place day and night, men dress up in women's costumes, children paint their faces, and the streets are decorated with huge bouquets of balloons. At 12 o'clock at night, when the chimes strike, the residents of Warsaw begin to clap balloons, and it turns out to be a kind of New Year's fireworks. We will also arrange New Year's fireworks.

(Contest: Several pairs are called (a man and a woman), each pair is given a large balloon, which must be placed between them. While the music is playing, couples dance; As soon as the music stops, you need to quickly and tightly hug each other so that the balloon bursts. Whose shot of the bursting balloon will be the first, that couple wins. The winning couple makes a toast.)

Leading. We arrived in Italy. IN New Year's Eve in Italy, old, leaky utensils are thrown out of windows - chairs, lamps, buckets. There is such a sign that if you throw an old thing out the window, then in the new year you will get the same new one. And every family always bakes a New Year's cake, where many different surprises are hidden. And we have prepared such a pie for you, take a piece and find out what awaits you in the new year.

(Fortune telling: on a large beautiful tray there is a sheet of thick paper beautifully painted to look like a pie, which consists of small squares - pieces of the pie. On inside square - drawings-symbols of what awaits the participants in the new year: heart - love, book - knowledge,

1 kopeck - money

the key is a new apartment,

sun - success,

letter - news,

car - buy a car,

a person’s face is a new acquaintance,

arrow - achieving the goal,

watches - changes in life,

road - trip,

gift - surprise,

lightning - tests,

glass - holidays, etc.)

Leading. Germany is the birthplace of great scientists, poets, musicians (you can remember their names and award the last one who spoke a prize). In Germany, it is considered a lucky omen to meet a chimney sweep on New Year's Eve and get dirty with soot. And at 12 o’clock at night it is customary to climb onto chairs and tables and “jump” into the New Year, shouting joyfully.

(Competition for men . 3-4 participants line up and “jump” into the new year; whoever jumped further is the winner. The winner makes a toast.)

Leading. We drove around Europe, and now we’ll go to hot, exotic Africa, but there are no trains there, we’ll go by car. You know, in one of the tribes in Kenya, on New Year’s Day, when tribesmen meet, they spit at each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. Yes, it’s a very exotic custom, but don’t worry, we won’t spit at each other, but we’ll try to congratulate our friends in the African way.

(Contest. 3-5 participants are called. They are given baby pacifiers. The winner is the one who spits out the pacifier the furthest. The winner makes a toast.)

Leading. Africa - hot scorching sun, impenetrable jungles and temperamental, fiery dances. I announce the African Dance Marathon.

(Dance block for 20-30 minutes. During the dances, you can choose the best “leader” of the tribe, dancers and present a prize - a New Year’s loincloth (tinsel ribbon).)

Leading. We continue our journey, transfer from the car to the ship and sail to America. There is a wonderful custom: before setting sail, a bottle of champagne is broken on the side of the ship, but we will not break it, but will pour it into glasses and raise the following toast:

May it be New Year

It won’t add wrinkles

And he will smooth out and erase the old ones,

Health will improve

Will save you from failures

And it will bring you a lot of happiness!

Leading. So, here we are in America... Skyscrapers, the Statue of Liberty, Michael Jackson, Madonna and, of course, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Every year on New Year's Eve in America there is a competition for the strongest, most resilient, dexterous, and courageous man. I ask strong, brave and dexterous men (up to 5 people) to come here. Your task: holding your right hand behind your back, with one left hand, holding the unfolded newspaper by the corner, form it into a fist. The fastest and most dexterous is the winner. The winner makes a toast.

(The presenter conducts the competition.)

Leading. It's time to move on. We board a plane and fly to Japan. On December 31, the Japanese begin general cleaning, and with the striking of the clock at 12 o'clock at night they go to bed in order to get up before dawn and celebrate the New Year with the first rays of the rising sun. Japan is a mysterious and incomprehensible country, whose inhabitants have many talents, one of them is reading the thoughts of another person. So, we are in the salon of a famous Japanese magician (whose role I will play), where we can hear the thoughts of any of the guests.

(Test joke. A cassette is prepared in advance with individual lines from songs with approximately the following content:

1. “Well, where are you girls, girls, girls, short skirts, skirts, skirts...”

2. “Help me, help me...”

3. “You left me, you. abandoned me..."

4. “These eyes opposite are a kaleidoscope of lights...”, etc.

When the presenter-magician approaches the next guest and begins to move his hands above his head, the sound engineer turns on the tape, and everyone hears the thoughts of the guest. The presenter's comments on the thoughts heard are required. Up to 8-10 “thoughts” on a cassette are enough.)

Leading. Now let’s take a little break from our journey.

(Dance block for 20-30 minutes.)

Leading. It’s good to celebrate the New Year at a party, but at home it’s still better, we’re returning home to Russia. You know, dear friends, that until 1700 the New Year was not celebrated in Russia. On December 15, 1699, Peter I issued a decree that on January 1, 1700, a new chronology in Rus' begins, on this day you need to fire cannons, burn resin, decorate the house with spruce and fir branches, and also “have fun with dancing, music and games." Let's follow, friends, the decree of Peter I and continue to celebrate the New Year! And the next competition “Watches with a surprise” awaits you. In front of you is a watch with a surprise, and the owner of this surprise is sitting among you. Who is this? Nobody knows yet. Even me. Your invitation cards have numbers on them. The same number of numbers is in our lottery machine, with the help of which I will determine the first candidate for tonight's prize. So, attention, I invite the owner of the invitation card number... And now you will choose your opponent, take another ticket from the lottery drum. And the second candidate for the prize is the holder of ticket number... Attention! What is the point of the whole idea? The one of you who wins the first competition moves the clock hand by one number and uses the lottery machine to determine his next opponent. So we play until the minute hand reaches twelve. The one who does this will receive our biggest prize. (The clock was initially set at 11 hours 5 minutes.)

Leading.1 competition. Answer the question: in which country is high jumping the favorite New Year's pastime for young women? In South Africa, Ethiopia, Korea, France? (In Korea)

Leading. I congratulate you! You have won this competition, move the hand on the clock one number (11 hours 10 minutes). And you (the loser) don’t be upset, you get a consolation prize.

(Using a lottery machine, the next opponent of the winner is selected.)

Leading. 2 competition. In front of you is a box with 7 ribbons peeking out from under the lid, and a prize is tied to one of them. The one who draws the ribbon with the prize, alas, loses (since he has already received the prize).

(The presenter conducts the competition, selects the next candidate, and changes the clock.)

Leading. 3 competition . On the New Year, we wish each other not only health, but also more money, it won’t hurt anyone! So, whoever quickly counts the money (changes) that are in the bank (on a saucer, in an envelope) and names the exact amount will move the hand to 11 hours 20 minutes.

Leading. 4 competition. You need to cut out a snowflake from a napkin (paper) as quickly as possible.

(The presenter holds a competition, selects the next candidate, resets the clock, and gives the loser a consolation prize.)

Leading. 5 competition. The Snow Maiden's favorite treat is ice cream. Name the varieties of ice cream one by one. Whoever thinks for more than 5 seconds loses.

(The presenter holds a competition, selects the next candidate, resets the clock, and gives the loser a consolation prize.)

Leading. 6 competition . On New Year's Day, the most unusual and unexpected competitions are held. And here is one of them: look carefully at yourself and count the buttons, whoever has the most buttons wins.

(The presenter holds a competition, selects the next candidate, resets the clock, and gives the loser a consolation prize.)

Leading. 7 competition . On New Year's Day it is customary to tell fortunes. Let's tell our fortunes too. You take turns tearing off 1 or 2 or 3 petals from the chamomile; whoever gets the last petal loses (there are 21 petals in total).

(The presenter holds a competition, selects the next candidate, resets the clock, and gives the loser a consolation prize.)

Leading.8 competition. After the holiday there is always a lot of garbage left, you need to clean up the mess: put the crumpled newspapers into champagne bottles, whoever is faster.

(The presenter holds a competition, selects the next candidate, resets the clock, and gives the loser a consolation prize.)

Leading. 9 competition. On New Year's Day there is a wonderful tradition of dressing up in carnival costumes. Your task: dress up quickly - tie a bow on your hair.

(The presenter holds a competition, selects the next candidate, resets the clock, and gives the loser a consolation prize.)

Leading. 10 competition . This hat contains different words, you take turns taking out, reading, remembering and singing lines from songs where these words appear. But the songs should be about winter and the New Year holiday (Christmas tree, round dance, frost, frost, snowflake, icicle, etc.).

(The winner sets the clock to 11:55, the presenter chooses the last candidate.)

Leading. 11 competition. Contest of wishes for the New Year. The one who thinks for more than 5 seconds loses and receives a consolation prize. The winner of our competitions receives a festive surprise (champagne, box of chocolates, New Year's Christmas tree decoration or symbol of the coming year).

Leading(sets the clock to 12 o'clock and raises a toast). Dear friends! People say: “The best song that has not yet been sung is best city, which has not yet been built, best year, which has not yet lived.” So may the New Year bring us 365 sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles. May your dreams and plans come true! Happy New Year! With new happiness! I invite everyone to the table.

Leading. Friends, what would New Year be without Santa Claus? We will now send a telegram to Santa Claus, I have already composed the text, but I forgot to write the adjectives. So from each guest - one adjective.

(The presenter writes down all the spoken adjectives in a row on a piece of paper, then reads aloud what happened. Text of the telegram:

"...Santa Claus! All... guests are looking forward to your... arrival. New Year is the most... holiday of the year. We will sing... songs, dance... dances for you... in the mood! It's finally coming... New Year! I don’t really want to talk about... work. But we promise that we will work and receive only... a salary. So quickly open your... bag and give us... gifts. With respect to you,... aunties and... uncles! ")

The presenter opens the dance department. Upon completion, he invites guests to the table. The long-awaited Father Frost appears with his granddaughter Snegurochka. They congratulate the guests on the New Year, raise glasses of champagne and invite all guests to stand in a round dance and sing the traditional song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” Then Santa Claus can ask New Year's riddles to the guests, make an astrological forecast for the next year for each zodiac sign (comic, of course), hold a song contest about winter, and arrange an auction, at which the symbol of the coming year will be put up as the main lot. It could be a soft toy, a figurine, a painting, a keychain, etc. And you can buy lots not only with money, but also by singing a song, dancing a dance, reading poetry, telling a joke, etc. The Snow Maiden is the main assistant of Santa Claus - may announce a competition for the best dancer or singer or ditty singer, and award a prize for the most original new Year costume. You can end the evening with these words: May the New Year dawn on you,

Will give you success

And let it sound in your home

Cheerful, ringing laughter.

Let a true friend be nearby

Both on holiday and in bad weather.

And let it come to your home,

Like a snowball

Happiness always comes!

We say to everyone: "Goodbye"

The time has come to part.

And at this late winter hour -

The last dance is for you!

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