How to start agriculture. How to organize a farm from scratch: the nuances of starting an agribusiness

Today there are a number of government programs that are aimed at developing and supporting farmers, and tax benefits have been defined for owners. This type of entrepreneurial activity has become promising in Russia. Let's figure out where to start farming, what expenses will be required and how to successfully start in this business.

A farm is a commercial organization that operates on a family basis and produces agricultural products for the purpose of sale for profit.

Before starting a business in this area and to draw up a business plan, decide on the choice of direction.

Branches for breeding

  • Livestock: , horses, .
  • : trout, carp, sturgeon, silver carp, pike, carp, catfish.
  • Poultry breeding: laying hens, broiler chickens, ducks, geese, ostriches, .

What do they grow?

  • Vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, eggplants, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots.
  • Fruits and berries: melons, watermelons, apricots, pears, apples, strawberries, cherries, prunes, plums.
  • Greens: parsley, dill, onion, garlic.
  • Grain crops: wheat, oats, barley, rye, corn, sunflower, buckwheat.

This is not a complete list, but we have listed common and traditional crops.

What type of activity should I choose additionally?

When drawing up a business plan for a farm, take into account that additional income from related activities is possible.

  • If you decide to grow fruits and vegetables, additionally set up the production of frozen vegetables and fruits.
  • If you want to deal with pigs, at the same time start the production of stewed meat, products and other meat delicacies. Cows also mean profit from the sale of dairy products: milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese and others.
  • When growing grain crops, organize the production of flour, cereals, or try.

Where to start when starting a farm

The procedure for the formation of property is determined by the Law “On Peasant (Farm) Farming” No. 74-FZ of June 11, 2003 (as amended on December 28, 2010 No. 420-FZ).

According to clause 1 of Article 3, any capable citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as a foreign or stateless person, have the right to create a peasant farm. Clause 2 of the article states that members can become: spouses and parents, grandparents, children, sisters, brothers, grandchildren (up to three families). Also persons who are not relatives of the head, but no more than five people.

Article 4 states that the creation of a business by a group of persons will require the conclusion of an agreement on joint activities.

Article 5 describes the procedure for registering a peasant farm.

Registration procedure

  • pay the state fee;
  • notarize the application for registration;
  • submit a package of documents to the Federal Tax Service;
  • register with the Funds;
  • receive a letter from Rosstat with statistics codes;
  • open a bank account.

On state support for agriculture

There are a number of benefits for newly created enterprises, but when you need a loan to develop an agricultural business, do not expect to receive a loan from the state. It is available to farms included in the agro-industrial complex development program. It also includes guarantors.

You are not a pensioner and do not work - contact the employment service with an application for inclusion in the self-employment program so that you have the opportunity to receive government assistance from 50 to 60 thousand rubles for opening an individual entrepreneur in the agricultural sector.

Under a targeted state program, you can receive a subsidy for the development of a farm in the amount of 1 to 4 million rubles. It is valid until 2020, thousands of family farms and start-up entrepreneurs have already received grants.


Any individual entrepreneur and organization can be engaged in the production, processing and sale of agricultural products. However, special conditions and special forms of management are provided for the agricultural sector. How to become a farmer, what kind of enterprise to create in order to receive development subsidies, tax breaks, cheap loans? To make an informed choice, you need to pay attention to such points as:

  • methods of organizing peasant farms (peasant farms);
  • taxation, social payments to extra-budgetary funds;
  • beneficial state support programs for agricultural producers.

Features of peasant farms: which form is better to choose

It should be noted right away that the legal status of peasant farms is characterized by duality. Since 1990, they have been created in the form of legal entities, and since 1994 - as individual entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity. In 2003, Law No. 74-FZ “On Peasant (Farm) Economy” was adopted, where it is defined as a family-related association of citizens by agreement. However, since 2012, such a voluntary entity has the right to create entity- KFH-YUL.

Thus, there are now officially three types of farms. To organize them, the following conditions must be met:

  • engaging in the production of agricultural products, as well as their processing, storage, transportation and sale;
  • personal participation in the activities of the farm, regardless of the presence (absence) of family relationships.

How are they different from each other?

Individual entrepreneur registered by the head of the peasant farm and acting alone.

In accordance with the law, a peasant farm can be organized by one person. In this case, he is not much different from other entrepreneurs, but gains the benefits of his special status. Registration of individual entrepreneurs is carried out as usual. Simultaneously with the submission of the general package of required documents, two applications are filled out at once: N P21001 and N P21002 - for peasant farms. An entrepreneur can work alone on the farm, or hire employees as an employer.

Peasant farm based on an agreement (without forming a legal entity).

Such a farm is created as a contractual association of persons related by family relations or kinship. There can be no more than 5 outsiders. The property is in common joint or shared ownership, this is stated in the agreement. The elected head of the peasant farm, who must have the status of an individual entrepreneur, is also indicated there. He makes all transactions on behalf of the farm and is its official representative in all authorities. In order for all participants to be registered as members of the farm, an agreement is submitted to the Federal Tax Service.

Anyone who voluntarily leaves the farm loses the right to land and tools of production. He receives only monetary compensation commensurate with his share in the common property, and for 2 years after exit he bears subsidiary liability for common debts within the limits of his share. In fact, this form differs from an individual farm in more complex property relationships, and the need to pay insurance premiums for each participant.

Peasant farms as an organizational and legal form of a legal entity (Article 86.1 of the Civil Code).

In this case, a commercial organization is formed on the basis of membership - a corporate legal entity. The presence of family ties is not mandatory, but all other conditions must be met:

  • the company operates in the agricultural sector;
  • Only a member of a peasant farm can be a participant in the organization;
  • each partner must make a property contribution;
  • all partners are required to take personal part in the work.

The owner of the property is the peasant farm. However, unlike, for example, an LLC, the law provides for subsidiary liability of its members for the obligations of the farm, and not limited by size. There is one more feature. A commercial organization can participate in any transactions, become bankrupt or be liquidated. But a rule applies to a plot of land: it can be sold at public auction only to someone who will continue to use it for agricultural production.

These restrictions make the “legal entity” inferior. Peasant farm-legal entity is more like a simple partnership, but in the latter all participants have the status of individual entrepreneurs. The only plus is that family relationships are not required. In practice, this condition is met only for old organizations formed before 1994. Now, first, it is required to create a peasant farm under an agreement, after which it acquires the right to register as a legal entity. Such a farming business has more restrictions than ordinary entrepreneurship.

Right problem. The law does not contain provisions allowing for the forced exclusion of a member of a peasant farm from participation, as is permitted for other commercial organizations. Therefore, it is impossible to get rid of a partner who does not fulfill his duties or has caused losses to the farm. He can leave the farm only by at will(Article 1, No. 74-FZ). This applies to both a voluntary association by agreement and a legal entity.

Taxation of agricultural producers and benefits

Any enterprise engaged in the agricultural complex, including farming, has the right. It is paid at the rate of 6% (income minus expenses), and is additionally beneficial in that losses due to crop loss can be included in expenses. Such payers are exempt from taxes on profits, on income individuals(NDFL), on property, VAT. Benefits do not apply to income taxed at a rate of 30% and customs goods. However, peasant farms have the right to apply any other taxation system: general (OSNO) or simplified taxation (USN), if they consider it more suitable.

As for contributions to pensions and health insurance (PFR, FFOMS), no exceptions are allowed. The head pays for himself, as an individual entrepreneur, and for members of the peasant farm, although they do not have such status. The only relief is a fixed amount, regardless of income. So, if the agreement was signed by 5 people, then the amount increases 5 times. For employees, all taxes and social contributions are paid as usual, depending on the size of the salary. When one of the members of a peasant farm is registered as an individual entrepreneur, for example, to engage in another type of activity, the head of the farm must still pay insurance premiums for him.

Not only a farmer, but also an ordinary entrepreneur working for common system. However, heads of peasant farms do not pay taxes on them, and individual entrepreneurs are taxed at a general rate of 13% for all income received, including material benefits (Letter of the Ministry of Finance N 03-04-05/34876 dated 08/26/2013).

Participation in state support programs for peasant farms

Within the framework of the “State Program for the Development of Agriculture... for 2013-2020”

11 subroutines. They provide the most different shapes support: preferential lending, coverage of losses, costs of land registration, purchase of equipment, gasification, restoration of irrigation systems, and so on. Their implementation is carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Association of Peasant Farmers (AKKOR). Detailed information can be found on the official websites.

Each region approves its own action plan and develops its own target program, which is approved by the Ministry of Agriculture. Conditions for participation in competitions for grants and subsidies are published on the websites of local administrations. Applicants must submit a business plan for the development of the farm; selection is made directly in the region (Fig. 1). For example, let's look at three of them.

1 “Support for beginning farmers for the period 2012-2014”

In 2013, 76 regions participated in it, 2 billion rubles were allocated for it, and almost 3,000 farmers received grants. For 2015, an amount of 3.2 billion rubles was allocated, 3,500 aspiring entrepreneurs received money, the average size for one farm - 1.14 million rubles.

2 “Development of family livestock farms.”

70 federal subjects take part in this subprogram. 797 farms were built and reconstructed using 1.5 billion rubles of state budget funds. The competition for participation reached 30 applications per place. In 2015, 3.08 billion rubles were allocated and 958 farms received them. The average grant amount was 4.35 million rubles per farm.

3 “Support for small businesses.”

Under this program of the year, subsidies are allocated not only to peasant farms, but also to other representatives of the agricultural complex: entrepreneurs, agricultural cooperatives.

You can get money:

  • for construction (reconstruction, modernization) industrial buildings, workshops;
  • equipment of laboratories for conducting veterinary examinations and quality control of agricultural products;
  • equipping and modernizing premises for slaughter, processing, storage of meat, fish, milk, vegetables;
  • acquisition of special transport: cars, vans, trailers for transporting goods, including leasing.

In 2015, 88 agricultural cooperatives from 25 regions received such support for a total amount of about 1 billion rubles. Of these: 34 are engaged in the processing of meat products, 33 - milk and dairy products, 21 - vegetables and berries.

Recently, changes were made to the requirements for selecting participants:

  • Entrepreneurs with only 6 months of experience (for 3 years) are allowed to receive a grant for a beginning farmer;
  • the period for using subsidies was extended to 18 months (from 12), for livestock farms - to 24 months (from 18);
  • a beginning farmer, 3 years after the allocated funds have been fully spent, can receive money for a family farm;
  • It is prohibited to allocate subsidies for the development of livestock farming if the head of a peasant farm was previously the founder of a commercial organization;
  • To receive a grant, there must be no delay in paying insurance premiums, as well as penalties and fines.


You can organize a farm as a business in the form of a peasant farm if you draw up a good business plan and show persistence by submitting applications for participation in federal and regional targeted programs. Also, nothing prevents you from engaging in agriculture by creating an LLC or individual entrepreneur. Especially if you count on the money of private investors - in the absence of restrictions in terms of personal participation, nepotism, and subsidiary liability. The state provides support to farmers by law, promotes their creation and development. Let us remind you that in all other cases, entrepreneurship is carried out at your own peril and risk.

Recently, many aspiring entrepreneurs have begun to pay more attention to the countryside. In cities, all profitable niches have long been occupied. In addition, to open your own business in the city you will need a large start-up capital.

Where to begin?

Some people believe that the first step is to develop a sound family farm business plan. You must first calculate everything, consult with experienced farmers, and only then start working.

In principle, this is the right approach, since for many beginners a business plan can become a guiding thread in this difficult matter. As you can see from practice, the most important thing in agricultural business is the start. Experienced farmers solve all other problems as they arise.

Formation of agriculture

A person who is interested in how to become a farmer must first understand.

First of all, you should select a suitable plot of land. If you have solid starting capital on hand, choose the most profitable branches of agriculture, for example, cattle breeding or pig farming. With little money, it is better to start growing melons and various vegetables. In a couple of years, when you have saved up a lot of money, you can buy equipment and expand the scale of your activities.

To run a large farm, you will have to use hired labor. Since there is usually a shortage of work in villages, the local population will be happy to work on your farm.

Registration of business activities

Land distribution is handled by self-government bodies, so local residents have a better chance of getting a plot of land. If you are seriously interested in becoming a beginner farmer, this small problem cannot become an obstacle to a prosperous life. This desire is welcomed by the state, so in any case you will achieve your goals and become a successful farmer.

To officially register a farm, you need to collect the following documents:

  1. Receipt for payment of state duty;
  2. A copy of the birth certificate;
  3. Copy of the passport;
  4. Application for registration;

After you go through all these stages and figure out how to become a farmer in Russia, you can apply for participation in government programs aimed at additional funding for starting farms.

Small farms that produce products for their own needs may not register business activities, but they have the right to sell surplus products on the market. A large farm cannot do without official registration and payment of taxes.

First steps

Since today many villages are empty because collective farms have collapsed, the government of our country began to actively work in this direction and provide assistance to farmers. In this regard, it is better to choose an abandoned site in a place that will soon be government programs subject to restoration.

In addition, pay attention to the fact that the land is located near populated areas and highways. The cost of a land plot may fluctuate depending on its location. This is approximately 50–500 thousand per hectare.

Another important problem is the number of livestock or poultry. Experienced farmers recommend starting with 300–800 heads. If you decide to engage in crop production, calculate the number of crops planted and distribute the area of ​​the land plot.

As you can see, one desire, I want to become a farmer, is not enough. You need to have certain knowledge and skills. To increase productivity, use modern technologies. Thanks to this, you can make a profit faster.

Start-up capital and investments

Some entrepreneurs are interested in what it takes to become a farmer and receive government support. They want to engage in such a business only in order to open their own business with state money.

In fact, getting such help is not so easy. Your farm must meet all established criteria, which not all novice entrepreneurs can do. If you have the opportunity to take part in such a program, you should not miss this opportunity, but you should not rely entirely on these funds.

Banks are reluctant to provide loans to farmers. Some refuse them loans altogether because the risks in this business are too high. There is no point in offering fairly high interest rates on loans, because entrepreneurs will not agree to such conditions. Therefore, before opening, you should not rely on banks. To do this, you need to collect start-up capital.


After your farm begins to make the first profit, you should think about expanding it. No farmer can work alone, so you will have to hire workers who will help you with the housework.

When choosing assistants, pay attention to the fact that they have knowledge in the specific area in which you plan to use their work. This will improve business productivity and efficiency.

Sales markets

How to become a farmer: where to start? The first thing you need to do is find distribution channels finished products. As in any production, the main thing in the farming business is to establish sales. Moreover, this needs to be done as quickly as possible since many types of agricultural products quickly deteriorate. If you cannot find buyers in time, your farm may suffer losses.

Selling a product is not that easy. At the agricultural market there is high level competition. To sell products yourself, you need to open outlets, and this is a rather expensive matter that requires the preparation of various permits.

Direct deliveries to supermarkets are impossible without quality certificates. And if you need to sell crops, then the procedure is even more complicated. For this reason, many small farmers give their products to resellers for pennies. This is unprofitable, and in some cases even unprofitable.

Advantages and disadvantages of farming business

Before you decide to open your own farm, familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages of this business.

Pros of the profession:

  • Decent income. Modern people tend to live in the city, so Agriculture- This is a practically unclaimed type of business. A lot of cheap labor can be found in the villages;
  • Living outdoors in an ecologically clean area;
  • Natural food on your table.

Disadvantages of the profession:

  • Large capital investments;
  • Hard physical labor;
  • You must have certain knowledge and experience.

Drawing conclusions

Now you know how to become a good farmer and make money from agriculture.

Today, agricultural business is supported in every possible way by the state - many entrepreneurs have turned their attention to this niche. There are enough advantages of running your own farm - a huge sales market, quick return on costs, and consistently high profits. Of course, a newcomer will face many difficulties - but they are completely surmountable if you organize your activities correctly.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 50,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 7/10.

How to become a farmer from scratch in Russia?

Here, as in any other area of ​​business, you will need to draw up a business plan. This is especially important if you start using borrowed funds to organize your activities.

Entrepreneurs who decide to start a business in the agricultural sector have many opportunities for business development - it can be either a small family livestock farm or a large agricultural complex. But to minimize any risks, start small - it’s worth expanding your business only if you have “free” finances and accumulated experience.

Peasant farming is a commercial structure aimed at attracting income from the production and further sale of agricultural products. There are not many large enterprises in our country - there is definitely not enough “capacity” to fully fill the market. Everyone has every chance to take a strong position in the niche.

Opening your own farm from scratch will be profitable for the following reasons:

  • Now there are special government programs designed to help start-up entrepreneurs financially. Getting a subsidy is quite difficult - you have to collect a lot of paperwork and provide a business plan for the farm. But for many entrepreneurs this becomes an excellent start to a promising business.
  • The population is interested in purchasing high-quality natural products - confidence in domestic products is growing.
  • Your own farm will bring consistently high profits, as food prices rise every year.
  • Due to sanctions imposed on the import of products from European countries, Russian market experiencing a shortage of farm products - the demand is huge.

When thinking about how to organize a farm from scratch, do not forget about the pitfalls that may await you on the path to success - despite all the advantages of the direction, there are also risks. Agricultural business is an area where profitability largely depends on external factors. You could lose half your harvest due to drought or pest infestation. The livestock sector has its own problems - for example, epidemics of diseases, due to which half of the animals raised can die. Farming involves a significant amount of manual labor - this is especially true for family businesses when hired labor is not used. Therefore, you should prepare for hard work.

Have you already decided for yourself “I want to start farming”? Approach the matter thoroughly - carefully study the direction in which you will work in the future. If possible, be sure to visit operating farms to see everything in practice.

Which line of business should I choose?

Where to start a farming business? The first step is choosing the direction of further activity. All further stages of organizing your own farm will depend on this. There are several profitable “formats” of agricultural business:

  • Crop production – grain crops, vegetables, fruits and berries, herbs.
  • Cattle breeding - pigs, sheep, cows, rabbits.
  • Poultry farming - chickens, turkeys, pheasants, geese.
  • Fish farming – sturgeon, trout, carp.
  • Beekeeping.
  • Growing mushrooms – oyster mushrooms, champignons.

When thinking about which direction and how to start farming, it is worth conducting a market analysis. Choose niches that are in demand in your region with minimal competition - this will make it easier to succeed in business. The amount of available finance is also important - some areas will require significant investments, while others can be developed with a minimum of costs.

It will be easier for a beginner to open a peasant farm for breeding chickens or geese, pigs or rabbits, growing berries and fruits, and mushrooms. The products that you will receive in the process of activity are in demand on the market. In addition, these areas are easy to learn and inexpensive.

How is registration of a business in the field of agriculture carried out?

Many private farmers operate without registration - significant savings on regular tax payments. If you plan to raise several heads of cattle on your own summer cottage, at first you can do without registering a business. But in this case, you will only be able to sell your products to private buyers - even you will not be “allowed” into local markets without the appropriate documents.

Registration of a farm will be required in mandatory, if in the future you plan to sell finished products to wholesale buyers. Form your activity in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You register with the tax office, register with Rosportebnadzor and SES. If we talk about the sale of products of animal origin (meat, eggs), finished products must undergo regular veterinary checks before marketing.

Financial costs for starting a business

Is farming profitable? Definitely, yes - if you consider that organizing a business in some areas requires a minimum of costs. For example, to start raising chickens on your own summer cottage, you need no more than 50,000 rubles. Therefore, without having an impressive amount of money at your disposal to open a large farm, start small.

It will be quite difficult to determine the exact investment figure - it all depends on the chosen field of activity. But in any case, in a business plan it is important to calculate all upcoming expenses.

Make a list of what it takes to become a farmer. Investments will be required for the following needs:

  • Rent a plot. You will save a lot if you own land.
  • Purchase of equipment and inventory. To work in any of the possible directions, you will need consumables - this often becomes a significant expense item. Shovels and rakes, automatic sprinklers, greenhouses, feeders, buckets are just a small part of everything needed. In some cases, to ensure that the finished product does not spoil while waiting for its buyer, you will need to buy refrigeration and freezer compartments.
  • Preparation of production premises. Stalls, chicken coops, pigsties - you will need to invest money to build “premises”. Even when growing vegetables, fruits and grains, you will need to build a barn to store finished products. If you do not need to comply with any special conditions when keeping animals or birds, you can build a barn yourself.
  • Purchase of breeding stock, seeds. A farm from scratch, if you are organizing a business in the field of livestock or poultry farming, will definitely require significant expenses for the purchase of several heads of livestock or birds. To plant crops, seed material is purchased in the required quantity. There is no point in saving money here - there is a high risk of buying sick animals or low-quality seeds.
  • Purchase of feed, fertilizers. You will have to spend money on replenishing feed and fertilizer supplies regularly. To save on variable costs, you can feed livestock a “homemade” diet.

When thinking about where to start farming, be sure to think about ways to research Money to start activities. It's great if you have your own savings. If the savings you have accumulated to start a business are not enough, you will have to take out a loan from a bank or try to apply for a government subsidy.

Sales channels for finished products

Becoming a novice farmer is not difficult if you take into account possible risks and think through all the nuances. It will be difficult for a beginner to find wholesale buyers of finished products. It is unlikely that you will be able to immediately establish cooperation with large supermarket chains - focus on small retail outlets and private buyers.

How much a farmer earns depends on the volume of sales of finished products. The better your sales channels are, the more profit you will make.

We conclude - when thinking about where to start a farming business, monitor the market and already at the stage of drawing up the project, start looking for wholesale clients interested in specific form products.

When should I expect my first profit?

How much do farmers earn in Russia? The exact profitability indicator will depend on the “scale” of the business, sales volumes and prices set for the product. Small farms from sales of finished products by the end of the season can have up to 500,000 rubles in net profit. Some areas of activity (for example, raising chickens) generate income throughout the year. A home business, of course, will make less profit, since there will be significantly fewer sales.

Despite the different amounts of investment, both livestock farming and crop farming pay for themselves in approximately the same time frame. Over the next 9-12 months, you will be investing in growing animals or crops. Only after the heads are slaughtered or the harvest is harvested do you receive the proceeds. In most cases, the first profit can be expected only after a year.

Knowing where to start farming can help you build a highly profitable farming business.

Not many people think about organizing a farm, since this industry is quite labor-intensive. However, this area is not very developed in the country, and competition in this market segment is quite low.

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that agriculture is associated with large collective farms that provide agricultural products on an industrial scale, but few remember small farms. But in vain, it is on such small agricultural plots that high-quality products can be found.

If you live in a village, want to expand your activities and enter the market, or perhaps are just thinking about agricultural production, then this article is provided especially for you. Below we will consider the main directions of development of farming, analyze the main markets and provide brief calculations. Let's consider what business ideas can be implemented in the village.

Where to begin?

It all starts with an idea, as well as the choice of direction of agricultural activity.

Whether you are striving for an industrial scale of production, want to enter regional markets, or your goal is to occupy the market of a certain area, become a supplier or be a manufacturer-distributor.

There are many options, and they all have their pros and cons. For example, when entering new markets, you will incur large costs associated with setting up transport system and conquering the market.

But if you gain a foothold on a new trading platform, you will be able to make large profits and continue your expansion, gradually conquering more and more markets.

Regardless of your business strategy and development, you should decide on the type of activity. The most common directions are:

  • crop production;
  • fruit and berry farming;
  • poultry farming;
  • beekeeping;
  • livestock farming;
  • breeding fish, worms and crayfish.

Each direction has its own characteristics and different levels of profitability. What business to open in the village?

Crop production

Let's try to figure out what kind of business you can do in the village. Crop farming is one of the least expensive types of rural business. However, this does not apply to physical labor. You may have to do some of the work yourself to save on labor costs.

Working on a farm will take up a lot of your time, and if you are not a rural resident, you will definitely need a car to travel to your place of work. If you live in a village and can, for example, rent a neighboring plot of land, this will significantly reduce your costs.

The most profitable areas are cultivation:

  • grain crops;
  • potatoes;
  • tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and other vegetables;
  • tower crops;
  • colors.

Cereal crops (wheat, oats, barley, corn, sunflower, etc.) are the most in demand on the market. However, here you will need to purchase special equipment, rent large plots of land for sowing and hire workers to clean the field.

Growing potatoes every year becomes less and less labor-intensive. Modern technologies cultivating the land, sowing and harvesting can reduce the cost of physical labor. But it is worth considering that potatoes are a rather finicky plant, and therefore require abundant irrigation and constant monitoring for beetles.

You can set up greenhouse production of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and other vegetables at home. This activity is the least financially expensive, and the appearance of the first vegetables in the spring will make your products very popular.

Growing watermelons as a business

Sowing the land with watermelons and melons is one of the the best ways use the land. You will not need to be on the field every day: you will be required to plant a shift, regularly weed the area and harvest at the end of the season.

Recently, flower production has been gaining momentum, and it is becoming a very profitable business. Flower shops very often they look for domestic suppliers to reduce the cost of goods sold.

Fruit and berry production

Fruit and berry farming is a very profitable activity.

Here you do not need to constantly engage in sowing, weeding, etc.

Trees and bushes do not bear fruit for a long time, but when they grow, they do not require constant care in the future.

In this direction, the most profitable are: growing strawberries, vineyards, currants, raspberries and fruit trees. However, it is worth noting that the payback period in such projects can be 10-15 years for fruit trees and 3 years for shrubs. But growing raspberries and strawberries can be profitable in the second year.

Crop production and fruit and berry farming are highly dependent on natural and climatic conditions. In this regard, it is worth carefully choosing the direction of development of farming.

Poultry farming

Poultry farming is very profitable business. Poultry meat, eggs, feathers, and even manure are always popular products. You can raise chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks. Quail breeding is also becoming a popular trend.

Breeding chickens is the most profitable and easiest direction, since chickens do not need to be grazed specifically, the meat does not have a specific taste and is liked by almost everyone, and the sale of eggs and feathers brings additional income.

To organize such a business from scratch, you will need to rent premises, buy cages for breeding and keeping poultry, incubators, feeders, heaters for breeding and equipment for cleaning a poultry farm.

Poultry farming - raising chickens

It is believed that breeding poultry, especially chickens, becomes profitable only if more than one hundred birds are kept. How additional income from keeping poultry comes from selling eggs. On average, with 100 laying hens, you can collect more than 30,000 eggs per year, and selling them at the lowest price of 60 rubles. we receive an income of 180,000 rubles. in year.

Selling feathers to textile enterprises and manure to farmers as fertilizer brings additional profit.


Aromatic healing honey is a very popular product on the market, so your business will constantly develop without incurring losses.

In order to start beekeeping, you will need a small plot of land to install an apiary, ten bee families, necessary equipment and special clothing. You can sell not only honey, but also sweet honeycombs, wax and the bees themselves, which will be used for medicinal purposes.


Raising cattle not only provides a steady income in the form of dairy products, but is also a source of meat and fur. However, keeping cows, goats or sheep is a very labor-intensive process.

You will constantly need to monitor the cattle, milk them, take them out to pasture, store large amounts of feed and clean the barn. However, selling milk and dairy products is a very profitable business if you have at least three cows.

Cow breeding

Another type of livestock farming is the breeding of pigs, rabbits, minks and other animals with valuable fur. If pork is simply a popular product on the market, then rabbits are not only a source of dietary meat, but also valuable fur.

Livestock farming is a good business. The presence of various areas of product sales (meat, fur, milk and dairy products) provides ample opportunities for the farmer to develop his business.

Lack of start-up capital is the main reason entrepreneurs refuse to start a business. : options for men and women.

Let’s look at how to save money correctly and for what purposes to put it aside.

When choosing an idea for a business, you need to take into account not only your preferences, but also the prospects of the intended project. Here we will look at the top 20 promising areas for entrepreneurial activity.

Breeding fish, worms and crayfish

If you want to breed worms and make a profit, then you should think about large-scale production. Fishing shops They accept worms for one ruble apiece, so they need to be bred in large quantities.

Fish farming involves large initial costs: a special room, a swimming pool, cleaning equipment, and the fish itself. But these investments can be returned in the form of profit quite quickly. But you can’t do it yourself, so you’ll have to hire workers.

Breeding crayfish does not require large investments, but it is necessary to take into account that you need to find places of sale: cafes, restaurants or supermarkets.

If you want to ensure that the farming of crayfish and fish is not unprofitable, you should take care of the points of sale.

Other types of village business

Other areas of rural business development include drilling wells, selling firewood and plowing land.

If drilling wells is a capital-intensive activity, then plowing the land and selling firewood is not such a costly business.

You can organize a small enterprise that would provide various services: plowing land, cutting trees, installing irrigation systems - everything related to agricultural production. A business based on the sale of chopped firewood will be successful in small villages where this is in demand.

Peculiarities of farming

Of course, as with any type of business, it has its own characteristics.

Farming (crop production) largely depends on weather conditions and, worst of all, you cannot influence it.

Farming is also hard physical work.

You will need to be constantly at work and work hard.

But one of the advantages is seasonality. Harvesting, slaughtering livestock and poultry has a certain time frame. Most farm work begins in March and ends in mid-November (does not apply to livestock or poultry farming). Therefore in winter period you can completely devote your time to relaxation.

Having studied all the features of farming, you will be able to achieve high results and become famous as a manufacturer of high-quality environmental products.

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