How to become invisible in real life. Becoming invisible in real life step by step

The phenomenon of invisibility is a phenomenon that was not invented yesterday. Remember, back in Slavic folklore they talked about invisible hats. Not to mention the fairy tales of other peoples of the world, which featured armor of invisibility, an invisible cloak and other artifacts that could give the hero the miracle of being unnoticed by anyone.

If we follow the usual logic of bringing fairy-tale plots to life, then artifacts of invisibility, by analogy with “flying carpets”, “apples-on-a-plate”, “magic mirrors” and other fairy-tale tools, sooner or later should become reality and become accessible to the broad masses of the population. However, who said that an invisibility potion or the same invisibility hat do not exist in our time? Of course, they exist, but they probably just haven’t had time to become publicly available yet. And this is no wonder - it would hardly be acceptable if the ability to become invisible spread everywhere, then thieves and criminals could use it. Therefore, the secret of invisibility for the time being remains a secret known to a minority. However, closer to the point!

The phenomenon of invisibility belongs to the so-called magic of illusion, which, despite its name, is in no way connected with illusionists, magicians and tricksters who show their skills at entertainment events and circuses. Illusion magic is a very subtle and complex part of magical or witchcraft procedures, which is a complex structure of ritual and verbal techniques, the use of which often uses non-standard artifacts, as well as potions, herbs, infusions, etc. Wizards who practice this type of magical practice testify that illusion is a complex phenomenon that can be skillfully manipulated only when you know all its principles.

  • An illusion is, in essence, a demonstration of something that is not there. And the ability to use it depends on the volitional and mental (hypnotic, if you like) abilities of the one who uses it, and the one on whom it is used. The stronger the magician and the weaker the victim's resistance to hypnosis, the higher the chance that the illusion will work.
  • The illusion often reaches the supraphysical level of influence on the individual, so it is also important to be able to act in the mental field. Ideally, through long practices (particularly of Eastern origin), the magician learns to move his physical body into the subtle world, thereby becoming invisible to the eye of an ordinary inhabitant of planet Earth.
  • The potion can be built on ordinary physical effects and knowledge of physical laws. It cannot be said that this is the easiest way, because official science is only approaching the discovery of the secret, conventionally designated as “the creation of a material with a negative refractive index,” but magic offers its own means in this regard, which are capable of invading the structure of cells or influencing in a special way the human brain, causing him to experience his own invisibility. In particular, we are talking about specially prepared witchcraft decoctions and potions. These will be discussed further.

The video shows the official achievements of science in this direction:

Preparing a potion for invisibility

The central issue that illusion magic is designed to solve is precisely the creation and maintenance of the effect of invisibility of a specific object. In this matter, magicians and wizards, over many years of analysis of this phenomenon and long-term practices aimed at using it, have achieved enormous results. They not only discovered unique recipes that allow people of different genders, ages, heights and weights to become invisible, but also developed a whole range of magical formulas that, when combined with decoctions and elements of hypnosis, can work real miracles!

So how to make an invisibility potion?

  • The first recipe is this. Before you start making the potion, you need to have the following ingredients: burdock root, rosemary oil, rice grains, dry peas. Directly for preparation, take a large cauldron, into which one glass of water is poured, then twelve drops of rosemary are added. Rosemary water should boil, after which dry crushed burdock root is added to it. The brew is stirred counterclockwise seven times and removed from the heat. After this, the skins of the pre-soaked peas are removed, crushed and added to the resulting broth. Nine grains of rice are thrown in there. The potion is put back on the fire and boils for 10 minutes. Now it's ready to eat!
  • There is also a variant of potions made from decoctions of fennel inflorescences, combined with tincture of luminescent toadstool, however, due to the special negative activity of the latter element, you should be as careful as possible with these remedies.

You can also experiment with plantain, amaranth and chicory root, each of which has long been considered a potent means of creating the illusion of invisibility. According to other sources, it is not at all necessary to cook any kind of magic compote - it is enough to find an invisible bone, but this is a very troublesome task, since you need to sort through the bones of a dead completely black cat (trying each one on your head) until the bone turns in an invisibility hat. At least that’s what Papus teaches in his manuals on magic.

On a fern leaf

If you don’t want to look for a bone, then you can get by with less blood and try, for example, this recipe for an invisibility potion. You should start preparing the witchcraft mixture on the new moon, at night. The ingredients are fern leaves, poppy seeds, dry elm bark, myrrh resin, marjoram (preferably dried), fresh dill. First, in a special container, which is a mortar, one part of the fern leaves is carefully and slowly crushed, gradually adding one part of the poppy seeds to them. After this, two parts of dried elm bark, one part of myrrh, one part of marjoram, and 3 parts of dill are placed in the mixture in order. All this must be crushed and mixed very well, after which add nine drops of bitter almond oil into the resulting mass, sprinkle it all with melt water and, carefully moving the mixture onto a large flat dish, leave to dry, taking care to ensure uniform drying. When the resulting dough changes color to brown and dries completely, you should pound it again, reciting the following spell:

“Things visible and things invisible, let me walk freely among you.”

After this, the mixture receives the magical properties of invisibility. It should be carefully stored in a well-sealed bottle, using a little at a time by applying it to the head. The shelf life of the drug is one year. By the way, various sources disagree regarding the verbal formula used when it is necessary to apply this mixture. So, there is, for example, a hypothesis that the following words should be pronounced:

“A wisp of fog, a dragon's eye and a chameleon pattern. I weave, I twist, I confuse and I reflect. Where the light is now shed, there is no trace of me.”

Or a very simple formula will do:

“I am completely invisible to those I want to avoid.”

The main power, as you probably already understood, lies not in words, but in the prepared potion/powder/decoction.

People have always been fascinated by the ability to be invisible. From H.G. Wells' Invisible Man to Harry Potter's Invisible Mantle, science fiction writers have speculated about what they could do while invisible.

Invisibility is often portrayed as absolute transparency - a la the Invisible Man - but this contradicts the laws of nature as we understand it. In addition, a transparent person would face difficulties that seemed insurmountable. Any ingested food or drink would be completely visible, as it would be visible through the gastrointestinal tract, and this visible food would begin to unite with the body before the eyes. In addition, there would undoubtedly be clothing problems and social problems.

A competing approach to invisibility is to use some sort of blanket that redirects photons around an object. This method is more feasible in a practical sense, but, of course, it also has its difficulties. For example, if all the external light somehow does not reach the object, then it cannot penetrate to the observer inside, who because of this will not be able to see anything himself.

Because of these and other difficulties, scientists have long abandoned all serious plans to achieve invisibility and postponed them until the distant future. But now everything has changed. In October 2006, Professor Sir John Pandry of King's College London announced the successful creation of a rudimentary invisibility blanket that brings the idea a little closer to reality. Perhaps what's most surprising here is that the entire concept is based on an extremely simple physical quality of light that requires no electricity, which every high school student learns in physics class.

Essentially, Sir John's invisibility cloak works on the principle of refraction, that very property of light when a ray passing through a prism is transformed into a rainbow. Refraction can also be seen by dipping a pencil into a glass of water. The underwater part will appear to point sideways due to the refraction of light as it moves from one medium to another - from water to air.

Several years ago, Sir John and a group of his physicist friends were puzzled by the idea of ​​using refraction to refract the entire flow of light around an object. If this became possible, then the light would appear unchanged on the other side of the object, as if the object were not there at all.

Of course, this simple idea is not at all easy to implement. The first obstacle for the researchers was the precision of light refraction that this method requires. There simply were no materials that could cause the refraction of rays along the required semicircular trajectory, and there were no materials of natural origin that would be suitable for this. Therefore, scientists paid attention to metamaterials - substances whose electromagnetic properties do not depend on chemical composition, but from a precisely designed external structure.

Following a theoretical design previously published, and working with Duke University researchers, Sir John and his team invented a five-inch circular blanket. To create it, a metamaterial designed in a special way for this purpose was used, composed of concentric circles located in two dimensions. The unique configuration is considered one of the most complex metameric structures ever created. The scientists' first goal was to create a material that would be "invisible" to microwave radiation, since microwaves are longer than visible light and measured in millimeters rather than nanometers and are therefore easier to control.

In the laboratory, the scientists placed their blanket inside the test chamber, turned on the microwave emitter, and watched the detector from the side. Their new metamaterial worked flawlessly. The contents of the small blanket remained completely unaffected by the microwaves directed at her, while the instrument readings indicated that there was no blanket in the chamber at all.

Of course, the need to select the right material- not the only difficulty in creating a real invisibility cloak. If they want to develop their prototype into something easier to use, Sir John's team must address a number of issues. The first is the problem of ray length. The blanket they created only works for a narrow spectrum of wavelengths. When applied to visible light, this means that it is invisible only in red light, but clearly visible in blue light. To expand the boundaries, the blanket must be made much thicker, which can significantly limit the scope of application. In addition, creating metamaterials that could do the same in visible light is much more difficult, since the light-refracting structures of the material must be as small as the wavelength at which they are directed, and light wavelengths are in the order of millions fractions of a millimeter.

Another weakness in the current design is that the object is only visible in one plane. If an object wrapped in a blanket is invisible from the side, it is perfectly visible from above or below. To remedy this, Sir John and some of his co-authors at Duke are trying to make the blanket work in the third dimension. If they cope with both tasks, then new difficulties will arise: since the object under the blanket is absolutely invisible to the outside world, no light can penetrate inside, therefore, the occupier under these conditions will become literally blind. This is, in principle, not a problem if one wants to hide a stationary object, but creates problems if one wants to hide a person or a video camera. Another challenge is allowing the cape to perform effectively while moving.

Naturally, the military shows interest in the developing technology and even supports the project financially. In particular, they are interested in the fact that radar frequency wavelengths are very close to microwaves, which means that a blanket invisible to radar will be accessible much sooner than a blanket invisible to the eye. This will provide the armed forces with anti-radar technologies, much more High Quality than those possessed by modern stealth aircraft.

While all those wrinkles have yet to be ironed out, the major breakthrough proves that the concept has merit. The invisibility cloak exists. The Defense Research Projects Agency hopes that in the near future Sir John will be able to find solutions to many of the problems associated with the invisibility blanket, which will make it interesting not only for the military, but also for civilians. In any case, it is now definitely known that the invisibility cloak will one day appear, regardless of whether there will be a need to put it into practice.

Translation: Nikonov Vladimir

How to become invisible?

Many people dream of hiding from prying eyes. You can do this by becoming invisible. But how close is science now to making an object invisible? In addition, the question of the very term of the concept and its formulation still remains controversial. Invisibility does not mean transparency, which implies the process of passing photons through matter. Meanwhile, transparency becomes the goal of most scientific research in this area. We will talk about all this in our article.

Become invisible: myth or reality?

Today, science is struggling with a task that only the heroes of books and films can do. What is invisibility, and how to become invisible? Scientists determine it concept as the ability of an object to absorb light without reflecting it. It is precisely these developments that modern optical science strives for. The fact is that the light that falls on us is reflected from our body and from all visible objects. However, it has been proven that invisibility can be achieved by changing the reflected spectrum of light. It is necessary to create such conditions so that the reflected light from a person is in the range of the spectrum inaccessible to human vision. It is known that this can be achieved in different ways, but the technological basis for such experiments is still poorly developed.

At its core, light is a wave or stream of particles. The frequency of a wave determines its visibility. Thus, the human body does not perceive, for example, the infrared range of radiation. From this we can conclude that if the reflected light goes into a lower range, then it becomes imperceptible, and therefore invisible, which is what we actually need.

Developments in optics

Optical illusions

First, let's remember the methods that allow you to “simulate” invisibility. Ordinary optical illusions are means of deceiving our vision. For example, any skilled magician can perform a talking head trick. The viewer sees the head, but does not see the body. The secret is that the assistant's body is covered with well-placed mirrors, reflecting the surroundings of the stage. In the right light and at the right angle, the body feels invisible.

Camouflage with the environment is another optical trick. For some For species of living creatures on our planet, camouflage is a direct way of survival in the aggressive environment of natural selection. Thus, a chameleon is able to change its color based on its environment. He does this by changing the pigmentation of his skin, which is a physiologically based method.

Serious scientific research

As we said above, modern scientists have found a path along which to study the properties of invisibility - the reflection of light in a range invisible to humans.

Our Russian scientist Oleg Nikolaevich Gadomsky can be proud of the latest development in this area. At the moment, he has already patented a new method for converting optical radiation. Gadomsky developed the method only in theory; it has not yet reached practice. Briefly, his idea is as follows: the object that we want to hide from the eyes of the observer must have absorption properties Sveta. Today, science knows of such matter - these are colloidal gold particles. In theory: by covering any object with a thin continuous layer of such particles, we will get a stunning result. Light that hits an object under this shell will not be reflected back to our receptors in the eyeball, but will get stuck in the shell.

As an expected result, Gadomsky described that the observer would see a shapeless dark mass, which, by the way, cannot be called invisibility in its pure form. From this we can conclude that modern science is still far from invisibility. In addition, there is confusion in terms. The ability to let photons of light pass through without stopping them is transparency. But the effects described by Gadomsky are the absorption of photons, as a result of which light is not reflected by the object onto the visual receptors of the observer.

If we imagine some kind of electronic invisibility cloak, then, based on recent research, it will most likely consist of a fine matter of gold nanoparticles obtained as a result of the interaction of electrodes of the same gold.

Failed inventions

Returning to the invisibility cloak, we can recall the invention of engineer Suzumu Tachi (University of Tokyo). This researcher came up with the idea of ​​camouflage dotted with miniature cameras and displays. Based on relay technology environment. The downside was that these devices themselves are visible and immediately reveal their owner.

A team of researchers at the University of Texas has achieved significant results in the field of achieving invisibility. An experimental hamster was injected with a substance that made an area of ​​his skin invisible for 20 minutes. After this, the animal died due to rejection of this substance and death of living tissues of the body. However, research continues in this direction.

Many people think about how to become invisible. I want to hide from prying eyes, be alone, or, on the contrary, come to the people and feel an unprecedented strength in myself: you see everyone, but no one sees you. Who didn’t want to become invisible in order to come to their friends, classmates and just acquaintances and listen to what they had to say about you. If you really like a boy or girl, then the desire to make an invisible hat or simply learn to be invisible increases several times. You want to know what the person you like is doing and thinking about you. Maybe you just want to fool around in the same school, laugh at the way the teacher and students look with their mouths open at the class magazine moving in the air. They don't know that you are above it.

There are several ways to become invisible, but they are all expensive. You will have to put in a lot of effort and be patient.

How to become invisible at home?

  1. A long way that can help you become invisible. After school, you need to go to university, preferably to a faculty related to physics. When you receive the necessary knowledge, you can conduct your own research, do experiments, and conduct experiments. Scientists around the world have long been struggling with the mystery of invisibility. Some even managed to become invisible, but from a certain angle, i.e. the front of a person is invisible, but his sides are visible - this is the maximum that scientists have achieved to date. Perhaps you will be the one to do more.
  2. A simple way to become invisible in 1 second. No invisibility cap is needed here. Imagine that no one sees you. Maybe you initially have this ability. Just try it!
  3. Visualization method. Here you will need more time. Imagine becoming invisible in every last detail. Think about where you would go in a similar state, what you would do. You can write all the details on a piece of paper or draw.

How to make an invisible hat at home?

In all fairy tales and stories, a person becomes invisible when he puts on an invisibility cap. You can try making it at home.

  1. Buy a new hat. It is better if they give it to you, but if there is no other alternative, then buy it yourself. You should definitely like the hat. You can try to sew an invisibility hat yourself.
  2. When you sew, imagine, visualize that you will soon become invisible.
  3. Put on your invisibility cap and wait for the result. Maybe you can become invisible.

Ways how to become invisible, have not been verified by us. However, miracles happen, maybe you can do it too.

Become invisible in real life not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Similar aspirations can be found both in the developments of modern scientists and in ancient fairy tales of all peoples of the world. However, do not think that invisibility is science fiction or ancient fables - both of these approaches have a right to life.

Before answering the question “how to become invisible,” you should understand as accurately as possible what invisibility is and how it can be directly achieved. There are several ways to achieve the effect of invisibility, both in the aspect of official science and in the art of magic.

The first theoretical option for achieving invisibility is to increase transparency indicators human body. However, if it were possible, then the invisible person would be forced to be completely blind - because we see due to the projection of light onto the eye, and if the eye is transparent, the light will simply pass through it. This method of invisibility is almost completely fantastic, and it is almost impossible to achieve it with this method.

Another option involves distorting the light so that it “goes around” the object, essentially hiding it from observers. This technology is used in modern military developments to create real invisible fabric.

However, our ancestors had much more advanced objects, apparently working on the same principle. Look for yourself - in the legends and stories of most peoples of the world there are certain artifacts, various cloaks, hats, invisible shirts that hid their wearers from the eyes of ill-wishers.

And finally, the last option of invisibility is not entirely true “invisibility”, but can provide no less advantages. This is a complex of physical, spiritual and psychological training that literally has the ability to “look away” from a person.

Similar trainings are constantly carried out to this day in the intelligence services of all countries of the world. In essence, this is the ability to be invisible, not due to physical invisibility, but due to characteristics of behavior, gait and gaze.

How to become invisible with magic

Many magical arts can grant you invisibility or invisibility. In fact, almost any discipline associated with supernatural manifestations and subtle energy had at its disposal certain techniques and methods for achieving invisibility.

These can be a variety of complex rituals, grueling long-term training of body and spirit, or almost fantastic potions, as well as simple conspiracies and even Christian prayers.

At the same time, achieving physical invisibility will in any case be much more difficult than achieving a state of maximum invisibility. The effectiveness of one hundred percent invisibility may even be lower - passers-by and other people will certainly be attracted to an object or person that suddenly disappears from their field of vision, suddenly appearing footprints, the sounds of footsteps and other related problems.

At a time when a person is “in plain sight,” but behaves correctly or hides his actions with the help of personal skills or magic, they simply do not pay attention to him, no matter what he does.

How to become invisible in the mirror, and is it possible?

If you are interested in how to become invisible in the mirror, then answering this question is quite difficult. First of all, it should be noted that wonderful things happen to each of the people all the time, but only a few notice them.

At the same time, the human brain becomes so accustomed to the picture of the natural course of things that it tries to “paint over” and change any event that goes beyond the acceptable and ordinary. This especially applies to one’s image in the mirror, which is the most familiar to a person.

Accordingly, you are unlikely to be able to become invisible in the mirror, especially if you are not sufficiently prepared. So, for example, you may simply lose concentration while looking in the mirror, or your imagination may simply force you to actually see yourself in the reflection.

At the same time, a reverse psychological effect may occur. If a person has any mental disorders, or simply spends a lot of time in non-working, but grueling training and in preparation for achieving invisibility, then at some point problems may begin.

Thus, a practitioner can truly believe in his own invisibility to such an extent that his brain itself will draw a picture that no one is reflected in the mirror, although in fact everyone will see him as usual.

More effective tests of invisibility would be visits to public places, supposedly random meetings you set up with acquaintances and observation of their reactions, as well as video recording. Please note that if you simply disguise yourself and practice achieving invisibility, with a detailed frame-by-frame analysis of the video you will sooner or later be detected.

Invisibility Cap and Similar Artifacts

Despite the fact that many consider the existence of a fairy-tale hat or other objects that grant invisibility to be fiction, since such things exist in the tales and legends of all peoples of the world, we can say that they really exist and really work, despite their rarity.

Thus, one of the classics of modern magic, Papus, reports that an artifact similar to an invisibility cap is the bone of a black cat. At the same time, the cat must really be completely black - this applies to the color of the cat’s skin, the pads of its paws, and the color of its nose.

The presence in the fur of at least one hair with a color other than black does not make it possible to use the bone as such an artifact. Moreover, it can be any of the bones of this animal, but only one. To check the effect, you should place each of the bones on your head in turn, and then check the effect.

The bone should be on your head. In general, perhaps the legends about the invisibility cap owe precisely to this magical property of the cat - it’s just that people who knew the secret of invisibility did not want to reveal it to strangers and pretended that it was all about the hat, which actually contained a cat’s bone.

However, a number of references to the properties of clothing that grant invisibility cast doubt on this assumption. Thus, many nations mention an invisibility cloak and even boots of invisibility, which means that the bone on the head is not used in any way in this case.

Potions for invisibility

Alchemy is now one of the least popular magical disciplines, and most of its secrets are lost forever. Not least of all, this is due to the great complexity of creating potions and elixirs, as well as the extremely precise requirements for ingredients and equipment.

At the same time, even the slightest mistake can turn a magic potion into a terrible poison and lead to the death of the alchemist himself.

But there are several simple recipes potions, which, of course, will not give you 100% invisibility, but can make you extremely invisible to others, affecting your aura and energy field.

For the first potion, you will need to pour a glass of water into the cauldron, then add a dozen drops of pure rosemary oil and put the mixture on fire. As soon as the water boils, one crushed and dried burdock root is poured into it. After this, stir the potion seven times clockwise and remove from heat.

Then you need to add the skins from the soaked dry peas, crush the grains themselves and add them to the broth along with nine whole grains of rice. Once you have completed these procedures, return the potion to the heat and set it to exactly ten minutes. After this, the decoction is ready for use!

Another option involves the use of luminescent toadstool and fennel inflorescences, however, due to the increased toxicity of the composition, using this recipe is highly not recommended. In addition, additional ingredients and precise instructions for preparation and quantities of ingredients have been lost.

But this decoction, according to the surviving information, is really capable of changing the physical refractive index of light in the human body, bringing it to almost a negative value.

Training to achieve stealth

Similar techniques, as mentioned above, are still used everywhere by intelligence officers, spies and saboteurs. Their essence lies simultaneously in the fact that a person trains his body and gains experience in how to look invisible among people and how to behave correctly, as well as how to think correctly during this process and control his energy structure.

A good argument in favor of this technique would be a simple comparison - tell me, how often do you really remember the faces of people without a fixed place of residence, or foreigners with whom you are not familiar?

The fact that such people are extremely difficult to distinguish at first glance is due to a different mentality that is not inherent in to the common man. Essentially, their auras have a different energy, and therefore they do not attract their attention due to the lack of any contact with your energy.

At the same time, techniques for stopping internal dialogue, meditation and relaxation are extremely helpful in this process. If you reach a state where you don’t have any thoughts in your head, this will certainly be reflected in your energy field at the moment, making you a “stranger” to other people. They will subconsciously not pay attention to you and remember you.

You should also make sure that your appearance is as simple and ordinary as possible, as is your behavior. Bright, flashy outfits and unusual hairstyles can only work in this case in the company of people like you. Among ordinary people you will stand out too much and attract attention.

With the right approach, you can achieve noticeable results after just a few weeks of practice. And long-term training can work real miracles. So, for example, you can approach your close friend on the street, ask him something, and he won’t even notice or remember that he met you.

Overall, this method is ideal for those who want to achieve good results without the possibility of causing irreversible mental or even physical harm to themselves and others. In addition, stopping internal dialogue and meditation are useful for all other spiritual practices. How important the moral and psychological aspect is in matters of achieving invisibility will be discussed further.

Problems and consequences of invisibility

For the first time, the problem of the moral aspect of invisibility in modern literature was addressed by H.G. Wells in his imperishable work “The Invisible Man.” It clearly shows how a brilliant scientist turned into a real monster, having gained access to such powerful knowledge and fortune. And, in fact, it has always been this way.

H.G. Wells

It is very rare to imagine a case where invisibility may be required for good purposes, but at the same time, any criminal or simply evil person dreams of such power.

At the same time, if you dig deeper, it becomes clear that even our ancestors talked about this. If you look at the same notorious invisibility cap and its appearance in legends - it looked like an ordinary hat, but as soon as it was put on backwards, the person wearing it became invisible.

This emphasizes the unnaturalness and incorrectness of invisibility, as well as the fact that, in a good way, it should not exist. A similar problem of invisibility in the world of creativity is revealed in The Lord of the Rings. Despite the fact that the ring of omnipotence gives its owner invisibility, it corrupts him and slowly kills him, turning him to the side of evil.

That is why very meager magical knowledge about invisibility has survived to this day. Almost any person who achieved their implementation either became a victim of his own research and died, greedily keeping these skills to himself, or destroyed all evidence of his discovery only so that such dangerous knowledge would not fall into evil hands.

Now you have learned a lot about how to become invisible. We hope that you will be able to use the knowledge of invisibility correctly and will not abuse this ability. Remember that many of the methods described above can be dangerous both for you and for others.

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