What is the standard difficulty level in Skyrim? Overview of the intricacies of Skyrim

Without starting a long debate, I will say that playing Skyrim is easy, however, reservations are important here. Moreover, we are talking not only about the current level of difficulty of the game, but also about the skills of the player himself, because there is a significant difference between the playstyle of a veteran of The Elder Scrolls and a newcomer to this legendary series of games. And, despite all the simplification of the role-playing system, the softening of the leveling system (when the power of enemies directly depends on the level of your character), leveling up the hero is of considerable importance. Although critical problems do not arise in Skyrim, even if the hero’s development is not very consistent, however, at a difficult level this can already affect the gameplay.

We will review the difficulty levels in this article on the site qualitatively, without taking into account exact data, which is quite difficult to find. General principle, the principle of almost everyone computer games, naturally, is also performed in Skyrim, that is, the higher the difficulty level, the more difficult it is to fight with opponents. However, do not expect that at the minimum level you can easily chop into cabbage all of Earl Windhelm’s guards at the second character level. That is, the class difference for some characters in the game is quite significant, so reducing the difficulty level by initial stage character development will not help you much in destroying the legendary figures and inhabitants of Skyrim. But the average bandits, with whom the entire The Elder Scrolls series is teeming, as well as the fifth part of this line of role-playing games, increase in strength quite well with increasing difficulty levels. A good feature of Skyrim, as well as previous parts of the Elder Scrolls, is that the difficulty level can be changed directly during the game, and not just before it starts. So if at some point the game seems difficult, or, conversely, easy, you can always change the difficulty level to a level that is comfortable for you. In order to change the difficulty level in Skyrim, you must first call up the menu with the “Esc” key, then select the “System” tab, then look for settings in the menu (“Settings”), in the next menu select “Gameplay”, the parameter will be hidden there difficulty of the game (“Difficulty”). In total, Skyrim has five gradations of difficulty levels, in order of increasing difficulty of the game: Novice, Apprentice, Adept, Expert, Master.

The easiest level of the game in Skyrim, most likely it is unlikely to be in demand by players. The only thing is that you can choose it in especially difficult moments, where the battle with the enemy treacherously ends with the death of the character. However, in this case, you can simply postpone this battle and pump up your character, so that at the next meeting the enemy will flee for his life.

It becomes a little harder to play, but this level of difficulty is unlikely to endow the enemies with heroic strength. Although it is quite possible to complete The Elder Scrolls 5 at the Apprentice level, if you are interested directly in the plot and passage of Skyrim, and not in numerous battles with monsters and bandits.


Skyrim's standard difficulty level may be too easy for many players. However, the Adept level guarantees a comfortable game, without the need for tactical conduct of each battle. However, the death of a character at this level of difficulty is already quite possible, so you will sometimes have to take healing potions.

An intermediate level between standard difficulty and the hardest difficulty in Skyrim. Subjectively assessing the increased difficulty of the game can be problematic, especially against weak opponents. However, their health reserve becomes larger, and blows have a noticeable effect on the character’s parameters.

The most difficult level in Skyrim, here you already need to think before entering the battle, and going on a campaign without a significant supply of healing potions becomes a risky undertaking. The health and armor of enemies increase, and the character feels the blows of enemies more and more noticeably. The comfort of Skyrim decreases; you have to pay much more attention, effort and time to battles.

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The game "Skyrim" was released back in 2011 and since then has acquired a large number of additions and mods. The latest version of the game added a "legendary" difficulty and for some players it became a real challenge. But what sets the new difficulty apart from all the others, and how to play Skyrim on Legendary difficulty?

Difficulty levels

In total, the game has 6 difficulty levels. The default level is "Adept". If any stage of the game seems too difficult, you can switch the difficulty to an easier one and continue playing. You can do the opposite: complicate the game if it seems too simple.

What are the different difficulty levels in Skyrim? With each subsequent level, the damage the player receives increases and the amount of damage dealt decreases. In other words, the higher the difficulty level, the harder the opponents hit and the more time the hero needs to kill them.


Most low level difficulties in Skyrim. It is not popular among players, because the game simply becomes uninteresting. You can switch to “beginner” in the case when you cannot win a battle on a higher difficulty and you don’t want to return to it later with a stronger character. Also, low difficulty is suitable for those who do not like battles and just want to explore the world.


At this level of difficulty in Skyrim, everything becomes a little more difficult, but still not interesting enough. Enemies on the “apprentice” are too easy to kill, and the character, in turn, receives too little damage from them. On this difficulty, you can quickly complete tasks and simply get acquainted with the plot and universe of the game.


Average level difficulty in Skyrim, which is the default in the game. This is the best place to start getting acquainted with the game. However, experienced players will find “adept” too simple. Playing at this difficulty level is quite comfortable, and it does not require the player to think through tactics for each battle. However, the character may well already die, and therefore sometimes you will have to use healing potions.


If playing on the “Adept” seems too easy, you can try your hand at the “Expert”. This difficulty level of Skyrim is not the most difficult, but it will not allow you to completely relax. Some enemies will begin to deal more damage compared to previous difficulty levels, their health will increase, and the character will need more healing potions to deal with them.


Initially, "master" was the most difficult level in Skyrim. At this level, enemies become quite strong, their defense increases even more, and the damage the character deals becomes noticeably less. Now the player needs to think through his actions before entering the battle and stock up on potions.


The maximum difficulty level in the game. The peculiarity of the legendary difficulty level in Skyrim is that now opponents can kill the player with almost one hit. Without the right approach to character development, a fair supply of potions and patience, the “legendary” difficulty is almost impossible to pass.

Comparison of difficulty in "Skyrim": differences between the difficulty levels "Adept" and "Legendary"

As already mentioned, the choice of difficulty affects how much damage opponents will inflict on the character and how hard the hero himself will hit. As difficulty increases, stronger varieties of monsters may be encountered, but they do not acquire any additional skills. And of course, completing Skyrim on the “legendary” difficulty level takes much longer than on the “adept” difficulty level.

How does combat differ on maximum and medium difficulty? For example, having attacked a wolf in “adept” difficulty, the player can easily deal with it, striking a couple of blows, and continue on his way. On “legendary” difficulty, the first time you meet a wolf in close combat, you will have to try hard to kill it. You can even have time to improve several skills.

If the “adept” encounters an ice troll at the beginning of the game, then it is quite possible to deal with it. At the “legendary” level, when encountering such a monster, it is better to immediately run away and return only when the character improves his abilities.

In general, playing as an “adept” seems quite easy at first, and only as your character levels up does things start to get a little more difficult. With "legendary" difficulty the opposite is true. The first levels are difficult, but as your character develops, the enemies no longer seem invincible.

Another difference between the maximum level of difficulty and the average level is that in order to successfully use the skills, they must be well developed. For example, the “stealth” skill on “adept” works well after receiving the first six levels, while on “legendary” difficulty this skill must be improved to at least level 45.

"Adept" is more suitable for those who do not want to be overly bothered when passing the game. “Legendary” difficulty will appeal to those who like to constantly test their character’s strength.

Leveling up some skills

Since the character level in Skyrim increases with the level of skills, it will be useful to know how to level up some of them faster:

  • Stealth. The easiest way to increase this skill is to push the character against a wall, press Ctrl to make him crouch, Capslock to disable running and C to automatically move forward. After this, the character can be left for some time until the skill is upgraded. Another way is to constantly move around the world in stealth mode, without using fast travel.
  • Eloquence. The skill can easily be improved by talking to the bartender in the tavern in the city of Riften. All you have to do is ask him to talk about the Black Heather family and choose “Persuasion” all the time. You can also give any poor person a few coins or go to the temple of Dibella for a blessing.
  • Pickpocketing. The easiest way to improve this skill is by constantly saving before stealing and loading in case of failure (hot keys F5-F9). The amount of experience you gain depends on the value of the item you decide to steal.
  • Blacksmith craft. To get the maximum benefit from this skill, you should upgrade it after leveling up your eloquence. All you need to improve your blacksmithing is a lot of iron ingots and strips of leather. You can either buy them or mine them yourself by smelting ore and cutting leather into strips. Daggers are made from the extracted ingredients, which can be sold immediately, but it is better to leave them for leveling up enchantment.
  • Enchantment. To improve this skill you will need a large number of soul stones and several learned enchantments. You can get stones in two ways: by enchanting some weapon to capture souls and finishing off monsters with it, or by using a spell if you decide to play a magician. After receiving the stones, you can begin enchanting the daggers you made earlier. If there are no daggers, then you should go to Solitude and visit the Shining Clothes store. There you can buy a lot of cheap things, which after enchanting are easy to resell at a higher price.
  • Alchemy. This skill requires many different ingredients that are mined and purchased throughout Skyrim. It is most profitable to make invisibility potions, as well as paralysis poison, which damages health.
  • Weapon ownership. This skill can be easily upgraded at the beginning of the game. Just go to the area with the bear in the prologue of the game, take a dagger or other weapon and start hitting Hadvor or Ralof, depending on your choice. Since these characters are training and according to the plot should be on the player’s side at least until leaving the cave, they will not start attacking, no matter how many hits you deal to them. It is best to choose the “legendary” difficulty level when leveling up a skill in this way, so that Ralof’s or Hadvor’s health indicator decreases more slowly.

In Skyrim there are quite a lot of nuances and tricks that can help you complete the game. Here are some of them:

  • By holding down the Alt key, the character begins to run or ride a horse faster, using up stamina. But it’s best not to use it up completely, because once it’s finished, it will begin to regenerate only after a few seconds.
  • Don't ignore the books you find as you progress through the game. They can increase some ability or start a quest.
  • By shooting with a bow while in stealth mode, you can deal extra damage.
  • If you remove torches from the walls, sneaking will become easier.
  • Using the standby mode (default key "T") you can quickly restore health, mana and stamina.
  • You can exchange things with your companions, but it is worth remembering that their carrying capacity is limited. Companions also have another interesting feature: if you give them one arrow for archery, it will never run out, no matter how much the companion shoots. You can, for example, give a mercenary an ebony arrow and collect a hundred of the same arrows for him.
  • Things left anywhere will soon disappear. To avoid this, you should buy yourself a house and put things in a chest.
  • If you don’t like the difficulty settings of the game itself, then you can install mods for difficulty levels in Skyrim. Some of them equalize damage taken and dealt, which can make life a little easier at Legendary level. Others improve certain skills, which makes the game more comfortable on maximum difficulty, but playing on lower difficulties becomes uninteresting. There are also those that further increase the difficulty of the game.

Today, many Skyrim players show dissatisfaction with the difficulty system created in the game. And there is a reasonable note in this. What primarily causes dissatisfied buzz is that it is too easy to play at an average level, too difficult at a high level.

I’ll say right away that almost everything I say about the Master also applies to the Expert.

It can be immodestly noted that the game at a difficult level, that is, on the Master, can actually be played by a player who is quite professional in his favorite activity, no matter what anyone says. I'll tell you why I'm so sure of this.

Let's take one fan out of a thousand, in this case the author of the post, to analyze the passage of the game at different difficulty levels.

First of all, I will say that at the moment I have completed the game much less than most of you, readers of this post, precisely because after many years of playing Oblivion and Morrowind up and down and raising my character to heavenly levels, I decided to try new system"pumping" in Skyrim. And I started by simply changing the difficulty level.

This thought first occurred to me when I left the first dungeon, and one weak blow of my fist was enough for a wild, angry wolf to fly several meters away from my character.

Review of the intricacies of Skyrim. Difficulty system: from adept to master.

Review of the intricacies of Skyrim. Difficulty system: from adept to master.

Immediately after that, I decided to go through the main quest twice, and then move on to everything else, because there’s never too much Skyrim.

Do not forget that the following information is subjective and what I had in the game may be completely different for you.

Playing as a Master vs Playing as an Adept

Leveling up a character on a Master, no matter what, is slower - this is the first thing. When the boy gamers I knew wrote loudly about how quickly they were moving up the level ladder, and how quickly they completed the game, I just sighed irritably and proudly answered with one single routine phrase: “I play on Master.”

Why slower? Because at a difficult level of the game it is impossible to use all the abilities. For example, this applies to close combat.

What is the difference between medium and high difficulty melee combat?

As we know, as the difficulty level increases, any damage dealt to the opponent decreases and the damage dealt to the main character increases. In close combat, fighting with a sword or two swords, you can inflict minor damage on the enemy, but it is very difficult to protect yourself with armor or liters of healing potions. This is a minus in the difficulty system. In theory, in order to kill an enemy that is strong by the standards of the game, you need to protect yourself from distance.

Let's take several monsters: from a wolf to a dragon. At a masterfully difficult level, “taking down” a wolf is not a ridiculously easy task, rather an easy warm-up, during which you even have time to improve several skills. But if on the way the hero meets an ice troll, which is very, very possible to kill on an Adept, then on a Master it is hardly possible to do this.

Review of the intricacies of Skyrim. Difficulty system: from adept to master.

Review of the intricacies of Skyrim. Difficulty system: from adept to master.

Let's take the draugr overlord - melee combat is difficult, each magical attack takes away a sufficient number of health units even at a long distance, but one or two blows from the draugr overlord at close range are enough to completely “take out” all your health, even if you are raised level you will only download it.

Again, on the Adept, I didn’t use a bow arrow and barely even used spells to kill him - the sword in close combat allowed me to quite literally destroy the enemy.

Review of the intricacies of Skyrim. Difficulty system: from adept to master.

Review of the intricacies of Skyrim. Difficulty system: from adept to master.

Well, we should, of course, add that it still depends on the hero’s specialization - a magician, a thief or a warrior. After all, this plays a significant role when fighting enemies. For me, as a player, it was also easier because I use stealth and archery; for a player using a sword, killing a troll or a saber turns into a real test, not to mention a dragon.

What is the advantage of the Master - real pumping. Honestly, at the most difficult level, the same “Stealth” will only be real stealth if it is sufficiently pumped up, that is, when the skill is pumped up over 45, the character stops being noticed, but at the Adept the character stops being noticed after the first six units added to initial secrecy.

On Adept, the game at the very beginning seems incredibly easy, but as you level up your character it becomes more and more difficult. As the character's strength grows, so do the enemies - the same system was in Oblivion.

On the Master it’s the other way around. From the very beginning of the game, when the character has not yet been leveled up, it is very difficult to play the game. Enemies are strong - you are weak, your weapons are weak, your skills are not yet developed, but with your growth, the growth in the strength of enemies does not seem so rapid, in addition to the pumped-up skills, you acquire good weapons and armor, and with each level it becomes easier for you to use your abilities.

Let the passage of the game go much slower, and the character will not level up too quickly due to the lack of the ability to level up melee combat at a low level.

In any case, beating the game on a masterfully difficult level, you can boast of this, because not every player will want to bother themselves with such difficulties.

Review of the intricacies of Skyrim. Difficulty system: from adept to master.

Review of the intricacies of Skyrim. Difficulty system: from adept to master.

Legendary level The difficulty is complicated by the fact that it is legendary, and this, alas, is a fact, naked, like a girl on a nudist beach - you can’t argue. The legendary level is difficult not only due to the fact that it automatically increases the health and damage level of enemies, making them harsh, like a berserker gorged on fly agarics, who in the Solitude market was given a basket of flowers on his head and called “snot-nosed youngster.”

One of the features of Legendary difficulty is that when you load the game, it automatically increases the damage and strength of opponents. As a result, at the Legendary difficulty level, any enemy deals simply amazing damage to you. The system of partners and housecarls becomes completely useless, since almost any partner (except for quest ones - they are immortal throughout the essence of the game) is killed instantly at the Legendary level. Therefore, the Legendary level is the lot of “stalkers” - loners who are used to solving all the issues that arise along the way by force, magic or cunning.

For such lone wolves, this mod was made. It significantly changes some abilities in the branches: Thief, Mage and Warrior, strengthening them by TWO times.

I would especially like to note that one of the most underrated abilities of the School of Restoration, Necromage, has been doubled. This ability, with the mod installed, doubles the effect of ANY spells against ANY undead. Moreover, few people know - but this effect also applies to enchanted weapons.

This ability turns the Vampire Scourge spell into one of the most formidable anti-vampire weapons added in the Vampire Lords expansion. At Legendary Level, vampires become so harsh. that they easily kill your hero even at level 80, and his partners and housecarls are not even considered enemies (with the exception of Barbas - the level of vampires increases cyclically - up to level 20 they can still be defeated, but after 30 they become extremely invincible.

“Scourge of Vampires”, in combination with “Great Necromage”, will quickly bring them to a sane state. Considering the very interesting feature of this spell, it will appeal to those who are tired of reloading saves if, in the event of a vampire attack on the city, some quest character was killed. "Vampiro Scourge" solves this problem once and for all.

The ability "Great Necromage" doubles damage (even damage from Screams) against: dragurs, ashen spawn, vampires (no matter what type) and summoned creatures, such as zombies (the same applies to those that you summon - for example, Furious People - like this that swing less spells if you use mods for summoned creatures).

The mod was made by a player who completed Skyrim alone at the Legendary level. (Our person!)

I especially warn you: DO NOT INSTALL the mod if you are NOT playing at the Legendary level! Otherwise, the game will lose all taste and meaning and will become unbearably boring.

The mod does NOT replace Constellations - it simply changes their properties. Even if you install this mod, don’t expect everything to happen right away! You will have to level up as usual to get these enhanced abilities! This makes the mod very well balanced.

Bugs and compatibility:
There may be bugs with mods that change the very essence of Skill Constellations and remake them. With mods that ADD new abilities - there were no confrontations.

Requirements: Skyrim, all three expansions, Legendary difficulty level and, preferably, a brave heart.

Installation: Standard

Removal: Standard.

Today, many Skyrim players show dissatisfaction with the difficulty system created in the game. And there is a reasonable note in this. What primarily causes dissatisfied buzz is that it is too easy to play at an average level, too difficult at a high level.

I’ll say right away that almost everything I say about the Master also applies to the Expert.

It can be immodestly noted that the game at a difficult level, that is, on the Master, can actually be played by a player who is quite professional in his favorite activity, no matter what anyone says. I'll tell you why I'm so sure of this.

Let's take one fan out of a thousand, in this case the author of the post, to analyze the passage of the game at different difficulty levels.

There are countless combinations of violence, stunning, strategies and weapons. From the dirty, smelly and rumbling streets of Dunwall, to the luxurious and exotic shores of Karnaca, immerse yourself in a bizarre and scary fairytale world full of history, sweeping architecture and lively characters.

The lighting, movement, perspective shifts are all dynamic and realistic to make it unforgettable. Change the difficulty of the game according to your preferences. You can even customize individual pieces for cover, drag, and battle.

First of all, I will say that at the moment I have completed much less time in the game than most of you, readers of this post, precisely because after many years of playing Oblivion and Morrowind up and down and raising my character to heavenly levels, I decided to try the new system “ leveling" in Skyrim. And I started by simply changing the difficulty level.

This thought first occurred to me when I left the first dungeon, and one weak blow of my fist was enough for a wild, angry wolf to fly several meters away from my character.

Immediately after that, I decided to go through the main quest twice, and then move on to everything else, because there’s never too much Skyrim.

When it comes to superpower, remember that bot shields will also block it. Grace: Try to get your opponents off your back.

  • Smuga: The best place for her is at the door of the cathedral.
  • From here you can shoot with protective bots.
  • If he needs healing, he will simply return to the terminal.
  • Try to block as much damage as possible.
Don't start hacking if you haven't killed all the bots from the previous phase! This would complicate the whole stage.

Also, produce as much armor as you can. Reinhardt: Reinhardt focuses primarily on the left. Watch the cover lines because Grace will be the only person on the terminal and she won't be able to leave. Watch your health and position - otherwise Grace will not be able to heal you. Grace: At this stage you will be focusing on the terminal, so your job is to support your allies by processing them and increasing your damage. Increase the damage to Reinhardt because he will be the only person around you.

  • Smuga: The best position is the stairs on the right.
  • Launch bots with a shield and try to take care of them from behind.
  • You can also use your pulse bomb.
  • Torbjorn: The tower is on the left balcony.
  • You can get there using boxes.
The biggest challenge might be Bastion, the team needs to focus 100% on them.

Do not forget that the following information is subjective and what I had in the game may be completely different for you.

Playing as a Master vs Playing as an Adept

Leveling up a character on a Master, no matter what, is slower - this is the first thing. When the boy gamers I knew wrote loudly about how quickly they were moving up the level ladder, and how quickly they completed the game, I just sighed irritably and proudly answered with one single routine phrase: “I play on Master.”

You have enough time to recharge your superpower even multiple times. Use them as often as possible. Bastions will start appearing as long as you remain for 2 minutes to load. Destroy the helicopters as quickly as you can. Players are fairly easy to kill, don't bother them and use their superpower if necessary.

When they explode, they take 25% of Reinhart's health, but they also reduce the cargo's health by 25%, which is also bad. The ability to use at your discretion, but it is best to keep it on Bastion. You won't be in the tower to take care of your health, but have superconductivity ready if necessary. Reinhardt: He should concentrate mainly on the left. Use it if you try to blow it up. Hold your shield and protect your team. Using Resurrection is mandatory.

  • Smuga: She should concentrate on running from the gate to the monument.
  • Grace will increase your damage, so be sure to stay with her.
  • Torbjörn: Before starting this phase and load, install the tower on the balcony.
This stage is difficult, but not the hardest.

Why slower? Because at a difficult level of the game it is impossible to use all the abilities. For example, this applies to close combat.

What is the difference between medium and high difficulty melee combat?

As we know, as the difficulty level increases, any damage dealt to the opponent decreases and the damage dealt to the main character increases. In close combat, fighting with a sword or two swords, you can inflict minor damage on the enemy, but it is very difficult to protect yourself with armor or liters of healing potions. This is a minus in the difficulty system. In theory, in order to kill an enemy that is strong by the standards of the game, you need to protect yourself from distance.

Bastions spawn here more often, they focus on the load, so you need to keep them at a distance. This not only protects the target, but also the team members. Blocks damage to the bastion. Besides defense, you also need to attack. Grace: You have to constantly change between treatment and injury, there is no downtime. Don't spare your superpower, if you need it, use it.

  • Smuga: Don't go too far from the goal.
  • Bastion can kill you with a direct hit.
  • Throw armor as often as possible, focusing on enemies.
  • Reinhardt: The shield is important.
Final phase, you have 5 minutes to kill each Orisa.

Let's take several monsters: from a wolf to a dragon. At a masterfully difficult level, “taking down” a wolf is not a ridiculously easy task, rather an easy warm-up, during which you even have time to improve several skills. But if on the way the hero meets an ice troll, which is very, very possible to kill on an Adept, then on a Master it is hardly possible to do this.

Review of the intricacies of Skyrim. Difficulty system: from adept to master.

Review of the intricacies of Skyrim. Difficulty system: from adept to master.

Let's take the draugr overlord - melee combat is difficult, each magical attack takes away a sufficient number of health units even at a long distance, but one or two blows from the draugr overlord at close range are enough to completely “take out” all your health, even if you are raised level you will only download it.

Again, on the Adept, I didn’t use a bow arrow and barely even used spells to kill him - the sword in close combat allowed me to quite literally destroy the enemy.

Review of the intricacies of Skyrim. Difficulty system: from adept to master.

Review of the intricacies of Skyrim. Difficulty system: from adept to master.

Well, we should, of course, add that it still depends on the hero’s specialization - a magician, a thief or a warrior. After all, this plays a significant role when fighting enemies. For me, as a player, it was also easier because I use stealth and archery; for a player using a sword, killing a troll or a saber turns into a real test, not to mention a dragon.

What is the advantage of the Master - real pumping. Honestly, at the most difficult level, the same “Stealth” will only be real stealth if it is sufficiently pumped up, that is, when the skill is pumped up over 45, the character stops being noticed, but at the Adept the character stops being noticed after the first six units added to initial secrecy.

On Adept, the game at the very beginning seems incredibly easy, but as you level up your character it becomes more and more difficult. As the character's strength grows, so do the enemies - the same system was in Oblivion.

On the Master it’s the other way around. From the very beginning of the game, when the character has not yet been leveled up, it is very difficult to play the game. Enemies are strong - you are weak, your weapons are weak, your skills are not yet developed, but with your growth, the growth in the strength of enemies does not seem so rapid, in addition to the pumped-up skills, you acquire good weapons and armor, and with each level it becomes easier for you to use your abilities.

Let the passage of the game go much slower, and the character will not level up too quickly due to the lack of the ability to level up melee combat at a low level.

In any case, beating the game on a masterfully difficult level, you can boast of this, because not every player will want to bother themselves with such difficulties.

Review of the intricacies of Skyrim. Difficulty system: from adept to master.

Review of the intricacies of Skyrim. Difficulty system: from adept to master.

The legendary difficulty level is complicated by the fact that it is legendaryly difficult, and this, alas, is a fact, naked as a girl on a nudist beach - you can’t argue. The legendary level is difficult not only due to the fact that it automatically increases the health and damage level of enemies, making them harsh, like a berserker gorged on fly agarics, who in the Solitude market was given a basket of flowers on his head and called “snot-nosed youngster.”

One of the features of Legendary difficulty is that when you load the game, it automatically increases the damage and strength of opponents. As a result, at the Legendary difficulty level, any enemy deals simply amazing damage to you. The system of partners and housecarls becomes completely useless, since almost any partner (except for quest ones - they are immortal throughout the essence of the game) is killed instantly at the Legendary level. Therefore, the Legendary level is the lot of “stalkers” - loners who are used to solving all the issues that arise along the way by force, magic or cunning.

For such lone wolves, this mod was made. It significantly changes some abilities in the branches: Thief, Mage and Warrior, strengthening them by TWO times.

I would especially like to note that one of the most underrated abilities of the School of Restoration, Necromage, has been doubled. This ability, with the mod installed, doubles the effect of ANY spells against ANY undead. Moreover, few people know - but this effect also applies to enchanted weapons.

This ability turns the Vampire Scourge spell into one of the most formidable anti-vampire weapons added in the Vampire Lords expansion. At Legendary Level, vampires become so harsh. that they easily kill your hero even at level 80, and his partners and housecarls are not even considered enemies (with the exception of Barbas - the level of vampires increases cyclically - up to level 20 they can still be defeated, but after 30 they become extremely invincible.

“Scourge of Vampires”, in combination with “Great Necromage”, will quickly bring them to a sane state. Considering how much this spell is, it will appeal to those who are tired of reloading saves if, in the event of a vampire attack on the city, some quest character was killed. "Vampiro Scourge" solves this problem once and for all.

The ability "Great Necromage" doubles damage (even damage from Screams) against: dragurs, ashen spawn, vampires (no matter what type) and summoned creatures, such as zombies (the same applies to those that you summon - for example, Furious People - like this that swing less spells if you use mods for summoned creatures).

The mod was made by a player who completed Skyrim alone at the Legendary level. (Our person!)

I especially warn you: DO NOT INSTALL the mod if you are NOT playing at the Legendary level! Otherwise, the game will lose all taste and meaning and will become unbearably boring.

The mod does NOT replace Constellations - it simply changes their properties. Even if you install this mod, don’t expect everything to happen right away! You will have to level up as usual to get these enhanced abilities! This makes the mod very well balanced.

Bugs and compatibility:
There may be bugs with mods that change the very essence of Skill Constellations and remake them. With mods that ADD new abilities - there were no confrontations.

Requirements: Skyrim, all three expansions, Legendary difficulty level and, preferably, a brave heart.

Installation: Standard

Removal: Standard.

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