Air conditioning: diagram and principle of operation. How to use air conditioning in an apartment and office Correct operation of the air conditioner fan

The design and operating principle of various air conditioners are similar. These systems have a common structure and purpose. The difference between them lies only in the location of the system in the house and the external shape of the device.

Air conditioning device

All air conditioners consist of the following parts:

  • fan;
  • throttle;
  • capacitor;
  • compressor;
  • evaporator.

The compressor compresses the freon and forces it to circulate in the system. The capacitor is used to convert freon from gas into liquid. Usually it is located in the external unit. The evaporator, on the contrary, causes liquid freon to turn into gas. Its action is opposite to that of a capacitor. The throttle lowers the freon pressure, and the fans cool the system.

This is how every similar device works. The principle of operation of a floor-mounted air conditioner does not differ from the principle of operation of a wall-mounted or ceiling-mounted one.

System operation

All parts of the air conditioner (except for fans) are connected to each other using thin copper tubes. In some devices, the tubes are made of aluminum. A coolant (most often freon) circulates through the tubes inside the air conditioner. The coolant takes either gaseous or liquid form. Fans protect the system from overheating.

When vaporous freon enters the compression hole, it has a temperature of about 10-15 degrees. Its pressure is 4-5 atmospheres. The refrigerant is compressed in the compressor, the pressure increases 5 times, and the freon temperature rises to 90 degrees.

Very hot freon enters the condenser. There it cools, releasing heat, and smoothly turns into a liquid state. Next, the freon passes through the choke and enters the evaporator. Here the liquid agent is mixed with the gaseous one. As it evaporates, it creates cooling. After this, the freon enters the compressor again, and the cycle closes. This is a simple diagram of how an air conditioner works.

Types of air conditioners

There are several types of air conditioners, although the operating principles are the same for all. Based on the type of air intake, such systems can be divided into:

  • inlet;
  • recirculation;
  • air conditioners with recuperation function.

Recirculation systems operate on internal air, supply systems use external air masses, and systems with a recovery function use both of these methods.

In addition to the indicated differentiation, there is another division of air conditioners:

  1. Monoblock - systems consisting of one block, which combines all functions. They are very easy to use, easy to repair and last a long time. Such air conditioners are unpretentious. Their only disadvantage is their high cost.
  2. Split systems consist of two separated blocks. One of them is placed outside the building, and the second indoors. Both parts of the system are connected by a tube through which freon circulates. The fan and evaporator of such an air conditioner are located in the indoor unit, and the remaining parts of the system are located in the external unit. Split systems differ in shape: there are floor, ceiling, and wall air conditioners of this type.
  3. Multi-split systems differ in that they have several internal units, but there is still only one external unit. Such air conditioners can also be floor, wall or ceiling.

Possible system malfunctions

Today, in order to install and successfully configure such a system at home or in the office, it is not necessary to know how an air conditioning compressor works. But you need to understand some possible failures of air conditioning devices.

The most common cause of failure in split systems is water hammer. It occurs due to the fact that liquid freon enters the compressor. The agent does not have time to completely assume a gaseous state in the evaporator.

Water hammer occurs for several reasons.

This mostly happens with cheap air conditioners that are not designed quite correctly. Therefore, at the slightest temperature fluctuations, they can present unpleasant surprises. Water hammer can occur when starting an air conditioner in a room with negative temperatures. For an inexpensive system, a temperature of minus 10-12 degrees is enough to fail.

Dirty filters also cause water hammer. Air conditioners need to be maintained. It is advisable to regularly carry out preventive inspections of the system to avoid costly repairs.

Another malfunction of air conditioners is associated with a freon leak. This usually happens when the tubes are installed incorrectly. Leaks sometimes occur in inexpensive, poorly designed systems. Among very cheap models of air conditioners, you can find factory defects, when the tubes are simply either poorly screwed on or have a leak from the start. Freon leakage can be determined visually when the system is running. It causes freezing on the back wall of the air conditioner.

If the air conditioner is installed incorrectly, air and moisture may enter the circuit. This will soon lead to disruption of the device. Air in the circuit often causes air conditioner breakdowns.

Therefore, it is better to install a split system with the involvement of professionals who are not the first to install such units.

Benefits of air conditioning

The air conditioner creates optimal temperature conditions in your home and office. Recently, complex systems with the function of ionization and air humidification have even appeared. It has a very beneficial effect on people, but only if the system is taken care of. Because air conditioners, like any other device, require cleaning and regular repairs.

Dirty air conditioner filters are unlikely to make the air conditioner work as usefully as possible. There are known cases when, due to unkempt split systems, people experienced various ailments. If the owner of such a device wants to get the maximum benefit from it, then he must carefully monitor the condition of the air conditioner.


The following videos will help you understand the operating principle of air conditioners:

Let's start with something simple. Substances have this property - when they evaporate, they absorb heat, and when they condense, they release it. The operation of the air conditioner is based on this physical phenomenon.

The operating principle of the air conditioner is based on a change in the state of aggregation of the refrigerant (freon) depending on the temperature and pressure in a closed system. First, let's get acquainted with the main components of the air conditioner.

The main components of any air conditioner are:

A modern air conditioner has an electronic unit that controls operation depending on the selected mode. All modern models have a remote control that allows you to set parameters.


The outdoor unit of the air conditioner consists of the following main components:

  1. A fan that creates air flow to blow across the condenser.
  2. A condenser is a radiator in which freon is cooled and condensed; the air passing by the condenser is heated and released into the environment.
  3. A compressor that compresses the refrigerant and maintains its movement through the refrigeration circuit.
  4. The control board is usually installed in inverter air conditioners. In non-inverter models, they try to place all electronics in the indoor unit.
  5. A four-way valve is installed in models with a heating function. In heating mode, this valve changes the direction of movement of freon, while the indoor and outdoor units seem to change places: the indoor unit works for heating, and the outdoor unit for cooling.
  6. Union connections (not visible in the figure) for connecting copper pipes connecting the outdoor and indoor units.
  7. The freon system filter is installed in front of the compressor inlet and protects it from dirt particles that may enter the system during installation of the air conditioner.
  8. A protective cover that covers fitting connections and electrical connectors.


The indoor unit consists of the following main components:

  1. The front panel is a plastic grille through which air enters the unit. The panel can be easily removed for servicing the air conditioner (cleaning filters, etc.)
  2. A coarse filter consisting of a plastic mesh. It is designed to retain coarse dust, animal hair, poplar fluff, etc. For normal operation of the air conditioner, the filter must be cleaned at least twice a month.
  3. The filter system consists of various fine filters, which usually include: carbon (removes unpleasant odors), electrostatic (retains fine dust), antibacterial, etc.
  4. A fan designed to circulate purified and cooled or heated air in a room.
  5. An evaporator is a radiator (heat exchanger) in which cold refrigerant is heated and evaporated. The air blown through the radiator is cooled accordingly.
  6. Horizontal blinds are designed to adjust the direction of air flow vertically. These blinds are electrically driven and their position can be adjusted using a remote control. In addition, the blinds can automatically perform oscillatory movements to evenly distribute air flow throughout the room.
  7. The indicator panel consists of indicators (LEDs) that show what operating mode the air conditioner is in and indicate possible malfunctions.
  8. Vertical blinds that regulate the direction of air flow horizontally.
  9. A control board (not shown in the figure), on which an electronics unit with a central microprocessor is located.
  10. The fitting connections (not shown in the figure) are located in the lower rear part of the indoor unit. Copper pipes connecting the outdoor and indoor units are connected to them.

It should be noted that the air conditioner does not produce cold (or heat), but transfers it from indoors to outdoors. Depending on the selected mode, the air conditioner either transfers heat from the room to the street, or from the street to the room (heating).

To cool the air in a room, the heat generated by the cooling must be removed. Heat is energy. And energy, as we know, cannot disappear without a trace. This is why the air conditioner consists of two units: indoor and outdoor. There are also single-block cooling systems that remove heat through an air duct vented to the outside.

The carrier of thermal energy in an air conditioner (as in a refrigerator) is a special refrigerant. Most often it is freon.



As the refrigerant (like any other liquid) evaporates, it takes away heat. You can conduct the following physical experiment: wipe your hand with alcohol or an alcohol-containing solution (for example, cologne). You will feel cold. This alcohol evaporates and takes away your body heat.

And vice versa, when condensing (transforming from a gaseous state back to a liquid), a substance gives off heat. For example, in a steam room, when you move, you feel the heat from the condensed steam.

When the air conditioner operates in cooling mode, the refrigerant evaporates in the heat exchanger of the indoor unit and condenses in the outdoor unit. When the air conditioner operates in heating mode, the refrigerant condenses in the heat exchanger of the indoor unit and evaporates in the outdoor unit.

A correctly selected and installed air conditioner can create the most comfortable conditions in an apartment or office only if it is used correctly. Moreover, there are both general recommendations and “individual” ones.

General requirements

There are several rules of use that do not depend on the type of room:
  1. It is not recommended to set the air conditioner to a temperature lower than the outside temperature by more than 7-10°C. An even narrower interval of 5-7C° is considered optimal for health. But in any case, it is not recommended to cool the temperature below 24 C°, since 22-24°C is considered comfortable, and every “extra” degree is an additional load on the air conditioner, plus electricity consumption
  2. In extreme heat, you need to lower the temperature in several steps - 2-3°C every hour of operation.
  3. If the air conditioner does not provide for the addition of outside air, then the room must be ventilated periodically - every 3-5 hours. For domestic and semi-industrial air conditioners with fresh air supply (for example, Daikin FTXR series), this need is eliminated.
Seasonal prevention and routine maintenance must be mandatory, regardless of the degree of operation of the air conditioner and the filters used. Even modern photocatalytic filters and a streamer do not relieve the need to clean both units and disinfect the internal one. And diagnostics and maintenance are a necessary condition for the reliable operation of any equipment.

And most importantly. The efficiency of an air conditioner is possible only if the cooling power corresponds to the design operating conditions, and the main one is the volume of the room. Therefore, windows and doors must be closed while the air conditioner is operating to prevent the leakage of cold air and the influx of warm air.

For apartments, the most common are wall-mounted split systems, in which the flow of cooled air has a clearly defined direction. It should not come into direct contact with a person. This is regulated by the position of the vertical and horizontal blinds of the indoor unit.

An air conditioner with a standard set of options dries the air - during cooling, part of the moisture vapor is removed in the form of condensate. To maintain an optimal level of humidity, household humidifiers are additionally used. But this can also be avoided if you install Daikin air conditioners with the Ururu Sarara function, which allows you to regulate the humidity level using moisture from the street air.

A distinctive feature of apartments compared to an office is the operation of the air conditioner at night and the accommodation of small children.

During sleep, the body “saves” heat, so you should not cool it excessively. A temperature of 25-27°C is considered comfortable for a night's rest, and this must be taken into account when manually setting it. In addition, many air conditioner models have a special “Good sleep” mode, consisting of three stages:

  1. When you fall asleep, the temperature drops to a preset level.
  2. Then, after some time (deep sleep phase), an automatic increase of 1-2°C occurs.
  3. Before waking up, the fan switches to intermittent supply of cool air.
By default, the operating time in this mode is eight hours, but it can be changed from 3 to 12 hours in 30-minute intervals.

Young children are especially sensitive to overheating and hypothermia. Moreover, due to the small surface of the body and low body weight, the effects of heat and cold are felt much faster than in adults. Most experts say that overheating is much worse for a small child than hypothermia. Therefore, it is impossible to refuse air conditioning in children's rooms, and the optimal temperature in them is the same as for everyone else - about 23°C. You just need to make sure that the air flow is in the correct direction and that the child does not play on the cold floor.

The office work is characterized by its cyclical nature - five days a week for 10-12 hours. Therefore, at the beginning of the working day, especially after weekends or holidays, the room must be thoroughly ventilated.

In offices, unlike apartments, in addition to split systems with wall-mounted indoor units, semi-industrial air conditioners and multi-split systems are used. They have a different arrangement of indoor units and differ in the direction of cooled air flows. And this must be taken into account when planning workplaces and arranging office equipment:

  1. Cassette air conditioners. In a room with the correct geometry, the indoor unit is located in the center of the ceiling. Its front panel is designed so that cold air is evenly distributed in four directions. Graphically, it resembles a pyramid, the angle of inclination of which is adjusted by the position of the gratings. The layout will be optimal if office equipment is located along the walls - the heat from the working equipment will rise up along the walls without mixing with the cooled air.
  2. Duct air conditioners. They have a distributed air duct system, so the indoor units are distinguished by increased power and rather low air temperature at its outlet. They have a complex flow control system and depend not only on the correct design of the entire ventilation and air conditioning system (they are often combined), but also on timely preventive and routine maintenance. Despite the “volumetric” air distribution, when planning the workspace it is necessary to take into account the location of grilles and diffusers.
  3. Floor and floor-ceiling air conditioners. They are usually used where it is impossible to install another system or the shape of the room has a complex configuration. It is important that when controlling the operation from the remote control, the indoor unit is not covered by furniture and office equipment.

Proper operation of an air conditioner is an incredibly responsible and complex process that is almost impossible to figure out on your own. To ensure that the installation and further operation of modern climate control systems does not cause any difficulties for consumers, the package must include an instruction manual for a particular model. A detailed and clearly written instruction manual will serve the user well, allowing the user to enjoy the smooth operation of the device and independently troubleshoot minor faults and problems.

Air conditioner operating instructions: purpose

Installation and further use of the air conditioner is difficult to carry out without observing the basic requirements and rules prescribed in the operating manual. The modern climate equipment market offers a huge range of air conditioners from various global brands. Each product has its own characteristics, technical characteristics and functional components, which means that the instructions for air conditioners from different manufacturers are different: for example, the operating instructions for an lg air conditioner are intended exclusively for models of this brand, and the operating instructions for a mitsubishi air conditioner are, respectively, for units of a well-known Japanese manufacturer. However, any instruction, regardless of the manufacturer, provides detailed answers to any questions related to the operation of a specific air conditioner model, allows you to understand the basic safety rules for the operation of the device and find out a detailed description of the internal and external components of the mechanisms and parts of the air conditioner, as well as determine the sequence assemblies. This is what, for example, the cover of the operating instructions for a Haier air conditioner looks like.

Undoubtedly, well-trained specialists should install the air conditioner, but information about the technology of the entire process will not be superfluous. Regarding the settings, the information in the manual is highlighted in a separate section, and the descriptive part is supplemented with illustrations. Since air conditioners are controlled remotely, the operating instructions, for example, for a Panasonic air conditioner, cover the rules for regulating and monitoring air flow using a remote control, general recommendations for care and maintenance, as well as possible violations during the operation of the air conditioner. To avoid any conflict situations or problems associated with the operation of the equipment, enter into an agreement with the supplier on warranty and post-warranty service, the regular implementation of which will allow you to avoid sudden breakdown of the device during the period of maximum load, for example, in the summer.

So, any operating instructions for an air conditioner contain detailed information in several sections:

  • Purpose of the air conditioner, its series and model, technical characteristics and conditions for safe operation;
  • Detailed structure, mechanisms and components;
  • Ways to control the air conditioner, including rules for using the remote control;

  • Basic tips for use, care and maintenance, recommendations for cleaning the front panel and air filter;
  • Description of the features of the air conditioner operating modes;
  • The most common problems and how to fix them;
  • Device contents;
  • Features of recycling;
  • Information about the body that issued the certificate of conformity;
  • Warranty service coupon, which includes the model and serial number of the air conditioner, date of purchase and seal of the selling company.

By strictly following all the instructions in the operating instructions for a midea, samsung or any other brand air conditioner, you will ensure maximum service life of the split system, increase its performance, and eliminate the need for expensive repairs or replacement of individual parts, such as the control board or compressor.

Basic rules for operating an air conditioner

Proper use that exactly complies with the requirements of the instructions will ensure the highest efficiency and productivity of the installed equipment.

  • The main rule of operation is: it is prohibited to introduce foreign objects through the split system blinds, and also to allow children to operate the equipment.
  • To cool the room temperature, set the air conditioner temperature within 21-23°C. By setting a lower temperature in hot weather, you will not only create additional load on the compressor of the equipment, but also provoke colds due to pronounced temperature changes.

  • By protecting the indoor unit of an air conditioner operating in cooling mode from direct exposure to sunlight, you will significantly extend the life of the unit. Experts strongly recommend closing curtains and blinds indoors on a sunny day, since the bright light flux can create obstacles to the passage of the LED signal from the remote control. The most important condition for the correct operation of air conditioners is saving power: the compressor and fan will not fail for a long time due to wear of parts due to increased loads if the doors and windows are tightly closed during the period of cooling the air in the room. Thanks to this simple rule, you can enjoy fresh, cooled air in the room and reduce the fan speed.
  • Optimal air exchange and uninterrupted operation of the climate system are possible only if the space around it is free and not covered with curtains, and no objects are located in the area of ​​intense air flow from the evaporator.
  • The operating instructions for the Panasonic air conditioner state: you cannot install air conditioners in rooms with high humidity, since dust penetrating into the equipment is first moistened by condensation and then settles on the internal surfaces of the split system in a dense mass. The resulting dust masses significantly reduce the intensity of the fan's operation, in some cases can even cause it to stop, clog the drainage system, which prevents the normal outflow of accumulated moisture, clog filtration systems and heat exchangers, and cause freon leakage. It should be remembered that moistened compressed dust is a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of pathogenic fungi, which can cause respiratory diseases, allergic reactions and unpleasant odors. If installing an air conditioner in a room with high humidity is unavoidable, then turning on the equipment should be preceded by thorough ventilation, and the working units should be inspected and cleaned by specialists more often.
  • By keeping the internal and external mechanisms and components of the air conditioner clean, you extend the life of the installed equipment. Cleaning the filtration system, even if the split system is installed in a room with normal humidity, should be carried out at least once every 2 weeks. By following this rule for operating the air conditioner, you can prevent loss of power from the chassis and clean the air more efficiently.

  • If it is expected that the installed air conditioner will be idle for a long period of time, then before turning it off, you should select the ventilation mode and run it. This will remove accumulated condensation in the equipment casing and prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor the next time it is turned on.
  • If your air conditioner has nevertheless marred your peaceful existence with its breakdown, then do not even think about looking for the cause of the problem yourself, much less carrying out any repair work. The maximum you can do is turn off the power from the electrical network and wait for a specialist who will quickly deal with the problem and bring the air conditioner back to life.

Remember: air conditioners, in particular split systems, are very capricious devices that do not tolerate amateurish handling.

Features of operating a split system

The operating instructions for a split system, unlike an air conditioner, are characterized by a number of individual features.

  • First of all, they are due to the fact that the external unit of the system, located on the street, is negatively affected by the environment.

  • To protect climate control equipment from the effects of precipitation, it is better to use a special protective visor. The chassis of the external unit is especially susceptible to large accumulations of dust and its compaction under the influence of moisture, and small animals and insects can get into the fan and heat exchanger.
  • The operating instructions for any split system prescribe mandatory cleaning of all components and parts of the external unit and regular treatment with disinfectants.

  • The indoor unit of the split system should not be installed near heating devices or sources of strong electromagnetic radiation, for example, televisions, computers. Such equipment must be located at a distance of at least 1 meter from the air conditioner.
  • Any split system installed in an ordinary apartment must be protected from power surges. To do this, you will need a circuit breaker and a remote control to control the device. By following these simple rules, you will ensure maximum comfort in the room and significantly extend the life of your climate control equipment.

Today, the World Wide Web provides a unique opportunity for each user to quickly and without leaving home find the necessary operating instructions for climate control equipment. The largest databases contain documentation for all models and manufacturers of air conditioners, for example, you can easily find operating instructions for a dantex or daiki air conditioner, or instructions for any other equipment of an equally well-known domestic or foreign manufacturer.

Such air conditioner operating manuals will help you troubleshoot problems and malfunctions as soon as possible. Extensive databases suggest the ability to download the required manual for free; you just need to find the manufacturer and model of the equipment.

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