Competitions on water (lake, pool, river). “Water Fun” - game competition program Fun games with water for children


  • Any number of children can take part: the more, the more interesting;
  • Only those children who have the necessary swimming skills can take part;
  • the game is played in water (a pond or pool), where there is plenty of space;
  • those participants who behave disrespectfully or aggressively towards their comrades in the water leave the game;
  • The progress of the game is monitored by a teacher or coach, and he decides who has broken the rules.

How to play:

First, the participant who will play the role of fisherman is determined by drawing lots. He will have to keep a certain distance from other participants. They, in turn, can swim, walk, in general, move as they please, but without crossing the pre-allocated distance from the shore (depending on the height of the water). When, at the most unexpected moment, the coach says “Catch a fish,” the player playing the role of a fisherman strives to “trash” one of the players. If he does not achieve his goal, then he remains in this position for some time. The player who does get caught becomes the driver. Based on the results, the participant who became the most dexterous fisherman and “caught” the largest number of players is selected.


  • It’s fun to play with a big group;
  • Only those children who swim well and know how to dive correctly can take part;
  • The game is played in water (a pond or pool), where there is plenty of space.

How to play:

First, a participant is determined who will become a target for other players. They put a string with a bell on his hand, the rest put on swimming goggles through which nothing can be seen. You can, for example, cover the glass with dark, opaque tape or come up with something else. All participants dive into the water, and at the coach's signal they must catch the participant with the bell. The winner is the one who completed the task.


  • the number of players must be 5 or more;
  • players must have basic skills in moving in water;
  • the game is played in water (a pond or pool), where there is a lot of space and is shallow;
  • To play you will need a ball.

How to play:

First, the participant who will catch the ball is determined by drawing lots. The remaining players form a large circle and begin throwing it to each other, bypassing the selected participant in the center. If the driver catches the ball, then the one who mistakenly gave him the pass takes his place. The game continues until the participants get tired. The winner is the player who was the driver least often and, therefore, gave more accurate passes to his comrades (the moment with the draw does not count).


  • the number of players must be 4 or more, and certainly an even number;
  • the competition is held in water, where there is a lot of space and quite shallow (swimming pool, fenced pond);
  • the progress of the game is monitored by a teacher or coach;
  • The route of the competition and the finish mark are determined in advance.

How to play:

First, the participants are divided into pairs by drawing lots. In each pair, the first player leads the second and can move through the water in any way (walking or swimming). And the second participant can only hold on, without making any movements in the water. The coach monitors compliance with all rules by the participants and gives the signal “To start!” and fixes the fastest pair, which becomes the winner.


  • Any number of children can take part, but it is more interesting in a large company;
  • the game is played on the banks of a river or sea, where the bottom is comfortable and safe;
  • The progress of the game is monitored by a teacher or coach who determines the best “frog”.

How to play:

All players line up on the shore, and at the coach’s signal they must move by jumping, the number of which is determined in advance and depends on the conditions of the reservoir and the age of the participants. After completing the required number of jumps, the players stop. The one who is further from the shore becomes the leader.

For children in children's camp, and in kindergarten, in the summer you can arrange fun competitions with water. Fortunately, there is a lot of water in the summer and it is warm. Such competitions are usually held on the banks of a river, lake, pond or in a swimming pool. Not really important here. The main thing is that all the competitions are funny and will appeal to children and adults as well. And everyone will be looking forward to next summer to do it all again. And one more thing - in the summer there is such a holiday as Ivan Kupala. And these competitions are also for this holiday.

Competitions for warming up.

Two glasses - one empty, the other full, or it contains as much water as you want. And so there are glasses for each participant. The participant’s task is to use a regular pipette, which is dropped into the eyes and nose, to pour water from a full glass into an empty one. Competition for five minutes, or even more. So if possible, buy a larger pipette.
Following on from this, the competitions are almost the same. Only instead of glasses there are buckets, and instead of pipettes there are pears for enema. But the essence is still the same, who will pour it faster.
Let's move on. Participants are given identical water pistols and filled with the same amount of water. Participants stand on one line and shoot into the distance. Whoever gets the farthest shot wins. It is better to conduct this competition on the sand, where the wet sand is better visible and it is easier to determine the winner.

And around the water they go with a bang. So you can do them too, children especially like them.

Competitions are more difficult.

Buckets are placed about five meters from the water. And the participants are given the same rags, or better yet, towels. The task of the participants is to fill their bucket as much as possible in three minutes. That is, they dip a towel in water, run with it to their bucket and squeeze the water from the towel into it. And so on until time runs out. And then they look at who has more water.
A competition that is best held indoors on the floor. Place the pins at a distance of a meter from each other. Participants are provided with rags for cleaning floors and the rags must be wet. Participants get into a floor-washing position, but in such a way that they walk around the pins with their backs. And when the presenter gives the start, the participant must walk backwards and wash the floors. In this case, it is better not to knock down the pins. And the wet mark from the rag must remain on the floor continuously, otherwise it is a fine. Whoever completes such a route faster wins.

By the way, the Ivan Kupala holiday takes place in the summer, and this one will help you spend it with a bang and great! The main thing is not to be afraid of being wet!

Last competitions.

And so, we climb into the water. We put up something like a goal, but not a football one, but a smaller one. And pour water into the balloon, which is stronger. We inflate it and try to score goals with each other with our hands. It turns out to be a mini water polo game.
Next task for sports people! Pour water into a plastic glass, place it on your head and walk with the glass on your head along the sand to the finish line. If the glass falls, you lose and get a cold, sobering shower.
If you don’t want to walk with a glass, you can squat with it. The essence is the same - the glass fell, you finished the competition. And whoever in the end can sit down the most times wins.

When sending their children to summer camp, parents expect that they will spend the shift usefully - they will play sports, go for walks, and eat properly in accordance with their daily routine. And the main thing for children is that it is interesting and fun. This can be achieved using a variety of games in the camp for teenagers and younger children. school age. But not every game is capable of capturing the attention of modern children. Let's look at some camp games that are good for every counselor to have in their pedagogical repertoire.

Dating games at camp

Most of the children who come to the camp do not know each other. In order for them to quickly remember the names and appearance of their comrades, and find friends with whom they have common hobbies, on the first day of the shift, teachers should hold special games for children in the camp, and this can be done at the so-called “Dating Evening”.

Note that the proposed games for getting to know each other can also be used as games for unity in the camp. That is, in this case, you can kill two birds with one stone, or even three, if you consider that playing these useful games, including you can have fun and interesting time.

  1. What did I bring with me?

This exercise not only introduces children, but also helps them find friends with similar interests.

Children sit in a circle. Each participant takes turns presenting to his comrades 1-2 things that are important to him (a book, a photograph, a soft toy) from those that he took with him to the camp, and talks about his feelings associated with these objects. After the participant's short story, children can ask him questions about this thing.

  1. Circle of names

All participants are placed in a circle (a circle gives a sense of community, involvement in the whole). The effect can be enhanced by holding hands.

The first participant says his name, the next one says the name of him and the previous child. And so on in a circle, which ends with the first participant repeating the names of all the children.

Adults can also join this game. This will help children and counselors feel like they are on the same team. This exercise will also help children relieve tension and begin to adapt to a new team. If children have difficulty remembering the names of peers or older friends, they should be helped. The main goal of the exercise is to unite the new team.

After some time, the exercise can be supplemented with short stories about yourself on a specific topic. At the same time, children must repeat the neighbor’s text using the first person. For example: “You are Sasha. You are interested in drawing and football.”

  1. Who called me

The children get close. One child moves away from the others and turns his back. The leader points to the participant who must call the person who has left by name. And the child must guess who exactly called him. For example: “You called me, Katya!” If a participant guesses the child by voice, but cannot remember his name, then he should clarify this with the person who called him. It is important not to allow children to point fingers. The more they talk and call each other by name, the faster the friendship will develop.

  1. Boys and girls

Children are divided into teams of boys and girls and sit opposite each other. A team of boys names any female name. The owners of this name (if any) from the opposite team rise and say a few words about themselves. Then the girls team calls male name. And then the boys whose name was named identify themselves and talk about themselves. The game ends when all the names of the participants are pronounced.

  1. Shoulder to shoulder

Participants stand on the bench with their feet. At the command of the counselor, the children must position themselves on it in alphabetical order of the first letters of their names. It is allowed to move only in such a way that your feet do not touch the floor.

  1. Romp

At the command of the counselor, the children shout out their names. The goal of the game is to assemble a team of your namesakes faster than others.

  1. Cheat sheet reminder

Each child is given a card with their name written on it. Participants are divided into several teams. Participants from team No. 1 take turns introducing themselves and briefly talking about themselves. Then they pass their cards to the opposing team. The task of the opposing team is to correctly return them to the children so that everyone gets a name card back.

Then the teams switch places. For each correctly placed card, the team receives one point.

  1. Who is who

Each child is given paper and a pencil. The counselor timed five minutes. During this time, children should get to know each other and find out who they want to become when they grow up. The information collected must be recorded. The player who interviews more children than the rest wins.

  1. Relay race

Two teams participate, each of which is given a Whatman paper. Players take turns calling out their first and last names loudly, taking a step forward.

First round: the participants of each team take turns writing down their last name on a piece of paper, and when returning to their place, they shout their name.

In the second round you need to change sheets. The winner is the team that wrote down the first names opposite the last names, making fewer inaccuracies.

  1. Helpline

Children are seated in two rows (a row of boys and a row of girls). The participant opposite is a partner. The girls take turns whispering their name to their partner. The first boy in the row's task is to pass on this name to his neighbor next to him. The second boy must pass on the name of the first girl and the name of his partner. The third - the names of the first two girls and his partner. And so on until the end of the row of boys. The last boy calls all the girls' names in order. If he guessed the name, then the girl gets up, if not, she continues to sit.

  1. Postman

Children are divided into two teams. Opposite each player is an envelope indicating who it should be delivered to (from the opposing team). Seeing the name on the envelope, the player must say it loudly. The recipient needs to raise their hand and say that it is him. The postman must deliver the letter to the addressee as quickly as possible.

The fastest team is the winner.

Participants sit in a circle. The counselor gives the following instructions: “We count in a circle. The player who gets a number that is divisible by three must say his name instead of the number.” The exercise perfectly develops attention and memory.

  1. Identify yourself

Participants sit in a circle with their arms extended forward. The first player throws the ball to any child, saying his name. After this, he needs to lower his hands. The second player throws the ball to someone else who stands with their arms outstretched, says their name and lowers their arms. When all participants have their hands down, the second stage begins. At this stage, children must throw the ball to the same participant as the first time, remembering to introduce themselves.

At the third stage, the task becomes more complicated: the participant throwing the ball must say the name of the person from whom he received the ball, his name and the name of the person to whom he is passing the ball. The player who received the ball does the same.

This exercise perfectly develops children's memory and helps them get to know each other.

Look for more dating games at camp for children

Games to identify the leader in the camp

On the very first evening, it is useful to conduct games to identify the leader in the camp or detachment.

Good organizers are children who can independently prepare a small event: a skit, a song, a competition - a help for the counselors. Such children are immediately visible. Their peers willingly follow them. It is important to identify these guys already in the first days of the shift and involve them in cooperation.

  1. Poems by Barto

It is necessary to prepare cards in advance, on each of which one line from A. Barto’s poems from the “Toys” cycle will be written. All children know these verses by heart. Each participant takes a card with one line written on it. At the counselor’s signal, the children begin to find out which of their comrades has the missing lines. The children’s task is to find “their” poem in its entirety as quickly as possible, unite in a group and read it in chorus.

  1. Photo for a family album

Participants in the game must imagine themselves as a big, friendly family that will be photographed for a family album. To do this, the guys need to decide who will play what role: who will become the photographer, the photographer’s assistant, who will be this or that family member. The photographer and his assistant help the children line up for the photo.

As a rule, children with leadership qualities strive for the role of photographer and his assistant. The photographer counts to three, the “family” cheerfully shouts “Cheese” - the photo is ready.

  1. Big game

The game consists of several stages, at each of which participants receive tasks. The complexity of the tasks increases with each new stage.

The facilitator divides the participants into 5-6 small teams. The guys are told that this is a game with a secret, but they only find out at the end of the game. The secret is that the presenter, at the end of each stage, will give the game participants chips, the color of which will depend on the activity shown in the game. The guys should not know about the meanings of the chips, but they are as follows:

  • white chip - for the leader-organizer;
  • yellow – for an inspiring leader;
  • green – for the observer;
  • red - for the performer.

At first, the simplest and smallest task is given - so that the guys get used to their new team. For example, come up with an interesting name for your team. It will take no more than 3-5 minutes to complete the task.

Then the players can be offered the following tasks (they can be changed or supplemented at the discretion of the presenter):

  • Assembling a puzzle or mosaic is a task with no time limit; the team that completes the task first wins.
  • Draw a picture on a common theme for all teams. Time 5 minutes.
  • Compose a poem using the given rhymes. You have 4 minutes to complete this task.
  • In 5 minutes, create a crossword puzzle consisting of 5 words on a common topic for all teams. Examples of topics: countries and cities, animals and plants, history, etc.
  • In 3 minutes, write a short story, all words of which begin with the same letter.
  1. How many fingers?

The players sit in a circle with the leader. On command, the leader shows the participants a certain number of fingers. At the same time, as many people must get up from their chairs as the number of fingers the presenter showed. In this game, players need to be fast and attentive. As a rule, children who strive for leadership rise from their chairs first, and indecisive and less sociable children rise later.

  1. Desert Island

In this game, the children will play the role of explorers of a desert island. On a small but fast ship, they will set off on a long journey to distant and unfamiliar shores.

The facilitator helps the participants break into 2-3 small teams. Each team gives a name to its ship.

The game consists of several mini-games.

  • Game one. Departure.

In this game, teams are given the task to unanimously say the word “Let's set sail!” as a whole team. To do this, players will have to agree with each other in advance. As a rule, it is the leader who takes charge of managing this process.

  • Game two. Crew formation.

To set off, the guys need to create a crew, namely, choose a ship captain, a navigator and a “hare”. The rest of the crew will become passengers. The most active participants in the distribution of roles on the ship are those who strive for leadership; For themselves, as a rule, they choose the role of a “hare”.

  • Game three. Overnight on the island.

After a three-day voyage, the ship finally found itself off the coast of an uninhabited island. The travelers are tired and need to settle down for the night. Since the island is uninhabited, they prudently took tents with them. Crew members and passengers need to stay in tents for the night.

Each team has two 2-person tents, one 3-person tent and one 1-person tent.

If the number of players in a team is not 8, the leader must change the number and capacity of tents so that the total number of places is equal to the number of participants, and that each team has one 1-person tent, and there are 2 and 3 people available - one-person tents.

Based on who will be staying in which tent, the presenter can get an idea of ​​what groups there are in the children's team. Hidden, unrecognized leaders or “outcasts” usually remain in a 1-person tent.

Bus games for children at camp

The camp often organizes trips for children on excursions, to a museum or theater. In addition, children often arrive at the camp and leave after the end of their shift by bus. A long trip will not be burdensome, and time will fly by if during the journey the children sing funny songs, listen to the counselor’s fascinating story about the area the bus is passing by, or play an interesting game.

So, the children's group settled down in the bus. Of course, to begin with, adults certainly give a lot of safety instructions. For example, how to behave correctly in transport: it is forbidden to open windows, run around the cabin and throw garbage. After the briefing has been completed, it’s time to play entertaining games on the bus that will keep little travelers bored.

  1. Name + name = words

If the children sitting next to each other do not yet know each other, you need to invite them to learn each other's names. Let them introduce themselves and ask the names of their neighbors. After this, you should tell the rules of the game.

For example, Kolya and Sasha are driving nearby. They will have to put together the letters that make up their names and use those letters to create as many new words as possible. The time allotted for the task is 5 minutes. This pair of children may come up with the following words: porridge, juice, stake, shock. The pair of children who comes up with the most words wins. It is necessary to agree in advance whether full names or diminutives will be used.

  1. guess who

Pieces of paper with names are placed in a bag or box famous people. In turn, each of the children must draw out one of the pieces of paper and depict, using movements, gestures or speech, the one who fell to him. The others' task is to guess.

  1. Divination

Many children, especially girls, love various fortune telling, so offer them one of the options to do this. Let everyone ask a question that interests them or some funny question. And announce how the answer will be received. There can be a lot of options. For example, if exactly one minute later there is a tree to the left of the bus, the answer to the question is yes, or if a car is driving towards white– the answer will be negative. Another option: if the bus makes its next turn to the right, the wish will come true, but if it turns left, it will not.

  1. Two rows

The presenter invites the children to divide into two teams according to the rows in which they sit on the bus. The right team is given the task of looking out the window to count 5 blue cars (houses, fences). The left team, for its part, must find 5 green cars (houses, fences).

  1. Show and name

The counselor recites to the children:

One two three four five,

We'll have fun playing.

You guys don't yawn,

And repeat after me.

The presenter shows a part of the body and names it. Children do the same. After several demonstrations, when the children get used to the instructions, the teacher names and shows different parts, thereby confusing the children. Participants must notice the discrepancy and avoid making mistakes.

  1. Broken phone

This popular game can also be carried out on the bus. Let the guys pass words to each other from first to last places.

  1. Let's clap our hands

First, you need to invite everyone to clap their hands together, loudly so that those passing by can hear. The presenter claps with the children for a while, then stops and invites them to clap:

  • only for girls;
  • only for boys;
  • only to those who always tell the truth;
  • only for those who love summer;
  • only for those who can swim;
  • only for those who love lemonade, chocolate, ice cream, semolina porridge(and so on.);
  • only for those who are going to the camp for the first time;
  • only to those who have never been to our camp;
  • and now everyone is clapping together - greeting our old and new friends.

A song will also help you pass the time on the road. For choral singing, you can use the camp anthem or a well-known song. But in any case, it is better to print out the lyrics of the songs that are supposed to be sung in advance and distribute them to the children on the bus.

Games with a hall in the camp

In the camps there are often general meetings in the big hall. The upcoming movie, concert, KVN brings the children together. If the start is delayed and the children become bored, they can become noisy - screaming and playing pranks. It will help to avoid this entertaining game with a hall. We offer several such games. They will help you make sure that entertaining games for children in the camp, organized by counselors in the hall, where children are forced to sit in one place, can be no less varied and interesting than those held on playgrounds.

  1. Three movements

A leader is selected who must show the children three simple movements. For example, the following:

  • The arms are raised and bent at the elbows, fingers at shoulder level.
  • Arms extended forward.
  • Hands raised up.

Each movement is assigned its own number, and children are asked to remember these numbers. Then the presenter calls the number of one of some exercises, and at the same time he can do something else. Children need to repeat after the leader only those movements whose assigned number was named to them correctly. The most attentive player is revealed.

  1. Travel bag

The presenter invites the children to name items that may be useful on a long journey. You need to offer things that will be needed first. One, two, three, let's start the battle! (The winner is the child who names the really necessary thing last.)

  1. Flies - does not fly

The leader calls the group of children different words. If these objects can fly, children should say “Flies!” At the same time, by waving their hands they depict flight. If the presenter names an object that cannot fly, you must remain silent.
The leader must pronounce the words quickly enough. The names of “flying” objects, animals and birds alternate in random order with “non-flying” ones.

  1. Traffic light

And this game will help you check how friendly and attentive the guys are. They are invited to sing some famous song. The presenter holds in his hands three large circles of yellow, red and green. When the presenter shows the audience a green circle, everyone sings the song loudly. If the yellow circle is raised, the song is sung quietly. Red circle - silence reigns in the hall, you need to sing to yourself.

  1. Football match

The presenter invites the players to imagine that they are at a football championship. One half of the guys are fans of Spartak, the other half of Dynamo.
When the Leader raised his right hand, the teams shout the word “GOAL!”; if the left hand is raised, they need to shout the word “PASS!” If the presenter raises both hands at once, the word “PUCK!” Hands crossed on the chest - the players shout the word “BAR!”

  1. Tick-tock

The game leader tells the children that a watch is a very important thing that every person needs. Then he asks everyone to listen together and find out how the clock runs and what can happen if you handle it carelessly.
The rules of this game are as follows: if the presenter claps his hands once, the left half of the hall shouts “Tick”; if two hand claps sound, the right half of the players loudly say “So” in chorus.

Several times at the beginning of the game, the leader alternates the claps correctly, then begins to “confuse” them by clapping “out of order.”

  1. Turtle

The presenter stands on stage and names different animals. The children answer him with the sound this animal makes:

Cat - "Meow!"

Dog - "Woof!"

When the presenter says: “Turtle!”, the children fall silent, lower their heads down, touching their chins to their bodies, and wrap their arms around themselves.

Note: the presenter can name any animals, including wild, rare and fabulous ones.

  1. Forbidden number

Rows of children take turns calling out numbers, and instead of the forbidden ones, for example, those ending in “three” (3, 13, 23, 33, etc.), they clap their hands.

  1. Song of animals

You need to sing a familiar melody using the sounds of some animal. For example, meow "Chunga-changa."

Video about indoor games

Outdoor games in the camp

The child is on vacation at the camp. And what kind of children's vacation can be complete without physical activity? Organized sports and outdoor games for children in the camp with running, jumping, dancing - The best way recovery.

  1. Bouncers

Two drivers are selected. These are bouncers. They stand on different sides of a large platform. The rest of the players move between them, trying to dodge the blow. Bouncers try to throw all the players off the field with the ball. Awkward leaves the game. The two fastest become bouncers.

  1. Potato

The game is played in a circle. Participants play with a ball according to the rules of beach volleyball. “Potato” is the participant who dropped the ball. He must squat down in the center and wait for someone to hit him with a ball (on purpose or by accident) - “to reap the harvest.”

"Potato" can catch the ball at any time without getting up from his haunches. In this case, the one from whose serve the ball was intercepted sits in his place. All “potatoes” are returned to the game.

The players gather next to the driver. He throws the ball high, and by the time he catches it, those gathered around scatter in different sides. Having mastered the ball, the driver stops the runaways by shouting: “Stop!” After which he estimates the distance to any player and says how many steps it will take to reach him.

The driver does what is announced and, if he really stopped at the “victim”, touches her. This is the new driver.

Another option: the victim stretches his arms forward, slightly bending them at the elbows and interlocking his fingers - the driver, after completing the agreed steps, must hit the ball in the “ring”. If you hit it, the “victim” is the next driver.

Condition: the steps must be different. Options for steps (except the usual ones):

  • "Giants" - big steps and jumps;
  • "Lilliputians" - small, frequent;
  • “Bunny” - jumping on the toes of your feet together;
  • “Umbrella” - while jumping you need to make a complete turn around yourself;
  • “Thread” - feet are placed close heel to toe;
  • “Ducklings” - sit down and walk, without straightening your legs, in a squat;
  • "Frog" - high jumps forward from a squat.

Steps need to be combined, grouped.

  1. Fanta

The leader chooses an assistant. The players give the presenter one of their things (forfeit). The presenter's assistant turns away - you can blindfold him - and comes up with what action the owner of the forfeit pulled out by the presenter should perform in order to return his item. Players must fulfill all the whims of the assistant. It is more interesting when it is not a trivial “sing, read poetry”, but a task invented with good humor.

  1. 12 sticks

A small board is laid with its middle on a round support. 12 small sticks are placed on one edge, the other end rises upward under the weight of the shelves. They hit him with force. The sticks fly apart. While the driver brings them back, the players hide.

The game is complicated by the fact that the leader is forced to guard the board with sticks, because any of the unfound participants can sneak up and, shouting the leader’s name, hit its edge. The sticks fly apart. The driver interrupts the search and puts them back together. But children found by the driver should not approach the board.

As a result, the role of the host goes to the player who could not be found for the longest time.

  1. Disaster City

Players stand in threes. Two people build a "house", clasping their hands high. A “resident” comes between them. One of them is left without a home - a “homeless man”. This city is constantly experiencing disasters: flood, fire or earthquake. The homeless man announces what a misfortune has happened this time.

Player actions:

  • When there is a flood, residents change their house.
  • In the event of a fire, residents remain in place, but the “houses” move.
  • During an earthquake, both houses and residents move.

The homeless man tries to take the place of the one who hesitated. The role of the homeless goes to the slow one.

  1. Traps

The game is played according to the trickle principle. Several people stand in pairs, forming traps: they raise their clasped hands. The number of traps depends on the number of players: firstly, this is a smaller part of the players, and secondly, it is taken into account that after the first stop an even number of players should fall into the traps. That is, there can be 2, 4, 8 and so on traps. Traps should not be located far from each other. The rest, in a line, holding the previous one by the waist, pass under traps, open until the leader’s command. At the agreed signal, the “traps” lower their hands and catch the unwary. They form a new trap.

The last one in the chain is declared the winner.

  1. Bees and snakes

Some of the participants are bees, the rest are snakes. They have kings who must “feed” their subjects. The king of bees is looking for honey for his team, the king of snakes is looking for a lizard. They agree on what objects I will depict as honey and a lizard.

When the kings come out, things are hidden in front of the other players. The returning rulers are helped in their search by their subjects: some hiss, others buzz. The noise intensifies when the kings are at the target.

In the end, the team that gives the best clue to the king wins.

  1. Fishing

Before the game, you need to mark a large circle. This is the Sea. The players are fish. Two guys are fishermen who make a “net”: they join hands.

The leader sends the fishermen to get fish. A fish is caught with a net, and the one caught joins the fishermen, thereby increasing the net.

The game ends when there is only one fish left in the sea. This is the winner.

Video about outdoor games

Squad camp games

For three weeks, during which one shift lasts, the squad for the guys is their family. The teacher and counselor, becoming close people for the children during the shift, must organize the life of the squad so that the pupils feel comfortable. Properly selected and organized squad activities and activities in the camp help adults maintain a favorable atmosphere in the group of children.

Amusement games for two players

These fun camp games for kids are more suitable for boys. Girls should be given the role of fans, which, as a rule, they do with great pleasure.

  1. Turkey fights

In this game, players need to stand on one leg while holding the other leg behind their back with both hands. Raise your head up and push each other with your chest. The first one to let go or fall loses. This game is quite dangerous! At the beginning of the game, it is necessary to take away items from the players that may fall off or injure an opponent, ask them to remove the chewing gum, take off their glasses, and turn the visors of their caps back. Players should push only with their chests, and in no case with their heads. The players stand in pairs, shoulder to shoulder, and begin the game on the command “Start!”

  1. Fighting frogs

The players touch their sides in a squatting position. In this case, your hands must be clasped behind your back. The loser is the one who opens his hands first or falls.

  1. Badgers in holes

The players pull the rope while standing in two hoops. The one who comes out of the hoop first loses.

  1. Weightlifters

For this game it is necessary to select players of approximately the same height. Players must stand with their backs to each other and pull forward a stick, which they both hold above their heads. The winner is the one who can hold the stick in his hands without lifting his feet off the ground.

  1. Lilliputian combined event

In this game, competitors throw matches and balloons. The winner is the one who throws each of these objects as far as possible or hits the designated target more accurately.

  1. Quadathlon

For this game, a square of sufficiently large area is designated, and the ropes are also tied in such a way that four free ends of equal length remain, which are attached to the belts of the players. Prizes are placed at the corners of the square. The winner is the one who is the first, having overcome the resistance of his opponents, to reach his corner with the prize.

  1. Spinal newspaper

In this game, two players have a number (or some word) written on a piece of paper attached to their backs, and they stand in a circle and jump on one leg, trying to see their opponent’s number, while preventing them from reading theirs.

What to do when it rains? (indoor games at camp)

Sometimes, due to bad weather, counselors cannot play games outdoors and the squad is forced to stay indoors. In such a situation, the question arises: “What to do with children indoors?” The best way out is to play! Here are some Interesting games for children's indoor camp.

  1. Quiet-louder

Almost everyone has played the game “Hot and Cold” at one time or another? The above game is similar to it: the players sit in a circle, and the driver leaves the circle and turns his back. Someone from the circle hides any thing (for example, in his pocket), and the driver must point to the person who hid it. To do this, the players sing any song, and do it louder when the driver approaches this object and quieter when he moves away from it. If the driver finds the right player, he takes his place, and the one found goes out to lead.

  1. Fishing

In this game you need to hit a deep bowl standing on a chair with buttons, pebbles or other small objects. You need to throw from a distance of at least 2 meters, and try to ensure that the thrown object remains in the bowl. This game can also be played as a team. In this case, the victory goes to the team that collects the most items in its bowl.

  1. Blinking little lights

In this game, players sit on chairs arranged in a circle. One more player stands behind those sitting. One chair should remain empty. The player standing behind the empty chair discreetly winks at one of the players sitting in the chairs. This player needs to take an empty chair as quickly as possible. In this case, the player who is standing behind him must try to prevent this by holding him by the shoulders. At the beginning of the game, the hands of all players standing behind are lowered; it is important for them to react in time to the wink and not miss their partner. If the seated player failed to run to an empty chair in time, then he changes place with the one standing behind him.

  1. Knees

In this game, the players also sit in a circle, as closely as possible, and each player must place the palm of his left hand on the right knee of his neighbor on the left. And the palm of the right hand is placed on the neighbor’s right on the left knee. After this, the players take turns in a clockwise direction, starting with the counselor, and lightly hit their neighbor’s knee with their palm. First, the leader with his right hand, then his neighbor on the right with his left, after that his neighbor on the left with his right, then the leader with his left hand, etc.

On the first lap they do it slowly so that everyone understands the rules of the game. Then they begin the game itself, according to the rules of which the player who is delayed in clapping or who made it earlier removes his hand. A player forced to remove both hands is out of the game. With each lap the game speeds up more and more. To complicate the game, the counselor can count faster and faster, to which the players must clap. The last three participants remaining in the game are the winners.

  1. Fish, birds, animals

The players stand in a circle, and the driver stands in the center of this circle. The driver extends his right hand forward and begins to spin around his axis with his eyes closed, saying once the phrase: “Fish, birds, animals.” After this, he stops and points to one of the players and pronounces any of these words. The player pointed to by the driver must quickly say the name of the bird, fish or animal - depending on what the driver requested. If the player does not give an answer and the driver manages to count to three, then the player is eliminated from the game. The names of birds, fish and animals cannot be repeated. The winner is the one who remains in the circle last, that is, the one who knows the most names of animals.

  1. Activities

This exciting game which is suitable for children of all ages. In it, children compete in teams. One participant makes a wish for a certain object, animal, bird, etc. and shows, explains or draws the mystery for their group, and the rest of the children guess this word, object or phrase.

Play is a natural activity of a child from an infant to a teenager. The children positively perceive gaming techniques to involve them in a learning and organizing environment. A variety of interesting games for camp are a wonderful way of leisure, combining benefits and children’s favorite activities.

Playing with water is a fun and enjoyable way for kids to learn. Such games teach children to observe and draw conclusions, and also promote the development of thinking and motor skills. The most interesting water games for kids.

Playing with water is one of children's favorite pastimes. And it’s not surprising, because playing with water is useful not only for the development of tactile sensations, but also for fine motor skills.

Water develops various receptors, calms, and gives positive emotions. And what could be better than the happy face of a child!

Playing with water jet

Place your child’s palm under the stream, study the fall of water, and splash it. You can, for example, invite him to fill a glass with water first, and then a tablespoon. Moreover, the stream of water can be both warm and cold, both strong and thin.


For this game, you will need any toys that can be used to pour water: a watering can, a small bowl, a small jug or a simple plastic glass. The baby draws water into a container and, pouring it out, creates a noisy waterfall with splashes. Please pay attention to the crumbs that the higher the waterfall, the louder it “makes noise”.

Water takes shape

For this game you will need: an inflatable ball, a rubber glove, a plastic bag, a plastic cup. The baby fills the ball, glove or bag with water using a plastic cup. Parents should draw his attention to the fact that water takes the shape of the object into which it is poured.

Water coloring

Tint the water with watercolors. It's better to start with one color. Make a concentrated solution in one bottle (plastic, transparent), and then pour this solution in different quantities into other bottles. After pouring the concentrated solution into containers, add water and see with your child where the water is darker and where it is lighter.

Drowning - not drowning

Take objects from different materials: metal, wood, plastic, rubber, fabric, paper, washcloth. Lowering one by one various items, the child observes whether they dive into the water and what happens to them.

Little fisherman

Small objects are thrown into a pool or basin. These will be fish. The child is given a “fishing rod” - a ladle with a long handle, with which he will catch fish. You can also catch fish with a net - a colander or sieve is suitable for this.

Dissolves or does not dissolve

What else can dissolve in water besides paints?

Let your baby pour different liquids into the water (warm or cold) with a spoon. Juice, milk, kefir, syrup, honey, jam or even a few drops of sunflower oil.

What if you pour different powders into water?

Sugar, salt, flour, starch, instant or insoluble coffee.

What if you throw solid objects into the water?

A piece of soap or sugar or something else.

What happens to the water? Does its color change? Transparency? Does what we throw into water dissolve immediately after stirring or after some time?

From place to place

Place small plastic balls in water. The baby’s task is to catch all the balls with a long-handled strainer and put them into an empty plastic bowl that floats nearby.


You should teach your baby to blow bubbles in water. An adult must first show the child how to do this, so that he tries to do the same, and then watches the bubbles. This can become an element of teaching a child to dive and swim if parents do not have the opportunity to conduct classes with their child in the pool. At first, you can simply blow air through your mouth, lowering your head into the water, then try doing this through a straw or hose. Such games give the child incomparable pleasure.

Leisya, Leisya

For this fun you need a funnel, a plastic glass and various plastic containers with a narrow neck. Using a glass, the baby pours water into bottles through a funnel. You can simply pour water through the funnel, raising it high.

Wring out the washcloth

An adult gives the child a sponge and asks him to fill the bowl he is holding in his hands with water. But this should only be done with a sponge, collecting water and then squeezing it into a bowl.

Soap game

A small piece of baby soap is released into the bathroom with the baby sitting there - let him try to catch him.

Lots and lots of foam

An adult pours some baby foam into the pool where the baby is. Using a whisk or own hands baby whips foam.


Fill a plastic cup with water, then cover it with a piece of paper. While pressing the cup with your hand, turn the cup upside down. Now, carefully sliding along the paper, you can move your hand away. The trick is that the water does not pour out.

Catch a piece of ice

An adult puts 5-10 small pieces of ice into a bowl of warm water. We observe them and talk about the properties of water.


In a traffic jam plastic bottle make a few holes, fill the bottle with water and give the resulting spray bottle to the baby. You can spray at a distance - then the main goal will be to release the longest stream. Or you can shoot from a spray gun at a target, thereby developing accuracy.

Learning to measure

To play, you will need a small bowl or jug, as well as a ladle. An adult asks to fill a bowl with water using a ladle. For comparison, it is better to take a bowl and a jug of different capacities.

Through the sieve

Place a bowl of water in front of the child and let the child pour water from the glass into the sieve. Explain to him why the water flows away.
In play, the child learns the purpose of objects and the properties of matter.

Treasure Hunt

Give your child a few toys to look at and touch, then put them in the bathtub. Blindfold your child and ask him to guess what toy he felt with his hand in the water.

Bathing a doll

You will need: sponge, soap, mug (or jug) and towel. Invite your child to give the doll a bath using a sponge and soap. Then ask to dry the doll and put clean clothes on it.

Wash your nose, wash your feet

Sometimes it can be difficult to stop a cheerful child from washing himself. Try to focus his attention on something: let the child wash each part of the body in turn. At the same time, quickly name individual parts of the body, especially those that are located far from each other (for example, the nose, and then the knees). This will add dynamism to the game and reduce bath time, forcing the child to wash himself faster.

On the eve of the ancient Russian holiday Ilyin's Day, I spend a conversation with my students about the history of the holiday, traditions and customs in which our people sacredly believed. We end the holiday with water games in an inflatable pool. Games and competitions promote the development of motor skills, memory, attention, intelligence, unite children in a group, and improve their mood.



Games and competitions on and underwater

On the eve of the ancient Russian holiday Ilyin's Day, I spend a conversation with my students about the history of the holiday, traditions and customs in which our people sacredly believed. We end the holiday with water games in an inflatable pool. Games and competitions promote the development of motor skills, memory, attention, intelligence, unite children in a group, and improve their mood.

Compliment to the mermaid.How to tame the Mermaid and not allow Kikimora to tickle you to the point of hiccups? Yes, very simple! After all, like any girls, kikimores and mermaids love compliments and treat their authors with great favor! And the most sincere compliments are rewarded with pleasant prizes and gifts. True, there is one small But. In compliments you need to mandatory use words such as: saucepan, colander, poop, bulging eyes, bare-bottomed skull, swamp scarecrow, filthy krakozyabra, fir-tree-needles and other pleasantries. Only real gentlemen can cope with such compliments. Which remain to be determined.

Games and competitions on the water...

Paper boats.Just as a man must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son, every captain must be able to build a ship, attach sails to it and set it on a long voyage on the open sea! The captains have at their disposal origami paper, colored markers and their own imagination (ingenuity). The team’s task is to make boats from scrap materials and transport them without the direct help of hands to the opposite shore. Waves, blows and how it turns out.

Sea battle 2. Small paper boats float on the pool area. The teams are given “cannonballs” - balls. The participants’ task is to sink as many of their opponent’s “ships” as possible.

Varangians. Participants will have to collect 20 balls from the water under limited time conditions, using a circle as a vehicle.

Pearl divers. One participant per team will have to collect various objects from under the water in a limited time. Who is bigger?

Horsemen fight . 2 teams of boys take part in the game. In each team, half of the players are “horses”, the other half are “riders”. The “riders” climb onto the “horses” and sit on their shoulders. At the leader’s signal, both teams approach each other and begin the “battle.” Each “rider” tries to drag his opponent into the water. At the height of the battle, the leader gives a second signal and the fight stops. The team with the most “riders” remaining on the “horse” wins.

Blow with all your might! Now you will have to move in the water, chasing a light balloon in front of you. Chasing not with your hands, not with your forehead, but with your breath. (And if you touch the ball, you lose immediately.) If you know how to swim, swim. If you don’t know how yet, move, leaning on the bottom with your hands and feet (or just your hands - whatever the agreement will be). We measure the distance in advance. To avoid confusion, let’s take multi-colored balls (and, of course, round ones).

Okunalki. Players of one team enter chest-deep water and, holding hands, form a circle. A player from the other team enters the circle and takes a place in the center. In his hands he has a ball attached to a string 1.5 - 2 meters long. The driver spins the ball over the heads of the players, then accelerating and then slowing down the rotation, and tries to touch them with the ball. If this succeeds, the playing team is awarded one penalty point. Players standing in a circle try to dodge the ball and plunge headlong into the water. After the conditional time has expired, the teams change roles. The team with fewer penalty points wins.

"Tag with a ball."They play like regular tag, but they shoot with a ball rather than with their hands. The peculiarity is that the driver does not have the right to stain (salt) with the ball a player who has plunged headlong into the water. The game follows a rule according to which the driver stops chasing the player who has plunged into the water, and begins to run after someone else until he plunges headlong. Undoubtedly, among the players there will be less efficient ones who did not have time to hide under the water. The one caught by the ball goes to drive, and the previous driver joins the game.

And with water...

Don't spill the water. Each team member has a cup or glass attached to his right leg at knee level. The team forms a circle or line. A certain amount of water is poured into a cup for the first participant, his task is to pour this water to the next one in the chain, and so on. Depending on the modification of the game, the team must either lose as little water as possible, or “deliver” several liters of water to a certain container as quickly as possible.

Kapitoshki. What a pleasure it is to throw funny capitoshkas (water balloons) at the opposing team. The dampest and wettest are among the losers. The most accurate ones are in the close (dense) ranks of the winners!

Get into the circle. The presenter throws an inflatable ring into the water. Children are standing on the shore. They have small balls in their hands. Players take turns throwing them into the center of the circle, while continuing to stand on the shore. Each player has 2 – 3 attempts. The one who hits the target the most wins.

Water carrier. A bowl of water is placed at the beginning of the distance, and a glass at the end. Each team is given a spoon. The team's task is to fill the glass by transferring water from the basin with a spoon.

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