Processing “Carrying out by batches. Posting by batches How to set the posting interval by batches

Question: Conducting by batches

Good afternoon

There is 1C, platform 8.1 (, UPP configuration 2.5.1, runs on SQL (the configuration is not updated, because there are many changes).
The database has been working for a year, size is 1 GB.

Yesterday a strange glitch came to light.
I carry out processing in batches.
When opening processing, it says that posting by batch was completed at “03/18/2009 12:10:23 Sales of goods and services No...”
When you set any date that needs to be carried out, games begin to be carried out before this date as usual, sometimes standard errors appear when something is missing.
But at the end of the execution, it again writes that the execution by batches was completed on the same date "03/18/2009 12:10:23"
Accordingly, next time it starts again from this date...
Has anyone encountered such a glitch, how to treat it?

I’m thinking of doing a re-indexing and integrity check, but that’s only tomorrow, when the database is free.


My processing is giving me an error
Configuration UT, (

(Form.Form.Form(133)): Object field not found (Partition AccountingBU)
List of Sequences.Add(Metadata.Sequences.Batch Accounting.Name,Metadata.Sequences.Batch Accounting.Synonym);

Question: Conducting by batches (sequence)

Hello everyone, there is such a very annoying problem, maybe someone has already encountered it. In general, we have SCP and round-the-clock production. When launching the “Post by batches” processing, it is not clear for what reasons a locking conflict occurs among operators, because operators constantly ship products, well, it’s understandable if this were always the case, otherwise it happens that the processing “carried out in batches” takes a long period and at least once a locking conflict occurs, no matter what, and does not depend on the proximity of the period being carried out to the current date. Only one thought arises, for normal operation you need to set up recording in a sequence. It’s still not very clear to me how, I haven’t had to work with sequences, of course the problem may not be in the sequence, please share your experience.


Yes, now I’ll launch it one by one, then BU, and we’ll see what happens. And yesterday means I launch the batch process, before launching, I set the batch boundary to the desired date, and launch it. An hour later I go into the second session and look at what document it’s on and I’m amazed), the documents were processed 2 months before the required date. I looked for information on the Internet, and it turned out that the sales limit was set at a date 2 months ago. What prompts the thought: If the restoration of acquisitions and sales moves the sequence of documents to the required period, then how will the restoration of the partition react!?: If you do not move the boundary of the partition Then it will look at the border of the documents and do nothing, Otherwise, if you move the boundary of the partition to the required period, then it will start and change the border of the documents!?

Question: VAT on consignments and production

Complex VAT accounting is included, but in some OPZS there is no value for VAT batches (at the same time, there are amounts in the register for BU batches).
The VAT was carried out by batch.
Is this register not designed for production or am I doing something wrong?

The question arose due to the fact that there was an idea to switch to writing off using the average and I thought I could use this register for gross and other tasks.

Answer:() Well, no problem!
It’s not clear why they closed the quarter during the day if they started it in the evening... But in general, I don’t need to understand this.

I’m just saying that if it’s “average” then it’s “average” and that’s it, no games at all. And if you really need parties, and you can’t live without them, then let there be parties, and then you need to forget about the middle one.

Question: Consignments of goods are written off as negative

Good afternoon Please tell me those who have encountered something similar. 8.2UT ed.10.3. The old batches have begun to go into the red, but there are still fresh batches left. In the settings, the write-off method is FIFO; batch accounting for warehouses is not maintained. There are receipts from 2018; upon sale, the batch is written off as a minus from the batches of 2010-2013. At the same time, 1C does not swear and does not notify in any way! Visible only in the batch report. When a problem was discovered, a manual adjustment of the registers was made, but this did not help, the minuses continue. Screenshots: and


nbIpKuH_BaH9I said:

Are you recalculating the register totals? I already saw the registrar on your screenshot. The write-off of batches occurs at the time the sales document is posted. Consequently, the data in the registers at the time the document was posted is incorrect. It is necessary to restore the sequence, or adjust the register data manually. In UT 10.3 for batch accounting there are like 18 of them. We need to find out where the problem is. It's difficult to do this remotely. You need to look at your database. Better let a specialist look at it. It will be cheaper.

Click to expand...

Thank you

Question: Important! Indicating the quantity of EACH batch in the table of values

Hi all!

Based on the task, I need to display a list of each batch for the selected product (I have a field for selecting a product and a button to generate a list)

I'm using the following query:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Procedure CreateValueTable(Product) Request = New Request; Request. Text = "SELECT | ProductsInStockRemains.Products,| ProductsInStockRemaining.QuantityRemaining AS Quantity |FROM| RegisterAccumulations.GoodsInStock.Remains AS GoodsInStockRemains |WHERE| ProductsInStockRemains.Product = &Product" ; Request. SetParameter("Product", Product) ;

Result = Request. Run();

SelectionDetailRecords = Result.


() ;
While SelectionDetailedRecords. Next() Loop NewRow = BatchList. Add() ; FillPropertyValues(NewRow, SelectDetailRecords) ;

EndCycle ;

End of Procedure<дата не заполняется>

I achieved that in my table it displays the name of the product and the quantity in stock.


I need something that would show not the total number of goods, but by batch (1 batch - 1 entry of the invoice document) and that the third field would include the date when the goods were delivered to the warehouse For example:

Tomato 100 11/01/2013

Tomato 200 11/04/2013

Instead of (what I got):

Tomato 300

Answer:() found a document for adjusting the implementation, removed the implementation, and managed to update it. but what to do now with this adjustment... I looked in the report at the Statement of Lots, there according to the nomenclature by which the quantity was adjusted, the receipt document is not indicated, how to fix this?

Question: ACC batches are not written off

"Control manufacturing enterprise for Ukraine", edition 1.3
Configuration development: "ABBYY Ukraine", 2005-2015 (

Good afternoon
The document Issue note for goods (invoice expense) is created. Created on the basis of Sales of goods and services.
When done, it displays the following message:

Accounting. Document Expenditure order for goods 000000605 dated 03/22/2016 16:12:21, tabular part “Goods” 1 piece of goods M_____T not written off by batch, x-ka: , series: 2200003204544, accounting accounts, tax assignment Region. VAT, from warehouse: Sales warehouse

In fact, according to the statement, there is enough leftover. The alarming thing is that in the notification the accounting accounts are empty, but in the register they are full! Apparently this is the reason.
BUT! In the Sales document, all accounts are filled out, the RS Account for Item Accounting is filled out. And, interestingly, the situation repeats itself periodically, but not on all documents - some documents are processed normally, everything is written off.

Where else to look, what can influence the filling of accounting accounts in the table of movements, which goes by batch.
Thank you.


The problem is solved.
In case someone finds it useful:
The reason is as follows.
In the table that was carried out for the Accounting Parties, the accounting accounts were not filled in. Accounting accounts were pulled up from the movements of RTiU under RS ​​Write-off of goods. There they were empty because... When filling out the RTiU document in the PM Composition of the set, the accounting accounts were not updated.
Having re-selected the sales kit in PM Goods, the value has been filled in, all that remains is to re-post the documents non-operatively.

Answer: if the restoration is through operations, then it seems to be the same as when posting a document, but in processing posting by batch it is completely different

Question: Movements by consignments of goods in UT11

Colleagues, can you tell me, when the document “Customs Declaration for Import” is posted, it adds entries to the register “Batch of expenses for the cost of goods” with the dimension “Receipt Document” in which it indicates other customs declarations. The amounts are small, but why does he do this?

Answer:() See expense items in the customs declaration. Some of them spread the costs across all parties

For any company, profitability is a very important indicator. When maintaining records in the program “1C: Trade Management, ed. 10.3" you can track the gross profit from the sale of goods. But in some situations, gross profit information may be incorrect due to incorrect calculation of the cost of goods.

The most common situation that leads to incorrect calculation of cost is writing off goods as a minus. Those. According to the program, you do not have the product in stock, but you still sell it.

If users enter documents into the database promptly (i.e., with today’s date and current time), then they will not be able to sell the product at a “minus” price - the program will report an error. But if users enter documents into the database inactively (i.e. retroactively), then the program allows you to write off goods as a minus. In this case, error messages are issued, but the document is still posted and the goods are written off.

Note: write-off as a minus and corresponding errors can also occur when posting a document in the current time, if the user has the rights to exceed the balances for the warehouse and for the organization. These rights are given in setting up additional user rights. Example of a document “Sales of goods and services”.

Using these errors, the program informs us that the goods were written off from the warehouse as a minus, and the program was unable to calculate the cost. In the gross profit report, we will see zero cost for this sale and, accordingly, 100% gross profit.

Menu: Reports – Sales – Sales Analysis – Gross Profit

Causes negative balances may vary, but the most common ones are:

  1. The goods receipt document has not yet been entered into the database.
  2. The goods receipt document is entered into the database, but at a later time than the sale of goods.
  3. There are surplus or mismatched goods in the warehouse.

In case of surplus goods or mis-grading, it is necessary to take an inventory of goods in the warehouse and capitalize the surplus. Capitalization of surplus must be carried out before the goods are sold.

If the error arose due to incorrect document dates, then it is enough to correct the dates and re-post the goods sales document.
You can evaluate the remaining goods and understand the cause of the error in the “List of goods in warehouses” report.

Menu: Reports – inventory (warehouse) – List of goods in warehouses

In the report settings, we will create groupings by warehouse, item and movement document. We will also set the “Negative red” flag (to see negative balances) and select the desired product:

Example of a generated report:

In this case, we see that the sale of goods was processed 3 hours earlier than the receipt of goods at the warehouse. To write off correctly, it is enough to change the sales time to a later one and post the document.

How can you be sure that all documents have been completed correctly and the cost of them has been calculated correctly?

If the dates of the documents are on different days (for example, receipt is on April 1, and the sale was made on March 31), then you need to understand this situation in more detail. It is possible that one of the documents was entered into the program with the wrong date (for example, the receipt of goods and documents for it were dated March 30, but the wrong date was entered in the program). Or the supplier sent primary documents issued with the wrong date (for example, the goods arrived on March 30, and the supplier sent documents dated April 1) - in this case, new documents from the supplier will be needed.

In any case, ultimately there should be no negative balances in the report, and the receipt of goods should be registered earlier than its sale.

Example of a report after correction:

Correction of errors in batch accounting. Carrying out by batches

Example 1

After this, the purchasing manager registered another receipt of refrigerators in the program - on the 15th for 10,500 rubles.

As a result, if the purchasing manager had entered all the information into the program on time, then when selling refrigerators there would have been a different cost (10,500 * 3 = 31,500 rubles) and a different gross profit (10,500 rubles).

But the implementation document has already been carried out; most likely no one will re-translate it. This means that the cost may remain incorrect.

Example 2

On the 21st, refrigerators arrived - 10 pieces. 11,000 rubles each.

On the 25th, the manager sold 3 refrigerators at a price of 14,000 rubles. At the same time, the cost price was written off - 33,000 rubles, and the gross profit was calculated - 9,000 rubles.

After this, the purchasing manager went into the receipt document and changed the prices of refrigerators in it by 12,000 rubles. (the price was initially entered incorrectly).

As a result, if the purchasing manager had entered all the information into the program on time, then when selling refrigerators there would have been a different cost (12,000 * 3 = 36,000 rubles) and a different gross profit (6,000 rubles).

There can be many such situations. In fact, every creation, modification, or deletion of a document retroactively can make the cost price in later issued sales documents erroneous.

To be sure that all documents have been processed correctly and the cost of them has been calculated correctly, you need to run a sequential re-processing of all documents. To do this, you can use two mechanisms:

General mechanism for reposting platform documents

Menu: Operations – Posting documents

This mechanism will allow you to transfer all documents the desired type for a month, but he has small drawback– documents will be carried out regardless of whether it is necessary or not. After all, it is quite possible that the employees did not perform any operations inappropriately. And completing all the documents can take a long time.

The mechanism for carrying out the program “1C: Trade Management” in batches, ed. 10.3"

The point of the mechanism is that the program remembers the so-called “relevance limit” - the date until which all documents were processed promptly and there were no errors. If a document is posted backdated, the program shifts this date to the date of this document. Thus, the program always knows from what date there may be errors in documents. At the end of the month, a special processing “Post by batch” is launched, which sequentially posts all sales documents made later than the “relevance date” and calculates the cost in them again.

Let's consider the operation of the second mechanism using the first example.

The second receipt document, issued retroactively:

After creating the second receipt document, the gross profit report remained unchanged:

Let’s open the “Post by batches” processing. Menu: Documents – Additional – Posting by batch In processing, we see that the sequence of documents is relevant as of March 22 – the date of the second receipt, entered non-operatively.

Click the “Run” button and the program will reschedule all sales of goods made after the 15th. Gross profit report after processing:

Note: at the time of processing, you may see messages about the lack of goods in stock, because... retroactively they can not only create a receipt, but also delete it or postpone it to a later date. Each such situation must be considered separately (as described above).

Prompt reflection of data in the database

In order for everything in the program to be correct in calculating costs and profits, it is advisable to enter all documents into the database promptly (i.e. today and current time). But there are often situations when it is necessary to enter a document retroactively, or to correct an already created document. Such situations can lead to incorrectly calculated cost and profit in the database.

If you periodically carry out batches and also respond to all messages about the absence of goods, the cost price in your database will always be calculated correctly. This means you will always see the correct information about gross profit from sales.

In 1C 8.3 programs related to warehouse accounting, it is possible to keep track of product balances by receipt batches. This opportunity is realized by specifying a variant of the batch write-off method in 1C.

The following options are available:

  • LIFO (last in, first out). Nowadays it is used very rarely. Effectively used in case of severe inflation. Costs go first to the last batch purchased.
  • FIFO (first in, first out). Basically the most logical and most used option.
  • Calculation based on average. The simplest method of calculation; previously, when choosing this method, batch accounting was not even carried out.
  • Advanced analytical cost accounting (RAUZ). Introduced into the program quite recently. When choosing this type of accounting, the cost is not calculated immediately. Cost amounts appear after the “Cost Cost Calculation” document is completed and processed. This is done to improve productivity and to free users from re-sequencing documents.

Designed for regulated reflection of the write-off of batches of inventory up to a specified date in management, accounting and tax accounting in the event that the write-off of batches was not carried out at the time of posting the relevant documents (that is, the checkbox was not checked in setting up accounting parameters “Write off batches when posting documents”). In addition, processing is used to restore batch accounting sequences (regardless of whether the checkbox described above is selected), the need for which may arise after posting documents retroactively.

Attention! If the accounting settings are set to use advanced cost accounting analytics, this processing is not used.

Before processing, it is necessary to ensure that all documents relating to stock movements are recorded in information base, and an accounting policy has been established for all necessary types of accounting regarding the assessment of inventories (see information registers " Accounting policy(management accounting)”, “Accounting policy (accounting and tax accounting)”).

If it is planned to perform processing according to management accounting, then write-off by batch will depend on the selected organization (organizations) and the method of maintaining management batch accounting for it. Peculiarities:

    if you choose as an organization<По компании>, then posting by batch will be carried out for all organizations for which the method of maintaining management batch accounting “For the company as a whole” has been established.

    if you select a specific organization, then batch posting will be performed

    • for this organization, if the method of maintaining management party records “By organization” has been established for it

      for organizations that have established the method of maintaining management party accounting “By parent organization” and the selected one is indicated as the parent organization in the “Organizations” directory

If processing is expected to be carried out according to accounting and tax accounting, then the batch-by-batch process will be carried out for each organization for which regulated records are kept in the information base. Carrying out batches of accounting and tax accounting can be carried out for a specific organization (organizations).

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