Car assessment after an accident online calculator. Cost of repairs under compulsory motor insurance after an accident

When a situation arises when it becomes necessary to calculate the amount of compensation for damage caused to a car, many drivers do not know how to do it correctly. It is necessary to calculate damages under compulsory motor liability insurance using a special calculator that will calculate the amount of payment to the driver.

The unified calculation methodology includes large list nuances, based on which it becomes possible to find out the most accurate data on the damage caused to the car, as well as the degree of involvement of the driver in this incident. This list includes taking into account the type of driving of the driver, the presence of any signs on the roads (in case the driver fails to comply with them), meteorological conditions, the condition of the road on which the car was driving, external factors such as other cars, animals, the condition of the car at the time of the incident, in respect of which the damage is calculated, the information of the situation is studied.

Who can use it

Any motorist who needs to calculate damage can use this method.

How to calculate the amount of compensation

The amount that Insurance Company will pay the driver depends on many factors. These include general wear and tear of transport. Depending on the degree of wear and tear (age of the car), the insurance company may reduce the amount of payment by no more than 50% of the required amount, in accordance with current laws.

In addition to the general wear and tear of the car, the degree of wear of its individual parts is taken into account. In order to increase the amount of compensation, it is necessary to save receipts for purchased and installed parts.

Eg, if the car itself is produced in 2006, and any part of it was purchased and installed this year, the wear of this part is not taken into account when calculating the amount of compensation. In addition, all the nuances of the accident that occurred, the causes, and the situation at the time of the incident play an important role. The degree of culpability of the driver in the current situation. In addition, the degree of wear and condition of the road on which the car was driving plays an important role.

How to calculate the amount of damage

To calculate the amount of damage received by a car, you need to use a special calculator. It is based on such nuances as a constantly updated database of prices for spare parts for vehicles, the price for 1 hour of work at a service station. service. However, the resulting figure will not be 100% accurate, since the calculation is based only on damaged parts (visible damage).

To obtain a more accurate amount, you must carry out a full examination of the car.

What to do if compensation is underestimated

There are often cases when insurance companies, having calculated the amount of compensation to the driver, underestimate it. In such cases you need to contact independent experts(companies) for a complete examination of the car. In this case, it is necessary to save all documents related to the accident, such as payment receipts and others. Then, you need to draw up a statement indicating and justifying your disagreement with the decision of the insurance company regarding the amount of payment for the insured event.

As evidence, it is necessary to refer to the results of a complete examination of the car by independent experts. The completed application must be sent to the insurance company; this can be done in two ways: make the application in writing (print) and come to the company’s office, or send a scanned copy of the application to the company’s official email address. After that, all that remains is to wait for the decision of the specialists.

If, after the application and recalculation, the amount remains the same or has changed, but still does not cover total expenses to restore the car, it is necessary go to court.

When applying, you must attach all available documents on the accident, calculation and recalculation of the amount by the insurance company, a certificate of a complete examination of the car by independent experts, a copy or original of the application that was sent in order to recalculate the amount of payment.

Calculation of vehicle repair costs on the RSA website

To calculate the amount required to restore a car or replace any of its parts, you need to use a special calculator, which is available on the official website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA).

The following formula is used for calculations:

  • RK = SR + SM + SD.
  • RK- This total amount of compensation.
  • SR- This repair cost.
  • CM- This Cost of materials.
  • SD- This cost of parts that need to be replaced.

When calculating these indicators, the average market cost of parts, materials and repair work is taken into account. The maximum degree of deviation from the average market value can be no more than 10%.

The values ​​for the formulas are taken specifically for each economic zone, from reference books.

Look prices for spare parts can be found on the official RSA website at the link:


To obtain more accurate information that will affect the amount of payment by the insurance company, it is necessary to use specialized calculators, in some cases, resort to the services independent experts, for a complete assessment of the vehicle's condition.

The amount of payments under compulsory motor liability insurance most often begins to worry car owners after an accident has occurred. When concluding an insurance contract, they usually do not think about it, since everyone hopes that nothing will happen to them on the road.

But if you do become involved in a traffic accident, it will not hurt you to find out exactly how compensation is calculated and what indicators are required for this.

Restoring a car after an accident, if there is an insurance policy, falls on the shoulders of the insurance company. In addition to direct repairs, faulty parts are replaced.

The process of paying compensation to victims of road accidents is under the control of the state.

Insurers are required to fully provide payment for spare parts and repairs (Law No. 40-FZ).

Although, if you carefully read the rules of compulsory motor liability insurance, you will notice that there are some specifics in the payment of damage. When calculating the amount of compensation, wear and tear of parts is taken into account. This provision runs counter to the requirements of the legislative documents of our state.

Most insurance companies do not have the goal of fully paying for repairs to a vehicle damaged in an accident, which is why new parts are not covered.

Let's look at the procedure for calculating the amount of compensation using an example.

Let's assume that you are involved in an accident and your car is damaged. First of all, notify your insurance company about the occurrence of an insured event. Without delaying the matter, present to the insurers Required documents. This must be done within 15 days from the date of the accident.

The insurance company representative is obliged to accept your application and papers and organize an inspection of the vehicle (within 5 days). Since by law you must be present at the examination, you must be informed of the time and place of its holding.

When inspecting a car, experts pay attention to:

  • the nature of the damage to the car received during the accident;
  • what caused the damage;
  • what repair work is needed to restore the car.

The amount of compensation will be determined based on the results of this inspection.

Based on the results of the examination, the necessary documentation is drawn up:

  • vehicle condition inspection report;
  • calculations and determination market value damage sustained by the vehicle in an accident.

The report drawn up by the experts contains the following information:

  • Car model;
  • year of issue;
  • car numbers and other information;
  • information about the owner of the vehicle;
  • what damage the car received as a result of the accident;
  • what needs to be done to completely restore the vehicle.

In addition, the specialists who carried out the examination clarify information about damaged parts that became unusable even before the accident.

When inspecting the machine, external damage is taken into account. In most cases, hidden damage goes unnoticed.

Based on the examination data, calculations of the amount of compensation are carried out. In this case, the following points are stipulated:

  • what kind of repairs are needed: replacement of parts, installation of new spare parts, restoration paint coating, other;
  • how much time is needed for restoration work;
  • final cost of services;
  • calculations regarding the degree of wear of spare parts.

It is worth noting that usually settlements are made in favor of the insurance company; rarely does anyone want to compensate for the full cost of repairs. Therefore, the amount of compensation is often underestimated.

In the case where no drivers or passengers were injured during the accident, and the car owners have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, there will be no particular problems with receiving compensation.

Although the amount of compensation cannot exceed 50 thousand rubles in this case.

If you are the culprit of the accident, and the amount of payments to the victim from the insurer does not cover all his expenses, you will have to pay the remaining amount from your own pocket.

What determines the final amount of compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance?

When calculating the amount of damage payments, insurers take into account the following points:

  • Degree of wear of parts. The fact is that at the time of the accident, some parts had already served for quite a decent period. When the car is restored after an accident, the degree of wear of parts will be taken into account;
  • Conducting an independent examination. In order to assess the damage from the accident, an examination of the car is carried out. But the amount of compensation calculated on the basis of this examination does not always suit the victim. Therefore, he, having previously made a photocopy of the expert’s conclusion, initiates an independent examination. After this, calculations are carried out based on the conclusions of independent experts.

Several stand out important factors, which, when calculating the amount of compensation, influence its size:

  • part number, material from which it is made;
  • date of accident;
  • in which economic region the accident occurred;
  • damage and the cause of its occurrence;
  • the make of the car that was damaged in the accident.

When insurers carry out the necessary calculations, they are required to rely on the unified RSA directory. Some inaccuracies may arise in the calculations only if the name of the part and the material from which it is made are changed.

The date of the accident remains the same in all documentation related to the incident.

The result of the work of the appraisers is two documents: the vehicle appraisal report and the calculation. The latest document contains a market estimate of the cost of damage.

The information contained in both documents is closely related, since the information available in the inspection report is taken into account when making calculations.

In particular, the inspection report shall indicate the following data:

  • Vehicle model, release date, state registration. number;
  • information about the owner;
  • information about the presence of damage received as a result of the accident;
  • what restoration work will be required.

Appraisers often do not indicate information about hidden damage in the report. In most cases, only visible damage is indicated.

When making a calculation, they take into account the data contained in the vehicle inspection report. This document contains information about:

  • what type of repair needs to be done;
  • timing of restoration work (standard hours);
  • degree of wear of parts;
  • conclusion on the amount of compensation.

Unified methodology for calculating damage under compulsory motor liability insurance

To facilitate the procedure for calculating compensation payments, the Unified MTPL methodology was introduced in 2014. Its developer was the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

Since 2014 this technique used by insurers, appraisers and experts, that is, it is mandatory for compulsory motor liability insurance.

Until this time, experts used different methods to calculate the cost of compensation. That is why disagreements often arose.

The introduction of the Unified Methodology allows for correct calculations, which contributes to a speedy solution to the problem of those involved in road accidents.

Final compensation calculations are made by specialists. But car owners themselves have the opportunity to pre-calculate how much they will have to spend on restoring their car.

Preliminary calculations are important because some not entirely honest insurers try to deliberately underestimate the amount of damage.

For the calculation procedure, you must use a special MTPL payment calculator:

  • presence of damage to the vehicle, its origin;
  • calculation of wear of parts that need to be replaced during repair work after an accident;
  • the procedure for calculating the funds necessary to purchase materials and parts, as well as to pay for the work of repairmen;
  • procedure for calculating suitable spare parts, parts and components of a car if it cannot be restored;
  • using reference books on the average cost of materials, calculating the number of required standard hours;
  • procedure for creating a photo report on the condition of the car after an accident.

After all experts and appraisers began to use the Unified Calculation Methodology (since 2014), they carry out the entire procedure based on information from the unified RSA price database.

A unified database contains information on prices for the most common car brands.

If there is no data on a specific model, appraisers have to use one of the previously used methods for calculating the cost of compensation.

The question that there is a significant difference between the cost of repairs, which is obtained when calculating using this method and the real amount required to pay for repair work, remains, unfortunately, unresolved.

This problem is especially true for repairs. expensive cars. Typically, insurers underestimate the cost of repairing such cars, and no Unified Calculation Methodology could influence the solution to this problem.

According to the Unified OSAGO Methodology, the percentage of depreciation of a car is now 50%, and not 80%, as it was before.

Unfortunately, the unified RCA price base is updated quite rarely, only once every six months. This fact indicates that the cost of repairing a car in reality will be noticeably higher than what experts calculated using the Unified Methodology.

Purchasing an MTPL policy today is the responsibility of all drivers operating a car in our country. It is also important to familiarize yourself in advance with the full list of features for calculating damage under MTPL. Special algorithms have been established for calculating damage in the event of an insured event.

General provisions

Today, the registration process is strictly mandatory for all drivers in the country.

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At the same time, issuing policies when all requirements are met by the driver is the responsibility, not the right of the insurance company.

In the event of an insured event, you will need to apply for compensation to your own insurance company.

Moreover, previously it was possible to carry out the reimbursement process to choose from:

  1. In “your” insurance company.
  2. The insurance company of the culprit.

But this state of affairs caused a significant number of fraudulent actions on the part of participants in road accidents. Various tricks were used to achieve double benefits.

Documents were falsified, and at the same time the victim received immediate payment from two insurance companies.

It was precisely because of the presence of such a loophole that it was prohibited to collect from insurance companies in this way.

A very important point is the calculation of the amount of monetary compensation that will take place in the event of an accident.

It is important to note that today the issue of compulsory motor liability insurance is regulated quite strictly by special legislation. This also applies to the calculation methodology.

With the help of legislation, it will be possible to carry out the calculation process independently. The RSA (Russian Union of Insurers) regulates this issue.

What it is

Today, the basis for receiving compensation from an insurance company is the occurrence of an insured event.

According to compulsory motor liability insurance, these are:

  • damage to property;
  • harm to health and life.

Relatively recently, there was a significant increase in the maximum limits on payments under compulsory motor liability insurance policies.

It is in this way that the likelihood of a situation where it is required to pay other expenses in addition to the payment under compulsory motor liability insurance is reduced.

The limits for compulsory motor liability insurance are set as follows:

But it is important to note that the maximum amount is assigned quite rarely. At the same time, there is a special method for calculating charges for material or moral damage.

There are also special calculators for calculating the amount of compensation.

Who does it apply to?

It is important to note that a certain amount is accrued only if the accident is recognized as insurable. Otherwise, payment will be completely denied.

At the moment, the MTPL policy covers the following risks:

The culprit shall reimburse himself for the costs associated with the damage he received.

The MTPL policy itself can be purchased:

  1. An individual.
  2. Legal entity.

Moreover, a large number of different discounts are provided specifically for legal entities. First of all, this applies specifically to companies with a large fleet of vehicles.

In this case, one contract is drawn up for all cars and insurance occurs en masse. In this case, insurance companies make quite significant discounts.

In turn, individuals have the right to independently choose an insurance company. Insurance companies do not have the right to refuse to purchase an MTPL policy in the absence of sufficient reasons.

The main ones are the following:

  • lack of the required set of documents;
  • lack of a valid diagnostic card;
  • non-payment of insurance premium.

For other reasons, the refusal will be unlawful and it can be quite simply and quickly challenged in court or in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It is this body that oversees this area.

It is important to work out all the points as quickly as possible in advance. This will prevent many difficulties and problematic issues.

It is important to note that the payment itself can only be received if a number of different factors are combined at once:

  1. The accident itself is classified as an insured event.
  2. A complete list of documents regarding the insured event is provided.
  3. There are no grounds for refusal.
  4. At the time of the accident, there was a valid diagnostic card.

Where to contact

The calculation of the amount of insurance payment is carried out directly by the company that issued the policy. Often this is what raises significant questions on the part of the recipient of such a payment.

Since, accordingly, it is extremely unprofitable for the company to fulfill its obligations to the client.

It is for this reason that situations often arise when insurance payment significantly lower than it should be. The client should always make the calculations themselves.

To receive compensation in a normal case, you need to contact the office of the insurance company itself. All necessary documents are submitted there, after which payment is made.

When such calculation is completely completed, the company will notify its client of the results and method of receiving funds. It will also send the required amount of money to his bank account.

But sometimes a situation arises when the victim does not agree with the amount of compensation assigned to him.

The reasons for this can be very different. The main and most serious thing is that the indicated amount is obviously not enough to carry out repair work.

In this case, the procedure for applying will be as follows:

You should contact the judicial authority at the location of the specific office of the insurance company. In this way, it will be possible to avoid many difficulties and problematic situations.

It is also worth preparing in advance for various difficulties. It is necessary to refer in the application to the standard points that determine the need to increase the payment amount.

Judicial practice on this matter is extensive and not always clear-cut. That is why you need everything complicated in advance, controversial issues work through.

Another way to resolve the issue regarding insurance is to contact the Central Bank or RSA. But in the second case, a positive result is unlikely.

In the same time central bank The Russian Federation will allow you to avoid many difficulties and various problems. The government agency is engaged in supervision in this area.

In Russia, RSA calculation of damages under compulsory motor liability insurance using a payment calculator in 2020 is performed quite often.

But it is worth noting that the court will also require, as an argument, the presence of an examination - moreover, carried out by a specialized company - with a license.

Often it is simply not possible to cope with such a situation on your own. In this case, the solution may be to turn to qualified lawyers.

Today, many legal institutions specialize in the collection of funds from insurance companies for insured events.

Today, in Moscow and the region, the following institutions are engaged in similar matters:

In RSA, calculating damages under compulsory motor liability insurance using an online payment calculator will allow you to check the accuracy of the accruals made directly by the insurance company.

The cost of the policy in each case is individual and depends on several factors at once.

It would be best to discuss this issue first. Knowledge of legislative norms will allow you to independently carry out the process of protecting your own rights.

Calculation of payment of damages under compulsory motor liability insurance

The process of calculating payments under compulsory motor liability insurance may depend on several factors simultaneously. The calculation takes into account many different coefficients.

An important point is the cost of the car itself, as well as wear and tear, the presence of various damages and the opinion of an expert.

It is also worth remembering that a technical inspection is strictly required. Lack of one can be a serious problem.

The main issues that will need to be sorted out in advance include the following:

  • established standards;
  • unified cost of repairs;
  • how the calculation is made;
  • making payments;
  • important nuances;
  • what is regulated.

Established Standards

The standards themselves for calculating the amount of compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance have existed for quite a long time - since the distant year 2003, when the law itself was adopted.

That is why, in fact, no innovations with amendments to the law took place.

It was only at the legislative level that the need to use a unified calculation method was established - EMRU (unified methodology for calculating damage). The principles remain the same.

At the same time, there are some differences. First of all, this concerns the cost of parts, as well as many other points.

Over the past 15 years of the law on compulsory motor liability insurance, prices have changed significantly, and inflation has taken place.

That is why there are a large number of subtleties - which it is best to familiarize yourself with first.

It is worth noting that a large number of different institutions simultaneously took part in the development of this methodology.

These are:

The official websites of these institutions will provide all the accurate, most detailed information about the computing system. The calculation process has a large number of subtleties and features.

It would be best to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance. This will allow you to avoid many difficulties and problematic situations.

Previously, until December 2014, insurance companies had the opportunity to independently choose the methodology according to which the cost of compensation would be calculated.

There were as many as 5 different basic techniques available. Moreover, both domestic and foreign developments were used.

There are also many different intermediate options - which insurance companies have developed “for themselves”.

It was precisely due to the large number of different methods that the difference in compensation was sometimes as much as 200-300%. That is why the decision was made to introduce EMRU.

This solution simultaneously allowed us to solve several different problems:

  • significantly relieve the judicial authorities from work directly related to the examination of cases regarding the cost of repairs;
  • make the work of insurance companies significantly more transparent;
  • make differences in expert assessments minimal;
  • reduce the time of the full “road accident-payment” cycle.

How is the calculation made?

It will be possible to calculate the payment under compulsory motor liability insurance completely independently, without any outside help.

It is also not necessary to use online calculators. It is possible to carry out all actions independently, in manual mode. There is a standard formula.

It looks like this:

Svr = Рр + Рм + Рзч

A special formula is used to calculate each individual coefficient. This point will need to be sorted out first. This will prevent many problems and difficult situations.

If the calculation is carried out independently, it would be best to perform the calculation using a special online calculator.

Making payments

Regardless of where exactly the insurance took place, the process of processing the payment is carried out in a completely standard manner. To do this, you will need to follow a special algorithm.

This includes the following:

Usually, immediately after issuing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, an insurance company employee provides his client with a special booklet, which contains information about exactly how to apply for payment.

Particular attention must be paid to the formation of a package of mandatory documents.

Most often, the reason for refusal to pay is the lack of required papers or the provision of an incomplete set.

Video: compulsory motor insurance payment calculator

Important nuances

The main nuances associated with calculations include primarily:

The most significant is the last point. Since there have previously been cases when the insurance company simply set depreciation at 90%.

This reduced the amount of compensation for damage to the bare minimum. In addition to the above, there are also a number of other subtleties. With everyone regulatory documents It's worth figuring it out in advance.

What is regulated

Today, the issue of calculating the cost of monetary compensation is simultaneously regulated by a whole package of fairly specific documentation.

The federal law:

The driver himself will need to familiarize himself in advance with all the regulatory documents that determine the issue of calculating the payment.

This will allow you to independently monitor compliance with your own rights. It is worth noting that this process has a large number of different subtleties.

It is extremely unprofitable for insurance companies to fulfill their obligations to clients. This is why it is important to closely monitor the cost of reimbursement.


When a law-abiding citizen gets into an accident, he has every right to compensation for damages in the form payments under compulsory motor liability insurance as soon as possible provided by law (20 days from the date of submission of documents to the insurer). On October 1, 2014, amendments to the current law on compulsory motor liability insurance came into force, according to which the damage compensation limit was increased.

Size maximum payout By insurance policy OSAGO to date:

  • no more than 500,000 rubles - compensation for damage caused to the life and health of each victim;
  • 400,000 rubles - compensation for damage caused to the property of each victim.

The amount of compensation for citizens who suffered harm to life and health will not be proportionally divided among all victims, so each of the victims will be able to claim payment in full. You can calculate the cost of an MTPL policy using the MTPL calculator.

The amount of payments under compulsory motor liability insurance in case of an accident.

  • 160,000 rubles - in case of harm to the health and life of people;
  • 120,000 rubles - in case of damage to a vehicle (per victim);
  • 160,000 rubles - when there are several victims.

How insurance companies regulate compensation for losses of the victim:

  • When vehicle is completely destroyed, the victim is paid the actual value of the vehicle on the day the insured event occurred;
  • when the vehicle is damaged, the insurance company reimburses the costs necessary to bring the vehicle to the condition in which it was before the occurrence of the insured event;
  • other expenses incurred by the victim in connection with the harm caused (evacuation of a car with accident scene, storage of damaged vehicles, delivery of victims to the hospital, etc.);

Payments in case of death of the car owner or policyholder:

  • in cases where close relatives of the deceased apply for compensation, the insurance company pays 135,000 rubles as compensation;
  • in cases where the burial will not be carried out by close relatives, the amount of insurance payments will not exceed 25,000 rubles.

Payments according to the European protocol.

From August 2, 2014, the maximum amount of payments under the European protocol was increased. According to current legislation, the person at fault for the accident notifies his insurance company about the incident and funds are transferred to the victim (the insurer must be notified no later than five days after the accident). The maximum payment amount increased from 25,000 rubles to 50,000. On October 1, 2014, the so-called “unlimited Euro protocol” system was introduced. Now, if the parties present a full set of documents and adequate evidence of the fact of an accident (photos, videos, GLONASS system data), the amount of payment can be increased to 400 thousand rubles.

Payment deadline for compulsory motor liability insurance.

Today, the payment period for compulsory motor liability insurance is 20 days from the date of submission of documents to the insurance company (this rule was introduced on September 1, 2015). At the same time, in order to reduce the number of claims for non-payment, the law established liability in the form of strict sanctions for delaying the deadline for making a decision on payments.

If the insurance company has not sent you a letter of refusal to pay within this period (20 calendar days) or has not transferred the full amount of compensation due, the insurance company will be charged a penalty for each day of delay. If there is a delay in payments, such a penalty will be 1% of the amount to be paid, if there is a delay in the decision to refuse payment - 0.5% for each day of delay.

Pre-trial claim of OSAGO.

Before going to court, you need to try to send a claim to the insurance company, to which it is necessary to set out the factual circumstances of the case (describe the cause of the damage, as well as the cost of the damage caused, indicate missed payment deadlines, etc.). This claim is submitted or sent to the insurance company at the address of its location or the location of its representative. The claim must be accompanied by documents confirming the validity of the victim’s claims.

The claim must include:

  • name of the insurance company;
  • full name and address of the location of the victim - legal entity;
  • last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence or postal address of the victim - individual(other beneficiary);
  • a list of requirements to the insurance company with a description of the circumstances that served as the basis for filing a claim with links to excerpts from the law;
  • bank details to which payment will be made if the claim is found to be justified, or an indication of receipt Money at the insurance company's cash desk.

Time limit for consideration of a pre-trial claim: within 5 working days from the date of receipt of a pre-trial claim, the insurance company is obliged to:

  • make a payment;
  • send a written refusal to satisfy the claim.

It would be a good idea to inform the insurer of your intention to go to court to protect your rights. If they don’t answer you, then feel free to go to court with all the documents and a statement of claim.

Cases in which payments under compulsory motor liability insurance are not made.

Such cases include:

  • driving a vehicle by a citizen who is not listed in the MTPL policy;
  • moral damage caused to the victim;
  • amount that is not covered maximum size payments under compulsory motor liability insurance;
  • damage that was caused in connection with the use of the vehicle on specially equipped areas for training driving, competitions or testing;
  • damage caused during transportation dangerous goods(when no contract for insurance of such cargo was concluded);
  • damage environment;
  • when harm to life and health was caused to an employee during the performance of his work duties (in this case, the damage is compensated through mandatory social insurance);
  • the damage that the employer will suffer when he fulfills his obligations to compensate for the damage he caused to his employees;
  • damage during vehicle movement through the territory of the enterprise or loading and unloading of goods;
  • damage caused to historical, architectural, antique relics, buildings, jewelry, among others, as well as intellectual property.

In cases where the insurer refuses to pay.

If the insured event does not relate to any of the above, then you have the right to receive compensation. Protecting our own property rights Every citizen of the Russian Federation must study independently. In cases where he cannot resolve such issues on his own, he must contact a qualified lawyer. If you win the lawsuit, you will be able to recover from the insurer the amount of the principal debt and your expenses that you incurred for lawyer fees and other legal costs.

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