Why are the navel different shapes? What is a navel

Pay attention to the shape and location of the navel. The navel is like a funnel and can be divided into three parts: the rim, the side wall and the bottom. The navel should be round, centrally located and symmetrical. It should be strong and resilient - not hard and not tight, not soft and not weak. The side walls should be symmetrical. The bottom should be located in the center of the round rim.

The rim may be irregularly shaped and offset from the center. The side walls, and sometimes the rim, may be swollen, curved, located at too great an angle, or elongated in one direction or another. The bottom of the navel may be swollen and hyperemic (with stagnation of blood) and/or very deep. It may be curved or stretched, and the side walls and rim may or may not be involved.

The navel can be pulled in one or more directions horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The navel may be tear-shaped, collapsed, like a deflated balloon, or turned counterclockwise or clockwise. The navel can be pulled in one or more directions horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The navel may be tear-shaped, collapsed, like a deflated balloon, or turned counterclockwise or clockwise.

Navel distortions indicate the direction and location of compactions, congestion zones and blockages. Sometimes these distortions can be used to determine which organs or systems are associated with this and at what depth they are located. Navel stretching can be associated with superficial tissues or internal organs and related systems. Typically, a sprain affects the core of the body, both externally and internally, and involves more than one organ or system. The physical body loses its centering, which leads to emotional imbalance, imbalance of systems and organs.

What does the shape of your belly button mean?

1. Stretch towards the left thigh

a) The stretch to the left and down may be due to tension in the upper right side of the body. It can affect the liver, gallbladder, duodenum, right kidney and may cause pain in the lumbar plexus or left leg.

b) If the left ovary is displaced from its natural center, it can lead to menstrual problems.

2. Downward stretch

a) Stretching of the navel down toward the center of the groin area may be due to tension in the solar plexus or upper chest. The umbilical pulse may also move downwards.

b) It can lead to dyspepsia and chronic pain and also cause pressure on the intestines, which in turn can cause mental problems and bad dreams. Since the small intestine's paired organ is the heart, digestive problems can lead to excess heat in the heart.

c) The effects of stretching can spread both upward and downward, resulting in pain in the lower part of the body. The resulting tension sometimes causes the intestines to close.

d) If a woman has a displaced cervix, it can lead to problems with menstruation and infertility.

e) In men, lumps may develop in the pubic bone or below the bladder, near the prostate gland, which can lead to their disease.

3. Stretch towards the right hip

a) If the navel is pulled towards the lower right side of the pelvis, it can affect the pancreas, stomach, spleen, left kidney, and also pull the sacral plexus from its normal position, causing pain in the right leg.

b) In women, displacement of the right ovary can lead to problems with menstruation. When you gently palpate the right ovary and the right side of the uterus, you can detect a nodule near the ovary or between the ovary and the uterus.

4. Stretch to the right

a) If the navel is pulled towards the upper right side of the pelvis, tension and pain may be felt on the left side of the colon. Problems occur both on the surface and at a deeper level, which can affect the function of the intestines and both kidneys.

b) Stretching the navel to the right can cause tension in the upper right side of the abdomen and affect the liver and gallbladder, as well as causing tension in the left leg, left hip and sigmoid colon.

5. Stretch up and left

a) Stretching the navel upward and to the left can cause tension in the lower right side, displace the lumbar nerve plexus and lead to pain on the right side. Possible problems with the pancreas, stomach, spleen and left kidney.

c) This stretching may be due to problems in the colon valve area and digestive problems.

6. Stretch to the left

If there is a similar stretch of the navel towards the left side of the pelvis, tension and pain may be felt in the right side of the intestine. This can cause problems along the center line, both externally and internally, and affect the kidneys.

7. Stretch up and to the right

a) Stretching the navel upward and to the right can cause tension in the left side (lower part), displace the lumbar nerve plexus and cause pain in the left leg. Possible problems with the liver, gall bladder and right kidney.

b) Women may experience menstrual irregularities.

c) With this type of navel stretching, problems with the sigmoid colon and digestive disorders are possible.

8. Upward stretch

a) Stretching the navel upward may cause the umbilical pulse to be displaced so that it is above the navel when its natural position is below it. As a result, acidity may be disrupted, digestive problems, constipation, heart disease, and irritability will arise.

b) In women, this can lead to cervical displacement and menstrual problems. published

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Incredible facts

Why do people have such different belly button shapes? For some it is convex, for others it is recessed deep into the stomach, and for others it is a small, unnoticeable depression.

It turns out that the shape of the navel depends on a large number of reasons, the main one of which is the individual characteristics of the connective tissues of the body. These features are laid down during intrauterine development.

In most cases, a bulging navel also develops in the womb, and the baby is born with it. Also, one should not discount the fact that midwives in the maternity hospital tie the umbilical cord differently, which also affects appearance.

Among other things, the shape is also influenced by the features of caring for the newborn and the wound.

It is also important to remember that the shape of the belly button can change even in adulthood. Piercing, various diseases, pregnancy, etc. leave their mark.

It is widely believed that the shape of the navel is also determined by the characteristics of a person’s personality. Let's look at what this theory tells us.

Navel shape and personality

1. Protruding navel

A protruding navel speaks of the strong character of its owner. You are persistent and often stubborn. However, you create your opinions and beliefs only after carefully analyzing the information and your thoughts.

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You like to be the center of attention, respect and love will always be extremely important to you. When it comes to relationships, you, more than anyone else, need time to find someone compatible with you. The connection is long lasting.

2. Large and deep navel

Such a navel reveals a person with a big heart, whose generosity knows no bounds. You don’t tell your family and friends about your troubles; you are not used to pinning them on them. You treat people very well, being an expert in human management. You are very intelligent.

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3. Small belly button

Such a navel speaks of the dark side of its owner’s personality. You know how to keep secrets, and are well aware of other people's shortcomings. In most cases, such a person trusts only relatives and friends. You are a very secretive person, as you have experienced a lot and gained experience. You are quite skeptical about life.

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4. Round navel

Such a navel indicates the low energy level of its owner. However, this is only the physical aspect of life. You're not interested handmade or those where you need to work physically, but you stand out where you need to turn on your intellect. You are a smart person, although lazy.

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It is laziness that prompts you to look for ways to solve problems more easily. You're doing well, keep up the good work.

A person does not have: there are no genes responsible for his shape, size, convexity. This is an acquired feature, like any scars. During this time, the fetus is attached to the placenta by a special umbilical cord, through which nutrients and oxygen, and back - waste. Thus, the embryo is connected to the mother’s body.

After birth, the umbilical cord is no longer needed - the child has become an independent person and can breathe, eat, and drink on his own. Doctors cut it near the stomach: as a result, a wound remains that heals quite quickly. In its place, a round scar is formed, which is called.

In animals, the navel is almost invisible: it is a thin line without hair.

Why do you need a navel?

All organs in the body have their own purpose and perform certain functions, but their activities are “written” down to the smallest detail in the genetic code so that the body functions correctly. Since the existence of a navel is not noted in any way in the human genome, we can draw a logical conclusion that this part of the body has no purpose.

However, people have learned to use the navel for one purpose or another. Firstly, its shape can distinguish identical twins, who have almost completely identical appearance. But these scars are acquired, they do not depend on genetics, so even twins have different scars. Secondly, the navel performs an aesthetic function: a belly with a neat round opening is beautiful, and, according to some people, sexy.

The navel is decorated with special earrings and pierced.

But the most useful feature This part of the body is associated with medicine. Doctors have learned to identify certain diseases by the shape of the navel. For example, if it bulges upward, this may indicate increased intra-abdominal pressure or an enlargement of some internal organs - the liver, spleen. The navel also has this shape in people suffering from internal obesity (accumulation of fat around the organs, rather than under the skin). If the navel protrudes significantly outward, despite a small amount of fat, this indicates possible disturbances in the structure of the lumbar spine. By the shape and condition of this scar, one can also determine an umbilical hernia - a protrusion of internal organs through it.

In some religions and esoteric teachings, the navel is considered the focus of a person’s internal energy. For example, the Chinese believe that this point collects qi energy, which circulates throughout the body.

The navel is a scar on the anterior abdominal wall that remains in a person or mammal after removal of the umbilical cord connected to the placenta. In animals it is practically invisible, in people it can be very different in shape, which depends on individual characteristics. But sometimes the appearance of the navel indicates the presence of a disease.

The navel is the center of the body

In Taoism, the human umbilical cord has a mystical meaning; it is believed that the navel is an energy center associated with the cosmos. Perhaps that's why in Chinese medicine it is carefully studied and special attention is paid to it in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and genitourinary diseases.

Certain types of massage are performed in the navel area, as well as acupuncture, especially inside the navel itself. All Chinese people suffering from diabetes (except type 1) are taught by doctors to give insulin injections in strictly defined places, located exclusively around the navel. Diagnosis of any disease always begins with an examination of the center of the abdomen, and the condition of the navel is described in the medical record. Each person should pay attention to the center of his body and conduct a certain analysis.

Color of the skin

If there is a slight yellowness around the navel, this most likely indicates a metabolic disorder in the liver and/or pancreas. It is worth consulting a doctor and conducting clinical studies for cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and even liquid peritonitis, which may be in an advanced, sluggish stage.

Blueness in the navel area often indicates kidney or liver disease. For example, this is what cirrhosis looks like in its early stages. There is a possibility that the bluish skin of the navel and around it is a consequence of injury to the internal organs, duodenum or spleen. This is also a very serious reason to contact a specialist.

Redness of the navel, especially accompanied by itching, often occurs due to allergic reactions. After oral administration of an allergen-containing substance, the gastrointestinal tract is the first to react. Redness of the navel skin can also signal the onset of an inflammatory process in the intestines, then the next symptom will be an increase in temperature.

Navel shapes

The shape of the navel also often characterizes the condition of the body or the presence of any disease.

For example, a bulging navel indicates increased intra-abdominal pressure or enlargement of certain organs. If this is not pregnancy, then there is a suspicion that there are pathological changes in the liver, spleen, perhaps excessive accumulation of fat and not so much under the skin as inside these organs themselves. Protrusion of the navel also occurs with the development of an umbilical hernia, as well as in people chronically suffering from constipation.

If only some part of the navel is convex, then most likely its owner is very sensitive to cold and is constantly exposed to colds. Such a person should keep his lower back warm.

A navel in the form of an arc, the upper semicircular half, means the presence of problems with the digestive tract; tendency to obesity, overeating and the development of bulimia.

A navel that looks like a lower semicircle should first of all alert dermatologists. This often occurs in people who have congenital skin diseases or other genetic problems, for example, of a neurological or mental nature.

A small, inconspicuous or deep navel also cannot be taken as the absolute norm. People with this navel shape often suffer from vitamin deficiencies and the consequences of low immunity. Hypotensive conditions, mild fainting and hormonal dysfunction are what often worry owners of such aesthetically correct navels.

Navel location

Nature provides another feature of human navels - they are located exactly in the center of the abdomen. If a displacement is observed, this clearly indicates some kind of pathology.

If, upon examination, the navel seems to be lifted up, a latent form of disease of the large or small intestine can be assumed. Perhaps this indicates chronic deposits of feces, and it may also be one of the symptoms of the development of some kind of heart disease, which will initially manifest itself in the form of arrhythmia, shortness of breath and insomnia. Sometimes this is an indication of problems with the genitals; Women with such high navels are often diagnosed with the development of endometriosis, ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids; in men - prostatitis, prostate adenoma.

A downward displacement of the navel is also an important sign of the development of diseases of the genital organs, but they are a consequence of a mental disorder. In women, as a rule, “on nerves” they are diagnosed with menstrual irregularities, diseases of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes; in men - prostatic hypertrophy, formation of polyps on the penis, urinary retention or incontinence, inflammation of the bladder.

If, during a visual examination, the patient’s navel is displaced to the right, then the gastroenterologist should look for problems in the ascending colon and cecum, and the nephrologist should look for problems in the right kidney or adrenal gland. The navel, located closer to the left side of a person, indicates disturbances in the functioning of his left kidney or adrenal gland, another option is in the descending part of the large intestine.

A displacement of the navel to the right and down suggests problems with the stomach and spleen; a person may complain of pain in any joint of the right leg or in the lower back. But this location of the navel also occurs with the development of acute or chronic pancreatitis.

The navel, located as if down and to the left, may indicate a disease of the bile ducts, liver, gallbladder, and duodenum. Its owner may also experience pain in any of the joints or muscles of the left leg and in the lower back.

If the navel is displaced upward and to the right, you should pay attention to the gallbladder, bile ducts, as well as the joints of the left hip and left leg.

A navel extended upward and to the left respectively indicates a disease of the hip joint and thigh of the right leg, but can also indicate pathology in the spleen or in the upper left corner of the large intestine.

Any person, by examining his body and listening to it, can himself identify disturbances in his body, because wise nature has left many clues for this.


We most often forget about this part of the body and do not attach much importance to it.

Do you have a prominent or deep belly button? Are you noticing that you are developing belly button fuzz? How normal is your belly button?

Here are the answers to these questions and more Interesting Facts about the navel.

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Only 4 percent of people have a convex navel, while for the rest it resembles a depression.

The navel is the first scar in a person's life, which remains after the removal of the umbilical cord connecting the fetus to the mother. The umbilical cord is cut immediately after birth and the remainder falls off, leaving the belly button.

Just like fingerprints, no two people have the same belly button.

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According to scientists from University of Helsinki, who showed photographs of navels to men and women, small, vertical navels in the shape of the letter T were considered the most beautiful. Such a navel can make its owner more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

In addition, the Finnish researcher Aki Sinkkonen(Aki Sinkkonen), believes that a woman's navel can reveal information about a woman's reproductive potential, including the risk of certain genetic and maternally inherited congenital anomalies.

All placental mammals, including humans, have an umbilicus, as we were all once connected to our mother's body through the umbilical cord.

According to evidence, the famous Czech model Karolina Kurkova does not have a navel, but this was due to the fact that she underwent surgery to remove it as a child. According to some doctors, the operation could have been performed due to an umbilical hernia. Another celebrity who lost her belly button after surgery is famous film director Alfred Hitchcock.

Although many people experience so-called lint in their belly button, some people are more prone to it.

According to research by Australian scientists, umbilical fuzz is most often observed in middle-aged men with increased abdominal hair.

This occurs because lint is the result of hair rubbing against clothing fabric and is a mixture of clothing fibers, sweat, skin cells and bacteria.

New clothes are also known to be more likely to cause umbilical lint.

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As a rule, the shape of the navel, whether convex or hollow, remains the same as at birth. But during pregnancy, the shape of the navel may change, although the structure itself remains unchanged. After childbirth, the navel returns to its original shape.

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The position of your navel helps determine how fast you can run or swim. Scientists from Duke University have found that it is not the shape of the navel that matters, but its position in relation to the rest of the body.

The navel is the center of gravity, which explains why athletes of African descent are more likely to outperform athletes of European descent. Their legs are longer, making their belly buttons an average of 3 centimeters higher than those of white athletes.

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Researchers have discovered that the human belly button is home to 1,400 different types of bacteria, most of which are completely harmless. Only under certain conditions can these bacteria pose a health threat, such as a weakened immune system or sunburn.

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Most often, pain that appears in the navel area indicates a small problem, for example, overeating after a very heavy meal. In some cases, this may indicate a hernia, viral or bacterial infection.

Often the very first symptom of appendicitis is also discomfort around the navel, which then moves to the lower abdomen.

Belly button pain is a common concern for pregnant women, but it is most often caused by stretching of the muscles and skin during pregnancy. If pain persists for more than 3-4 days and interferes with everyday activities, you should seek help from a doctor.

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Navel piercings require a longer healing time (up to 9 months) than other types of piercings (ear and eyebrow piercings heal within 6-8 weeks). The long healing time makes the area more susceptible to infection.

Wearing tight-fitting clothing can only increase the risk. A barbell instead of a ring as a piercing can reduce irritation and scarring.

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People who are unhappy with the shape of their belly button resort to plastic surgery called umblikopalstik. The popularity of low-waist jeans and crop tops has led to an increase in requests for corrections appearance navel Most of them are women who want to correct a protruding belly button into a dimpled belly button.

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