The procedure for terminating the registration of a vehicle in connection with its sale. Why is this necessary and how to implement it? How to deregister a car: the necessary package of documents Remove a registration car without a car

Let's analyze typical situations in which you may need to perform this action:

  1. Let's start, perhaps, with the purchase of a car. True, in this case, we will not talk about buying a new car, but about acquiring a car "from hand", i.e. used, respectively, about re-registration. This responsibility falls on the shoulders of the new owner of the vehicle. However, there is a small caveat to this rule. If the re-registration did not occur within 10 days, then the obligation to re-register the car is transferred to the seller. By the way, the fact that the buyer must first re-register the car is not a panacea. This is primarily necessary for the previous car owner. Re-registration relieves him of all responsibility for the further fate of the car, including the payment of transport taxes.
  2. The second case affects the option of moving the owner of the vehicle to a new place of residence (permanent or temporary for a long time) in a foreign country.
  3. Theft of your car by unknown villains. This, of course, is about the case if your car cannot be found for a long time (and, most likely, it has already, alas, become spare parts, or the new owner drives it and does not suspect).
  4. If you decide to take advantage of the federal car recycling program. Moreover, the procedure for going through this procedure can be either complete - that is, the entire car will go to scrap due to unsuitability (all parts of the vehicle with serial numbers will have to be deregistered), partial, that is, only some elements will be disposed of.

What do you need to deregister a car?

In this section, we will analyze general order going through this procedure, and a little lower we will consider some of the nuances that must be taken into account when going through the corresponding procedure for the above circumstances. Actually, the order of passage:

  1. Step one. We are writing an application to the traffic police to deregister the car (a standard form is available at the traffic police department, for a fee it will even be filled out for you). Moreover, the application must indicate the reason for deregistration of the car.
  2. Step two. We collect and submit the documents necessary for the implementation of this procedure.

These documents include the following:

  • a document proving your identity;
  • a document certifying the fact of ownership of this vehicle (most often we are talking about a contract of sale or a donation contract);
  • power of attorney to represent the interests of the owner, if you and he are different persons;
  • the passport vehicle(PTS);
  • vehicle registration certificate (STS);
  • you also need a license plate or an explanation for what reason it is missing.
  1. After submitting the documents, you will receive a receipt for payment of the state duty, and, of course, make the payment.
  2. After the above steps are completed, take the collected documents and the receipt to the MREO.
  3. If necessary, pass a technical inspection of your car.
  4. Further, you are given a new license plate, if necessary - a Title, and an inspection report.
  5. After all these procedures, the MREO employee will enter all the data into automatic accounting systems. On this, in principle, the procedure can be considered completed.

Is it possible to deregister a car in another city or region?

A very pressing issue that continues to worry the minds of car owners who continue to be captive to the illusion of the omnipotence of such a social institution as "registration". This relic of the Soviet past, fortunately, is beginning to fade more and more into the past. Currently, you can calmly and without any problems, re-register or remove the car from the register at any department of the traffic police, any locality or region of our vast Motherland. And we repeat, there are no legitimate reasons to refuse you this procedure from the employees of the State traffic inspectorate. By the way, this aspect concerns not only deregistration of the car, but also many other things. And if suddenly some not very educated or well-mannered traffic police officer tries to convince you that this is not so, then you, with unshakable confidence in your voice, invite him to study the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. article 24.5 in the most detailed way, legally, your arguments are confirmed.

Deregistration for various reasons

Well, now, as mentioned above, we will analyze some of the nuances and features that arise when deregistering a car in various situations.


When it comes to recycling, there are a number of advantages. The most important thing is that you do not need to undergo a technical inspection. There is also no need to submit documents for cars - STS and PTS. It is only necessary to submit documents confirming the ownership of the this car: contract of sale, contract of donation, etc. It is also a plus that recycling can be carried out even without a license plate. Instead, it will be necessary to write an explanation for what reason they (numbers) are missing.


In this case, the only nuance that distinguishes the procedure for deregistration of a stolen car from the standard procedure is that in addition to all documents, you will need to submit a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs stating that your car is listed as stolen. And then the order of submission of documents remains the same. In the event that the documents for the car were stolen motor vehicle, then, unfortunately, you will have to go through the entire procedure for recovering documents.


In the case of the sale / purchase of a used car, you will need to pass an inspection if the deadline is right. Also, if you buy a car and want to change the state number, you will need to write a separate application about this.

If you sold your car, and the new owner did not register it within ten days, and he has the documents for the car, then to deregister, it is enough to contact the MREO with a passport and a purchase / sale agreement.

If the car is being exported or has already been exported abroad, the algorithm for removing it from the register does not change to a large extent. In addition, you will additionally need to pay a state duty for issuing a transit number. This is in case the departure is only planned.

Some features that relate to the inspection of the car in case of deregistration

Let's take a look at the vehicle. An inspection is not needed if you receive duplicate documents, make changes to the registration documents due to a change in your personal data (for example, last name), in a situation where its registration has been issued for some time and has already ended. Well, for granted, in case recycling takes place. But an inspection is always needed if you plan to make changes to the condition of your car, for example, make external or internal tuning, change the color of the body.

Removing a car from the register through the portal of GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES

The passage of this procedure through the portal of the State Services, on the one hand, is practically no different from the same process, so to speak, in the real world. However, on the other hand, it has some differences with a plus sign.

So, let's briefly analyze the procedure itself.

  1. The first thing you need to do is, of course, register on this portal, of course, if you have not done so yet. The registration procedure itself, of course, differs in the direction of complexity from the registration procedure in the same in social networks. To register for the State Services, you must provide scanned copies of all your documents (passport, SNILS, TIN, etc.) to one of the multifunctional centers.
  2. Next, you need to select the specific section that interests you. This algorithm looks like this: Public services - Transport and driving - Registration of a vehicle - Deregistration of a vehicle - Deregistration category (hijacking, sale, moving to another state, etc.).
  3. After that, you need to upload scanned copies of all documents that you need to submit to deregister the car in the provided form.
  4. Then you pay the state duty in any convenient format: at least immediately, through a bank card, at least through a printed paper receipt, at any bank.
  5. Next, you await instructions on your next steps. Instructions will come either to your personal account or in the form of SMS.

Let's take a look at the pros and cons of this method. The undoubted advantage is that you avoid standing in lines. The whole procedure is clearly outlined, and you will receive the most detailed instructions about the procedure and required documents. Also, the pluses include the fact that you will come directly to draw up documents for deregistration of the car at a strictly agreed time. Well, and, perhaps, an important positive point is the fact that users of the State Services portal are provided with a 30% discount on the payment of duties.

The disadvantages include some complexity of the procedure. It lies in the fact that you will need to provide all documents in scanned form.

We have already touched on this issue in the previous sections. Let's try to summarize some information.

In which case you may not have a car? Here the answer suggests itself - in case of theft. Here the algorithm of actions is simple. In addition to all the above documents, you need to submit a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about car theft.

In addition, the car may be missing in case of loss or theft of documents, in the event of a sale of the car. In all these cases, the documents will have to be restored. To do this, you will need to write an application to the traffic police. There is no need to remove the car from the register without restoring the documents, only if it is being scrapped.


From 10/15/13 to Russian Federation there is a new procedure for registering cars, which eliminates the need to remove the car from the registration before selling it. Now deregistration is performed automatically when the car is a new owner. At the same time, registration of a car for a new owner can be carried out in any division of the traffic police, regardless of his place of residence and registration. In other words, you can remove a car from registration or for disposal in 2018 in any city of the Russian Federation where there is a traffic police department.

The procedure for removing and registering a car

Transit numbers for distillation across the territory of the Russian Federation are not issued, and the old registration numbers the car, at the request of the new owner, are saved and remain on it. Transit numbers are issued to the new owner only if he drives the car abroad. To do this, you need to remove it from the register.

The changes also affected the registration of vehicles. From 01.01.2015, the purchase and registration of a car has become much more expensive for citizens. All fees related to registration operations with a car have been increased. So, for the production and receipt of state numbers for a car, you will have to pay 2,000 rubles, which is 500 rubles more than the previous tariff.

In what cases and for what reasons the car is deregistered

Upon discovery of the fact, the owner must write to the traffic police, along with a statement about the theft, a petition to terminate the registration. Subsequently, when a car is found and returned to its owner, it can be registered again. If it is dismantled by the thieves and sold for spare parts, then the owner's statement is the basis for the complete removal of this car from the register in the Vehicle Register.

2) Disposal of the car.

If the car owner decides to change the car under the old car recycling program, then before handing it over to the recycling organization, he must deregister the car. This stops the tax on transport. Utilization of transport is of two types: partial or complete. Full disposal is carried out when the car is completely disabled and can no longer be used. Partial disposal is carried out when a part of the car is scrapped - the body, chassis or engine, and the remaining serviceable part is used by the owner for the purpose of further operation or sale.

3) Distillation of the car abroad for the purpose of sale or permanent operation.

The vehicle is deregistered in the Russian Federation and registered in the host country. The owner must hand over the old plates and receive a transit number.

4) When the sold car is not registered by the new owner within 10 days after the sale.

In this case, the reason for deregistration is not to continue to pay transport tax and penalty receipts for the sold car, which will have to be done until the new owner is not, the former owner can apply to the traffic police for 10 days after the sale of the car. or complete disposal.

5) Deregistration of a vehicle may be carried out forcibly by the following persons:

  • by the plaintiff, to whom, by a court order, the car is returned or transferred, on the basis of a court decision;
  • by the bailiff of the judicial and executive service on the basis of the decision of the bailiffs on the recovery of the debtor's property;
  • an official of the organization in favor of which there is a court decision on the alienation of the vehicle, based on this decision;
  • by an authorized representative of the department of social protection of the population, executing the decision of this body to transfer a specialized vehicle to another person, on the basis of this decision.

How to deregister a car

In order to deregister a car, the following documents must be prepared:

  • application for deregistration of the vehicle;
  • the original and a copy of the technical passport of the car (PTS);
  • front and rear numbers of the car;
  • vehicle owner's passport;
  • registration certificate (STS);
  • canceled receipt for payment of duty.

With the complete disposal of the machine or in connection with the loss of documents, one application for deregistration and an explanatory note is sufficient.

Not only the owner of the car, but also his authorized representative can deregister a car. If for some reason the owner of the car does not have the opportunity or time to visit the traffic police department to deregister the car, then he can transfer his authority by proxy to another person with an instruction to perform this action. This must be notarized.

When applying for deregistration, the applicant should indicate the reason why this action is being taken, and the necessary information:

  • when leaving the country, write it down like this: “in connection with the departure to such and such a country”;
  • when handing over for full disposal, it must be attributed that numbers and a registration certificate are attached to the application, a certificate for vehicle components is not needed;
  • when handing over for partial disposal, it must be indicated that a certificate is required for the unit or part to be left (motor, chassis or body);
  • in order to punish a negligent buyer who is in no hurry to register the purchased car on time, the former owner may act not quite honestly: apply for car recycling, indicating that the documents and numbers are lost. Although this is a wrong act, but according to the law, he is formally the owner of the car and can dispose of it at his discretion. Then the new owner of the car will have big problems with registration and its legal operation.

Video: How to deregister a car through the public services website

To save time, you can pre-register in the queue for an appointment at any nearest traffic police department by phone or via the Internet. To deregister a car online, you need z. After registering on the portal, an application is filled in in electronic format. Then you need to come to the chosen one with all the necessary documents and a printed application and hand over the documents to the reception window. The advantage of deregistering a car through public services is that you do not need to stand in line and you can choose a convenient time to visit the traffic police, which simplifies the procedure.

Examination in the traffic police when removing the car from the register

After reviewing and signing the application for deregistration, having received back the documents, you need to deliver the car to the observation deck for its inspection. In order for him to have any complaints about the condition of the car, he should first wash it at the sink, including the engine compartment, as the inspector will check the numbers and VIN codes of the engine, chassis and body.

After checking whether the car is stolen or impounded, checking the unit numbers with the data in the registration certificate, the inspector makes a note on the application form that the deregistration is allowed. After that, the application with the expert's mark, along with the rest of the documents and license plates, is submitted again to the same window where the application form was received. After a certain period of time, a personal passport, a vehicle registration certificate with a deregistration mark, and a transit number will be issued to the owner of the car. The registration certificate is not returned.

Features of deregistration of a car

Due to going abroad

When leaving with a permanent stay abroad, the old numbers are rented out, and in return, “Transit” signs are issued. Appropriate entries and marks are made in the registration certificate or a new registration certificate is issued. The transit signs are valid for 20 days. For driving with expired signs, a fine of 500-800 rubles is provided.

How to deregister a car for recycling

When registering a car for recycling, it is required to remove it from the registration register. To do this, you need to prepare the same package of documents that is listed above. The application indicates the purpose of deregistration, as full or partial disposal. The procedure is also similar to the example above. The differences are that with complete disposal, the car may not be provided for inspection by the traffic police. Upon completion of the procedure, the owner is issued a personal passport, a registration certificate, a disposal certificate and a register statement on deregistration.

In case of partial disposal (good and marked components and assemblies are released), the car is submitted for inspection and reconciliation of unit numbers. If he is not on the move, then the expert is called to the house. In this case, the inspector must issue a certificate for the remaining unit of the car. The cost of deregistration during disposal is 350 rubles of state duty, which is paid for issued certificates for vacant numbered units.

Deregistration in case of car theft

After the owner of the stolen car turned to the police with a complaint about the kidnapping and initiation of a criminal case, he should write an application to the traffic police for deregistration. However, this must be done after receiving notification from the police that the criminal case has been suspended or terminated. The following documents are required to deregister a car in case of theft:

  • personal passport of the owner of the car;
  • vehicle registration certificate (if any);
  • notification from the police;
  • deregistration application.

How to deregister a car in 2020? This question often arises among people who want to perform manipulation in the traffic police.

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Performing the action is not difficult, however, the car owner who decides to part with the car must know the basic nuances of the procedure. To do this, you need to study up-to-date information on the topic.

What you need to know

Today, there are a number of situations, upon the occurrence of which it is necessary to perform such a manipulation.

These include:

  • the car was stolen;
  • the car is deregistered for recycling;
  • the owner leaves the Russian Federation for a long period of time and at the same time takes the car with him;
  • the new owner of the purchased car did not register it in a timely manner.

If a vehicle was stolen, its owner must contact the nearest traffic police department and write the appropriate one.

For obvious reasons, the operation is performed without a car. If the investigation of the incident is successful and the car is found, it can be re-registered at a later date.

If a person wants to deregister a car because he is going to dispose of it, first you need to decide in what form the procedure will be performed.

The owner can dispose of the car in whole or in part. The first type of procedure is resorted to when the machine is not completely working.

In this situation, all its parts and components are destroyed. In the second situation, only some parts are subject to recycling.

In this case, the car is deregistered, and the car owner is released from the need to pay.

If a person is going to leave Russia by vehicle for a long time, he must be deregistered.

Arriving at a new place of residence, the owner of the car will have to contact the local state body involved in registration and re-register the car.

When selling a car, deregistration may also be required.

If you study the current rules, it turns out that the new owner of the car is obliged to register it within 10 days.

If this does not happen, the seller must personally contact the government agency and deregister the car.

Otherwise, the sold car will remain with the original owner.

This means that all accrued fines and other sanctions applied will have to be repaid by the person who sold the car a long time ago.

Basic concepts

To perform the procedure correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with the concepts that appear during its execution.

So, if the registration of the vehicle is terminated, this means that after a while the car will be registered again.

If a person wants to remove the vehicle from the register, it is understood that re-registration will not be performed.

Previously, the owner of a vehicle was required to perform a withdrawal every time they decided to sell the vehicle.

However, on October 15, 2013, it entered into force. Legal act allowed car owners to sell them along with the numbers.

This has led to the fact that the need for mandatory deregistration of the vehicle has disappeared.

Why is it needed

Deregistration or de-registration procedures are carried out when the owner of the car does not use it and does not wish to pay transport tax.

The choice of the operation to be carried out in relation to the car depends on the specifics of the event.

So, according to the current legislation, the termination of registration of a car is carried out in the following cases:

  • the vehicle has been lost;
  • the car was stolen;
  • registration was completed for a certain period, which has come to an end;
  • the car has been sold;
  • decided to terminate the contract, and the car was registered for the borrower only for a limited period.

There are much fewer situations when it is necessary to deregister a car.

Such an operation is performed if the owner of the car is going to take it outside the Russian Federation or plans to dispose of the car.

More often than other manipulations, the registration of a car is terminated due to the sale.

Having transferred the rights to the car to another owner, a person cannot be sure that he has registered the car on time.

For this reason, the former owner of the car decides to deregister it. To perform the manipulation, you must perform the following steps:

If up to this point the new owner of the car has not yet registered it for himself, the registration will stop automatically.

Legal framework

Before you remove the car from the register with the tax office after the sale, you must familiarize yourself with the document that regulates the procedure.

The main regulatory legal act, the content of which should be known to every person who is going to carry out the registration procedure or deregister a car -.

It contains the reasons, the occurrence of which leads to the need to deregister the vehicle.

The main nuances of the procedure are also spelled out here. In addition, you will need to familiarize yourself with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 605.

The regulatory legal act describes in detail the implementation of the procedure and fixes the actions that must be performed in order to deregister the car.

It will be useful to study the provisions. The regulation was designed to simplify the functioning of state bodies and their interaction with each other.

Having studied the provisions federal law, the owner of the car will be able to find out what documentation the specialists of organizations cannot require during the deregistration of the car.

The basic concepts relating to the action to terminate the state registration of a car are contained in.


The nuances of the procedure may vary depending on its features.

However, today there is a standard scheme that a car owner who decides to deregister a vehicle must adhere to:

If there are no reasons preventing deregistration of the car, employees government agency perform the manipulation.

After the action is completed, the vehicle will no longer be registered with the former owner.

This means that he will save himself from having to pay tax on the old car and make other payments related to it.

Where to deregister a car (addresses in Moscow)

If a person needs to deregister a car in Moscow, this will not cause difficulties. In the capital there is whole list departments of government agencies that can be contacted.

As in other cities, the manipulation is performed by the traffic police. The car owner will have to visit one of the branches at:

The choice of branch depends only on the convenience of the client.

Required package of documents

The action cannot be performed without providing the necessary documentation.

If a person is thinking about how to deregister a car for sale under the new rules, he will need to prepare the following papers:

  • owner's passport;
  • an application written in accordance with the established form;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • confirming the payment of state duty.

Not always a person can independently submit the necessary documentation. If there is no possibility of personal appeal to state authorities, the owner of the vehicle may ask a third party to perform the action.

However, in this case, you will need to issue a power of attorney. The document will need to be notarized.

If through public services

To rent a car that no longer exists, it is not necessary to personally visit the branch of the relevant state body.

Today there is the possibility of remote manipulation. The action is performed through the website of the State Service.

Applying online can save you a lot of time. The motorist does not have to stand in a long queue to perform the necessary manipulations.

To deregister a car through the State Services website, you must:

Complete the registration procedure or log in to the page If you already have an account
Carefully study the existing menu and find the option "Vehicle registration" On the right there will be a column that allows you to remove the car from the register. By choosing it, the person will have to indicate the reason due to which the person wants to perform the manipulation.
The applicant will then be asked to select the address of the nearest institution Which will allow him to fulfill his plan. In addition, the applicant will have to choose the time at which it will be convenient for him to visit the branch of the state body
Next, you will need to fill out the proposed online form When the action is completed, the system will automatically process the application and send the request to the appropriate government agency
Then you need to wait for the decision of the organization to which the request was sent. Its employees will analyze the data received and, if they agree to perform the manipulation at the set time, they will contact the applicant by phone. In case of a negative response, the person will also be notified

Experts advise to give preference to this method. It allows you to avoid long queues in institutions.

In addition, the use of such a system of appeals allows you to relieve the organizations themselves.

Choosing a method, a person will not be able to avoid a personal visit to the office of a state body, but will be able to significantly save time.

Emerging nuances

The procedure for deregistration of a car can vary significantly depending on a number of nuances. To know how to act in a particular situation, it is necessary to study its features in advance.

How to deregister a car without a car and without documents

In life there may be different situations. There are cases when the owner needs to deregister a car, access to which is no longer available, as well as documents for it.

In this case, the car continues to be registered with the original owner. In this case, the owner of the car can contact the traffic police and write an application for disposal.

To perform the manipulation, only a passport is needed. When a person leaves a request, the car will no longer be registered with him.

Moreover, if the traffic police stop the car on the road, they will pick it up for subsequent scrapping.

According to the current legislation, the car owner can restore the documents for the vehicle if they have been lost.

However, you will need a car, because the procedure involves reconciliation of state registration plates with the data in the database. Sometimes providing numbers is enough to perform the manipulation.

If she's not on track (broken)

Current legislation allows you to deregister a car if it is not on the move, but it has not yet been scrapped.

To do this, a person will need to contact the traffic police and write a statement. This will protect the owner of an unused vehicle from paying taxes.

If the car breaks down, there are 2 options by which a person can remove it from the register - deliver the car to the traffic police using a tow truck or call an inspector at home.

Video: do I need to remove the car from the register when selling? How to protect yourself when selling a car

The second option is less expensive. In order for a traffic police officer to visit a person for inspection, you must contact the state body with the appropriate application.

At the same time, it is necessary to clarify whether the traffic police officer can get himself or whether it is necessary to deliver him to the place.

After the inspection is completed, it is necessary to attach the provided act to the package of documents and deregister the vehicle.

No purchase agreement

If there is no sale and purchase agreement, it will not be possible to remove the car from the register. A person will have to contact the buyer and complete the transaction in accordance with the established rules.

If there is no connection with him, the car can be put on the wanted list. When the buyer is found, you need to offer him to complete the transaction in accordance with the rules.

If the new owner of the car does not agree to perform the manipulation, the person will have the right to write an application for recycling.

Car sold by proxy

In the current legislation, the concept of “sale of a car by proxy” does not exist. Such an operation is a classic sale and purchase transaction, covered by a power of attorney.

In this case, the new owner does not become the full owner of the car.

The car continues to be registered with the person who handed it over. In this case, the old owner will have to continue to pay transport tax.

You can remove a car transferred from the register only by contacting its new owner.

In this case, you will have to issue a standard one and transfer the vehicle in accordance with the established rules.

If there is no opportunity to find a new owner, the former owner of the car may put the vehicle on the wanted list. In addition, a person can write an application for disposal.

However, this option should only be used as a last resort.

No numbers

If a registration plates are missing on the machine for any reason, this will not become an obstacle to its deregistration.

To perform the manipulation, a person will have to write a statement and supplement it with an explanatory note. The application must indicate the reason for the lack of numbers on the car.

No need to try to deceive government officials. If it turns out that the person decided to remove the car from the register and keep the numbers for himself, the traffic police specialists will oblige them to return them.

If she's under arrest

If the car is in the arrest, it will not be possible to remove it from the register. The point is that during this period registration actions cars are prohibited.

In addition, to perform the manipulation, documents will be required, which may not be available from its owner during the arrest of the car.

To be eligible to deregister a vehicle, a person must eliminate the reason the vehicle was impounded and get all rights to it back.

When transferring the vehicle to a new owner, you should clarify in the MREO how to deregister the car if it is sold under a sales contract. You can set up and cancel registration according to a simplified scheme. Package required documents and the process itself will differ depending on the reasons for deregistration of the vehicle.

To cancel the registration, the presence of a car on the territory of the MREO is not required. And when registering, it is necessary to have a technically sound car and the presence of the owner himself. The sale of a car under a sale and purchase agreement, without registration at the time of its conclusion, implies direct registration of the vehicle by the new owner.

When to deregister a car

From October 15, 2013 registration must be canceled in 4 situations. Namely:

  • Theft. The owner with an application for deregistration applies to the traffic police.
  • Disposal. To be exempt from tax on the vehicle, you need to cancel the registration.
  • Realization of a car abroad. When transferring a vehicle to another state, it must be deregistered in the Russian Federation.
  • If the previous owner sold the car, and the new owner did not register the car within 10 days and the tax came. The owner can apply to the State traffic inspectorate and remove it from registration. New owner it will not be able to register it on its own without the help of the previous owner.

In other situations, a simple change of data in the state register of cars is carried out. If the new owner has not removed the car from the register within 10 days provided by law, it is better to write an application for termination of registration.

Package of documents and application

You can deregister a car provided that all the requirements stipulated by the current legislation are met. To complete the procedure, traffic police officers will need to submit the following documents:

The statement in each individual case has a different content. When contacting the traffic police, you should indicate the reason why you need to complete this procedure:

  • export of the car to another state: “due to transportation of the vehicle abroad”;
  • complete disposal: “certificate for the remaining units is not needed, numbers and documents are attached”;
  • partial dismantling: “disposal of a car with obtaining a certificate for a specific part;
  • the sale of the vehicle and the lack of registration by the new owner during the time allotted by law, you can make a request for its destruction, with a note about the loss of documents, state numbers.

The state fee for changing the registration data will be 350 rubles. When disposing of a car, you will have to pay another 200 rubles. for obtaining a certificate for numbered spare parts. If the car is planned to be sent abroad, the cost of transit plates will cost about 1 thousand rubles.

Removing a vehicle for sale

The law provides that the new owner of the car after its purchase must re-register it independently. Deregistration of a vehicle in the traffic police is carried out if the following documentation is available:

  • owner's passport;
  • request for cancellation of registration;
  • payment document on the payment of state duty;
  • sales contract and its photocopies.

After filing the papers, the machine is checked for encumbrances. If you have a car loan, the entire loan amount must be repaid by the previous owner. Next, you will need to pay a transport fee, taxes, and pay for the services of an appraiser. Based on the results of the inspection of the vehicle, reconciliation of the transit number, examination of the vehicle, an inspection certificate is issued.

At the end of the procedure, the owner must receive the main package of documents:

  • account card;
  • registration certificate for the vehicle;
  • transit license plates;
  • tax receipt.

The state license plate belongs to the car itself and can be left behind the vehicle when changing ownership.

Video: How to deregister a car after sale?

Re-registration of a car without PrEP, is it possible or not

All operations for re-registration of the vehicle, at the legislative level, are called a change in credentials. It is possible to deregister a car after the sale only under a sales contract, without this document it is impossible to complete the procedure.

Even if the car is faulty and the owner wants to sell it for parts, it is still necessary to conclude an agreement. Next, the buyer registers the car himself.

Cancellation of registration in the MREO does not depend on the location of the vehicle on the territory of the Russian Federation, on the place of its registration, or the registration of the owner. This operation can be carried out throughout the country. To speed up the procedure, a simplified version is possible.

But, how to find out if the car is deregistered after the sale in order to avoid possible problems in the future- contact the State traffic inspectorate or go to the website of the State Services on the corresponding page of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "registration of a car and trailers to it." By specifying the requested data, the user will receive a response.

It is necessary to remove the vehicle from state registration in case of its partial or complete disposal, export abroad, theft, and if the buyer promised to re-register the vehicle for himself, but does not register it and it is still registered with the previous owner. The procedure is fully regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and must meet the established requirements.

Despite the fact that the press service of the traffic police actively informs car owners through various media for any reason, the moment of how to deregister a car in 2019 is still not fully clarified, and drivers have a lot of questions. Let's try to deal with the most common of them.

But first, let me remind you that since October 15, 2013 It is necessary to deregister a vehicle only in four cases:

  1. Vehicle theft case. In such a situation, the driver applies to the traffic police with an application for deregistration.
  2. In case of disposal. In order to stop accruing taxes on your vehicle, you need to deregister the car.
  3. In case of sale abroad. Remove the car from the register if you plan to sell it to another country.
  4. If the new owner of the vehicle has not registered it within 10 days, then the former owner has the right to deregister the car by contacting the traffic police. But it is undesirable to do this, because a deregistered car will no longer be able to be registered (this is cruel). In such cases, you just need to write an application for termination of registration!

In all other cases, this operation will be called a change of registration data.

Well, now let's move on to the answers to questions that still worry car owners.

The car is not running: how to deregister?

Many car owners during its sale think about how to remove the car from the register if it is not running. I answer, in such a situation, deregistration is impossible! If you are going to sell your car not on the move, for example, for spare parts, then the buyer will deal with accounting problems.

In such cases, it is necessary to write in 3 copies, leave your signature in the TCP indicating the date of sale. And that's it! Further, the buyer of the car is engaged in its design for himself.

After 10 days, you can check the registration of the sold car for the buyer in the traffic police. If the sold car has not yet been re-registered, then you can file an application to terminate the registration with a clear conscience. This is how you keep yourself out of trouble.

How to deregister a car in the absence of a car and documents?

Not every driver knows how to deregister a car without a car and without documents. In this case, you can use only one option: write an application directly to the local head of the traffic police to deregister the car due to its disposal.

This is a fairly simple procedure that will not take you much time. At the same time, do not miss one nuance: your application must be written in two copies.

Option to deregister a car in another city

First, let's see if it is possible to deregister a car in another city? Can. And in 2019, the actions that need to be taken in this matter are reduced by law to a minimum.

Deregistration in no way depends on the region of registration of the vehicle, also does not depend on the location of the car within the Russian Federation, and certainly has nothing to do with the place of registration of the car owner.

Principles of deregistration of a car during disposal

Each machine has its own service life and operation. After the expiration of this period, the thought may visit you, but how to remove the car from the register for disposal?

Here is a list of situations in which she can undergo this process:

  • further operation of the car is impossible, since it cannot be repaired;
  • in case of complete uselessness of your vehicle, and you do not want to sell it for units and separate numbered units.

If the car has become unusable, you need to come to the traffic police, you do not need to provide a vehicle. Bring the following list of documents with you:

  • passport;
  • PTS (if any);
  • certificate of registration (if any);
  • registration plates (numbers, if any);
  • if necessary, a power of attorney.

As you can see, it is possible to write off a car for scrap without documents for it, it is enough to show your passport and write an application.

You can download:

  • application form for car recycling -;
  • form of the act (certificate) on the disposal of the machine -.

In case of loss of a certificate of disposal (sometimes this happens), you can get a duplicate from the traffic police.

If you are interested in the question of how to deregister an emergency vehicle, then the procedure for processing documents is identical.

The owner is not exempted from deregistration of the car even if his emergency car cannot be restored. In any case, there will be a recycling process.

For reference. The recycling fee is valid only for cars imported or rolled off the assembly line after August 1, 2012.

Car deregistration after sale

It happens that the question arises of how to remove the car from the register after the sale. Since October 2013, this procedure has been simplified to primitive actions. The seller does not have to worry about anything else - he sells his own vehicle without removing it from the register. And the buyer goes to any traffic police and there in his name.

But if he (the buyer) does not do this within 10 days (if such cunning), then you have the right to write an application to the MREO traffic police to terminate registration.

Rules for deregistration in another region

According to the law, it is possible to deregister a car from October 15, 2013 in any traffic police without worrying about the whereabouts of the car.

I also hasten to note that according to the laws in force in 2019, the state number of the vehicle now belongs exclusively to one car and is assigned to the car when the owner changes. True, if desired, it is possible to save old numbers for the seller of the vehicle, more on this:.


I can remind you that earlier in the process of buying and selling a vehicle, the seller had to remove the car from the register and hand over the state numbers to the inspection. After the transaction, the buyer had to wait at the place of his registration and wait for the receipt of new registration plates. Luckily, that's in the past!


Another nice feature of the relatively new laws is the ability to make duplicate numbers. This applies in case of loss or theft of state signs. This procedure will greatly simplify the life of ordinary car owners. And for some, this can become a business, because next to the traffic police departments, there are more and more companies ready to help in changing the number every day.

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