Increased platelets in a child 1. Increased platelets in a child

Platelets are responsible for blood clotting and influence the process of stopping bleeding. They are produced by special cells in the bone marrow. They are short-lived, their lifespan is 10 days. New ones arise to replace the old ones that have become obsolete. Let's consider the situation if the analysis showed that the platelets in the child's blood are elevated and what does this mean?

Thrombocytosis in children

The platelet count characterizes the state of human health. Their number depends on age: the norm of platelets in children under one year of age is no more than 340*10^9 units/l. For children beyond infancy, the normal platelet count is 200–310 thousand. In teenage girls, during the establishment of the menstrual cycle, the quantitative indicator of these cells can drop to 80 * 10^9 units/l.

An increase in the number of platelets leads to thrombocytosis, and when they decrease, thrombocytotenia develops. The number of these cells is determined by drawing blood. In most cases, it is taken from a finger.

In an infant, blood is drawn from a toe. No extensive preparation for the study is required. The analysis is carried out before the next feeding or 2 hours after eating.

Data may not be reliable enough when using certain medications, hypothermia, or physical fatigue.

To gain complete confidence in the correctness of the survey findings, it must be completed at least three times with an interval of 3 days. The analysis is prepared quickly, you can get the result in a few hours.


It is recommended to conduct a test to detect thrombocytosis if the child suffers from frequent nosebleeds and easily develops bruises. You should get tested if you have bleeding gums, weakness, or frequent dizziness. If a child suffers from autoimmune diseases or iron deficiency anemia, the number of these cells must be counted.

You should know: for cancer, enlarged spleen and serious viral infections Platelet levels may also be high.


The clonal form of thrombocytosis is especially dangerous. Let's try to figure out what this means. In this type of thrombocythemia, bone marrow stem substances are destroyed by the tumor. Therefore, the rate of platelet formation becomes increased and is no longer controlled by the body.

Their structure also changes: they acquire enormous sizes and fuzzy shapes. Most often, the body’s activity is disrupted due to malignant tumors such as lung sarcoma, kidney cancer, and lymphogranulomatosis.

Which doctor should I contact?

If the platelet count in a child’s blood is elevated, you should contact a hematologist. He will conduct diagnostics, analyze research results and prescribe competent treatment to improve the patient’s condition.

In addition to the platelet level, the number of leukocytes and other quantitative indicators are determined. In the laboratory, you can get advice from a qualified specialist who will interpret the general analysis data in an accessible language.


To treat high platelet levels, you can use drugs from the group of anticoagulants; they affect the process of blood clotting. The use of medications that enhance immunity is also important.

With thrombocytosis caused by cancer, you cannot do without antitumor drugs. If the disease is severe, plateletpheresis sessions are necessary. With its help, the body is freed from the increased content of blood platelets.

You can reduce the number of platelets in a child’s blood using therapeutic nutrition:

  1. It is useful to eat foods that prevent the formation of blood clots. An excellent effect is observed when using olive oil, fish oil, lemons, berries, and tomato juice. The menu must include dishes rich in magnesium.
  2. With insufficient fluid intake, an increased concentration of platelets often occurs. Preference should be given to green tea and plain still water.
  3. The consumption of bananas, pomegranates and walnuts is not recommended.

Video on the topic

A high platelet count, or thrombocytosis, indicates an excess of the cells that help blood clot. Only in 1 - 5% of cases, low platelets in a child are detected immediately after birth. The norm in children ranges from 150 to 350 thousand per microliter of blood, but an overestimated level is not always a pathology. The indicator is determined by a general blood test to diagnose many changes in the body and determine bone marrow function. In the absence of other symptoms, thrombocytosis is usually safe. A complete blood count involves counting cells per cubic millimeter. Platelets only live for 10 days, so their renewal determines the body's ability to stop bleeding and begin the healing process. Let's consider what the platelet rate is and how dangerous the condition is when a child has elevated platelets in the blood.

The norm of platelets in the blood of children is calculated by age in thousands of units:

  • newborns - 100 – 420;
  • 10 days of life and up to a year -150 – 390;
  • after a year 180 – 380;
  • in teenage girls at the onset of menstrual bleeding, the normal plt is 75 – 220.

After 16 years, normal platelet counts become smaller and reach the adult level of 180 - 360 thousand, and the decoding will be based on this value.

A fasting blood test is taken from a finger or toe for newborns. The results table includes red blood cells, ESR, hemoglobin and others. The indicators are considered as a whole, suggesting why deviations occur. Emotional and physical stress, including hypothermia, can change the number of blood platelets. To check, a repeat analysis is done five days later. Usually the transcript of the analysis is ready the next day, but in a hospital setting - after a few hours. Most often, the increase in platelets in a child is insignificant, and doctors choose a wait-and-see approach.

In childhood, abnormalities in coagulation are often detected in blood tests, as evidenced by frequent bleeding from the nose and gums, and spontaneous bruises on the body. If there are complaints of weakness and dizziness, numbness in the arms and legs, the doctor also examines the level of platelets in the child’s blood.

Indications for blood tests are serious diseases:

  • lupus erythematosus and other autoimmune processes;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • blood cancer;
  • viral infections;
  • enlargement of the spleen, in which processed blood cells accumulate.

Since blood cells are constantly renewed, increased platelets in a child’s blood are observed in the following cases:

  1. Overproduction of blood platelets in the bone marrow.
  2. Problems with cell utilization in the spleen.
  3. Circulatory disorders due to physical and emotional stress, which is typical for young children.

The normal platelet count in children can be disrupted regardless of gender and age, but thrombocytosis is diagnosed when the number exceeds 800 thousand/liter or more. This condition requires mandatory examination.

Causes of thrombocytosis

There are several types of thrombocytosis caused by a violation of the hematopoietic mechanism:

  • clonal is associated with the production of defective cells due to bone marrow tumors, which can cause platelet counts to greatly increase;
  • primary is caused by the proliferation of areas of red bone marrow and excess production of cells, which is triggered by genetic diseases or occurs with myeloid leukemia and erythremia.

At the same time, the size and shape of the cells change.

The causes of increased platelets can be grouped as follows:

  1. Reactive thrombocytosis develops against the background of a previous illness (pneumonia, upper respiratory or urinary tract infection, iron deficiency anemia, surgery, bleeding or burn). There are no thrombotic or hemorrhagic symptoms. Platelets increase secondarily in children due to infection, iron deficiency, taking certain medications, chronic inflammation or tissue damage, cancer, or removal of the spleen. In almost 80% of cases, this condition is mild for the child, in 7% of cases moderate symptoms develop, and in 3% treatment is required.
  2. Essential, or primary, thrombocytosis manifests itself in the appearance of multiple hematomas on the body and a tendency to headaches. The disorder is usually familial and is associated with a gene mutation. The disease develops rarely: one in a million. The baby's blood platelets increase to levels above 600,000 per microliter, and the spleen enlarges. A prolonged and unexplained increase in the number of cells, the appearance of deformed or abnormal elements require investigation, since they can affect blood clotting. The most common symptoms are headache, dizziness, changes in vision, numbness or burning pain in the arms and legs.

Platelet levels increase due to several conditions:

  1. After removal of the spleen, the destruction of old cells slows down, and the formation of new ones leads to their accumulation. The body produces antiplatelet antibodies, trying to reduce the production of blood platelets.
  2. Inflammation in the body increases the production of the hormone thrombopoietin, which stimulates the creation of blood cells to suppress inflammation. Interleukins are constantly produced, and platelets are increased in response. The interpretation of the blood test indicates inflammation.
  3. Malignant tumors produce substances that stimulate megakaryocytes in the bone marrow to produce cells, which is typical for lung sarcoma, renal hypernephroma, and lymphogranulomatosis.

If the body experiences frequent blood loss due to intestinal ulcers, then an increased level of platelets is recorded. Sometimes changes in blood composition become a sign of folic acid deficiency. Tuberculosis, anemia, rheumatism, osteomyelitis, bone fractures, and amyloidosis can cause an increased number of platelets in the blood.

The drugs have side effects associated with thrombocytosis: Epinephrine, Adrenaline, Vincristine, corticosteroids.

Factors that cause increased platelets in the blood can be divided into several groups:

Signs of thrombocytosis and thrombocytopenia

The most common symptoms of platelet dysfunction are:

  • purpura (hematomas associated with blood seeping into tissue);
  • petechiae (tiny hemorrhages in the form of dots on the skin);
  • nosebleeds;
  • bleeding in the mouth and/or gums;
  • blood in stool, urine and vomit;
  • intracranial hemorrhage.

Primary thrombocytosis has the following symptoms:

  • enlarged spleen;
  • bleeding in the digestive tract;
  • soreness of the fingertips;
  • severe skin itching;
  • convulsions, lethargy, sleep disturbances;
  • pain in the kidney area and problems with urination.

In childhood, an increased level of platelets in the blood is accompanied by the formation of bruises even with the slightest impact on the skin, bleeding gums and nosebleeds, constantly cold hands and feet, headaches and rapid pulse.

If plt in a blood test is elevated for the first time, an additional examination is prescribed:

  • abdominal cavity and pelvis;
  • blood clotting;
  • iron in the blood and C-reactive protein;
  • bone marrow conditions.

An increased platelet count in children can be corrected through nutrition. To reduce blood viscosity, you need to drink enough liquid, give your child berry fruit drinks, fish oil or olive oil. Drugs that improve circulation (Myelosan, Myelobromol and cytostatics) help reduce the number of coagulation elements in primary thrombocytosis.

Platelets in newborns

A low platelet count in a baby is one of the most common hematological problems occurring in the neonatal period. A distinctive feature of the pathology is lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, and in newborns - petechiae, purpura and the risk of intracranial hemorrhage. A condition in which the analysis shows few platelets in the blood of a child in the first days of life is called neonatal thrombocytopenia. Pathology is determined by a decrease in the number of blood platelets to 150 thousand per liter of blood. Especially often, low platelets are detected in intensive care units in approximately 22% of cases and in 1–5% of full-term children at birth.

The complex process of cell production is presented in four main steps:

  1. Production of thrombopoietic factors.
  2. Formation of megakaryocytes by progenitor cells.
  3. Differentiation and maturation of cells in the process of endomitosis and cytoplasmic changes.
  4. Release of platelets into the circulating blood.

These stages are the same for both adults and infants. However, studies have recognized significant biological differences between thrombopoiesis in children and adults. The concentration of factors in healthy full-term and premature newborns is higher than in healthy adults. At the same time, immediately after birth, children have a reduced average platelet volume, but progenitor cells are profiled faster.

Congenital thrombocytopenia is a pathology associated with gene mutations that reduce the number of blood platelets. The average platelet volume below normal is recorded in premature babies born to women who experienced severe toxicosis and preeclampsia during pregnancy. A decrease occurs with intrauterine heart defects.

Most often, a child’s platelets are low due to active destruction as a result of an autoimmune disease or severe intoxication.

Platelets stop bleeding by sticking to the affected tissue and begin the healing process. Pediatricians rarely prescribe examinations when platelets in an infant are elevated after infectious diseases, colds and rotavirus. A critical number is one that exceeds 1000 units or higher. The remaining increase is considered to be the body's response to infection and inflammation. The absence of complaints about the general condition indicates the absence of serious pathology.

Platelets are tiny blood cells that do not have a nucleus. They are produced by megakaryocytes - bone marrow cells. The main function of platelets is to ensure blood clotting, that is, they are elements that stop its flow.

Deviation of their quantity from permissible norm up or down is fraught with serious negative consequences.

For example, low coagulability can lead to death even if there is little tissue damage. But also high level platelets are also dangerous to health.

What to do when a child’s platelets are elevated? The answer to this important question can be obtained by familiarizing yourself with the properties of this blood component and its effect on health.

Mechanism of action

It may seem strange that such tiny blood cells play such a significant role in the functioning of the body. How does this happen?

The bottom line is this: platelets accumulate in large numbers where there is tissue damage, accompanied by blood loss. Here they connect and collapse, forming a protective sphere in the form of a blood clot, which stops the bleeding.

In addition to performing this function, blood platelets provide nutrition to the protective layer of blood vessels - the endothelium.

Platelet rate

Detection of high platelets in a child’s blood does not make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis, but determines the direction of further actions in the examination.

Exceeding acceptable values ​​indicates the presence of pathology. This is why it is so important to know the level of these elements.

In laboratory tests, the numerical value of platelets is indicated by an abbreviation (from Platelets - plate).

The number of blood cells changes with age, as is clearly demonstrated by the table showing valid values norms:

A physiological feature is significant deviations from the norm in girls at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. These values ​​can range from 75,000 to 220,000 µl.

Indicators for children under one year old

High platelet values ​​in the first years of life are explained by the intensive development of all organs and systems of the baby. Accordingly, the number of blood platelets that ensure normal blood clotting increases rapidly.

In an infant maximum values are considered the norm. The platelet count stabilizes from 3 to 8 years. The average platelet volume of 160,000-380,000 µl remains until adulthood.

The need for timely examination

In order to regularly monitor the child’s health, on the recommendation of a pediatrician, it is necessary to systematically conduct a general blood test. This will make it possible to track all the processes occurring in the body..

Determining platelet levels is important component such an analysis.

Progress of the procedure

Blood for testing is taken from a vein or finger. In infants - from the vein on the leg, sometimes from the heel.

Although no preparation is required before the analysis, simple rules should still be followed:

  1. Before the procedure, do not eat, you can drink.
  2. For infants, blood is taken for analysis before feeding or 2-3 hours after it.
  3. Eliminate emotional and physical stress.
  4. Avoid hypothermia.
  5. Notify your doctor about taking any medicines.

All of these factors can affect the results. To obtain the most reliable indicators, it is recommended to conduct blood tests 3 times at intervals of 2-3 days.

Blood sampling to determine platelet levels is carried out at a district clinic or specialized diagnostic center. Test results can be obtained within a few hours.

Alarm Signals

Particular concern should be given to:

  • the appearance of bruises in the child;
  • blood from the nose;
  • bleeding gums.

You can’t ignore your child’s complaints about headache, lack of appetite, drowsiness.

Primary thrombosis is accompanied by an enlarged spleen, the formation of blood clots in the vessels, and bleeding in the digestive organs.

In this case it is observed:

  • severe itching;
  • painful sensations in fingers and toes;
  • high pulse;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • coldness in the extremities.

Such symptoms should not be ignored and require mandatory consultation with a doctor in order to identify the cause of this condition.

Indications for examination

The need for regular blood examinations arises if the following pathologies are observed:

  • anemia caused by a lack of iron in the child’s body;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncological blood pathologies;
  • diseases of the spleen.

In the presence of such pathologies, examination should be carried out strictly according to the doctor’s recommendation. In other cases, for preventive purposes - once a year. Timely detection of deviations from the norm will be a prerequisite for preventing serious consequences.

Reasons for violations

In most cases in childhood (including infancy), the main cause is the following pathological conditions:

  1. Significant excess of production of flat blood cells by the bone marrow. This is erythremia.
  2. Disturbance in the process of utilization of blood platelets, observed after removal of the spleen.
  3. Redistribution of platelets in the bloodstream. Manifests itself as a result of emotional stress and depression.

The diagnosis of “thrombocytosis” is made when there are significant deviations from the norm: below 10,000 and above 500,000 μl. Temporary changes in indicators after ARVI and other colds are corrected during an adequate course of treatment.

Types of thrombocytosis

Identification of the root cause of high platelet counts is only possible based on the results of a thorough blood study followed by examination of the patient using instrumental devices.

A complex disease, which is accompanied by an increase in platelet levels in the blood, has two etiological forms. They develop as a result of a number of factors:

  1. Primary thrombocytosis. This is a hereditary disease. Less commonly, it develops against the background of myeloid leukemia and erythremia.
  2. Secondary thrombocytosis. The provocateur of this type of pathology is viral and bacterial infections: hepatitis, pneumonia, toxoplasmosis and even ARVI. Any inflammation caused by infection is accompanied by a significant increase in platelets.
  3. In the blood test, in addition to the cases described, a high level of blood cells is detected after surgery. Most often after removal of the spleen.

Stress or physical fatigue suffered by a child becomes a prerequisite for an increase in platelets.


The main focus of therapeutic treatment is blood thinning measures. This is explained by the fact that when platelets in children are significantly elevated, this is accompanied by thickening of this biological fluid.

Methods such as medicines and following a diet that includes foods that help normalize flat blood cell levels.

This takes into account the fact that blood thinning alone cannot eliminate the root cause that contributes to the increase in indicators.

Drug therapy

Depending on the type of pathology, an individual course is selected for young patients:

  1. In the treatment of primary thrombocytosis, Myelosan and Myelobromol from the group of cytostatics are prescribed.
  2. Complex forms of the disease require platelet elimination using a special procedure - thrombocytopheresis.
  3. In order to prevent the possibility of blood cells sticking together, drugs are used to improve blood microcirculation - Aspirin, Trental. Prescription of Aspirin is allowed only in the absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Detection of blood clots or symptoms of ischemia suggests the appointment of Bivalirudin, Argotoban and Heparin. In this case, the platelet count is examined daily.
  5. Treatment of secondary thrombocytosis necessarily involves eliminating the pathology that was the root cause of the excess of normal values. This prevents the formation of blood clots.

Increased blood cell values ​​return to normal after the underlying disease is eliminated.

If there are hematopoietic defects, you cannot do without the use of special drugs that help thin the blood and lower the number of platelets. But they should be taken strictly as prescribed by a doctor - pediatrician or hematologist, observing the recommended dosage.

The role of nutrition

In addition to treatment medications, it is recommended to pay special attention to the use of products in the child’s menu that help reduce high platelet counts.

It is advisable to provide feeding for a child up to one year old breast milk, but at the same time the mother needs to reconsider her diet, enrich it with vitamins and essential microelements.

For older children, in order to consolidate the effect of using medications, it is necessary to introduce into the menu products that have the property of thinning the blood.

The most beneficial effect on the level of platelets in the blood is exerted by the consumption of the following foods:

  • red beets;
  • lemon juice with pulp and chopped zest;
  • cranberry and sea buckthorn fresh juice;
  • seafood;
  • pomegranates;
  • garlic;
  • dairy products - sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir.

Consuming grape juice and red meat also contributes to a decrease in platelets. Fish oil and flaxseed oil should be an essential component of a balanced diet.

Drinking sufficient fluids also has a beneficial effect on platelet levels and prevents blood clotting. In addition to simple boiled water, the child is offered compote, vegetable decoction, green tea.

Possible consequences

The greatest danger is the possibility of blood clots. They can clog the lumen of the vessel. As a result, edema, vascular stenosis, coronary artery disease, thromboembolism, and heart attack appear. This is fraught with a threat not only to the health, but also to the life of the child.

Prevention of thrombocytosis, in addition to proper nutrition, includes timely contact with specialists when alarming symptoms appear.

It is also important to conduct a thorough examination not only if increased indicators, but also for preventive purposes twice a year.

Pay attention to your well-being, follow the doctor’s instructions, follow the recommendations for proper nutrition are the key to good health of the child.

Hello dear readers. In this article you will learn what thrombocytosis means. Find out what signs characterize the presence of this condition. You will learn what can affect your platelet count. Let's talk about possible treatment.

general information

If they are elevated in a child, this means thrombocytosis is occurring. This phenomenon contributes to increased thrombus formation.

Based on what exactly provoked the increase in the number of platelets, they distinguish:

  • the primary form is the result of abnormalities in the production of blood platelets, for example, when bone marrow tumors grow;
  • secondary - thrombocytosis is a sign indicating a certain disease.

Why does it occur

An increase in platelets may be due to the presence of ulcerative colitis

The growth of blood platelets is influenced by the following factors:

  • presence of erythremia;
  • inhibition of the process of platelet destruction;
  • unequal distribution of blood platelets - typical in the presence of overvoltage.

When laboratory tests reveal that thrombocytosis occurs, it is very important to identify as quickly as possible the exact cause that influenced the development of this condition.

Thrombocytosis can occur in children of any age. We can talk about such a diagnosis when there is a significant increase in platelets. Much more common is a slight excess of the upper limits of the norm.

Secondary thrombocytosis develops against the background of such pathologies:

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • rheumatism (active form);
  • infections, acute and chronic;
  • result of spleen removal;
  • , in particular tubular;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • severe blood loss;
  • multiple surgical interventions;
  • oncology;
  • amyloidosis.

In the secondary form of thrombocytosis, the structure of the blood platelets does not change.

In addition to diseases, the use of certain medications can affect the growth of this indicator, namely side effects these drugs, for example, epinephrine, adrenaline, corticosteroids.

Characteristic manifestations

General weakness may indicate the presence of thrombocytosis

The following signs may indicate that a child has thrombocytosis:

  • heaviness in the legs, their swelling;
  • cyanosis of lips and limbs;
  • painful sensations in the fingers;
  • cold extremities.


If for the first time a deviation has been identified that exceeds the normal limits, it is advisable to conduct an additional examination.

  • identification of c-reactive protein content;
  • determination of ferritin and serum iron levels;
  • study of the coagulation system;
  • consultation with a hematologist, if necessary;
  • If a specialist suspects any pathologies of the circulatory system, he will refer you for a bone marrow test.

It is important to understand that early diagnosis promotes timely identification of the problem and initiation of treatment in the early stages. It is important to listen to the doctor’s opinion, follow his recommendations, and not self-medicate when thrombocytosis is detected.

What is the danger

Possible blockage of blood vessels

  1. As a result of excess platelets in the blood, the clotting process accelerates.
  2. Platelet agglutination and vascular blockage are observed. This leads to the formation of blood clots.
  3. It is necessary to understand that this phenomenon has a serious impact on the functioning of organs. This condition will be especially dangerous if there is blockage of blood vessels leading to the brain or heart. The likelihood of developing a stroke or heart attack increases.


Parents should know that if thrombocytosis is present, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and, if necessary, visit a hematologist.

  1. Therapy is determined taking into account the disease, which entailed changes in the quantitative composition of platelets. Then the basis of treatment will be aimed specifically at getting rid of a specific disease.
  2. If changes in the bone marrow are to blame, medications are prescribed that inhibit the production of new platelets.
  3. Along with this, blood thinning medications are also prescribed.

It is unacceptable to independently treat thrombocytosis.

Diet food

In a situation where there is a slight increase in platelets, the use of medications is not justified. The doctor will recommend changes to the child's feeding process.

The following foods should be included in the diet:

  • fortified with calcium, in particular dairy products;
  • high in iodine, such as seafood and seaweed;
  • high in iron, such as liver and green apples;
  • that affect the blood thinning process, for example, cranberries or ginger.

The following should be excluded from the diet:

  • nuts;
  • lentils;
  • grenades.

It is important to consume a sufficient amount of fluid appropriate for the baby's age.

Preventive measures

Before preventing platelet growth, you need to follow certain recommendations.

  1. You need to consume a sufficient amount of foods containing vitamins and microelements.
  2. Take enough fluids appropriate for the child's age.
  3. It is important to maintain a daily routine.
  4. It is necessary for the child to be outside every day; walks in the fresh air are necessary.
  5. Great importance should be given to playing sports.
  6. It is necessary to identify and treat diseases in a timely manner and not allow them to reach an advanced state.

Now you know how to behave if the platelets in your child’s blood are elevated. It is worth understanding that changes in this indicator can affect the baby’s well-being. It is very important to diagnose abnormalities in a timely manner and begin appropriate treatment.

Before you begin deciphering the analysis, it is worth understanding what platelets are. Platelets are blood platelets, the smallest formed elements of blood.

The formed elements of blood also include leukocytes and erythrocytes. Together with platelets, they make up the bulk of blood cells.

The functions of platelets are very diverse, but their role in the body is to control the performance of blood vessels by releasing various biological substances. The well-known function of platelets is their participation in the blood clotting process. In this case, platelet levels are associated with the formation of bleeding and blood clots.

Normal platelet count in children

Before we talk about pathological changes in the composition of the blood, let us dwell on the indicators that are normal.

In children under 1 year of age, the platelet count is 180 – 400 *10*9/l, then with age the number will gradually decrease to 160 – 360 *10*9/l.

Conditions in which platelets are elevated in a child

An increased number of platelets in the blood is called thrombocytosis.

The reasons for their increased level may be:

  • enhanced hematopoietic processes in the bone marrow, which leads to a high concentration of platelets in the blood and other formed elements;
  • high platelet consumption, as a result of which there is a compensatory increase in their number;
  • infectious process(tuberculosis);
  • taking medications and others.

A high level of platelets in the blood is dangerous because it thickens the blood and increases the risk of blood clots. Only a doctor can tell you more accurately whether a child’s platelets are elevated or not.

Low platelet count

A few words should be said about low platelet levels. Low platelet count in the blood – . Due to the fact that platelets take part in blood clotting processes, a lack of them in the blood can lead to bleeding.

The reason for a low platelet count in the blood may be, for example, inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis as a result of radiotherapy or if there are factors leading to their destruction in the blood. The latter may include autoimmune diseases. There are cases when thrombocytopenia is hereditary, for example, Wiskott-Aldrich, Bernard-Soulier syndrome.

You can tell that your child has platelet problems by the presence of a rash or bruises that quickly appear when touched.

Test to determine the level of platelets in the blood

What tests can be prescribed, including counting platelet levels in the blood? One of these tests is a general clinical blood test. This is a study of the level of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets together. Depending on the equipment the laboratory is equipped with, other blood parameters may be determined.

Most often, a hematology analyzer is used for general clinical blood analysis. Therefore, there are a number of factors influencing the reliability of the results.

Sometimes with inadequate or questionable indicators that do not correspond clinical picture, a separate platelet level test may be ordered. It is carried out manually, and in this case it is more reliable, as it helps to avoid erroneous readings from the device.

How to prepare properly

One of the important components when preparing for a general blood test is the emotional calm of mother and child. Drawing blood is stressful and can lead to fluctuations in your readings, so it’s best to be mentally prepared for it.

Blood must be donated on an empty stomach. But in infants this is difficult to comply with, so it is allowed to donate the material between feedings.

Also, the child’s hands should not be cold. At low temperatures capillaries spasm, blood flow slows down, and the procedure may be delayed.

It is important to sit or lay the child down so that he is comfortable.

Where to get tested for free and for a fee

If you have a compulsory medical insurance policy (mandatory health insurance) you should have your blood platelet level tested free of charge. If suddenly, for some reason, you do not have the desire or opportunity to visit your medical institution to which you are attached, then you can contact any medical center that provides paid services.

How much does platelet determination cost in Moscow laboratories?

Determining the number of platelets during a general clinical blood test in laboratories in Moscow will cost you 250-400 rubles; in addition, you may be required to pay money for taking blood. To avoid being deceived, visit the website of a specific medical center. There is almost always a price list there.

You can also additionally request a manual method of platelet counting (according to Fonio). It will cost you somewhere around 200-300 rubles. Some medical centers do not separately conduct manual platelet level testing, only as an additional method. Therefore, you need to be prepared for this.

When receiving the research results in person, for example, in a paid center, many parents immediately begin to explore the Internet. They check the level of platelets in the blood using unreliable sources, make their own conclusions, and prescribe treatment.

Parents who care about the health of their child will turn to a specialist, for example, a pediatrician or hematologist, for a transcript of the analysis. If deviations are detected, the patient will be referred to additional research methods to clarify the reasons.


To summarize, I would like to draw attention to the role platelets play in our body - maintaining the integrity of blood vessels. Deviation in one direction or another can lead to serious disturbances in the circulation of blood flow through the vessels. Therefore, you should not decipher the results yourself, much less self-medicate.

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