When entering a roundabout, who should you let through? Roundabout intersection: driving according to new rules

There are many complex nuances in the rules for driving around a roundabout in 2019. So, according to traffic rules, circular traffic must be carried out with the correct choice of lane, speed, use of lighting devices (turn signals), etc. But since November 2017, significant changes have been made to the Rules - now the road inside the roundabout is considered the main one.

Ensuring road safety is considered a legal responsibility of every driver. It can be realized only in one way - by following the Traffic Rules. Every driver should not only know, but also understand how to act in every situation on the road.

Roundabout road - what is it?

According to regulations, such intersections are considered to be sections of the road where two or more roads intersect, made in the form of an island in the center, around which traffic is carried out counterclockwise.

The latter applies only to roads with right-hand traffic. In countries where traffic is on the left, driving through such an intersection is clockwise. Thus, movement in a circle is carried out until the car leaves this area on the desired road.

Such intersections have their advantages. According to the traffic rules, it is impossible to regulate the roundabout at an intersection (for example, install a traffic light or a traffic controller). As already mentioned, in 2017 a new rule of passage was adopted - now the vehicle that moves inside the ring has priority in traffic. Vehicles entering the circle must give way. Thus, the ring is always considered the main road.

Important! The use of turn signals is optional when entering a roundabout. But it is always necessary when the driver changes lanes inside the ring and moves onto the road.

Roundabout sign

The traffic rules contain a special sign that informs the driver that there is a roundabout ahead. It is made in a round shape. On a blue background, three arrows are drawn in a circle, which show the counterclockwise direction. In regulations such a sign is referred to as 4.3.

Important! On roads with left-hand traffic, the direction of the arrows on the sign will be different - clockwise.

In connection with the adopted changes, starting from 2018, another one will be installed under this sign. We are talking about priority sign 2.4 or 2.5. These are the so-called “give way” (triangular in shape with a white background and a red frame) and “driving without stopping is prohibited” (red polyhedron with the word STOP in the middle). Their difference is that when driving near the second sign, the driver is obliged to stop in any case, even if there is no other vehicle on the road.

Thus, the driver before the intersection where traffic is carried out along the ring will see the following combination of signs:

  • Sign 4.3 “Circular traffic”;
  • Sign 2.4 “Give way” or 2.5 “driving without stopping is prohibited.”

Selecting a lane when driving through a roundabout

According to traffic regulations, it does not matter from which lane of the adjacent road the driver enters the roundabout. But inside the intersection there are some nuances that need to be taken into account.

If while driving there is a need to turn off the roundabout at the next exit, then, of course, it is advisable to take the far right lane in order to avoid an emergency.

Advice. If the driver knows that he will be entering a roundabout and will need to exit at the first exit, then it is best to immediately take the right lane before entering the roundabout.

What do you need to know when performing a maneuver?

First of all, traffic rules oblige every driver to be careful on the road. In the case of roundabouts, such attention should be realized as much as possible. Failure to comply with some requirements may lead to the creation of an emergency situation and a traffic accident.

When changing lanes, we must not forget about changing lanes correctly and turning on the turn signals. You also need to look carefully in the rear-view mirrors, but do not forget that in this case there are “dead zones”, because the car is moving in a circular path.

Important advice. Many drivers are poorly informed about innovations in traffic rules. Thus, out of habit, they can enter the circle without missing the cars that were moving there. Thus, it is advisable to observe the behavior of other cars that are driving around the circle and be extremely careful with them.

Fine for violating the rules for driving around the ring

If the driver drives the intersection incorrectly, violating traffic rules, he will be held accountable for his act. The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (COAP) provides for such a type of punishment as a fine. Its size will depend on how flagrantly the driver violated the rules, what the consequences could be, and also take into account the number of similar offenses committed by the driver over the last year.

There cannot be traffic lights or a traffic controller at a roundabout, so the driver cannot be charged with Article 12.12. Therefore, Article 12.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses regulates holding a driver liable for driving incorrectly at a roundabout. According to it, a driver who did not yield to other road users (including cars) who had the right of way in traffic is held accountable.

Important! The amount of the administrative fine in 2019 is 1000 (one thousand) Russian rubles. If the driver does not pay the fine, then his punishment may be replaced with a more serious one, including the confiscation of his driver's license.

But there are other offenses that a driver can commit at an intersection:

  1. Driving in the oncoming lane, which in this case will look like driving clockwise in a circle. In this case, at a minimum, a fine of 1,500 rubles will be issued, and if this has or could have entailed consequences, the rights will be confiscated.
  2. Failure to turn on the direction indicators when changing lanes and exiting a circle. It is regarded as a violation of the rules of maneuvering, and is punishable by a fine of 1000 rubles.
  3. Do not exit the roundabout from the far right lane. Regarded as a violation of the rules for changing lanes (maneuvering).
  4. Parking at the crossroads. Traffic regulations prohibit intentionally stopping or parking cars near the intersection (10 meters away) or at the intersection itself. In this case, they can not only issue a fine (minimum - 500 rubles), but even temporarily detain the vehicle (take it to the impound area).

Drawing conclusions

First of all, it is necessary to emphasize once again that driving through a roundabout is a rather complex procedure that requires maximum care and high knowledge of traffic rules from the driver.

It is also necessary to remember the new changes in the traffic rules - now the road inside (the circle) is considered the main one. And the cars that move along it have an advantage. Even if there are other signs at the intersection that “lead” the main road in a different way, they must be ignored, observing the requirements of the rules.

It is important not to forget about the correct lane change between lanes inside the circle, the correct exit from it, and the use of turn signals for everyone. As stated above, it is important not to forget about the blind spots in the driver's (left) mirror.

Video lesson on circular motion

Due to frequent changes in administrative laws of the Russian Federation and traffic rules, we do not always have time to update the information on the website, and therefore Free legal experts work for you around the clock!

They have their own nuances and subtleties, which are very difficult for a novice driver to notice, grasp, and then put into practice. One such situation in which you should be particularly careful is when driving around a roundabout. From the outside it seems that there is nothing complicated about it - I drove onto it, drove in the general flow, and took the right turn. However, this is not entirely true. Before starting a roundabout, it is worth understanding the nuances of driving around the ring. After all, you need to enter/exit it correctly, as well as occupy a certain lane and not become an obstacle to other vehicles. How to get around the ring?

with a circle

In our country, traffic flows on the right side. Therefore, the section of the road on which driving is carried out counterclockwise in a circle is called driving in a circle. Traffic regulations inform that driving in a circle is completed only after the vehicle leaves this place on the roadway.

Signs and markings

Regulation at intersections of this type occurs without the help of a traffic light. The "Roundabout" sign is installed at the entrance to the roundabout. Pedestrian crossings located on the circle are always unregulated. And signs and markings determine priority movement around the ring. The traffic regulations have a clear list of all road elements that are allowed to be installed at and in front of the intersection. Signs that can be installed in front of: “Roundabout”, “Main Road”, “Give Way”, “No Stopping”. The last two indicate that vehicles located on the ring have priority. That is, a car approaching a roundabout must stop and let other vehicles already moving through it pass, and only then enter. Otherwise, the driver will violate traffic rules, which may lead to a traffic accident.

The “Main Road” sign allows you to move without stopping, without allowing other vehicles from the secondary road to pass. Consequently, drivers entering the roundabout do not have priority according to traffic regulations.

Entrance to the ring

In order to be on the circle, you need to know which lane you can enter it from.

First, find out if traffic around the ring is a priority. The elements of the road will help you with this. If the “Roundabout” sign is not accompanied by another (“Give way”), then the roundabout is the main one, and you have no right of way before entering it. So, you've let the vehicles pass, and there's a gap you can take advantage of. The rules teach us that the turn is made from the appropriate outer lane. However, this does not apply to roundabouts. Therefore, entry is made from any row. And also at the roundabout you occupy the same lane as before the intersection. You cannot enter from the left lane and take the far right lane. This is a gross violation.

In some cases, the ring has fewer lanes for traffic compared to the previous section of the road. In these circumstances, the driver should change lanes in advance, according to traffic rules.

Movement around the ring

Turn signals are devices that many drivers forget about when crossing this section of the roadway. This is a serious violation, because driving around the roundabout may involve many maneuvers, of which other drivers must be warned.

As already mentioned, it is very important to monitor the technical means of traffic management before entering. There will definitely be a “Roundabout” sign installed there. In addition to it, there may be “Give way”, “Driving without stopping is prohibited”, as well as other signs indicating which direction is the main one.

For the most part, the roundabout almost always takes priority, but not always the other roads are secondary.

When driving around the ring, the driver of the vehicle must follow his lane and not become an obstacle to other road users. And when making a maneuver, be sure to use turn signals. Otherwise, there is a high probability of creating an emergency situation.

Many drivers do not turn on their turn signals when driving in circles, thereby misleading other road users. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with traffic rules. When a passage is made, it must be observed by each driver.

There are often other roads adjacent to the roundabout intersection. The driver must think in advance what maneuvers he will perform.

For example, direct movement along a ring. Traffic regulations do not contain this information, but experienced drivers recommend sticking to the middle lane on a three-lane roadway. Even though your direction has priority, you still need to make sure other drivers see you and let you pass. So, when driving directly through the roundabout, it is more convenient to stay in the right lane. However, this may impede the movement of other vehicles. Therefore, if it is impossible to occupy it, then you can change to the middle one.

One of the nuances that you should pay attention to is on the ring. After all, it is allowed at a roundabout intersection. During its execution, it is also necessary to turn on the turn signals. This way you will protect yourself and others from accidents.

Turns on the ring

Circular traffic allows you to turn right or left. The driving rules for the first and second turns are different. The right one is much easier to do. To perform it, you will need to change lanes to the outer lane as you move, without interfering with other vehicles. Be sure to use your turn signals. It would also be a good idea to reduce your speed.

Turning left is a little more challenging, especially for novice drivers. However, having dealt with it once, you will not experience any difficulties in the future. Turning is carried out only in accordance with the Rules of the Road. Therefore, first you need to take the extreme left position on the roadway. As you already remember, the lane change maneuver necessarily involves turning on the appropriate turn signals.

In the case where the road has two lanes, you should start driving from the left, and upon reaching the exit you need to change lanes to the right and complete the movement along the ring by leaving it and turning.

In a three-lane circle, turning left is essentially done by performing the same maneuver as described earlier (with two lanes). But in this case, you will simply need to change lanes to the right not once, but twice. Maneuvering must be done carefully and correctly, since you are not the only participant in the circular movement and must remember that any mistake or carelessness of yours can cost you a decent amount.

Exit from the roundabout

When leaving a roundabout, the driver must learn one basic rule. Exit is only allowed from the far right lane. Before this, if you were moving in a different lane, you let cars pass, and then move out.

Pedestrians and their movement around the ring

As already mentioned, crossings for individuals outside of vehicles on the circle are unregulated. Therefore, they must be passed in accordance with traffic rules. The roundabout is quite difficult for motorists to navigate, but pedestrians are also often afraid of it. However, this fear is not justified. Since people can quite easily cross the roadway at an unregulated crossing, the main thing is to wait until the vehicles slow down and then stop to let you pass.

Traffic rules, driving around the ring: fines

Since there are rules, there are also penalties for breaking them. They depend on the traffic rule violation. Roundabouts won't put a dent in your wallet if you faithfully follow all traffic rules.

The most common driver mistakes:

  • Directions
  • Ignoring the right of priority of vehicles traveling on the main road.
  • The turn signals were not turned on when maneuvering.
  • Leaving a roundabout in any lane other than the required one on the far right.

The exact amounts of fines can be found in regulatory documents. So, for example, for driving clockwise, a driver will be deprived of his driver's license.

The driver of a vehicle entering the ring during a red traffic light will receive a fine of about one thousand rubles. In case of repeated violation - five or deprivation of the right to drive a car for up to six months. Parking is allowed only five meters before the intersection, that is, before leaving the roundabout. Otherwise, the driver is obliged to pay about five hundred rubles to the state treasury.

The most important thing is to choose the right lane correctly when moving around the ring. Traffic regulations are updated regularly, so it’s worth keeping an eye on the changes. Also, carefully study road signs, even though you follow the same route every day. After all, driving by inertia, you may not notice a new installed element of the road and, as a result, cause an accident. And of course, don’t forget to let pedestrians pass at the crossing before the roundabout.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on changing traffic rules at roundabout intersections. The corresponding document was published on the website of the Russian Cabinet of Ministers. According to the decree, now priority will be given to motorists who are moving directly at the roundabout, and other drivers will have to give way to them.

“When entering an intersection where there is a roundabout and which is marked with sign 4.3, the driver of the vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving along such an intersection,” the document notes.

As reported in the explanatory note, this practice applies in almost all European countries.

According to Medvedev, priority at roundabout intersections allows increasing the capacity of the road network. “Patterns for driving through roundabout intersections vary from region to region, and even in the same city - from intersection to intersection,” the head of government noted.

Because of this, conflict situations arise that could be avoided if these rules were uniform, the Russian Prime Minister believes. The purpose of changing the rules, as emphasized in the explanatory note, is to increase safety and improve the organization of traffic at intersections.

"Chaos will begin"

Meanwhile, automotive experts disagreed about the benefits of innovations in traffic regulations. Chairman of the Russian Motorists Movement Viktor Pokhmelkin believes that changes in the rules of roundabouts will provoke chaos on the roads.

“Honestly, I don’t see the need for this. In Europe, indeed, the rule of priority for those in the circle has long been in effect. But we have another rule: if there are no signs, then those entering the circle have priority - the obstacle on the right. Drivers have gotten used to this for years, decades. And now chaos will begin, because not everyone heard about it, not everyone understood. Some will drive according to the old rules, others - according to the new ones. Traffic jams will begin and there will be quite massive accidents,” the auto expert said in a conversation with RT.

In his opinion, in order to prevent accidents and get drivers accustomed to the new rules, it is necessary to install a “Main Road” sign on the circle, and before entering the circle - “Give way.”

  • City News Agency "Moscow"

"Reasonable Changes"

At the same time, the vice-president of the Russian Motorists Movement, Leonid Olshansky, considered changes to traffic rules appropriate.

“These are reasonable changes. Because movement in a circle is the main movement. And the one who enters from a side passage is, in my opinion, a secondary passage. Therefore, Dmitry Anatolyevich did the right thing by signing,” he said in a conversation with RT.

According to him, the need to put this aspect of traffic rules in order has existed for a long time.

“The need arose to systematize. All. What is it? When you come out of a side street onto a wide street, you must let it pass. You are a minor small alley, and they are a big wide street. If you are driving through a red light, wait for those who are driving through a green light. All. Everyone who has less rights must let those who have more rights pass. We will all gradually get used to it,” the specialist is convinced.

Let us remind you that the initiative to make changes to the rules for driving roundabouts belongs to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. The department presented the corresponding draft resolution in August of this year.

Pros and cons

According to the ministry, current travel regulations create confusion and cause congestion and traffic jams.

It is worth noting that the current traffic rules oblige drivers at a roundabout intersection, in the absence of signs, to give way to those joining the roundabout, according to the principle of obstruction on the right. They receive an advantage over incoming vehicles only if the appropriate road signs are installed - “Roundabout” in combination with a “Give Way” or “No Stopping” sign.

  • RIA News

Then the proposal to change traffic rules was supported by the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on State Construction and Legislation, Vyacheslav Lysakov.

“This is a normal decision, because, unfortunately, in different regions, in different cities even in the same region, the passage of the intersection is organized differently.<…>This creates confusion among drivers; there is no already established stereotype of behavior, which, accordingly, sometimes ends in a traffic accident. Therefore, we need to come to a common denominator,” RIA Novosti quotes Lysakov as saying.

At the same time, the Federation of Car Owners of Russia called such changes senseless.

“This is unnecessary, since everything is regulated by signs that stand at every roundabout: “Give way” before each roundabout. I have not met a single roundabout intersection - neither in large populated areas, nor in those beyond the Urals - where the appropriate signs were not installed. This is the same as suggesting that pedestrians should be given priority at a pedestrian crossing - they already have it de facto,” said Dmitry Klevtsov, vice-president of the organization, in a conversation with RT.

Driving along a busy highway constantly threatens unpleasant situations and a high probability of getting into traffic. The likelihood of colliding with other cars increases several times more if the driver does not know the rules of the road well and has difficulty navigating when crossing intersections with roundabout traffic. Such sections of the road are quite dangerous, since at intersections of similar types different traffic rules may apply, which will be determined by appropriate signs and markings. We will try to talk about all this in as much detail as possible in today’s article.

What does an intersection with a roundabout mean?

Every driver knows perfectly well what an intersection is - a perpendicular intersection of two roads. But what is the difference between an intersection and a roundabout? In this case, there is no literal intersection of roads, since in the middle of the roundabout there is necessarily a circular piece of land, around which cars move counterclockwise (acceptable for countries where traffic is driven on the right; it is logical that when driving on the left, the direction of movement of cars will be in the opposite side, already clockwise).

Cars move in a circular motion in order to leave this section of the road. At the same time, roundabout traffic is very difficult for drivers, since on such sections of the roads there are completely no controls or traffic lights. How to understand in which direction and who should move? In this case, road signs and, which are mandatory attributes of difficult sections of roads, come to the rescue.

It is also worth noting that entering an intersection where there is a roundabout does not require turning on turn signals.

The need for them arises only in cases where the driver wants to maneuver on the road itself, changing lanes from one lane to another, or is about to leave such an intersection.

As for road signs, according to the traffic rules, a few meters before the intersection where there is a roundabout, sign 4.10 “Roundabout” must be installed with the image of arrows, the direction of which coincides with the direction of traffic on a particular section of the road. In some cases, along with this sign, you can see a “Give Way” sign on the pole, which helps drivers navigate traffic priority when crossing a roundabout intersection.

How to correctly enter an intersection where there is a roundabout?

Entering such an intersection is permitted from any lane of the adjacent road. However, if directly at the intersection itself you need to maneuver to the right or go straight, then, according to safety rules and traffic rules, it would be more rational to choose the right lane, thanks to which you can easily leave the intersection where traffic is in a circle.

In the same case, if, when crossing an intersection where there is a roundabout, you need to maneuver to the left, then it would be more rational to move in the left lane, thereby not stopping the movement of all other cars that are moving on the right. It is also more rational to move in the left lane for those drivers who, when entering the “ring”, simply want to turn around and exit it in the opposite direction.

But Usually at roundabout intersections there is also a central lane. It is intended for drivers who need to move in a straight line, that is, not deviate from their main direction.

But all the requirements and rules for driving a car along the “ring” do not end there. In particular, when carrying out such a maneuver, it is extremely important to carefully look and correctly interpret the meaning of road signs that will indicate the priority of traffic at the intersection.

If there is a “Roundabout” sign at the entrance to an intersection, this will mean that the road going around the circle is the main one, while all other directions are secondary.

However, this rule does not apply in all permissible cases, and when crossing such an intersection, it is most important to comply with the distribution of lanes that we described above, and also be sure to let all pedestrians pass. We will tell you below exactly how to behave when crossing such an intersection.

How does movement occur at an intersection where there is a roundabout?

But when making such a turn, it is very important to make sure that all other drivers give way to you and that there are no obstacles in your way. Carrying out such an exit and driving directly in the right lane will guarantee for you that neither you will become an obstacle to other traffic participants, nor will you be cut off when crossing the intersection.

But if you need to make a left turn, you must definitely change to the left lane, as we said above. But it is not so easy to deal with traffic at such an intersection if there are only two lanes. In this case, to make a left turn, you must first take the left lane, and then gradually move into the right lane. Again, it is worth remembering about turn signals, thanks to which you will signal to other road users that you want to turn off the road.

It is necessary to do the same when driving through a three-lane intersection, but in this case the driver will need to maneuver to change to the right lane twice. This must be done with extreme caution to avoid colliding with other vehicles.

Special attention should also be paid to driving at an intersection where there is a roundabout, in a situation where you just need to drive through it and continue driving straight ahead. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the number of roads that are adjacent to a given intersection, since this is what will influence the driver’s further actions.

If there are many adjacent roads, then it is more advisable to first take the left or middle lane, and only then change to the outer lane to exit the roundabout.

If the intersection consists of only two roads that cross each other, then in this case the driver can immediately take the far right lane. In this case, you must carefully monitor other cars that will try to enter the intersection.

When moving through an intersection where there is a roundabout, you need to look closely at other signs that may determine a completely different order of movement. A hint for you will, of course, be road markings and signs.

In this case, before the intersection you will see one single sign 4.10 “Roundabout”. But if, having arrived at the intersection, you see sign 5.18, which indicates the direction of movement of the lane, or special markings with broken lines and short strokes (1.7) and special directional signs at the intersection (1.18), then when crossing such an intersection it is important to orient yourself exactly on these tips.

In addition, when driving through such an intersection, every driver must be attentive to obstacles on the right. If you have already entered a roundabout intersection and are approaching a place where another road joins it, you must give way to all vehicles entering the intersection.

In the same case, if you are moving along a roundabout, in front of which, in addition to the “Roundabout” sign, there is also a “Give way” sign (but there is no sign of the main road), then this will mean that the main road passes exclusively along circle, and everyone else is secondary. In this case, when crossing a roundabout, you can forget about the obstacle on the right, since now only you must give way.

How difficult do intersections with unequal intersections present for drivers?

We are talking about roundabouts, in front of which there is not only a main road sign, but also a main road sign. In addition, before entering such an intersection from a secondary road, you will definitely see a “Give way” sign.

In order to avoid becoming the culprit of an accident when driving through such an intersection, it is necessary to clearly determine where exactly the main road lies. If you are moving along one, you don’t have to worry about having to pass the obstacle on the right. If you enter the intersection from a secondary road, then before entering the main road you will need to give way to all participants who are already moving along it.

If, according to traffic regulations, when entering an intersection where there is a roundabout, you need to take the far right lane, then for traffic safety you should adhere to the following rules:

1. Despite the fact that the right lane is the longest on the roundabout, drivers usually manage to leave it the fastest. This happens for the reason that usually you don’t have to change lanes from the right lane to the left and back several times.

2. Having occupied the right lane, do not rush to press on the gas, since you need to take a very careful look at whether your lane is the main one and whether there is a need to let all other traffic participants pass. Do not forget that at roundabouts there may also be uncontrolled pedestrian crossings. In addition, when leaving such an intersection, be sure to turn on the appropriate lights.

3. Circular traffic is very often organized around large areas. In this case, the far right lane may be occupied by parked cars, which can quite frighten a novice driver. But in such a situation, you should act as calmly as possible, slow down and, if necessary, change into the left lane to avoid parked cars.

4. Although roundabouts are often unregulated, traffic lights can often be installed near them in large cities. In this case, you need to forget about all the rules described above and focus exclusively on traffic lights. When driving through an intersection, carefully look at each traffic light you encounter, as well as its additional sections, if any. At the same time, if the traffic light turns red, then keep in mind that you must stop not just anywhere, but in front of a special line.

How to properly and safely leave a roundabout?

When leaving an intersection that has a roundabout, you must also follow certain traffic rules, otherwise you risk getting into an emergency situation. The following rules will help you in this matter:

1. You can only leave an intersection where there is a roundabout if you are in the right lane, so when driving through this kind of intersection, try to change lanes in a timely manner.

2. If it is necessary to make a left turn while driving through a roundabout with many lanes, the driver must occupy the leftmost lane in advance. This rule should also be followed if there are only two stripes. In such a situation, the driver can even take all three exits in the left lane, while before the fourth one he needs, he must carefully change lanes to the far right and leave the intersection. If there are three lanes at the intersection, then the driver must change lanes to the far right lane twice.

3. When changing lanes from one lane to another, be very attentive to cars that are moving on the right side and do not forget to turn on the appropriate signals on your car.
4. At a roundabout, it is also allowed to overtake vehicles moving in other lanes. You just need to do this as carefully as possible.

5. You can stop at an intersection no closer than 5 meters before the place where the intersection merges with the main road.

But even if you are moving in the correct lane, have turned on all the lights correctly and have thoroughly learned which road at the intersection is considered the main one and which is the secondary one, be prepared for the fact that not all road users will be as careful when crossing a roundabout intersection. To avoid an unpleasant situation, try to move as quickly as possible and do not change lanes too much. After all, traffic safety on such a section of the road depends solely on you.

Any driver is obliged to comply with traffic rules not only to avoid getting a fine, but also to avoid causing an accident and causing harm to himself and other people.

The motorist must understand how he should act in each specific situation. For example, the rules for driving through a roundabout imply choosing a specific lane and carefully leaving this area.

What is a roundabout?

This term refers to a section of the roadway that is made in the shape of an island. Driving around the ring occurs before the vehicle leaves a specific area.

Traffic lights are sometimes installed in such areas. Traffic along the 2020 traffic rules ring is determined by signs, special markings or traffic lights. It is not necessary to turn on your turn signals when driving at a roundabout. Their inclusion is required only when the motorist decides to move to another lane.

  • A new clause has been introduced in Traffic Regulations No. 13.11 with a corresponding note: the car that is already moving directly in a circle has priority, and those entering the roundabout, which is designated as 4.3, must give way.
  • If priority signs are installed in front of the roundabout, for example, with 4.3 there is a “give way” or there is a traffic light, then the movement in this case will be determined by these signs.

A similar rule applies in many European countries. To avoid disagreements and confusion, Prime Minister Medvedev signed the corresponding amendment to the traffic rules.

Until some time, traffic rules for roundabouts were indicated by sign 4.3. Subsequently, it was supplemented with a “give way” sign. It determines the advantage of the vehicle while driving on the ring.

How to decide on the choice of band?

When entering such a road section, a big role is played by which lane the driver entered the roundabout from. According to traffic regulations, you can enter such a site from any line that is adjacent to the road.

If, while driving around the ring, the driver needs to drive straight or turn right, then it is better to position himself on the right line. If a turn to the left is required, then you should be located on the left side. A motorist who plans to make a U-turn must also perform similar actions. The position should be located in the center only when the movement is planned in a straight line.

Driving around a roundabout

There are some requirements according to which the circular movement must be carried out; the rules for driving this section are regulated by traffic rules.

When driving through the described area, it is worth looking at the accompanying signs that are located in front of this area. The circle is mostly a main road. All other roads are secondary roads. But there is also a different situation.

When moving around the ring, the driver must first of all maintain a row. If he loses his line, he will cause great discomfort to other motorists and increase the risk of an accident.

If the driver decides to turn right, he needs to slow down, turn on the turn signal and change lanes to the far right lane. You should drive into the ring carefully; it is important to make sure that other cars are ready to give the new vehicle the way.

Driving at an intersection with three lanes is the same. Only here you will need to go to the right side twice. This maneuver must be performed very carefully. It is important to assess the situation on the road.

The listed methods are valid only in that situation, unless a different order of movement is provided. To decide who has the right of way, it is important to look at the road markings and signs.

Driving in a straight line

A similar section of road may be adjacent to many roads. Depending on their number, the driver will make a decision when performing a maneuver. If the number of lanes is more than 2, you should drive along the center line. If there are only 2 rows, the choice will need to be made based on a specific situation. If the car is driving on the main road, then before entering the roundabout, it is important to see that other cars are ready to give way to the vehicle. When moving on a non-main road, a car must allow other cars to pass.

If a moving car intends to continue moving in a straight line, it has the opportunity to move along the right line. But this may make the situation on the road worse if the driver from the middle lane wants to move to the right. To avoid such situations, you should move in the center.

Leaving a roundabout area

We have figured out how to enter the ring correctly, now we need to understand how to exit it correctly. Traffic rules state that leaving this zone must only be done from the right lane. Before moving into the next lane, you need to let the vehicle moving on the right pass.

The driver can enter an intersection that moves in a circle from any lane. But he can only get off it on the right.

The peculiarity of such areas is that overtaking is allowed on them.

Penalties for driving incorrectly at roundabouts

If a motorist drives in a circle incorrectly, he will face a fine.

The amount of the penalty depends on the nuances of the violation:

  • Thus, entering this zone at a red light is punishable by a fine of 1 thousand rubles;
  • If the driver commits the offense again, he will be issued a fine in the amount of 5 thousand rubles.

There is also a possibility that the car owner may be deprived of his license for six months. The punishment will be imposed by the court.

Penalties may also be imposed in cases where the driver:

  1. did not miss a moving vehicle that has the right of way;
  2. drove into oncoming traffic;
  3. did not turn on the turn signal while moving from lane to lane;
  4. left the ring on the wrong line;
  5. stopped at the ring.

A fine is imposed if the motorist did not give the right of way to vehicles entering this section of the road, but there was no road sign. Fine in the amount of 1 thousand rubles. will also be issued in the situation where there are signs, but the motorist ignored them.

In areas where there is a roundabout sign, traffic regulations require crossing this section only counterclockwise. Ignoring these rules may result in severe penalties.

Parking in this area is allowed when the vehicle is 5 meters from the roadway being crossed. If the listed requirements are not met, the driver will have to pay a fine of 500 rubles.

Every driver should drive on this section of the road with the utmost caution. The main difficulty with crossing this section lies in choosing the right line. Riding around the ring without following the rules is dangerous. If you don’t let a car passing by that has an advantage pass by, it can end in at least a fine, and at most in an emergency. So every time you notice a familiar road sign, you need to remember the rules for driving around a roundabout.

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