Attack techniques in hand-to-hand combat. Hand-to-hand combat in the army: principles and tactics, when it was born

Good day, Fighters! In this blog, I mainly outline a complex system for training a fighter based on key elements, without bothering much with any specific hand-to-hand combat techniques. But after all, many people are interested in them, right? Therefore, we will correct this omission and introduce the reader to some actions in a small series of articles: small complexes of combat links - simple, understandable, easy to learn, which can be successfully applied in small skirmishes on the street .

Of course, after careful and thoughtful study of these techniques

I know that many people are interested in the following question: “Is there a universal technique in nature: one that would alone replace the entire training system of a fighter and would be equally well suited to all combat situations?”. Such questions do not appear out of nowhere, but, for example, from a lack of free time, when a person cannot fully train, but the need for his own safety has already appeared, or maybe simply because someone just doesn’t want to sweat in training and he he just wants to solve the problem in one fell swoop: he is looking for a “magic wand” that does not exist.

Semi-universal techniques and actions - they exist, yes! Examples include, for example, Konten's corkscrew movements, which can be used both in strikes and defensive actions, as well as in throws and off-balances. Or the cloudy movements of Shou-dao, which allow you to block and take aside even the blows of the enemy that were not noticed by the performer. We can also recall the universal protective movements from the SHAR school, which simultaneously cover the maximum possible number of vulnerable areas of the body. Or key work modern system UNIBOS. Yes, take at least, developed by G. Popov. Yes, these are semi-universal movements, but this is somehow not quite right, since a person, asking a question about the existence of a universal technique, implies exactly such an action that can work without any special training, an action that does not need to be adapted to the situation . That is, a complete freebie, sir! But, alas, such hand-to-hand combat does not exist in nature, and even semi-universal actions require the study of additional satellite techniques, i.e. techniques that facilitate the implementation of the main.

Here is at least the first Unibos key, which is a circular movement inward. To an ignorant person it may seem that this is it. Well, after all, on its basis, you can get rid of grips, go to painful effects, carry out slap protections, use them in strikes in an arc, break fingers. If the hand is holding a knife, then the applications of this movement are instantly expanded, starting with multi-purpose knife movements. But this is only at first glance, because in parallel with this movement, a person begins to be taught auxiliary technical elements such as impact on the head, elbow, face zones, instant strangulation, control, pursuit of a falling body, etc.

So, I have to disappoint - there is not and will not be a reception of the form "one for all", and you will have to be content with what you have: semi-universal movements and complexes consisting of these movements, each of which, nevertheless, can be adapted to several dozen various cases, which already saves a lot of time! And in fact, it is enough to master such movements, and then engage in their adaptation to the emerging combat situations, endowing these movements with different meanings.

The following sets of techniques, which I will give here, are just such multifunctional movements, i.e., each of them can be used as shock effects, and as pain, and as an exit to fractures, etc. You can use it, or you can not use it, but use it in one situation, but this will reduce their effectiveness and they will turn into ordinary hand-to-hand combat techniques, tailored for any one situation. In general, whatever the person wants. By the way, this is one of the reasons for the emergence of new styles of martial arts: a person is too lazy to develop some action as much as possible, adapting it to emerging combat situations, and he simply sharpens each one for a specific situation. And he begins to work on this whole thing for years, but in such a way that the mosquito does not undermine his nose, bringing it to absolute perfection

So, the first selection of such techniques in the form of eight microcomplexes in the amount of eight movements in each. Each such micro-complex can be studied both on the spot and on the move, as well as combined with each other in a different sequence. In total, eight such “assemblies” will be published, the actions included in which are selected so carefully that they cover almost all possible combat situations. In total, we get sixty-four tactical hand-to-hand combat, which are not my inventions, but are Bagua Zhang movements, more precisely, an adapted version of the “Floating Body Bagua Zhang, Dragon Form” complex. Adapted in the sense that I was not interested in the spirit of the complex (in fact, how can one learn to move like a dragon when no one has ever seen it live), and the main emphasis was on the combat component. This was done with the idea that first you need to learn how to protect yourself, and only then move on to, let's say, "higher spheres."

And one moment. Before illustrating the movements, I watched both the training film and the book and noticed significant differences in the execution of this complex. So there is no need to wonder where the execution is correct: if the masters themselves do not know ... then where can we, mere mortals.

I will not be able to give here absolutely all the transcripts. options the applications of these micro-complexes are at least four hundred, but only the main ones, but you can be guided by the following. To illustrate them all means that this page will take a very long time to load: ten, fifteen minutes, probably. Who will wait that long? Nobody. In addition, the main idea of ​​these articles is to show a person the combat ligaments themselves and convey to him the idea that they can be used in many cases, so that he learns to apply familiar movements in unfamiliar combat situations. If a person is already ready to give options for the use of these movements, then he will simply stupidly memorize them, turning off any work of thought, because it is much simpler and more familiar, no matter how rude it sounds.

So, the reader will have to work them out on their own, turn the whole thing into a creative process, so to speak ... Well, or if you have patience, then let them wait for my video course, which will show the main key points.

First, we will analyze these movements separately, then I will show how they are performed in the classic way in the form of “Floating Body Bagua Zhang, Dragon Form”: this is for those people who want to study the complex in full, but already clearly understanding what and why it is does. And, you never know what - suddenly someone wants to accidentally drop: “Yes, I practice bagua zhang ...”;), and in response to him: “Well, demonstrate the complex.”

So, hands to feet, away we go! Base position:

Movement number one. In bagua zhang this technique is called the "Punch Palm", but I just call it "piercing". It is performed as follows: a person is in a frontal natural stance, hands are freely lowered. One hand, in a circle through the side, rises up and, continuing to move in a circle, descends to the level of the solar plexus, palm down. The second hand, while the first has not yet completed the movement, moves forward, inflicting a poke blow forward and upward. The palm of the first hand is located approximately under the elbow of the second.

Movements, in the classic way, end at the same time, but in addition to this option, it is also necessary to work out non-simultaneous, slightly different in time end. This micro-complex is performed with the idea of ​​passing through something: this is how the necessary mental image is formed, which helps to develop the technique more correctly.

Even at first glance, this bundle is just a lot of different and interesting options for its use. Be bolder in experiments and do not care about smart people who care about preserving traditions in the form of "one action - one way to use it."

Number two. An interesting feature of the Chinese masters is to cover up a familiar action in such a way that, having drowned in various nuances, the students simply cease to understand what they are doing and memorize the technique purely mechanically.
For example, a jerk on oneself is the simplest action that almost every kid is familiar with - what is there to explain? But in the text it begins to take a step there, put a foot in such and such, etc. Let's explain it more simply: from the same position as in the first technique, a step forward is taken and both hands are extended forward. Then the person gives the body back and pulls the arms back with a pulling motion.

The main subtlety that gives strength to the movement lies precisely in this step back. Many must have seen the scene in the movies in which main character grabbing his opponents by the head, knocking them against each other. So, this action, which is effective in the cinema, is almost impossible to perform in reality without this small downward movement of the torso back. Well, or a step back, if that's the case.

I remember reading somewhere that one citizen completely built his combat system on this breakthrough. By hook or by crook, he approached the capture distance, then grabbed the adversary and jerked him towards himself, inflicting a crushing blow to his head. The reception worked flawlessly. He went far with his universal technique, until this Kent was planted under the article "Robbery and robbery."

Number three. Another hand-to-hand combat. According to the classics, it is interpreted as a throw with a bandwagon. A person steps forward, inflicts in a horizontal plane directly in front of him inward, a secant movement with his hand. When it almost ends, approaching the chest, the other hand thrusts straight forward from under the palm of the approaching chest, the hand that looks palm down. This is followed by a shifting movement back, onto the back leg with a simultaneous pulling movement of both hands.

A throw is possible, a pain on the arm is possible, it is possible to carry out a push, and unbalance by twisting, and much more.

By the way, even in such an ancient art of Bagua-zhang combat, the influence of sports is already felt to the detriment of combat effectiveness. And this despite the fact that the Chinese are extremely zealous about traditions. Speaking about sports and combat, I want to say the following: The main purpose of combat is to kill and maim, and absolutely all movements from the arsenal of a fighter should contribute to this, even steps. And therefore, there is absolutely no need to carefully bypass the legs of the enemy. After all, if, when performing this technique in the “footboard” variant, you do not step on, but step on the enemy’s foot, firmly fixing it, and make a throw, then if not a fracture, then torn ligaments are guaranteed.

Fourth link. Probably the simplest. The person crouches slightly, feet turn inward, knees almost touching. The arms are crossed in front of the chest so that the left is on top, with the fingers of the left hand pointing up and the right hand down.

From this position, we turn to the right by about forty-five, seventy degrees and take a step to the right with the right foot, simultaneously stretching the right arm and lowering the left.

Accordingly, we do the whole thing on the other side.

Actually, the use of this bundle is an ideal combat stance: both in attacks from the front and from the side, all that is needed is to turn the body in the right direction. It is very easy to get to it from cloud movements, and in fact, it is part of the “clouds”.

Fifth movement. Having taken one step forward with the right foot, we pull the right hand back (in other words, protection is performed by interception with simultaneous withdrawal outward from the side thumb). The left hand strikes with the elbow in a horizontal plane directly in front of it.

Well, maybe not a blow, but pressure, which can be used in pain on the opponent's elbow joint, abduction of his raised arm or entering a fighting position for a direct elbow strike. If you pay attention to the palm, and not to the elbow, then while maintaining the same pattern of movements, you can successfully strike. In general, there are just a lot of applications!

By the way, in the figure at the beginning of the article, just an option for using this bundle.

Sixth movement. The attacking limb is intercepted with the left hand and pulled down to the lower back with a simultaneous slight turn of the torso to the left: with this turn we achieve reliable fixation of the opponent’s limb, especially if we press the left hand to our torso. The elbow of the right hand rises in a vertical plane, and then, with a step forward -to the left with the left foot, goes down until the right hand is opposite the solar plexus, palm down. At the moment of assuming such a position, the left one completes the piercing movement straight forward with the palm up.

Well, here, by itself, an elbow strike from below suggests itself after the opponent's blow is deflected. You can also strike with a fist from below in the manner of a boxer: that the elbow, that the fist is all one, but the movement goes from bottom to top, so what's the problem?

You can also strike with your elbow not in the jaw of the enemy, but under the elbow of the hand that was intercepted by the left hand. Of course, in this case, the intercepted limb should not be pulled up to your belt, but should be placed higher.

Come up with a few dozen more options for using the bundle. However, like everyone else.

The seventh movement is a position with open arms. In the classical interpretation, it is performed with simultaneous movement in a circle, but here a lot of purely practical applications are possible, starting from a stand for kicking the side of the elbow of the right hand (if according to the picture) and ending with various dispositions of the limbs to the sides in order to break through to its center line for delivering a devastating and final blow.

I repeat once again that each of the above combinations can be learned to be used as techniques with different meanings: in strikes, unbalancing, painful, controlling ... , just sit down and mentally work on the ligaments, expanding the possible range of their application.

Eighth, an interesting move. Both hands move almost simultaneously in the plane in front of the person, but they move in opposite directions: one clockwise, the other counterclockwise.

One of the interpretations: you deflect a blow to the face, but the opponent immediately kicks him in the stomach. This is where the second hand comes to the rescue, taking it to the side. By the way, it is possible to spirally twist the opponent's leg in a continuing circular motion.

To increase the “level of zeal” for the study of these techniques, I want to say the following: these actions are very quickly absorbed by the subconscious, surprisingly quickly. You don’t need to knock them out for several years in a row - the skill comes after half a year of constant training for about an hour every other day, the main thing is to work them out according to this method, and not just by bulging your eyes. It is necessary to work thoughtfully, with an analysis of movements and awareness of your actions - only in this case there will be real success!

Of the main subtleties of the work, you should remember the correct addition of the fingers (this form was described and shown in the figure), otherwise there is a high probability of simply breaking off your own little fingers simply because they caught on something in the turmoil of the battle or the enemy was so successful he kissed them, which completely knocked him out.

Be bolder in your experiments with these movements, try them in a variety of situations and with any attacks of your opponent, paying attention to everything. Remember that the sequence of movements is more important here, and the “nozzles” in the form of various shock forms of the brush can be very different. So what if the Chinese masters do not say anything about this? What is your business? I'm not saying that almost all these actions are absolutely impossible to apply in the way they are recommended to be used in the “floating body, dragon form” bagua zhang itself (I won’t say about other forms, I haven’t analyzed)! They will only work if a person works through contact with the opponent's limbs, in other words, through contact-control (sticky hands, if anyone does not know).

Here, for example, is the “classic” decoding of the third ligament: the enemy strikes, you beat him off and deliver a direct poke blow to the ribs with the fingers of the other hand. Then, it is necessary to jump up to the enemy, get his leg (and he stands like a fool with his arm outstretched after the blow - waiting for him to be thrown) behind his leg and with a pulling movement of both hands back, make him throw to the floor.

Some nonsense. Excellent combat moves to use with the lowest possible efficiency! As if on purpose.

While I am finishing, but in the following articles the topic of universalization hand-to-hand combat techniques will continue.

The realities of the modern world are such that we run the risk of facing danger just by going out into the street. Sometimes it is impossible to avoid dark alleys and deserted areas, so we need to know self-defense techniques that will help us protect ourselves in case of danger. And if a conflict arises and the alleged offender crosses a certain line, then the most correct thing for you to do is to move to an active attack in order to deprive him of the opportunity to continue his actions.

Of course, it is worth remembering that assault is not the only way to resolve the conflict - in some cases it is better to take flight, forgetting about pride, even if you know self-defense techniques. But there are situations when self-defense becomes the only way to protect your life. Basically, a physically strong person starts a fight on the streets, sometimes there can even be several attackers. In such cases, forbidden self-defense techniques will become the most effective. This technique is quite simple, but at the same time its techniques are very traumatic.

Feature of forbidden tricks

The specificity of this technique lies in striking at the most vulnerable places of the enemy. And at the same time, there is no need to apply great force to injure a weak spot. Therefore, such techniques are suitable for people of any gender, age and complexion. There are many particularly vulnerable places on the human body that cannot be pumped up with muscles or accustomed to pain.

For forbidden self-defense techniques to be effective, you need to strike quickly and spontaneously. In self-defense, not only technique is important, but also cunning. That is, if you are suddenly attacked, you do not need to immediately take a fighting position - it is better to pretend to be frightened, and then inflict a strong blow on the enemy.

The most vulnerable areas of the human body

So, the main areas that do not have a dense muscle cover are: collarbones, spine, shins, ankles, temples, instep, internal organs, joints, back of the skull and the most sensitive places (eyes, carotid artery, groin, lower abdomen, nose and throat). The most effective self-defense techniques for girls and children are enemy blows to the ear, bridge of the nose, and the base of the jaw. As well as painful techniques and grips on the fingers, hands, collarbones and elbows.

There are many ways to defend yourself in an attack. And in order to master them perfectly, it is better to enroll in special courses, such skills will certainly not be superfluous.

Techniques to help deprive the abuser of legal capacity

As a rule, weak attempts at resistance will only provoke the aggressor, and he will move on to more terrible actions. Therefore it is worth considering useful tricks self-defense on the street, which will help you buy time and partially deprive the offender of legal capacity.

Knee to groin

This classic technique is either a capture of the scrotum, since this zone is the most vulnerable in men. If you hit the attacker hard in this place, he will reflexively release his hands, as a result, you will have the opportunity to free yourself from the grip. Please note: you need to hit as hard as possible, since weak attempts will only anger your opponent.

Hit in the groin with hands

The blow can be applied from the bottom up with a hand clenched into a fist. It is necessary to beat with the surface of the thumb like a knife blow from the bottom up. If the enemy grabbed you from the back and holds you by the hair or throat, then you need to beat with the edge of the palm of your hand or with your fist, directing the blow back. If it allows, you can apply it with a half-turn of the body - this technique will be even more effective.

throat punch

Simple self-defense techniques for women necessarily include such an important blow as a poke in the throat.

It is necessary to fold the fingers of the hands with a pinch, firmly pressing the pads to each other and apply to the throat of the enemy. This solution will be the most optimal way to protect, but only if the throat of the aggressor is open. The blow is applied to the cavity above the collarbones from top to bottom or from bottom to top at an acute angle. This technique is very painful and can lead to difficulty breathing in the attacker, coughing or even fainting.

Hit on the nose with the edge of the hand

This blow should be applied with the edge of the palm on the nose or in the area of ​​​​the upper lip. This is a great way to protect yourself from attack. It must be applied in a horizontal plane with an open palm with a quickdraw. The most effective use case is a hidden strike, which means you seem to be asking for mercy by folding your hands in front of your chest. The palms should be offset relative to each other, so that the little finger of the right hand is on the thumb of the left. He performs as if you want to sharply clean the dirt from the left with your right palm. If you perform this technique correctly, then the enemy will experience a strong

Hit on the ears

This well-known blow is applied with open palms, folded a little like a boat, simultaneously on two ears of the opponent. The main requirement is that it must be sharp and strong. It is necessary to use the inertia and weight of your body, and then this technique can lead to a rupture of the eardrum or a severe pain shock.

Slashing blow to the face

This technique is considered typically feminine. To use it, you need to turn the body a little and throw your arm forward: the shoulder, then the elbow and the hand, which shoots upwards with a whip. As a striking surface, you can use the knuckles, the edge of the palm or its back side.

How to free yourself from suffocation and capture?

Effective self-defense is not just about using punches to incapacitate an attacker. With their help, you can get rid of, for example, a frontal grab by the throat. To do this, you need to strike the enemy in the face in any of the above ways, this will give you the opportunity to loosen your grip. And in order to wriggle out of the grip, you need to lean on the aggressor's arm with your shoulder or forearm from top to bottom due to the weight of your body.

If you need hands, then this can be done by twisting your hand towards the opponent's thumb. Next, you need to move the weight of the body through the front leg to the captured arm and hang on it. With an unloaded leg at this time, you can strike the attacker's thigh. You can also effectively use the energy of the turn and with your free hand backhand to strike in the face of the opponent.

These are the simplest self-defense techniques, but do not forget that a damaged opponent is even more dangerous. And even if you managed to neutralize and immobilize him, do not lose your vigilance and do not turn your back on him.

Useful self-defense techniques

You can knock down the breath of the enemy and even deprive him of consciousness with a strong blow. The blow can be applied both with the hand and with the foot. Strong in the nose of the attacker is able to temporarily deprive him of balance. If you carry out a direct blow to the nose with a knee or elbow, then this will result in a deep knockout or a broken bridge of the nose for the aggressor. An uppercut to the chin is also capable of knocking out an opponent. But remember that the wrong strike threatens you with broken fingers or broken bones.

Self-defense techniques in pictures will help you determine which places human body are the most vulnerable. Joints are one of those weak areas. If you strike the opponent with a directed blow from the side or perform a sweep from the back of the knee, then he will lose his balance. Effective blows to the knee joints and in combat at a short distance.

What is the role of balance in combat?

The effectiveness of self-defense techniques depends on many factors: on the enemy’s physical data, on their quantity, on the characteristics of the surrounding space, and so on. There are no universal ways to protect against an attack. Therefore, the main goal that you must achieve is to learn to remain calm and balanced in any situation. Indeed, very often the outcome of a fight is determined by the physical and mental balance of a person.

Learning to keep calm and balance during a fight is quite difficult. This process includes the development and strengthening of the vestibular apparatus, as well as the formation and strengthening of muscles.

Effective use of self-defense techniques

Self-defense fighting techniques are a technique in which one must violate the opponent's personal space in order to strike him. Simple punches and kicks will not bring the desired effect, as they will only anger the attacker, and you need to disable him. In addition, when delivering such blows, you lose your balance, and your opponent will take advantage of this.

Throws are a good defense against attacks, but they are not very effective in a street fight, since many throws have some restrictions on their use. For example, throws from freestyle wrestling require good physical shape and serious preparation. Self-defense, as a rule, involves physical impact on pain points, zones or points of the attacker. The main thing you must remember is that self-defense on the street does not tolerate ceremony. Your strikes should be aimed at effectively and quickly unbalancing your opponent, and then you need to disable him on the ground. You need to unbalance the attacker using your own body weight and mistakes in his tactics. Of course, not in all cases it makes sense to use self-defense techniques and there are situations in which the most correct solution would be to flee. However, having studied at least the most elementary tricks, you will learn how to navigate correctly in non-standard situations and be able to defend yourself when attacked on the street.

Basic set of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-1)

For military personnel of all types of the Armed Forces and branches of service. Includes the techniques provided for by the RB-N complex and additionally the following techniques: hit with a butt from below, hit with a butt plate, stabbing and cutting blows with a knife, protection with a machine gun stand, punches (straight, side, top, bottom), kicks (straight, to the side , from the side, back, from above), protection by the support of the hands, protection by the rebound with the forearms (edge ​​of the palm), protection by the support of the foot (heel, thigh), disarming the enemy when stabbed straight, from above, from below, freeing the neck from the front and back, strangulation from behind , combinations of techniques and actions.

Special complex of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-2)

For the personnel of airborne troops, motorized rifle units and units, units and units of the Marine Corps, personnel of anti-sabotage formations, reconnaissance units and units, cadets of military schools, academies. Includes the techniques provided for by the RB-1 complex and additionally the following techniques: strikes with an infantry shovel, defenses with a repulse by an infantry shovel, protection from a kick by moving to the side, disarming the enemy when hit with an infantry shovel from above or directly, backhand or poke.

Special complex of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-3)

In NFP-87 and in the project of a new NFP for the personnel of reconnaissance units and subunits, cadets of military schools who train officers for these units and subunits. Includes techniques provided by the RB-2 complex and additionally: painful techniques, throws, disarmament techniques, release from various enemy grips, special techniques and actions.

Unfortunately, such special actions as searching and tying up the enemy are not included in the training program for military personnel of electronic warfare units, although these actions can be taught in one training session. Given the importance of tying and searching in hand-to-hand combat, the manual reveals in detail the technique for their implementation.

Chapter II


Preparatory techniques and methods of teaching them

Preparatory techniques are certain actions that provide high-quality training of military personnel for hand-to-hand combat. They include preparations for battle, movement, self-insurance techniques.

Ready for battle

Ready for battle - this is the most convenient position for hand-to-hand combat with the enemy. It can be taken without weapons and with weapons.

To prepare for combat without weapons(fig. 1) put the left foot one step forward and slightly bend both legs at the knees. Evenly distribute the weight of the body on two legs, tilt the body slightly forward, half-bend the arms at the elbow joints, clench the fingers into a fist, tilt the head slightly forward. Similarly, the right-handed preparation for battle is also accepted.

Rice. 1

To prepare for combat with weapons(Fig. 2) the position of the head, torso and legs is taken as a preparation for combat without weapons. At the same time, send the machine gun barrel forward and grab it with your left hand by the forearm, and with your right hand by the neck of the butt. Keep the tip of the bayonet at the height of the neck, the right hand in front of the belt buckle.

To prepare for battle with an infantry shovel bring the half-bent right hand with a shovel to the level of the left shoulder. Hold the shovel by the end of the handle with the tray up.

To prepare for a fight with a knife, take the knife in the right hand with the point down, for a blow from above - the brush at chest height, for a blow from below - with the point up, for a stabbing blow - with the point forward, the hand at the height of the belt, legs in the right-hand stance.

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Skillful execution of movements in hand-to-hand combat plays an important role in the timely adoption of the necessary combat position, starting position for attack or defense. Movements are performed by step, jump and run.

Step forward from the ready for battle, it is performed with the front standing leg, the other leg is substituted, at a distance that allows you to maintain a stable body position.

Step back performed with the back of the standing leg from the toe to the entire foot.

The jump is in progress from the front (right, left) or side (forward, backward) stance due to a sharp repulsion from the ground with the far leg relative to the direction of the jump. Landing is carried out on the opposite leg, or on both legs. A jump back is possible with an almost simultaneous push with both legs and a landing on both feet.

Leaping is the most effective way to get close to an enemy or move quickly away from him.

Self-insurance techniques

Falling and grouping techniques that provide a warning against bruises on the ground after throws, collisions, painful holds in single combat with the enemy are called self-insurance techniques.

grouping(Fig. 3) one of the main preparatory elements of self-insurance. Sit on the ground (carpet) and grab the shins of the legs with both hands, slightly spread the knees, heels together, bend the body, lower the head, pressing the chin to the chest. Pulling the lower legs with your hands, bring the torso closer to the hips.



Fall forward(Fig. 6) From the front stand, fall forward onto slightly bent and spread elbows to the side springy (due to the inferior work of the muscles) arms.

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Fall back(Fig. 8) From the front stance, crouching and falling back, roll onto your back, softening your fall with a simultaneous preemptive strike on the ground with straight arms spread at an angle of 45 0.

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Falling to the side (Fig. 9) From the front stance, crouching and simultaneously twisting the body to the right (left), sink to the ground with the right (left) buttock and roll in grouping to the right (left) side, having previously made a preemptive straightened right (left) hand, and then right (left) hip. End position - lying on the right side; the right leg is bent at the knee and hip joint, the left leg stands in front of it on the entire foot, the lower leg is vertical; right hand on the ground, palm down, 15-25 cm from the knee; the left hand is raised up, the head is pressed to it.


Punches and punches

An injection is one of the main methods of defeating an enemy in hand-to-hand combat. It is applied to parts of the body that are not protected by equipment (neck, chest, stomach, back, side) quickly, dexterously, strongly and for the entire length of the bayonet.

Bayonet injections (barrel poke) without lunge(Fig. 11) - direct the machine with both hands with a bayonet (barrel) at the target, pull out the bayonet and take the ready for battle.

Shop hit(Fig. 14) - is applied with a sharp movement of the hands (automatically forward) away from oneself while simultaneously feeding the body forward with straightening the standing leg behind.


Side kick(Fig. 15) - applied with a sharp angle of the butt to the jaw, temple, back of the head or side of the enemy. With the movement of the weapon with the right hand to the left, and with the left hand - towards oneself while simultaneously turning the body to the left, strike with the corner of the butt. At the moment of impact, the right leg can be placed slightly ahead of the left.

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Table 5

Unarmed attacks include: punches, kicks, chokes, submissions, and throws.

Straight punches(Fig. 19) are applied with a fist or the base of the palm; from the ready to fight with a push of the foot, transfer the weight of the body to the front leg and strike with a turn of the body.

Hand strikes from the side, from below, from above(Fig. 20) are applied with a fist (the base of the fingers and the muscular part), the edge of the palm and the elbow.


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Basic percussion parts of the hands

Leg kicks are applied with a toe, instep, knee, foot, heel to the shin, to the knee joint, to the groin, to the liver area, to the head of a leaning opponent. A lying opponent is struck in the head, base of the skull, lower back, coccyx, liver, solar plexus, heart, groin.

Straight kick(Fig. 21) is the main of the blows performed by the foot. It is applied from a left-handed or right-handed stance (less often a frontal one) by leg extension or a swinging movement. Raising the thigh of the right leg forward upwards (the foot with the heel rises up to the buttock), straighten the leg at the knee joint with a sharp movement and strike the target with the toe (lift).

At the moment of impact, strain the muscles of the abdomen and the front surface of the thigh as much as possible. The supporting leg is slightly bent, at the moment of impact the foot does not come off the ground, but turns on the toe with the heel forward. The arms, bent at the elbows, are sharply brought back to intensify the blow. After the impact, the muscles immediately relax, and the leg performs a reverse movement.

Rice. 21

Side kick(Fig. 22) is applied from a medium and long distance with the foot, the outer edge of the foot and the heel to the lower leg, knee joint, abdomen and lower back. The most effective blow to the knee joint with the foot from the side.

From the combat stance, pull the thigh up, the foot with the sole rises along the inner surface of the left leg to the knee. Turning the thigh, knee in the direction of the target and unbending the leg at the knee joint, strike the shin with the edge of the foot, or the knee from the side - with a punching blow of the foot, or in the hypochondrium (stomach) - with the heel (pull the toe towards you). At the moment of impact, tighten the muscles of the leg, slightly tilt the body to the side opposite to the impact, direct the arm of the same name (simultaneously with the movement of the leg) towards the target, lower the other hand closer to the groin in readiness to block a possible counterattack. After hitting the muscles, relax and immediately take the ready for battle.

Rice. 22

Kicks with the foot or heel from above(Fig. 23) is applied to the upper arch of the foot, to the lower leg - when the enemy captures the body from behind, to the lying enemy (after the throw) - with a short swing with sharp blows to pain points.

Rice. 23

Bottom knee strike applied when freeing from the grips of the body in front. Without a swing, strike in the groin or in the face of a stooping opponent.

Back kick(Fig. 24) is applied with a foot, as a rule, in the stomach of the attacking opponent. From the combat left-sided stance, lean slightly forward, pull the right thigh to the chest and looking back over the right shoulder, straighten the leg at the knee joint and hip joint with a sharp movement, strike with the foot in the stomach of the enemy.

Rice. 25


Automatically bouncing up(Fig. 27) is carried out by a sharp movement of two hands forward upwards without changing the grip of the machine gun with the left hand. At the moment of impact, the arms are tense, slightly bent, the machine is turned with the magazine up.

Repulsed by machine gun down to the right(Fig. 27) is performed from a prick with a weapon in the lower part of the body. By moving the left hand down - to the right, and with the right hand to the right - up, hit the end of the barrel on the weapon to the right down. At the moment of impact, the left arm was slightly bent, the machine gun was pointing to the right, the bayonet was at the height of the right knee, the right elbow was raised.

Rice. 29
Exemption from the capture of the machine gun by the enemy(fig. 31) kick the enemy in the groin, turn sideways to the enemy and, having kicked the knee (shine), pull out the weapon.

Rice. 33

Bottom punch protection(Fig. 34) The first method: it is performed with a stand (block) of the forearm of the left hand, followed by counter-attacks with the right hand to the head, with the right knee to the groin, or with the edge of the foot to the shin (knees).

Rice. 34

Kick protection

Bottom kick protection(Fig. 35) is performed by placing the foot (thigh) under the blow, after which a counter blow is delivered with the hand to the head or torso of the opponent.

Hand Rest Kick Protection(Fig. 36) - meet the enemy’s leg with the forearms of straight crossed arms (when hitting with the right foot, the right hand is on top), grab it with the right hand by the heel, bringing the foot into the elbow bend of the left hand, throw the enemy to the ground with a jerk upwards, strike with the foot , step on the other foot and twist the captured leg.


Side kick defense(Fig. 38) when hitting the enemy with the right foot with a step left to the left, turn to the right and grab the leg from below with the left hand. Raising it up, knock the opponent to the ground and strike with the foot.


Exemption from the capture of the neck by the enemy in front(Fig. 40) Kick into the crotch (shin, foot) of the opponent, joining the fists together and spreading the elbows to the sides, strike from the bottom up between the opponent's hands. The upward movement of the arms should coincide with the active extension of the leg muscles. With the reverse movement of the arms from top to bottom, hit the enemy in the face or on the collarbones, and then, grabbing the clothes and pulling on yourself, hit him with his head in the face.


Unarmed defense training

Training in defense against punches and kicks is carried out by a group two-way method. A subunit in a two-tier formation, one rank acts as an attacking enemy, the other rank acts as a defender.

After familiarization, the technique is learned in divisions: “GET READY FOR BATTLE”, “On the count of “times”, designate the first numbers with a blow with the right foot to the lower abdomen, the second numbers with a step with the left foot to the left forward, turn to the right and grab the leg from below with the left hand, do- ONE ". The leader must point out individual details, correct mistakes and give the command: “On the count of “two”, raising the leg up, knock the opponent over to the ground, do - TWO”, “On the count of “three”, designate a kick on the opponent, do - THREE ".

In the process of mastering the technique, the technique of its implementation is no longer explained, but the command is given: “GET READY FOR BATTLE, the first numbers to protect themselves from a kick by moving to the side, the second numbers with a foot – BEAT!”

As the technique of the technique is mastered, it is necessary to combine its performance with other already mastered attacking or defensive actions and conduct them in the form of conditional fights, while all the actions of the partner should only be indicated, which is an indispensable condition that excludes traumatic injuries for those involved.

Techniques for disarming the enemy and methods of teaching them

In hand-to-hand combat, a situation may arise when an unarmed person has to act against an armed opponent.

According to the position of the weapon, the nature of the actions of the enemy, one can determine his intentions and timely conduct a disarmament technique. As a rule, success will depend on a reasonable distance with the enemy, timely withdrawal from the line of attack (if necessary), instant follow-up punches or kicks and the obligatory deprivation of his contact with the weapon. Disarming the enemy, it is necessary to use the inertia of the movement of his body to your advantage, competently exerting painful effects on the joints of the arms and legs.

Disarmament techniques are divided into the following groups: techniques for disarming an enemy when stabbed with a bayonet, techniques for disarming an enemy when struck with an infantry shovel, techniques for disarming an enemy when struck with a knife, when threatened with a pistol.


Disarming the enemy when stabbed with a bayonet to the right(fig.42) lunge with your right foot to the side, while turning the body to the left. Repulse (take away) the barrel of the enemy machine gun with the forearm of the left hand and capture it. Transfer the body weight to the left leg, grab the weapon with the other hand and, simultaneously with a jerk of the machine gun towards yourself, strike with the foot in the knee from the side. Knock the enemy to the ground, hit the head with the recoil pad of the butt, or point the barrel of the weapon at him.


Disarming the enemy when hit with an infantry shovel backhand or poke(Fig. 44) with a step forward to the side and turning towards the enemy, beat off the enemy’s armed hand on the backswing with the forearms and grab it, strike with the foot, grab the handle of the shovel, disarm the enemy, twisting the shovel towards the thumb and hit the enemy with a shovel on the head.

All blows with an infantry shovel have a larger or smaller swing. Therefore, to protect against such blows, it is necessary to perform a jump towards the enemy in order to stop the blow at the very beginning of its trajectory. Or try to avoid defeat by a swift movement to the side from the line of attack.


Disarming the enemy when hitting with a knife from above(Fig. 45) with a step forward, defend yourself by holding the forearm of the hand up under the blow of the enemy’s armed hand on the backswing, with the other hand grab his forearm from below in the elbow area, kick in the groin, pressing the flat part of the blade out with the forearm, disarm him. If necessary, putting pressure on the elbow, with a step with the left foot back, dump the opponent, turn face down, bend the arm behind the back and tie.


Disarming an enemy when stabbed from below or directly(Fig. 46) with a short step or a jump forward to the left, leave the line of attack, block the enemy’s armed arm with the forearm of the left hand and intercept him by the wrist. Immediately strike with a hand at the painful point, take the armed hand away from you to the right and knock out the knife with the base of the right palm on the back of the opponent’s hand. Next, knock the enemy to the ground and carry out the binding.



Binding is used to limit the resistance of a captured enemy, to escort and transport him. Binding is carried out, as a rule, after painful holds and throws. To do this, you need to knock the enemy to the ground face down. Get on your knees and, tightly blocking the captured hand with your right thigh, sit astride the enemy. Causing pain with pressure on the forearm of the grasped hand, force the opponent to bring the other hand behind the back. Blocking it with your left thigh, tie your hands.

hands behind the back, hands one on top of the other;

Hands behind the head, hands crossed, the free end from the loop is tied to the waist belt.


For tying with a rope(Fig. 49) a double tightening loop is used.


Binding Options(Fig. 50)

Hands behind the back, hands crossed, the rope passes through the neck or chest;

Hands behind the back, one above, the other below;

Arms crossed over chest, hands behind back.


Tying with a trouser belt or rope for a fixed position. Knock the enemy face down to the ground. Bend and cross your legs, put your hands behind your back and tie your right hand with your left foot, your left hand with your right foot.

Improvised means, for example, a stick, can be used to constrain the mobility of the enemy. In this case, it is necessary to insert a stick into the sleeves of the tunic behind the prisoner's back and tie the wrists to it or tie the opponent's hands in front and insert the stick into the elbow and popliteal folds of the arms and legs tied in front.

Depending on the combat use and methods of execution, all hand-to-hand combat techniques are divided into three types:

- attacking actions;

- protective actions;

- counterattacking actions (attacking actions both in counter and in response forms).

At present, the organizational structure of the content of hand-to-hand combat is the following forms:

- unarmed combat techniques;

- knife fighting techniques;

- fighting techniques with a small shovel;

- techniques of combat with a pistol;

- automatic combat techniques.

Their characteristics are considered in the corresponding groups of techniques of the system structure of hand-to-hand combat actions that we apply (Table 1).

The physical training program provides for the study of the proposed content of hand-to-hand combat, which consists of the following sets of techniques.

The general complex of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-1) includes:

- attacking techniques and actions: bayonet thrust (barrel poke with a lunge), butt blow from the side, stabbing with a knife, straight punch, kick from below;

- protective techniques and actions: protection with a machine gun (carbine), protection with the palms of the hands, protection with a knife blade;

- counterattacking techniques and actions: disarming the enemy when stabbed with a bayonet (with leaving to the left, with leaving to the right), freeing the enemy's neck from behind and in front.

Special complex of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-2) includes the techniques provided by the RB-1 complex, and additional techniques:

- attacking techniques and actions: bayonet thrust without lunge, bayonet and machine gun (carbine) strikes, butt plate strikes, infantry spatula strikes, hand strikes (from the side, from below, from above), kicks (forward, straight, from the side, from below), cutting and stabbing (from the side and straight) with a knife;

- defensive techniques and actions: protective actions with a machine gun (carbine), protective actions with a small shovel, protective actions with the palms of the hands, protective actions with a knife blade;

- counterattacking techniques and actions: disarming the enemy when hit by an infantry shovel, disarming the enemy when hitting with a knife.

A special complex of hand-to-hand combat techniques (RB-3) includes the techniques and actions provided for by the RB-1 and RB-2 complexes, and additionally considers the following techniques and actions designed to capture the enemy or destroy him, consisting in actions:

- unarmed against an enemy who is armed with a knife, small shovel, pistol, machine gun;

- armed with a knife against the enemy, acting with a small shovel, pistol, machine gun;

- armed with a small shovel against the enemy, acting with a knife, pistol, machine gun;

- armed with a pistol against the enemy, acting with a knife, small shovel, machine gun;

- armed with a machine gun against the enemy, acting with a knife, small shovel, pistol;

- release from grips: by the hands; for the elbows; for the chest; over the shoulders; when strangling the neck (throat) in front, behind; for the legs in front, behind; for the hand holding the knife; for the handle of a small shovel; for the barrel of the pistol; for the machine;

- disarming the enemy when threatened with a pistol: point-blank in front, point-blank behind;

- binding the enemy with a rope, trouser and waist belt, searching the enemy;

- painful techniques and actions in the dynamics of counterattacking actions.

In addition to the general classification of hand-to-hand combat techniques, the class leader needs to study and know the most vulnerabilities (pain points) of the human body.

When training subordinates, the leader must constantly remind them of the careful designation of blows and painful actions on the partner.

Knowing the vulnerabilities and the degree of possible damage after performing certain techniques will allow trainees to consciously approach the study and practical application of techniques in a combat situation (Table 2).

Table 1. The procedure for conducting classes

table 2

Structure, content and procedure for conducting classes

A practical hand-to-hand combat lesson is built in such a way as to organize and prepare those involved in the qualitative solution of the tasks set, as close as possible to combat ones.

Hand-to-hand combat training is the main form of training. It consists of preparatory, main, final parts and is carried out as part of units for 50 minutes. (100 min.).

Each of the classes has its own purpose, time, content, features in the method of conducting and, mainly, solves certain problems.

The lesson begins with a preparatory part, which takes 7-10 minutes. (15–20 min.).

During it, the following tasks are solved:

- gathering trainees, building a unit, checking the availability of military personnel, their appearance and a brief explanation of the objectives of the lesson;

- preparation of personnel for the upcoming physical activity in the main part, which is achieved by performing exercises in walking and running, for individual muscle groups, special preparatory exercises, self-insurance techniques, as well as exercises together.

Thus, after constructing and declaring the content of the lesson, performing several (2-3) drill techniques, the commander, in the order of the lesson, proceeds to solve the main task of the preparatory part.

Rice. 1

In a column, one or two at a time (an interval and a distance of 2-3 steps are set around the site (hall) at the command of the head of the lesson, the trainees sequentially perform: walking, walking at a fast pace, running at a slow and medium pace, special exercises in movements, double exercises, punches and kicks, self-insurance techniques, simple martial arts, hand-to-hand combat techniques, actions on sudden signals and commands.

When the unit moves along the perimeter of the site, the leader must always move towards the ranks, see the trainees, correct mistakes with timely short instructions and comments, monitor the precise execution of commands and orders by subordinates.

To maintain constant attention and develop the ability to act quickly on set signals, the commander, in the course of the trainees performing exercises on the move, can give orders using these signals. Having performed the action determined by the signal, the trainees continue to move along the perimeter of the area. After 1.5–2 minutes allotted for walking and running, the personnel begin to perform general developmental exercises in motion for various muscle groups that carry predominantly congruent movements, i.e. circular rotations of the arms (in the elbow, shoulder and wrist joints), legs (in the hip, knee and ankle joints), torso and head, as well as in their various combinations, etc.

Studying the techniques and actions of hand-to-hand combat, provided for by the training program;

Improvement of previously studied techniques and actions of hand-to-hand combat;

Comprehensive training with the obligatory inclusion of hand-to-hand combat techniques and actions studied in this lesson and performed in combination with previously studied techniques and actions.

The objectives of the main part of the lesson are:

Teaching the basics of hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Learning the basics of hand-to-hand combat tactics.

Development of special and mental qualities.

Increasing the body's resistance to the influence of adverse factors that arise in the process of training and combat activities:

– rapidly changing tactical environment;

– changes in weather conditions;

- injuries.

Development of the ability to apply learned techniques and actions, as well as methods of hand-to-hand combat in close combat.

The main part of a one-hour training session lasts 35–40 minutes, and a two-hour session lasts 65–70 minutes.

Depending on the tasks of training, the size of the unit, the level of preparedness and service life of the military personnel, the availability and condition of the training base, the methodological skills of the assistants to the head, the main part of the lesson can be carried out simultaneously or in shifts. The simultaneous form of conducting is that all units (small - up to 25 people) with approximately the same level of preparedness of military personnel are simultaneously trained in the same techniques and actions under the guidance of a trainer.

The advantage of this form of conducting the main part of the lesson is the ability to differentially allocate time for practicing individual techniques in accordance with their complexity under the guidance of at least one class leader.

If the unit is large in terms of numbers and the material base allows for classes at 2-3 training places, and the unit commanders have good practice and methodological skills in training personnel, then it is advisable to conduct classes with the division of the unit into two or three groups according to the staffing, or by length of service, or by level of training.

Thus, the shift form of conducting the main part of the training session is that the units, divided into groups, in the places indicated for them at the same time, under the guidance of at least two leaders of the classes, are trained in different techniques and actions with a change of place every 10 -15 minutes. This form of conducting classes is the most appropriate for improving skills in performing previously learned techniques (during training).

To conduct the main part of the classes in groups, the head of the lesson, having completed the preparatory part, stops the unit and gives an order in which he indicates which group is working out which techniques at which training place.

As a rule, the main part of the lesson is carried out in this sequence. At the beginning of the main part for 5-6 minutes. (10–15 min.) a repetition (training) of the techniques studied in the previous lesson is carried out, then for 30 minutes. (50–60 min.) new techniques are learned.

Having consolidated the skills in performing the learned techniques by repeating them many times under various conditions, the head of the classes proceeds to a complex training, the main content of which is the techniques studied in this lesson, in combination with those previously mastered.

At the end of the main part of the training session, a complex training is organized as part of the unit, which is carried out in two main ways.

The first one is in-line, where trainees move in a stream at increased distances and perform conditioned or semi-conditioned techniques and actions or short-term training fights at pre-arranged points (4-5 points are used).

The second is martial arts in pairs in the form of a training fight with predetermined actions of the participants.

The lesson ends with the final part for 3-5 minutes. (5–10 min.).

The final part solves such private tasks as:

Tidying up work areas.

Bringing the body to a relatively calm state, using slow running, calm walking, performing muscle relaxation exercises combined with deep breathing.


When summing up the results, the leader recalls what techniques were worked out, evaluates the quality of the learned material, notes the military personnel who have mastered the techniques and actions well and perfectly, and have shown diligence.

In addition, he gives the task of self-training and, if necessary, attaches well-trained military personnel to the trainees to assist. In conclusion, the head of the classes gives an order to prepare for the next classes.

From lesson to lesson, their density gradually increases, which is determined by the time spent directly on practicing the studied techniques and actions, on improving the physical and special qualities of students in relation to the entire time of the lesson.

Approximate training in a separate method of hand-to-hand combat

The learning process is conditionally divided into three stages: familiarization, learning and training.

Familiarization with the technique is aimed at developing a holistic view of the studied technique, about the most rational ways of its implementation.

To become familiar with the reception, the leader must:

a) name the technique, for example: “Protection with a knife from blows with the barrel of the machine gun, the tray of a small shovel, a knife from above”;

b) show the reception at a fighting pace;

c) explain the purpose of the reception, in what situation it is most effective to use it.

For example: “Protection with a knife is universal, because it is performed by the translational-rotational movement of the knife blade, meeting a blow from above with various types of weapons (automatic machine, small shovel, knife, etc.). It is used in environments with different physical and geographical conditions of the area. Creates conditions for defeating an enemy with superior anthropometric data and physical qualities”;

d) show the technique again at a slow pace (in parts) with a brief explanation of the technique. For example: “With a step with the left foot forward to the side, meet the barrel of the machine gun (the shaft of a small shovel or a brush holding the knife blade) with the knife blade in the plane of striking, do ONCE; take a step with the right foot while simultaneously turning the knife blade 90 degrees to accompany the opponent’s blow tangentially to your body, do TWO; conduct a counterattack in the dynamics of response, do THREE ";

e) point out the main elements in the reception technique. For example: "The main element of the protective action of a knife is the meeting of the enemy's blow with the knife blade in the plane of its application." It is necessary to spend no more than 1-2 minutes on familiarization. (3–4 min.).

When familiarizing the head of the lesson, naming the technique, he must use the terminology of the textbook "Instructions on Physical Training" and this teaching aid, ensure that the personnel remember and know the names of the techniques.

The show should be exemplary, create a clear idea of ​​the techniques, strengthen interest in their study. Receptions must be shown so that the leader's actions are visible to all trainees. For the show, the most convenient is a closed one-line or two-line formation, when the lines are facing each other (distance 6–8 m), and the leader is between the lines in the middle of the formation.

The show should end with a brief justification of the conditions for using the technique in a combat situation, determining the final result that must be achieved using one or another method of its implementation.

If necessary, in order to consolidate information about the technique being studied, the leader can show it again with the highlighting of the main elements of the technique.

Learning is aimed at mastering the technique of performing the technique.

Depending on the complexity of the actions and the level of preparedness of the trainees, learning is carried out by three main methodological techniques: in general, by divisions and with the help of preparatory exercises.

The essence of the methodological techniques used in learning is as follows.

Learning as a whole is carried out in the case when the technique is simple and it is impossible or impractical to divide it into elements (stances, preparation for battle, punches, kicks, etc.).

For example:

To prepare for battle: "GET READY FOR BATTLE";

For injection on the spot: "KOLI";

For injecting in motion: “Put injections on stuffed animals (targets) FORWARD”;

For striking: "BAY with a fist (edge ​​of the palm, leg, knife, butt, shovel)." The technique is learned by performing it repeatedly, first at a slow and then at a fast pace, using the above orders and commands.

Learning by divisions (parts, elements) is carried out when the technique is complex and divided into parts, while there may be stops in its implementation.

Learning by division is most common in hand-to-hand combat classes and is carried out by sequentially fixing individual positions in the structure of the technique. The reception must be divided into logically complete elements (groups of elements) so as not to distort the technique of performing the reception.

The content of hand-to-hand combat techniques that we offer, as a rule, is divided into no more than 2-3 elements. On the first account, a preliminary group of elements is performed, on account 2-3 - the main and final part of the reception.

After completing the technique 2-4 times in divisions, they continue to learn it as a whole, but at a slower pace. Further, the reception is performed as a whole.

After the personnel has mastered the technique as a whole, the trainees must be given the task to independently perform the technique in order to consolidate the acquired skills.

Learning ends with the execution of the reception at a combat pace in various conditions.

Learning with the help of preparatory exercises is used when the technique is complex, in general it cannot be performed and there is no way to divide it into parts, fixing the individual elements of the technique of the technique.

For example: the defensive movement of the palm of the hand is a complex element when punching, kicking and threatening with various types of weapons in order to disarm.

In this case, the leader distributes the groups of students so that the first numbers of the pairs hold a straight hand, indicating a direct blow with the hand. The second numbers with a step forward with the left foot met this blow of the opponent with the palm of the hand in the plane of application from its outer side, denoting the score "one". Then, stepping with the right foot, slightly bending at the knee joints, simultaneously turned the palm of the hand 90 degrees, marking the count as “two”. Then they designated counterattacking actions at the expense of "three".

Thus, the learning of most hand-to-hand combat techniques must be carried out in the following sequence: first, by divisions (if necessary, with the help of preparatory exercises), in general (at a slow pace, in light conditions), then with a gradual increase in tempo to combat, after which the reception is carried out independently under the supervision of the head of classes or the commander of the group. In conclusion, a training session is carried out, performed at a combat pace, in combination with other actions.

Injury prevention in the classroom

Hand-to-hand combat due to objective reasons - active motor activity in the learning process, significant physical and psychological stress, a variety of conditions for performing techniques and actions - suggests the appearance of possible injuries and injuries among those involved.

Therefore, the constant attention of the leader to the issue of prevention of traumatic injuries, the high organization of classes, the correct teaching methods, the high-quality preparation of training places and equipment make it possible to avoid injuries.

Causal factors of injury

To this end, the manager must:

- constantly maintain high military discipline and organization in the classroom;

- observe the sequence of exercises, intervals and distances between those involved in the performance of combat techniques with weapons in motion;

- monitor the correct use of self-insurance and insurance techniques; use knives with sheaths put on them, small shovels with sheaths, machine guns with attached bayonet-knives dressed in sheaths;

- when performing grips and throws, insure the partner, supporting him by the hand, and prevent falling on him;

- make sure that when teaching the techniques of disarming, liberation from grips, painful techniques in the process of the dynamics of response actions are carried out smoothly, without the use of great force and immediately stop at the partner’s signal with the voice “Yes”;

- methods of attack (pricks, pokes, blows) should only be indicated;

- constantly monitor the pulse, pressure, sweating of students, as well as monitor the color of their faces, the reaction of their eyes, coordination of movements in order to determine the individual load.

The order of conditions for testing and evaluating hand-to-hand combat techniques

When checking the quality of hand-to-hand combat techniques, the inspectors are assigned the techniques provided for in this section, from the following types combat:

- unarmed combat techniques;

- techniques of fighting with a knife;

- fighting techniques with a small shovel;

- techniques of combat with a pistol;

- techniques of combat with a machine gun, which correspond to special techniques and actions with this type of weapon.

Checking the readiness of military personnel to perform hand-to-hand combat techniques is carried out on a flat, but different in coverage area within one day.

Evaluation is done in two ways.

1. The servicemen line up in pairs in two lines facing each other at a distance of 6-8 steps with an interval of 2-3 steps. Then, at the command of the inspector, the first pair comes forward and performs the reception in turn, after which it returns to service. Then, on command, the second pair fails. In this order, the reception is performed by the entire personnel of the unit. After the first reception, the second, third, etc. are performed.

2. During the flow organization of the check, the serviceman alternately performs the designated hand-to-hand combat techniques on pre-arranged partners acting for the "enemy", or stuffed animals.

The unit commander prepares the situation for verification. To do this, he appoints and instructs military personnel acting for the enemy, and puts them on the site. Arranges effigies and prepares appropriate weapons. Determines the order of movement when performing tricks.

Checked independently on the command "FORWARD" performs the designated hand-to-hand combat techniques and then stops in the final position. The inspector in the course of performing the techniques by the military personnel puts them in the assessment sheet. The one who finishes the exercise gets in line in his place.

The quality of hand-to-hand combat techniques is assessed as follows:

"excellent" if the reception is performed according to the description, confidently and quickly;

“good” if the reception was performed according to the description, confidently, but minor errors were made;

"satisfactory" if the technique was performed according to the description, but significant errors were made: a stop was made where the fusion of movements of the arms and legs is required when accepting the opponent's forward movements, a loss of balance was allowed during movement, however, the technique was brought to completion;

"unsatisfactory" if the reception is not carried out in accordance with the description, grossly distorted and not brought to completion.

Error prevention and correction

Practice shows that it is easier to prevent a mistake than to fix it. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of errors in a timely manner, to prevent them from gaining a foothold, to identify and eliminate the causes that cause them.

At the beginning of learning the technique of reception, it is mastered in general terms, where the analysis and evaluation of its implementation should not be too detailed. Therefore, one should not notice and eliminate all the mistakes of individual practitioners at once. It is expedient to correct them according to the degree of importance: at first the more significant ones, and then the insignificant ones.

With the group teaching method, one should first identify and eliminate errors common to all students, and then individual ones (with the help of personal instructions and comments without stopping the learning process).

To correct the identified general error, the comparison method is effective, which consists in a practical demonstration of first a technique performed with an error, and then a technique without an error with the appropriate explanations from the head of classes.

Didactic principles and teaching methods;

Knowledge by trainees of techniques for performing techniques;

Proper organization of training sessions;

The state of military discipline and order.

In order to be more objective and create a unified, most optimal approach to assessing the quality of hand-to-hand combat techniques, it is advisable to specify the real content of the techniques with the concepts of “minor” and “significant” errors in the technique of their implementation, which should be used when deriving an assessment.

Every reception has:

1. Start (starting position).

3. End (result of execution).

All of these components are closely related, so not doing any of them is a significant mistake.

Significant errors should be understood as those that violate the logical integrity of the reception, the sequence of actions performed. “Insignificant” errors in the technique of performing the technique do not violate its integrity.

Table 1 provides a list of minor and major errors that are specific to basic hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Hand-to-hand combat equipment

Training places for classes should have a terrible appearance so that they make the proper psychological impression on people preparing for war.

The availability of equipment and equipment of training places should qualitatively influence the training of military personnel, since it should be assumed that the devices and equipment used should provide training for personnel in all the techniques and actions of the relevant forms of hand-to-hand combat on the principle "from simple to complex".

Therefore, on the site for hand-to-hand combat, places should be allocated for training in the following techniques and actions.

Unarmed combat techniques, where the following techniques would be trained:

– movement without weapons;

- methods of self-insurance;

- punches and kicks;

- protection from punches and kicks.

This place is used in the initial period of training, for which a flat and soft (grassy or sand and sawdust) area should be prepared. This site should have equipment that will allow you to make the most of the possibilities of this type of hand-to-hand combat (boxing bags, stuffed and bulk pears, stuffed animals, a soft anvil, etc.).

Combat techniques with weapons. The appropriate place of training will be used in the subsequent stages of training, since the equipment used will provide training for personnel in all the techniques and actions of the corresponding types of hand-to-hand combat (knife, small shovel, machine gun, pistol).

In order to develop psychological qualities and better form motor skills, this place of training should have a harder surface (soil, asphalt) than the place of the initial period of training.

The inventory used should allow the maximum use of the capabilities of regular weapons. Thus, the place is equipped with:

– stationary and mobile stuffed animals; various kinds of targets (moving and stationary);

- simulators, etc.

In order to consolidate the newly acquired motor skills and improve the issues of tactical training previously studied with mandatory consideration, places are equipped for conducting complex training of two types: in the form of field and urban strongholds. They must be adapted to the terrain in such a way as to facilitate the development of methods for destroying the enemy in hand-to-hand combat, depending on the professional affiliation of this unit, in order to psychologically harden the personnel.

In connection with the course of tactical and special training, appropriate field equipment is selected.

The system of training military personnel in certain types of hand-to-hand combat, allocated in a logical block diagram, determines the appropriate sequence of step-by-step passage through the places of employment.

Thus, the places of training should form the physical, tactical, technical and psychological readiness for actions in hand-to-hand combat in any terrain, in any weather and at different times of the day.

In order to develop self-confidence and the ability to withstand all the physical and mental stress of hand-to-hand combat, the use of standard weapons and items of individual equipment is provided.

Military personnel, systematically exercising in specially equipped places, can purposefully develop the necessary combat qualities, study and improve technical techniques, and special equipment will make it possible to maximize the possibilities of hand-to-hand combat in close combat.

Basic principles of unbalancing the enemy

The technique of the Russian style of hand-to-hand combat is based on knowledge of the mechanics of the human body and the ability to apply the laws of biomechanics to control your own body and the body of the enemy, using his own inertia and the force he puts into blows. The human body is a complex lever system with dozens of articulated joints. Due to this, high mobility and flexibility of our body is ensured, which allows us to perform the most complex movements in space. However, joint mobility has certain limits. It is impossible to perform any movements beyond these restrictions, and their forced execution under the influence of external forces causes acute, up to shock, pain.

If the movement is not stopped, then injury is inevitable. For example, the elbow joint allows you to bend the forearm relative to the axis of the shoulder from a small negative angle of 2–5 degrees to an angle exceeding 120 degrees, rotate the forearm along the longitudinal axis in both directions, which, combined with the mobility of the wrist joint, allows you to describe complex circular and spiral motions with your hand. movement.

However, an attempt to bend the arm in the direction opposite to the elbow bend causes sharp pain, and with sufficient effort, leads to rupture of the ligaments and injury.

Knowing the limits of mobility of each joint, especially the limbs, allows you to use them to control the enemy with the help of painful effects. To cause maximum pain and at the same time spend a minimum own forces levers are used. The main elements of the lever are the fulcrum and shoulders of forces. Depending on the relative position of the fulcrum, the force that does the work, and the opposing force, three types of lever are considered in mechanics.

To overcome the opposing force, it is necessary either to increase the force that does the work, or to increase the length of its arm. In hand-to-hand combat, the force that does work is the application of force to the enemy, and the opposing force is the force of the enemy. Since your power options are almost always limited, and the fight can be fought with a stronger opponent, the main way to work with leverage is to move the fulcrum. As a fulcrum, you can use the second arm, shoulder, thigh, lower leg, objects on the ground (pillar, building corner, trench edge, tree, etc.). To apply force to the enemy, the arms and legs are used primarily. Efforts can also be transmitted by the hip, shoulder, pelvic movement, head. The purpose of the impact is to inflict striking blows on the enemy, unbalance him and throw him, followed by striking or tying.

The condition for human balance is the placement of the vertical projection of the gravity vector within the support area.

Since the common center of gravity of the human body is located in the pelvic region, the balance is controlled by the movements of the pelvis and the supporting platform.

Accordingly, in order to bring the enemy off balance, it is necessary:

- prevent possible movement of the support platform;

– move the projection of the weight vector (P) beyond the reference area.

There are no special laws of motion for the living world. All of them obey the laws of classical mechanics. Therefore, hand-to-hand combat from the point of view of mechanics is a physical phenomenon, the essence of which is manifested in the mutual mechanical force opposition of physical objects (opponents) to each other!

For a successful understanding, we illustrate what has been said with simplified diagrams, equations of mechanics and photographs, where the theoretical stages of hand-to-hand combat can be expressed in the form of design schemes for the section of the resistance of materials as a complex resistance (compression-tension, shear, torsion and bending) in the form:

- bending with compression;

- bending with torsion;

- oblique bend;

- tensile bending.

In order to exist, a dynamic system must develop, and in order to develop, it must combine stability with instability. One of the most common forms of our thinking is the attraction to habitual, frozen schemes for solving problems, the behavior of statics.

On fig. 2 schematically depicts a figure of a man, which we will conditionally call "opponent". Imagine that we are attacking and our task is to topple the enemy.

How to survive in a street fight. Illustrated hand-to-hand combat manual Terekhin Konstantin Igorevich

Chapter 16 Punching Techniques

Practicing punches

The shortest way is the one you know!

1. Surprise exercise

I offer an excellent exercise in the suddenness / surprise of the strike. Stand in front of a mirror at arm's length (or a little more). Then, with lightning speed, apply a direct or side punch to the chin from the position of lowered hands. After that, work out a series (avoid pauses and delays between your actions) of two or three hits.

When performing any exercise, this one is no exception, it is necessary to ensure that the body does not give out a blow, so that the shoulders, face, etc. did not move before the impact.

Then you can also try it on the bag at full strength from a normal regular stance. By complicating the exercise and making it closer to reality, add a step forward.

If you manage to strike first, you will win 99 times out of 100!

2. Direct hit to the head of a teisho

Usually the start is made by the movement of the shoulder or pelvis. Our goal is to learn how to start due to the movement of the brush. To work out the starting impulse, a rope loop is thrown on the wrist of the PP, for which the VP sharply pulls his hand.

Purpose: to feel in practice the impulse coming from the hand.

To work out a direct blow to the head area - teisho - blows to different targets are practiced. For example, in a paw, in a full-length mannequin, in a stuffed ball (this surface is similar in its characteristics to a real face). Special attention should be paid to the practice of hitting a large shield with an embrasure held by the VP in order to practice an accented hit on a moving target.

3. Practicing blows with brushes (“splashes”)

For this exercise, you will need two paws that will hold the VP and a belt or rope to tie the hands of the PP to the body in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe elbows. The PP strikes two paws with three different brush shapes: inside palms in the form of a scoop or ladle (as they scoop water), the outer side of the palm and tetsui (“hammer fist”, the outer edge of a clenched fist).

The task of the PP is to develop the carpal joint and strike mainly due to the flexion-extension relaxed brushes. (I called such blows "splashes". Accurately and sonorously. :))

To do this, it is necessary to isolate the shoulder joint and, if possible, the elbow joint by fixing the hands to the body with a belt or rope ( rice. 16.1).

After the practice of single blows, the PP begins to work out series of two, three, four blows of each type and their free combination. The blows are applied with the outer side of the palm, the inner side and tetsuya.

4. Punch uraken

Tactically, the uraken mainly serves to inflict shocking blows, the main purpose of which is to divert the attention of the enemy, briefly deprive him of his sight or force him to jerk his head back. As a penetrating blow, uraken, which can lead to ikken hisatsu, is used much less frequently. From this it becomes apparent the importance of sharpness and speed in delivering this blow.

The exercise for working off the starting impulse is the same as described above.

Practitioners often overlook one important nuance when applying uraken. The secret is that in the final phase of this strike, you should bend your relaxed wrist as much as possible towards the target ( rice. 16.2–16.3). (The important point is that there is no need to tense the muscles here; it will be quite natural to bend the relaxed wrist by abruptly stopping the forearm.) This shape of the striking surface will significantly increase the blow itself by simply adding the insertion of the brush (okin. tincuti).

In addition, this form of the hand is more difficult to defend: the block must be placed much further from the body, otherwise the blow still hits the target.

direct uraken to the head (targets: bridge of the nose, nose, upper lip and the area between the lower jaw and chin. But the last two targets require extreme caution due to the possibility of damaging the fist on the teeth in a real fight situation.);

lateral uraken to the head (targets: the entire lateral surface of the head and face with special emphasis on the temporal region);

side uraken to the side (target: the head of the enemy standing on the side).

All these variants of the uraken can be practiced in the paw, which the VP holds either opposite and at the same level with the head of the RP, thereby imitating the face of the aggressor, or turning it perpendicularly in order to imitate the side surface of the head, or moving it to the side in order to it was possible to work out the side uraken to the side.

In the same way and for the same purpose, use a stuffed ball, and if possible, a rubber dummy. Working out strikes to the paw allows you to gain speed without worrying about possible injuries, hand bruises caused by improper formation of the striking surface.

Stuffed ball. Practicing blows to a stuffed ball gives a fairly clear idea of ​​the hardness of a person's head. And finally, practicing in a dummy allows you to understand the real impact input and possible consequences, possible deformation of the face of a real opponent. In addition, the mannequin allows you to teach your hand to “lay down” correctly on the relief of the face and head of a real opponent.

And finally, in my opinion, one of the most effective types of uraken is a whip with a relaxed brush in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe opponent's eyes.

5. "Circular" in the hands protected by shields

Before you start this exercise, you should prepare protective equipment. As practice shows, the most reliable protection gives a combination of two shields. You make something like a "sandwich": putting on harder pads (like those that usually cover the shin of footballers) down, and on top of them it is good to use shin pads that protect the shin, for example, in karate. In my experience, this design allows you to reliably protect your hands. Just before starting this exercise, the VP should protect his forearms and shoulders with pads. (By the way, I already wrote about this in detail in the section "Our protective equipment".)

The VP is allowed to attack the PP with any blows: blows from below, straight, circular, urakens, blows from above, tetsui (“hammer fist”, i.e., the outer edge of a clenched fist), etc. and so on. ( rice. 16.4) PP represents two parallel planes passing through the zones of his clavicles. Any strikes crossing this plane must be countered by vertical tetsuya strikes. I call this approach the “air defense principle” (when all foreign objects that fall within the area of ​​​​responsibility of the air defense calculation are destroyed).

Circular blows are also knocked down by straight-line blows of tetsuya with a difference in the affected area - the blow is applied to the area from the elbow joint and above. When applying PP blows to tetsui, there should be a feeling similar to that that occurs when you break a brick, i.e., beating, drying VP hands. (Your partner is no longer able to throw effective punches? ...Well. Great result!)

This is very important in terms of real combat. The fact is that the hands are well protected by the muscular frame, and in order to deprive the enemy of his “weapon” for some time, it is necessary to deliver strong enough blows, so the muscles will lose their mobility and elasticity. Thus, you will be able to stop the fight or buy time.

After completing the exercise, the partners change roles.

6. Brick breaking

The following exercise allows you to test the real possibilities of hitting, and I recommend periodically including it in your training plan. I'm talking about tameshiwari (destruction of hard objects), well known to most karatekas. In my opinion this exercise is good test for any fighter.

Everyone knows the method where two points are the support: two bricks are the base, the third is on top. Instead, I will offer you a slightly different approach.

The traditional option "requires" the use of a strong blow, i.e., the investment of mass. (When performing such an exercise, there is often a desire to lean on the brick with the whole mass. “Lie down” on it.) That is, it turns out that the more massive the fighter, the more bricks he will break. This is not our method. We do not need such tameshiwari! :)

For the method that I propose, speed characteristics, the sharpness of the blow and its “entrance” are more important than brute force and mass. You put a brick on some kind of solid support (for example, on two bricks) in such a way as you can see in the figure - so that half of it hangs down. That is, half of the brick has a real support, and the other half hangs in the air. In order to create a counterweight, one, two or more bricks are used. I want to note that the lighter the counterweight, the better. Aerobatics - breaking a brick without a counterweight ( rice. 16.5).

All is ready. Now you strike accurately and sharply at the "free" edge of the brick. The task of a brick is to break in the middle. :) The goal is to break the brick without using a counterweight, and if you do use the latter, to prevent them from jumping and / or changing their position.

The important thing is that by applying this approach, you will develop your sharpness, speed and "input" of the blow, and not use brute physical strength.

Practicing the “entrance” of a blow on a brick, one can imagine that the brick is actually a figment of the imagination. It is like a leaf of any fragile material (for example, chocolate) 1 mm thick, located on the bottom face of a brick. Under such conditions, your fist is able to go through the entire thickness of a real brick without slowing down for a second. How it happens - you pass the upper edge with acceleration and stop your blow at a depth of 1-3 cm below the bottom surface, bottom face of the brick. At the same time, it is important to “see” (in your own imagination) that the brick already broken. And absolutely believe it. All that's left is to hold a hand through him. (It is for this reason that I often say that a brick "breaks its head" :)).)

Thus, you can break any number of bricks. The only difficulty lies in the imagination. All it takes is - really imagine that the thickness of the brick is equal to a millimeter (the fact that it seems to you larger is an illusion, a game of the imagination). I agree, it's quite difficult. (But still real. And who promised that it would be easy? :)) Remember, in the famous film "The Matrix": "There is no spoon."

You need to break a brick with a tetsuya blow. When performing it, it is important to observe the correct application trajectory - an elongated parabola. That is, the blow is performed almost in a straight line. And at the very last moment, a loop-like movement is made, as if throwing a part of the brick to the side. Thus, it turns out that outwardly the impact trajectory looks like a parabola.

Tameshwari gives a great psychological experience. Making this punch is not only a test of punching condition, but more of an experience of overcoming fear and a skill in developing your imagination. "Victory" over the brick is actually a victory over oneself. Among other things, the successful results of breaking bricks make the fighter much more confident in their abilities. (It is understandable, because the body of the enemy is much softer than a brick. :))

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