Development of work safety instructions for an economist. Rights and obligations regarding labor protection of chief accountants and chief economists General requirements for labor protection

The question is often asked whether software instructions are needed for an accountant or for an office employee. I think yes! He also comes to work, uses electrical appliances (split system, electric kettle, microwave, coffee maker, etc.), tools and various office equipment. And often, without following basic safety rules, office employees get injured when going down stairs (for example: in high heels, carrying a pile of papers), from chairs (climbing onto a chair to turn on the split system) and simply performing work that is not typical for them. did not undergo training (For example: repaired an electrical appliance).

Therefore, today I will give an example of instructions for accounting employees: I affirm:
____________ I.O. Last name
"____"____________ 200__

on labor protection for employees of accounting, budgeting and controlling departments

1. General requirements labor protection

1.1. The instructions apply to the accountant, deputy. chief accountant, statistician, licensing specialist, head. budgeting and controlling department, senior financial analyst (hereinafter employee) working in the accounting department, in the budgeting and controlling department.
1.2. TO independent work Persons who are at least 18 years old, have appropriate education and training in their specialty, and have theoretical knowledge and professional skills in accordance with the requirements of current regulations, who have no contraindications to work in a given profession (specialty) for health reasons, who have undergone preliminary (upon employment) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations in accordance with the established procedure, trained in safe methods and techniques for performing work, introductory briefing on labor protection and instruction on labor protection in the workplace, testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements, if necessary, on-the-job training and having 1 group in electrical safety. Conducting all types of briefings must be recorded in the Briefing Log with the obligatory signatures of the person who received and conducted the briefing. Repeated instructions on labor protection should be carried out at least once every six months.
1.3. The employee must:
— comply with the internal rules approved by the organization;
maintain order in your workplace;
- be attentive while working, do not be distracted by extraneous matters and conversations and do not distract others from work;
— prevent violations of labor safety requirements and rules fire safety;
— use equipment and tools strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;
— observe the rules of personal hygiene;
- perform only the work specified in his job description;
— observe the work and rest regime depending on the duration and type of work activity (a rational work and rest regime provides for the observance of breaks);
- store and eat food only in designated and specially equipped places;
- immediately inform your immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs in the organization, about a deterioration in your health;
comply with the requirements and regulations of safety signs, signal colors and markings;
- be able to provide first medical care victims of accidents;
— know the telephone numbers for calling emergency services (fire department, ambulance, emergency gas service, etc.) and urgently informing immediate and senior managers, where the first aid kit is stored, and evacuation routes for people in emergency situations.
1.4. The employee is obliged to comply with labor protection rules to ensure protection from the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors associated with the nature of the work, including:
- increased visual stress when working for a long time on a computer and with paper documents.
1.5. Smoking and consumption alcoholic drinks at work, as well as going to work in drunk prohibited.
1.6. In accordance with current legislation, the employee is responsible for violations of the requirements of this instruction, industrial injuries and accidents that occurred through his fault.
1.7. Monitoring compliance with the requirements of this instruction is assigned to the head of the structural unit and the labor protection engineer or other authorized official.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Inspect the workplace, equipment, tools and materials used. Remove unnecessary items.
2.2. Check:
— workplace compliance with safety requirements;
— serviceability of the equipment and tools used, quality of the materials used;
2.3. Prepare for work the office equipment, equipment, tools, materials, switching devices, lamps, electrical wiring, etc.
2.4. Adjust the illumination level of the workplace, the height of the work chair, and, if you have a computer, the height and angle of the monitor.
2.5. Any violations of safety requirements detected before starting work should be eliminated. on our own, and if it is impossible to report this to the immediate or senior manager, representatives of technical and (or) administrative and economic services to take appropriate measures. Do not begin work until the problems are resolved.
2.6. Independent elimination of violations of labor safety requirements, especially those related to the repair and adjustment of equipment, is carried out only with appropriate training and permission to perform this type of work, subject to compliance with labor safety rules.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. Comply with the safety requirements and rules for operating equipment, using tools and materials set out in technical passports, operational, repair and other documentation developed by manufacturing organizations.
3.2. During work, avoid extraneous conversations and annoying noises. You should sit at your desk straight, freely, without straining. Regulated breaks during the working day should be observed for general industrial exercises, massage of fingers and hands, and eye exercises.
3.3. It is forbidden to work in insufficient lighting or with only local lighting.
3.4. Monitor the cleanliness of indoor air. When ventilating, avoid the formation of drafts. Keep the work area tidy and clean. Garbage should be collected in special containers and removed from the premises every day.
3.5. To prevent accidents and work-related injuries, it is prohibited:
- smoking indoors;
— touch exposed electrical wires;
- work on faulty equipment;
— leave electric heating devices unattended;
— use electric heating devices with an open spiral.
3.6. Constantly monitor the serviceability of equipment, tools, interlocking, turning on and off devices, alarms, electrical wiring, plugs, sockets and grounding.

4. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If hazardous working conditions arise in the working area (smells of burning and smoke, increased heat generation from equipment, increased level noise during its operation, faulty grounding, fire of materials and equipment, power outage, smell of gas, etc.) immediately stop work, turn off the equipment, report the incident to immediate or higher management, if necessary, call representatives of the emergency and (or) technical services.
4.2. In case of fire, smoke or gas contamination of the premises (the smell of gas appears), it is necessary to immediately organize the evacuation of people from the premises in accordance with the approved evacuation plan.
4.3. If you detect gas contamination in the room (smell of gas), you should immediately stop work, turn off electrical appliances and power tools, open a window or vent, leave the room, report the incident to immediate or higher management, and call the emergency gas service.
4.4. In the event of a fire or fire, immediately call the fire brigade, inform your immediate or superior manager and begin to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing means. If electrical networks and electrical equipment catch fire, they must be de-energized.
4.5. In case of an accident (injury), provide first aid. If necessary, call emergency medical assistance. Report the accident (injury) to your immediate or superior manager.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. Tidy up your workspace.
5.2. Turn off and de-energize equipment, office equipment, heating appliances and lamps.
5.3. Place used tools and materials in the designated storage area.
5.4. Inform your immediate or superior manager, and, if necessary, representatives of repair, technical and administrative services, about equipment malfunctions and malfunctions identified during work and other factors affecting labor safety.

This instruction has been developed in accordance with current legislation and regulations in the field of labor protection

COMPLETED BY _________________________


This labor safety instruction for employees of the loss control department and economic security specialists is available for free viewing and downloading.


1.1. To perform the duties of employees of the EBP, specialists of the economic security department (hereinafter referred to as the employee), persons who are at least 18 years of age, fit for health reasons and have passed:
- induction training;
— fire safety briefing;
— initial training at the workplace;
— training in safe labor methods and techniques;
— instruction for group 1 on electrical safety for non-electrical personnel.
1.2. The employee must undergo:
— repeated instructions on occupational safety in the workplace at least every 6 months;
— internship from 2 to 14 shifts;
— unscheduled and targeted briefings: when changing technological process or rules on labor protection, replacement or modernization of production equipment, fixtures and tools, changes in working conditions and organization, in case of violation of labor protection instructions, breaks in work for more than 60 calendar days (for work that is subject to increased labor protection requirements - 30 calendar days);
- periodic medical checkup.
1.3. The employee is obliged:
— comply with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise;
— comply with the requirements of this instruction, instructions on fire safety measures, instructions on electrical safety;
— comply with the requirements for the operation of equipment;
- use for the intended purpose and treat the issued uniform with care.
1.4. The employee must:
- be able to provide first (pre-medical) aid to a victim in an accident;
— know the location of first aid facilities, primary fire extinguishing equipment, main and emergency exits, evacuation routes in the event of an accident or fire;
- perform only assigned work and do not transfer it to others without the permission of the immediate supervisor;
— while working, be attentive, do not be distracted or distract others, do not allow persons unrelated to work to enter the workplace;
- keep the workplace clean and tidy.
1.5. The employee must know and observe the rules of personal hygiene. Eat, smoke, and rest only in specially designated rooms and places.
1.6. An employee may be exposed to dangerous and harmful production factors (low and high air temperatures in the work area, physical overload - stereotypical work movements, movement in space).
1.7. Persons who fail to comply with or violate instructions on labor protection are subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and internal labor regulations and, if necessary, are subject to an extraordinary test of knowledge of labor protection norms and rules.


2.1. Before starting work, the employee must:
— put on uniform, equipment, receive and check the serviceability of special equipment and service weapons;
— get acquainted with the situation, check that passages are clear of clutter, that there are no fires, that the premises and surrounding area are illuminated;
— check the serviceability of the gates (by opening and closing them) and the locking devices on them, turnstiles;
— inspect the weapon;
— bypass the safe movement route (hereinafter referred to as the route) in the protected area;
— make sure that communication means, signaling devices and warning signs, devices are available and in good working order security and fire alarm system, fire extinguishing and water supply equipment, electric heating devices, stove heating, fencing with warning signs and signal lighting at night at production sites earthworks(pits, pits, trenches, etc.).


3.1. When performing work, the employee:
3.2. Checks the serviceability of facility security equipment (communications equipment: walkie-talkies, telephones, alarm button key fobs) and prepares it for operation. Monitors the integrity of video surveillance archives and equipment (deleting records, turning off equipment).
3.3. Responsible for the operation and safety of video surveillance systems and communications, prevents unauthorized access to equipment.
3.4. Controls the issuance of access codes to video archives provided by the operations department.
3.5. By order of the head, the OEB provides access to viewing video archives to authorized employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system, the Supermarket and the Central Office.
3.6. When performing work to control the sale of inventory items in the cash register area, be vigilant, do not be distracted, and perform work only in accordance with the job description.
3.7. Conducts random checks of the compliance of cash receipts from customers and all store employees with the actual goods purchased. If a store employee refuses to carry out the procedure, he records this fact in the form of a memo to the Deputy Head of the OEB. Receives copies of receipts for the previous day for the intended product groups to verify events using video recordings. Conducts verification of compliance with cash discipline, company standards and internal labor regulations and records all violations.
3.8. Takes part in collection.
3.9. When walking around the sales floor and office premises, pay attention to fences, thresholds, and the absence of foreign objects along the route.
3.10. When performing work to control the acceptance and movement of goods in the warehouse, pay attention to the operation of lifting mechanisms, Vehicle. When passing through the territory of the facility, the employee is prohibited from being in the loading and unloading area.
3.11. Together with sales floor employees, identifies characteristic features(behavior, appearance and other) store visitors whose goal is to steal goods.
3.12. It is necessary to be careful when working with private security company employees to detain citizens who were trying to secretly remove unpaid goods.


4.1. In the event of a fire, immediately stop work, turn off electrical equipment, call the fire department, inform the immediate supervisor and administration of the organization, and take measures to evacuate the premises. When extinguishing a fire, it is necessary to use primary fire extinguishing means and take part in the evacuation of people. When electrical equipment catches fire, use only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers.
4.2. In case of injury, the employee is obliged to stop work, notify his immediate supervisor and call emergency medical care or go to a medical facility.
4.3. In case of electric shock, it is necessary to free the victim from the action of the current by immediately turning off the electrical installation with a switch or circuit breaker. If it is impossible to turn off the electrical installation quickly enough, it is necessary to free the victim using dielectric gloves, and you must also ensure that you do not become energized yourself. After releasing the victim from the action of the current, it is necessary to assess his condition, call an ambulance and provide first aid until the doctor arrives.
4.4. In emergency cases involving theft material assets the security guard is obliged to immediately take prompt action and inform management, call a police detachment or a rapid response team.


5.1. Upon completion of work, the employee must:
5.2. Tidy up the work area, clean and put away tools and equipment.
5.3. Take off your uniform and put them in their designated place.
5.4. Wash your hands with soap.
5.5. Notify your immediate supervisor of any deficiencies discovered during work.

The basis for the activities of an organization economist labor relations at the enterprise is Qualification Handbook positions, according to which the corresponding instructions are developed. The document must contain the following information:

  • level of his responsibility and authority
  • volume and list of labor duties required to perform
  • requirements for the level of education, degree of qualification, work experience and the presence of certain knowledge and skills

Labor economist - specialist with higher education economic direction and work experience of at least 6 months, which is a full-time unit in the economic planning department, financial department or labor and wages department.

The main tasks of a labor relations economist:

  • cover the entire area of ​​the company’s work, which is related to the organization and optimization of the work activities of each individual employee and the entire workforce as a whole
  • control this area of ​​the company’s activities, making appropriate changes and adjustments in a timely manner, planning and taking into account all possible options development of labor relations for the further successful functioning of the enterprise

The main goal is to promote high and ensure continuity of the production process by developing an optimal work schedule and incentive scheme for each employee.

The economist is directly subordinate to the head of the relevant department and the financial director of the company. During the employee’s absence, all powers and rights of the specialist are transferred to another employee of the relevant department.

Requirements for knowledge and skills

A specialist in this area must have the following skills and abilities:

Responsibilities and main functions

The list of the main functions that a labor economist must perform, the responsibilities and tasks facing a specialist in this area may consist of the following items:

Rights of a labor specialist

In addition to numerous responsibilities, a specialist has a certain list of rights and capabilities:

Responsibilities of a labor economist

The job description also stipulates the degree of responsibility of a specialist for untimely or improper performance of his or her job duties. Labor specialist and wages is responsible:

  1. For failure to fulfill or incomplete fulfillment of his duties assigned to him and prescribed in the labor instructions.
  2. For improper execution of orders and orders of the current management of the company.
  3. , which has been assigned the status of a trade secret.
  4. For improper implementation of current instructions and regulations on internal regulations, fire safety, safety precautions, labor standards and rules.
  5. For actions (or inactions) that caused damage material damage to the enterprise.
  6. Offenses committed as a result of the performance of one’s immediate duties, in accordance with the approved instructions.

The above requirements for the relevant position are advisory in nature and may vary depending on the specifics of production processes, the level of personnel qualifications, the availability of other related positions and specialists in this type of activity, as well as other features of the enterprise.

If a company has several specialists in the field of labor relations, it is advisable to divide job responsibilities for more efficient and coordinated work of the entire team. When developing an individual job description For each specialist, it is necessary to cover the main work points as much as possible and clearly define the functions of the employee and for the proper performance of job duties.

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Protocol No. 14a


1.1. The economist notifies his immediate supervisor of any situation
threatening the life and health of people, about every accident that occurred on
production, about the deterioration of their health, including manifestations
signs of acute illness.
1.2. Dangerous and harmful factors for an employee may be:
Traveling nature of the work;
Carrying out work related to the transportation and storage of documents.
1.3. Employees are required to comply with internal regulations, working hours and
rest and strictly follow the labor protection instructions for the PVEM operator.
1.4. In cases of injury or equipment malfunction, the employee immediately
stops work and informs his immediate superior about the incident,
provides himself or another employee with first aid and organizes, if
if necessary, delivery to a healthcare facility.
1.5. The employee is obliged to know and observe the rules of personal hygiene.
1.6. It is prohibited to store flammable and explosive substances in your workplace.
1.7. Given the traveling nature of the work, employees must come to work
in comfortable clothes and shoes appropriate for the season.
1.8. For violation (failure to comply) with the requirements of regulations on labor protection
the employee is subject to disciplinary action, and in appropriate cases -
financial and criminal liability in the manner established
legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.9. At the workplace, the employee receives initial safety training
labor and undergoes: internship; training on the device and operating rules
equipment used; testing knowledge on electrical safety (if
using equipment powered by an electrical network), theoretical
knowledge and acquired skills of safe working methods.
1.10. While working, the employee goes through:
Repeated training on occupational safety in the workplace must be carried out by the employee
take place once every six months.

1.11. Men and women who have reached
age 18 years.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Remove pins, needles, breakables and sharp objects from pockets.
2.2. Prepare work area for safe operation:
Check the equipment of the workplace, the serviceability of the equipment,
electrical wiring for visible damage. If there is a malfunction, please report
to the immediate supervisor.
Check by external inspection the sufficiency of illumination and serviceability
switches and sockets.

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. Perform only the work for which you have received training and instructions.
labor protection and to which is admitted by the employee responsible for safe
execution of work.
3.2. Do not entrust your work to strangers.
3.3. While at work, employees must not perform actions that
which may lead to an accident:
Do not rock on the chair;
Do not touch exposed wires;
Do not operate equipment with wet hands;
Do not swing sharp or cutting objects.
3.4. Follow the rules of movement in the premises and on the territory of the organization,
Use only designated passages. Do not clutter installed
passages and driveways.
3.5. Given the traveling nature of the work, employees must know and follow traffic rules,
observe safety measures when using public transport.
3.6. Store documentation in cabinets in a specially equipped office.
3.7. Due to the fact that most of the time is devoted to working on the computer,
it is necessary every two hours, to be distracted and take a break of 15 minutes, to reduce
general physical fatigue.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In an emergency situation, people around you should be made aware of the danger and
act in accordance with the emergency response plan.
4.2. In the event of a fire or fire, you must immediately
report this to the fire department, shout to warn the surrounding people and
take measures to extinguish the fire.
4.3. In case of injury, poisoning or sudden illness, stop working and
seek help from a medical professional, and in case of his absence, treat yourself
or other victims, first aid and report
incident to the immediate supervisor, then act according to his instructions.
4.4. In situations that threaten life and health, leave the dangerous area.

5. Safety requirements after completion of work

5.1. Clean the workplace.
5.2. Check the fire safety condition of the office.
5.3. Close the windows, close the lights, turn off the pilot, close the doors.

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