All-Russian online anti-drug lesson I have the right to know. Online lesson on the prevention of teenage drug addiction “I have the right to know! Working in small groups

Online lesson

anti-drug orientation

"I have the right to know"

Organizer: classroom teacher– Reutova T.V., educational psychologist - Ivanisova O.V.

Location: MBOU "Novenskaya Secondary School" of Ivnyansky district, Belgorod region

The date of the:

Class: 9

Lesson form: Classroom hour

Equipment: Teacher's PC, interactive whiteboard, projector, students' PC, handouts.

Purpose of the event:

1. Bring to the school audience information about sites, pages, and other resources, including sources of official information available on the Internet, on issues related to the harmful consequences of drug addiction, its prevention, and the provision of qualified medical care, and teach them how to use them

emerging need.

2. Provide access to Internet receptions and hotlines of drug control authorities, public and youth organizations, as well as show the capabilities of the Internet in terms of receiving consultations from doctors, psychologists, lawyers and teachers specializing in this field.

Objectives of the event :

    Form an idea about negative impact drugs on physical health man and his social well-being;

    Reveal the negative medical, psychological, social and moral aspects associated with drug addiction;

    Develop a strong negative position regarding the trial, use and distribution of drugs.

    Disseminate advanced forms and methods of countering this social phenomenon;

    To foster a culture of behavior and a sense of patriotism;

    Develop the ability to argue your point of view.

Equipment: teacher computer, projector, interactive whiteboard, student laptop computers with Internet access, handouts.

Stage 1. Preparatory.

Teacher: Hello guys! I would like to start our class hour with the words of Herodotus. (the teacher reads the epigraph written on the board)

“When there is no health, wisdom is silent, art cannot flourish, strength does not play, wealth is useless and reason is powerless.”

What do you think we'll talk about today? (Students' answers)

What do you think is the problem, the threat that is gripping more and more young people? (students' answers)

So today's topic class hour"Be healthy and happy"

Teacher: Nature has created everything to make a person happy. Trees, bright sun, clean water, fertile soil. And us, strong, beautiful, healthy and reasonable people. A person is born for happiness and it seems there is no place in his soul for an evil spirit and unearthly vice.

Stage 2. Basic.

Teacher: Guys, the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation has developed an Internet lesson “I Have the Right to Know,” where you can get reliable information first-hand. We have become acquainted with the general content of this site, and now I suggest you familiarize yourself with each section.

(showing a presentation or slides where the teacher shows (with explanation) the pages of the Federal Drug Control Service website, talking about each section)

Guys, on the board there are leaflets with the addresses of the Internet site of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, as well as telephone numbers and addresses in our region. At the end of the lesson you can take them.

Teacher: In the era of new technologies and global networks every person can find out how many people die because of drugs, how quickly the lives of drug addicts and their families are destroyed, and how unbearably difficult the path to recovery is...

(watching a video from the section “Anti-drug videos” entitled “Territory of Delusion”

Teacher: I propose to express your opinions about the film by performing the “Brainstorming” exercise.

Group 1 - works on the question “Why do people use drugs?”

Group 2 - works on the issue “Consequences of drug use”,

Group 3 - " alternative ways to achieve effects without psychoactive substances ».


For company

To spite my parents

To experience new sensations

Having nothing to do

Out of curiosity


Death from overdose

Loss of respect from others

Hepatitis and AIDS

Conflicts with parents


(Display of presentation by students, preparation of memos for peers)

Teacher: You know, not all people have a clear understanding of drug addiction. They often form their ideas about drugs based on stories from friends, rumors and prejudices. This is dangerous, firstly, because “myths” about drugs can downplay the real threat, and secondly, because “myths” can dangerously exaggerate, giving rise to a feeling of hopelessness and doom.

Exercise "Myths" can help your teenager develop a mature and informed attitude towards drugs.

Myth 1: You can always refuse to use drugs again.

Fact: You can refuse only once - the first time. Even a single use of a drug (especially a synthetic one, and they are usually the cheapest and therefore most accessible) leads to addiction. Myth 2: Drugs provide an incomparable feeling of pleasure.

Fact: The feeling of high does not occur after the first pill or injection. On the contrary, as when smoking the first cigarette, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc. Moreover, the euphoria of the third or fourth dose quickly disappears and in the future drugs are taken to relieve the painful, painful sensation(withdrawal) and just survive another day.

Myth 3: Drugs are “soft” and “hard”. Weed is a “soft” drug that is not addictive.

Fact: All drugs are addictive. Any drug kills, it's only a matter of time.

Myth 4: Talented people take drugs to get inspiration.

Fact: Those who did this did not live long. And history will not yet remember immortal works of art created while “high.”

Vysotsky's song is playing.

A student comes out with a collection of Vysotsky’s poems.


It’s my own fault - I shed tears and groan:

I fell into someone else's deep rut.

And he outlined his goals to choose from himself -

But now there is no way out of the rut.

This track has steep, slippery edges.

My favorite poet is Vladimir Vysotsky. I spent a lot of time studying his work. And then I became interested in learning about this man’s life. I heard that Vysotsky suffered from alcoholism. But when I read the memoirs of his wife, Marina Vladi, and his colleague, Valery Zolotukhin, I learned that Vysotsky’s biggest problem was drugs.

I did not stop respecting this man, but his work began to take on a different meaning for me.

Girl: Vladimir Vysotsky was born and lived in Moscow. After graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, he worked at the Moscow Pushkin Theater and the Moscow Miniature Theater. From 1964 until the end of his life, his fate was inextricably linked with the Moscow Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater. Here, his best roles were played.

When Vysotsky first experienced the effects of drugs, no one knows. Doctors agree that Vysotsky began taking drugs to relieve the alcohol hangover syndrome, not yet knowing that coming out of a drug-induced state was much harder and more difficult for the body. Vysotsky understood and realized this when recovery was already extremely difficult.

Young man: In April 1977, in Once again Vysotsky was admitted to the Sklifosovsky hospital. They say that he has never felt so bad. The entire body, all functions were disabled, it was supported exclusively by devices.

V. Zolotukhin recalled:“I lost weight and became like a fourteen-year-old boy. Hallucinations, delusions, partial swelling of the brain. One kidney doesn’t work, the other barely works, the liver is destroyed, I’m all heavy.”

Vysotsky made it out this time. Despite all medical prescriptions, he lives a bright, eventful life. He's in a hurry, in a hurry to get everything done. And thanks to the happy compaction of the working day, it reduces the time for sleep and rest to a minimum, achieving amazing results. This is his finest hour.

Teacher: In 1980, Vysotsky made desperate attempts to recover from drug addiction. Even hemosorption, a painful blood purification procedure, does not help.

    July 1980 - last concert in Kaliningrad.

    July - the last performance at Taganka.

Doctors behind the scenes periodically support the losing consciousness actor with injections. And although he can barely stand on his feet, the audience does not notice it.

V. Zolotukhin:“Volodya knew very well (he was a courageous man) that it was difficult, almost impossible, to break out of the circle of this illness... In recent years, he somehow became sad: he learned something about the world and something in him changed. And this something weighed on him Lately.

I couldn't sleep in the dark. When leaving home, he did not turn off the light, always in the light... Sometimes he even slept with his eyes open. I saw dreams. Sometimes he would shudder. “What are you doing?” - “Nothing, I’m sleeping.” I couldn't be alone, there was always someone nearby. For the last year he hasn’t been alone for a single second.”

Myth 5: Only the weak and weak-willed become drug addicts.

Fact: Drug addiction is a disease and, like any disease, it has nothing to do with willpower.

Myth 6: If drugs are not injected into a vein, there will be no addiction.

Fact: Any method of drug consumption leads to addiction. There is a law of dosage: from smaller doses a person moves to larger ones, from less strong substances to stronger ones. This is the law without exception.

Myth 7: It's better to quit gradually.

Fact: It’s easier to stop using drugs once than to try to do so for the rest of your life.

Game "Give away what is most dear to you." Goal: to help children realize the possible losses that arise when addiction occurs, to shift focus value orientations.

Participants are asked to write on colored pieces of paper one by one:

“your passion”, hobby;

“the most expensive item” (meaning expensive both “to the heart” and in price);

"dear person"

Next, the presenter in the role of a “drug” (the inscription “drug” on the chest) offers the participants his friendship, describing all the mythological delights of consuming psychoactive substances. (Drug - I give wonderful illusions, convey feelings of bliss, joy, psychological comfort, everything is perceived in rainbow colors, plunging me into sweet dreams. All this lasts for whole minutes.) But you have to pay for this friendship, and Narcotic invites the participants to give up one by one (“give it back, give me ...”) a hobby, then an expensive thing, and then a dear person ( "Why do you need them, because you have me")

Reflection of the game: exchange of opinions, feelings (What feelings did you experience? What could you give? Why?).

Teacher: Yes, reality can sometimes be complex and confusing. And you need to make a choice. Think about whether it’s worth giving away what’s most precious to you for a few minutes of dubious pleasure.

Guys, please tell me, what else can drugs deprive a person of?

Look at the board where the word “drugs” is written vertically; for each letter you must name your answer.

N independence

A activity

R performance

TO beauty

ABOUT sociability

T creation

AND sincerity

TO communication skills

AND intelligence.

Stage 3. Summarizing.

Projects “I choose life!” Goal: drug addiction prevention and a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: Whatman paper, pencils.

Teacher: Having attended today's lesson, you have probably already drawn conclusions for yourself. Let's try to convey to every schoolchild and village resident that “drugs are death.” Your task is to develop a project or drawing, a newspaper on the topic “I choose life! No Drugs"

(Project protection)

Teacher: Today, once again we are convinced that the problem of all humanity is drug addiction. Stop and think, do you want this kind of life?

Know how to say “no”! After all, you are a person! Unique! Unique!

Together with children

No drugs!

Tell all your friends!

No to drugs!

Tell yourself - yourself!

Drugs are bad!

Always know!

Drugs are death!

The purpose of the lesson: contribute to the formation of knowledge about the dangers of drug addiction, the work of self-awareness and self-esteem of adolescents.


  • Introduce students to the site Federal service Russian Federation drug control;
  • Conduct a survey of high school students to identify their needs for new sensations;
  • Lay the foundation for student growth in self-awareness and self-esteem through open dialogue with a drug control specialist.



Project of the All-Russian Internet lesson for grade 11 on the prevention of teenage drug addiction “I have the right to know!”

The purpose of the lesson: contribute to the formation of knowledge about the dangers of drug addiction, the work of self-awareness and self-esteem of adolescents.


  1. Introduce students to the website of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control;
  2. Conduct a survey of high school students to identify their needs for new sensations;
  3. Lay the foundation for student growth in self-awareness and self-esteem through open dialogue with a drug control specialist.
  1. Introductory speech by the teacher (1-2 min).

Good afternoon guys. Today, as part of our school program “I Choose Life,” we are conducting an online lesson on the issue of confrontation bad habits. Lately there has been a lot of talk about drug addiction and its consequences. This problem has become worldwide and finding ways to solve it is quite difficult.

You are, I am, he is,

And everyone has their own life.

And her price is dignity and honor,

There is an age of transitional years,

No matter how difficult it may be.

For many the dawn begins,

And someone plunges into darkness.

You are, I am, he is,

Only together can we stop evil

Until recently, news about drug addiction reached us only from foreign countries. Now it has come to us and is spreading according to the laws of the epidemic.

  1. Activator game “Pyramid” (2-3 min).

- I will choose one of you. He will go to the middle and invite the other two to join him. Those two will each choose two more players, etc. Thus, each invitee must invite two more people. The game ends when there is no one left who is still sitting in his place.

The guys line up in a “pyramid”.

– Look how little time it took you to get everyone present out of their seats! Drug addiction is spreading at the same speed, like an epidemic. Every person knows what terrible grief drugs bring. But why are there more and more drug addicts?

  1. Getting to know the min).

I would like to introduce you today to the website of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control, which will help you find answers to many of your questions.

We present to your attention a section of the first All-Russian anti-drug Internet lesson “I have the right to know!” that was specially created for you.

It contains the information you need reference Information about the negative medical, social and moral aspects associated with drug addiction, including thematic video materials, computer games. In addition, visitors are given the opportunity to ask questions of interest to drug control specialists.

  1. Watch the video “Safety Territory” (10 min).
  2. Discussion of problematic issues.

Dialogue with an employee of the department of interdepartmental interaction in the field of prevention of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation in the Saratov region(7-8 min).

  1. Working with the site (5 min).

As part of the “Open Dialogue” section, the opinions of site users on issues related to the prevention of drug addiction among young people are studied. Here you can now send your suggestions and opinions on a topic that interests you, as well as fill out an online lesson participant form.

  1. A short version of the psychological questionnaire by M. Zuckerman (5 min).

The more pronounced a person’s tendency to seek new sensations, the higher the likelihood that, having tried one of the drugs, he will quickly become dependent on it. I suggest you take a short version of a psychological questionnaire, which allows you to show the degree of expression of such a need for each of you.

We bring to your attention a number of statements that are combined in pairs. From each pair you need to choose the one that is most characteristic of you and mark it.

  1. Final words from the teacher (2 min).

Nature has created everything to make a person happy. Trees, bright sun, clean water, fertile soil. And us, people - strong, beautiful, healthy, intelligent. A person is born for happiness, and it seems that there is no place in his soul for an evil spirit and base vice.

We were born to live

Maybe we shouldn't destroy the planet?

There is a better answer besides “yes”,

Let's say, guys, no to drugs!


To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

Slide captions:


QUESTION #1 I would prefer a job that requires a lot of travel I would prefer to work in one place

QUESTION #2 A fresh, cool day cheers me up On a cool day, I can’t wait to get home

QUESTION #3 I don’t like all smells human body I like all human body smells

QUESTION #4 I would not like to try any drug that might have an unfamiliar effect on me I would try any unfamiliar drug that causes hallucinations

QUESTION #5 I would prefer to live in an ideal society where everyone is safe, secure and happy I would prefer to live in the uncertain, troubled times of our history

QUESTION No. 6 I can't stand driving a car with a driver who loves speed. Sometimes I like to drive a car very fast because I find it exciting.

QUESTION No. 7 If I were a salesman, I would prefer a fixed salary rather than a piece rate with the risk of earning little or nothing. If I were a salesperson, I would prefer to work piecework, since I would have the opportunity to earn

QUESTION #8 I don’t like to argue with people whose views are very different from mine, because such disputes are always insoluble. I find that people who disagree with my views stimulate my thinking more than people who agree with me.

QUESTION #9 Most people spend too much money overall on insurance. Insurance is something that no one could afford to live without.

QUESTION No. 10 I would not like to be hypnotized I would like to try to be hypnotized

QUESTION No. 11 The most important goal in life is to live to the fullest and take as much from it as possible The most important goal in life is to find peace and happiness

QUESTION No. 12 I enter cold water gradually, giving myself time to get used to it. I like to immediately dive or jump into the sea or a cold pool.

QUESTION No. 13 In most types of modern music, I don’t like disorder and disharmony. I like to listen to new and unusual types of music.

QUESTION No. 14 The worst social flaw is to be a rude, ill-mannered person The worst social flaw is to be a boring person and a bore

QUESTION No. 15 I prefer emotionally expressive people even if they are a little unbalanced I prefer more calm people even if they are “regulated”

QUESTION No. 16 People who ride motorcycles must have some kind of unconscious need to cause themselves pain, harm. I would like to drive a motorcycle, ride it

PROCESSING AND INTERPRETATION Each answer that matches the key is scored 1 point. The points are summed up.

11-16 POINTS Means that you have an attraction, perhaps uncontrollable, to new “nerve-tickling” experiences, which can often provoke participation in risky adventures and activities

6-10 POINTS Indicates the ability to control such needs, moderation in their satisfaction, that is, restraint and prudence in the necessary moments of life. The likelihood of falling into a situation of mental dependence is low. Most likely, you will be able to cope with yourself and overcome your own mistakes if you have already made them.

0-5 POINTS Indicates the presence of forethought and caution, sometimes to the detriment of gaining new impressions and risky pleasures. A subject with this indicator prefers stability and orderliness to the unknown and unexpected in life. Most likely, you will not even experiment with taking drugs. And you will do the right thing.

Online lesson on preventing teenage drug addiction

“I have the right to know!”

The purpose of the lesson: contribute to the formation of knowledge about the dangers of drug addiction, the work of self-awareness and self-esteem of adolescents.

Lesson objectives: 1. introduce students to the website of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control;

2. teach how to use other anti-drug Internet resources;

3. lay the foundation for the growth of students’ self-awareness and self-esteem.

The main goal of the event: guide students to develop a strong negative position on the offer to try, while teaching them to say NO.

Equipment: computer, signs about the dangers of drugs, fragment of the film “Security Territory”, questionnaire, modem

Invited: narcologist

IDN inspector

KDN inspector

Lesson plan:

    Introduction to the topic

    Let's talk about teenage drug addiction



3. Speeches by invited guests

4. Watching the film “Security Territory”

5. Story about the FSKN website

6. Conclusion, reflection

During the classes

Good afternoon guys, guests! Today we are conducting an Internet lesson on the problem of confronting bad habits. Lately there has been a lot of talk about drug addiction and its consequences. This problem has become worldwide and finding ways to solve it is quite difficult.

You are, I am, he is,

And everyone has their own life.

And her price is dignity and honor,

There is an age of transitional years,

No matter how difficult it may be.

For many the dawn begins,

And someone plunges into darkness.

You are, I am, he is,

Only together can we stop evil

Until recently, news about drug addiction reached us only from foreign countries. Now it has come to us and is spreading according to the laws of the epidemic.

I would like to talk in more detail about teenage drug addiction.

Why a person starts using drugs remains open to this day, since the study of this issue began as soon as the problem of drug addiction arose at the state level.

At first, this problem was of a narrow regional scale, since only in certain places did plants grow, from which a narcotic drug could then be made, and not everyone knew that this drug could be used.

With the growing popularity of drug use, the population of drug addicts also expanded, at first they were people of a certain age and mentality, but then the boundaries and barriers began to blur and even teenagers and children joined the ranks of drug addicts.

It is teenagers who most often become drug addicts, since they are quite gullible, at this age they want to be older, so they do everything to be older. And drugs only reinforce this status.

Using drugs in adolescence is very dangerous and also very harmful, since the body, which is not strong and not fully formed, is susceptible to the influence of drugs, which can lead to various kinds of disorders.

(some statistics)

Today there are about six million drug addicts in Russia, and only 500 thousand of them are officially registered. The fact is that only a small part of people who regularly use drugs agree to register with a doctor. Meanwhile, in 1 year, drug treatment clinics can accommodate a workload of 50 thousand people. 20 percent of all drug addicts in our country are schoolchildren. 60% are young people aged 16 to 30 years. The remaining 20% ​​are people over thirty.

Average age The average age for starting drug use in our country is 15-17 years. In addition, the number of drug addicts aged 9 - 13 years increases every year. There have also been cases of drug use by children aged 6-7 years; most often they are forced into drug addiction by parents with an existing addiction to psychotropic substances.

The main sources of drugs in Russia are educational establishments, clubs and discos. 70 percent of young drug addicts admitted that they used drugs for the first time in these places. According to statistics, one drug addict attracts 13 to 15 people to use psychotropic substances.

Over the past few years, the number of deaths caused by drug use has increased 12-fold. Among children, this figure increased 40 times. On average, after starting drug use, an addict lives 3 to 5 years.

IN last years Drug addicts account for 90 percent of all registered HIV cases. The vast majority of infections were caused by the shared use of syringes. 90 percent of all crimes are in one way or another related to drugs, and especially serious acts such as murders, robberies, and assaults are committed for the sake of a single dose of an intoxicating substance.

In this case, those who have not used psychotropic substances for at least a year are considered cured.

Every year in the Russian Federation, 70 thousand drug addicts die; last year, 100 thousand people died from the effects of narcotic drugs. Unfortunately, observing the dynamics of change, it is impossible to come to positive conclusions: the situation with drug addiction is constantly worsening, and this process can only be stopped with the help of tough legislative measures, the main one of which should be the tightening of criminal liability for the distribution of narcotic drugs.

(the head of the Federal Drug Control Service recently spoke about introducing a bill)

The Federal Drug Control Service has prepared a bill to introduce criminal liability for drug use. It is proposed to provide for criminal liability for drug use by a new article - 230.1, under which for committing a crime it will be possible to receive up to two years of restriction of freedom.

“Until there is a law on compulsory treatment of drug addicts in Russia at the federal level, the law on criminal punishment will not work.”

The main harm that society feels from drug addiction is that the addict becomes isolated, because he has no interests, he only cares about himself, about getting the next dose of drugs.

Drugs are essentially a real poison, and the dose of this poison that enters the human body determines how the drug will affect the human body.

Many will have a logical question: what if the dose of drugs is kept small all the time, then they will only stimulate the body and will not cause harm. But it turns out that the problem is that the human body can adapt, for example, if a person has something hurting (for example, a tooth), and suddenly if something hurts him more strongly, then he forgets about the toothache.

The same thing happens with drugs, at first a small dose of drugs does not do much harm to the body, and the person feels light and cheerful, but a short period of time passes and this dose is not enough for the person, it needs to be increased.

This is when the harmful effects of drugs on the human body begin. They block the nervous system, have a bad effect on the functioning of all human organs, etc.

But even this problem can be solved. I give the floor to our guests.

Now I would like to suggest watching the film “Territory of Safety”. (discussion of the film)

Activator game "Pyramid"

I will choose one of you. He will go to the middle and invite the other two to join him. Those two will each choose two more players, etc. Thus, each invitee must invite two more people. The game ends when there is no one left who is still sitting in his place.

The guys line up in a “pyramid”.

Look how little time it took you to get everyone present out of their seats! Drug addiction is spreading at the same speed, like an epidemic. Every person knows what terrible grief drugs bring. But why are there more and more drug addicts?

The goal of our event today is not only to learn more about drugs, but also to get acquainted with anti-drug Internet resources.

Today in class, I suggest you familiarize yourself with one of the main websites of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control, which has the address

Much of what you learn on the pages of this section and on the site itself can be very useful to you in your future life. The information you will find will not only be useful, but also interesting to you.

On the main page of the site there is a specialized section (banner) that contains anti-drug materials for students, taking into account their age categories: under 12 years old, from 12 to 16 years old and over 16 years old.

In the section for each age category you will find materials on such topics as the disclosure of negative medical, psychological, social and moral aspects associated with drug addiction, the dissemination of advanced forms and methods of countering this asocial phenomenon, and most importantly, the cultivation of severe rejection towards drugs.

The section for schoolchildren from 12 to 16 years old presents “myths” associated with the primary consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as its dangerous consequences.

The site also contains a video about drug addiction and various articles that help students be aware of theoretical issues, as well as acquire practical skills.

The section for schoolchildren over 16 years of age contains information about the dangerous consequences of consuming narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as the degree of responsibility of citizens provided for by regulations. legal acts, analytical materials and thematic journalism.

The topics presented in the last two sections are united by a common concept - never try drugs.

In the “Question and Answer” section you can always ask a question that interests you and receive a qualified answer to it.

(show all these categories)

Concluding the lesson, I invite you to fill out the questionnaire for today's Internet lesson participant.

- Nature has created everything to make a person happy. Trees, bright sun, clean water, fertile soil. And us, people - strong, beautiful, healthy, intelligent. A person is born for happiness, and it seems that there is no place in his soul for an evil spirit and base vice.

We were born to live

Maybe we shouldn't destroy the planet?

There is a better answer besides “yes”,

Let's say, guys, no to drugs!

Well, in conclusion, let’s do some reflection:

(before the start of the lesson, students chose a color that corresponded to their mood)

“yellow” - I don’t know why I came (complete indifference)

“green” – I’m interested in learning a lot of new things (good mood)

“blue” - they said, and came (negative mood)

    Did your mood change after the lesson?

    What new did you learn in the lesson?

    What else would you like to know?

Thank you for your attention!

Online lesson on the prevention of teenage drug addiction “I have the right to know!” The purpose of the lesson: to promote the formation of knowledge about the dangers of drug addiction, the work of self-awareness and self-esteem of adolescents. Objectives of the lesson: 1. introduce students to the website of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control;

5. Story about the Federal Drug Control Service website 6. Conclusion, reflection Progress of the lesson Good afternoon guys, guests! Today we are conducting an Internet lesson on the problem of confronting bad habits. Lately there has been a lot of talk about drug addiction and its consequences. This problem has become worldwide and finding ways to solve it is quite difficult. You exist, I exist, he exists, And everyone has their own life. And her price is dignity and honor, There is an age of transitional years, No matter how difficult it may be. For many, dawn begins, while others plunge into darkness. You are, I am, he is, Only together we will be able to stop evil and maintain dignity in order to live. Until recently, news about drug addiction reached us only from foreign countries. Now it has come to us and is spreading according to the laws of the epidemic. I would like to talk in more detail about teenage drug addiction. Why a person starts using drugs remains open to this day, since the study of this issue began as soon as the problem of drug addiction arose at the state level. At first, this problem was of a narrow regional scale, since only in certain places did plants grow, from which a narcotic drug could then be made, and not everyone knew that this drug could be used.

With the growing popularity of drug use, the population of drug addicts also expanded, at first they were people of a certain age and mentality, but then the boundaries and barriers began to blur and even teenagers and children joined the ranks of drug addicts. It is teenagers who most often become drug addicts, since they are quite gullible, at this age they want to be older, so they do everything to be older. And drugs only reinforce this status. Using drugs in adolescence is very dangerous and also very harmful, since the body, which is not strong and not fully formed, is susceptible to the influence of drugs, which can lead to various kinds of disorders.

Over the past few years, the number of deaths caused by drug use has increased 12-fold. Among children, this figure increased 40 times. On average, after starting drug use, an addict lives 3-5 years. In recent years, drug addicts account for 90 percent of all registered cases of HIV. The vast majority of infections were caused by the shared use of syringes. 90 percent of all crimes are in one way or another related to drugs, and especially serious acts such as murders, robberies, and assaults are committed for the sake of a single dose of an intoxicating substance. In this case, those who have not used psychotropic substances for at least a year are considered cured. Every year in the Russian Federation, 70 thousand drug addicts die; last year, 100 thousand people died from the effects of narcotic drugs. Unfortunately, observing the dynamics of change, it is impossible to come to positive conclusions: the situation with drug addiction is constantly worsening, and this process can only be stopped with the help of tough legislative measures, the main one of which should be the tightening of criminal liability for the distribution of narcotic drugs.

The main harm that society feels from drug addiction is that the addict becomes isolated, because he has no interests, he only cares about himself, about getting the next dose of drugs. Drugs are essentially a real poison, and the dose of this poison that enters the human body determines how the drug will affect the human body. Many will have a logical question: what if the dose of drugs is kept small all the time, then they will only stimulate the body and will not cause harm. But it turns out that the problem is that the human body can adapt, for example, if a person has something hurting (for example, a tooth), and suddenly if something hurts him more strongly, then he forgets about the toothache. The same thing happens with drugs, at first a small dose of drugs does not do much harm to the body, and the person feels light and cheerful, but a short period of time passes and this dose is not enough for the person, it needs to be increased. This is when the harmful effects of drugs on the human body begin. They block the nervous system, have a bad effect on the functioning of all human organs, etc. But even this problem can be solved. I give the floor to our guests. Now I would like to suggest watching the film “Territory of Safety”. (discussion of the film) Game activator “Pyramid” - I will choose one of you. He will go to the middle and invite the other two to join him. Those two will each choose two more players, etc. Thus, each invitee must invite two more people. The game ends when there is no one left who is still sitting in his place. The guys line up in a “pyramid”.

– Look how little time it took you to get everyone present out of their seats! Drug addiction is spreading at the same speed, like an epidemic. Every person knows what terrible grief drugs bring. But why are there more and more drug addicts? The purpose of our event today is not only to learn more about drugs, but also to get acquainted with anti-drug Internet resources. Today in class, I suggest you familiarize yourself with one of the main websites of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control, which has the address

The site also contains a video about drug addiction and various articles that help students be aware of theoretical issues, as well as acquire practical skills.

The section for schoolchildren over 16 years old contains information about the dangerous consequences of consuming narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as the degree of responsibility of citizens provided for by regulations, analytical materials and thematic journalism.

The topics presented in the last two sections are united by a common concept - never try drugs.