Business in the production of antifreeze. Production of antifreeze and antifreeze your own business Description of the technological process for the production of antifreeze

Almost every family has a car, and some even have several. Such expensive equipment requires regular maintenance. And many people make decent money from car care products.

A little earlier, just water was poured into the radiator, but now they use a special coolant, which is called antifreeze or antifreeze. Such a fluid requires periodic replacement, and if the radiator begins to leak, then a constant addition of coolant is necessary until the moment of repair of the latter. Although, more often than not, drivers begin to delay this process. Therefore, there is always a demand for antifreeze and antifreeze, and due to the growth of the automotive industry and the demand for transport, it will always remain consistently high.

Premises and its rent.

It is best to choose a premises in an industrial area and away from a residential area. The size of the room will range from 300 to 500 m2. The entire area will be divided into warehouses and a production part.

Warehouse premises will be divided into zones where raw materials and finished products will be stored. It is also worth highlighting an area where simply empty plastic bottles will be stored; this area does not need to be heated, and the remaining areas will require maintaining a normal, stable temperature throughout the entire storage period: from 16 to 25 degrees.

Antifreeze and antifreeze will be produced in the production area. About 50 m2 of the area will be occupied by the production line itself (this is the norm for small installations).

When choosing a room, you should pay special attention to fire safety. It must be third degree. You should be prepared for the fact that representatives from local fire safety authorities will constantly visit you. But you shouldn’t expect visitors from the environmental side, because the production is absolutely waste-free. This type of space will cost around $500-$700 monthly rent.


To produce antifreeze and antifreeze, a special modern installation is purchased, the smallest size will be about 10 m2.

The main elements of the production line are:

1. Machine for demineralization of water - $1.2 thousand;

2. Mixing containers - $600-800;

3. Steam condenser - $3 thousand;

4. Reactor - about $5 thousand;

5. Line for blowing bottles - up to $2 thousand;

6. Packaging equipment - about $1 thousand.

The prices of such a production line will depend on the manufacturer. By purchasing a modern installation, you can minimize manual labor and make production uninterrupted. It is also worth considering that the installation will need to be washed regularly. It is impossible to do this manually, so you need to invest in a washing installation.

In total, you should allocate at least $15 thousand for the necessary equipment.

Raw materials.

Antifreeze and antifreeze are based on three main liquids - water, concentrate and additives. The water used is not ordinary water, but special, purified water containing no salt. In addition to water, additives, glycol and dyes are used. Most often, a special machine is purchased that demineralizes water. The rest of the raw materials are on free sale and it is quite easy to contact the seller. The cost of raw materials will be about $2 thousand.


The number of people in the state will directly depend on production volumes. For minimal maintenance of a small installation, up to 10 people are needed. Workers in the workshop can only have a special technical education, this is quite enough, because the production process itself is accessible to everyone and quite easy.

It is a priority to hire women to replace operators bottling antifreeze and antifreeze in bottles, since, as has been proven in practice, they cope with this task much better than male workers. In addition to line operators, you need to invite general workers, an accountant and a workshop manager to work on the line. It costs about $4 thousand to pay workers.

It is most profitable to promote products through outdoor advertising, which must be placed in places where car drivers gather in large numbers. This place is near car parks, close to parking lots and busy intersections. You can also use printed products on automotive topics, both magazines and printed newspapers. Also, to attract buyers, you should create your own website.

In the first couples it can be quite simple. It’s also worth participating in automotive forums. If funds allow, you can create your own video on a TV channel. At the beginning of business development, it is necessary to organize a large-scale promotion, possibly a discount or a gift (car air freshener, keychain, car cup) for each canister purchased. In total, it costs about $200 to spend on advertising.

Costs of starting a business.

To organize a business, you need to consider the following expenses:

1. Rent of premises - $500-700;

2. Equipment - $15 thousand;

3. Raw materials - $2 thousand;

To open your own production facility antifreeze and antifreeze, you need to prepare an amount of at least $22 thousand.

Profit and payback period.

The production equipment is capable of producing about 1 thousand liters per hour of operation. If your production operates in two shifts, then about 10 thousand liters will be produced per day. In a month of work, it is possible to produce about 300 thousand liters of antifreeze and antifreeze. One liter of product costs $0.5 - this is the market value of the product. If we talk about 600 thousand liters of coolant, then in a month you can make a profit of $150 thousand. But this is not pure profit, and the company’s share will be only 20%. This is $35 thousand in income. Working in this mode and with 100% sales of products, you can achieve full business return in 3-4 months.

Clients and direction development.

The clients of the business are shops, supermarkets, markets, as well as car repair shops, workshops and service stations. To develop your business, you can create a laboratory in your own production; the investment is completely justified, since there are quite enough people willing to check the products and quality. You can also open your own company store or even an entire chain.

I am looking for an investor to build a plant for the production of antifreeze, antifreeze and antifreeze liquid

Business idea

Production of antifreeze liquid

Initial investment: 1000 rub.
Monthly profit: 200 tr.
Payback period: 5 months.

When choosing a profitable idea for organizing your own manufacturing business, it is important to choose the area whose products are in demand on the market. There are not many options here, and one of them is the production of non-freezing liquid.

It would seem that it could be simpler than the antifreeze many people know, and yet not a single motorist can do without it. And, as you know, there are more and more cars on the roads every year.

We conclude that a mini plant for the production of non-freezing liquid, provided that the business is properly organized, will bring its owner consistently high profits over time.

“Anti-freeze” is a chemical composition consisting of water and organic substances (alcohol, glycol, anti-corrosion substances, glycerin, fragrances). It is widely used as an antifreeze and windshield cleaner.

In general, the business of producing antifreeze liquids has the following advantages:

  • The raw materials used are available and inexpensive.
  • The simplicity of the technology makes it possible to produce antifreeze with your own hands, which significantly reduces investment in business.
  • A huge sales market promises high income.

Many may doubt the efficiency of the business, because antifreeze, as a rule, is widely used only in winter. This is, of course, true, but even in the off-season, the entrepreneur will not be left without profit, since the variability of the technology makes it possible to “repurpose” the business at any time - by slightly changing the composition of the liquid, you can produce not antifreeze, but a cleaning liquid for washing windows and headlights. And these products are also required by drivers in the summer.

What points must be taken into account by an entrepreneur who is working on a business plan for the production of anti-freeze?

We study the composition of manufactured products and purchase raw materials
It doesn’t matter what exactly the production workshop will specialize in, the production of windshield wipers or antifreeze - the raw materials used are almost identical. The difference here is only in the ratio of the ingredients used.

When launching a plant for the production of anti-freeze products, it is advisable to involve a qualified specialist in the business who would work out the recipe for a high-quality liquid. If an entrepreneur cannot afford this, he should independently study all the intricacies of the process and select the “ideal” ratio of components.

The production of non-freezing liquid will require the following raw materials in the workshop:

  • water,
  • isopropyl alcohol,
  • ethylene glycol,
  • surfactants,
  • dyes,
  • fragrances

During the work, some components may not be used or, conversely, some components may be added to the recipe. But each of the substances will affect the final quality of the product.

If the product contains less than 9% alcohol, the entrepreneur will have the opportunity to evade paying excise duty.

Antifreeze liquid for cars may also consist of other, cheaper components. For example, many enterprises use methyl alcohol instead of isopropyl alcohol. But the fact is that it is poisonous and can cause poisoning if the vapors are inhaled.
This does not stop underground organizations. But, having bought such products once, the consumer is unlikely to come to the store for them again. In addition, at the first inspection by regulatory authorities, the counterfeit product will be removed from production.

Secondary raw materials include containers where the final product will be bottled and branded labels.

We are mastering the technology of producing non-freezing liquid
The technology for producing non-freezing liquid will be clear even to those who have never encountered the manufacturing industry before. This makes this niche popular among those who decide to start a home business.

In general, the line carries out the following production stages:

  • Water purification.
  • Mixing of raw materials.
  • Heat treatment of liquid.
  • Bottling of the finished product.
  • Sticker on container labels.
  • Warehousing of products.

Regardless of what substance is planned to be produced, the production technology remains the same. It turns out that, knowing how to make anti-freeze, you can in the same way obtain other chemical compositions that motorists need to care for their cars.

No matter how simple the technology, it cannot be done without a certain set of equipment.

The main machines and devices are presented in the following list:

  • Container with stirrer.
  • Thermal reactor.
  • Filling machine.
  • Automatic label gluing machine.
  • Intermediate tanks.

The indicated equipment implies the use of already prepared water (filtered and purified). If the technology involves the use of tap water, then you will additionally need to purchase a system for its purification. And this is at least 200 thousand rubles.

The entrepreneur has 2 options - either buy equipment for the production of non-freezing liquid separately, or equip the workshop with an already equipped line. Which option to choose will depend on the planned investment in the business. For example, by purchasing machines separately, in some cases you can save a little. But here, most likely, some operations will have to be performed manually. But the assembled lines, although more expensive, are characterized by decent power and complete automation of the process.

The price of equipment for the production of low-capacity antifreeze liquid (≈500 l/h) fluctuates around 700 thousand - 12 million. rub.
High-performance machines (≈1500 l/h) from European brands will cost more - up to 1.7 million rubles. You can safely add 50-200 thousand to the market value of the equipment. rub. for its commissioning.

Estimating business profit

A business producing non-freezing liquid, according to experts, can pay off in the shortest possible time. Depending on the cost of the purchased line, you can reach the break-even point in 0.5-1 year. And these, taking into account all the capital investments, are excellent profitability indicators. How much will it take to start your own business in this area?

According to minimal estimates, organizing a mini-workshop, where many operations will be carried out manually, will require ≈1 million rubles. This takes into account the purchase of machines, preparation of premises for operation, and purchase of raw materials. A larger enterprise with powerful equipment can be opened by spending at least 1.7 million rubles.

As for specific profitability figures, it is quite difficult to identify them. Here everything will depend on production volumes, the system for selling finished goods and pricing policy in the region. When calculating possible income, you can proceed from the following data. “Average” windshield washer fluid and antifreeze cost about 50-90 rubles on the wholesale market. for a 5 liter canister. The cost of production, taking into account all variable costs, is lower than the selling price by at least 40%.

I will consider various investment options.

The investor receives 40% of the net proceeds with the right to sell his share

It is possible only by carefully studying the needs of the modern market. If, after conducting analytical studies, confirmation of the profitability of the planned business is received, then you can safely begin to translate the idea into reality. Currently, a good area in which you can organize a win-win business is the automotive field. The production of antifreeze and its subsequent sale can provide good income to the owner of the enterprise.

Business plan for the sale of antifreeze

A few decades ago, car owners poured ordinary water into their radiators. However, such water quickly froze in winter, as a result of which the radiator itself could fail. Currently, not a single car owner will allow himself to pour ordinary water into the radiator. The industry offers antifreeze, which is a non-freezing liquid.

Implementation of a business idea

Along with antifreeze, you can safely pour antifreeze into the radiator, which is also not subject to freezing and differs from antifreeze only in its chemical composition. In principle, with a strong desire, anyone can obtain antifreeze liquid with their own hands at home. To do this, he does not need any equipment; it is enough to mix ordinary water with a certain amount of alcohol. However, it is clear that the resulting liquid will have a high cost, and therefore will not cause a “burning” desire to repeat such actions for all other car enthusiasts.

Antifreeze is also actively used at home. It is poured into heating radiators, only the composition of automotive antifreeze differs significantly from that which is approved for use in residential premises.

Antifreeze is in great demand these days.

Due to the increased demand for such antifreeze liquids, business related to the production of antifreeze is very common. Therefore, before you start organizing your own business, it is important to study all the circumstances so that in the future you can successfully compete with other manufacturers.

Despite the large number of antifreeze manufacturers, it is still possible to provide a sufficient number of customers provided that high-quality antifreeze is produced, since the number of cars is increasing every year. Antifreeze is also poured into the radiator for a maximum of two years, after which it must be replaced.

Production workshop equipment

Having made sure that the business of producing and selling antifreeze, organized with his own hands, is capable of generating good profits, the businessman is obliged to formalize all legal issues. It should be noted that such a business is not accompanied by the mandatory acquisition of licenses. However, since this process is associated with chemical production, compliance with certain standards is still mandatory.

Manufacturing Process Basics

The technological processes associated with the production of antifreeze liquids and car shampoos are quite similar. They involve the use of special water, condensate and special additives. In addition, the equipment that is capable of producing the above products is the same. It is only important to thoroughly flush the installation before starting production. To automate this process, a special substance is used - a reactor, which ensures good flushing of the power plant.

Special water, which is an important component for the production of antifreeze, is demineralized water, which can be obtained by heating water. Of course, this will require provision, and you will also need equipment that allows you to heat such an amount of water. You can use the condensate generated during the production activities of the thermal power plant. In this case, the cost of antifreeze will be significantly lower.

The production process associated with the production of antifreeze is classified as waste-free production, since the water obtained after flushing the installation is again heated and successfully used in the further production process.

It is possible to ensure additional profit if, using equipment, you start a process not only associated with the production of antifreeze, but also with its processing. Waste antifreeze, used not only by motorists, but also in agriculture and construction, can be purchased by a businessman quite inexpensively.

All businessmen know that it is much more profitable to produce products and sell them than to simply sell them. This rule applies to everyone the same.

In order to reduce costs, increase sales or increase margins, and regularly monitor the quality of goods, many chains of auto stores, service stations and gas stations, as well as logistics companies, organize additional production.

Most often, ready-made production means not just the purchase of additional equipment, but a turnkey business, a ready-made solution.

How to start the production of automotive fluids, namely antifreeze, antifreeze and detergents, will be described in more detail below.

Before making a decision, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of the auto chemicals market, weigh possible production volumes and their payback. The Russian car market is constantly growing and, according to experts, this growth will continue for at least another 10 years, which leads to the conclusion that the demand for operating fluids and auto chemicals will continue for a long time.

However, development occurs differently in each region, so a businessman who decides to launch such production must independently assess and weigh all the risks before purchasing a ready-made business solution.

In order to get a return on investment as quickly as possible, it is necessary to produce about 50 tons of antifreeze monthly. Plus expand the product line, add antifreeze and car shampoo to the antifreeze.

It is difficult to name the exact payback period; everything is individual; the time difference can be from two weeks to six months. The best option for product turnover would be a preliminary agreement on the release of certain volumes of products for sale.

By launching this production, the entrepreneur opens up additional jobs, which helps to receive support from the regional government in the form of investments. Despite the fact that the activity is carried out through the so-called “basement production”, you should not be afraid of this, observing the production technology of the product, the quality properties of the product do not suffer and withstand competition very well.

How to organize business production

This type of activity in the context of the products in question does not require licensing. To organize a production site, an entrepreneur will need to fill out all the necessary documents with fire, sanitary and environmental inspections and register a trademark.


The production premises must comply with the third class of fire safety; the appointment of a responsible person will be required for control and compliance with all standards. The production area must be equipped with fire extinguishers, a fire shield and a sand box.

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In the article, we revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

There should be no problems with environmental inspection at all; all production is waste-free, which is described in more detail below. In accordance with sanitary standards, the room must be equipped with an exhaust hood above the equipment and a washbasin.

The most optimal workshop area should be approximately 300 – 500 sq.m. The installation itself occupies 10 sq.m., the minimum area allocated for it must be at least 50 sq.m. space is also needed to store empty canisters and products that make up the production. They can be stored outdoors or in an unheated room. For a better arrangement of traffic flow, it is necessary to separate the warehouse and production area.


The number of personnel on site depends on production volumes, starting from approximately three people or more. For workshop workers, it is enough to have a secondary technical education, since the process and technology at all stages of production are described in detail.

Exactly following the instructions will allow you to increase the minimum GOST values ​​by an order of magnitude. It is recommended to hire women to replace employees pouring liquid into containers, as they cope with this task much better than men.

In case of sufficiently large production volumes, it would be advisable to purchase an additional automatic or semi-automatic bottling line for operating fluids in containers from 0.5 to 10 liters; the productivity of this equipment reaches 2000 l/h.

Production technology

The technology for producing different types of liquids - coolants, glass cleaners and detergents - consists of certain proportions of special water, concentrate and additive package. In this regard, all three liquids are produced on the same equipment; between the production of each individual type, it is necessary to thoroughly flush the installation.

This is especially true for the production of shampoo; it will require the purchase of a reactor that will wash the equipment fairly well and quickly. Doing this manually takes quite a long time.

The special water mentioned earlier is desalted water; it is a mandatory ingredient for each type of liquid. According to the production technology, the mixtures must be heated; in order to save energy, it is recommended to use steam condensate from a thermal power plant. In the case of using prepared or filtered water, it will be necessary to install additional heating elements on the reactor and, accordingly, include an increase in energy costs in the cost price.

It was already written above that this production is waste-free, that is, it eliminates the discharge of dirty water. Between changes from one liquid production to another, the residue or rinse water can be used in the next production.

To eliminate possible spills, trays are easily installed under the system, the liquid from which is also collected and stored until the next use.

Knowledge is power

Everyone knows that it is impossible to start a new business without making mistakes. That is why the greatest demand is not for equipment, but for a ready-made “turnkey” business, with a description of absolutely all production processes and accounting. If all recommendations are followed at a high level, even any newcomer to the auto business is guaranteed to achieve excellent results.

Video: how an antifreeze filling line works

Cars require special care. Therefore, it is necessary to select high-quality consumables for them, for example, such as antifreeze and antifreeze. Without them, the machine will not be able to function normally. The production of antifreeze can be a profitable business for an experienced or novice businessman.

  • What is antifreeze?
  • Market analysis
  • Step-by-step plan for opening antifreeze production
  • Selecting a room
  • What equipment to choose for production
  • Purchase of raw materials
  • What is OKVED for business?
  • Which tax system to choose for production
  • Do I need permission to open a workshop?
  • Antifreeze production technology
  • Staff
  • Sales markets
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Selecting a tax regime for antifreeze production
  • How much money does it take to produce antifreeze?
  • How much can you earn and payback period
  • Conclusion

Typically, the process of manufacturing consumables is quite complex. Therefore, it is rarely carried out in small enterprises. But antifreeze can be produced within a small business.

What is antifreeze?

Antifreeze is a coolant that prevents the engine from overheating. It doesn't freeze when the car is driving. In the last century, this “consumable” did not exist, so drivers used water. In fact, such actions (pouring water into the car) can lead to damage to the engine and radiator, since in the cold season the liquid can freeze. Therefore, the car stood until the water drained into the cooling system, and only then began to move.

Antifreeze can be used throughout the winter, since the temperature at which it freezes is 13-50 degrees below zero.

But it is used not only for cars, but also for autonomous heating systems for houses and premises, equipment cooling systems, ventilation, and air conditioners of certain categories. But the article will talk about automotive antifreeze.

Market analysis

Before starting your own business, you need to evaluate all aspects of this segment. Every year there are more motorists, which means the demand for consumables, including antifreeze, is growing.

The development of a company depends on its territorial location. Each region has its own characteristics in this area. Somewhere there are more cars (large cities), and somewhere less (provinces, villages). Therefore, it is worth assessing the situation in a specific location and finding out information about competitors.

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