What smoking does to your skin. What is the effect of alcohol on the female body? How alcohol affects a woman's facial skin

Alcohol abuse is a pervasive problem. Alcoholism is present in any, even the most developed country in the world. Russia is no exception. Annually from alcohol poisoning Thousands of people die, most of them males. Women are also susceptible alcohol addiction, and alcohol affects their health to a greater extent than men. Even from adolescence, female representatives begin to drink alcoholic beverages, then switching to stronger ones, such as vodka. What is the cause of female alcoholism?

An interesting fact is that a woman starts drinking in most cases due to depression, boredom or loneliness. It should be noted that female body weaker than men in relation to alcohol. The thing is that women become intoxicated faster and last longer than men. This is caused by smaller body size, higher concentrations of alcohol in cells and blood, and insufficient production of the enzyme dehydrogenase, which breaks down alcohol. The psychological aspect must also be taken into account. A man is more resistant to alcohol. A woman’s body, even when drinking small doses of alcohol, can undergo significant changes. Let's take a closer look at the effect of alcohol on the female body.

Ethyl alcohol contained in any alcoholic drink primarily affects the reproductive system of a woman’s body. How is it shown? Firstly, alcohol can disrupt the menstrual cycle (periods). However, it can affect menopause. Often side effect During this period there is increased sweating.

Secondly, there is a violation of the ability to conceive and bear a child. This is the most serious problem. The activity of female reproductive cells and glands and hormonal levels change. Eggs are very sensitive to this substance. In addition, the production of estrogen increases, resulting in hormonal imbalance.

As for gestation, it is advisable to stop drinking alcohol during this period of time.

Ethanol is able to penetrate the placental barrier into the fetus’s body, disrupting its growth and development. At birth, such a child may have low weight and various developmental anomalies. In addition, there is a high chance of miscarriage.

We must also remember the fact that alcohol affects a child through breast milk when breastfeeding. A woman’s body may suffer due to the carcinogenic effects of alcohol. It has been established that alcohol increases the risk of developing cancer and tumors of the breast, intestines, liver and other important organs.

Effect on the nervous system

The effect of alcohol on the body is manifested in damage to the central and peripheral nervous system. Nerve cells are the most sensitive. Ethanol is known to cause physical and mental dependence. The latter manifests itself in cravings for alcohol and personality changes. Women who drink frequently are susceptible to psychosis or depression. At the same time, psychosis is more severe than in men. With advanced alcoholism, a woman may have thoughts of suicide. Great importance has the fact that there are frequent cases of traumatic defeat when women lose their instinct of self-preservation.

There is instability in behavior. Women become aggressive and indifferent to everything around them, even to their children. Undoubtedly, such manifestations are characteristic only of regular alcohol abuse. While intoxicated, women can cause or cause accidents. The effect on the nervous system is manifested in a decrease in memory and attention. Intellectual abilities suffer.

The effect of alcohol on the skin

A woman is exposed to the harmful effects of alcohol and does not think about the negative impact it has on the skin. This is of great importance for a woman, as she should always look good. How does alcohol affect the skin? It promotes dehydration of the body. This occurs due to its active excretion along with urine. The diuretic effect occurs both when drinking weak drinks and stronger ones. As a result, the skin wrinkles somewhat and becomes dry. This is especially noticeable on the face. In chronic alcoholism, as a result of kidney damage, some swelling may appear, including in the face.

As a result of constant drinking, a woman begins to outstrip her biological age; she looks older than her age. At the same time, wrinkles appear and premature aging of the body develops. Of great importance is that alcohol reduces the reserves of certain vitamins in the body, such as vitamin E and C, which are responsible for the synthesis of skin collagen. All this is reflected on the face. Of no small importance is the reduction in the ability of damaged cells and tissues to recover. To protect your facial skin, you must avoid alcoholic drinks.

Alcohol affects the female body by disrupting microcirculation. Everyone knows that alcohol dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow, but this is only a temporary effect. Soon after this, the vessels begin to narrow. They can become clogged, resulting in disruption of tissue trophism. Capillaries can die, which contributes to the appearance of a purple tint to the skin (a mesh is formed). It doesn't look very nice. With alcoholism, during the development of hepatitis and cirrhosis, the skin color often acquires a yellowish tint.

Effect on sexual function

Alcohol has negative impact not only on menstruation, the process of conceiving and bearing a child, but also on sexual function. are more prone to promiscuity, which often leads to the spread of sexually transmitted infections. The result may be an unwanted pregnancy. Last fact is of greatest importance because you have to raise a child in dysfunctional family or have an abortion. Some mothers send their children to orphanages because they are addicted to alcohol and are unable to raise them.

The presence of an illegitimate child also complicates a woman’s personal life. It will be very difficult for her to build a full-fledged family and find a man. Abortions at a young age cause infertility in women. As for dangerous sexual relations without the use of contraception, this is a serious problem today. Women may not realize what is happening and may not remember later who they were with and where. Such sexual activity often contributes to the transmission of dangerous infections such as syphilis and HIV.

The effects of alcohol on internal organs

The effect of alcohol on the body is great and extends to almost all internal organs and systems. The kidneys are very often affected. The cause may be inflammatory processes. The thing is that women in a state of intoxication often find themselves on a cold floor or on the street, which leads to inflammation. Among such diseases, pyelonephritis and cystitis occupy a special place. The urinary tract may also become inflamed. With heavy drinking, toxic nephropathy develops. This is a terrible kidney disease. Continued consumption of alcohol can lead to acute renal failure and death.

With nephropathy, swelling is observed, arterial hypertension, the presence of protein in the urine. Along with the kidneys, the heart also suffers. Ethanol may interfere heartbeat, causing arrhythmias. Another target organ is the adrenal glands. Alcohol reduces hormone production. This also applies to the thyroid gland. As is known, disruption of the synthesis of thyroid hormones contributes to obesity or exhaustion of the body. The next organ is the liver. The function of the liver is to neutralize various toxic substances, in particular ethyl alcohol. The latter causes alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver and liver failure. A woman who drinks weakens her immunity, which contributes to frequent illnesses.

A person who abuses alcohol is visible from afar. When you are close to a drunkard, an unpleasant odor is felt and incoherent speech is heard. But even if he is washed and dressed in expensive clothes, his posture, appearance, and especially his face will betray him as a real alcoholic. The negative effects of alcohol are especially pronounced in women. From this article you will learn how the face of a drunk changes and what are the reasons for such metamorphoses.

The effect of alcohol on the body

IN modern world alcoholism remains a huge problem. Every third person addicted to drinking alcohol will die prematurely. According to statistics, 2.5 million alcoholics die annually in the world, and in Russia 75 thousand, this is five times more deaths than during the 10 years of war in Afghanistan. Addiction is especially scary for girls.

Although the vast majority of people have not tried alcohol, they have not become drunkards. However, reality shows that the problem is not going away. There can be many reasons:

  • stress;
  • imitating bad company;
  • nervous tension;
  • for relaxation.

To prevent the onset of a fall, the characteristic appearance of an alcoholic will become visible in the shortest possible time, and, most likely, the changes will become irreversible.

Facial redness

One of the main external signs- the constantly red face of an alcoholic. In some places the skin takes on a bluish color; even in culture there is an established connection between a red nose and alcohol. This is due to the special effects of ethanol on the human body. When it gets inside, blood pressure in the vessels increases and the pulse quickens. The heart pumps blood to the arms, legs, and also to the head.

The constant load on the vessels and capillaries wears them out, causing some branches of the system to become clogged. As a result, this results in the appearance of bruises, red spots and bruises. And blood cannot deliver oxygen to some areas and then the face becomes purple or blue.

Due to micro-ruptures of the capillaries, the face of an alcoholic is covered with red mesh or “stars”.

At times, alcoholism makes the skin have a yellowish tint. This symptom appears even if a small amount of alcohol was drunk. This occurs due to a violation of the outflow of bile. Poor nutrition and problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract lead to jaundice. It is characteristic of almost half of drunkards.


In addition to changing skin color, alcoholic drinks also affect the shape of the face. Many have experienced the swelling that accompanies a hangover. If at first everything returns to normal, then the more and more often a person drinks, the more time it takes for rehabilitation. One day there comes a time when nothing can be changed. At the same time, a woman, as well as a man, will not be able to hide puffiness with cosmetics. You can’t correct your appearance even in a photo using various editors.

Such metamorphoses occur for one simple reason - the body tries to remove the poison with the help of liquid. Moisture is required for chemical processes that break down ethanol molecules. In addition, when alcohol gets inside, it begins to destroy brain cells, vessel walls and nerve endings. All this is garbage and needs to be disposed of somehow.

Because of this, the water-electrolytic balance of the body is disrupted, leading to dehydration. This process occurs very quickly and in order to restore normal fluid levels, signals are sent that encourage the alcoholic to drink a lot. However, regardless of the volume of water absorbed, thirst does not go away, and dry mouth remains for a long time. This happens because it is difficult for the body to absorb the incoming resource.

Since the body remembers recent dehydration, it begins to store water to cope with a similar problem if it occurs again. Subcutaneous tissue is used for storage, causing swelling of the face, arms and legs.

Is the way alcohol affects a woman’s appearance different from the metamorphosis of a man? Without a doubt. The metabolism of the female body is different from the male one, and it also has smaller moisture reserves. As a result, dehydration and facial swelling occurs faster and lasts longer. So, a nice woman can turn into an unpleasant alcoholic in a short period of time.

One of the signs of female and male alcoholism is drooping “bulldog cheeks.”

Associated changes in appearance

In addition to such striking manifestations of alcohol addiction, other unpleasant effects appear. So, after dehydration, although the body stores moisture, the skin becomes dry and begins to crack and peel. With the loss of moisture in the upper layers of the skin, wrinkles appear ahead of time and gradually become more pronounced. The process of deepening the nasolabial fold accelerates.

Expression wrinkles quickly appear near the eyes and spread throughout the face, appearing on the forehead and neck. Unlike ageing, such folds on the face are deeper and sharper. After a year of regular alcohol abuse, the eyelids swell, the brow ridges swell and sag. The way an alcoholic looks cannot be corrected even by the most expensive cosmetic procedure or surgery.

Impaired blood circulation is unable to bring sufficient nutrients to the hair follicles. Therefore, over time, hair becomes dry, thin and brittle. Men get bald spots.

A drunkard can be easily recognized by his eyes. In addition to heavier and swollen eyelids, the shape of the eyes becomes smaller, and tears constantly flow. At the slightest tension, redness is visible, and characteristic dark circles appear around. Women who abuse alcohol also experience swelling of the nose and lips. They become rough, fleshy and do not add any beauty.

Everything described above becomes visible on the face after a year or two of systematic alcohol abuse. The worse the quality of alcohol, the faster they will appear. character traits. But make no mistake, even the most expensive drink containing ethanol will affect your appearance over time. He will turn a beautiful woman or man into a terrible alcoholic. It is impossible to avoid the consequences, and most often such consequences will remain for life, even if you quit the bad habit.

In their youth, people with particular enthusiasm organize their drinking of alcoholic beverages. Frequent use is both ignorance of the consequences of taking low-proof alcohol, and the result of the need for socialization, and a means to forget about problems for a while.

However, the problems themselves - in particular with health - are only accumulating.

And if a stroke or cirrhosis of the liver is still quite far away, then appearance Regular drinking of alcohol takes its toll quite quickly.

The skin that suffers first is the skin, especially girls.

What does smoking do to your skin?

What exactly is the effect of smoking on the skin, and what causes this damage? We tell you in detail.

Dry skin

Alcohol is poison. The body understands this well and strives to get rid of it as quickly as possible. The liver begins to actively process alcohol, and the kidneys begin to remove waste products from the body. Therefore, alcohol has a pronounced diuretic effect.

As a result, any party with libations ends with severe dehydration. Moreover, the human body is designed in such a way that water leaves the subcutaneous tissue first. And, paradoxically, dry skin is the eternal companion of a drinker.

What does it look like parched skin? Less smooth, less fresh. Small wrinkles appear, and existing ones become more noticeable.

Rapid aging

Regular consumption of alcohol destroys the reserves of vitamins C and E, which help preserve collagen– a protein responsible for skin elasticity.

What they look like changes? The oval of the face loses its clarity, and in some areas the skin sags. In addition, alcohol reduces the skin's ability to regenerate, and recovery period after any damage it stretches for a long time.

Red – stop light

Alcohol dilates blood vessels, so at first it causes a bright blush in a person. But alcohol abuse, on the contrary, interferes with blood circulation, red blood cells stick together in the blood, and skin cells begin to lack oxygen.

What does it look like skin of alcohol abusers? The face turns purple-red. If several capillaries become completely clogged with clots of red blood cells, then a micro-stroke occurs under blood pressure - a capillary rupture. One after another, and on the face - first of all, on the nose, where the number of capillaries is especially large - a purple vascular network appears.

Be a man!

Women who care about their appearance should understand that alcohol, and especially its abuse, causes changes in the body that are difficult to compensate for with cosmetic procedures.

“Alcohol leads to restructuring hormonal levels in humans. Women’s levels of male hormones become higher,” explains Sergei Chub, Candidate of Medical Sciences, employee of the Central Research Institute of Dermatovenerology of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia.

What does it look like result? The skin becomes rougher, with pronounced pores, difficult to disguise cosmetically.

The face of alcoholism

When alcohol abuse becomes a disease, all the above symptoms intensify and new ones appear. If simple alcohol consumption dehydrates the skin due to increased work of the liver and kidneys, then regular abuse leads to impaired kidney function. The result is swelling, bags under the eyes and a general puffiness of the face.

The source of other signs is in neurological changes. Some facial muscles relax, while others, on the contrary, are constantly in good shape, forming a kind of facial pattern. There is even a special term - "alcoholic face".

What does it look like? Characteristic sign such a face - tension in the forehead with sluggish relaxation of most of the other facial muscles, due to which the face takes on an elongated appearance.

The eyes of an alcoholic seem wide open and sunken at the same time. This occurs due to weakening of the orbicularis oculi muscle and tension of the levator palpebral muscle. In addition, the upper part of the fold between the nose and upper lip is deepened, and its lower part is smoothed. The nostrils are widened, the lips become thicker and less compressed.

What to remember

Alcohol makes people ugly even when its effect on health is not yet very noticeable. Dry, porous, sagging skin is a clear sign that it’s time to quit.

Jacqueline Bisset in the film Detective Bullitt, 1968

Photo: Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images

Do you carefully apply serum every morning and cream at night? Have you ever wondered how alcohol affects your skin? Of course, in moderate quantities it will not cause significant harm, but excessive and too frequent use can not only change the complexion, but also speed up the aging process.

What exactly does alcohol do to your skin?


Drinking alcohol usually causes hypohydria in most people, which means it acts as a diuretic, drawing moisture out of the body.


A large amount of carbohydrates and sugar in the next mojito or Bloody Mary can lead to inflammation, and salt can lead to bloating. Hence the dark circles under the eyes after a fun night.


Dehydration weakens the skin barrier. The supply of vitamin A in the liver, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from environmental pollution, also gradually decreases.


Alcohol acts as a vasodilator. If the blood vessels are overly dilated, they can burst, leaving red spots near the nose and on the cheeks. Additionally, if the liver is not functioning properly, the skin may become dull and pigmentation around the eyes may increase.

7 alcoholic drinks - from the most harmless to the most dangerous:

  • Tequila not as bad as you think. It contains less sugar than most other alcoholic counterparts, so it is less likely to cause inflammation. Skip the salt and chances are you won't get a hangover.
  • Beer- bad, but not terrible. Although it contains some salt, it also has beneficial properties: antioxidants and anti-aging components. Beer also has less alcohol than most other alcoholic drinks, and people tend to drink it more slowly, reducing the effects of dehydration.
  • Gin and tonic or vodka tonic is not the worst choice. They are relatively low in sugar and salt. So avoid cocktails and drink straight.
  • White wine Not the best option. Most people are familiar with severe headaches after long dinners accompanied by wine. Also, the sugar content in the composition leads to the systemic appearance of inflammation.
  • Mojito- bad, especially if you are afraid of wrinkles. As we found out earlier, sugar accelerates skin aging. Unfortunately, sugar or sugar syrup is added to mojitos, as well as soda or juice with a high sugar content. It's not just wrinkles you have to worry about: sugar increases insulin levels and triggers inflammation throughout the body.
  • "Margarita"- one of the most dangerous drinks. This Double punch because of the “killer” duet of sugar and salt. This combination results in a puffy face.
  • Red wine- Badly. Red wine helps dilate blood vessels, increasing the amount of redness. It also releases histamine, which again promotes pigmentation.

Brings to our skin. Let this be a small warning before the New Year holidays.

The water we get through drinks and food also serves as a natural hydrator for our skin. And good hydration, as we know, is the key to youthful and fresh skin. Alcoholic drinks, along with caffeine, have the opposite effect. Alcohol dehydrates and deprives our skin of vital nutrients. And it is not just words. There are many studies and tests that have confirmed this. There are also statistics showing that those who drink frequently tend to have an overall less healthy diet, which deprives the skin and body. necessary nutrition.

But it's not just about dehydration. Drinking alcohol causes the blood vessels on the face to dilate, and with frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, the red, spider-like marks become permanent.

Drinking too much can also worsen any skin problems you already have. Therefore, for psoriasis, rosacea and acne, dermatologists strictly prohibit alcohol for their patients or require that its consumption be kept to a minimum.

After the ball

What should you do if you feel unwell after a party where alcohol was present? Remember the dehydrating effect of any alcoholic drink and try to replenish lost moisture. Drink more and eat more fruit.

You should also not indulge in fatty foods, which for some reason some “experienced” people recommend for a hangover. Healthy, rich will help nutrients food to reverse the negative effects of a rough night.

And now about the benefits

There are several reasons to still buy good drinks, try them sometimes, but mainly, use them externally - for youthful and firm skin.

It's no longer news that moderate consumption of certain types of alcohol has benefits for heart health and cancer prevention (Mayo Clinic study). All that remains is to remember the key words: “moderate” and “some”. Let's decipher: one side of wine at dinner when meeting with friends.

So, we drink no more than a glass, and use the rest in skin masks. Here are two very effective recipes for your attention.

1) Lightening mask with beer

Ingredients: 1 egg white, half a glass of beer (light, any brand), 2 teaspoons fresh lime juice.

How does it work: Beer is a good cleanser and skin soothing agent. It contains B vitamins, hops, saccharides,. These ingredients help dissolve dead skin cells and increase skin brightness. Beer in combination with protein and lime helps cleanse pores and lighten age spots.

How to use: Apply the mixture onto your face in a thick layer and wait 10 minutes. You will feel the effect of the film mask - it dries quickly on your face, and you can continue with your household chores. The composition will make the skin elastic, clean and bright. Rinse off with warm water.

2) Mask with wine

Ingredients: a quarter cup of wine (red or white), a quarter cup of white clay, 2 tablespoons of grape seed oil, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal (grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder).

How does it work: Resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant, is found in large quantities in red wine and is also present in white wine. This substance helps repair damage caused by sun exposure and environment. The clay draws out dirt and oils like a sponge, while grape seed oil moisturizes and heals at the same time oat flour Helps exfoliate dead skin cells.

How to use: Mix all ingredients, apply the composition to the face, neck and décolleté, and rinse with warm water after 10 minutes. The texture of the mask resembles curd mass and also has a film effect. After such a mask, you will feel that wrinkles have been significantly reduced, and your skin looks fresher and more hydrated.

A little about the traditional Russian alcoholic drink

As for vodka, its benefits come down to external use only. That is, on its basis you can make tinctures and lotions, degreasing compounds and disinfectants.

For example, vodka is good at removing unpleasant odors from shoes; you can use vodka to disinfect your pedicure and manicure supplies, as well as clean glasses and razor blades.

Alcohol is not harmful if used wisely. And it even helps in self-care, providing significant benefits for the skin.

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