Didactic games for children 6 years old. Didactic games for children: development of speech, sensory, physical development

Didactic games for kindergarten. Senior group

Description: This material is intended to help teachers and educators, students of preschool schools.
Catalog of didactic games for older preschoolers.
Games with objects.
"Make no mistake."
Purpose: to train children in distinguishing objects based on material; consolidate knowledge about such properties of an object: hard, soft, flat, rough, smooth, shiny, matte.
“Whoever comes up, let him take it.”
Goal: to teach children a story about an object, highlighting its most characteristic features: color, shape, quality and its purpose; find an object in the room according to the description; recognize the tools of labor and who uses them in their work; develop attention, memory, thinking, speech.
“It’s similar - it’s not similar.”
Goal: to learn to compare an object, to notice signs of similarity in color, shape, size, material; develop observation, thinking, speech.
“Whose clothes?”
Goal: to cultivate in children an interest in people of different professions; clarify knowledge about work clothes; to teach, to distinguish by work clothes, people of different professions: postman, miner, builder, doctor, diver, pilot, electric welder.
"Tops and Roots."
Goal: to consolidate knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots and fruits - tops, some vegetables have edible tops and roots; practice composing a whole plant and its parts.
"What changed".
Goal: to cultivate observation in children, the ability to notice minor, unnoticeable changes that have occurred with objects: the bow on a doll’s braid was replaced, shoes were changed, a button was undone.
“What is the item for?”
To develop children's intelligence, activity and independent thinking; consolidate children's knowledge about the purpose of household items, tools, tools; cultivate a caring attitude towards them.
“Who bothered?”
Expand and clarify children’s knowledge about people’s work, cultivate interest in the work of adults and respect for them
Board-printed games.
"Who built this house?"
Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about who builds houses, about the sequence in building a house, about tools and machines that help people in construction; to cultivate respect for the profession of builders, the desire to take on the roles of builders in creative games.
"Guests of Moscow".
Goal: to clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the capital of our Motherland - Moscow, to cultivate a love for the main city of our country, a desire to learn more about its attractions.
“Collect a picture.”
Goal: to train children in composing a whole picture from individual parts; through the content of pictures, consolidate children's knowledge about different types labor on the collective farm; cultivate interest in grain growers, vegetable growers, and livestock breeders.
"Zoological Domino"
Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals; cultivate intelligence and attention.
"Trip around the city."
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about your hometown: who lives and works in it, what kind of transport it is, how it is decorated.
“What grows where?”
Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about plants; develop the ability to establish spatial connections between objects; group plants according to their place of growth, develop activity and independent thinking.
"Who to be?".
Goal: to consolidate and deepen children’s knowledge about different types of agricultural labor; to cultivate respect for rural workers, the desire to take on roles in creative games on the theme of the labor of agricultural workers.
“What is it made from and by whom?”
Purpose: to clarify children’s knowledge that their dresses and suits are made of cotton fabric.
"Smart cars".
Goal: reinforce children’s knowledge that people are helped in their work different cars: teach to group machines according to one characteristic: according to their purpose.
"Who is faster".
Goal: to clarify and expand children’s knowledge about sports: winter and summer; cultivate a desire to engage in physical education, sports, and develop speed of reaction to a signal; expand children's vocabulary.
Word games.
“Guess it.”
Goal: to teach children to describe an object without looking at it; highlight essential features; recognize an object by description.
"A toy shop".
Goal: to teach children to describe an object, to find its essential features; recognize an item by description.
Goal: to develop the ability to be observant, to activate children’s speech.
“What kind of bird?”
Goal: to teach children to describe birds by their characteristic features and recognize them by description.
“Name three things.”
Purpose: To train children in classifying objects.
"Birds (animals, fish)."
Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to classify and name animals, birds, and fish.
“Who needs what?”
Goal: to train children in the classification of objects, the ability to name an object, necessary for people of a certain profession.
Goal: to develop children's auditory attention and quick thinking.
“Who can name the most objects?”
Goal: to teach children to classify objects according to their place of production.
"Nature and Man".
Goal: to consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.
"What if..."
Goal: to cultivate intelligence, resourcefulness, and the ability to apply knowledge in accordance with circumstances.
"Broken phone".
Goal: to develop auditory attention in children.
"It flies - it doesn't fly."
Goal: to develop auditory attention in children, to cultivate endurance.
“We won’t say where we were.”
Goal: to develop resourcefulness, intelligence, and the ability to transform in children.
"Find a rhyme."
Goal: teach children to select rhyming words.
“Does this happen or not?”
Goal: to develop logical thinking, the ability to notice inconsistencies in judgments.
"Not really".
Goal: to teach children to think, pose questions logically, and make correct conclusions.
“It’s similar - it’s not similar.”
Goal: to teach children to compare objects, find signs of difference and similarity in them, and recognize objects by description.
"Answer quickly."
Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to classify objects (by color, shape, quality); teach them to think and respond quickly.
“Come up with a proposal.”
Goal: to develop children's speech activity and quick thinking.

Ekaterina Elaeva
Didactic games for children 5–6 years old






3. "MY CLOUD".



6. "YES OR NO".




10. "HUNTER".





15. “IT HAPPENS – IT DOESN’T HAPPEN” (with a ball).

16. "FIND A PAIR".






22. "BIRDS".

23. "DO NOT SNOOZE!" (wintering and migratory birds).







30. "THIRD WHEEL" (plants)


32."GOOD BAD".








40. "WHAT WHY?"




Target. Learn children understand the processes occurring in nature; show the dependence of all life on earth on the state of the vegetation cover.

Move games. The teacher names different plants and shrubs, and the children choose only those that grow in the given area. If they grow up, the children clap their hands or jump in one place (you can choose any movement; if not, the children are silent.

Plants: cherry, apple tree, palm tree, rose hip, currant, apricot, raspberry, orange, lemon, pear, pineapple, etc.


Target. Strengthen knowledge of the signs of different seasons, the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts; develop auditory attention.

Move games.The teacher names the time of year: "Autumn". Then he lists the signs of different seasons (birds fly south; snowdrops have bloomed; leaves on the trees turn yellow; fluffy leaves fall White snow). Children name the extra sign and explain their choice.

3. "MY CLOUD".

Target. Develop imagination and imaginative perception of nature.

Move games. Children sit on blankets or squat, looking at the sky and floating clouds. The teacher invites you to fantasize and tell them what the clouds look like and where they can float.


Target. Strengthen the ability to classify and name insects.

Move games. Children stand in a circle, the leader names an insect (fly, and passes the ball to a neighbor, he names another insect (mosquito) etc. Those who cannot answer leave the circle. The presenter speaks "Flying insect - butterfly" and passes the ball next one answers: "Mosquito" etc. At the end of the circle, the leader calls "Hopper" and the game continues.


Target. To consolidate knowledge about the diversity of birds.

Move games. The teacher calls the birds mixed up, whoever notices the mistake must clap his hands (sparrow, crow, fly, bullfinch, etc.).

6. "YES OR NO".

Target. Consolidate knowledge children about the signs of autumn.

Move games. The teacher reads a poem, and the children must listen carefully and respond "Yes" or "No".

Do flowers bloom in autumn? Is the entire harvest being harvested?

Do mushrooms grow in autumn? Are flocks of birds flying away?

Are the clouds covering the sun? Does it rain often?

The prickly wind is coming? Do we get boots?

Are the fogs floating in autumn? The sun is shining very hot,

Well, do birds build nests? Can children sunbathe?

Do the bugs fly? Well, what should you do -

Do animals close their holes? Should we wear jackets and hats?


Target. Strengthen the skill children classify and name indoor and garden plants.

Move games. Children stand in a circle. A child names a houseplant (violet) and passes the ball to his neighbor, who names another plant (begonia) etc. Those who cannot answer leave the circle. In the second round, the driver names garden plants, and the game continues.


Target. Reinforce ideas about autumn changes in nature; develop creative imagination and observation skills.

Move games. Children form a circle. The teacher suggests depicting autumn weather with facial expressions, hand gestures, movements: It became cold (children shudder, warm their hands, put on hats and scarves with gestures); it's cold rain (open umbrellas, raise collars).


Target. Learn children compare objects, recognize objects by description.

Move games. One child makes a riddle of animals, and the others must guess them based on their descriptions.

10. "HUNTER".

Target. Practice the ability to classify and name animals.

Move games. Children stand in front of the line, at the end of the area there is a chair. This "forest" ("lake", "pond"). IN "forest" heading off "hunter"- one of the players. Standing still he says these words: “I'm going into the forest to hunt. I will hunt for...". Here the child takes a step forward d and says: "Hare", takes the second step and names another animal, etc. You cannot name the same animal twice. The winner is the one who reaches "forests" ("lakes", "pond") or moved on.


children about living and inanimate nature.

Move games. "Live" (non-living) nature,” says the teacher and hands one of the players an object (or throws the ball). Children name natural objects (the one indicated by the teacher).


Target. Teach children describe an object and recognize it by description.

Move games. The teacher invites the player to describe the plant or make a riddle about it. The other children must guess what kind of plant it is.


Target. Learn children describe birds by their characteristic features.

Move games.Children are divided into two groups: One group describes the bird (or asks riddles), and the other must guess what kind of bird it is. Then the groups switch places.


Target. Learn children recognize and name a plant by its leaf, find it in nature.

Move games. Collecting leaves that have fallen from trees and bushes. The teacher suggests finding out which tree or shrub the leaf is from and finding evidence (similarity) with unfallen leaves of various shapes.

15. “IT HAPPENS – IT DOESN’T HAPPEN” (with a ball).

Target. Develop memory, thinking, reaction speed.

Move games. The teacher says a phrase and throws the ball, and the child Nok must answer quickly: frost in summer (can not be); snow in winter (It happens); frost in summer (can not be); drops in summer (can not be).

16. "FIND A PAIR".

Target. Develop children thinking, intelligence.

Move games. The teacher distributes t children one sheet at a time and says: "Wind started to blow. All the leaves scattered". Hearing these words, the guys spin around with leaves in their hands. Teacher give t team: “One, two, three - find a pair!” Everyone should stand next to the tree whose leaf they are holding in their hands.


Target. Consolidate knowledge children about the appearance of some trees and shrubs (trunk, leaves, fruits and seeds).

Move games. Selected "forester", the rest of the children are his assistants. They came to help him collect seeds for new plantings. "Forester"speaks: “There are a lot of birches (poplars, maples) growing on my site, let’s get some seeds.” "Forester" can only describe the tree without naming it. Children look for seeds, collect them and show them "forester". The one wins who collected more seeds and was not mistaken.


children about that

Move games. “What is made by man?”- the teacher asks and throws the ball to the child. He answers: "Car". After several replies children teacher asks t new question: “What is created by nature?” Children name natural objects.


Target. Consolidate and systematize knowledge children about that what is made by man, and what nature gives to man.

Move games. The teacher stands in a circle, holding a ball in his hands. He makes arrangements with the children in advance.: the teacher names objects, and the children answer in one word: "Human!" or "Nature!" For example, the teacher throws a ball to the child nku and says: "Car!", child nok answers: "Human!" The one who makes a mistake leaves the circle on one end.

20. "GET IT BY YOUSELF" (option 1)

Target. Learn children make sentences with a given number of words.

Move games.Offer children support words: autumn, leaf fall, snow, snowflakes. Ask children come up with sentences of 4, 5 words. The first child to make a sentence gets a chip.

(option 2)

Move games. The teacher appoints a leader and asks t topic: "Seasons", "Cloth", "Flowers", "Forest". The child makes up words and says them to everyone else, For example: "Flowers, insects, opened". Children must come up with as many sentences as possible so that these words sound in them.


Target. Develop the ability to group plants according to their structure (trees, shrubs).

Move games. The children will "squirrels" And "bunnies", and one child – "fox". "Squirrels" And "bunnies" running around the clearing. On signal: “Danger is a fox!” - "squirrels" running to the tree "Hares"- to the bushes. "Fox" catches those who perform the task incorrectly.

22. "BIRDS".

Target. Strengthen the ability to classify and name animals, birds, fish.

Move games. Children stand in a circle. The presenter names a bird (fish, animal, tree, for example, "sparrow" and passes the ball to his neighbor, who calls "crow" etc. Whoever cannot answer leaves the circle.

23. "DO NOT SNOOZE!" (wintering and migratory birds).

Target. Develop auditory attention and reaction speed.

Move games. Dayo teacher Give all children the names of birds and ask them to watch carefully: As soon as their name is heard, they must stand up and clap their hands; whoever misses his name leaves games.

24. “NAME THREE OBJECTS” (option 1).

Target. Practice classifying objects.

Move games. Children must name objects that correspond to this concept. The teacher says: "Flowers!" and throws the ball to the child. He answers: "Chamomile, cornflower, poppy".

(option 2)

The teacher divides children into two teams. The first child names the flower and passes the ball to the other team. She must name three names of flowers and pass the ball to the first team, which, in turn, also names three flowers. The team that named the flowers last wins.


Target. Consolidate and systematize knowledge children about that What is made by human hands and what is made by nature.

Move games. “What is made by man? – the teacher asks and throws the ball to the player. After several replies children he asks t new question: “What is created by nature?” The children answer.


Target. Learn to understand the causal relationships between phenomena; practice in making the right choice words

Move games. Educator (or child)starts a sentence: “I put on a warm fur coat because...”. The child who completes this sentence makes the beginning of a new one.


Target. Clarify and deepen knowledge children about the seasons.

Move games. The teacher names the time of year and gives the chip to the child. The child names what happens at this time of year and passes the chip to the next player. He adds a new definition and passes the chip, etc.


Target. Learn children find inaccuracies in the text.

Move games.The teacher says: “Listen carefully to the poem. Who will notice more fables, things that don’t happen in reality?”

It's warm spring now. Loves to sit in the river.

The grapes are ripe here. And in winter among the branches

Horned horse in the meadow “Ga0ga-ga,” the nightingale sang.

In summer he jumps in the snow. Quickly give me the answer -

Late autumn bear Is it true or not?

Children find inaccuracies and replace words and sentences to get it right.


Target. Learn to perceive poetic text; cultivate aesthetic emotions and experiences; consolidate knowledge about the months of each season and the main signs of the seasons.

Move games. Writers and poets in poems glorify the beauty of nature at different times of the year. The teacher reads a poem, and the children must highlight the signs of the season.

30. "THIRD WHEEL" (plants)

Target. To consolidate knowledge about the diversity of plants.

Move games.The teacher tells the children: “You already know that plants can be cultivated or wild. I will now name the plants mixed: wild and cultivated. Anyone who hears a mistake must clap their hands. For example: birch, poplar, apple tree; apple tree, plum tree, oak tree, etc.


Target. Learn to describe an object and recognize it by description; develop the ability to choose the most striking feature of a plant.

Move games. The teacher asks the child to name one of the most characteristic feature plants, the rest of the children must guess the plant itself. For example, a white trunk (birch); red hat with white dots (fly agaric) etc.

32. "GOOD BAD".

Target. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature.

Move games. The teacher shows the children schematic rules of behavior in nature. Children should talk as much as possible about what is shown in the pictures, what they can and cannot do, and why.


Target. Cultivate a love for nature and a desire to take care of it.

Move games.The teacher says: “There are many different kind words, they need to be said to everyone more often. Kind words always help in life, but evil words always harm. Remember kind words when and how they are said. Come up with different kind words that you can use to address... a cat, a flower, a doll. comrade, etc.


Target. Learn to describe a bird and recognize it by description.

Move games. The teacher invites one child to describe the bird or make a riddle about it. The other children must guess what kind of bird it is.


Target. Systematize knowledge children about garden and vegetable garden plants.

Move games.The driver describes any plant in the following order: shape, color, use. Children should recognize the plant from the description.


Target. Learn to classify objects according to certain characteristics (by place of growth, by method of their use); develop quick thinking, auditory attention, and speech skills.

Move games. The teacher asks about what is being planted in the garden and asks children answer"Yes", if what he names grows in the garden and "No", if it doesn’t grow in the garden. Whoever makes a mistake will lose.


Target. Learn to notice the consequences of your actions in relation to nature.

Move games. The teacher sets a situation for discussion with the children, as a result of which the children come to the conclusion about the need to observe moderation and protect nature. For example: “What happens if you pick all the flowers? destroy the butterflies?


Target. Strengthen knowledge about forestry (garden) plants.

Move games. The teacher chooses three children and asks them to name that grows in the forest. The teacher says: "Mushrooms!" Children must name the types of mushrooms one by one. The teacher tells the other children: "Trees!" Children name trees. The child who names the most plants wins.


Target. Learn children group plants by place of growth; describe them appearance.

Move games. Children play the roles of sellers and buyers. To make a purchase, you need to describe the plant you have chosen, but not name it, just say where it grows. The seller must guess what kind of flower it is, name it, then issue the purchase.

40. "WHAT WHY?"

Target. Learn to name the seasons and corresponding months.

Move games. The teacher names the season and gives the chip to the child, who must name the first month of this season and give the chip to another child, who names the next month, etc. Then the teacher names the month, and the children name the season.


Target. Learn to divide words into parts, pronounce each part of the word separately.

Move games. Children are divided into two teams. The first team names the animal, and the second lists what it eats, trying to highlight two-syllable words, and then three-syllable ones.


Target. Consolidate knowledge children about insects.

Move games. The teacher thinks of a word, but says only the first syllable. For example: the beginning of the word ko... Children select words (mosquito). Whoever guessed first gets a chip. The child wins, who has collected more chips.

Games - required element development and upbringing of the child. Didactic games help to establish relationships between practical and mental activities, which is important for children of any age: 2–3 years old, 3–4 years old, 4–6 years old.

A didactic game is a type of educational activity organized in a game format. Classes implement the principles of playful, active learning, are subject to a set of specific rules, have a strict structure and a system of control and evaluation tools.

Didactic games for children 2-3 years old: how to develop a child.

The games under consideration, like active and musical ones, are created by adults (educator, parent) and are offered ready-made. First, children master the game with the help of its developers, learn the rules, norms of action, and over time, after mastering the necessary content, they begin to play them on their own.

This type of activity is one of the leading ones in preschool educational organizations, therefore, are used by educators at all stages of children’s development: first junior group (2–3 years), second junior group (3–4 years), middle – 4–5 years, senior – 5–6 years, preparatory – 6–7 years .

Properly organized didactic games develop:

  • mental and cognitive abilities– children learn new information, generalize and consolidate it, expand their knowledge about various objects, phenomena of the surrounding reality, flora and fauna. Memory, all types of attention, observation skills develop, children learn to express judgments and conclusions;
  • speech– the active vocabulary is replenished and updated in speech activity;
  • social and moral values– children learn the relationships between themselves and adults, between objects of living and inanimate nature, children learn to empathize, give in to each other, be fair, and attentive towards others.

Typically, the games under consideration are divided into 3 main groups:

  1. Games with objects (toys)– are aimed at direct perception of a thing and action with it, therefore, the child becomes familiar with the characteristics of this object, its shape, color. When working with several toys, children can compare them with each other, find similarities and differences. This type of task allows you to organize independent activities, develops the ability to occupy yourself and not disturb others in the group.
  2. Board-printed games– aimed at getting to know the surrounding reality, flora, fauna, animate and inanimate natural phenomena. Such tasks contribute to the development of speech skills, logic, attentiveness, teach how to model life situations, make decisions, and train self-control skills.
  3. Word games– develop the thinking and speech of preschoolers. These games are based on speaking, which allows you to train the ability to solve various mental problems: describe the properties and characteristics of things or phenomena, highlight their main features, compare different objects (phenomena) with each other, guess them from the description.

Didactic games for children (2–3 years old or older) are conducted by a teacher or parent, at the same time, he organizes the activity through familiarization with the content and rules of the game, its course of action, through clear example how to play. The game ends with a summary and analysis, which allows us to identify the individual characteristics of the children.

The benefits of educational games

The games in question develop:

  • speech– children hear the speech of an adult and other preschoolers, therefore, their lexicon. In addition, the guys answer questions, describe something, reason, therefore, the existing speech data are trained and improved;
  • thinking– preschoolers expand their knowledge about objects, phenomena, flora and fauna, learn new information, can compare existing experience with what they have received, train memory, logic, and mathematical abilities;
  • attention– children train listening skills and understanding of what needs to be done, how to play the game correctly, therefore, they become more attentive, focused, and are able to regulate their actions;
  • physical qualities– the development of the motor system occurs, children become mobile, active, learn to control their movements, manage them, the child’s psyche is formed in terms of the ability to be active in life.

Speech development

Didactic games aimed at developing speech skills are recommended to be selected taking into account the age indicator. Such activities replenish the active vocabulary of children and teach students to identify sounds. senior group.

Didactic games for children 2–3 years old:

  1. "Tree". The goal is to develop the skill of using prepositions in speech, to activate the speech skills acquired earlier. Description - the teacher reads a short poem and visually shows that ON is above, and UNDER is below. After playing the action, he discusses with the children what else happens ON and UNDER. Text:

  1. "The doll is sleeping." The goal is to develop speaking and hearing skills. Additional props - a doll and a lullaby (crib). Description: The preschooler’s task is to put the doll to sleep: rock it, sing a lullaby, put it in the crib and cover it with a blanket. The next stage of the game is when the teacher explains that while the doll is sleeping, you need to talk in a whisper so as not to wake it up. In this case, you need to bring the preschooler to a conversation, ask him to talk about something. The final stage is to announce that the doll has woken up and now you can talk in a full voice.

Activities for preschoolers 4–5 years old:

  1. “Where can I do what?” The goal is to develop the ability to use verbs in speech, listening skills, and social and moral values. Description – children answer the teacher’s questions: “What can you do on the playground?” (relax, play, slide, run, communicate, etc.), “What can you do in nature (in a clinic, in a country house, etc.)?”
  2. "Which one, which one, which one." The goal is to develop the ability to use definitions for various objects and phenomena in speech, and to activate the existing vocabulary. Description - the teacher names words, and preschoolers name the properties characteristic of these words in a chain. For example: a cat is affectionate, striped, fluffy; coat – warm, autumn, brown.

Games for the older group:

  1. "Vowel sounds." The goal is to develop skills in isolating vowel sounds from a word. Description - the teacher names a word consisting of one, two or three syllables (it all depends on the individual capabilities of the preschooler), children identify vowel sounds by ear and name them.
  2. "Superfluous word". The goal is to develop auditory attention, enrich the vocabulary and clarify lexical meaning. Description – the teacher names a chain of words, the pupils’ task is to find superfluous word and explain your choice. For example: October, January, summer, June, August; jeans, dress, shoes, sweater, coat.

Development of thinking

Didactic games aimed at developing thinking will be useful not only for children aged 2–3 years, but also for the middle and older groups. Properly organized classes contribute to training all stages of the intellectual development of thinking.


  • visual and effective - the child establishes cause-and-effect relationships through solving simple practical problems;
  • visual-figurative – the preschooler makes connections using a figurative representation of an object, phenomenon;
  • verbal-logical – establishing various connections between words and concepts at a generalized (abstract) level.

Didactic games for children 2-3 years old: how to develop a child’s thinking.

Tasks for the development of thinking in the younger group:

  1. "Who loves what." The goal is the development of visual and effective thinking, the synthesis of knowledge about animals. Description - the teacher lays out cards with representatives of the fauna and food for them, children are asked to feed each representative.
  2. "The words are backwards." The goal is to develop visual-figurative thinking and the ability to analyze. Description - the teacher names a word, and the students need to name the opposite word: narrow - thick, long - short, etc.
  3. “Summarize the words.” The goal is the development of verbal-logical thinking, the ability to combine words into groups. Description – the task of children is to summarize the words given in the teacher’s chain. For example: cow, horse, ram are domestic animals.

Games for middle group:

  1. "Lost Toy" The goal is to develop thinking and the ability to concentrate. Description - several toys are placed in front of the child, they are asked to look at them carefully and remember, then the preschooler closes his eyes, one toy is removed and he is asked to see which toy is hidden. This game can be complicated if the toys are swapped, and the preschooler must remember in what order the objects were placed.
  2. "Find the treasure." The goal is the development of logical thinking, spatial orientation, and the ability to act according to a pattern. Description – an object is hidden in the room and a map of its location is drawn, the children’s task is to find the object using the map. The task can be made more difficult if it is carried out on the playground.

Exercises for older preschoolers:

  1. “Continue the word.” The goal is to develop speed of thinking and consideration. Description - the teacher names the initial syllable, and the child must come up with a word starting with this syllable. You can complicate the task and ask them to come up with several words per syllable.
  2. “It’s similar - it’s not similar.” The goal is to develop logical thinking, the ability to analyze, evaluate objects, phenomena, and justify your answer. Description - the teacher arranges various objects in the room in advance, the preschooler’s task is to find similar objects, describe what they have in common, and prove his point of view.

Development of attention

Didactic games for children (2–3 years and older) to develop attention train the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, monitor the situation in the group, which in turn leads to memorizing the necessary information.

Exercises for younger preschoolers:

  1. "Lotto". The goal is to train visual attention, thinking, and speech development. Additional material– paired cards with pictures, one set of cards remains with the teacher, the second set is distributed to the children (one card each). Description - the teacher shows a card, the child who has the same picture quickly picks up his card and describes it.
  2. "Guess what to do." The goal is to train auditory attention and the ability to correlate one’s actions with the actions of the teacher. Additional material - tambourine, colored flags for each child. Description - the teacher picks up a tambourine, the children take flags. If the tambourine sounds loud, then the preschoolers wave flags; if it is quiet, they keep their hands on their knees.

Games for the middle group:

  1. "Buttons." The goal is to develop memory and attention, the ability to find ways to memorize objects. Materials: buttons, chess board. Description – pupils are divided into pairs, each receiving their own set of buttons. The first player places three buttons on his playing field anywhere, the second player remembers the location of the buttons, the objects are covered, and the second player repeats the location of the buttons on the field, then the correctness of the task is checked. Then the players change, the second player puts up the buttons, and the first one remembers. The game can be complicated: 1) by setting not 3, but a larger number of buttons, 2) setting time for memorizing and reproducing the pattern.
  2. "Noisy Pictures" The goal is to develop involuntary attention. Material - cards on which various objects are depicted with lines. Description - children look at pictures with several images and must name the objects that are drawn there. Complicating the task: students first memorize objects and then name them from memory.
  1. "Find differences". The goal is to train the ability to voluntarily switch and distribute attention. The material is a card with pictures that have differences. Description – the child’s task is to find all the differences. You can complicate the exercise if you select images that differ in some details.
  2. "Builders". The goal is to train observation abilities, distribution and concentration of attention. Material: cards with 4 pictures, pencil. Description - there are 4 drawings on the card - 1 is completely completed, and the other 3 are missing any details; the child’s task is to complete the remaining drawings so that he gets 4 identical images.

Development of physical qualities

Didactic games for children (2–3 years and older) to train physical qualities are necessary for the general development of a preschooler. Motor activity can be developed not only in physical education lessons, but also in a group or at home.

When doing exercises, children learn to coordinate their movements, become resilient and healthier.

Games for younger students:

  1. "Mirrors". The goal is to consolidate the methods of walking, jumping, running and other movements, developing the ability to invent new movements. Description - children form a circle, they will be “mirrors”, the leader stands in the center of the circle and demonstrates the movements, the rest repeat after him. Whoever repeats it best becomes the leader.
  2. "Naughty ball." The goal is to develop the ability to throw a sports equipment with both hands from the chest. Description - children stand at the intended line and perform actions to the poem, which the teacher recites:

We hug the ball tenderly,

Let's push him away casually.

Now let’s catch up together:

We need to feel sorry for him!

Exercises for the middle group:

  1. "Who is faster". The goal is to develop reaction speed, develop the ability to hear and understand the conditions of activity, and perform all actions correctly. Description - divide the children into groups, place a hoop in front of the groups, the first from each column take the hoop, lift it above their heads and lower it over the body to the floor, step over the apparatus and go to the end of the column. The teacher carefully observes all groups and awards a flag to the one who completed the exercise correctly. The group that receives the most flags wins.
  2. "Mousetrap". The goal is to develop reaction speed and the ability to navigate new situations. Description - 2 groups are formed from children, 1 group is mice, from 2 groups 3 small circles are created - mousetraps, the task of the children is to catch all the mice. The teacher is the host of the game and voices the actions: mice run through mousetraps, but as soon as the teacher says “Stop,” the mousetraps close and the caught “mice” stand in a circle.

Tasks for older preschoolers:

  1. "Owl". The goal is to develop movement coordination. Description - the group is divided into 2 teams - butterflies and bees, 1 child is chosen by the owl. At the teacher’s command - “day”, the teams run around the clearing, “night” - all the children freeze, the owl goes hunting and takes away those who move. The game ends when the owl catches 2-3 butterflies or bees.
  2. "Blind Man's Bluff." The goal is to train the ability to navigate in space. Description - children form a circle, two players are selected: one is blindfolded, and the other is given a bell. The first player's task is to catch the second one with his eyes closed.

Card index of didactic games for the younger group of kindergarten

“What kind of object?” (games with toys, objects) - children take out various objects from the bag and name them, describe their characteristics.

“Find identical objects” (board game) - children receive cards with several pictures, among which they need to find the same ones.

“Ola’s Helpers” (word game) - the teacher takes the doll and asks the children, pointing to their hands: “What is this?” (hands), “What are they doing” (taking, drawing...). And so on for every part of the body.

Didactic games for learning colors for young children

Didactic games help to introduce preschoolers to primary colors and their shades. First, kids learn the colors red, blue and yellow, then orange, green and black are added to them.

Basic didactic games with children:

  1. Games with objects– children need to match the colors of two objects. For example: put colored pencils in jars with the appropriate color; Make several colored pockets in a shoe box and put pebbles in them; plant a butterfly on a flower of the same color, etc.
  2. Board games– children need to choose the right color for something. For example: prepare stencils with fruits, trees, flowers and other objects and ask the children to choose the appropriate color from pieces of colored paper (apple - red, ball - yellow, spruce - green); choose paperclips of the same color as the drawing.
  3. Word games– children need to describe what colors they see. For example: a teacher shows preschoolers a drawing and asks them to name the colors that the artist used. This task can be complicated if you use not just children's drawings, but reproductions of paintings.

After studying the primary colors, they move on to studying shades, from light to dark tones. Here you can use your own prepared palettes and clothespins with colors, give a task - select a clothespin that matches the corresponding color of the palette; or assemble a caterpillar from different shades, for example, starting with red, turning into orange and yellow.

Card index of didactic games for middle groups of kindergarten

In the middle group, a card index of games can be compiled according to the following topics:

  1. "Child and health." To study the daily routine, children are asked to look at pictures with images of the daily routine and arrange them in order and comment: the morning begins with exercises, breakfast, etc. This game introduces children to a healthy lifestyle, develops speech, attention and memory.
  2. "Healthy foods". The following games will help you remember fruits and vegetables: children take out a dummy of a product from a bag and describe it (“this is an apple, it’s round, red and smooth); the teacher names the characteristics of the fruit/vegetable, and the children guess it; children try foods with their eyes closed and name them, say what the fruit/vegetable tastes like.
  3. "Dangerous items." The purpose of such games is to introduce children to dangerous objects that should not be played with or taken without the permission of adults. For example: the teacher prepares cards with dangerous and safe objects and asks the students to put them into two groups, explaining their choice. You can complicate the task by offering to tell the children what injuries dangerous things can cause (cuts, bruises, etc.).

Card index of didactic games for older groups of kindergarten

Didactic games in older groups:

  1. Games with objects: describing the properties of objects, finding common and different things, comparing objects, posing problematic questions. For example, why the oval doesn't roll.
  2. Board-printed games: mathematical tasks - count birds, animals, tasks for attentiveness, thinking - pick up objects for something (dress a girl/boy, set the table, put things in closets, etc.), find a pair for something, development tasks social relations - study of various professions, ways of behavior in public places.
  3. Word games: naming a group of objects, phenomena, animals, plants in one word, talking about the parents’ profession, guessing riddles, composing stories (“continue the sentence”).

Didactic games for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers

Speech development is one of the important tasks of pedagogy: the better developed coherent speech, the more successfully the child learns, since he knows how to form and formulate thoughts, and knows how to use speech as a tool of communication and influence on other people.

Didactic games that help develop coherent speech:

  1. "Zoo". The goal is to develop coherent speech, the ability to describe a picture, and compose a mini-story. Description - children receive pictures of animals, their task is to carefully examine them, and then, one by one, describe the depicted animal according to the diagram: appearance, what it eats.
  2. "Good bad". The goal is the development of coherent speech, logical thinking, the ability to describe fairy tale characters, and construct reasoning. Description - pupils, together with the teacher, describe the characters of the heroes of fairy tales, find positive and negative character traits, discuss why they can praise this/that hero (for example, what is good about the fact that the Serpent Gorynych has three heads).

DIY didactic game

Didactic games for kids:

  1. “Feed the bun.” The goal is to develop children's fine motor skills. Description – you will need two small plastic containers, one of them should be round. Glue a funny face (bun) to the lid, make a hole in place of the mouth, and put the beans in the second jar. The child’s task is to feed the bun, i.e. transfer the beans into a jar with a face.
  2. "Carnations and rubber bands." The goal is to train fine motor skills, visual, color and spatial perception, and study geometric shapes. Description – cut out a square of the required size from plywood, paint it, attach stationery nails at equal distances throughout the space, the child’s task is to create various geometric figures, simple objects (for example, spruce).

Classes for middle group children:

  1. "Box of sensations" The goal is to develop motor skills, imagination, and the ability to identify an object by its shape. Description - take a shoe box, make two holes in the lid and sew fabric sleeves to them, put various items in the box and cover with the lid. The children's task is to put their hands into the sleeves, find the object, guess and describe it.
  2. "Musical candy" The goal is to develop auditory attention, memory, and thinking. Description - put various objects into the Kinder Surprise eggs - beads, cereals, paper clips, cover the blanks with fabric in the form of candies (each sound must have a pair). The children's task is to find pairs of identical candies.

Games for older preschoolers:

  1. "The world of flora and fauna." The goal is to develop the ability to observe, analyze, generalize, and instill a love for living nature and respect for it. Description – cut out representatives of flora and fauna and glue them onto cardboard. The children’s task is to look at a card with an animal or plant, describe it, highlight its main characteristics, etc.
  2. "Mosaic". The goal is to develop attention, logical thinking, and color perception. Description – prepare various geometric shapes from colored paper, except for a circle. The children's task is to make a mosaic from these figures in such a way that the same colors do not touch each other.

Didactic games allow you to develop all important processes: speech, attention, thinking, imagination. Such activities are useful not only for children 2–3 years old, but also for the middle and older groups. The variety of games allows the teacher to choose exactly the one that will be aimed at the development of each child.

Video about what educational games are necessary and useful for children

Didactic games for the formation of the syllabic structure of words in children:

Musical and didactic game:

We make games for the development of speech breathing with our own hands:

Dear readers, we welcome you to the pages of our website! The entire development and upbringing of a child in the preschool years takes place through play. In a playful way, the child receives a variety of knowledge and skills and acquires the necessary skills. For today's meeting, we have prepared educational, or, in other words, didactic games for children 5–6 years old to develop memory, logical thinking, imagination and speech. We decided to unite them with a common theme: “Seasons.”

Memory games

A good memory and the ability to concentrate are qualities without which it will be very difficult for a child to study at school. It is necessary to develop memory from the very beginning early age. Try playing one of our games with your baby.

Remember and draw

For this game you will need to prepare several paired pictures. Pictures in a pair should differ only in the absence of some details. Since our theme today is “Seasons,” the drawings will be about autumn, winter, spring and summer.

In a winter picture, for example, there will be no carrots for the snowman, no hat for the boy, or one ski for the athlete. In the autumn - a girl has an umbrella, a mushroom has a hat, a flock of birds in the sky.

Invite your child to first carefully look at the full pictures and remember all the details. Then hand your child paired drawings and ask them to complete what is missing.

Gifts of autumn

Place in the basket several cones, chestnuts and acorns, a bunch of rowan berries, apples, mushrooms (you can use dummies), leaves from various trees.

Tell your child: “Look what a wonderful basket autumn has sent us. Let's see what's in it."

Look at the contents of the basket together with your child, ask him to count the cones, acorns, apples, etc.

Then the baby turns away and you remove several items from the basket. The toddler must remember what has disappeared and name the quantity.

In the same way, you can play summer, spring or winter gifts.

Games to develop imagination

Little children are amazing dreamers. They can come up with a huge fairy-tale world and place unusual creatures in it. By developing your baby's imagination, you stimulate his creative thinking.

It's the other way around

Ask your child to imagine that all the seasons are mixed up. In the summer it snowed, in the spring the leaves turned yellow, in the fall birds arrived and began to build nests, and in the winter wildflowers bloomed.

Ask your child to come up with continuations for these imaginary stories. Help him by asking leading questions. Let the little one try to draw what he was talking about.

Musical pictures

Listen with your child to the wonderful melodies of P. I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons”: “April. Snowdrop", "June. Barcarolle", "October. Autumn Song", "December. Christmas time."

Ask your child to tell you what he imagines when he listens to music, draw pictures with him. If the little one finds it difficult to answer, start the story yourself, and let the baby add details.

Logical thinking games

Didactic games for logical thinking help the child not only to learn the world, but also analyze and systematize information, make certain conclusions. Use our recommendations and play with your baby.

Dress the doll according to the weather

To play you will need a doll and various doll clothes and shoes. If a sufficient number of clothes are not available, they can be replaced with pictures. Place them on the table in front of the child.

Preliminarily talk with your child about the seasons and the weather that is typical for them. Then offer to create a wardrobe for the Masha doll for each season from the available items.

Winter: warm boots, fur hat, mittens, fur coat.

Summer: light dresses, swimsuit, Panama hat.

Autumn: rubber boots, raincoat, hat.

Spring: shoes, light jacket, hat.

Let the little one not just arrange things according to the weather, but also come up with what they might be needed for. For example, a swimsuit - for relaxing at sea, rubber boots - for a walk in the autumn forest, etc.

Fold the picture

Print out four pictures representing different seasons and cut each into 6-8 pieces. Mix the resulting cards.

Give your child riddles and ask him to collect the desired picture as a answer.

The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life.
The day is coming. When does this happen?

The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming.
When does rye ripen?

Snow on the fields, ice on the waters,
The blizzard is walking, when does this happen?

The fields are empty, the ground is wet,
Does it rain when does it happen?

When you need it

When the pictures from the previous game are correctly collected, give the little one a new task. Place drawn or real objects in front of him: a mitten, a ball, a mushroom basket, a twig with leaves, Christmas tree toy, sand set, yellow leaves, etc.

The child must determine which object belongs to which season and justify his answer.

Speech development games

Games for speech development enrich a child’s vocabulary and develop his imagination. Speech development is facilitated by reading fairy tales and memorizing poems. At 5–6 years old, a child should be able to compose short stories using not only simple, but also complex sentences.

Colored fantasies

Prepare four sheets of colored cardboard: blue, green, red, yellow and pictures depicting autumn, winter, spring and summer. Read wonderful lines of Russian poets to your child. Ask him to think and say why each season is associated with a certain color.

And the witch is winter
Everything mumbles in the night
Falls asleep at home
And he grumbles and grumbles.
The thread broke again
The fluff flew again.
And it started again
Blue blizzard...

( A. Reshetnikov)

The Green Noise is going on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!

Playfully, disperses
Suddenly a riding wind:
The alder bushes will shake,
Will raise flower dust,
Like a cloud: everything is green,
Both air and water!

(N. Nekrasov)

Summer has arrived -
Strawberry blushed:
Turns sideways to the sun -
Everything will be filled with scarlet juice.
There is a red carnation in the field,
Red clover. Look at this:
And wild rose hips in summer
All covered in red.
Apparently people are not in vain
Called summer in red.

(M. Evensen)

I walk and feel sad alone:
Autumn is nearby somewhere.
Yellow leaf in a river
Summer has drowned. I throw him a circle -
Your last wreath.
Only summer cannot be saved,
If the day is autumn.

(G. Novitskaya)

Be sure to learn a poem with your child that corresponds to the current time of year.

Come up with more

This game can be played anywhere - on a walk, in transport, in line at the doctor, etc. You name some phrase, and the child must come up with as many sentences as possible with it.

Spring sun. The spring sun warms the earth. The spring sun is not very warm yet. The spring sun is shining brightly.

Examples of other phrases: autumn rain, winter holidays, summer heat, etc.

What happens?

For this activity, you can take a ball. Stand opposite the baby and, throwing him a ball, ask a question. The child catches the ball and, throwing it back, answers.

What happens in the summer? Heat, ice cream, sun, swimming in the river, strawberries, apricots, etc.

What happens in winter? Frost, Christmas tree, gifts, sleds, skis, snowflakes, etc.

What happens in the fall? Rain, mushrooms, leaf fall, rowan; birds fly away, etc.

Try to get your baby to name as many words and phrases as possible; to do this, give him hints.

Be sure to praise your child if he succeeds. If some task causes difficulty, then do not scold the baby, but figure out what the reason is and first simplify the task.

Dear readers! We hope that both you and your little one will like the games that we have chosen, since they are developmental, educational and educational in nature. In addition, educational games:

  • form a child’s cognitive interest;
  • instill perseverance and composure;
  • teach the child to follow certain rules;
  • promote his communication with adults.

Concluding today's meeting, we address you, dear site visitors, with a traditional request: if you liked our materials, tell your acquaintances and friends about them. We are still waiting for your comments.

We wish you all the best! See you again!

Game "Stringing".

Target: develop fine motor skills.

pasta of various shapes, painted by children, fishing line, berries, buttons, paper rings.

Description: The teacher invites the child to take part in the fair. To do this, you need to make beads, bracelets, and photo frames using gaming material.

Game "Color it right."

Goals: develop fine motor skills; learn to hatch objects with an inclination to the right, left, straight, with lines parallel to each other.

: pencils, outline images of various objects.

Description: children are invited to take part in a competition for the best hatcher. The teacher distributes contour images of objects, explaining the principle of shading (lines parallel to each other, slanted to the right (left, straight).

Game "Paper Crafts".

Goals: develop fine motor skills, develop the ability to fold a sheet of paper in different directions.

Game material and visual aids: paper.

Description: suggest the game “Paper Toy Store”. Then show examples of paper figures that children can make (cap, jackdaw, boat, dove).

Game "Shadow Theater".

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: screen (light wall), table lamp, lantern.

Description: before the game, it is necessary to darken the room, the light source should illuminate the screen at a distance of 4-5 m. Hand movements are made between the screen and the light source, from which a shadow falls on the illuminated screen. The placement of hands between the wall and the light source depends on the strength of the latter, on average it is 1-2 m from the screen. Children are invited to use their hands to create shadow figures (bird, dog, lion, eagle, fish, snake, goose, hare, cat). “Actors” of a shadow theater can accompany their actions with short dialogues, acting out scenes.

Game “Why not Cinderella?”

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: cereals (rice, buckwheat).

Description: The teacher complains to the child that a little trouble happened to him, two types of cereals (rice and buckwheat) were mixed, and there is not enough time to sort through them. Therefore, we need his help: divide the cereal into different jars.

Game "The letter grows."

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and visual aids: sheet of paper, pencil.

Description: the child receives a sheet of paper with letters drawn at opposite ends - one very small, the other very large. Invite the child to depict the process of increasing or decreasing letters, that is, next to the small one, draw a larger letter, the next one even larger, etc. Draw the child’s attention to the fact that the letter should grow little by little, thus bringing the letter to the size indicated on the opposite end of the sheet .

Games aimed at developing fine motor skills in older preschoolers

Game "Travel around the city."

Target: develop attention, observation.

Game material and visual aids: pictures with images of city residents (mothers with children, schoolchildren, grandmother with a basket, students), people of different professions (drivers, postmen, builders, painters), modes of transport (bus, trolleybus, tram, bicycle), buildings, city decorations ( post office, shop (dishware, bookstore), fountain, square, sculpture).

Description: pictures are laid out in different places in the room. Using a counting rhyme, children are divided into 4 groups of 2-3 people. These are the "travelers". Each group is given a task: one - to see who lives in the city, collect pictures of people; the other is what people drive, collect pictures depicting Vehicle; the third - pictures in which the various work of people is reproduced; fourth - consider and select pictures with drawings of beautiful buildings of the city, its decorations. At the driver’s signal, the “travelers” walk around the room and select the pictures they need, the rest wait for their return, watching them. Having returned to their seats, the “travelers” place pictures on stands. Participants in each group tell why they took these particular pictures. The group whose players made no mistakes and placed their pictures correctly wins.

Game “What has changed?”

Target: develop attention.

Game material and visual aids: from 3 to 7 toys.

Description: The teacher places toys in front of the children, gives a signal for them to close their eyes, and removes one toy. Having opened their eyes, children must guess which toy is hidden.

Game "Be careful!"

Target: develop active attention.

Description: children walk in a circle. Then the presenter says a word, and the children must begin to perform a certain action: on the word “bunny” - jump, on the word “horses” - hit the floor with a “hoof” (foot), “crayfish” - back away, “birds” - run with your arms outstretched, “stork” - stand on one leg.

Game “Listen to the clap!”

Target: develop active attention.

Description: Children walk in a circle. For one clap of their hands they must stop and take the “stork” pose (stand on one leg, the other tucked in, arms to the sides), for two claps - the “frog” pose (squat down), for three claps - resume walking.

Game "Four Elements".

Target: develop attention associated with the coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

Description: The players sit in a circle. If the leader says the word “earth”, everyone should lower their hands down, if the word “water” - stretch their arms forward, the word “air” - raise their hands up, the word “fire” - rotate their hands in the wrist and radial joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

Game "Draw a figure".

Target: develop memory.

Game material and visual aids: paper, colored pencils, 5-6 geometric shapes.

Description: children are shown 5-6 geometric shapes, then asked to draw on paper the ones they remember. A more difficult option is to ask them to draw shapes, taking into account their size and color. The winner is the one who reproduces all the figures faster and more accurately.

Game "Forest, sea".

Target: develop attention.

Game material and visual aids: ball.

Description: throw the ball to the child, naming any area where animals live (forest, desert, sea, etc.). When returning the ball, the child must name the animal of the given area.

Game "Color it right."

Target: develop attention.

Game material and visual aids: paper, red, blue and green pencils.

Description: write letters and numbers in large print, alternating them with each other. Invite your child to circle all the letters with a red pencil and all the numbers with a blue pencil. To complicate the task, suggest circling all vowels with a red pencil, all consonants with blue, and numbers with green.

Game “I’ll show you, and you guess.”

Target: develop attention.

Game material and visual aids: toys.

Description: Invite the child to alternately depict any actions by which one of these toys can be recognized. For example, they wished for a bear cub. You need to walk around the room, imitating the clubfoot gait of a bear, showing how the animal sleeps and “sucks” its paw.

Games aimed at developing logic in senior preschoolers

Game "Find options".

Target: develop logical thinking and intelligence.

Game material and visual aids: cards with the image of 6 circles.

Description: Give the child a card with a picture of 6 circles, ask them to paint them in such a way that there are equal numbers of filled and unshaded figures. Then view and calculate all painting options. You can also hold a competition to see who can find the largest number of solutions.

Game "Wizards".

Target: develop thinking, imagination. Game material and visual aids: sheets depicting geometric shapes.

Description: Children are given sheets of geometric shapes. Based on them, it is necessary to create a more complex drawing. For example: rectangle - window, aquarium, house; circle - ball, snowman, wheel, apple. The game can be played in the form of a competition: who will come up with and draw more pictures using one geometric figure. The winner is awarded a symbolic prize.

Game "Collect a flower".

Target: develop thinking, ability to analyze, synthesize.

Game material and visual aids: cards depicting objects related to the same concept (clothing, animals, insects, etc.).

Description: each child is given a round card - the middle of the future flower (one - a dress, the second - an elephant, the third - a bee, etc.). Then the game is played in the same way as in lotto: the presenter distributes cards with images of various objects. Each participant must assemble a flower from cards, the petals of which depict objects related to the same concept (clothing, insect, etc.).

Game "Logical endings".

Target: develop logical thinking, imagination, ability to analyze.

Description: Children are asked to complete the sentences:

Lemon is sour, and sugar... (sweet).

You walk with your feet, but throw... (with your hands).

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair... (below the table).

If two are more than one, then one... (less than two).

If Sasha left the house before Seryozha, then Seryozha... (left later than Sasha).

If a river is deeper than a stream, then a stream... (smaller than a river).

If sister older than brother, then brother... (younger than sister).

If the right hand is on the right, then the left... (on the left).

Boys grow up and become men, and girls... (women).

Game "Ornament".

Target: develop logical thinking and analytical ability.

Game material and visual aids: 4-5 groups of geometric shapes (triangles, squares, rectangles, etc.), cut out of colored cardboard (the shapes of one group are divided into subgroups differing in color and size).

Description: invite the child to consider how you can create ornaments from geometric shapes on the playing field (sheet of cardboard). Then lay out the ornament (according to a model, according to your own plan, under dictation), using concepts such as “right”, “left”, “above”, “below”.

Game "Helpful - Harmful."

Target: develop thinking, imagination, ability to analyze.

Description: consider any object or phenomenon, noting its positive and negative sides, for example: if it rains, this is good, because plants drink water and grow better, but if It is raining too long is bad, because the roots of the plants can rot from excess moisture.

Game “What did I wish for?”

Target: develop thinking.

Game material and visual aids: 10 circles of different colors and sizes.

Description: lay out 10 circles of different colors and sizes in front of the child, invite the child to show the circle that the teacher made. Explain the rules of the game: when guessing, you can ask questions, only with the words more or less. For example:

Is this circle bigger than red? (Yes.)

Is it more blue? (Yes.)

More yellow? (No.)

Is this a green circle? (Yes.)

Game "Plant Flowers".

Target: develop thinking.

Game material and visual aids: 40 cards with images of flowers with different shapes petals, size, core color.

Description: Invite the child to “plant flowers in the flowerbeds”: in a round flowerbed all flowers with round petals, in a square flowerbed - flowers with a yellow core, in a rectangular flowerbed - all large flowers.

Questions: what flowers were left without a flowerbed? Which ones can grow in two or three flower beds?

Game "Group by characteristics."

Target: consolidate the ability to use generalizing concepts, expressing them in words.

Game material and visual aids: cards with images of objects (orange, carrot, tomato, apple, chicken, sun).

Description: Place cards in front of the child with images of different objects that can be combined into several groups according to some characteristic. For example: orange, carrot, tomato, apple - food; orange, apple - fruits; carrots, tomatoes - vegetables; orange, tomato, apple, ball, sun - round; orange, carrots - orange; sun, chicken - yellow.

Game "Remember faster."


Description: invite the child to quickly remember and name three round objects, three wooden objects, four pets, etc.

Game "Everything that flies."

Target: develop logical thinking.

Game material and visual aids: several pictures from various items.

Description: Invite the child to select the proposed pictures based on the named characteristic. For example: everything is round or everything is warm, or everything is animate that can fly, etc.

Game “What is it made of?”

Goals: develop logical thinking; consolidate the ability to determine what material an object is made of.

Description: the teacher names some material, and the child must list everything that can be made from it. For example: tree. (You can use it to make paper, boards, furniture, toys, dishes, pencils.)

Game "What happens...".

Target: develop logical thinking.

Description: Invite the child to take turns asking each other questions in the following order:

What's big? (House, car, joy, fear, etc.)

What is narrow? (Path, mite, face, street, etc.)

What is low (high)?

What is red (white, yellow)?

What is long (short)?

Games aimed at developing speech in senior preschoolers

Game "Finish the sentence."

Target: develop the ability to use complex sentences in speech.

Description: Ask children to complete the sentences:

Mom put the bread... where? (Into the bread bin.)

Brother poured sugar... where? (Into the sugar bowl.)

Grandma made a delicious salad and put it... where? (Into the salad bowl.)

Dad brought candy and put it... where? (Into the candy bowl.)

Marina didn’t go to school today because... (fell ill).

We turned on the heaters because... (it got cold).

I don't want to sleep because... (it's still early).

We will go to the forest tomorrow if... (the weather is good).

Mom went to the market to... (buy groceries).

The cat climbed the tree to... (to escape from the dog).

Game "Daily Mode".

Goals: activate children's speech; enrich your vocabulary.

Game material and visual aids: 8-10 plot (schematic) pictures depicting regime moments.

Description: offer to look at the pictures, and then arrange them in a certain sequence and explain.

Game "Who's for a treat?"

Target: develop the ability to use difficult forms of nouns in speech.

Game material and visual aids: pictures depicting a bear, birds, horse, fox, lynx, giraffe, elephant.

Description: The teacher says that there are gifts for animals in the basket, but he is afraid to confuse who gets what. Asks for help. Offer pictures depicting a bear, birds (geese, chickens, swans), horses, wolves, foxes, lynxes, monkeys, kangaroos, giraffes, elephants.

Questions: Who needs honey? Who needs grain? Who wants meat? Who wants fruit?

Game "Say three words."

Target: activate the dictionary.

Description: the children stand in a line. Each participant in turn is asked a question. It is necessary, taking three steps forward, to give three answer words with each step, without slowing down the pace of walking.

What can you buy? (Dress, suit, trousers.)

Game "Who wants to become who?"

Target: develop the ability to use difficult verb forms in speech.

Game material and visual aids: plot pictures depicting labor actions.

Description: Children are offered story pictures depicting labor actions. What are the boys doing? (The boys want to make a model of an airplane.) What do they want to become? (They want to become pilots.) Children are asked to come up with a sentence with the word “want” or “want.”

Game "Zoo".

Target: develop coherent speech.

Game material and visual aids: pictures with animals, game clocks.

Description: Children sit in a circle, receiving a picture each, without showing them to each other. Everyone must describe their animal, without naming it, according to this plan:

1. Appearance.

2. What does it eat?

The game uses a "game clock". First, turn the arrow. Whoever she points to starts the story. Then, by rotating the arrows, they determine who should guess the animal being described.

Game "Compare objects".

Goals: develop observation skills; expand the vocabulary due to the names of parts and parts of objects, their qualities.

Game material and visual aids: things (toys) that are the same in name, but differ in some characteristics or details, for example: two buckets, two aprons, two shirts, two spoons, etc.

Description: the teacher reports that in kindergarten They brought the package: “What is this?” He takes out his things: “Now we will look at them carefully. I will talk about one thing, and some of you will talk about another. We’ll tell you one by one.”

For example:

I have a smart apron.

I have a work apron.

He white with red polka dots.

Mine is dark blue.

Mine is decorated with lace frills.

And mine is with a red ribbon.

This apron has two pockets on the sides.

And this one has one big one on his chest.

These pockets have a flower pattern on them.

And this one has tools drawn on it.

This apron is used to set the table.

And this one is worn for work in the workshop.

Game "Who was who or what was what."

Goals: activate the dictionary; expand knowledge about the world around us.

Description: Who or what was the chicken before? (Egg.) And a horse (foal), frog (tadpole), butterfly (caterpillar), boots (leather), shirt (cloth), fish (egg), wardrobe (board), bread (flour), bicycle (iron), sweater (wool), etc.?

Game “Name as many objects as possible.”

Goals: activate the dictionary; develop attention.

Description: children stand in a row and are asked to take turns naming the objects that surround them. The one who named the word takes a step forward. The winner is the one who pronounced the words correctly and clearly and named the most objects without repeating himself.

Game "Pick a Rhyme".

Target: develop phonemic awareness.

Description: The teacher explains that all words sound different, but there are some that sound similar. Offers to help you choose a word.

There was a bug walking along the road,

He sang a song in the grass... (cricket).

You can use any verses or individual rhymes.

Game “Name the parts of an object.”

Goals: enrich your vocabulary; develop the ability to relate an object and its parts.

Game material and visual aids: pictures of a house, truck, tree, bird.

Description: The teacher shows pictures:

1st option: children take turns naming parts of objects.

2nd option: each child receives a drawing and names all the parts himself.

Games for teaching literacy to senior preschoolers

Game “Find out who makes what sounds?”

Target: develop auditory perception.

Game material and visual aids: a set of subject pictures (beetle, snake, saw, pump, wind, mosquito, dog, locomotive).

Description: The teacher shows the picture, the children name the object depicted on it. To the question “How does a saw ring, a beetle buzz, etc.” the child answers, and all children reproduce this sound.

Target: develop auditory perception.

Description: The driver turns his back to the children, and they all read a poem in chorus, the last line of which is pronounced by one of the children at the direction of the teacher. If the driver guesses it, the specified child becomes the driver.

Sample material:

We'll play a little while you listen and find out.

Try to guess who called you, find out. (Name of the driver.)

A cuckoo flew into our garden and was singing.

And you, (driver’s name), don’t yawn, guess who’s crowing!

The rooster sat on the fence and crowed throughout the yard.

Listen, (driver’s name), don’t yawn, find out who our rooster is!


Game "Guess the sound."

Target: practice clarity of articulation.

Description: The presenter pronounces the sound to himself, clearly articulating. Children guess the sound by the movement of the presenter's lips and pronounce it out loud. The first one to guess becomes the leader.

Game “Who has good hearing?”

Target: develop phonemic awareness, the ability to hear sounds in words.

Game material and visual aids: a set of subject pictures.

Description: The teacher shows a picture and names it. Children clap their hands if they hear the sound they are studying in the name. At later stages, the teacher can silently show the picture, and the child pronounces the name of the picture to himself and reacts in the same way. The teacher marks those who correctly identified the sound and those who could not find it and complete the task.

Game “Who Lives in the House?”

Target: develop the ability to determine the presence of sound in a word.

Game material and visual aids: a house with windows and a pocket for putting pictures, a set of subject pictures.

Description: The teacher explains that only animals (birds, pets) live in the house, the names of which contain, for example, the sound [l]. We need to put these animals in a house. Children name all the animals depicted in the pictures and choose among them those whose names contain the sound [l] or [l"]. Each correctly chosen picture is scored with a game chip.

Sample material: hedgehog, wolf, bear, fox, hare, elk, elephant, rhinoceros, zebra, camel, lynx.

Game "Who is bigger?"

Target: develop the ability to hear the sound in a word and relate it to the letter.

Game material and visual aids: a set of letters already known to children, object pictures.

Description: Each child is given a card with one of the letters known to the children. The teacher shows the picture, the children name the depicted object. The chips are received by the one who hears the sound corresponding to his letter. The one with the most chips wins.

Game "Helicopter".

Target: develop the ability to select words starting with a given sound.

Game material and visual aids: two plywood disks superimposed on each other (the lower disk is fixed, letters are written on it; the upper disk rotates, a narrow sector, the width of a letter, is cut out of it); chips.

Description: Children take turns spinning the disk. The child must name the word starting with the letter where the slot sector stops. The one who completes the task correctly receives a chip. At the end of the game, the number of chips is counted and the winner is determined.

Game "Logo".

Target: develop the ability to isolate the first sound in a syllable and correlate it with a letter.

Game material and visual aids: a large lotto card, divided into four squares (three of them contain images of objects, one square is empty) and cover cards with learned letters for each child; for the presenter a set of separate small cards with images of the same objects.

Description: The presenter takes the top picture from the set and asks who has this item. The child, who has this picture on the lotto card, names the object and the first sound in the word, and then covers the picture with the card of the corresponding letter. The first one to cover all the pictures on the lotto card wins.

Sample material: stork, duck, donkey, tail, catfish. rose, lamp, etc.

Game "Chain".

Target: develop the ability to identify the first and last sound in a word.

Description: one of the children names a word, the person sitting next to him selects a new word, where the initial sound will be the last sound of the previous word. The next child of the row continues, etc. The task of the row is not to break the chain. The game can be played as a competition. The winner will be the row that “pulled” the chain the longest.

Game “Where is the sound hidden?”

Target: develop the ability to establish the place of sound in a word.

Game material and visual aids: the teacher has a set of subject pictures; Each child has a card divided into three squares and a colored chip (red with a vowel, blue with a consonant).

Description: The teacher shows a picture and names the object depicted on it. Children repeat the word and indicate the location of the sound being studied in the word, covering one of the three squares on the card with a chip, depending on where the sound is located: at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Those who correctly place the chip on the card win.

Game "Where is our home?"

Target: develop the ability to determine the number of sounds in a word.

Game material and visual aids: a set of subject pictures, three houses with pockets and a number on each (3, 4, or 5).

Description: Children are divided into two teams. The child takes a picture, names the object depicted on it, counts the number of sounds in the spoken word and inserts the picture into a pocket with a number corresponding to the number of sounds in the word. Representatives of each team come out in turn. If they make a mistake, they are corrected by the children of the other team. For each correct answer, a point is counted, and the row whose players score the most points is considered the winner. The same game can be played individually.

Sample material: com, ball, catfish, duck, fly, crane, doll, mouse, bag.

Game "Wonderful bag".


Game material and visual aids: a bag made of colorful fabric with various objects, the names of which have two or three syllables.

Description: Children come up to the table in order, take an object out of the bag, and name it. The word is repeated syllable by syllable. The child names the number of syllables in a word.

Game "Telegraph".

Target: develop the ability to divide words into syllables.

Description: The teacher says: “Guys, now we’re going to play telegraph. I will name the words, and you will transmit them one by one by telegraph to another city.” The teacher pronounces the first word syllable by syllable and accompanies each syllable with clapping. Then he names the word, and the called child independently pronounces it syllable by syllable, accompanied by clapping. If a child completes the task incorrectly, the telegraph breaks down: all the children begin to slowly clap their hands; a damaged telegraph can be repaired, that is, pronounce the word correctly syllable by syllable and clap.

Math games for older children

Game "Be careful".

Target: consolidate the ability to distinguish objects by color.

Game material and visual aids: flat images of objects of different colors: red tomato, orange carrot, green Christmas tree, blue ball, purple dress.

Description: Children stand in a semicircle in front of a board on which flat objects are placed. The teacher, naming the object and its color, raises his hands up. Children do the same. If the teacher names the color incorrectly, children should not raise their hands up. The one who raised his hands loses the forfeit. When playing forfeits, children can be given tasks: name a few red objects, say what color the objects are on the top shelf of the closet, etc.

Game "Compare and fill".

Goals: develop the ability to carry out visual-mental analysis; consolidate ideas about geometric shapes.

Game material and visual aids: set of geometric shapes.

Description: two people play. Each player must carefully examine his or her board with images of geometric shapes, find a pattern in their arrangement, and then fill in the empty cells with a question mark, placing the desired shape in them. The one who completes the task correctly and quickly wins. The game can be repeated by arranging the figures and question marks differently.

Game "Fill the Empty Cells".

Goals: consolidate the idea of ​​geometric shapes; develop the ability to compare and contrast two groups of figures, find distinctive features.

Game material and visual aids: geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles) of three colors.

Description: two people play. Each player must study the arrangement of the figures in the table, paying attention not only to their shape, but also to the color, find a pattern in their arrangement and fill in the empty cells with question marks. The one who completes the task correctly and quickly wins. Players can then exchange signs. You can repeat the game by arranging the figures and question marks in the table differently.

Game "Wonderful Cup".

Target: learn to determine the place of a given object in a number series.

Game material and visual aids: 10 yogurt cups, a small toy that fits in the cup.

Description: stick a number on each glass, choose the driver, he must turn away. During this time, hide a toy under one of the glasses. The driver turns and guesses which glass the toy is hidden under. He asks: “Under the first glass? Under the sixth? Etc. until he guesses right. You can answer with prompts: “No, more,” “No, less.”

Game "Holiday at the Zoo".

Target: learn to compare numbers and quantities of objects.

Game material and visual aids: soft toys, counting sticks (buttons).

Description: Place animal toys in front of the child. Offer to “feed” them. The teacher names the number, and the child places the required number of sticks (buttons) in front of each toy.

Game "Long-length".

Target: consolidate the concepts of “length”, “width”, “height”.

Game material and visual aids: strips of paper.

Description: the teacher thinks of some object (for example, a closet) and makes a narrow paper strip equal to its width. To find the answer, the child will need to compare the width of different objects in the room with the length of the strip. Then you can guess another object by measuring its height, and the next one by measuring its length.

Game "Pass through the gate."

Game material and visual aids: cards, “gates” with numbers.

Description: Children are given cards with different numbers of circles. To go through the “gate”, everyone needs to find a pair, that is, a child, whose number of circles, added to the circles on their own card, will give the number shown on the “gate”.

Game "Numbers Talk".

Target: consolidate direct and reverse counting.

Game material and visual aids: cards with numbers.

Description: “number” children receive cards and stand one after another in order. “Number 4” says to “number 5”: “I am one less than you.” What did “number 5” answer to “number 4”? What did “number 6” say?

Game "Don't Yawn!"

Goals: consolidate knowledge of counting from 1 to 10, the ability to read and write numbers.

Game material and visual aids: number cards, forfeits.

Description: children are given cards with numbers from 0 to 10. The teacher tells a fairy tale in which different numbers appear. When a number is mentioned that matches the number on the card, the child must pick it up. Whoever did not have time to quickly perform this action loses (he must give forfeit). At the end of the game, a “redemption” of forfeits is carried out (solve a problem, a joke problem, guess a riddle, etc.).

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