Added water to the battery. How to add water to the battery: typical mistakes

The battery (battery) is perhaps one of the most important parts in a car's equipment. She is responsible for starting the engine in any conditions, for all electrical components and devices. On injection motors, the state of the ECU (electronic engine control unit) also depends on the correct operation of the battery. with electronic fuel injection, the battery equalizes the voltage surges that appear during the operation of the generator.

You will need

  • Distilled water, syringe, glass tube with a diameter of about 5mm, charger from 0.05-1.5A.


First you need to measure the electrolyte level. To do this, you need to unscrew the plugs on the top surface of the battery (a wide screwdriver works well), insert a glass tube the size of a ballpoint pen into one of the compartments and immerse it in the bottom. Cover the upper opening of the tube with your finger and pull it out, the electrolyte level in the tube is equal to the level in the battery (normal 13-15 mm), if it is higher, then it is worth sucking out the excess electrolyte with a syringe, lower - it means it's time to add distilled water. Suck clean water into the syringe and add 5-10 ml to each of the six sections of the battery. Thus, to achieve the desired level of electrolyte in the battery. Take a special charger, connect it to the battery without closing the plug. This is necessary in case there is an excess of electrolyte, it will have somewhere to flow out. First, charge and discharge the battery 3-4 times to restore capacity. Then set the current on the device for charging to 0.1A and monitor the voltage at the terminals. Do not allow the battery to boil or overheat, if necessary, reduce the charging current. Normal voltage when fully charged should be 13.9-14.5V. Then reduce the current to 0.05A and continue charging. If during the next 2 hours the voltage remains unchanged - stop charging! Close lids. For greater reliability, stand the battery for about 12 hours. Then start operating. The battery is ready to go!

Despite the fact that modern industry produces maintenance-free batteries, it will not be superfluous for anyone to check the electrolyte in the battery and make sure of its quality.

You will need

  • Glass tube with a diameter of 5 mm,
  • hydrometer.


One of the tasks when checking the electrolyte will be to measure its level in each bank. In order to complete the task, it is necessary to tear off the packaging film and unscrew the corks in each jar. Then a glass tube is taken in hand and one end is immersed in the electrolyte, reaching the separator, the upper opening of the tube is tightly closed with the thumb, and in this state it is removed from the battery can.

If the electrolyte level in the battery is correct, the tube should be filled with at least 10 mm. In cases where the level is insufficient, then this is considered a factory defect. At the next stage, the density of the electrolyte poured into the battery is checked. To achieve the goal, we take a hydrometer in our hand and alternately select electrolyte from each jar battery. If it is found that the density of the electrolyte in the battery banks does not correspond to the norm or it turns out that it is below 1.27 units, then such a battery should not be purchased.


For the southern regions of Russia, electrolyte with a density of 1.25 units is poured into the batteries. And it must also be taken into account that a decrease in the density of the indicated solution by one unit indicates a six percent discharge of the battery. And if in a trading organization the battery is discharged by 10% or more, then such a battery is also considered defective.

When the battery "boils", the level drops and the density of the electrolyte increases. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, the battery will lose its capacity over time. You can restore these indicators if you add water to the battery.

You will need


Clean the surface of the battery Cleaning the surface of the battery is necessary for several reasons. Firstly, the surface can be contaminated with spilled sulfuric acid, which is unsafe for the worker and his clothes, secondly, pollution can get inside the battery and lead to its damage, and thirdly, it is more pleasant to work clean. To clean the surface, it is enough to gently wipe it with a damp cloth, preferably moistened with a solution of baking soda. Recesses on the top cover, especially around plugs (or filler holes), are best cleaned with a match. Topping up with water You can only top up with distilled water in those jars where the electrolyte level is below the minimum mark. You can determine this in translucent batteries by the "risks" on the sides of the case. Inside the fill holes, tides are visible, indicating the upper and lower levels. If there are no marks, then you should focus on a level above 10-15 mm above the top of the plates. It is best to add water to the battery using a rubber bulb, a large medical syringe, or using an aerometer (or rather an external flask) to measure the density of the electrolyte. Measure the density of the electrolyte The density of the electrolyte after adding water is not restored immediately. This is due to the fact that in the battery there are small gaps between the plates, and the mixing of liquids is very slow (sometimes the density evens out after a few weeks). Therefore, after adding water, it is necessary for the battery to settle for several hours. Only then will the density indicators approach the real ones, and it can be measured. To accurately determine the density, it is necessary to make several measurements at regular intervals. And if the difference between the current and previous measurements is insignificant, the battery is ready for use after recharging.

The charger can charge the battery with almost constant current, or dynamically change it as it builds up capacity. The inclusion of an ammeter in series with the battery, even with a very low internal resistance, can disrupt the charging mode. A special contactless device will come to the rescue.


The device you need can be called differently: a clampmeter, a non-contact ammeter, current clamps, etc. All these names are synonymous. Choose a clampmeter in which the element sensitive to the magnetic field created by the conductor with current is not an inductor, but a Hall sensor. It differs coils in that it reacts not only to an alternating, but also to a constant field, which means that current clamps with it are able to measure direct current in a non-contact way. Use the limit switch on the instrument to select the range that most closely matches the intended charge current. Its approximate value is indicated in the instructions for the charger or directly on the case of the latter. Press the lever of the clampmeter, and the halves of the magnetic circuit will disperse. Place between them one of the conductors through which the charging current passes. Do not place both conductors at once, because then their fields will cancel each other out, and the current clamp will show zero even with a significant current strength. Close the magnetic circuit and turn on the charger. You will immediately see the current value on the indicator. Start the stopwatch at the same time. Enter the readings of both devices in the table. Divide the duration of the charge cycle indicated in the instructions for the charger into several intervals and continue to record the readings of both devices in the table with just such a frequency. When the charge is complete, turn off all devices, including the charger itself, disconnect the battery, and then plot the charge current versus time. Select the horizontal coordinate for time, and the vertical coordinate for current. If you now show this graph to a specialist, he will be able to say a lot about both the literacy of the charge algorithm chosen by the device designers and the state of the battery itself. Perhaps the latter needs to be replaced or restored using special equipment.


Do not short circuit the battery. Please note that some charging device are transformerless, so do not touch the terminals while charging.


When servicing the battery, do not forget about your own safety. Basic safety precautions must be strictly observed. Batteries contain sulfuric acid and flammable oxyhydrogen gas, keep away from open flames during operation.

Useful advice

During the operation and maintenance of the battery, it is better to wipe its surface with a cloth soaked in ammonia or a solution of water with baking soda. It helps especially effectively when electrolyte gets on the surface of the battery.


How to add distilled water to the battery

How to add water to the battery at home

Hello blog readers! If there is a serviced battery under the hood of your car, you simply must know how to add water to the battery. Yes, and it will not hurt to understand the basic concepts. For example, how a battery works, what an electrolyte is and what kind of water can be poured into jars.

How is the battery

In fact, there is nothing complicated in the device of a serviced battery. It consists of:

  • cans;
  • lead plates;
  • electrolyte.

Let's take a closer look at these concepts. The bank contains packages of negative and positive lead plates. In fact, this is a mini battery.

The jar is filled with an electrochemical liquid - an electrolyte. It is thanks to it that the accumulation of charge in the battery becomes possible. Those. When a battery is charged and discharged, the process of converting electrical energy into chemical energy and vice versa takes place.

Each bank is capable of producing 2-2.2 V voltage. There are 6 of them in the battery, and since they are connected in series, the output is a current of 12 volts.

During operation and recharging, the battery heats up and the water evaporates, so you need to add water to the battery.

Battery charge and discharge

When the battery is discharged, sulfuric acid is absorbed from the electrolyte. Giving energy, its particles settle on the plates in the form of salt. As a result, the density of the electrolyte decreases.

When the battery is charged, the reverse process occurs. Distilled water evaporates from the cans, sulfuric acid is not volatile, so it remains in place. Salts precipitated on the plates during discharge dissolve. As a result, the density of the electrolyte increases. And the battery is gaining its capacity. Because during operation, the liquid level in the banks drops, you need to know how to add water to the battery.

There is such a thing as battery sulfation. What does it mean? If you allow strong discharges or discharge the battery and do not charge it for a long time, the density of the liquid will drop, sulfates will cover the plates with a thick layer, become rigid and incapable of dissolving. As a result, the battery loses its capacity and dies. Therefore, it is important to keep an eye on your battery.

What is an electrolyte

The battery is filled with a special liquid - almost every motorist knows this. It's called an electrolyte. Liquid composition:

  • sulfuric acid - 35%;
  • distilled water - 65%.

Those. the mixture is the same. Therefore, the first rule when servicing a battery at home is accuracy. If a drop of electrolyte gets on clothes, it will burn it and leave a burn on the body. Sulfuric acid though.


To put it as simply as possible, the density of an electrolyte is the percentage of sulfuric acid to distilled water. The normal value is 1.27-1.29 g / cm3. By this indicator, you can determine the level of charge and the condition of the battery.

Density in jars is measured very simply - for this you need a device called a hydrometer. If your car battery is serviceable, you simply must have it in your arsenal. Especially when you consider how much the device costs. The price is 200-300 rubles, everyone can afford it.

What is dangerous high or low density

Can electrolyte be added to the battery? It is possible, but only in extreme cases. If instead of water, pure electrolyte is added to the jars, the percentage of sulfuric acid will increase. As a result, the mixture will begin to corrode the lead plates. In general, its ultimate density is 1.35 g/cm3. No more.

If we assume low density:

  • capacity decreases.
  • in severe frost, the battery may freeze.

Thus, you need to know what is the density of the liquid in the jar. Deviations from the norm will lead to irreversible consequences. A slight increase in density can be applied if the battery is operated in severe frosts.

What is distilled water

Distilled water is pure h3O without impurities, salts and minerals. In fact, it is an absolute dielectric. Why is distillate pouring? The fact is that sulfuric acid contains salts that settle on the plates during the discharge and dissolve during the battery charge. Those. the electrolyte has some conductivity. And if you pour water with impurities, the required proportion of salts will be violated, therefore, it will lose its properties.

Again, while the battery is running, water evaporates. Because there are no impurities in the distilled liquid; after its evaporation, nothing remains in the jar - everything goes into gases. It turns out that the distillate can be poured into the battery as many times as you like - this will not have a detrimental effect on the electrolyte.

How to replace distillate

Among motorists, the question is sometimes raised - how to replace distilled water in the battery. Among the options offered are:

  • rainwater - it does not contain salts and minerals;
  • boiled - if the water is boiled, it turns into distilled;
  • ordinary water - nothing will happen to the battery, the neighbor flooded and order.

Unfortunately, this is not true, pouring plain water without unpleasant consequences will not work. Because distilled water cannot be replaced by any other. For example, in rain or melt water there will be impurities of dirt and dust that will settle on the plates.

In ordinary or boiled water - minerals and salts, which not only settle on the plates, but also violate the properties of the electrolyte. Those. It is not known how the battery will behave in the future.

Battery maintenance

A serviced battery requires regular topping up with water. During the operation of the battery, it evaporates from the cans - this is a normal process, so you can’t get away from maintenance.

So, how to add distilled water to the battery correctly:

  • the battery must be placed on a horizontal plane, otherwise the measurement of the electrolyte level in the banks will not be accurate, and it will not be possible to correctly determine how much water to pour into the banks;
  • the surface must be cleaned of dirt and wiped well - sulfuric acid could leak out of the cans;
  • then all plugs are unscrewed;
  • now you need to determine how much water to pour into the battery. Usually, the battery has marks of the maximum and minimum levels, but if there are none, you need to follow the rule - the electrolyte should be 1-1.5 cm higher than the plates;
  • the measurement is made with a special glass flask - it is lowered into the jar, the upper hole is closed with a finger, after which it is removed. The level in the flask shows how much the liquid is above the plates;
  • water is poured into the banks for the battery;
  • the battery is being charged.

If you allow the liquid level below the plates, they will begin to collapse. Therefore, it is important to check how much electrolyte is in the battery and not to miss the moment when adding water to it.

Battery density measurement

After topping up with distilled water, you need to check the density of the electrolyte. It should be within the following limits:

  • 1.25 g/cm3 in the south of Russia;
  • 1.27 g/cm3 in the middle lane;
  • 1.29 g/cm3 in the north.

How to measure density correctly? First, as mentioned above, you need an aerometer. Secondly, the measurement must be carried out a few hours after topping up, otherwise the distillate will not have time to mix with the electrolyte in the jars. Ideally, you need to do this after charging the battery.

So, actually topping up the distillate is not that difficult - many people do it themselves without any problems. You need to follow basic safety rules and have distilled water on hand. Well, do not forget to check the liquid level in the banks - then the battery will work out the due date.

That's all. Do not forget to comment on the article and read other blog posts.

Sincerely, Maxim Markov!

How to add distilled water to the battery? | Who? What? Where?

So that when the electrolyte boils away, its density does not increase significantly, it is necessary to add distilled water to the battery in a timely manner. How to add distilled water to the battery? Let's consider this process in more detail.

Features of pouring distillate

Before proceeding with the process of filling the distillate (electrolyte), the battery must be prepared. It must be turned off, removed, installed on a flat surface, cleaned of dust and dirt. Cleaning the battery is a must, since even the smallest particles of dirt, if ingested, can lead to its complete failure. The easiest way to clean the battery is with a solution of ordinary baking soda.

Inside the power source there are special marks indicating the minimum and maximum levels for the distillate.

To prevent dirt from getting into the battery, use a regular syringe to fill with distilled water. It will allow you to pour the liquid not only absolutely hygienically, but also as accurately as possible.

After filling, close the battery and replace it.

  1. Never add fluid immediately after you have turned off the engine. He needs to stand for at least six to eight hours. Only after the “rest” can the battery be opened and the filling process started.
  2. After filling with water, it is also impossible to immediately put the device into operation. Wait at least until the morning of the next day, otherwise boiling is possible, which will lead to fatal consequences.
  3. Refilling with distillate will not make the device new, but will simply improve its functioning a little. If the battery has already used up its resource, then it is better to replace it with a new one.
  4. Before putting the battery into operation, check the amount of liquid inside. You can start its operation only if the water level is within the normal range.
  5. And in no case do not use ordinary water for refilling, but only special distilled water, purchased in special. stores in closed containers. When pouring ordinary water, the plates will be destroyed and the battery will completely fail.
  6. Filling water into the battery must be done at room temperature in a closed room.

How to properly add distilled water to the battery

When batteries are used, the electrolyte level in the banks inevitably decreases. It is easier with maintenance-free batteries - the liquid level in the compartments practically does not change for 5-6 years. As for serviced batteries, owners constantly have to monitor the electrolyte level and take timely action. In the article we will tell you how to add distilled water to the battery, how much it is needed and whether it can be replaced with something.

Where to get distilled water for the battery

About 20 years ago, motorists did not have questions about purchasing distilled water - it was sold in almost every pharmacy. Now the situation has changed. The fact is that this liquid is suitable for medical use for three days, so you can get it only at a pharmacy that has its own distiller.

Modern alternatives:

  • auto parts stores;
  • gas stations with a point of sale;
  • hardware stores (distilled water is used in irons and steamers).

Another option is to search for water in online stores. Suitable for those who want to stock up. The delivery time, depending on the region, can be several weeks; this method is not suitable for emergency topping up of liquid in the battery.

Some motorists do not want to spend time visiting stores, and are wondering if plain or boiled water can be poured into the battery. The first option does not fit categorically. Foreign substances are present in tap water - chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. When charging the battery, they will settle on lead plates. At best, this will lead to a decrease in battery capacity, at worst, to a short circuit and battery failure.

Concerning boiled water- it will not be able to fully replace the distilled one, it contains metal salts, albeit in a small amount. This option is suitable if you urgently need to bring the battery "on alert", but then you have to rinse each jar and fill in a new electrolyte.

Attempting to replace distilled water with boiled water or any other may lead to a decrease in battery capacity, destruction of lead plates, and other backfire.

How to add distilled water to a car battery correctly

If your battery has increased electrolyte density or you notice that it does not produce the desired voltage, the reason is most likely a decrease in the amount of distilled water. Normally, it should be 65% to 35% sulfuric acid.

The sequence of work when adding distillate to the battery

To properly add liquid to the jars, use the instructions.

  1. Remove dirt and dust from the top of the battery, especially around the plugs.
  2. Wipe the area around the necks with a cloth soaked in baking soda to neutralize any sulfuric acid that may have spilled out during charging.
  3. Carefully unscrew the plugs - protect your hands from exposure to electrolyte.
  4. Take a medical syringe, syringe or hydrometer, draw distilled water.
  5. Pour liquid into jars with insufficient electrolyte levels.
  6. Screw the plugs.
  7. After 2-3 hours, check the density of the electrolyte with a hydrometer (normal value in the table below).
  8. If everything is done correctly, put the battery on charge.

Adding distilled water to the battery must be done on a horizontal surface. Otherwise, the liquid level in the jars will be different, so you will either overfill or underfill.

In order for the result to be accurate when measuring the density of the electrolyte, hold the hydrometer vertically, do not allow the float to touch its walls. After collecting the electrolyte in the flask, gradually reduce the pressure so that the float floats freely. If you were able to achieve this, pay attention to the place where the liquid contacts the scale. This will be the density of the electrolyte in the battery.

Check the density of the electrolyte after adding distilled water to the battery

How much distilled water to add to the battery

In a modern battery, it is easiest to understand how much distilled water should be poured. Its body is made of transparent plastic with a scale printed on it. It is enough to ensure that the level recommended by the manufacturer is not exceeded.

If you have a different type of battery, use the following tips.

  1. In some batteries, a metal or plastic "tongue" is located just below the neck of the can. The electrolyte level should be 5 mm above the "tongue".
  2. If there are no marks in the jar, add distilled water so that the electrolyte level is 10-15 mm higher than the lead plates.
  3. If you cannot visually determine how much electrolyte is in the jar, take a glass tube, lower it into the compartment, pinch the top with your finger and carefully remove it. The amount of liquid in it will be equal to the distance from the lead plates to the electrolyte surface

Try to follow the rules for filling in order to achieve the correct ratio of hydrochloric acid to distilled water.

If there is more acid, it will destroy the lead parts of the battery, if less, the battery will defrost at a negative temperature.

How to get distilled water at home

Some car enthusiasts prefer not to buy distilled water, but to make it themselves. Usually these are people of the older generation, accustomed to times of scarcity and unwilling to rebuild. But residents of remote villages, in which there are no shops, have to adapt in a similar way.

We note right away that it is impossible to get high-quality distilled water at home. This requires a distiller, the cost of which is incomparable to the price of a bottle of water. Alternatively, you can use a moonshine still if you remove the coil from it. But the yield of distilled water with this method is insignificant - about a glass in 3-4 hours.

Distilled water has the formula h3O, that is, it does not contain impurities. No matter how hard you try, it is almost impossible to get a similar result at home - an insignificant part of the metal salts will remain in the water.

If you urgently need to add water to the battery, fill it in a plastic bottle and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Then drain the unfrozen water into the sink, and melt the ice and use it to pour into jars. In this case, the damage to the battery will be minimal.

You can collect rainwater in plastic dishes, then carefully filter it and use it for its intended purpose.

It is important that water does not come into contact with metals. For example, the one that flows from tin roofs is not suitable for filling the battery.

Summing up

Now you know how to add distilled water without damaging the battery. We recommend purchasing a hydrometer to control the density of the electrolyte in the jars. Without this device, it is impossible to achieve the desired density, and changing it can damage your battery. Watch the related video to get a better idea of ​​the process.

Lead battery electrolyte consists of two components - sulfuric acid and water. Water, which evaporates over time, is to blame for lowering the electrolyte level. As a result, part of the plates is not immersed in the electrolyte, and the battery loses its capacity. If in the summer this effect can be painlessly overlooked, in the winter it will surely give you a frosty morning pig ...

It is customary for car owners to divide batteries into “serviced” and “non-serviceable” according to the type of traffic jams on banks. If the plugs are available, and they can be unscrewed with a coin, it means “serviced”: it is necessary to control the electrolyte level in it and add water if necessary. If there are no traffic jams, vice versa.

    In fact, “non-maintenance” lies primarily in the fact that the battery is made with calcium additives in the lead of the electrodes instead of the good old antimony, which has been used for decades, says Alexander Kazunin, head of the battery laboratory at the Research Institute of Automotive Electronics and Electrical Equipment.

    "Calcium" batteries have a very low rate of electrolysis of water, which almost does not evaporate from the electrolyte under normal operating conditions. And therefore, they often lack plugs to control the electrolyte level. However, one must understand that with the advent of "calcium" batteries, the problem of electrolyte boiling away has not completely disappeared. “Antimony” batteries, which are prone to a drop in the electrolyte level, are still produced and sold, and “calcium” batteries can easily require monitoring and topping up if the car drives intensively in the summer in the urban cycle or, say, the voltage regulator in the generator is faulty.

Calcium can be applied only to the negative electrodes of the battery or to all electrodes. Batteries in which all electrodes are doped with calcium are called "calcium-calcium" (Ca / Ca). True, the price for maintenance-free electrolyte level is increased sensitivity to deep discharge. A "calcium" battery, once planted "to zero", as a rule, is not a tenant ...

About water

Often, even in truly maintenance-free batteries, there are still plugs, but they are not separate, but fixed on a common plastic plate, which is covered with a branded sticker on top. There are no obvious signs on such plugs that they can be opened. But it can be done, and often necessary. Because the electrolyte level can drop in almost any type of battery.

Equalizing a low electrolyte level in a battery is easy and inexpensive. It is enough to buy a bottle of distilled water in a car shop and add it with a syringe or a pear to each battery can, the number of which is six in a car with a 12-volt electrical system. Looking into the jars with a flashlight, you can see a plastic “beak” tongue, which is a level mark. If it is not there, water is added until the plates are completely covered. After that, it is highly desirable not to load the battery with a starter, but to recharge it.

This procedure is simple and accessible to any car owner. The only "bottleneck" in this story is the purchase of distilled water. Usually packaged in bottles of 1.5 liters, "distillation" is produced by offices such as "Horns and Hooves", and you can find production water for sale famous brand automotive chemistry is not so easy. And in view of the low retail and even lower purchase price of distilled water, manufacturers have a serious temptation to cut costs as much as possible and start bottling tap water under the guise of distillation for batteries ... Moreover, a deceived buyer is unlikely to make claims: a battery from ordinary water, will certainly die, but it will not happen instantly.

Here is a typical review of low-quality distilled water from one of the Uazbuka forum members:

“I once had an unopened bottle of such water lying around in the trunk. Was gone for probably four months. And somehow I set out to add it to the cooling system. He opened the bottle, and from there it carries such rotten stuff - at least run away. From what swamp did they collect it ... "

TDS meter

You can check the quality of purchased distilled water using different methods. The most correct way to check from those available at home is to use a specialized device called a TDS meter. Chinese online stores are full of them, they are not too expensive, and the accuracy is quite sufficient for our needs. The TDS-meter looks like a pencil with a display and measures the level of total mineralization (salinity) of water in units of "ppm" - the number of particles of dissolved salts per million particles of an aqueous solution.

We measure tap water - 215 ppm. We measure distilled water from an auto shop - a bottle of one manufacturer shows 8 ppm, the second - 7 ppm, and the third, the one that says "double cleaning" - 0 ppm!

Respect to the last manufacturer, of course! The product is really high quality. But even if the distillation ppm is not equal to zero, you should not worry. A small number is within the acceptable range. In the end, in almost any Soviet textbook on automotive operating materials, as a last resort, the use of melted snow water for the electrolyte (not from urban snowdrifts, of course), ppm of which is usually 10-20, was allowed.

1 / 4

2 / 4

3 / 4

4 / 4


Many sources suggest checking the quality of distilled water with a multimeter in ohmmeter mode. In other words, simply by measuring its resistance. Often there are even numbers: if the water resistance is more than 30 kilo-ohms, this means that the water is suitable for the battery.

At first glance, it looks sensible: a multimeter, unlike a TDS meter, is found at home or in a garage much more often than the latter. And the number of ppm TDS-meter calculates indirectly, just through the measurement of water resistance.

But there is a fundamental difference: the TDS-meter measures the resistance on alternating current, and the ohmmeter - on direct current. And the electrochemical processes that begin in water when a direct current is passed introduce very large errors. And when they are added to them completely random geometric dimensions measuring electrodes of the ohmmeter, and the distance between them, taken by eye, the parameters begin to jump randomly, changing tenfold. So you should not use a multimeter to assess the quality of the distillate.


The next way is visual. It is unlikely to give a clear assessment of the quality of "distillation", but at least it will allow you to identify outright fraud when, under the guise of demineralized water, they slip you tap water.

For this test, we need a clean piece of glass. We drop two drops of water on it next to each other: the one that we consider distilled, and water from the tap for clarity. Then we wait for the evaporation of water, which can be accelerated by heating the glass on a lighter. After evaporation, distilled water leaves almost no salt stains, the stain simply disappears. If obvious salt "circles" are noticeable - water, most likely, from a water supply system ...

In the photo on the left - a salt stain from tap water, on the right nothing is visible - a drop of distilled water has evaporated there.

220 volt

And finally, there is one more way. Severe Chelyabinsk - checking the resistance of water on an alternating current electrical network of 220 volts. As it becomes clear, it is based on the fact that ordinary water conducts electricity, while distilled water practically does not. This is also a conditional test that does not give a result in digital form, but it is quite suitable for everyday conditions, and most importantly, visual. The procedure is quite simple, but requires some care in handling live wires!

Collecting the simplest circuit from an electrical cord with a plug and a socket for a 220 volt incandescent lamp. Approximately in the middle of the double cord, cut one of the wires and clean the ends. Now the cut ends serve only as a breaker. We screw in the lamp, insert the plug into the socket for testing - the lamp burns with full heat. Now we take out the plug, cut one of the wires of the pair, strip both ends to a length of about a centimeter each and lower these ends into a glass of water to be tested. Insert the plug into the socket again. On distilled water, the lamp will not burn, and on tap water, its filament will smolder dimly, dimly, by less than a quarter of the glow.

Well, now, when it is clear which water is really distilled and which is not, the only thing left is to add the “correct” water to the battery. And just as we described above. And enjoy the good battery life.

What do you do if the battery does not "twist" well?

Very often I am asked a question about a car battery, namely why does it need distilled water? Why is it poured at all, what is the benefit or harm from it? Why, say, do not pour the usual from the tap, what will happen? YES, and in general how much it needs to be poured. As you can see, despite the simplicity of the design, there are just a lot of questions, and they are all related to this liquid. To be honest, people who are a little versed in the composition of the electrochemical battery fluid will not ask such questions, but for beginners such information will be very useful, so read on ...

Let's start with a little definition.

- this is an obligatory part of an electrochemical liquid, simply an electrolyte, which performs a very important role, namely, it creates the composition of the desired density and properties. If there were no water in the composition, then the battery would not work as it should.

What does it mean? YES, everything is simple - the electrolyte consists of 35% and 65% distilled water. If you pour just sulfuric acid, then its "mad" concentration would simply melt everything (albeit not immediately, but it would do it for sure). Water lowers the concentration to the desired limit, then the acid begins to work in creation, not destruction. Also, with this ratio, the processes of accumulation of electricity in the electrolyte begin to occur during charging. Which then allows this charge to be spent.

What is distilled water?

But really, what is it? To be honest, this is a question of the 6th - 7th grade of a comprehensive school, where they begin to delve deeply into physics and chemistry.

It is nothing but simply "H2O" - that is, the pure composition of water, only two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen. There are no impurities and salts - absolute purity.

If you answer the question - why it is impossible to fill the battery with ordinary tap water, then the answer is very simple:

The composition that flows from the tap with us can hardly be called a “distiller”, because it contains not only the notorious H2O, but also a bunch of all sorts of impurities, and especially salts, lime (in low concentrations), chlorine, etc.

If it is poured into the battery, then these impurities will inevitably settle on the lead plates of the battery, which will lead to a decrease in battery capacity. Thus, ordinary water will simply destroy your battery, so you can not pour it.

Why exactly this ratio?

Now many may ask the question - why such a ratio of acid and distilled water? TO is one mass fraction of acid and two mass fractions of water.

This is done for several reasons:

  • There should be enough acid, because when the battery is discharged, it is consumed, the density of the electrolyte drops - salts are released onto the plates. And when charging, on the contrary, water is consumed, the density of the acid increases. If there is not enough acid, then the charge-discharge process will not be as effective. Therefore, now the density of many batteries is approximately 1.27 g / cm3.
  • If there is not enough acid, then the electrolyte will simply freeze at sub-zero temperatures. A discharged battery can turn into ice already at -3, -5 degrees.
  • If you pour a lot of acid, much more (for example, 2 mass fractions, and water one mass fraction), then it can adversely affect the plates. More salts will settle, and also such a concentration will destroy the plates faster.

This combination was derived empirically, through a fairly large number of tests.

Why is water poured into the battery, and not electrolyte?

Everything is also simple - during operation, the battery warms up (heating also occurs in the summer, in the heat), while charging, the banks can boil. At these moments, distilled water escapes from the battery - after all, this is its normal state (evaporation when heated, it just turns into steam). But the acid remains, it is not "volatile" - accordingly, the concentration of acid increases, and the concentration of water falls. Density can increase up to 1.4 g/cm3. In order to bring the electrolyte inside the battery to a normal state, you need to replenish this evaporated water, so we add it, the acid is in the right proportion.

If you add electrolyte, then you just mix, say - 1.4 and 1.27 (which you purchased) and you get about 1.33 g / cm3 - which is already a lot! Remember about the precipitation of salts and the destruction of the plates.

So you need to add distilled water, for the desired density, and not an electrolyte! When mixed, it forms the density necessary for work.

Remember this rule! In fairness, water was added only to serviced batteries, because the evaporation there is simply huge. But maintenance-free batteries do not require such careful attention, because there it is in a closed hermetic case - the liquid evaporates, rises and then precipitates again - the cycle is closed.

How much water to add to the battery?

As we have already figured out, if a maintenance-free battery is practically not much, you can ride for at least five years and never look into it - this is normal! But if your battery is serviceable, that is, the plugs are unscrewed from above, you need to constantly monitor the level.

How much distilled water to add is a difficult question - after all, in each individual case, it will have its own value. It can fluctuate from, because the larger the battery, the more electrolyte in it, which means water, you need to add more.

I advise you to always have a liter bottle in the car (on my old cars it took me 1.5 - 2 months - in summer, in winter for 3 - 4 months) - remember if the electrolyte level has dropped and your cans are bare, this is a critical condition, you need to urgently understand the level in order to close the platinum. Otherwise, they may heat up and crumble.

Short video what level should be.

Lead car batteries store energy as long as there is a chemical reaction between the electrolyte and conductive plates. When the density of the electrolyte changes, this process is disrupted. It does not matter for what reason the electrolyte has deteriorated, the battery does not work. An electrolyte replacement, density adjustment or the purchase of a new battery is required. If the electrolyte has become black, it contains a suspension of coal and scale, the battery will have to be changed.

The electrolyte is a mixture of sulfuric acid and water in a certain proportion. The concentration of the solution is known by the density measured by the hydrometer. The main indicator, even hundredths, affects the ability of the electrolyte to work for energy storage.

Signs of a bad electrolyte:

Replacing the electrolyte in the battery will be effective when the cavities of the cans are examined, washed, and the sulfate precipitate is removed. If the plates are destroyed, the active substance has crumbled - the battery is not repairable.

At home complete replacement electrolyte in a car battery occurs in the sequence:

  • Prepare enamel or glassware for draining the electrolyte, personal protective equipment, a place to work, preferably outdoors.
  • Remove the battery from the car, remove the plugs or drill holes in the maintenance-free battery, drain the liquid into the prepared container using a bulb or syringe.
  • The battery is washed with distilled water repeatedly until the sediment is removed. It may be necessary to remove the lead sulfate if there is a deposit on the plates. You need to make sure that the active putty has not crumbled, the coal grate is intact.
  • Slowly, intermittently, pour the electrolyte of the required density into each jar 5-7 mm above the plates. Wait 2-3 hours for the bubbles to come out, measure the density of the electrolyte, bring it to normal
  • Charge the battery after replacing the electrolyte with a low current of 0.1 A, avoiding boiling. After a set of half the capacity, charging is carried out cyclically.
  • Seal the jars.

How long does it take to charge the battery? Charge the battery after replacing the electrolyte should be carefully, as after a deep discharge. The operation of replacing the electrolyte with your own hands in a car battery is considered complete if it fully accepts current for a long time. Charging is carried out carefully, boiling in banks is unacceptable.

We invite you to watch the video correct replacement electrolyte in a car battery.

Why you can not add electrolyte to the battery

Have you measured the level in the battery banks, is it below normal? This means that some of the water has evaporated. If this is a serviced battery, you need to measure the level in each bank and add electrolyte to the norm with water. In a maintenance-free battery, a mirror of the bay is visible through the walls.

The level has dropped, which means there is little water in the solution and a high density. The added electrolyte will increase the level, but the density of the solution will remain high. This is detrimental to the battery plates, shortening the life of the battery. Therefore, the electrolyte should be brought to the level by adding distilled water.

Watch the video on how to change the electrolyte.

When to add electrolyte to the battery?

The electrolyte is added to the battery when the capacity decreases. At the same time, measurements with a hydrometer of the contents of each can show a decrease in density. It is possible that sulfation has occurred in the battery, the associated acid residue in PbSO4 does not participate in the reaction.

If the electrolyte taken from the jars is transparent, light, it can be reused by adding a correction solution with a density of 1.4 g/cm3. After removing the sediment on the plates, the battery is filled with the same electrolyte, but it is of low concentration. Is it possible to bring the solution to the desired density by adding electrolyte? What composition to take, and how much to add a correction solution to the battery?

According to technology, it is necessary to replace a portion of a weak composition with a strong one. You can add and remove the electrolyte from the cans of the solution using a pear and a graduated cylinder. How to change the solutions, in what proportion can be seen from the table.

In this case, only the electrolyte for correction should be used. After the replacement operation, recharging is carried out for half an hour so that the liquids mix. Two hours after the charger is turned off, the density is checked, if necessary, the adjustment is repeated.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video on how to add electrolyte to the battery.

What to add to the battery, water or electrolyte

Under proper operating conditions, maintenance-free batteries do not require monitoring of the density and electrolyte level. Serviced batteries have special plugs - access to each bank. They regularly check the quality indicator and electrolyte level. The energy reserve of the battery is determined by the weakest element. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the density of the electrolyte in all banks equal.

The density in the can may decrease if sulfation has begun. Then the addition of electrolyte will not help. The strong resistance of clogged plates does not allow charge to pass, the added acid will increase deposits. In this case, the charge will restore sulfation. That is why it is impossible to add electrolyte to a battery with a lead sulfate coating.

Do you add water to the battery? If the electrolyte level in the banks is low, this indicates that the battery is boiling rapidly during operation. Mostly hydrogen evaporates. Active putty can crumble from bare plates, sulfation, corrosion will occur. Therefore, it is necessary to add distilled water, but after that the battery must be put on charge in a full cycle.

During the recovery period, the lead crystals are partially destroyed, the dense solution is diluted, and the electrolyte activity is restored. Add electrolyte or water to the battery in the holes covered with plugs, with a small stream through the funnel. Charging does not begin immediately, so that air comes out, the compositions mix.

Density control should be done half an hour after the charger is turned off. Correct if there are deviations in density.

When to add to the electrolyte, and when water

The question is, how to add, if there is little electrolyte in the battery banks, it requires special lighting. Liquids such as electrolyte or distilled water must be properly filled into the battery. The body and funnel must be clean, the poured liquid must be transparent, without suspension. You can top up the electrolyte with water using a medical syringe without a needle if minor adjustments are required.

In what cases it is possible to add water to the electrolyte of the battery? If in one or more banks the electrolyte level in the battery is low. This is due to the boiling of the cans in conditions of elevated temperature or deep discharge. By adding distilled water, volume losses are replenished, the density of the electrolyte decreases, and early battery wear is prevented.

Do I need to charge the battery after adding water or changing the electrolyte? Any change in the internal balance requires alignment and stabilization. After changing the concentration of the liquid, it is necessary to carry out a full charging cycle, make sure that the battery has not lost its capacity, the voltage at the terminals is stable, and provides the starting current.

Is it possible to add electrolyte to the battery if it was accidentally thrown out? How did it happen? The device may have been turned over. This is one of the few cases when the leaked electrolyte is replaced with exactly the same one and even the temperature is adjusted. But you still need to recharge and check the density.

Watch the video on how to properly add electrolyte to the battery. Water or electrolyte, what to add?

How to add electrolyte to a maintenance-free battery

Everything is much more complicated if it was necessary to add water to the electrolyte of a maintenance-free car battery. Through the translucent walls you can see how much electrolyte is in the jars. But how to get into the case of a maintenance-free battery?

There are models in which you can get inside by cutting off the top cover with a grinder. But such actions are necessary if you need to remove scale and rinse the sludge that has settled below. In order to add liquid to the desired level, a hole is drilled in the body. Later it is sealed with epoxy glue.

A completely maintenance-free battery requires careful handling, is afraid of deep discharges and unstable operation of the onboard battery. It can withstand the declared 5-7 years only in ideal conditions.

How to disassemble a maintenance-free battery to add electrolyte

In modern batteries, such as VARTA, under a decorative sticker, you can see 6 plates tightly recessed into the case. If you tuck the circle with an awl, you can find a rubber stopper under it. Then it will be possible to take a sample of the electrolyte, measure the density, and correct the composition. If there is no cork, a hole is pricked in each jar with a thin awl, and water is launched from the syringe, in drops.

But if it is found that there are whitish stripes on the plates in jars, this is sulfation. To clean the cavities, remove the sediment at the bottom, you will need to open the lid by sawing.

Watch a video on how to add electrolyte to a maintenance-free battery.

Add electrolyte to gel battery

Adding water to the battery banks is simple. It is necessary to remove the sticker on the case, remove the valve caps and drip 1.2 ml of water into each jar. Water should be absorbed into the jelly-like mass. Need time. After half an hour, if the water is above the surface of the battery plates, remove it with a filter or syringe.

Battery boiling, often caused by a malfunction in the alternator, causes the water to evaporate and the density of the electrolyte (an aqueous solution of sulfuric or hydrochloric acid) to increase. If distilled water is not added in time, the battery will eventually lose its capacity and will not produce the necessary power for the normal functioning of the car's on-board network.

How to add distilled water to the battery?

The main thing in the process of topping up the distillate is to know and follow a number of rules that will help you avoid common mistakes and keep the battery working:

  1. Place the battery on a flat surface. Clean its upper part so that no dirt gets inside the battery, then unscrew the plugs.
  2. Determine the electrolyte level by special marks that are inside the filler holes. If they are absent, you should focus on the plates: the liquid should cover them by 1-1.5 cm.
  3. Add distillate to those jars where sulfuric acid is below the prescribed level, using a syringe or pear.
  4. Screw on the plugs and leave the battery for 2-3 hours.

After that, check the density of the electrolyte in the battery several times using a hydrometer. If the indicator fits into the standard recommended by specialists (1.62-1.28 g / cm 3), the battery is ready for subsequent operation.

How much distilled water to add to the battery?

Before pouring distilled water into the battery, it is necessary to check the density of the electrolyte. If the value is higher than 1.28 g / cm 3, then there is a lot of sulfuric acid and it needs to be diluted with distillate. It is not necessary to calculate the exact volume of water required, it is enough to add liquid to a special mark or just above the top of the lead plates. In the latter case, it is worth checking the electrolyte level using a glass tube with a diameter of up to 5 mm. It is placed inside the battery until the lower part rests against the safety shield. After closing the hole with a finger, the tube is removed and the height of the electrolyte column inside it is measured. If the indicator does not exceed 10-15 mm, the level of distilled water is optimal and it is no longer necessary to add distillate to the battery.

Where can I buy distilled water for the battery?

Our company manufactures and sells distilled water at an affordable cost, packaged in bottles of 5.6 and 19 liters. Purified by reverse osmosis, it contains a minimum amount of impurities and meets all the requirements of the state standard GOST 6709-72. Our distillate is used for any technical needs:

Order the right amount of distilled water on the website, we will arrange fast delivery to anywhere in the city and region.

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