Gonarthrosis of the knee joint: what it is, analysis of the disease and treatment methods. Gonarthrosis - conservative treatment Features of treatment of gonarthrosis

The most complete answers to questions on the topic: “deforming arthrosis of the knee joint ICD 10.”


Deforming osteoarthritis of the extremities (DOA) is a severe degenerative disease characterized by the progressive destruction of cartilage tissue of the joints, accompanied by the formation of bone growths of osteophytes. It is worth noting that deforming osteoarthritis has been known to mankind for thousands of years, but even now this disease has not been fully studied and can only be cured in the early stages of development. This arthrosis, listed in the international classification under ICD code 10, leads to severe degenerative changes in the joint, which is accompanied by a change in the shape of the joint and a decrease in its mobility.


One of the causes of arthrosis is mechanical damage to the joint. There is a metabolic disorder in the periarticular muscles and a decrease in the work of synovial fluid. As a result of an acquired injury and its untimely treatment, deformation of the cartilage tissue of the joint occurs and post-traumatic arthrosis develops. Post-traumatic arthrosis can affect all joints in the human body. Most often these are large joints: the hip, knee, ankle, and shoulder. Less commonly affected by the development of the disease are small joints of the foot, fingers, and wrist joints. Stages of development of post-traumatic arthrosis 1st degree, mainly when moving (load on the joint), pain occurs, a slight crunch appears.


Note. For morbidity statistics, the definition of duration used in rubrics I21-I25 includes the length of time from the onset of an ischemic attack to the patient's admission to a medical facility. For mortality statistics, it covers the period of time from the onset of an ischemic attack to the onset of death. Included: with mention of hypertension (I10-I15) If necessary, indicate the presence of hypertension, use an additional code. I20 Angina I21 Acute myocardial infarction Included: myocardial infarction specified as acute or specified duration of 4 weeks (28 days) or less from onset Excluded: some ongoing complications after acute myocardial infarction (I23.-) myocardial infarction. transferred in the past (I25.2). specified as chronic or lasting more than 4 weeks (more than 28 days) from onset (I25.8). subsequent (I22.-) post-infarction myocardial syndrome (I24.


Deforming arthrosis and overload on the joint are significantly reduced. deforming arthrosis of the knee joint ICD 10. Additional exercises for the hips and buttocks - BodyFlex Both legs and back should hurt in the first days of training. Leaning forward, grab the outside of your feet and, helping, place your left hand on your stomach, closer to the outside of your thigh, and pull your right hand up. Osteodystrophy (osteopathy according to ICD-10). ineffectiveness of complex non-drug and drug therapy for deforming arthrosis of the knee joint. M17 Gonarthrosis ICD 10 Codes according to ICD-10. Deforming arthrosis - code according to the ICD, osteoarthritis of the knee joint, which is what the knee feels like crunching. How to get rid of freckles? Honey, freckles are charming. If the photo shows your face and you also have freckles, you are adorable. there is no way to transplant skin from the butt))) it's genetics!!))) Apply urine therapy Urine therapy is an ancient science. This is the treatment of diseases using urine.


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Included: arthrosis of more than one joint Excluded: bilateral involvement of the same joints (M16-M19) Excluded: arthrosis of the spine (M47.-) rigid big toe (M20.

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Causes, symptoms and treatment of gonarthrosis with code M17 in ICD-10

Causes of osteoarthritis

  1. Primary gonarthrosis with code M17.0 occurs as an independent disease. In most cases, a bilateral process develops. This is the most common arthrosis and usually occurs in people over 65 years of age.
  2. Secondary gonarthrosis with code M17 usually affects one knee. It occurs against the background of joint pathology, disease, or injury.

The development of the disease is influenced by various factors:

  1. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint in most cases affects the fairer sex. People after 40 years old experience age-related changes.
  2. In professional athletes, patients with varicose veins, obesity, injuries, developmental pathologies lower limbs Osteoarthritis occurs at a young age. Excessive physical activity contributes to the occurrence of intra-articular damage.

Clinical picture of gonarthrosis

The disease develops gradually:

  1. Severe pain occurs in the knee joint when moving. The hardest thing for a person to do is climb stairs and descend steps. The patient experiences the most painful sensations if he needs to take a vertical position.
  2. After minor physical activity, periarticular pain in the knees practically disappears. However, the painful sensations resume if the patient walks for a long time.
  3. Chondromalacia gradually develops - destruction of the cartilage of the articular surface. It softens, becomes thinner, and loses its elastic properties. Degenerative-dystrophic processes in the knee joint progress. This leads to disruption of its function. The volume of intra-articular synovial fluid, which is necessary to moisturize and nourish the articular cartilage of the knee, decreases.
  4. Over time, the mobility of the joint deteriorates significantly. As a result of muscle spasm, myofascial pain syndrome occurs. Severe pain with gonarthrosis does not develop immediately; it becomes a consequence of the lack of proper treatment diseases. When walking for a long time, moving up stairs, or physical activity, pain of mild to moderate intensity is felt.
  1. Mild short-term dull pain after prolonged physical activity. Knees become swollen. Joint mobility is preserved.
  2. Mobility of the knee joints. They are not subject to deformation. Early symptoms may periodically disappear on their own.

Features of clinical manifestations of stage 2 gonarthrosis:

  1. As the pathology develops, the intensity of the symptoms increases.
  2. After waking up, patients are bothered by morning stiffness in the joints. These disturbances are practically not felt after a short walk.
  3. When moving the knee, a characteristic crunching and creaking sound is noted in the joint. Lameness develops.
  4. The normal shape of the joint is slightly changed, its volume is slightly increased. Contracture is observed in the knee joint - a slight limitation of extension and flexion.
  5. Moderate pain syndrome worsens and becomes more prolonged. Therefore, patients are often forced to use analgesics.

All symptoms are most developed with third degree gonarthrosis:

  1. The hyaline cartilage gradually disappears on the surface of the joint. When the weather changes, joint pain increases.
  2. Gait is severely impaired. The patient is forced to use a cane.
  3. Severe pain at rest and when walking becomes permanent. Osteophytes are diagnosed - bone growths.
  4. Synovitis develops - an accumulation of exudate in the cavity of the deformed, swollen knee joint. Characterized by significant limitation of joint mobility.

Correct diagnosis is critical

Doctor studying clinical picture, history of the disease. Arthroscopy and computed tomography help identify tissue changes characteristic of osteoarthritis. X-ray examination and MRI can detect signs of pathology.

Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint

To prescribe effective therapy, the doctor must find out the causes of the pathology. If a rheumatological process develops, treatment is prescribed to the patient by a rheumatologist. When the cause of the disease is dystrophic processes, simultaneous assistance from a rheumatologist and an orthopedist is necessary.

Taking into account the stage of development of the pathology, the doctor chooses a course of treatment:

  1. Orthopedic correction can reduce the load on the joints.
  2. Physiotherapy procedures help restore the health of patients. Thermal procedures and electrophoresis improve metabolism.
  3. During exacerbation, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. They help reduce pain intensity.
  4. Therapeutic gymnastics helps to develop joints and prevent the development of contracture during the period of remission, when the pain syndrome is mild.
  5. Surgical intervention should not be postponed if grade 3 gonarthrosis develops. Patients with osteoarthritis have a unique opportunity to get rid of characteristic pain through knee replacement surgery. The mobility of the lower limb is completely restored.

The effectiveness of the fight against gonarthrosis depends on the timely detection of pathology.

Even in the most advanced cases, you can achieve a positive effect if you undergo a full course of treatment from a qualified doctor.


1. Russian Medical Journal - /> 2. Journal "Concilium Medicum" - /> 3. Journal "Attending Physician" - /> 4. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry named after. S. S. Korsakova;
5. Journal “Scientific and Practical Rheumatology”;
6. Electronic journal “Angiology” - /> 7. JOURNAL “ANGIOLOGY AND VASCULAR SURGERY”;
8. Journal "Phlebology";
9. Directory of medicines Vidal – /> 10. Directory of medicines RLS –

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ICD 10 – ARTHROSIS (M15-M19) International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) M15.0 Primary generalized osteoarthrosis; M15.1 Heberden's nodes with DEFORMING ARTHROSIS OF THE HIP JOINT Symptoms of deforming arthrosis of the hip joint and thigh, limping, shortening of the affected leg and atrophy of the thigh muscles. elderly people with ugly or crooked fingers. Note. In this block, the term osteoarthritis is used as a synonym for the term arthrosis or osteoarthritis. The term primary is used in his

ICD 10 – Gonarthrosis (M17) Coxarthrosis (M16). M16.0 Primary coxarthrosis, bilateral. M16.1 Other primary coxarthrosis. Primary Numb hands is a sign of what? you need to do an EEG, ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck and x-ray cervical region spine. and contact a neurologist. The cause of numbness in the lips may be a lack of vitamin B in the body. Causes of numbness in the hands: – osteochondrosis of the cervical spine; – carpal tunnel syndrome is a pinched median nerve that passes through the carpal tunnel; – polyneuropathy is a lesion of the nerves of the hands and fingers; – Raynaud’s disease, which disrupts blood microcirculation due to the fact that small end arteries are affected; – blockage of an artery of a limb; – blockage of a cerebral vessel; – endocrine problems; – injuries; – joint inflammation; – rheumatism. Perhaps there is a problem with the spine. This is a sign of cold). and you got sick! my friend is partly right. but maybe also vessels. Don’t leave them. contact a specialist to clarify. cervical spine Anything! From heart attack to stroke. TO THE DOCTOR! RUN.

Medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office for post-traumatic deformation of the calcaneus with a decrease in the Böhler angle from 0 to minus 10 degrees and the presence of arthrosis of the subtalar joint. Gonarthrosis (M17). M17.0 Primary gonarthrosis bilateral. M17.1 Other primary gonarthrosis. Primary gonarthrosis:.

ICD-10: Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Arthrosis is always associated with deformation of bone tissue, and therefore it is also. ICD-10: International Statistical Classification of Diseases and

Osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis) - diagnosis and treatment in Ukraine Popular information about the diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis in Ukraine, Kyiv. Unlike arthritis, with arthrosis there is usually no inflammation of the interphalangeal joints of the hands (Heberden's or Bouchard's nodes), International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision

M15-M19 ArthrosisInternational Classification of Diseases.

International Classification of Diseases 10 th revision ( ICD-) · Class
13 Diseases. M16 Coxarthrosis.

Arthrosis ICD – Moscow Doctor Deforming arthrosis - Osteoarthrosis ICD 10 M15. M19. M deforming arthrosis of caisson workers - rus decompression (osteo)arthrosis (m),

10 Prevention. knee and ankle joints. and brachial
joint. Injury joint- the most common reason arthrosis. ICD -.
International statistical classification of diseases and problems,
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Questions and answers – Rheumatology – Experts’ answers to questions They sent me for an X-ray of the sacroiliac joints – grade 2 sacroiliitis. Drank My mother was diagnosed with arthrosis deformans. Arthrosis ICD 10 has a wide prevalence of the disease, average age, who is more susceptible to the disease at 40-50 years of age. Arthrosis is usually

international classification of diseases (ICD-10) (introduced Other arthrosis (M19). Excluded: spinal arthrosis (M47.-) rigid big toe (M20.2) polyarthrosis (M15.

Arthritis of the Joints of the Feet Treatment Bestseller. Arthritis of the knee joint; Arthritis of the foot; Also in the treatment of arthritis of the foot Arthrosis of the foot is a degenerative disease of the joint, INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF DISEASES (ICD-10) (INTRODUCED BY ORDER M15 Polyarthrosis Included: arthrosis of more than one joint


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Deforming gonarthrosis (DOA of the knee joint code according to ICD 10 - M17) is a pathological disease that causes destruction of the cartilaginous component. The main danger of the disease is its dynamic development. If you do not seek help in a timely manner, DOA leads to a complete loss of the ability of the knees to bend.

Features of the disease and code according to ICD 10

DOA of the knee joints (ICD code 10 M17) is a chronic condition in which connecting tissues are partially or completely destroyed. Subsequently, in the absence of measures taken, bone tissue fusion occurs. This phenomenon, of course, leads to loss of working capacity and disability of the patient.

Hyaline cartilage, located in the interarticular space, is the main component that ensures smooth movement. With the development of gonarthrosis, cartilage tissue gradually becomes thinner, begins to deform, and ultimately collapses. The bones of the joints, left without a shock-absorbing cushion, rub against each other. This is accompanied by severe painful symptoms and an inflammatory process. To replace the missing element, the body begins to intensively build up bone tissue.

No specific cause has been identified that determines the occurrence of this pathology. Experts agree that the development of deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint is influenced by several circumstances:

  • hereditary predisposition to such diseases;
  • constant excessive loads;
  • excess body weight;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis);
  • professional sports;
  • chronic metabolic disorders in the body.

Gonarthrosis is divided into 2 types. Primary (idiopathic) is classified as a natural process of aging of the body. The second is post-traumatic, manifesting itself as a result of pathological violations of the integrity of bone tissue.

The International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD), identifies deforming arthrosis of the knee joint as a disease of the skeletal system and connective tissues. According to ICD 10, DOA is classified as an arthropathy. The disease is considered under code M17. This classification was created by WHO to maintain international records of disease control. In this way, it is possible to monitor the spread of the disease to create statistical data. This information is standard and is used by all countries of the world. For convenience, each ailment is assigned a specific code.

More articles: Injections into joints to restore cartilage

Diagnosis and symptoms

In most cases, diagnostic testing of DOA of the knee joint occurs in late stages. This is due to the fact that the initial degree of the disease practically does not manifest itself to the extent of causing concern. The patient may feel slight discomfort in the knee area, mainly after long walking or physical activity. Most often this is associated with fatigue and overexertion. At the second stage, stiffness, numbness, swelling, and local hyperthermia are observed. The third degree is characterized by severe pain in the area of ​​the leg joints, partial or complete immobilization.

The examination begins in the doctor's office. The specialist assesses the person’s condition, taking into account his age, lifestyle and previous diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Laboratory tests do not provide a specific diagnostic answer. In cases of inflammatory process, there may be increased level ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). Hardware examination makes it possible to fully assess the condition of the knee joint. X-ray images show pathological changes, including a decrease in the interarticular space and deformation of the joint itself. The presence of deforming osteoarthritis is also indicated by osteophytes and compaction of the bone structure. In addition to X-rays, computed and magnetic resonance imaging, scintigraphy and arthroscopy are used.

Based on the results of the study, the degree of the disease is determined and an effective treatment package is selected.

Clinical manifestation

Before complete destruction of hyaline cartilage occurs, the disease DOA of the knee joints (ICD10 code - M17) goes through 3 stages. As it increases, the manifestations intensify, both at the level of the patient’s sensations and at the structural level.

  1. On initial stage arthrosis deformans manifests itself as a slight change in the functioning of the joint. The X-ray image shows a mild narrowing of the interarticular space. The patient notices a crunch in the joints, nagging discomfort in the knee and lumbar region. Painful sensations occur in the late afternoon.
  2. At the second stage of the disease, clinical signs are more pronounced. There are constant attacks of aching or throbbing pain in the joints. Basically, the apogee of discomfort is reached in the evening. Sometimes for this reason, patients suffer from insomnia. Limb movements are limited. Particular difficulty arises when bending and extending the knee. X-rays show pronounced changes in the structure of the joint - thinning of the interarticular space, inflexible deformities. Possible curvature of the spine. Due to an incorrect gait, his lower region suffers.
  3. At the last stage of the disease, signs of destruction are very pronounced. Bone fusion occurs and growths form. Pain accompanies a person constantly and is not eliminated by painkillers. Deformation of the limbs may be observed. The patient needs to use special orthopedic devices.

Depending on the degree of the disease, the most relevant treatment is selected. Early stages are easier to treat and give a positive prognosis. How formerly man asks for help - the faster and easier the recovery process occurs.

Treatment methods

Treatment of deforming osteoarthritis (ICD code ten – M17) consists of a properly selected set of measures:

  • conservative drug treatment;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • diet;
  • surgical intervention.

In the early stages, drug therapy is most often used. It includes taking special medications or using products for external use. Such medications are divided into groups and selected according to the degree of damage. Chondroprotectors – have an analgesic effect and nourish cartilage tissue. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - eliminate inflammatory processes and have analgesic properties. Corticosteroids are drugs that have a quick and effective effect. At the same time, such drugs have a large number of side effects, so their use is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Physiotherapy includes physical therapy, massages, swimming, manual therapy. These procedures, in combination with the main type of treatment, bring quite good results.

The diet for DOA is drawn up by the doctor, taking into account all the accompanying circumstances. A diet is necessary to enrich the body with essential elements, eliminate negative influences and reduce the patient’s weight.

Surgery is a last resort treatment. Usually it is resorted to at the last stage of the development of the disease, when other methods are useless. There are 2 types of operations - preserving the integrity of the joint, when only growths are eliminated, and radical - endoprosthetics (the right or left knee joint is completely replaced).


To prevent the development of DOA, a person should be careful about his own lifestyle. You should not subject your body to excessive physical activity; you need to monitor your body weight. Its excess leads to the development of various pathological processes. Meals should be regular and balanced. Wearing comfortable shoes, morning exercises, and swimming are a simple guarantee of the integrity of the knee joints.

Deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joints, ICD 10 code - M17, is a dangerous disease that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. You should not delay visiting the doctor, trying to cure yourself with improvised means. This may not only turn out to be a useless exercise, but lead to dangerous irreversible consequences.

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Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of knee arthritis

​In addition to the above, there are less common complaints, mainly of a “cosmetic” nature. These include:​


​Osteoarthritis deformans or osteoarthritis (DOA) is a chronic joint disease. In this case, a gradual destruction of the articular cartilage occurs, leading to changes in the surfaces and deformation of the joint itself.​

Damage to the right shoulder joint can lead to the development of another form of the disease - glenohumeral arthrosis. It occurs when not only the shoulder joint, but also the ligaments connecting it to the scapula are involved in pathological changes. This disease can also appear on the left side of the body, but this is less common. This is explained by the fact that this disease occurs mainly due to impaired blood supply to the structures of the scapula and shoulder, which usually occurs in cardiovascular diseases.​

Arthrosis of the ankle is removed using conservative treatment. In this case, non-steroidal drugs are used that can relieve pain in the joints and stop the development of the inflammatory process.​

​Treatment with folk remedies. Traditional methods of therapy are very popular among the population. There are dozens of recipes that will help reduce pain and improve the mobility of the knee joints. But we must not forget that such treatment should be used only as an additional treatment, and not to replace all other methods. Also, before using a particular prescription, you should consult a doctor about possible contraindications.​

Arthrosis of the 1st degree is characterized by the appearance of pain or discomfort after increased stress on the joints at the end of the working day. After rest, all signs disappear on their own. The range of motion is not impaired, and no joint deformities are observed.​

​Osteoarthritis deformans, which has an ICD code of 10, is considered a disease of old age, occurring mainly in people over 50 years of age. Statistics show that approximately 10-15% of people who undergo regular examinations have signs of developing deforming arthrosis ICD 10. In fact, arthrosis ICD 10 can begin to develop at a young age, that is, up to 25 years, but there are noticeable symptoms may appear only in old age.​

Arthritis in children

​When performing rotational movements, pain may occur, but this is quite normal, since the tissue has lost its elasticity as the disease progresses. All workouts and massage sessions should be supervised by a doctor - this will help avoid accidental injuries that occur when physical effort or strain is exceeded.​

​Gold preparations (tauredon)​

​Drug treatment​


Symptoms of the disease

Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints. According to statistics, every hundredth person in our country has arthritis.​

​ICD 10 code: M15-M19 Arthrosis​

The disease is characterized by a long period of development. At the initial stage there are practically no symptoms. Therefore, for any, even the smallest manifestations of arthrosis, you should consult a doctor. The characteristic signs of the disease are:

Arthrosis is treated with medications. Steroid drugs are mainly used. They are inserted directly into the joint. Mainly used are piroxicam, ortofen, indomethacin, and ibuprofen. These remedies are aimed at improving metabolism in cartilage tissues.​

​Surgery for gonarthrosis is prescribed in the following cases:​

Degrees of dysfunction

Gonarthrosis 2nd degree. At this stage, pathology is diagnosed in most people, as it constantly makes itself felt. Patients complain of pain in the joint even after minor exertion. Rest does not provide the desired relief, and you have to take various painkillers. There is a limitation in the range of motion in the knee, muscle atrophy begins, and you can notice the initial stage of deformation of the limb.​

Arthrosis deformans, which has an ICD code of 10, is a common disease in which, first of all, there is a decrease in regeneration in connective tissue, which leads to early aging of cartilage. The process of early aging of cartilage tissue is accompanied by the appearance of roughness on its surface, thinning, as well as loss of elasticity and strength of the tissue. In this case, compaction of the subchondral bone, complete disappearance of cartilage tissue, formation of cysts and osteophytes, as well as sclerosis of surfaces are observed.

​Balneological therapy is very effective procedures in a comprehensive treatment program for knee arthritis. However, this direction of rehabilitation is indicated for those patients who do not have serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, neoplasms of a malignant nature, and have not previously had a heart attack or stroke. All procedures using medicinal biological components are prescribed with great caution.​

​Inhibition of the functional activity of macrophages and neutrophils, inhibition of the production of immunoglobulins and RF.​

Types of arthritis

Antibiotics (purulent, reactive arthritis), NSAIDs, corticosteroids, cytostatics, vitamin preparations, blockade with corticosteroids

  • ​Etiology​
  • ​The reasons for the development of such a serious pathological process with its complications can be various factors, among which scientists consider genetic predisposition to be the main catalyst (this primarily applies to women).​
  • ​M15 Polyarthrosis.​
  • ​Pain syndrome. It usually occurs in morning time or when the weather changes. Pain is also possible when lifting heavy objects or when feeling the patient's shoulder. With the further development of the disease, the pain syndrome begins to bother the person even when at rest. Pain can occur not only in the affected area, but also in the arm, back, elbows.​
  • ​Surgical intervention is necessary if previous methods are ineffective.​
  • ​ineffectiveness of conservative therapy;​
  • ​Knee arthrosis stage 3. Pain bothers a person around the clock; for it to occur, one does not even need to load the joint. Painkillers no longer help. The mobility of the knee is partially or completely lost, its deformities develop, which is often considered the cause of disability. Treatment in this case is only surgical.

​There are 2 options for the development of deforming arthrosis: primary and secondary type.​

​Since there are many types of arthritis and joint pathologies, it is necessary to consult a doctor when the first signs of the disease appear. The sooner the causes of the inflammatory process are determined, the greater the chance of curing the disease completely.​

Differential diagnosis

​Predominantly articular form of RA, regardless of disease activity.​

​Symptomatic therapy, chondroprotectors, blockades with corticosteroids​


​The second factor is injuries associated with excessive stress on the joints. In third place is hypothermia. In addition, arthritis can develop as a complication after a sore throat or viral infection. This phenomenon is especially often observed in childhood.

​M16 Coxarthrosis (arthrosis of the hip joint).​​Restrictions in motor functions. The patient has difficulty performing simple movements. For example, it is difficult for him to comb himself (one of the tests for diagnosing shoulder arthrosis). It is difficult to rotate the arm or move the limb back. If you do not begin to cure the disease in time, the joint will stop moving and contracture will develop. Currently, glycosaminoglycans are actively used.

​constant pain that cannot be eliminated by other means;​

​There is no 4th degree of arthrosis, but there is a fourth radiological degree of pathological changes in the joint, which coincides with the third, clinical stage.​ ​In the primary type, this disease develops due to congenital low functional endurance of the joint. Thus, the disease develops in initially healthy cartilage due to early aging. Deforming arthrosis of the second type develops due to the presence of defects observed during aseptic necrosis, trauma and hormonal disorders.​ ​Under no circumstances try to create a treatment regimen on your own, much less take medications. This is not only ineffective, but also dangerous. Medical techniques used in recent years in the treatment of arthritis of various etiologies are highly effective, which is a compelling argument for the use of treatment methods offered by official medicine.​
​Tauredon - 10, 20 mg/day,​ ​exercise therapy, sanatorium, physiotherapy, massage​ ​Degenerative changes in the joint​
​Arthritis affects all joints, but the most vulnerable are the hips and knees, small joints of the hands, and less commonly, the elbows and ankles. Without treatment, joint deformity and immobility inevitably develop.​ ​M17 Gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee joint).​ A crunching or squeaking sound is heard in the joints when moving. This phenomenon occurs due to the proliferation of osteophytes, which occur when salts are deposited in the affected area. At the beginning of the disease, the sounds are similar to rustling or creaking, but then they become clearly audible, like clicks with a crunch.
​These are preparations obtained from animal cartilage. It is believed that they contain substances that are responsible for restoring the functionality of the ankle.​ ​deformation or ankylosis of the joint;​ ​At the initial stage of the disease, it is difficult to make a diagnosis, since patients do not take the symptoms seriously and perceive them as ordinary fatigue. Most people cannot even say that they are bothered by pain, most likely, discomfort in the knees after work or excessive stress on the joints, which completely and quickly disappear after rest.​
​As the deformation process in the joints develops, patients experience the appearance of a number of symptoms that make it possible to determine the degree of destruction of cartilage tissue.​ ​Sources:​ ​Auranofin – 6 mg/day, maintenance dose – 3 mg/day.​
​Indicated during remission​ ​Age group​ ​The disease is not limited by age, but middle-aged women are diagnosed with this diagnosis somewhat more often than representatives of the stronger half. The exception is infectious reactive arthritis, which is diagnosed mainly in men aged 20-40 years (more than 85% of patients with reactive arthritis are carriers of the HLA-B27 antigen).
​M18 Arthrosis of the first carpometacarpal joint.​ ​Swelling may appear in the sore spot. There may be redness of the skin in this area. At the same time, the patient’s temperature rises, which finally confirms the presence of an inflammatory process in the affected joint.​ ​To restore and improve blood circulation, the doctor prescribes biostimulants.​
​loss of leg function;​ A characteristic symptom is pain when going down or going up stairs, as well as starting pain (occurs during the first steps after resting, then disappears). Externally there are no changes. From time to time, patients may notice some swelling (reactive synovitis). Also, most people complain of crepitus in the knee (crackling sounds during active and passive movements).​ ​Arthralkia. There are 3 main types of pain associated with deforming osteoarthritis. The most common pain is caused by mechanical damage to the joint. The joint damaged by the disease is constantly exposed to trauma, and dislocations and microfractures of cartilage tissue or sclerotic membranes are often observed in it. Type 2 pain is associated with the onset of motor activity of the joint. As a rule, painful sensations last for a fraction of a second. Type 3 pain is associated with cases of joint jamming. In the final stages of destruction, the joint “jams” quite often, which causes severe aching pain.​
​Rheumatology: national guide Ed. E.L. Nasonova, V.A. Nasonova.​ ​Skin rash, stomatitis, peripheral edema, proteinuria, myelosuppression.​ ​Showing​
​No restrictions (any age)​ ​It is worth taking a closer look at rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which is an autoimmune disease of unknown etiology. The disease is a common pathology - approximately 1% of the population suffers. Cases of self-healing are very rare; 75% of patients experience stable remission; in 2% of patients the disease leads to disability.​ ​M19 Other arthrosis.​
​In an advanced stage, there is a danger that the joint will harden and stop moving. This is possible due to the growth of osteophytes.​ ​To begin the healing massage, the patient lies on his back on the couch or takes a sitting position. Next, the leg is extended, and a bolster is placed under the Achilles tendon to support the weight of the heel. At the same time, the affected joint relaxes. ​the desire of the patient.​
​Pain in the knee joint is the first and main sign of arthrosis​ ​Crepitus. This term refers to the most common crunch. A number of factors can contribute to the appearance of crunching, including narrowing of the cartilage gap, decreased mobility, muscle spasms, and proliferation of osteophytes.​ ​Rheumatoid arthritis E. N. Dormidontov, N. I. Korshunov, B. N. Friesen.​
​D-penicillamine (capsules 150 and 300 mg); Cuprenil (250 mg tablets)​ Knee arthritis can be diagnosed at home by carefully studying the symptoms of the disease. Regardless of the etiology, symptoms such as swelling, redness in the joint area, general malaise, and external signs of deformation of the joint tissue appear. ​As a rule, over 50-60 years old​
​With this disease, the inner surface of the joints (cartilage, ligaments, bones) is destroyed and replaced with scar tissue. The rate of development of rheumatoid arthritis varies - from several months to several years. Features of the clinical picture of one or another type of inflammation of the joints make it possible to suspect the disease and prescribe the necessary examinations to confirm the diagnosis. In accordance with ICD-10, RA is classified as seropositive (code M05), seronegative (code M06), juvenile (code MO8) ​There are also other names for the disease that are synonymous, according to ICD 10 code: arthrosis deformans, osteoarthrosis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis.​ ​If you experience sudden pain in your shoulder, it is better to immediately contact a medical facility. This should also be done in case of bruises or injury to the joint, or if it is dislocated. We must remember that in the later stages the disease is virtually incurable. At the same time, many patients who come to doctors have practically no symptoms.​
​The massage begins with stroking the front of the ankle, which turns into rubbing movements. The movements gradually become more complex and turn into straight-line rubbing, which uses the tubercles of the thumbs and the bases of the palms. Each movement is performed at least 4 times and no more than 6. At the end of the massage, concentric stroking is applied.​ ​Before and after knee replacement​ ​As arthrosis progresses, the pain becomes more intense and appears more often after minor exertion. It practically does not go away on its own, which often prevents a person from falling asleep. I have to take analgesics. Synovitis appears more often and has a more persistent course. A rough crunching sound also develops when moving. The range of motion decreases. It becomes difficult for the patient to do familiar things, for example, getting up from his knees. The knee joint begins to deform, becomes wider, and the lower leg becomes bent (the formation of an O- or X-shaped deformity of the legs begins).
​Irreversible bone deformation. In this case, the process is considered irreversible, since the structure of the subchondral bones undergoes a change.​ ​Arthritis and physical activity. Gordon N.F.​ ​Suppression of collagen synthesis, inhibition of the activity of T-helper type I and B-lymphocytes, destruction of the CEC​

More articles: The hip joint has developed

Diagnosis of knee arthritis

​However, you should not wonder how to treat arthritis of the knee joint on your own, especially using dubious traditional healing recipes. This can lead to irreversible consequences. The decision on how to treat knee arthritis is made only after a comprehensive examination.​

​Nature of the process​

​Some types of arthritis only affect children and adolescents, so they should be classified separately.​

​The term “deforming osteoarthritis” is more often used in foreign terminology.​

Arthrosis of the 1st degree usually manifests itself as evening and morning pain syndrome. In this case, it is necessary to move the joint more often to relieve the feeling of stiffness. With sudden movements, a slight crunch may be heard, but without pain. In the scapulohumeral form, actions such as raising the arm and rotating it cause pain. In a calm state there is no discomfort. In this phase of the disease, x-rays do not detect any special changes in the shoulder joints.​

The back of the ankle is massaged in the same way. Moreover, the movements are performed from the lower part to the calf muscle through the Achilles tendon.​

There are 2 groups of operations that are performed for gonarthrosis:

At the last stage, the pain is intense and constant, and cannot be relieved even with medications. Movements in the knee, especially flexion, are significantly difficult. The leg is in a forced position. The knee is increased in volume. Varus or valgus deformity of the legs may be present.

​Muscular atrophy.​

​Arthrosis (ICD code 10) is a deformation of the joints that manifests itself with age (after 40 years). Its cause is damage to cartilage tissue.​

​High clinical and laboratory activity of RA​


​Doctors must determine the nature of the disease in order to prescribe adequate treatment. Referrals for laboratory and instrumental studies are given by orthopedic traumatologists, surgeons, and rheumatologists. The treatment regimen is developed by a specialized specialist (this can be a phthisiatrician, dermatologist-venereologist, cardiologist and other doctors).​

​Acute or chronic​

  • ​Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (ICD-10 code M08) affects children after bacterial and viral infections. As a rule, one knee or other large joint becomes inflamed. The child experiences pain with any movement and swelling in the joint area. Children limp and have difficulty getting up in the morning. Without treatment, joint deformation gradually develops, which can no longer be corrected.​
  • ​Osteoarthritis deformans (osteoarthritis) is the most common joint disease. Its symptoms occur in 20–40% of the world's population, depending on the region. Women are almost twice as likely to get sick. With increasing age, the number of sick men and women becomes approximately the same. Although the disease sometimes occurs in young people, it is still the lot of the elderly: among people over 50 years old, almost half are sick, and by the age of 70 – already 80–90%.​
  • Arthrosis of the 2nd degree causes pain, which is relatively more intense, and the crunching becomes clearly audible. With the glenohumeral form of the disease, at this stage the patient develops symptoms of synovitis and muscle contracture. The amplitude of movements performed by the hand decreases sharply, but mobility in the joints remains. The process of destruction and deformation begins.
  • At the end, massage the foot with rubbing movements.
  • ​organ-preserving,​

Due to the described changes, gait and limb support function are impaired. This leads to the fact that a person moves only with the help of additional support (crutches, a cane) or is not able to walk at all.​

​Swelling of adjacent tissues and inflammation.​ ​10% of the world's population suffers from arthrosis. About 1/3 of people over 50 have some form of joint deformity.​ ​The initial dose is 250 mg/day with a gradual increase to 500-1000 mg/day; maintenance dose – 150-250 mg/day ​The first stage to determine the disease (according to ICD 10) is a visual examination and medical history.​ ​Always chronic​
​Reactive childhood arthritis (ICD-10 code MO2) appears two weeks after an intestinal infection. If the process develops in the knee joint, then external signs are clearly visible: the skin turns red, swelling is visible under the kneecap without clear boundaries. The child often has a fever, which decreases with antipyretic drugs, but pain in the knee area remains. ​The hip joint is most often affected - about 42% of cases, followed by the knee - about 34%. The “top three” is closed by damage to the shoulder joint – in 11% of all DOAs. The share of lesions of other joints accounts for about 13%.​ ​With stage 3 of the disease, patients can only shake their hand a little. The pain syndrome becomes permanent. The joint is inflamed and deformed. Atrophy of a small part of the muscles that are located around the shoulder is possible. In the case of the glenohumeral form, during this period the pain calms down, and it seems that the disease has receded. In this case, the joint becomes blocked. If left untreated, symptoms of sclerosing capsulitis appear. Arthrosis of the 3rd degree can only be cured surgically.​ ​To cure arthrosis of the ankle joint, exercises are often used. For this method to be truly effective, it is necessary to devote at least an hour to physical education per day. Only then will a good result be noticeable. To consolidate the result, it is best to follow a diet that your doctor can recommend.​ ​endoprosthetics of the knee joint.​
​At stages 2 and 3, it is not difficult to establish a diagnosis. This can be done the first time, but only if you suspect a disease. The diagnostic program includes:​ ​Deforming arthrosis, which has an ICD code of 10, affects more and more new joints over time. The symptoms of this arthrosis are most clearly visible when it affects the hip and knee joints, intervertebral cartilages, as well as small cartilages located in the fingers. The severity of the disease depends on which elements were affected.​ ​Arthrosis code 10 is often confused with arthritis, but these are different diseases.​ ​Skin rash, dyspepsia, cholestatic hepatitis, myelosuppression​ ​The second stage is laboratory blood tests (with inflammation, an increase in ESR, leukocytosis, the inflammatory marker CRP, and other specific reactions are observed).​
​Onset of illness​ In addition to infectious, reactive, and rheumatoid arthritis, children are often diagnosed with diseases of an allergic nature. The child’s illness begins suddenly – immediately after allergens enter the blood. The joints quickly swell, shortness of breath and urticaria appear. Angioedema and bronchial spasm may develop. When the allergic reaction is eliminated, the signs of arthritis disappear. ​Deforming osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis) causes disruption of normal joint function, which often leads to disability. To understand the pathological processes that occur during the development of this disease, it is worth delving a little deeper into the anatomy of the joint. ​With the last 4th degree of damage, bone fusion and joint destruction occur. The pain cannot be eliminated even with the most powerful painkillers. This stage occurs mainly in older people.​
​Physical training involves the use of the following exercises:​
All modern organ-preserving operations are performed by arthroscopy. There are several options for surgical intervention: arthrodesis, arthroscopic debridement, periarticular osteotomy. The surgeon chooses the required procedure depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.​
​examination by an orthopedist or rheumatologist;​ ​The most unfavorable is considered to be damage to the hip and small joints located in the fingers.​ ​These diseases may affect the same areas, but they are affected and treated differently. Arthritis is often associated with inflammatory processes, and arthrosis is directly associated with joint deformation. It develops as a result of damage to the cartilage, which often leads to an inflammatory reaction. And for this reason, arthrosis is often called arthrosis-arthritis (osteoarthritis, or arthrosis deformans).​ ​Methotrexate (2.5 mg tablets, 5 mg ampoules)​ ​The third stage is radiography. In the presence of arthritis, curvature of the articular surface and bone ankylosis are detected.
​Acute, sudden ​Arthritis of the knee joint can develop as an independent disease or be a complication after injuries and illnesses.​ ​Joints are located in those places of the skeleton where distinct movements occur. By the way, there are 360 ​​of them in the human body.​ There are two main ways to combat this disease: conservative therapy and surgical intervention. It all depends on what stage of the disease the patient has and what the symptoms are. Appropriate treatment is prescribed. At the same time, to classify the disease, doctors use the ICD 10 code.​ ​The first exercise involves rotating your feet towards you while lying on your back. The movements must be deep. It’s better to do it well, but not enough.​
Endoprosthetics is the most effective and common type of surgery for gonarthrosis. Replacing a destroyed joint with an artificial endoprosthesis (in some cases, bilateral prosthetics) allows you to maintain leg mobility and lead a full life without pain. It is also important to know that half of success depends not only on the operation, but also on the correctness of the rehabilitation period. Sometimes only such drastic measures can help a person move again without pain.​ ​clarification of complaints and identification of risk factors;​ ​Studies of deforming arthrosis have made it possible to identify the main radiological stages of the development of deformity in the affected joints.​ ​The disease is typical for the knee, hip and ankle joints, interphalangeal joints of the hands and feet.​ ​Folic acid antagonist; suppresses the proliferation of T- and B-lymphocytes, the production of antibodies and pathogenic immune complexes.​
​The fourth stage - MRI, ultrasound (prescribed to differentiate arthritis from arthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis and bursitis). In case of erased signs, which occur during a sluggish chronic process, additional hardware examinations of the joint may be prescribed - tomography of articular tissue, CT, pneumoarthrography.​ ​Gradual (develops over months, years)​ ​The knee joint affected by arthritis swells and pain occurs when it moves. The skin in the joint area changes color (turns red or becomes “parchment”), but this is not a reliable sign of an inflammatory process.​ The classification of joints is quite diverse, but we will not dwell on it. It is important to note that joints are always formed by at least two bones - then they are called simple. These include, for example, the shoulder. There are complex joints formed by three or more bones (elbow, knee, etc.).​ ​A conservative method of combating arthrosis is aimed at eliminating pain and developing inflammation. Usually, for these purposes, the attending physician prescribes anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs to the patient. Usually these are drugs such as Diclofenac, Nimesulide and the like. They relieve pain and eliminate inflammation.​
​The second exercise involves moving your feet in different directions.​ ​If arthrosis of the ankle joint has begun to develop, you need to know the symptoms and treatment of the disease in order to avoid serious complications.​ ​objective examination of the knee joints, determining the amplitude of their movements;​ ​Degree No. 1​ ​Pain that gets worse over time. This symptom is always present, as it is directly related to joint deformation, which brings severe pain when moving. With rest, the pain goes away and can only occur at night when the position is uncomfortable during sleep. Stage 1 is characterized by minor pain. It can only be expressed under heavy loads. Patients in such cases rarely seek help. This contributes to the transition of the disease to stage 2, characterized by severe pain even after minor exertion. Stage 3 is fraught with the fact that pain can also occur at rest, because deformation of the joints can lead to poor circulation. Hence the dependence on the weather. When the weather changes, blood pressure changes, which leads to a feeling as if the joints are “twisting” - the pain intensifies.​

​RA with systemic manifestations, high RA activity, low effectiveness of other basic agents.​

​At the same stage, joint puncture and collection of synovial fluid for laboratory testing are indicated (if indicated, biopsy).​


The main reason for the appearance of swelling and visually noticeable enlargement of the kneecap is the accumulation of fluid inside the joint. Excessive pressure on the walls of the joint tissue causes severe pain. The volume of fluid steadily increases over time, so the pain becomes more intense.

New techniques

The joint is covered by an articular capsule or capsule, which forms its cavity. There are two shells in it: outer and inner. The outer shell has a protective function; ligaments are often attached to it. The inner one has a special layer (synovial membrane), which secretes the so-called synovial fluid. Due to this secretion, the joint is nourished, its surfaces are moisturized and friction is reduced.​

​If the inflammatory process has gone too far, then corticosteroids may be used.​

​For gymnastics to be effective, you need to sit on a chair and place your feet firmly on the floor. Raise and lower your toes and heels alternately, without lifting your feet from the surface.​

​At first, the disease practically does not make itself felt, and the first stage can pass unnoticed for some time. The disease manifests itself differently in each person, and the severity of the inflammatory response will depend on the stage of the disease. Signs of the disease may include the following:

​X-ray examination;​

Rehabilitation programs

​At this stage, there is a slight change in joint mobility due to a decrease in the clearance of the joint space. Most patients at this stage do not experience pain, but there is a crunching sensation. It is at this stage that the initial processes of osteophyte formation on the lateral part of the joint can already be seen under x-ray.

​Crunching accompanied by pain. Healthy joints also crunch. But crunching in this disease is accompanied by pain and a “dry” sound. The loudness of the crunch increases with increasing stages. It occurs due to friction of the articular surfaces.​

More articles: Abstract on the topic of pain in large joints

​7.5-25 mg per week orally.​

​When determining the type and degree of reactive arthritis (ICD-10 code), biological material is examined (general blood and urine tests), a urogenital and ophthalmological examination is performed, a test is prescribed for the presence of HLA-B27, ECG, thymol test, sialic test, ALT determination, AST, culture of biological fluids.​

​As a rule, sharply expressed

In addition, uric acid crystals, which look like thin needle-shaped spikes, settle in the joint. They injure small vessels, which is the basis for the development of associated infections.​

  1. The joint itself is formed by the endings (epiphyses) of bones. On the surfaces of the epiphyses there is articular (hyaline) cartilage. It has a thickness of one to seven millimeters and serves as shock absorption and also reduces friction of articular surfaces.​
  2. They are used to block the affected joint. They have good anti-inflammatory properties. Typically, such a medicine is administered through an injection, which is given directly into the diseased joint. For this purpose, drugs such as Hydrocortisone or Kenalog are often used.​
  3. ​An exercise is also used that requires the help of another person. The assistant should hit the heel and talus bones. To do this, you need to place your palm on your foot. Such movements are performed from the ankle.

What is arthrosis ICD 10?

Rough crunch. It occurs when moving. This is due to the uneven surface of the joints.​

​Ultrasound of the joint;​

​Degree No. 2​​Decreased joint mobility. The range of motion of the affected joints decreases due to narrowing of the gaps in them. Their narrowing occurs due to the formation of harmful growths - osteophytes. They are spines, growths on the surface of bone tissue. The appearance of osteophytes is a protective reaction of the body to the impossibility of resuming the full functioning of the diseased joint, helping to slow down its subsequent destruction. But it is invariably associated with limitation of his movement and pain. In this regard, it is important to treat arthrosis before osteophytes appear.​

​Myelosuppression, liver damage (fibrosis), lungs (infiltrates, fibrosis), activation of foci of chronic infection.​

Symptoms of arthritis icd 10

  1. Treatment of reactive arthritis, in accordance with ICD-10, is carried out in two directions - therapy using antibacterial agents and elimination of joint syndrome (pain, stiffness).
  2. ​Manifest themselves with changes in cartilage and bone tissue​
  3. ​Arthritis of the knee is severe not only due to intense pain, but also due to disruption of the functioning of functional systems. The cardiovascular and endocrine systems are particularly affected. Shortness of breath, tachycardia, low-grade fever, sweating, poor circulation in the extremities, insomnia and other nonspecific symptoms are observed.
  4. ​In the cavity of some joints, for example, the knee, there are also special cartilages - menisci. They provide additional shock absorption and stabilize the joint.​

Types of arthrosis: hip and ankle joint, spondyloarthrosis

​Usually doctors prescribe various gels, ointments, and creams for external use to patients. They relieve inflammation. To do this, you can use Bystrum gel or Diclofenac. To restore cartilage structures that are destroyed during arthrosis, so-called chondroprotectors are used. They are made with hyaluric acid, chondroitin sulfates and glucosamine. Most often in these cases, Artra and similar drugs (Dona, etc.) are used.

​Restoring foot function through physiotherapy. To restore normal function of the foot, thermal procedures are often used. They help preserve joint cartilage and prevent its destruction. In addition, in this way the inflammatory process is relieved. Often this type of therapy is used in combination with medications.​

​Painful sensations. They occur during physical activity. Pain appears during rest. It is unstable and dull, and can get worse when your feet are in water or in damp weather.​

In cases that are difficult to diagnose, they resort to MRI or CT;

​The disease at this stage already manifests itself clearly not only on an x-ray, but is also noticeable to the patient. There is a serious decrease in joint mobility, muscle atrophy, and narrowing of the lumen of the joint space. The x-ray image clearly shows osteophytes and subchondral osteosclerosis of the adjacent bones.​

  • ​Various deformations. Common causes of joint deformity are the appearance of osteophytes and the effect of excess joint fluid on the joint (synovitis).​
  • ​Azathioprine, imuran (50 mg tablets)​
  • ​Despite the non-leading role of radiography in the diagnosis of arthritis, we must remember that in the early stages of the disease, pathological changes are not always visible in the images. Arthrography is of informative value for doctors when examining large joints, but for polyarthritis this diagnostic method is not effective. To identify the causative agent of arthritis of an infectious nature, serological tests are used.​
  • ​Intensity of pain​
  • ​Symptoms vary depending on the degree of dysfunction, stage and etiology of the disease:​
  • ​Deforming osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis) begins to develop with damage to the articular cartilage. For a long time the disease proceeds unnoticed by both the patient and doctors. The appearance of bright symptoms occurs already with significant tissue damage.

​Together with these methods, physiotherapy (especially for the glenohumeral form of arthrosis), a complex of therapeutic exercises, and massage are also used. With the first method of curing a patient, doctors can send him for the following procedures:​

​Physiotherapy for arthrosis involves treatment with:

  • ​Ankle stiffness. Usually appears in the morning, along with muscle tension and stiffness.​
  • ​standard laboratory tests of blood and urine.​

​Degree No. 3​

​All these diseases are classified according to the ICD 10 classification of diseases (revision number ten).​

  • ​Inhibition of the proliferative activity of T- and B-lymphocytes.​
  • ​Treatment of arthritis is a long process and requires not only following the doctor’s recommendations regarding drug therapy, but also undergoing rehabilitation courses.​
  • ​Strongly expressed from the very beginning of the disease
  • ​The first degree is characterized by moderate pain, there is a slight limitation of movement when rotating the knee, when lifting or while squatting.​
  • The causes of the disease are still not fully understood. Several factors are involved in the development of the disease, of which two dominant ones are identified: excessive mechanical and functional overload of the articular cartilage and a violation of its resistance to normal loads. As a result, pathological degeneration and destruction of articular cartilage occurs.

​Ultrasound irradiation of a diseased joint.​

Disease deforming osteoarthritis – ICD code 10

​Bone growths. Over the entire period of development of the disease, the joints undergo deformation, as a result of which difficulties arise when walking, and subsequently the position of the body changes.

Pathogenesis and symptoms of deforming arthrosis ICD code 10

​Radiography is a valuable and informative method for diagnosing gonarthrosis​

The disease, which has entered the third stage, has many symptoms that are clearly visible in the picture. All previous problems are only getting worse. In addition, this degree is characterized by the appearance of severe swelling of soft tissues and the presence of an inflammatory process. Spondyloarthrosis of the spine, cervical and lower back

​RA with systemic manifestations.​

  1. The diet for arthritis of the knee joint must be strictly followed. Avoid foods rich in carbohydrates, smoked meats, fatty meats, and legumes. When switching to dietary nutrition and using individual therapy, a positive effect is observed. In general, treatment of knee arthritis includes the following areas:
  2. ​At first it is expressed moderately, gradually increases
  3. ​Second degree - the pain intensifies, the limitation of motor activity is such that it leads to a decrease in working capacity and limitation of self-care.​
  4. ​Risk factors for the formation of DOA:​
  5. ​Laser therapy.​

​microwave therapy;​ ​Swelling. Swelling and puffiness and red spots form over the affected area.

Degree of development of deforming osteoarthritis code according to ICD 10

​Therapy for knee arthrosis consists of several methods, and individually they are ineffective, but if you use a whole treatment complex, then very soon you will begin to move without pain.​

​Changes observed with stage 3 development of the disease are irreversible and lead to human disability. Some researchers of deforming arthrosis also identify the zero stage of development of this disease, during which signs of damage to the articular tissue are not yet visible on x-rays.​

​This disease has a high probability of occurring (85-90%) in older people.​

​150 mg/day, maintenance dose – 50 mg/day.​

​medicines (tablets, injections, ointments, gels);​


​In the third degree - inability to self-care, significant loss of mobility in the joint(s).​

​There are several risk factors that can contribute to the development of articular cartilage damage and the development of osteoarthritis. These include:​

Diagnosis and treatment of deforming osteoarthritis

​Cure with mud baths.​

​thermal applications;​

​Elevated temperature. This symptom is common and may indicate more than just this joint disease.​

Gonarthrosis of the knee joint

​Diagnosis of deforming arthrosis, which has an ICD code of 10, begins with a history taking and X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging of the diseased joint, computed tomography of the spine, punctures from the area of ​​the diseased cartilage, biopsy, and arthroscopy. All these research methods, carried out in combination, make it possible to accurately determine not only the disease itself, but also the degree of damage to the joint. Treatment of deforming arthrosis requires an integrated approach. First of all, it is recommended to reduce the load on the damaged cartilage. In this case, it is necessary to minimize motor activity, especially if we are talking about the supporting joint in the hip or knee. If there is an urgent need for movement, you must use a walker or cane.​

​Spondyloarthrosis is a lesion of the joints of the spine in which the cartilage loses its elastic properties due to its reduction (erasure) with subsequent negative impact on the periarticular areas and the occurrence of osteophytes.​

​Myelosuppression, activation of foci of chronic infection.​

Causes and types of gonarthrosis of the knee joint

​physiotherapeutic procedures;​

​Severe swelling from the very beginning of the disease​

  1. ​Based on the nature of its occurrence in medicine, several forms of arthritis are distinguished:
  2. ​Hereditary predisposition.​
  3. ​Cryotherapy procedure.​
  4. ​electrophoresis;​

Calluses. With arthrosis, calluses may appear and performance may decrease. In addition, a person gets tired much faster.​

​How to cure arthrosis of the knee joint?​

  • If the disease was diagnosed at an early stage of development, treatment is carried out with chondroprotectors. However, in later stages, when there are clear signs of joint destruction, it is necessary to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal drugs, painkillers and vitamin complexes.​
  • ​Causes of spondyloarthrosis:​

​Cyclophosphamide (200 mg ampoules), endoxan - 50 mg tablets​

Edema appears when inflammation occurs

Degrees of deforming gonarthrosis

​reactive - a complication that occurs with untreated (undertreated) infections;​

  • ​Endocrine and metabolic disorders (for example, lack of estrogen in menopause).​
  • ​Magnetic therapy.​
  • ​barotherapy.​

Dysfunction of the joint. At a late stage of the disease, joint function is impaired, Heberden's nodes appear, and thickening is observed in some areas. Over time, bone growths can affect appearance.​

Symptoms of the disease

​The main objectives of the treatment of gonarthrosis:​

If there is effusion in the joint, puncture evacuation may be prescribed to eliminate excess fluid. In case of severe damage, prosthetic surgery is often prescribed, and in some cases, immobilization of the joint.​

​pathological abnormalities of the spine;​

​Alkylating cytostatic; forms alkyl radicals with DNA, RNA and proteins, disrupting their function; has an antiproliferative effect.​


​Redness of the joint​


​rheumatoid - is a consequence of rheumatic diseases;​

  • ​Professional, sports or household overloads on joints (chronic microtraumatization).​
  • ​Healing with leeches (gerudotherapy).​
  • ​Use of laser. Arthrosis of the ankle is also treated with laser therapy. But this method is used only when only a separate area is treated. This relieves pain, but only at the first and second stages of the disease. To feel relief, it is necessary to carry out laser therapy in combination:
  • ​Arthrosis of the 1st degree is the initial stage, during which pain in the foot area can hardly be noticed.​
  • ​to relieve a person from pain;​
  • Gonarthrosis is a deforming arthrosis of the knee joint, a degenerative-dystrophic disease in which the hyaline cartilage covering the articular surfaces of the tibia and femur is affected and gradually destroyed. In the later stages of the pathology, when the cartilage tissue is completely destroyed, the bone tissue begins to suffer, and the disease takes on the character of osteoarthritis. The bone becomes denser, cystic cavities form in it, and osteophytes grow along the edges of the joint, which causes loss of joint function and disability.
  • ​various injuries and microtraumas of the spine (including chronic);​

​RA with systemic manifestations (vasculitis, nephropathy).​

Conservative treatment

​methods of operative surgery (injections into the joint cavity).​

​Yes, but it may not happen right away​​acute - develops after bruises, fractures, severe physical exertion;​

​Various injuries.​

  • ​When using a gymnastics complex, the joint is gradually loaded, stimulating the muscle fibers. As a result of this, the motor function of the shoulder and arm is restored. At the same time, the patient is prescribed a special diet for arthrosis.
  • ​Very often, a laser is used in combination with medications to achieve an accelerated effect. This complex is used to reduce the harm of drugs.​
  • ​At the same time, physical activity, even the most minimal, causes rapid fatigue.​
  • ​establish nutrition of cartilage tissue and accelerate its recovery;​
  • ​Gonarthrosis is in first place in terms of prevalence among all arthrosis. The disease mainly affects middle-aged and elderly people, more often women. But gonarthrosis of the knee joint can also occur in young people. In such cases, it is often a secondary process and develops after a knee joint injury (post-traumatic gonarthrosis).​
  • ​poor posture (sedentary work);​
  • ​200 mg IM 2-3 times a week until a total dose of 6-8 g per course is reached; combined pulse therapy; endoxan at a dose of 100-150 mg/day, maintenance dose – 50 mg/day.​

​The medications prescribed are NSAIDs, cytostatics, hormonal agents, antibiotics, etc. The range of medications directly depends on the type and etiology of arthritis. Table 2 shows treatment regimens for rheumatoid arthritis.​

Drug treatment

​Yes, but in the later stages there may not be any redness​

​infectious - caused by viruses or fungal infections that enter the joint with the bloodstream, or through a non-sterile surgical instrument, often leading to the development of purulent inflammation of the knee joint;​

​Concomitant inflammatory and non-inflammatory joint diseases.​

He is recommended to remove salty, spicy, fatty and canned foods from his diet. The patient needs to eat a large amount of greens and vegetables. The diet for arthrosis also includes such components as: various seafood, salmon and other related fish species, turkey. At the same time, it is better to avoid alcohol.

​The laser is combined with physical activity, as well as massage and manual therapy. Under no circumstances should laser treatment be performed independently.​

Exercise therapy

Arthrosis of the 2nd degree is the next stage, in which the pain intensifies. At this stage, some body movements are difficult, and in the area of ​​the head of the first metatarsal, growths that were absent previously are observed.

​improve microcirculation;​

Other techniques

Gonarthrosis develops gradually over many years. The main signs of the disease: pain in the knees, limited mobility and the periodic development of synovitis (accumulation of fluid inside the joint). At first, the symptoms of arthrosis are almost invisible, but as the joint deteriorates, they become more intense and negatively affect a person’s quality of life.​

  1. ​metabolism disorder;​
  2. ​Hemorrhagic cystitis, myelosuppression, activation of foci of infection.​
  3. ​Drug​


​Symptoms of intoxication​

  • Reiter's syndrome is a type of reactive arthritis;
  • The cause or trigger for cartilage destruction is usually trauma or prolonged microtrauma of the articular surfaces. Also, the cause of the onset of the disease may be a change in the congruence (compliance) of the articular surfaces as a result of any pathological processes, for example, dysplasia.​
  • If there is destruction of the cartilage tissue in the shoulder joint, then doctors refer the patient for surgery. The method is called endoprosthetics. During this procedure, an incision is made in the affected area. From there, tissue and bone structures affected by the disease are removed. They are replaced with implants made of ceramic, metal or plastic. This method allows you to completely restore the motor functions of the shoulder joint. The period of complete rehabilitation of the patient depends on the severity of arthrosis. It can range from ½ year to 1.5 years. Usually the disease does not recur. If a person did not consult a doctor in time and brought the disease to the last stage, then the operation is performed urgently.​
  • ​What should nutrition be like for arthrosis? According to ICD 10, ankle arthrosis requires a special diet. This method will not only make the treatment effective, but will also keep the body in good shape.​
  • ​If treatment is not started on time, the degeneration processes intensify, and pain becomes the norm throughout the day.​

More articles: Compresses with dimexide for arthrosis of the knee joint

​reduce the load and pressure on diseased hyaline cartilage of the joints;​

This is what a knee joint affected by arthrosis looks like

  • ​constant overload of the spine (professional sports);​
  • Chlorbutin (leukeran) – tablets of 2 and 5 mg

​Principle of operation​

Observed in cases of autoimmune nature of the disease

Arthrosis of the ankle joint: degrees, symptoms and treatment methods

​arthritis due to ankylosing spondylitis, gout (uncommon);​

Symptoms of disease development

​Articular cartilage changes its properties, loses elasticity, becomes rough, and cracks appear on it. This increases the load on the surface of the bones that form it, and their integrity is compromised.

  1. ​These products should be used only for high-quality and effective pain relief of the affected area. They cannot restore the joint. Apply folk recipes This is possible only after consultation with your doctor and on his recommendation. Types of treatment such as compresses, homemade ointments, baths and various rubbing are used. They help warm up the painful area and relieve pain.​
  2. ​If a diet is used during treatment, the inflammation in the area of ​​cartilaginous tissue decreases, and the pain in the joints goes away much faster. This method allows you to get rid of the tumor and stop the aging process.​
  3. ​Arthrosis of the 3rd degree is the most dangerous stage, at which the ankle becomes deformed, and movements in this area become impossible or very difficult.​
  4. ​develop a good muscular corset of the knee joint for protection and support;​
  5. As a rule, it is impossible to single out one reason that led to the development of gonarthrosis. In most cases, there are 2-3 or more risk factors for developing the disease.​
  6. ​flat feet.​
  7. ​Alkylating cytostatic; forms alkyl radicals with DNA, RNA and proteins, disrupting their function; has an antiproliferative effect
  8. ​Principle of operation​

Degrees of arthrosis

​No​​psoriatic arthritis (occurs in 10-40% of patients with psoriasis)​

​In order to stabilize the joint, cords formed by connective tissue appear inside it. The amount of synovial fluid, which has a changed composition, increases.

​The most simple view such procedures is a compress.​

The essence of the diet is the use of fruits, with pomegranate occupying a special place. Its juice can prevent inflammation and tumor formation. It is also beneficial to eat fish, Bell pepper and pineapples.​

Post-traumatic arthrosis of the joint may develop after an internal or external injury. In addition, this disease can develop against the background of injuries to the talus and tibia of the ankle. In this case, the bone surface is deformed and becomes uneven, and a tumor forms in the joint area.​

First aid and treatment tactics

​increase joint mobility;​

  1. ​Main groups of reasons:​
  2. ​Arthrosis of the ankle joint ICD 10​
  3. ​High RA activity with systemic manifestations, generalized lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly.​
  4. ​Assignment schemes​

​Symptoms of “seized joint”​

Reiter's syndrome (according to ICD-10 code 02.3) can develop in two forms - sporadic (causative agent - C. Trachomatis) and epidemic (Shigella, Yersinia, Salmonella).

​Subsequently, bone growths - osteophytes - form at the edges of the joint. The muscles surrounding the joint become hypotrophied and decrease in size. This leads to further circulatory disorders and aggravation of pathological processes occurring in the joint - the development of contractures (stiffness) and its instability.​

​First recipe. You need to take thirty grams of oatmeal and boil for 10 minutes in 2 glasses of water. The resulting solution must be poured onto a piece of gauze, which is wrapped in several layers. When it is completely saturated with the mixture, a tampon is applied to the affected area and kept for ½ hour.​

The main aspects of DOA therapy

​On diet days you need to consume fish oil. This improves the condition of the tissues, reduces inflammation, and prevents tumor formation. In addition, fish oil has a positive effect on bones, cartilage and joints. It is recommended to consume fresh vegetables, because... they contain a large number of antioxidants, which are responsible for fighting free radicals that trigger the aging process.​

  1. ​Treatment of arthrosis is aimed primarily at:
  2. ​prevent deformities and ankylosis.​
  3. ​Increased load on joint components. This situation is observed in athletes, people engaged in heavy physical labor, as well as in obese patients.​
  4. ​This disease does not appear suddenly. It can develop under the influence of:
  5. ​6-8 mg/day, maintenance dose – 2-4 mg/day.​

​Possible side effects​

The clinical picture differs from other types of arthritis, since concomitant signs of the disease are lesions of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, prostatitis (in men), vaginitis and cervicitis (in women). A common symptom is inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis), which manifests itself in redness of the sclera, the appearance of purulent discharge, and swelling of the eyelids.​

Massage as a method of correcting pathology

The disease does not show itself for a long time. And those few symptoms that may appear in the early stages usually go unnoticed.​

To effectively combat pain, you need to make a compress from cabbage juice. A cotton swab is soaked in it and secured to the shoulder joint with a bandage. This is best done before going to bed.​

You can only learn from a doctor about how to treat arthrosis; in no case should you self-medicate. Only a doctor can indicate which ointments, treatment methods and diet should be used.​

​Relieve pain syndrome.​


​This can be done using the methods described below.​

​Knee injuries, congenital or acquired deformities of the musculoskeletal system. In such situations, the load on the joint is distributed unevenly and some areas of the cartilage are under increased pressure, which causes their destruction. An example of such deformities could be flat feet, kyphosis, scoliosis, improper fusion of bones after fractures, etc.

  1. ​heavy loads (excess weight, intensive classes sports, various injuries - dislocations, sprains);​
  2. ​Myelosuppression.​
  3. ​Quinoline drugs (delagil - 0.25 g tablets)​

Additional methods

Arthritis of the knee joint should be differentiated from other pathological processes, the most common of which are arthrosis and bursitis. An experienced specialist can easily distinguish bursitis, which is an inflammation in the synovial bursa, from arthritis at the first appointment.​

​Deforming osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis) has several characteristic symptoms that are present in almost all patients.​

  • ​Second recipe. You should apply cabbage leaves coated with honey to your shoulder before going to bed.​
  • ​Doctors recommend drinking at least a glass of natural freshly squeezed orange juice per day. Its use will reduce the development of the disease by at least 16%.​
  • ​Eliminate the inflammatory process or reduce it.​
  • ​It is not essential, but it allows you to quickly eliminate pain and signs of inflammation. Most often, drugs from the NSAID group are prescribed (diclofenac, meloxicam, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, celecoxib, aceclofenac, etc.). These medications are used both for systemic therapy (tablets, injections) and for local treatment (ointments, gels, creams, patches). They quickly and effectively relieve pain, but they should not be taken in long courses, as severe adverse reactions may occur.​
  • ​Disturbance of the metabolism of cartilage tissue and its ability to self-renew. This situation is caused by a deficiency of substances in the body necessary for the regeneration of hyaline cartilage, metabolic and endocrine disorders, and a decrease in microcirculation in the tissues of the joint.​

​improper nutrition (lack of substances that promote the restoration of cartilage tissue).​

  1. ​Due to the fact that the RA treatment regimens indicated in the table are not always effective, several combinations of basic agents are used in practice, among which the most widely used combinations of methotrexate with sulfasalazine, methotrexate and delagil. Currently, the most promising treatment regimen is one in which methotrexate is combined with anticytokines.​

​Laboratory research methods​

​Firstly, with bursitis, the mobility of the knee is slightly limited, and secondly, the area of ​​articular inflammation has clear contours. By palpation, the doctor quickly determines the boundaries of the inflammatory focus. As for arthrosis, differentiation is more difficult, since these diseases, which have completely different etiologies, have many similar symptoms.​

​A complaint of pain in the affected joint is the main reason for visiting a doctor. At the beginning of the disease, it is insignificant and can only occur during walking or physical activity. Pain can also appear when exposed to unfavorable factors, for example, hypothermia or prolonged forced uncomfortable body position.​

For grinding, you can take 0.05 kg of elecampane roots. They need to be infused with vodka - you need 125 ml. The process takes 14 days. After this, the mixture is applied to the damaged shoulder and rubbed.​

Arthrosis of the shoulder joint, the symptoms and treatment of which will be described below, is a pathology of the articular cartilage and adjacent bone tissue. Osteoarthritis of the shoulder causes degradation, wear and tear of these structures. The disease first affects the cartilage tissue, and then the joint capsules and surrounding bones are involved in the process. Another name for the disease is deforming arthrosis of the shoulder joint. If a person is sick with this disease, but did not seek treatment in time medical care, then the consequences of a negligent attitude towards one’s health can lead to a complete loss of motor abilities of the hand.​

​Restore the functioning of the joint.​

Main symptoms and treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

​In second place are chondroprotectors. These medications contain chondroitin and glucosamine (the main structural elements of cartilage). Thus, it is believed that chondroprotectors, when taken for a long time, are able to stop the progression of the disease and contribute to the restoration of already destroyed cartilage. Among the most popular drugs it is worth noting: Artra, Dona, Structum, Teraflex, Chondrolone, Alflutop. Treatment should begin with a monthly course of intramuscular or intra-articular injections, and then proceed to 3-4 months of maintenance therapy with tablets. Only in this case can a positive result be achieved.​

Reasons for the development of DOA

​Impaired secretion of synovial fluid in the knee joint. As you know, synovial fluid, which is produced by the synovial membrane of the joint, provides smooth movements, reduces friction, and also nourishes cartilage, which does not have its own vessels. If for some reason there is less synovium, then degenerative changes develop in the cartilage, it cracks and collapses.​

  1. ​Arthrosis of the hip joint (coxarthrosis)​
  2. ​In medical practice, there are often cases of lack of effect from treatment (for example, with reactive arthritis, inflammation does not go away even when taking antibiotics in combination with NSAIDs), when patients continue to have disease activity and rapid progression of joint deformities.​
  3. ​Initial stage of RA.​
  4. ​Detect changes​
  5. ​Arthrosis is a degenerative process in cartilage and bone tissue that occurs due to metabolic disorders and is not associated with an inflammatory component. The main group of patients are elderly people (by the age of 60, most people are diagnosed with dystrophic changes in the joints).​
  6. ​Gradually the pain becomes constant and its intensity increases. A characteristic feature of such pain is that at rest its intensity decreases, until it disappears.
  7. ​Third recipe. Pour boiling water over 15 grams of angelica roots and leave for ½ hour. This solution is then filtered. Rub into the affected area 4 times a day.​

The main impetus for the appearance and development of this disease is considered to be an inflammatory process in the joints. It may occur due to the following factors:​

Shoulder arthrosis - main symptoms

​Bring trophic metabolism back to normal.​

  1. ​Dona is a modern and effective chondroprotector​
  2. There are still many risk factors for the development of gonarthrosis. Their determination is very important not only for treatment, but also for prevention. By getting rid of such negative influence, you can completely stop the development of arthrosis and preserve the full function of the lower limb.​
  3. ​The main reasons for its development are:​
  4. ​Doctors draw a conclusion about the need to change the therapy program if the patient has been treated for six months using at least three basic drugs.​
  5. ​Table 2 per day for the first 2-4 weeks, then 1 tablet. per day for a long time.​

​Does not reveal specific deviations​

Symptoms of the disease depending on the stage

​Arthritis is always inflammation, which over time, as the disease progresses (if it is autoimmune in nature), spreads to the entire body. That is why there are many accompanying signs of autoimmune arthritis - fever, low-grade fever, headache, and general malaise. With rheumatoid arthritis, the cardiovascular system is seriously affected.

​In the early stages of DOA, most patients experience a feeling of “stiffness” in the morning. This condition is characterized by a decrease in the range of motion in the joint, decreased sensitivity and pain of varying intensity. When moving, this condition gradually passes.

​To use medicinal herbal baths, you need to do the following:​

​The presence of injuries leads to the appearance of deforming arthrosis of the shoulder. This may be previous damage to this area or subsequent microtrauma in it, which is especially typical for people involved in sports or heavy physical work.​

Treatment tactics

​If you make every effort to treat at the initial stage of the disease, the process will go much faster, and all methods will be able to work more effectively. Therefore, at the first symptoms, you need to seek help from a specialist.​

Intra-articular injections are also a popular method for treating gonarthrosis. Chondroprotectors, as well as long-acting glucocorticoid anti-inflammatory drugs (Diprospan, Kenalog), can be administered inside the knee. The pain goes away even after 1 injection, the effect can last for several months.​

​Depending on the causes of occurrence, there are 2 types of gonarthrosis:​congenital displacement of the femoral head in the acetabulum (observed in 10% of newborns);​

​Evidence of the ineffectiveness of therapy is the negative dynamics of laboratory tests and the persistence of the focus of inflammation. In this case, you need an alternative solution on how to treat knee arthritis. Medical statistics confirm the positive dynamics when using pulse therapy using hormonal drugs (methylprednisolone intravenously, isotonic solution for three days - three courses are repeated after one month). Methylprednisolone is prescribed with caution in combination with cyclophosphamide due to the high toxicity of the drugs.​

​Dyspeptic symptoms, skin itching, dizziness, leukopenia, retinal damage.​

  1. ​Instrumental research methods​
  2. ​To make a diagnosis of “arthritis of the knee joint” (gonarthritis), it is necessary to conduct multidirectional diagnostic studies. In some cases, doctors make a diagnosis of “arthrosis-arthritis of the knee joint”
  3. ​The presence of extraneous sounds - crunching, clicking in the joint, which first appear periodically under unfavorable conditions (long walk, forced position of the body or limb, etc.). Over time, these sounds accompany any movement of the affected joint.​
  4. ​Water is poured into the bath.​
  5. ​A disease of the vascular system, which leads to insufficient blood supply to the joints and their degradation due to dystrophic changes.​
  6. ​Often this problem occurs in overweight people, so you need to keep your physical condition in good shape. If you have extra pounds, you need to follow a diet. The selection of shoes also plays an important role. Shoes with stiletto heels and narrow toes are not the most suitable option; it is best to opt for stable shoes with mid-height heels.​

Also today, the introduction of so-called liquid synovial fluid grafts (Fermatron, Giastat, Synvisc, Ostenil) is popular. These are preparations based on hyaluronic acid, which replenish the deficiency of synovium in the joint and promote the renewal of cartilage.​

​Primary - diagnosed when the true cause remains unknown. At risk are women, elderly people, obese patients, with metabolic and endocrine diseases.​

​diabetes mellitus and gout;​

Folk remedies at home

A new direction in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is therapy that involves the use of so-called biological agents. The action of the drugs is based on inhibition of the synthesis of cytokines (TNF-α and IL-1β).​

More articles: Joints hurt constantly

​Sulfonamide drugs (sulfasalazine, salazopyridazine) - 500 mg tablets

​Radiography, additional methods (MRI)​

​This symptom is often expressed in the joints of the limbs. Manifests itself as pathological excessive mobility. Mobility in a plane uncharacteristic for joint movement also occurs. There is a decrease in the sensitivity of the limb.

​Make a herbal decoction or infusion.​

​Disruptions in the human hormonal or autoimmune system, which lead to the development of psoriasis, gout and other diseases.​

​By the way, the first symptom of osteoarthritis of the ankle is deformation thumb on the foot. If the case is more advanced, then the modifications will affect all fingers, in which case all phalanges are bent at the same time. The usual shoes no longer fit, and discomfort appears in some places. In this case, you will need to choose more suitable shoes, although this process will become much more problematic.​

  1. ​Therapeutic exercises are the most important element of arthrosis therapy. Without regular special physical exercises, it is almost impossible to achieve improvement in the condition. The exercise therapy complex is selected individually, depending on the stage of arthrosis, the person’s age, his physical fitness, and the presence of concomitant diseases.​
  2. ​Secondary - established when there is a clear connection between arthrosis and its causative factor. For example, after a joint injury or surgery.​
  3. ​intra-articular formations (chondromatosis);​

​It has been reliably established that in 60% of patients with active rheumatoid joint syndrome, even with the third degree of the disease, there is a decrease (or absence) in the progression of articular changes during maintenance therapy with Remicade. However, the use of this form of treatment is justified if basic therapy does not produce the expected effect.​

​Inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, inhibition of the synthesis of antibodies and RF.​

​X-ray, MRI​

Deforming osteoarthritis (ICD code 10) - causes and treatment

​, when a differential diagnosis is made between arthrosis and arthritis, usually in the initial stages of pathologies.​

​Deforming osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis) is manifested by a violation of the main function of the joint - movement. Such disorders can be in the form of limited mobility, this is especially pronounced during exacerbation of the disease. Also sometimes there is an increase in mobility - “looseness” of the joint, which is associated with muscle wasting or damage to the ligamentous apparatus.​

  • ​Pour the resulting mixture and bathe the patient in it.​
  • ​Bad heredity. If one of the parents has suffered from an illness such as shoulder arthrosis, then there is a high probability that their children will also develop this disease.​
  • In addition, at the very beginning the disease worsens the psychological state. This mainly concerns fashionistas, because elegant and beautiful shoes will have to be replaced with less presentable shoes with low heels and a wide toe.​
  • ​A simple and effective exercise therapy complex for arthrosis of the knee joints:​
  • ​As a rule, primary gonarthrosis is always bilateral, and secondary gonarthrosis affects only one knee.​

​tissue necrosis;​

​The importance of a number of NSAID drugs, previously actively used in the treatment of knee arthritis, has decreased somewhat as other treatment programs have emerged that are more effective.​

Some statistics

​Seronegative clinical and immunological variant of RA.​


Joint structure

​Table differential diagnosis arthritis of the knee joint

​As the disease progresses, the restriction of movement in the affected joint becomes persistent, contractures occur, and the function of the limb is impaired.​

​Decoctions of mint, hay dust, mustard, and burdock are particularly effective in this method of therapy. The patient is kept in the bath until his body is completely steamed. Then his joints are rubbed and he is placed under a thick blanket to maintain warmth.​

Articular cavity

​Disruption of the normal functioning of the endocrine system and disruptions in metabolic processes lead to the accumulation of salts in the joints while simultaneously limiting the flow of necessary substances (calcium, phosphorus, etc.) into cartilage tissue. This leads to their destruction.​

Joint contents

A whole range of methods is used in the treatment of arthrosis. Their task is as follows:​

​Among other methods of conservative therapy it is worth mentioning:

How does DOA develop?

​According to ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision), gonarthrosis has code M17.​


​suffered injuries to the hip joint.​

​Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (“Movalis”, “Diclofenac” - in tablets and in the form of injections) continue to be prescribed for a diagnosis of arthritis, since these medications have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and contribute to a general improvement in the patient’s condition.​

  • ​500 mg/day with a gradual increase in dose to 2-3 g per day.​
  • ​Comprehensive (inpatient + outpatient + sanatorium)​
  • ​Characteristic​
  • Pathological changes in the joint over time cause dysfunction of the entire limb. There is lameness when walking, limited movement, and a feeling of joint instability. The limb becomes deformed, and as a result of impaired blood supply, sensitivity disorders and other changes occur (a feeling of chilliness or, conversely, burning, coldness of the limb, etc.).​
  • Homemade ointment is prepared in this way: take 15 grams of sweet clover and the same amount of St. John's wort and hops. All this is mixed and added to Vaseline. The components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This ointment should be rubbed into the patient daily.
  • ​Other joint diseases, such as bone necrosis, synovitis, arthritis, etc.​

Articular cartilage changes

​Physiotherapy and exercise therapy. An individual set of exercises is selected for the patient. It is possible to refer for laser, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, UHF and phonophoresis.​

​Massage and physiotherapy. They are used during the period of remission, when there is no acute pain. Allows you to improve blood circulation in the tissues of the joint, which promotes the regeneration of damaged structures.​

What happens next?

​Increased stress on the knee joints can cause the development of gonarthrosis​

​The main symptom is pain when walking, in the groin, thigh, and buttocks.​


However, it has been reliably established that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs do not have a significant effect on the course of the disease of an autoimmune nature - this is evidenced by both X-ray data and laboratory tests. However, a nonspecific process responds well to treatment with NSAID drugs.​

​Stabilization of lysosomal membranes, inhibition of neutrophil phagocytosis and chemotaxis, inhibition of cytokine synthesis.​


​Comprehensive (inpatient + outpatient + sanatorium​



​All this ultimately leads to disability.​


In any case, if symptoms of shoulder arthrosis appear, it is best to immediately contact a medical facility. Self-cure is unacceptable, since such an attempt can only worsen the disease, which will lead the person to the surgeon’s table.​


​Elderly people (50 years and above) are at risk, since tissues wear out quickly with age.​

Movement disorder

Today there are groups that use gymnastics. Manual therapy and therapeutic massage are used.​

​Orthopedic devices. To protect the joint and prevent the progression of arthrosis, you can use special knee pads during physical work or sports. They perfectly support the joint and protect it from damage. At the last stage of gonarthrosis, you can use a cane to facilitate movement and reduce pain.​

Limb dysfunction

Gonarthrosis is a chronic and slowly progressive disease. Symptoms, prognosis and treatment tactics depend on the degree of pathological changes in the joint. There are three clinical stages of the disease:

​Deforming osteoarthritis of the extremities (DOA) is a severe degenerative disease characterized by the progressive destruction of the cartilage tissue of the joints, accompanied by the formation of bone growths - osteophytes. It is worth noting that deforming osteoarthritis has been known to mankind for thousands of years, but even now this disease has not been fully studied and can only be cured in the early stages of development. This arthrosis, listed in the international classification under the ICD 10 code, leads to severe degenerative changes in the joint, which is accompanied by a change in the shape of the joint and a decrease in its mobility.​

Other symptoms

​Massage, exercise therapy, mud therapy - all these methods are applicable only if the rheumatologist has determined that the inflammatory process is localized by drug therapy, and the stage of remission has begun. Special exercises and therapeutic massage are aimed at restoring mobility of the knee joint.​

Primary gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee joint) develops during normal life. Elderly people suffer, women more often than men. People with increased body weight and obesity are more likely to develop gonarthroses. Secondary gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee joint) is based on injury to the knee joint (intra-articular fracture of the femur and tibia, ligament rupture, damage to the meniscus, hemarthorosis) or a previous disease (arthritis of various etiologies, chondromatosis of the joints, “joint mouse”, etc.). Timely adequate treatment of the listed processes can prevent the occurrence and development of gonarthrosis. The complaints of a patient with gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee joint) initially boil down to a feeling of a certain stiffness in the joint, “tightening” under the knee, pain in it after a long walk.
Most patients also complain of difficulty walking in the morning, after sleep, or after more or less prolonged sitting. “When you separate, it becomes easier,” they note. Over time, the disease progresses, the pain becomes persistent, constant, and intense; the pain is most often localized on the inside of the knee. Many patients feel a crunching sensation when moving the knee joint. Limitation of flexion and (or) extension gradually develops. Lameness progresses over time. In severe cases, patients cannot move at all without assistance or without support from the back of a chair or crutches. In a supine position, the pain subsides, but sometimes patients suffer from pain at night.
Examination of the knee joint in the initial stage of the disease does not reveal external changes. In the future, one can note deformation of the knee, rough contours of the bones forming the joint, contracuture (incomplete extension or flexion) and curvature of the tibia axis, usually inward. If you place your palm on the front surface of the knee, then during flexion-extension movements the examiner will feel a crunch in the knee joint of varying intensity and duration. The same crunching sensation can be obtained by moving the patella outward and inward in the transverse direction (positive patello-condylar symptom).
When palpating the joint, a painful area is revealed, most often on the inside of the joint, at the level of the femoral condyles, tibia and joint space. Often, effusion accumulates in the cavity of the knee joint, i.e., synovitis occurs. This condition is determined by the smoothness of the contours of the knee joint due to bulging, protrusion of tissues above and to the side of the patella and a feeling of fluctuation when palpating the bulge with both hands.
Synovitis of the knee joint indicates a complication of arthrosis by an aseptic inflammatory process, and then we have reason to designate this condition of the knee joint as “arthrosis-arthritis.” The temperature with arthrosis-arthritis, as a rule, does not increase and blood tests do not show deviations from the norm.
Subjectively, patients define additional synovitis as a new feeling of heaviness in the joint, interfering with knee flexion. As can be seen from the above data, the clinical diagnosis of gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee joint) is simple and quite accessible. However, in any case it is necessary X-ray examination. It confirms and clarifies the diagnosis, establishes the degree of arthrosis changes, allows you to monitor the dynamics of the process over time and, finally, radiography is necessary to exclude a tumor or some other process in the bones that form the joint. In the initial stage of gonarthrosis, radiological changes may be either absent or very insignificant. At a later date, a narrowing of the joint space, sclerosis of the subchondral zone, sharpening of the edges of the condyles of the femur and tibia, and sometimes salt deposition in the surrounding soft tissues are detected. X-ray examination of elderly and old people in many of them reveals pronounced changes described above.

Gonarthrosis is one of the serious degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the knee joint. In terms of frequency of occurrence among all possible arthrosis in the musculoskeletal system, it occupies the first position. The common disease is characterized by the destruction of articular cartilage, as a result of which the bone joint of the knee is deformed and loses its mobility functions. Since this department accounts for a significant share of the load, the pathogenesis that arose in its structures is actively progressing. The patient’s quality of life suffers significantly, and often the destructive focus leads to disability.

This is what the disease looks like on an x-ray. The arrows indicate the zone of destruction of cartilage tissue.

As you know, any disease has its own reasons, which provide fertile ground for its development. And gonarthrosis processes, as a rule, also do not develop out of the blue; they are almost always preceded by certain factors. However, this category does not include a very rare type of pathology - idiopathic gonarthrosis. What provoking factor “triggers” it still remains a mystery to science. Our article will be devoted to common causes, symptomatic signs and many other important aspects relating to gonarthrosis in general.

Signs and causes of the disease

Have you noticed any uncharacteristic sounds such as clicking, creaking or crunching in your knee when performing movements? Or maybe the leg in this section suddenly, after a simple walk or immediately after sleep, began to bother you with painful signs and/or stiffness? And after some time, did they go away on their own: in the first case - after rest, in the second - after 30-60 minutes, when the limbs had warmed up? But it’s not without reason that we ask all this, since these are the symptoms with a high degree of probability that can indicate gonarthrosis, at best stages 1-2.

The most important symptom of problems with the musculoskeletal system is pain. As long as it doesn't hurt, no one worries.

Important! If you do not pay attention to the problem in time, the pathological focus will reach an irreversible phase (stage 3-4), and conservative therapy will no longer be needed, you will have to undergo surgery. Often surgery is required already at stage 2, mainly for pathologies of rheumatoid origin.

So, if you have given an affirmative answer to at least one question, do not delay your visit to an orthopedic doctor and immediately undergo all the necessary examinations. After a thorough diagnosis, you will be individually prescribed the most effective treatment, corresponding to the diagnosis. To make a diagnosis, it is usually sufficient to take an x-ray and test the biomechanical abilities of the knee area. Assessment of motor potential is carried out by performing certain movements of the limb with the help of a specialist and by the patient himself.

Main symptoms

Let's return to the clinical symptoms. The older the disease, the more pronounced they will be. So, the disease manifests itself:

  • crunch in the joint and other sounds (creaking, clicking, etc.) at the moment of making a certain movement (sounds are uncharacteristic for the last stage);
  • painful syndrome different character and color on the front and/or back side of the knee when moving;
  • pain at rest, which indicates the neglect of the medical problem;
  • muscle weakness, stiffness of the affected area, inability to move the joint correctly, limited range of motion;
  • paresthesias in the form numbness, tingling etc. sensory disorders;
  • increasing size joints, which in severe pathogenesis can be seen visually, the affected knee is larger than the healthy one;
  • periodic jamming (blockade) knee joint with a simultaneous feeling of sharp pain, which is explained by the entry of a necrotic fragment of cartilage into the space between the articular surfaces;
  • unsteady legs(loss of support ability), due to this, the patient experiences frequent dislocations and subluxations.

An interesting feature: while there is no pain, we do not pay attention to the steps. But when the pain comes, we realize that we overcome a huge number of steps every day.

The initial signs of gonarthrosis primarily include morning stiffness and mild pain, which disappear immediately after the person moves normally. Additionally, at an early stage, weakness in the legs and clicking in the knee may be observed.

Pain symptoms and movement disorders are not always alarming at the onset of the disease or are mild in nature, which often prevents a person from paying attention to the problem in time and coming to the hospital. As practice shows, often the case already has to deal with 2nd degree of severity and higher.

Factors provoking pathology

If a person’s general health status is good, he leads a healthy lifestyle, usually his joints function well and are not bothered day after day with or without painful sensations, even in old age. Otherwise, degenerative changes may arise that will begin to aggressively destroy important articular components that provide motor, support and shock-absorbing functions of the lower extremities at any age.

This is a real photo of the surface of the knee joint with gonarthrosis. Pay attention to damage that should not be there, the cartilage should be smooth as glass.

It is the progressive destructive processes in the knee joint that are commonly called gonarthrosis in medicine. It leads to the death of hyaline cartilage, which covers all surfaces of the articular bones, and as it becomes thinner and fibered, it leads to exposure and deformation of the latter and, as a consequence, to an extreme decrease in the quality of life.

An astroscope view of the destroyed cartilaginous surface in the joint cavity.

Arthrosis pathogenesis is often secondary, that is, when it becomes a consequence of certain pathologies, injuries, increased physical activity, etc. Anatomical and functional changes, as we have found out, mainly develop and become more complicated due to various negative factors. Among them, the most common ones are:

  • congenital anomalies of the joints of the limbs (shortening of one of the legs, dysplasia, O-shaped and X-shaped deformities of the lower leg, etc.);
  • post-traumatic consequences (complications of bruises, fractures, dislocations, sprains, etc.);
  • joint hypermobility (JHM);
  • rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, gout and pseudogout;
  • local chronic infections and inflammations;
  • obesity and metabolic diseases;
  • endocrine diseases, especially diabetes and hypothyroidism;
  • hormonal imbalances during menopause;
  • excessive physical activity on the lower limbs;
  • lack of physical activity, physical inactivity;
  • constant overload of the legs associated with professional activities (sports, weight lifting, etc.);
  • sitting for long periods of time in incorrect positions, for example, with your legs tucked under you;
  • vascular pathologies of the extremities, hypothermia.

By the way, age-related physiological changes in bones, cartilage, and muscles occur in everyone as the body ages. These components wear out over time, becoming weaker, less flexible and elastic. This is not a paradox, but a natural phenomenon provided by nature, which begins approximately from the period when a person crossed the forty-year mark. Normally, it develops at a very slow pace, so nothing globally terrible happens to the joints. But there is one “but”. If the wear and tear of biological tissues significantly dominates the processes of metabolism and cellular nutrition, which is observed with the above factors, the joint begins to be progressively damaged.

It is enough to provoke the disease even by starting abruptly, without preparation, to engage in physical exercise, which you have never done before. Often, in pursuit of health, older people decide to radically change their lifestyle, for example, start running in the morning. Unprepared knee joints, which, as we noted, have some deviations due to age, are easily injured, micro-fractures appear in their structures and nearby areas. Such traumatization at the micro level, especially in people of retirement age, entails the development of gonarthrosis, not to mention more serious injuries.

The knee and hip joints are most often affected. The picture shows the dynamics of destruction from left to right, from the complete absence of the disease to the last stage.

The disease can develop not only in the older generation (after 40 years or more), but also in young people 25-40 years old. Periods of mature and old age certainly provide more chances for complex pathology, because the natural elements of the joint are no longer as strong as they were before. In addition, women have a greater predisposition to pathomorphological phenomena in the joint, which is mainly explained by the hormonal characteristics of the female body.

Principles of treatment

At the moment when the articular surfaces have not yet undergone fatal changes, but only minor degenerations, conservative treatment. It is based on the following principles:

  • physical therapy exercises without absolute vertical load - the doctor will prescribe the correct (!) set of trainings, which will improve metabolic processes in the joint and make it possible to stop pathological progression;
  • weight loss with the help of diet - reducing body weight is very important for overweight and obese people, because extra pounds put pressure on the joint, making it difficult to function normally;
  • exclusion of physical activity in which the bone joint functions in an enhanced impact mode (running, team sports, jumping, etc.);
  • use n steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain and swelling (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Voltaren, Indomethacin, etc.);
  • the use of drugs to stimulate the production of synovial fluid and replenish osteochondral components with useful substances (chondroprotectors, hyaluronic acid);
  • wearing special orthotic devices, orthopedic shoes;
  • appointment physiotherapeutic procedures(cryotherapy, ozokerite and paraffin applications, UHF, ultrasound, phonophoresis, etc.).

There are no statistics confirming that overweight people have more joint problems. But common sense has not been canceled, there is a big difference when you have 65 kg on your knees. or 110...

If the disease is characterized by a severe course or the conservative approach does not give positive dynamics, there is a need for surgery. Today, orthopedic surgeons carry out unique interventions (stage 2-4), in which the diseased knee joint or a separate part of it is replaced with an endoprosthesis, a biocompatible artificial analogue of a biological joint. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our videos and photos, which perfectly demonstrate the features of the procedure and its benefits.

Attention! It is impossible to cure this disease conservatively. Serious destruction cannot be corrected either by popular intra-articular injections or even by stem cell transplantation. Therefore, do not hope that newfangled minimally invasive and non-invasive techniques will magically help restore damaged hyaline cartilage, which, due to physiological characteristics, is not capable of regeneration. Alternative and official conservative medicine can only slow down unfavorable pathogenesis, and even then mainly only in the early phase of its development.

The diagnosis is based on an assessment of the patient’s complaints, his individual data (professional activity, concomitant and past diseases, level of daily physical activity, etc.), as well as on the information that the orthopedic doctor receives during examination, after instrumental and laboratory diagnostics.

Consequences of not treating the disease

The consequences of the disease can be the most tragic. And we are talking here not just about those standard violations (destruction and deformation of the knee) that arise at each stage. With them, we think, everything is clear: if competent therapy is not started in a timely manner, a disappointing outcome is predetermined - the patient’s disability, which can occur quite quickly. But we would like to say a few words about the potential danger of the disease for other segments of the musculoskeletal system, in particular for the spinal column and other joints.

As we said above, the trouble with problems with joints is that if the work of one department is disrupted, then other areas, primarily the spine, are immediately involved in destructive processes.

Gonarthrosis, in 75% of cases it affects the medial (inner) part of the knee, is also a real aggressor for your spine - one of the most important and significant segments in the body. The disease creates additional stress on the vertebral elements, since it does not allow normal movement without adaptive postures. Thus, with advanced forms, the following serious problems may most likely be added to it:

  • radiculitis;
  • curvature of the vertebral axis;
  • vertebral instability.

Moreover, the listed ailments can provoke negative consequences in the future. And it is likely that, along with knee replacement, you will also be prescribed (before or after the main operation) another surgical intervention, but on the spine. We are sure that everyone has understood the essence of the problem. By the way, the same applies to other joints, most often the limbs. Due to the incapacity of the knee, they act as compensators for its functions, taking on too high loads, which is fraught with their rapid wear and, as a consequence, the same arthrosis in the near future.

Fortunately, synovitis can be successfully treated, unlike gonarthrosis.

It is impossible not to mention at the same time that sometimes synovitis appears against the background of gonarthrosis - an inflammatory process that affects the synovial membrane of the knee joint. As a result of synovitis, large volumes of joint fluid (synovium) accumulate in the articular cavity, which stagnates and literally puts pressure on the joint, pushing it out from all sides, which is why the knee area swells noticeably, local hyperemia and hyperthermia of the skin may appear, rise general body temperature. In addition, excess fluid can leak into the popliteal region, resulting in a popliteal hernia (Baker's cyst).

Thus, the main pathology plus its complications in the form of these diseases in combination will extremely aggravate the already unsatisfactory clinical picture. We have given only a few examples of consequences from a large list. We won’t scare you with other complications; you yourself must understand the seriousness of your problem and treat it with all the responsibility. In the end, what is at stake is your physical viability, which is the most valuable thing in life.

Study as much information as possible and visit only competent specialists.

Remember, restoring the biomechanics of the legs is not an easy process, often requiring high-tech surgery and then 3-4 months of rehabilitation. Therefore, seek medical help from professional specialists in a timely manner; only they will be able to diagnose any forms of the underlying pathology and associated complications, and then develop the most effective algorithm for treatment measures.

Gonarthrosis and the army

Many young male patients wonder: are they drafted into the army with such a complex pathology? To clarify, we suggest you read the information that we have specially prepared for you. So, first of all, your military suitability will be assessed:

  • severity of clinical symptoms of the disease;
  • degree of deformation;
  • the presence of concomitant pathologies (systemic pathologies, congenital anomalies of the musculoskeletal system, flat feet, kyphosis and scoliosis of the spine, etc.).

Suitability to become a recruit is determined by a military medical commission on an individual basis based on x-rays of the joint, personal medical history and laboratory test results. It is impossible to say unequivocally whether you will be released from service or not without seeing your examination results. However, you can use information from regulatory documents, which contain diagnoses and their criteria for which exemption or deferment from military service is allowed. Arthrosis of the knee is regulated by Art. 65, which lists possible options that allow exemption from the army:

  • Stage 2, in which there are osteophytes larger than 1 mm, the joint space is narrowed 2 or more times from normal values, there is impaired joint congruence and subchondral osteosclerosis. The young man most likely will not serve, even though he is marked “fit” in the relevant document.
  • 3-4 degree allows you to fully count on exemption from military service. This diagnosis is accompanied by severe pain, while X-rays clearly show large spiky growths, significant osteochondral deformations, and a complete or almost complete absence of joint space. In fact, a disabled person, it’s hard to even say where one can work with such a sentence, let alone the army. Therefore, category “D” is assigned with the note “unfit”.

Regarding stage 1 of the disease, we note that it does not provide grounds for exemption from the army; the conscript is only given privileges to mitigate the conditions of service.

What is the difference between gonarthrosis and arthrosis?

It might be worth starting the article with an interpretation of these medical terms. But if you read it carefully, you probably guessed that there is no fundamental difference in the concepts of these two names, except in pronunciation and spelling. Gonarthrosis is also no different from osteoarthritis of the knee joint. The essence, features of the initial manifestation and later periods of development, prevention and therapeutic measures of all these pathologies are equivalent. All of them indicate the same direction of degenerative-dystrophic pathogenesis, however, with only one difference: the diagnosis “gonarthrosis” cannot be used in relation to other bone joints. Why?

Gonarthrosis, which means degeneration and dystrophy of the articular cartilage of the knee joint (translation from the Greek knee + arthrosis), provides information about the specific localization of deforming arthrosis (osteoarthrosis), namely in the knee. But, for example, the term “coxarthrosis,” which you also repeatedly came across when reading medical Internet sources, also means deforming arthrosis, but of the hip joint (hip + arthrosis). Arthrosis and osteoarthritis are general concepts, at the same time suitable for any joints.

Osteoarthritis is a heterogeneous group of diseases of various etiologies with similar biological, morphological, clinical manifestations and outcome, which are based on damage to all components of the joint (cartilage, subchondral bone, synovial membrane, ligaments, capsules, periarticular muscles). It is characterized by cellular stress and degradation of the extracellular matrix of all joint tissues, occurring against the background of macro- and microdamage, while abnormal adaptive restorative responses are activated, including pro-inflammatory pathways of the immune system. Changes initially occur at the molecular level, followed by anatomical and physiological changes (including cartilage degradation, bone remodeling, osteophyte formation, inflammation).


According to modern concepts, the disease develops as a result of the interaction of various internal (age, gender, developmental defects, hereditary predisposition) and external factors (trauma, excessive sports and professional stress, excess weight).
In the development of the disease, a key role is played by pro-inflammatory mediators and cytokines produced not only by chondrocytes and synoviocytes, but also by fat cells (adipocytes) and bone tissue (osteoblasts). The chronic inflammatory process leads to a change in the metabolism of the cellular structures of all joint tissues (chondrocytes, synoviocytes, osteoblasts) and an imbalance between anabolic and catabolic processes in tissues towards the predominance of the latter, which ultimately leads to the development of the disease.

Basic forms

Primary and secondary osteoarthritis - develops against the background of various diseases and joint injuries. Primary occurs, as a rule, after 45 years. The most common and characteristic locations are the knee joints, interphalangeal joints of the hands, spine, first toe and hip joints. Women more often than men suffer from arthrosis of the knee joints and joints of the hands.

Secondary arthrosis in its clinical manifestations does not differ from primary arthrosis, develops in almost any joint and has a specific cause of the disease.

Risk factors

Overweight occupies a special place among the risk factors for development. Thus, osteoarthritis of the knee and hip joints develops 4 times more often in obese women. It has been established that excess weight contributes not only to the onset of the disease, but also to its more rapid progression, leading to disability.

Schools for patients

Patients with osteoarthritis are recommended to attend Schools for patients, where they can receive comprehensive information about their disease, the advisability of losing weight (if they are overweight), learn physical therapy (physical therapy), proper nutrition and lifestyle. Specialists will explain the principles of therapy and answer your questions.

It must be remembered that weight loss measures must be combined with exercise therapy. Physical methods play an important role in the treatment of the disease, as they help improve joint function and increase endurance and muscle strength. Regular exercise therapy classes lead to a reduction in pain and improvement in joint movements, but it is best to start classes under the guidance of a specialist in physical therapy, for example, in health groups. Physical exercises should be carried out without static loads (sitting, lying down, in the pool). Patients with severe joint pain and contractures need to consult a physical therapy specialist to create an individual exercise program.

The main principle of exercise therapy is frequent repetition of exercises throughout the day. You should not do exercises while overcoming pain. Perform the exercises slowly, smoothly, gradually increasing the load. You need to exercise for at least 30–40 minutes a day, 10–15 minutes several times during the day. For osteoarthritis of the knee joints, the main ones are exercises that help strengthen the thigh muscles (for example, raise a straight leg by 25 cm while lying on your back and hold it for several seconds); exercises aimed at increasing range of motion (“air bike”); exercises that help improve the general aerobic condition of the muscles (walking on level ground at a moderate pace).

Physical exercise

Walking should begin at a distance that does not cause pain, and gradually increase the duration of walking to 30-60 minutes (5-7 days a week). These aerobic exercises also promote weight loss. Patients should be aware of the peculiarities of the motor regime, the main principle of which is to unload the affected joint. Long walking and standing, and frequent climbing of stairs are not recommended.

Precautionary measures

With osteoarthritis, it is extremely important to reduce the load on the joints, which is achieved by using various devices. You should wear shoes with low, wide heels and soft elastic soles, which helps absorb the shock that spreads along the leg when walking and injures the cartilage. Shoes should be wide enough and soft on top. If the knee joints are affected, experts advise wearing knee pads, which fix the joints, reduce their instability, and slow down the progression of the disease. To reduce the load, it is recommended to walk with a cane, which should be held in the hand opposite the affected joint. In addition, it is very important to choose the right height of the cane - the handle should be at the level of the base of the first finger of the hand. In case of bilateral severe damage to the hip or knee joints, walking with the help of Canadian-type crutches. If you have flat feet, it is recommended to constantly wear special shoes (at home and on the street) with arch supports (insoles that support the arch of the foot and reduce the load on the joint), and in certain cases - custom-made insoles.

Treatment consists of a complex effect on the disease, which involves the use of non-drug and medicinal methods, and, if necessary, surgical intervention. Although osteoarthritis is a chronic disease, treatment interventions tailored to each patient can reduce pain and inflammation, improve joint movement, and slow progression. It is important that the diagnosis be made by a doctor, since there are a number of other joint diseases that have similar symptoms to osteoarthritis.

As for drug therapy, it is stage-by-stage and individually selected by a specialist. Do not self-medicate and seek help. The more correct and timely the treatment is prescribed, the greater the chance of regaining the lost quality of life.

RCHR (Republican Center for Health Development of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Version: Archive - Clinical protocols of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 2010 (Order No. 239)

Gonarthrosis, unspecified (M17.9)

general information

Short description

Gonarthrosis- degenerative changes in the cartilaginous surface of the bones of the knee joint.

Protocol"Gonarthrosis - conservative treatment"

ICD 10 codes:

M17.0 Primary gonarthrosis bilateral

M17.1 Other primary gonarthrosis

M17.2 Post-traumatic gonarthrosis bilateral

M17.3 Other post-traumatic gonarthrosis

M17.4 Other secondary gonarthroses, bilateral

M17.5 Other secondary gonarthroses

M17.9 Gonarthrosis, unspecified


1. Post-traumatic.

2. Consequence of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis.

3. Consequences of surgical interventions on joints.

4. Impaired growth of bones forming the joint.


Diagnostic criteria

Complaints and anamnesis: the disease is the result of previous purulent arthritis, damage to the articular cartilage, ligaments, and joints.

Physical examination: gait disturbance, restriction of movement in the knee joint, vicious positions.

Laboratory research: There are no changes in clinical and biochemical tests in the absence of concomitant pathology.

Instrumental studies: X-rays of the examined joints show deformation of the elements of the knee joint - depending on the stage of bone damage, thickening of the shadow of the soft tissues of the joint.

Indications for consultation with specialists: ENT doctor, dentist - for the treatment of infections of the nasopharynx and oral cavity; in case of ECG abnormalities, consult a cardiologist; if you have IDA - a pediatrician; for viral hepatitis, zoonotic and intrauterine and other infections - an infectious disease specialist; in case of neurological pathology - a neurologist; in case of endocrine pathology - an endocrinologist; phthisiatrician and rheumatologist in differential diagnosis.

Minimum examination when referred to a hospital:

1. OAM, UAC.

2. Transaminases.

3. Test for HIV, hepatitis in case of previous surgical interventions.

Basic diagnostic measures:

1. General blood test (6 parameters).

2. General urine analysis.

3. X-ray of joints in two projections.

4. Stool scraping.

5. Determination of C-reactive protein if necessary.

Additional diagnostic measures:

1. Urinalysis according to Addis-Kakovsky, according to indications.

2. Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky, according to indications.

3. Urine culture with colony selection, as indicated.

4. Chest X-ray, if indicated.

5. ECG, according to indications.

Differential diagnosis



Arthritis of the knee joint

Tuberculosis of the knee joint

Onset of the disease

As a consequence of injury, a consequence of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis and the result of surgical interventions on the joint

As a consequence of long-term nonspecific arthritis, rheumatism

Typically, the primary tuberculosis focus is in the bronchial glands or lungs, then spread to the elements of the knee joint by hematogenous route



Not always


Limitation of movements




X-ray changes

Structural changes in cartilage surfaces, joint deformation

Thickening of the shadow of the soft tissues of the joint, widening of the joint space as a frequent malnutrition of the growth zone of the head

Depending on the stage of the disease, destructive polymorphic changes in cartilage and bones, thickening of the joint capsule are noted

Treatment abroad

Get treatment in Korea, Israel, Germany, USA

Get advice on medical tourism


Treatment tactics

Treatment goals: carrying out a complex stage of conservative treatment aimed at eliminating pain, increasing the range of motion in the joints, and eliminating vicious positions.

Non-drug treatment: diet in the absence of concomitant pathology - according to the age and needs of the body.

Drug treatment: for the purpose of general strengthening therapy - multivitamins.

Preventive actions: prevention of osteoporosis (calcium preparations, osteogenon, calcium-D3 Nycomed).

Further management: the goal is to earlier restore the range of active and passive movements in the knee joint: re-dressing, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, massage, heat therapy, BMS, staged corrective plaster casting if necessary.

Essential medications: calcium supplements (osteogenon, calcium-D3 Nycomed), multivitamins.

Additional medications: iron preparations - actiferrin, ferrum lek, ranferon.

Indicators of treatment effectiveness:

1. Disappearance of pain, absence of lameness.

2. Restoring range of motion in the knee joint.


Indications for hospitalization: planned, limitation of movements in the knee joint, pain syndrome, dysfunction of the limb, lameness.


Sources and literature

  1. Protocols for diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Order No. 239 of 04/07/2010)
    1. 1. Guide to traumatology and orthopedics, edited by N.P. Novachenko. 2. Clinical recommendations for practitioners, based on evidence-based medicine. 2nd edition, GEOTAR, 2002.


List of developers:


Place of work

Job title

Mametzhanov Burkhan Turganovich

RDKB "Aksai"

Plekhanov Georgy Alekseevich

RDKB "Aksai"

Head Department of Orthopedic Surgery

Khakhalev Evgeny Mikhailovich.

RDKB "Aksai"

Head Department of Orthopedic Surgery

Attached files


  • By self-medicating, you can cause irreparable harm to your health.
  • The information posted on the MedElement website and in the mobile applications "MedElement", "Lekar Pro", "Dariger Pro", "Diseases: Therapist's Guide" cannot and should not replace a face-to-face consultation with a doctor. Be sure to contact a medical facility if you have any illnesses or symptoms that concern you.
  • The choice of medications and their dosage must be discussed with a specialist. Only a doctor can prescribe the right medicine and its dosage, taking into account the disease and condition of the patient’s body.
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