Characteristics of the main forms of thinking. The essence of the group organization of educational activities of younger students The level of scientific knowledge

Option 1

1 .Write down the word missing in the table.

2 . In the row below, find the concept that is generalizing for all the other concepts presented. Write down this word (phrase).

1) Investment resources 2) factors of production 3) minerals 4) labor resources 5) entrepreneurial talent.

3. Below are some terms. All of them, with the exception of two, characterize the dynamic nature of society.

1) development, 2) static, 3) regression, 4) recession, 5) progress, 6) consistency.

Find two terms that "drop out" of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are listed.

4. Choose the correct judgments about the truth and its criteria and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Relative truth, unlike absolute truth, determines the essence of social and natural phenomena.

2. True knowledge always corresponds to the object being known.

3. In scientific knowledge, absolute truth is an ideal, a goal.

4. Relative truth, unlike absolute truth, can change over time.

5. Absolute truth, unlike relative truth, is practice-oriented knowledge.

5. Match between:

5. Form start


Forms of knowledge

A) reflection of things, phenomena, processes in their essential and distinctive features

1) sensory knowledge

B) reflection of individual properties of an object that directly affects a person

2) rational knowledge

C) the appearance of an image of an object that is not currently perceived

D) affirmation or denial of something about objects, phenomena, their properties and relationships

E) reflection of integral images of objects and phenomena with their direct impact on receptors

6. A group of schoolchildren led by a teacher conducted a sociological study. Which of the above facts indicates that theoretical methods of cognition were used in the study? Write down the numbers under which these facts are indicated.

1. Schoolchildren formulated and substantiated the conclusions.

2. Intermediate results of the study were recorded in the observation log.

3. Schoolchildren put forward a research hypothesis.

4. Before the start of the study, predicted results were formulated.

5. Schoolchildren described the observed phenomena.

6. In the course of the study, a survey was conducted among school students.

7. Choose the right judgments about distinctive features market economy and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The state carries out a centralized distribution of resources.

2. Prices for goods and services are determined by the ratio of supply and demand.

3. Enterprises have to deal with the problem of limited resources.

4. Producers of goods and services compete for consumer demand.

5. Everyone has the right to freely dispose of their abilities and property for entrepreneurial and other economic activities not prohibited by law.

8. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and factors of production: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) the conditional name of all species natural resources suitable for the production of economic goods

B) man-made means of production

C) the amount of money supply that the subjects of the economy have

3) capital

D) the direct use of the physical and mental abilities of people in the process of creating economic benefits

D) factor income - wage worker

9. Factory production is developed in country X. What other signs indicate that it is developing as an industrial-type society?

1. information turns into economic value

2. agriculture is the dominant sector of the economy

3. there is a division of labor

4. a class of industrial workers is formed

5. religion has a significant impact on the development of society

6. the main regulator of social relations are customs and traditions

10. The graph shows the change in supply cars in the consumer market: the supply curve has shifted from position S to position S1. (On the chart, P is the price of the good; Q is the quantity of the good.)

Which of the following factors can cause such a change? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. increase in the number of car manufacturers

2. lowering the age of obtaining a driver's license

3. lower prices for automotive components

4. increase in electricity tariffs

5. Increasing interest on car loans

11. Choose the correct statements that illustrate legal regulation economic activities of the state.

1. The state finances medical institutions.

2. The government supports the creation of modern technical parks.

3. Parliament adopts legislation on banking.

4. The government provides state orders to a number of enterprises.

5. The state subsidizes cultural institutions.

6. The state protects the interests of national capital through customs policy, benefits and guarantees.

12. In country S., a sociological survey was conducted on the topic: What family values ​​are defining for you? The results of the survey (as a percentage) are presented in the table.

Age of respondents

Material well-being


Relationships with other people

Over 50 years old

Find in the list of conclusions that can be drawn from the table.

1. People over 50 believe that the main value of family life is to enable each family member to realize himself as a person.

2. Young people prefer to have a strong material base as a guarantee of family well-being.

3. Middle-aged people value material well-being more than the possibility of self-realization.

4. The number of people who value harmonious relationships with other people increases with age.

5. Young people are equally concerned about their financial condition and the possibility of self-realization.

13. Select the correct judgments about political regimes and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

2. A democratic political regime implies guarantees of human rights and freedoms.

3. Constitutions exist only in democratic countries.

4. The establishment of parliamentarism began in modern times.

5. A characteristic feature of totalitarianism is the merging of the state and the ruling party.

14. Match the definition(indicated by letters) and the form of knowledge (indicated by numbers).


Form of knowledge

A) sensually visual, generalized image of an object, process, phenomenon, stored and reproduced in the mind

1) feeling

B) a sensual image of a holistic picture of an object, process, phenomenon that directly affects the senses

2) concept

C) reflection of individual properties of an object, phenomenon, process, resulting from their direct impact on the senses

3) presentation

D) a thought that affirms the general and essential properties of an object, process, phenomenon

4) inference

E) the mental connection of several judgments and the selection of a new judgment from them

5) perception

15. In state Z, the president is elected by members of both houses of parliament. What additional information indicates that state Z is a parliamentary republic? Select the desired positions from the list and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Parliament is a permanent body.

2. Parliament can dismiss the government.

3. The government is responsible to the president.

4. The leader of the party that won the parliamentary elections becomes the head of government.

5. Parliament is elected on the basis of universal and equal suffrage.

6. The main function of the government is the development and adoption of laws.

16. What factors increase the market demand for goods or services?

1. Increasing the growth of incomes of the population and firms

2. increase in the cost of renting a production facility

3. rise in the cost of components for the production of this product (service)

4. increase in taxes for the enterprise

5. lower energy and raw material costs

17. Find in the above list the provisions characterizing the rules of law. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) a set of ideas about good and evil

2) obligatory performance

3) security of execution by coercive force of the state

4) form of social consciousness

5) repeated use

18. Activity is an important form of individual activity. What judgments about activity correspond to reality?

1. Human activity has a certain similarity with the activity of an animal, but differs in a creative, transformative approach to the world around.

2. Human activity presupposes, first of all, subordination to instincts.

3. The main activities are play, learning and work.

5. Activity is a way of adapting to conditions environment.

6. Affects and traditional actions form the basis of activity.

19. Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“Characterization of a society as ________ (A) involves the study of its internal structure. Its main elements are ________(B) public life and social institutions. Allocate economic, social, political and spiritual spheres. All of them are closely interconnected, as they support the necessary ________ (B) of society. ________ (D) in each of the areas solve important social problems. They ensure the production and distribution of various types of ________(D), as well as the management of the joint ________(E) people.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once. Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

The table below lists the letters that represent the missing words. Write in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.

A person cannot exist in the world without learning to navigate in it. Orientation depends on the ability of people to adequately comprehend the world, correlating knowledge about the world and knowledge about themselves. Therefore, the question of knowledge is one of the most philosophical.

Cognition in the first approximation can be defined as a set of processes that provide a person with the opportunity to receive, process and use information about the world and about himself.

Those phenomena or processes to which the cognitive activity of people is directed are usually called the object of knowledge. The one who implements cognitive activity acquires the status of a subject of knowledge. The subject of knowledge can be an individual, a group, society as a whole.

Thus, cognition is a specific form of interaction between the subject and the object of cognition, the ultimate goal of which is to obtain the truth that ensures the development of the object, taking into account the needs of the subject ...

Hence the need to investigate the mechanism of the relationship that arises between the subject receiving knowledge and the object as a source of knowledge, between the subject and knowledge, between knowledge and the object ...

When considering the problem of the relationship between the subject and knowledge, a set of questions arises. In part, they arise in connection with the development by the subject of already accumulated knowledge (monographs, diagrams, formulas, tables, etc.). Mastering ready-made knowledge has its own specifics, and the latter sets its own “rules of the game” for the subject of knowledge.

In addition, in the relationship between the subject and knowledge, the problem arises of assessing knowledge on the part of the subject, determining their adequacy, completeness, and sufficiency for solving a specific problem situation.

And finally, there are problems in the relationship between knowledge and the object as the source of this knowledge. These are questions of the truth of knowledge, its criterion. Any knowledge is always knowledge about a particular object. In this regard, the question arises about the sufficiency of grounds for the transition from the "vague" perception of the object to rational conclusions about the object, the transition from the subjective to the objective.

(I,I, Kalkoy, Yu.A. Sandulov)

20. What two definitions of knowledge do the authors give?

22. What two aspects of the connection between the subject and knowledge are distinguished by the authors? Illustrate each of them with an example.

23. The text deals with questions of the truth of knowledge, its criterion as a problem in the relation between knowledge and object. Based on the knowledge of the course, name any three criteria of truth that you know.

24. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "truth"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the methods of knowing the truth, and one sentence revealing the essence of absolute truth.

25. Use three examples to show the close relationship between society and nature.

26. The ability to act effectively in a non-standard situation, to find the optimal solution to a problem is not inherent in a person, like in an animal, in the genetic program, in instincts, but is acquired in ontogenesis, in the process of activity. Name any two activities that contribute to the development of this skill. Explain how to use it in non-standard situations.

27. You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Knowledge is the process of spiritual assimilation by a person of the material world”.

Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

Intermediate control in social studies Grade 10

Option 2

1. Write down the word missing in the table.

The structure of the legal norm

2. In the row below, find the concept that is general for all other concepts presented. Write down this word (phrase).

1) The need for recognition from other people 2) the desire for career growth 3) social need 4) the need for support from loved ones 5) the need for communication.

3. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, represent methods of scientific knowledge of the world.

1) direct observation, 2) dissemination of opinion, 3) social stratification, 4) mental modeling, 5) experimentation, 6) empirical description.

Find two terms that "drop out" of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are listed.

4. Choose the correct judgments about society.

1. Society in a broad sense means the whole world surrounding a person.

2. Society is a dynamic system, as it is in a state of constant development.

3. Society is a system consisting of interrelated and interacting elements.

4. The development of society occurs from less perfect to more perfect.

5. Society includes limited quantity ways and means of human interaction.

5. Establish a correspondence between signs and types of truth



A) independence from the cognizing subject

1) only absolute truth

B) limited possibilities of cognition

2) only relative truth

C) incompleteness and conditionality

3) both absolute and relative truth

D) the impossibility of refutation with the further development of knowledge

D) objective character

6. Researchers analyze the development of the country's economy A. What are the signs that country A has a traditional economy?

1. the predominance of manual labor

2. directive distribution of production resources

3. freedom of private economic initiative

4. dominance of intensive factors of economic growth

5. backward production technology

6. free competition

7. Select the judgments that characterize the rule of law.

1. The rule of law declares the development of cultural and national autonomies.

2. The rule of law is characterized by the existence of a government-controlled system of courts of different levels.

3. The task of the rule of law is the formation effective system law enforcement.

4. Ensuring the rule of law, enshrining the rights and freedoms of citizens.

5. Mutual responsibility of the individual and the state.

8. Match the social fact(indicated by letters) and the historical type of society (indicated by numbers).

social fact

Historical type of society

A) the emergence of monopolies

1) informational

B) the leading role of science in production

2) industrial

B) the invention of the steam engine

3) traditional

D) the dominance of subsistence farming

E) strengthening the role of global computer networks

9. In country Z, large-scale machine production is actively developing, cities are growing. The workers got the government to pass fair labor laws. What are the signs that country Z has a market economy? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. industrial production is growing at a fast pace.

2. The currency of country Z is highly valued in the international currency market.

3. In country Z, each owner of the factors of production freely disposes of them.

4. Agriculture produces a wide range of products for export.

5. Owners of land, enterprises are individuals, organizations.

6. There is producer competition in country Z.

10. The figure reflects the change in demand for dietary supplements to improve vision in the relevant market. Which of the following could cause the demand curve to shift from position D to position -D 1 ? (On the chart, P is the price of the good; Q is the quantity of the good.)

1.Massive positive customer feedback

2. promotion of prevention of eye diseases

3. security enhancement computer technology for human health

4. Decreased production of biologically active food supplements

5. decrease in income of the population

11. Choose the right judgments that characterize the legal social norms.

1. When meeting with familiar people, it is customary to greet and extend an open right hand for greeting.

2. All citizens of Russia who have reached the age of 14 and reside in the territory Russian Federation are required to obtain a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

3. Explosives, flammable liquids, gas cartridges and weapons cannot be transported on the subway.

4. Members political party at meetings use the symbols of this association.

5. Everyone is obliged to pay legally established taxes and fees.

12. In the course of a sociological survey, its participants were asked to answer the question:“What attracts you the most in your work?” Individual survey results are shown in the table (in %; survey participants could choose multiple answers).

Answer options



good pay

Compliance with my ability

Opportunity for professional advancement

Proximity to work

Convenient mode of operation

Good team

Ability to show independence and initiative

What conclusions can be drawn from the data in the table? Select the items you need from the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Priorities in assessing the attractiveness of a job have not changed between surveys.

2. The majority of respondents value working conditions higher than its opportunities for creative and professional growth.

3. During the period between surveys, the number of those who are interested in a good team has grown the least.

4. The survey showed a downward trend in the value of job creativity.

5. During the period between the surveys, the number of those who appreciate a decent income has grown the most.

13. Choose the right judgments about the state.

1. The state has the right to collect taxes and fees from the population.

2. The laws and powers of the state apply only to its citizens residing in a certain territory.

3. The presence of a single state language as a means of communication.

4. Protection of the interests of individual groups and social strata.

5. The supremacy of state power within the country and independence in external relations.

14. Establish a correspondence between the sign (indicated by letters) and the concept corresponding to it (indicated by numbers).



A) resource prices

1) supply factor

B) taxes

2) demand factor

B) consumer tastes

D) customs

D) subsidies

15. In State Z, legislative elections are regularly held on an alternative basis. What signs will allow us to conclude that state Z is a parliamentary republic? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Parliament makes laws.

2. The powers of the president are limited by law.

3. The government is responsible to the parliament.

4. The head of state is the president.

5. The President is elected by the Legislative Assembly.

6. The government is formed by the party that won the parliamentary elections.

16. Find in the above list the distinctive features of the rule of law.

1. guarantee of human rights

2. the existence of a constitution

3. the presence of an official ideology

4. centralized control over the economy

5. separation of powers

6. elections to representative bodies of power

17. Establish a correspondence between the sign (indicated by letters) and the level of scientific knowledge or research (indicated by numbers) of the electoral system.


Level of scientific knowledge

A) observation of a certain phenomenon

1) empirical

B) hypotheses

2) theoretical

B) wording scientific concept

D) proof of conclusions

E) measurement of set indicators

18. Society is a complex system. What features of it allow us to draw the appropriate conclusions?

1. isolation from nature

2. ways people interact

3. maintaining a connection with nature

4. part of the material world

5. the presence of certain traditions

6. hierarchy of social positions

19. Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“The motive of _____ (A) is what motivates it, for the sake of which it is carried out. A specific ______ (B) person usually acts as a motive. This is a certain form of communication with the outside world ____ (B), a social group, society as a whole. Depending on the tasks of studying needs in modern science, various classifications are used. The needs caused by the biological nature of a person are called _____ (D). These are the needs of people in everything that is necessary for their existence, development and reproduction. The needs associated with the fact that a person belongs to society, occupies a certain place in it, participates in labor activity, in communication with other people, are characterized as _____ (D). The needs associated with a person's knowledge of the world around him and the meaning of his existence belong to ________ (E). Each of the groups of needs causes corresponding types of activity.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once.

Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

The table below lists the letters that represent the missing words. Write in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-23.

Consciousness and activity

Like animal activity, activity is an information-directed process that involves the ability to navigate in the environment - to perceive meaningful messages, process them into command codes of behavior that cause, direct and control the physical reaction of the system ...

The informational behavior of a person is determined by consciousness, which is the highest form of development of the psyche of animals with a nervous system, capable of feeling, perceiving and representing the surrounding reality...

Human consciousness is based on the ability for verbal-logical, "verbal" thinking, which is built on top of the system of conditional and unconditioned reflexes of behavior and completes the simplest forms of "prological" - visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking.

Any "become" person, unlike an animal, has a certain minimum of abstract thinking, which allows him to display the environment through logical models, ideal patterns of action, relatively independent, independent of momentary behavioral situations.

The result of such work of consciousness is the presence in human activity of a special kind of goals, different from the objective goals of the adaptive activity of animals. We are talking about the conscious goals of activity related to the ability of a person to analyze the situation, i.e., to reveal the implicit, not amenable to "live observation" causal relationships of its significant components ... This ability allows people to anticipate the results of their activities in advance, plan them, i.e., to think over the most expedient ways of achieving them under the given conditions.

K.Kh. Momjian

22. Which of the two concepts - purposefulness and expediency - should be attributed to human activity? Justify your answer based on this text, as well as knowledge from the social science course.

23. Give the words of the text, which reflect the connection between consciousness and speech. Based on knowledge from the course of social science, show the importance of language for the joint activities of people.

24 . What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "cognition"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the specifics of knowledge obtained through sensory cognition, and one sentence revealing the difference between sensation and perception as forms of sensory cognition.

25. Give three examples of the manifestation of social progress in various spheres of society.

26. Considering the game as a kind of activity, the researchers characterize it as spontaneous, ever-renewing, changing, modernizing. Based on the course of social science and social experience, give three evidences of the variability of the game as an activity.

27. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Human Activities". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

In the search for ways to more effectively use the structure of lessons of different types, the form of organization is of particular importance. learning activities students in the lesson. In the pedagogical literature and practice, there are mainly three such forms:




The first involves the joint actions of all students in the class under the guidance of a teacher, the second - the independent work of each student individually; group - students work in groups of 3-6 people or in pairs. Teachers prefer the frontal form of organization of educational activities at the stage of the formation of new knowledge and the individual form during independent work of students. Very rarely group forms are used in the classroom.

One of the most effective forms of work in primary school is group work. A group form of training is a kind of middle link that dialectically combines the features of frontal and individual work. From frontal work, group work absorbs the possibilities of communication, from individual work - all the advantages of children's independence. Only in combination with other forms of education - frontal and individual - does the group form of organizing the work of schoolchildren give positive results

Working in a group allows you to individually adjust the amount of material and the mode of work, makes it possible to form the ability to work together, use the technique of mutual control. The ability to independently evaluate their work without the usual five-point system, to develop interest in the subject. The use of reference signals (tables, charts, target image) will facilitate the memorization of the studied material.

The group form of work is very effective, because by working in groups, students benefit from cooperation with different people. In addition, during group work in the classroom, in order to increase cognitive interest, students can trace the use of various strategies. So, for example, critical thinking strategies involve working in groups, interactive learning strategies confirm that children learn effectively when they are actively involved in discussions and discussions.

It is during group work that such basic competencies are formed as:

Information competence refers to the key terms of the second generation educational standards and is defined as "the ability and ability to independently search, analyze, select, process and transmit the necessary information using oral and written communicative information technologies."

In the process of learning, students in a group increase the degree of independence of students, develop the creative abilities of each, create favorable conditions for the development of skills and abilities of quick thinking. It is often difficult for a teacher to pay attention to each student in a lesson, because the lesson lasts only 45 minutes. The group form of work is important, since students in the class with different levels of motivation for learning, there are both strong and weak students.

Schoolchildren with a weak level of motivation show activity in the group and at some moments even show leadership qualities. Schoolchildren with an average level of motivation are also directly involved in the group, trying to help their classmates. As regards students with high level motivation, then in group work they need to be assigned more responsible roles. For example, at the end of the lesson, track the role of each student and evaluate the work in the group of each student. In traditional lessons, schoolchildren with low level motivations most often did not participate in the learning process, they tried to go unnoticed, then with a group form of work, such students become more liberated, as they feel the support of their classmates. Also, when performing more complex tasks in a group, students achieved a positive result more often than when performing such tasks individually.

Communicative (communication, transferring information to each other)

Also, group forms of work allow you to create closer contacts between students than with traditional forms of education. Students learn more effectively with active participation in the learning process, regardless of the subject, working in small groups, they learn more than the same information presented in other forms. Group learning allows all students to actively participate in the learning process, to be active, to cooperate together with each other to achieve a positive result. Dividing the class into groups of 15-16 people is also not effective, so if you divide students into micro groups of 5-6 people within your group, this will increase the cognitive interest of schoolchildren when studying any subject.

  • - problematic (to ask questions, to be able to find solutions),
  • -reflexive (allows you to critically evaluate your work, the work of your comrades). It is in the group that reflection is taught, that is, the ability to look at oneself, at one’s activity from the outside, to understand what one is doing, why and why one does and says one thing or another, and to evaluate one’s actions.

Group activity involves the performance of identical or differentiated tasks by small groups of students (2 - 6) people with their cooperation within the groups and with the indirect guidance of the teacher. The organization of group activities is based on the group form of education.

The advantages of this form is that each group works at its own pace, the children are active, feel comfortable in a situation of mutual assistance. The results of the joint work of students are very tangible both in accustoming them to collective methods of work, and in the formation of positive moral qualities of the individual. But this does not mean that this form of organization of educational work is ideal. Each of the forms of organization of training solves its own specific educational tasks. Another interesting fact is that during group work the degree of assimilation of the material increases, since students work through only part of the task material, but they do it thoroughly, since the result of the activity of the whole group depends on it. From psychological and pedagogical research it is known how important relationships with peers are for children. That is why students strive not only to complete the task, but to do it as best as possible.

The group form of education has a great effect not only in teaching, but also in the education of students. Students united in one group get used to working together, learn to find mutual language and overcome communication difficulties. Strong students begin to feel responsible for their less prepared comrades, and they try to show themselves in the group from the best side.

In group work, students develop group cohesion. Group cohesion is one of the most important characteristics of a group. Cohesion refers to the strength of the desire of group members to remain in it and fulfill their obligations to the group. As a rule, the more cohesive the group is, the higher the results of its work. Group cohesion affects the performance of not only the group, but the entire organization as a whole.

Another undoubted advantage of the group organization of educational activities can be called the greater independence of students in completing tasks. The guys are forced to voice their opinions and guesses, not knowing the answers of the majority of other students in the class.

The group form also has a number of disadvantages. Among them, the most significant are: difficulties in recruiting groups and organizing work in them; students in groups are not always able to independently understand the complex educational material and choose the most economical way to study it. As a result, weak students have difficulty learning the material, while strong students need more difficult, original assignments and tasks. Another negative point of the group organization of work can be considered difficulties in monitoring the activities of each student, evaluating his personal contribution to the work of the group.

The main features of group work of schoolchildren in the lesson are:

  • - the class in this lesson is divided into groups to solve specific learning problems;
  • - each group receives a specific task (either the same or differentiated) and performs it together under the direct supervision of the group leader or teacher;
  • - tasks in the group are performed in such a way that allows you to take into account and evaluate the individual contribution of each member of the group;
  • - the composition of the group is not permanent, it is selected taking into account that the learning opportunities of each member of the group can be realized with maximum efficiency for the team.
  • - the size of the groups is different. It ranges from 3-6 people. The composition of the group is not permanent. It varies depending on the content and nature of the work to be done. At the same time, at least half of it should be students who are able to successfully engage in independent work. Group leaders and their composition can be different in different academic subjects and they are selected on the basis of combining schoolchildren of different levels of education, extracurricular awareness in this subject, compatibility of schoolchildren, which allows them to complement and compensate for the advantages and disadvantages of each other. There should not be students in the group who are negatively disposed towards each other.

How to distribute students into groups?

Group formation method


Disadvantages and ways to overcome them

By teacher's decision

You can align groups according to the strength of the students included in them (at the cost of different group strengths)

It is difficult to take into account the likes and dislikes of schoolchildren

At the request of the students

Usually in such groups there is no psychological incompatibility, contact between schoolchildren is better

It is possible that there are different strengths of students in a group and different strengths of groups as a whole, a different number of students (to some extent, the teacher can correct this by moving individual students from one group to another)

Relative equality of groups in terms of strength, rather high compatibility in groups; psychological preparation for the labor market

Psychological pressure on those who were chosen last or did not want to choose at all; different contributions of students in response

According to the style of intellectual activity (erudite - critic - idea generator)

Maximum labor efficiency, great team creativity

Does not always correspond to the likes and dislikes of schoolchildren, there is no simple adequate test to highlight the style of activity, the strength of groups is not balanced

By temperament, the predominant hemisphere of the brain and other psychological characteristics

Efficiency of work, motivation of the combination of schoolchildren in groups, unexpected composition

Requires a lot of preliminary research, a number of characteristics can only be estimated approximately, it is not always possible to decide which types of people are compatible and which are not

There is homogeneous group work and differentiated, homogeneous group work involves the performance by small groups of students of the same task for all, and differentiated performance of various tasks by different groups. In the course of work, group members are allowed to discuss the progress and results of work together, to seek advice from each other. With this form of student work in the lesson, individual assistance to each student who needs it, both from the teacher and student consultants, also increases significantly.

The group form of work by younger students in the classroom is most applicable and appropriate when conducting practical work, at labor training lessons, when studying texts, etc. In the course of such work, collective discussions of the results and mutual consultations are used to the maximum.

The success of schoolchildren's group work depends primarily on the skill of the teacher, on his ability to distribute his attention in such a way that each group and each of its participants individually feel the care of the teacher, his interest in their success, in normal fruitful interpersonal relationships. With all his behavior, the teacher is obliged to express interest in the success of both strong and weak students, inspire confidence in their success, and show respect for weak students.

Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are
concept of tax policy.

1) income, 2) rate, 3) market, 4) payments, 5) benefits, 6) competition.

Find two terms that “fall out” of the general series and write them down in a table
the numbers under which they are indicated.

Establish a correspondence between examples and sides of a person's essence: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

Answer: A B IN G D

Choose the correct judgments about the role of the state in the economy and write down numbers, under which they are listed.

1) The state in a market economy carries out centralized planning of production and consumption.

2) State intervention in the economy is associated with imperfections in the market mechanism.

3) The state in market conditions organizes the production of public goods.

4) In a market economy, the state protects the legitimate interests of owners.

5) In a market economy, the state directively sets prices for all goods and services.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B IN G D

In country Z, large-scale machine production is actively developing, cities are growing. The workers got the government to pass fair labor laws. What are the signs that country Z has a market economy? write down numbers, under which they are listed.

1) Industrial production is growing rapidly.

2) The currency of country Z is highly valued in the international currency market.

3) In country Z, each owner of the factors of production freely disposes of them.

4) Agriculture produces a wide range of products for export.

5) Owners of land, enterprises are individuals, organizations.

6) There is producer competition in country Z.

Answer:____________________________ .

Answer:_____________________________ .

In the course of a sociological survey of adult citizens of country Z living in settlements different type, they were asked the question: “Why do you, your family, first of all need a garden / dacha / personal plot?”.

Poll results (in % of the number of respondents) are shown in the diagram.

Find in the list of conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram, and write down numbers, under which they are listed.

1) Most rural residents need a garden / dacha / personal plot in order to provide their family with food.

2) Among the townspeople, the share of those who need a garden/cottage/garden plot in order to relax is larger than the share of those who invest money in this way.

3) Equal proportions of the respondents of each group noted that they need a garden / dacha / personal plot in order to communicate, invite friends.

4) An equal share of the interviewed rural residents need a garden/dacha/household plot in order to communicate, invite friends and to invest money.

5) Among those who need a garden/cottage/household plot in order to invest money, the proportion of urban residents is greater than the proportion of rural residents.


Establish a correspondence between the powers and the subjects of state power exercising these powers: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B IN G D

Which of the following applies to the personal (civil) rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Write down numbers, under which they are listed.

1) the right to social security

2) the right to life

3) the right to housing

4) the right to protect honor and good name

5) the right to liberty and security of person

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B IN G D

You are invited to prepare a presentation on the system of Russian law. Which of the following might be included on the Family Law slide? write down numbers, under which the relevant provisions are indicated.

1) The types of punishment for violations of the norms of this branch of law include restriction of freedom, compulsory work.

2) The rules of law establish the conditions and procedure for entering into marriage, terminating marriage and recognizing it as invalid.

3) An example of a rule of law: a spouse is obliged to notify his creditor (creditors) of the conclusion, amendment or termination of a marriage contract.

4) The following disciplinary sanctions may be applied for committing a misdemeanor: reprimand; rebuke.

5) An example of a rule of law: the protection of the rights and interests of children rests with their parents.

6) The basis of the legislation is the principle of voluntary marriage between a man and a woman.

Answer:_______________________ .

Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) Social control is a mechanism by which society enforces certain restrictions (conditions), the violation of which is detrimental to the functioning social system. (B) The elements of social control are social norms and social sanctions. (C) Sociological survey data show that almost 50% of respondents do not violate the norms for fear of punishment. (D) It is puzzling that almost a quarter of those surveyed expect rewards for following the norms. (E) It seems that social control is effective only when citizens consciously follow accepted norms.

Determine which positions of the text have

1) actual character

2) the nature of value judgments

3) the nature of theoretical statements

Write in the table under the letter denoting the position, the number expressing its nature.

Answer: A B IN G D

Read the text below, in which a number of words (phrases) are missing. Choose from the proposed list of words (phrases) that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“Under the functions of __________ (A) it is customary to understand the main directions of its activity. These include the provision of __________ (B), the protection of the constitutional order, the implementation of the will of the people. The priority function is to provide __________ (B). In the modern world, this function acts as one of the criteria for the development of __________ (D). It has grown from the internal affairs of each state into __________ (D) international politics. The performance of this function is ensured by the court and the system (E): the internal affairs bodies, the prosecutor's office.

Words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used one once.

Choose sequentially one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words (phrases) in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

1) social institution

2) democracy

3) law enforcement

4) state sovereignty

5) republic

7) human rights

8) economy

9) state

The table below shows the letters that indicate the missing words (phrases). Write in the table under each letter the number of the word (phrase) you have chosen.

Answer: A B IN G D E

Do not forget to transfer all answers to the answer sheet No. 1 in accordance with the instructions for doing the work.

Part 2

To record the answers to the tasks of this part (21-29), use the ANSWER FORM No. 2. First write down the task number (21, 22, etc.), and then the detailed answer to it. Write your answers clearly and legibly.

Test work in social studies - grade 10. Option 2.

1. Below is a list of features. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the characteristics of art.

1) reliability of results2) imagery3) striving to search for objective knowledge4) emotionality 5) visibility 6) creative activity

2. Society is a complex system. What features of it allow us to draw the appropriate conclusions?

1. isolation from nature

2. ways people interact

3. maintaining a connection with nature

4. part of the material world

5. the presence of certain traditions

6. hierarchy of social positions

3. Establish a correspondence between the social fact (indicated by letters) and the sphere of public life to which this fact belongs (indicated by numbers).

social fact

Sphere of public life

A) a documentary about a famous writer

1) spiritual

B) increase in the profit of the enterprise

2) social

B) party meeting

3) political

D) registration of discounts for travel in public transport

4) economic

E) publication of an article criticizing the executive branch


4. Activity is an important form of personality activity. What judgments about activity correspond to reality?

1. Human activity has a certain similarity with the activity of an animal, but differs in a creative, transformative approach to the world around.

2. Human activity presupposes, first of all, subordination to instincts.

3. The main activities are play, learning and work.

4. The content of the activity is entirely determined by the need that gave rise to it.

5. Activity is a way of adapting to environmental conditions.

6. Affects and traditional actions form the basis of activity.

5. Establish a correspondence between the definition (indicated by letters) and the form of knowledge (indicated by numbers).


Form of knowledge

A) sensually visual, generalized image of an object, process, phenomenon, stored and reproduced in the mind

1) feeling

B) a sensual image of a holistic picture of an object, process, phenomenon that directly affects the senses

2) concept

C) reflection of individual properties of an object, phenomenon, process, resulting from their direct impact on the senses

3) presentation

D) a thought that affirms the general and essential properties of an object, process, phenomenon

4) inference

E) the mental connection of several judgments and the selection of a new judgment from them

5) perception


6. Select the correct judgments about society and social institutions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. In a narrow sense, society is the material world surrounding a person.

2. In a broad sense, society is understood as the entire population of the Earth, the totality of all peoples and countries.

3. The dynamism of social institutions is manifested in their change over time.

4. Social institutions arose in connection with the objective need to regulate a variety of social relations.

5. Education as a social institution combines with other social institutions the presence of an organizational structure and social norms.

7. Establish a correspondence between the sign (indicated by letters) and the level of scientific knowledge (indicated by numbers).


Level of scientific knowledge

A) comparison of different facts

1) theoretical

B) formulating a scientific concept

2) empirical

C) observation of the study of subjects

D) hypotheses

E) description of the results of observation or experiment


8. A group of schoolchildren under the guidance of a teacher conducted a sociological study. Which of the above facts indicates that theoretical methods of cognition were used in the study? Write down the numbers under which these facts are indicated.

1. Schoolchildren formulated and substantiated the conclusions.

2. Intermediate results of the study were recorded in the observation log.

3. Schoolchildren put forward a research hypothesis.

4. Before the start of the study, predicted results were formulated.

5. Schoolchildren described the observed phenomena.

6. In the course of the study, a survey was conducted among school students.

9. Below is a list of features. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the characteristics of art.

1) figurativeness, 2) awakening of fantasy and imagination,3) reliability and verifiability of the results, 4) focus on obtaining objective truth, 5) emotionality of perception, 6) visibility.

10. Select the correct judgments about the truth and its criteria and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Relative truth, unlike absolute truth, determines the essence of social and natural phenomena.

2. True knowledge always corresponds to the object being known.

3. In scientific knowledge, absolute truth is an ideal, a goal.

4. Relative truth, unlike absolute truth, can change over time.

5. Absolute truth, unlike relative truth, is practice-oriented knowledge.

11. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, represent methods of scientific knowledge of the world.

1) direct observation,2) dissemination of opinion, 3) social stratification, 4) mental modeling, 5) experiment, 6) empirical description.

12. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Do we know the world?”. Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1. The historical aspect of the need for knowledge of the world:

a) mythological explanation of being;

b) religious explanation of being;

c) scientific explanation of being.

2. Different views on the cognizability of the world:

a) epistemological optimism;

b) skepticism;

c) agnosticism.

3. Levels (steps) of knowledge:

a) sensual;

b) rational.

4. Dispute about the criteria of truth:

a) positions of empiricists;

b) positions of rationalists.

5. Features of sensory cognition:

a) direct interaction with the object of knowledge;

b) visibility and objectivity;

c) reproduction of individual aspects and properties of objects.

6. Features of rational knowledge:

a) reliance on the results of sensory cognition;

b) abstractness and generalization;

c) a reflection of the essence of the subject, its internal regular connections.

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