Crunching noise when turning the steering wheel while driving. There is a crunching sound when turning the steering wheel: diagnostics of the control system

You have an unpleasant crunch when maximum rotation steering wheel to one side? In this material we will look at the main reason for the appearance of a crunch when turning and do not forget to indicate the secondary ones, which are less common.

In 95% of cases, the cause of the crunch is the CV joint - the joint of equals angular velocities(in slang it can be called a grenade).

As we have already described above, the cause of the crunching in most cases is the CV joint. Let's figure out why it starts to crunch.

The device of this spare part is shown in the photo below. In the widest part there are balls (as in bearings) and each such ball has its own seat, which breaks due to wear over time. Therefore, in certain positions of the wheel, the ball leaves its seat, which causes contact with the rotating parts with a characteristic crunch, and sometimes the wheel jams.

Is the crunch critical?

Of course it is critical. It is highly undesirable to continue driving with such a malfunction. If you get carried away, you can wait until the CV joint falls apart completely and you can lose one of the drives. Another problem can be a wheel wedge. If this happens at speed, you risk losing control and getting into an accident. Therefore, we recommend that if a crunching sound is detected, you immediately begin repairing the problem.

Fault repair

The CV joint is a non-repairable part, and therefore repair consists only of complete replacement. In general, for most cars, CV joints cost reasonable money; premium brands may be exceptions.

We previously described the process with step-by-step photographs. These instructions will help you understand the main replacement steps.

What else can cause crunching?

There are also more rare cases when the crunch is created not by the CV joint, but by other parts of the chassis, we list them:

  • wheel bearings;
  • steering rack;
  • the wheel touches the arch (unlikely, but also worth paying attention to).

Bearing failure is fairly easy to identify. It is necessary to hang the front wheels one by one and rotate them. If the bearings are faulty and jammed, the wheel will slow down and sometimes make a characteristic “grazing” sound. The moment of knocking, as a rule, appears in the same position of the wheel.

It is worth noting! When they break, the bearings hum and whistle more often than they do a crunching sound.

Diagnosing a faulty steering rack is much more difficult. In this case, the crunch must be looked for precisely at the moment of turning the steering wheel or rotating in place. It is also worth observing changes in the steering behavior: does the car also respond well to steering wheel turns or not, are there times when turning the steering wheel becomes difficult or, on the contrary, easy.

If any of these symptoms are observed, then most likely you should resort to more detailed disassembly and diagnosing the problem, because steering This is not a system that you can close your eyes to. It directly affects safety.

Crunching sounds when turning the steering wheel are not frequent malfunction, therefore, they can confuse car owners - many simply do not have experience in dealing with this scourge due to its non-prevalence. Meanwhile, the phenomenon is very insidious. It is very dangerous to let the situation with the steering take its course, so when the first oddities (including sound ones) appear in its operation, you need to react. The problem is that the crunching has one obvious reason and many unobvious ones. It’s good if the problem can be fixed in an obvious way, because otherwise the cause of the squeak can take a long time to find.

Crunching noise when turning the steering wheel while driving

A striking feature of the “steering” crunch is whether it is heard only while driving or is heard while standing still. This classification allows you to choose the desired search direction. If a crunching sound is heard during turns and maneuvers in motion, then with a high degree of probability the problem is in. Constant velocity joints allow you to shift the plane of torque transmission. Usually in a front-wheel drive car there are two pairs of them - the internal ones are located near the exit from the gearbox, and the external ones are located directly near the wheel and allow torque to be transmitted even when the wheels are turned out. It is when the steering wheel is turned at speed that a sharp sound appears, the frequency depending on the rotation of the wheels. It is difficult to confuse it with something else; drivers whose CV joints have started to creak at least once can easily recognize the breakdown the second time.

In general, the CV joint is a fairly simple and reliable design. Very rarely they die from natural wear and tear, and if this happens, it happens over very long runs, at least several hundred thousand kilometers. However, CV joints can fail at any mileage, even very little, the cause will be problems with the anthers.

A kind of rubber covers, designed to protect CV joints from dirt and water, either break due to contact with sharp stones, nails, wire and other debris scattered on the road, or fly off the mount. How long does a protected hinge last and how little does a hinge that gets dirt and water get into? Usually, it takes a little time from damage to the anther to a crunch. In theory, if you notice damage to the boot, but the CV joint has not yet crackled, then you can wash the assembly, lubricate it and cover it with a new boot, but rarely does anyone inspect the car at least weekly from a pit or a lift, so damage to the boot usually becomes obvious after The CV joint crunched. In the vast majority of cases, problems arise with external CV joints.

If it comes to a crunch, then the hinge needs to be changed. Depending on the design of the car, the situation may develop differently. The best option is if the design of the car requires a separate replacement of the CV joint, then everything is simple - buy it and replace it, the complexity of the replacement also depends on the specific car model, the most difficult thing is usually to remove the joint from the drive.

Replacing the CV joint. Photo - drive

But it also happens that the design of the car does not allow changing the CV joints separately, the drives are not dismountable, then it is necessary to replace the assembled drive. In terms of labor intensity, this is much simpler; even a not very experienced car enthusiast can handle the replacement, but the price of the complete drive assembly is always higher than a separate joint would cost, so by saving on service, we significantly overpay for the spare part. Alas, modern trends in car design lead to the use of large non-separable elements, which are cheaper to manufacture but create difficulties during repair.

CV joint malfunctions are the most likely cause of a crunching sound when turning the steering wheel while driving. But if checking all the hinges does not show any problems, you can still pay attention to wheel bearing . The service life of this spare part greatly depends on the make of the car; in some cars, the bearing may fail even at low mileage simply due to an unsuccessful design.

Strictly speaking, the sound made by a broken one can be called more of a howl than a crunch, but you never know, in matters of breakdowns it is difficult to be unambiguous, and all people classify sounds differently. If there is a suspicion of a wheel bearing, it is not difficult to diagnose. It is enough to hang up the front wheels one by one, spin them and listen carefully for any extraneous sounds. Everything should be obvious here - it crunches or doesn’t crunch.

Crunching sound when turning the steering wheel in place

If unpleasant sounds when turning the steering wheel appear when the car is standing still, then the CV joint and wheel bearing can be left alone, the reason is elsewhere. Possible options there are many, and among them there is no clear leader in the frequency of problems that arise.

1. Steering wheel friction. On some cars, due to wear or improper installation, the steering wheel may touch the plastic of the steering column lining when turning and make unpleasant sounds. Some cars have a special metal part on the steering wheel for electrical circuit sound signal, she may shift a little and begin to walk along a path not intended for her. Usually, breakdowns of this type are easy to fix - having localized the source of the extraneous sound, remove the steering wheel and install it correctly so that it does not rub or touch anything.

Installing the steering wheel

2. If it is not the steering wheel, then you will have to disassemble the steering column. In it you can pay attention to the fact that does the crosspiece touch the speakers? for something (sometimes funny things happen that the crosspieces rub against the foot mat, which has slid forward too much), and isn’t it curvature of the shaft itself, perhaps something has come loose somewhere or is clogged. This type of problem should be obvious upon visual inspection, but you will have to take everything apart. Another reason for extraneous sounds may be a problem in the connection between the steering shaft and the steering wheel. This mechanism also needs to be reached and inspected.

3. Finally, the problem may be in the steering rack, for example due to bearing wear. But in general, the rack is a complex unit and there can be many potential problems, so it makes sense to leave its diagnostics until last and deal with it at a service center with a normal lift and an experienced mechanic. There is a lot in the rack that can crunch, and everything needs to be checked in detail. Diagnostics and repair of the steering rack is such a voluminous topic that it is beyond the scope of this material.

4. A crunch when turning the steering wheel in place can also be due to problems in the suspension, namely because of the bearings. They allow the shock absorber to rotate with the steering knuckle. Usually support bearings They are quite durable, but, like CV joints, they can fail prematurely due to the ingress of sand and dirt. It is not difficult to check the “supports”; you need to remove the protective cap, press the upper part of the shock absorber with your hand and rock the car - there should be no knocks or play. If you have a partner, even better, you can ask him to turn the steering wheel, and listen carefully to the sounds and check the play in the bearing.

As you can see: if you hear a crunching sound when you turn the steering wheel, there can be a lot of potential reasons for this. Some (like steering wheel friction) are annoying, but do not affect safety, others (like problems with the steering rack) require immediate correction, because the consequences can be very tragic. A long drive on a broken CV joint does not bode well either. Therefore, we would advise you to take the appearance of a crunching sound in the steering wheel seriously, maybe in the end it will be a trifle, but why risk your life? Using the information from this article, even novice car owners can carry out minimal diagnostics at home on their own. If you cannot find the cause of the extraneous sounds, then it is better to contact a good service.

If you hear a crunching sound when turning the steering wheel, you must urgently find the cause and eliminate it, as this can lead to serious consequences. The steering plays an important role in the design of the car, since your safety depends on its proper operation. Malfunctions of this system can lead to expensive repairs, as well as an emergency situation on the road.

A steering control that has malfunctions must be immediately returned to working condition at the first sign of problems. A common malfunction is a crunching sound when turning the steering wheel while driving. Having discovered this malfunction, you cannot delay repairing this mechanism. But first you need to make a diagnosis. Some people immediately go to a car repair shop, others repair their “iron horse” with their own hands.

Both of these car owners made the right decision in their own way, as there are advantages and disadvantages in both cases. If we talk about the repair and diagnosis of the steering mechanism at a service station, then the main advantages of such treatment are that it is possible to accurately and quickly diagnose the malfunction, and also eliminate it quite quickly. The downside is that it is a waste of money, and the steering costs a lot, and its repair will be expensive, so you should think carefully before contacting a car repair shop.

This work is quite complicated, since when you turn the steering wheel, not only the steering mechanism works, but also many other components: CV joints, steering tips and rods, wheels, etc. Therefore, it is difficult to immediately say where the crunching comes from when the steering wheel rotates. It may not be related to the steering.

When you turn the steering wheel while driving, you hear a crunching sound. From the very beginning, the thought arises that this is a malfunction of the angular velocity joints, simply called grenades.

The steering action is performed without any extraneous noise or sounds, but when this system is damaged, a specific sound similar to a crunch often appears. It lets the driver know that in the near future such symptoms will lead to unpleasant moments:

  • The CV joint can suddenly fly out of its seat and cause damage to the car engine.
  • The linkage with the wheel may fly out, which will lead to an accident on the road.
  • Along with the sounds, the car vibrates when the wheel is turned all the way.
  • When turning, the wheel begins to brake and slide along the road.
  • Slow cessation of steering action and blocking of the entire mechanism.

If extraneous noises or sounds arise from the car, you must immediately find out the cause of its occurrence and quickly take corrective measures. In this case, to resume steering operation, it is necessary to install a working part together with new boots.

An experienced car owner can quickly distinguish the crunch of a grenade from the noise coming from the steering rack. This does not happen often, but its occurrence cannot be ruled out. This malfunction is characterized by the following factors:

  • Crunching sound when turning the steering wheel in place.
  • Vibration of the steering wheel when driving on a flat road surface.
  • The car doesn't listen well to the steering wheel.
  • When turning the steering wheel, a lot of force is required, or vice versa, it is too easy.
  • With the engine turned off, when the steering wheel is turned all the way in one direction, a metallic click is heard and there is a slight play.

If such breakdowns are identified, they must be repaired quickly. Most often, the steering rack needs to be replaced with a new one, but there is professional craftsmen, which can iterate over this node and extend its operation. This solution is not used in practice by ordinary car owners, since after restoration this unit will not work for long. Therefore, it is better and easier to produce it complete replacement for a new product.

It is very difficult to replace the steering rack yourself, so it is advisable to contact a car repair shop.

A crunch or squeak is heard directly inside the car and has nothing to do with the steering mechanism. Most often, such a malfunction occurs in inexpensive brands of cars due to poor quality processing of body parts. The reason lies in the friction of the steering wheel on the plastic, the laxity of various fastenings, for example, signal delivery devices.

This malfunction does not require much effort to solve the problem. The steering wheel must be disassembled and removed; if necessary, the upper part of the plastic elements of the steering column must be cleaned.

Steering column

In this mechanism, crunching can be produced from the following sources:

  • The body is made of cheap plastic in inexpensive cars.
  • Extraneous noise may come from the steering column coupling, which can be eliminated by adding a certain amount of lubricant, the type of which depends on what material the coupling is made of.
  • The column crosspiece, called the driveshaft, rubs against the boot located near the driver's feet, where the column meets the engine compartment. A crunch may occur after repairs due to slight misalignment of parts. The problem is solved by adding lubricant or WD-40.
  • Steering column may be bent. A squeak appears on the surface, auxiliary signs are: shocks, vibration on the steering wheel. This malfunction can be eliminated by replacing the entire mechanism with a new unit, although a slight noise indicates a minor malfunction.

Crunch from other parts

Grinding, crunching and squeaking causes increased wear of steering mechanism parts:

  • Lack of lubrication or sand that has penetrated into the bearings of the steering knuckles will appear in the form of a whistle or squeak, as well as excessive heating of the bearings. This malfunction is eliminated by adding lubricant to the mechanism where the creaking comes from.

In the steering mechanism where it is mounted, this is the noisiest mechanism. When you turn the steering wheel of a stationary car, it produces a specific noise. An increase in this sound indicates that the fluid level in the power steering is insufficient. This issue is resolved by adding fluid to the expansion tank.

Other extraneous sounds in the form of whistling or creaking indicate serious malfunctions. Their causes may be wear of the power steering belt, or its weakening, penetration of air into the system, or breakdown of the power steering pump. It is advisable to identify and repair them in car repair services.

If, after checking the mechanisms that have been considered, the cause of the crunching is not clear, then it is necessary to carry out subsequent diagnostics of the lower components of the machine. However, this work should not be postponed, since the crunching noise can lead to serious negative consequences that are not comparable to the safety of driving a car.

When turning the steering column, the wheel bearing may crunch. But most often it buzzes when the car reaches a certain speed. This condition is easy to check. To do this, you need to do the following together with an assistant:

  1. Raise the wheel being tested on a jack or lift. At this time, the vehicle should be secured with wheel chocks.
  2. Depress the handbrake as much as possible and make sure the remaining wheels are firmly on the ground
  3. Start the engine and engage second gear, release the clutch pedal.
  4. Wait until the suspended wheel picks up speed, switch to neutral, turn off the engine and listen to the sounds coming from the rotation of the wheel.
  5. If the hub bearing is faulty, it will make a crunching or humming noise until it stops. If the bearing is in good condition, then only the sounds of friction of the suspension parts will be heard.

This procedure is only allowed on vehicles with front-wheel drive, without all-wheel drive or the ability to lock a differential.

Timely detection and elimination of malfunctions associated with the occurrence of crunching and the appearance of various sounds can increase the service life of the corresponding components that can fail in the event of a malfunction. If you quickly identify a damaged CV joint cover, you can quickly replace it and protect the grenade from the penetration of dust and sand, which requires significantly less financial costs.

Also, if you hear a crunching sound when turning the steering wheel, and you quickly detect it, this will make your life safer. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically check the condition of the car, which is much cheaper than making repairs and replacing expensive parts.

Various types of noise can come from tires while driving or turning the steering wheel. In this case, most often the problem is the incorrect geometry of the front wheels. Here it is necessary to adjust the wheel alignment angles and correct the position.

Incorrectly set wheel angles will negatively affect tires, which will wear unevenly and fail faster than at normal angles.

​This is a common malfunction of rubber-to-metal joints, especially in hot summer weather. At elevated air temperatures, silent blocks may creak, which indicates the need to check and replace them.

The creaking or crunching of silent blocks on a summer day occurs due to drying out of the hinges. The main material of these units is rubber. At elevated temperatures, it dries out and decreases in volume, especially if these nodes are already old.

There is no particular danger in the crunching of silent blocks until the rubber breaks. It is necessary to remove the silent blocks and carry out a visual inspection. If cracks or damage are found, they should be replaced. If no problems are found, then they should be put in their place and continue to enjoy driving the car, hoping that soon the air will become cooler and the squeak will disappear.

What should you do if you hear a crunching sound when turning the steering wheel? First of all, you need to understand the general structure of the steering mechanism modern car. This will allow beginners to understand what is allowed when using it and what is strictly prohibited; thanks to this information, it will be possible to save some money.

When you turn the steering wheel you hear a crunching noise that may be accompanied by slight vibration or other signs. Is this a malfunction, is it worth worrying about? So, what is the design of the steering mechanism?

The main functions assigned to this unit are: transferring force from the steering wheel to the turning wheels; for this, automakers began to introduce. The steering mechanism also ensures that the steering wheel returns to its original position if the load on it is lost.


This mechanism is a gearbox with a certain set of gears. Steering rods include worm, rack and pinion types. The most common of the three is the rack and pinion mechanism.

It is installed on modern cars, the essence of its work is that by turning the steering wheel, the force is transmitted to the rack, which moves left or right, depending on the direction of rotation. But need to understand, design features this mechanism, force manufacturers to install it only on machines equipped front wheel drive, while their suspension must be independent.

The worm mechanism is based on the so-called worm - screw shaft. The essence of its work is that the rotary steering wheel forces a special roller to move along the groove of the worm, moving it.

This movement transmitted to swivel wheels. I would like to note the fact that this mechanism difficult to manufacture and expensive to maintain, because has a lot of connections in its design and requires calibration over time.

However, among the advantages, one can note the large angle of rotation of the wheels, which ensures excellent maneuverability of the car; it is also not afraid of impacts on the steering wheels, which allows it to be used on special equipment and off-road vehicles, buses, etc.
The screw mechanism has a complex design; its operating principle is very similar to the worm-type steering rods.

What distinguishes this type of mechanism from the previous ones is that it It has high level Efficiency, that is, the driver’s effort is realized more efficiently.

The expensive segment of cars is equipped with this particular type of steering rods; it can also be found in heavy and cargo vehicles.

Crunching noise in the steering gear

Sometimes when you turn the steering wheel in different directions, usually regardless of the direction of rotation, you hear an uncharacteristic sound - a crunching sound. It feels like it might resemble the friction of a rubber band on plastic. Some car owners who have a little knowledge of the steering mechanism give up on the rack.

For different brands and models of cars, the price for this repair varies, but it is considered expensive. But don’t rush to conclusions, sometimes the problem is hidden on the surface.

You need to take the car to a stand at a car repair shop and carry out diagnostics. Most likely the problem lies in support bearings. I would like to note for car owners who are still under warranty service - this case is precisely under warranty.

If you are not particularly knowledgeable about cars or simply do not want to bother with replacing bearings, then it is better to entrust this to the experts. But remember, if you hear a crunching sound when you turn the steering wheel, there can be a lot of reasons. When contacting a workshop, remember that careless auto repairmen can deceive you into expensive repairs.

This often happens when one or another problem occurs in the car. Extraneous sounds in the car from the steering system should immediately be perceived by the driver as a threat to his safety and other participants traffic. It is important not to delay contacting auto mechanics. It would also not be superfluous to conduct computer diagnostics, which will help determine one or another malfunction of the car.

Creaking in the steering wheel - possible sign serious malfunctions.

Extraneous sounds from the steering system can occur in various situations. It is important to take into account the complexity of the steering mechanism, especially when it works with hydraulic or electric power steering. The presence of these elements increases the number of causes of noise when turning the steering wheel. For high-quality diagnostics, it is necessary to attract a highly qualified specialist who must clearly determine the place from which the extraneous noise is coming. It is important to tell the mechanic under what circumstances the noise occurs - while driving or at a standstill.

You also need to describe the frequency of the squeak, when you turn the steering wheel in which direction it gets stronger, and whether it is related to the road surface, cold or hot weather.

Why does the steering wheel squeak when turning?

Extraneous noise when turning the steering wheel may be caused by malfunctions in the steering, brake system, suspension or chassis.

The most common breakdowns are the steering column and steering rack. If the first one malfunctions, you can feel superficial but noticeable vibrations and impacts on the steering wheel. It may begin to make sounds when it hits the steering wheel during braking or an accident. In this case, there is a risk of bending the steering column. Extraneous sounds may come from the steering column coupling.

You can eliminate the noise by adding some lubricant. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the steering column cross. The cardan needs to be treated with a small amount of reliable lubricant WD-40.

The best solution to all problems is to purchase and install a new steering column.

The steering wheel creaks when turning due to the steering rack

The steering rack may have the following problems:

  • Wear of parts and mechanisms;
  • Rupture of anthers and dirt getting onto the rail;
  • Friction of steering tips on rods;
  • Deformation of the steering rack housing.

Extraneous sounds can also come from the junction of the steering column and rack. To do this, you need to properly adjust them. This adjustment is for different models vehicles may vary.

Why else does creaking occur when turning the steering wheel in place?

A car's steering wheel creaking can occur when the tie rod boots are damaged. Moreover, an extraneous sound is produced almost always: during turns in place, while driving and overcoming uneven road surfaces. Debris that gets into them contributes to the occurrence of squeaking. Therefore, it is necessary to inspect the condition of the anthers and replace them if worn.

If the steering wheel not only creaks when rotating, but also plays and vibrates, this may indicate wear on the steering joints that need to be replaced.

The next reason that the steering wheel squeaks when turning is a lack of power steering fluid. Usually the creaking appears when turning while stopping - extraneous noise is heard. In order to solve this problem, you should add fluid to the power steering reservoir yourself. If extraneous creaking remains, then you should pay attention to the power steering pump and belt, they may be faulty. It is recommended to repair power steering parts at specialized service stations.

Another answer to the car owner’s question “what can squeak when turning the steering wheel?” is incorrect wheel alignment. It can be done in service centers with special equipment and computers. This will allow you to set the most accurate wheel alignment angles. Incorrectly set wheel alignment angles may have such bad consequences, both accelerated and uneven wear rubber.
A dangerous call can be a characteristic crunch and squeak when turning the steering wheel of a car while it is moving. This may indicate wear of the ball joints, which need to be properly diagnosed and immediately replaced in the event of a malfunction. A worn ball joint can cause a wheel to come off at high speed, putting the vehicle and driver at increased risk.

Also, a sound when turning the steering wheel is produced when the support bearing of the strut wears out (pictured above). A temporary solution to this problem is lubrication. To do this, you need to dismantle the bearings, inspect them for the presence of sand and other dirt and damage. If there are no problems with the bearing, then you just need to lubricate it and install it back and adjust it correctly. But a more reliable option is to replace the bearings with new ones.

Vehicles with front or all-wheel drive encounter noise when turning the steering wheel when their constant velocity joints (CV joints) wear out. The sharper the turn and the higher the speed, the louder the noise. If crunching sounds are made at the slightest turns of the steering wheel, then spare parts should be changed immediately.

In hot weather, when turning the steering wheel, silent blocks may begin to creak. Heat air, promotes drying and reduction of rubber silent blocks. A visual inspection by dismantling will allow you to assess the nature of their wear. Polyurethane can be a good alternative to rubber silent blocks. It does not deform when exposed to elevated air temperatures
A grinding noise in the steering wheel can also occur when braking. The problem lies in a malfunction of the brake system, namely worn pads. Installing new brake pads will solve this problem. In addition, you need to pay attention to the condition of the brake discs.

Extraneous noise can also arise from the interior trim, i.e. steering casing, which is made of plastic. In inexpensive cars of modest configuration there is a tendency to the so-called. crickets. The solution to this problem depends on the make and model of the car.
From this video you will learn how to solve the problem of squeaking steering wheel due to the upper support bearing:

Bottom line

Problems that are associated with the fact that the car's steering wheel creaks when rotating are recommended to be solved at a service station, where highly qualified auto mechanics work. They are the ones who will be able to carry out high-quality troubleshooting. However, not all car enthusiasts can afford such luxury as professional technical service stations. Therefore, drivers try to carry out repairs on their own. But work with such spare parts, such as a steering rack or column, should be carried out by experienced auto repairmen.

All this is due to the fact that your safety or even life is at stake, because repairing a car’s steering is not only difficult, but also responsible work.

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