War games. Feel the adrenaline rush of taking part in epic battles

Boys rarely play with dolls, but even those who occasionally allow themselves to look at them still remain true fans of machine guns, rifles, pistols, and slingshots. They know all brands of weapons and are well versed in combat tactics. Their favorite games are to run around in the yard with friends, making war games. In their personal arsenal there will always be a couple of toy firearms, several grenades, a mine detector, binoculars, swords and a bow and arrow. In summer you can hide in ambush behind a bush or tree, and in winter the game takes on a new flavor. Snow forts and shelters grow in the yard, and snowballs turn into deadly weapons - grenades. But it happens that the weather is not conducive to walks and games, and then they come to the rescue computer games war games for boys. This is no less exciting, since the products offer a lot of ways and opportunities to feel like a general or grow into one, starting from the rank of an ordinary soldier.

Games for kids and adults

These games are presented in such a variety that even young men who have matured for a long time cannot deny themselves the pleasure of blowing up something or shooting a couple of dozen opponents. You can play realistic simulators for a single day, but we suggest paying attention to flash games that will not take much time and you can get acquainted with several variants of this genre in just one evening. Playing war games online is simple and does not require special knowledge of military art. But that's their beauty. Very often, such games are filled with a kind of humor, and the process only benefits from the unconventionally presented plot. And believability is a completely optional component for such entertainment.

Choosing a hero:

  • The battle of koloboks or emoticons is pure fantasy of the developers. These little round creatures roll funny around the field, but, despite their round physique, they feel very comfortable in the role of warriors.
  • The game Worms, where militant worms launched a real military campaign, has become so popular that even adult users are excitedly turning to it, installing it on their PC and mobile phone or playing online. Here, not only machine guns and machine guns are used, but even atomic bombs!
  • It looks like all animal world decided to become like a person, since even hedgehogs have adjusted their spines and sort things out by using force. You can saddle a dinosaur instead of a horse and ride it to attack. The dragons also parked at the edge of the field and took their turn.
  • People from fantasy worlds also did not share something and went to war against each other. War games for boys encourage you to take one side and help win. It seems that the world has gone crazy and everyone and everything is getting involved in the war - monsters, bugs, gangsters and even viruses, money and shadows are not far behind.
  • Medieval wars are no less common than modern ones. You can fight one on one with another knight or fight as part of an entire army, besieging the castle of the opposing side. Or maybe the glory of Robin Hood haunts you? Then arm yourself with a bow and arrow and head into the forest, waiting for the carriage of a rich nobleman or a detachment of horsemen of the king.

Conquest of space

Wars in the air, on land on water or under it - the main thing is that you like what you see. You can fight while controlling a tank, an airplane, a submarine, a space rocket, or an absolutely fantastic device. War games are games for brave warriors with a sense of humor.

Since ancient times, boys had one very simple game - war games. Nobody knows the exact rules, and there never were any. The main idea of ​​such a game is a confrontation between two opposing forces. Everything was used - water cannons, hands, sticks. Probably, aggression takes up a lot of space in the blood of men, despite the fact that modern society no longer requires them to possess combat skills. With the advent of the first computers, war games moved into virtual space - shooters are almost the same age as modern ones. personal computers. We invite you to fight the battle by playing War games online.

Ruthless and bloody war has always been an activity for real men. Only in extreme conditions of close combat can you demonstrate all your ferocity, power and courage, desperately rush towards the enemy and hit him with a proven and reliable weapon. War games will allow you to feel like a real strategist, undergo the necessary combat training and prove to everyone that you are able to cope with even the most dangerous enemy.

This category of games will instantly take you into the atmosphere of real combat. You will have to storm impregnable fortresses and dilapidated cities, fight hand-to-hand on the battlefield and mine river crossings, control a supersonic fighter and rush towards enemies in a powerful military tank. You can travel back to any era and take part in the Second World War, a medieval battle or a nuclear confrontation between two great powers.

War games include not only classic battles, but also battles with aliens, zombies or cutting-edge robots. The main thing is not to lose strength of spirit and provide a worthy rebuff to any enemy!

It’s probably not for nothing that they say that the monkey picked up the stick not in order to get a banana, but in order to hit another monkey with it. Apparently, evolution began then, because no matter what, belligerence remains in the blood of every male. War games are great entertainment for everyone who wants to feel like a real fighter! And games about war will help you become a commander and show miracles of strategic thought, gain the upper hand on all fronts and lead your army to victory! It is not for nothing that the military class has always been the real elite in society - only this work is worthy of a real man.

As the famous medieval philosopher and historian Niccolo Machiavelli once said, every man needs war, because he grows morally in critical situations and becomes stronger. That is why, in his opinion, every war gave people only two things - the need for resources or too much adrenaline in the blood of daredevils. Games about war are a great opportunity for every boy, boy, youth or man to feel that unforgettable adrenaline that defines and is the foundation of a real male character.

Modern war games are an incredibly large collection of applications that will allow you to enjoy the taste of war and satisfy your male ego with battles and inevitable victories.

What are war games?

First of all, it should be noted that the foundation of these games is an original military concept. There are games in which you will feel like a fighter in a special unit, and there are wonderful options with the ability to control a tank, an airplane, or even an entire army. In particular, strategy and traditional shooter games are still considered the most popular war games. Strategies allow you to become the commander-in-chief of a huge army, and not too rarely, a large territory that allows you to create resources. In other words, you will see from your own example that it was not so easy for Napoleon or Alexander the Great to go on campaigns - an army of thousands requires tons of supplies so that the soldiers could perform their functions. If you want to feel like you’re on the front line, with a machine gun in your hands and equipment on your chest, you have the opportunity to see the enemy in the face.

All this proves only one thing - the variety of games about war amazes even the gourmets of the gamer world.

What skills do war games develop?

Despite the many opinions of many older people, games have a positive effect on a gamer's mental abilities. Moreover, a few years ago, this positive feature and influence of games was studied by experts and scientists from Harvard University. They noted that during the game the gamer can boast of enormous brain activity.

First of all, strategies develop thinking. Military strategies - even more so. Believe me, keeping track of all the nuances and events, keeping everything under control is not so easy - you need to adapt to the speed of changing events.

Strategy in war games is very important and every move you make will definitely affect the final result. To save your resources and soldiers, you need to minimize losses as much as possible at every step. Do not forget that in this situation you become responsible for everything that happens to you and the soldiers, military equipment and resources.

Classic action games develop attention and reaction. Everyone has known about this for a long time, and if someone decides to object, let him try to train for several days with the help of war games and subsequently realize that he has learned to make decisions more quickly and thinks less about little things. Actions become more logical, and the mind becomes resistant to unpredictable stress and events.

Games about war are a great opportunity to get your dose of adrenaline today. Worth a try!

So, you can no longer wait to plunge into the thick of battle and force the enemy to flee under the pressure of your attacks, or lay out a map of military operations in front of you in order to, without relaxing for a minute, reveal all the plans of enemy commanders and, with a skillful maneuver, seize the initiative, demoralize and destroy the troops enemy. Then war games are just what you need! Online Games War games will not leave any man indifferent - big or just growing up! Arm yourself with courage, ingenuity and determination and boldly go into battle!

Visitors to the Quicksave entertainment portal have an excellent opportunity to immerse themselves in the exciting events of all kinds of battles and global conflicts. Each user will be able to take part in realistic battles by wearing a soldier’s uniform or form strategic formations as field commander. During the game, participants encounter various unusual locations, ranging from ancient periods of world history to the ruins of the distant future.

This is no place for pampered, unadapted to the harsh realities of army life, wimps - prove that you are not a timid one and win the recognition of your comrades in the tense atmosphere of incessant shooting and artillery explosions.

Feel the adrenaline rush of taking part in epic battles

Here you can easily play cool shooters, shooting from space guns or dealing with opponents using a wide arsenal of weapons. Lead your allies to victory in a large-scale confrontation, show your best leadership qualities, achieving an advantage with a minimum of losses - this is the main task of players who decide to spend their free time with online war entertainment from Quicksave.


  • Interesting intellectual puzzles, colorful characters and a lot of serious missions;
  • Training in perseverance, attentiveness and speed of reaction in order to get out unharmed from the next deadly trap;
  • A great opportunity to improve your strategic thinking and learn how to handle various military equipment;
  • Soberly assess the chances of success and choose the only right decision.

Very soon you will be able to join the ranks of veterans by visiting all possible hot spots on the game map. Together with your peers, you can plunge into a series of endless action-packed adventures and extreme quests for free, getting a lot of positive impressions and getting out of cool and spectacular alterations.

Virtual combat simulator

Combat at home becomes a reality with Quicksave's amazing no-registration browser games. Interactive fun will appeal to active tomboys who, unlike girls, do not chase fashionable and stylish toys, but adore modern dynamic shooters. An excellent selection of exciting war games for inquisitive boys from the category.

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More about the genre

As we have already written, in recent years a huge number of games about war have appeared, now we will review them in detail, but first, let’s decide on the genres.

Of course, first-person shooters are considered the most popular genre, accounting for about 60% of the total number of war games presented. And this is not surprising, considering that it is shooters that allow you to immerse yourself most deeply into the military world. Unfortunately, in most famous shooters, you will mostly play for the American and British armies, while the Red Army in the past and Russia in the future are given only secondary and unimportant missions. Of course, there are Russian war games, but most of them are quite old and have disgusting graphics today, an uninteresting plot and unrealistic gameplay, which is why we can only play Western shooters that come out almost every year.

Screenshot from Call of Duty: World at War, Treyarch, Activision and New Disk.

The second most popular genre can be called strategy, and it is in this genre that Russian developers have been very successful and have shown several truly gorgeous projects, which will be discussed below. Although you won’t get the same immersion from strategies as in first-person shooters, you can get just as much pleasure from playing them. However, it is worth considering that this genre of war games is not suitable for everyone. After all, in order to complete the strategy, you need to be able to correctly distribute your troops in such a way as to predict the enemy’s subsequent actions and destroy him.

Playing war games online will be very interesting, no matter what genre they belong to. We have collected only the best free games from the entire World Wide Web. But of course, not a single flash arcade game can

Call of Duty World at War

It is considered one of the most famous games, the actions of which develop throughout the entire period of the Second World War: starting in 1941 and ending in 1945. And even though Call of Duty was released back in 2008, its graphics will be at a fairly acceptable level even for our days. True, in almost all missions we will play exclusively as a sergeant of the United States Marine Corps named Miller, and only in a few missions we will be able to fight for the Russian soldier Dmitry Petrenko, fighting in the forefront of the Red Army.

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad

Another military shooter with a first-person control system. First of all, Red Orchestra 2 is focused on online play with real opponents, but there is also a well-developed company here. The actions in it take place in the midst of Stalin's battle, and you will have to control, unlike the previous war game, as soldiers of the USSR. Also, if you wish, you can go through the company on the opposite side.

Company of Heroes

Company of Heroes was released back in 2006, but relatively recently, in 2009, an addition to this war game called Tales of Valor was released. Unlike previous games, in which all actions take place from a first-person view, here you have to command an entire platoon consisting of soldiers, tanks, an armored train, helicopters and other military equipment. You also have to erect your own buildings, train soldiers and build new combat units.

Black pea coats

And this is a Russian strategy, telling about large-scale battles of Russian marines during the Second World War. As in the previous game, here you have to control an entire platoon consisting of military equipment and infantry, but unlike Company of Heroes, here, the developers have completely recreated several famous battles, with accuracy down to the houses, roads and military equipment itself. Black Pea Coats were released in 2009, thanks to which the requirements for your computer will be minimal.


Russian war game, which has become one of the most popular strategies. The first part of Blitzkrieg was released back in 2003 and gained enormous popularity among the not yet numerous gamers at that time. Subsequently, a huge number of additions and a new version, called Blitzkrieg II, appeared in mid-2005. In this, one of the first Russian strategies, you will need to control, most often, a small detachment consisting of infantry and tanks, destroying enemy military bases.

Total War

One of the most popular and large-scale strategy series. The series consists of 9 strategies, the first of which was released in 2000, after which a new part was released every two years. The games tell about different wars, but the focus is on ancient times. The strategies in this series tell about the events that took place in Japan, Rome, and also during the reign of Napoleon.

Now we have told you about the most popular computer projects about war, but the free war games for boys located in this subcategory are much more harmless, cartoonish and fun, which is why we decided to highlight them in a separate section.

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