How to leave numbers when selling a car? Detailed instructions on how to save car numbers. Delivery of numbers to the traffic police for storage through public services Sell the car with the preservation of the license plate

Car owners change their car from time to time. When buying a new car, it sometimes happens that the owner wants to keep his old license plate for himself. The reasons may be that the license plate is beautiful, mirrored or just familiar. Our legislation now allows you to transfer license plates to another car.

According to the rules, there is a slight difference for transferring a license plate to a new and used car. We will describe each of them in more detail. The whole process begins with filling out an application addressed to the head of the traffic police, where you need to specify information about the owner, contact phone number, brand, model and state. registration number of the vehicle at the moment numbers. Date and signature below.

Saving the number when selling the car for transfer to new car . The transfer process itself is quite simple and includes the following steps:

  • Re-registration of the "old" car for new license plates. To do this, the numbers are removed from the car, and their visual control is carried out. They should be even, without bruises and scuffs. In case of discrepancy, you will have to order duplicate numbers.
  • You need to contact the traffic police to change the state registration plates of the car. There you will need to hand over documents and license plates, as well as attach an application for the preservation of numbers. After changing the data, you will receive a TCP and new numbers.
  • Old numbers will be taken away by traffic police officers for storage. The term of this process is limited and is 180 days. If during this time you do not pick up the numbers, they will go to the general database.
  • Register new car on the license plates assigned to you. The registration process proceeds as usual, only you need to fill out an additional document in advance on the issuance of previously saved signs.

Keeping an existing number when buying a used car is no different from registering a new one. It is also necessary to consistently follow all the above points of the instruction.

How car numbers are stored

The preservation of state numbers are handled by traffic police, the procedure is free, the storage period is 6 months or 180 days. During this period of time, only you can receive them.

The advantage of recording in the traffic police through the State Service portal

The State Services website, which has gained great popularity, allows you to perform all actions much faster. When using the site, an initial check and filling in of data takes place, which allows the inspector to work more quickly with your package of documents.

In addition, a big plus of the recording is the absence of a queue and a dedicated separate window, which is available in almost all MREO branches. All this undoubtedly significantly saves nerves. The main condition for performing all actions on the portal is a registered personal account, with a verified account.

How to save the existing number through the State Services when buying a car

The step-by-step instruction will look like this:

  • We go to the main page and find the item - vehicle registration.
  • Select from the list that appears - registration data change.
  • Next, duplicate the selection by tab - registration data change motor vehicle .
  • We read the downloaded text if necessary, then select " Electronic service” and press the button “ Get a service».
  • We enter data into all fields as carefully as possible, checking them.
  • Select the name of the window where your data will be received. Small towns may have only one window.
  • We choose the address of the traffic police, which is most convenient for visiting.
  • Put a check in the box " I am aware of the procedure... . ” and press the button “ Send».

After consideration of your application, you will receive a notification in which there will be links to the completed application and payment receipt, these documents must be printed. The receipt can be paid through the portal using a bank card.

Next, you need to select the services " Vehicle registration", then " Registration and issuance of documents” and repeat all the steps described above. The completed documents and the receipt must also be printed.

How to save the number when selling a car through the State Services

To do this, you need to go to the MREO and hand over the old state. numbers for storage, and on the car to get a new set of state. numbers. Then, using the step-by-step instructions written above, register a new vehicle.

State duty for registration of a vehicle

Benefits when paying the state duty through the State Services portal with a bank card are 30%, which, when calculating the entire amount, leads to pretty decent savings. So the fee for issuing license plates is 2,000 rubles, and through the State Services with a discount - 30%, the amount will be only 1,400 rubles. The fee for issuing a certificate and making changes to it is 850 rubles, while at a discount it will be 595 rubles.

In total, for registration without a discount, you will need to pay 2,850 + 2,850 = 5,700 rubles, and through the State Services portal - 1,995 + 1,995 = 3,990. The savings will total 1,710 rubles, which is quite good. The state offers similar discounts to introduce the process of automating vehicle accounting.

Almost every car enthusiast who is preparing to sell his car is probably interested in the question of how to keep the numbers when selling a car. The existing regulation on sales transactions allows them to be left, but only if they are not damaged and not of the old type.

How is the change process

To leave numbers with old car, you need to contact the registration department of the traffic police.

To do this, you need to prepare the following documents:

  1. Identity document.
  2. Vehicle registration certificate.
  3. Compulsory insurance policy.

With this package of documents, the motorist must go to the traffic police department. There you will need to write a statement in any form. Number change is a procedure for making changes to registration documents. Therefore, the car owner will have to undergo a mandatory vehicle inspection. To do this as quickly as possible, you can pre-register through the website of public services.

After submitting the application, the license plates will be inspected by a specialist. In case they are damaged or do not correspond to some other parameters, the owner is sent to make duplicates. Usually they can be ordered directly from the MREO or from an organization specializing in the manufacture of license plates. Her choice must be taken seriously. The organization must have a special permit for the manufacture and accreditation in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After passing the check, the license plates are taken away for storage. Later they can be put on a new car.

ATTENTION! You can only keep old numbers for 180 days. After the expiration of the storage period, they are disposed of, and the digital combination itself is assigned to another machine.

The last thing to do when saving license plates is to make the appropriate changes to the insurance. To do this, contact the nearest branch of your insurance company. There, on the basis of new registration documents in the policy, the number of the car will be corrected.

Saving cost

When you save license plates, you are actually performing two registration actions. First - re-register the car, receiving a new certificate. Second - make changes to the TCP. In this case, you will have to pay a state duty in the total amount of 2850 rubles. It includes making changes to documents and issuing numbers. It is impossible to perform registration actions without paying the state duty.

Is it possible to save on the procedure for saving numbers? Yes, there is such a way. You just need to apply through the electronic portal for the provision of public services. In this case, a 30% discount will be provided for the payment of state duty.

How to put on another car

The procedure for assigning old numbers to a new car is as follows:

  1. We write an application for registration and assignment of numbers. Be sure to indicate in it that you want the license plates already reserved by you to be assigned.
  2. You pay state duties in the total amount of 2850 rubles. In most branches, payment can be made on the spot, through the terminal.
  3. Submit documents for registration.
  4. You get a title with a mark about the new owner and license plates.

Total preservation costs 5700 rubles. And this is without taking into account the cost of making duplicates. And they are required in 90% of cases.

IMPORTANT! Any scuffs, scratches and dents are grounds for refusal of storage. The numbers of the old Soviet model also fall under the same article. Since they do not meet the current requirements of GOST, they are not accepted for storage.

Can I sell or donate

According to current legislation, saved license plates can only be put on the car of their owner. It is not allowed to sell or put on cars registered in the name of other persons. Also, they cannot simply be taken and screwed onto another owned car. To do this, you first need to go through the re-registration procedure, during which the TCP will make the appropriate changes.

On the video about the preservation of license plates

Transferring license plates is a simple procedure, but quite expensive. Any car owner can use this service. This right is reserved for everyone by law. Transferring your numbers, getting new ones or buying with old ones is everyone's personal choice.

Some car owners, for various reasons (either they just fell in love with the number, or it consists of an important combination of numbers and letters from the point of view of numerology, or a car enthusiast bought a license plate for a lot of money for just a beautiful combination of letters and numbers) are wondering if it is possible to leave numbers when selling a car?

According to the new amendments to the regulations, the implementation of public services for, which entered into force in 2013 on October 15, vehicle owners no longer need the traffic police. The car is sold with license plates.

In view of this, the question began to appear, how to keep numbers for yourself when selling a car according to the new rules? Let's figure it out together!

So, you want to keep your favorite registration plates for yourself, so that later you can use them on a newly purchased car. To do this, you need to re-register the car in order to obtain other license plates. With which it will be possible to put the vehicle up for sale.

Action plan to keep old license plates

First of all, you need to prepare these documents:

  • passport;
  • PTS (vehicle passport);
  • general power of attorney (copy certified by a notary - if such a document is present);
  • OSAGO policy.

With the collected documents, you arrive at the traffic police with a car on the scheduled day (according to the new rules, the procedure can be carried out regardless of the place of residence of the owner). Leave the vehicle at the site where the vehicle will be inspected.

And you yourself go to the building of the MREO traffic police, where in the window for submitting primary documents, give the collected documents and report your intention to re-register the vehicle in order to keep the previous registration plates, in view of the sale of the car. After verification, the documents will be returned to you along with receipts for payment.

Take all the papers and return to the inspection site, do not forget to just raise the hood of the car, because when it is closed, you may be ignored. The inspector will come and check the body number for compliance.

There are also reasons for refusing to watch the vehicle on the site, these are:

  • dirty car;
  • windshield and front side;
  • there is a straight-through muffler;
  • painted headlights or rear dimensions;
  • the steering wheel does not meet the standard;
  • even a dirty vin-code plate can also spoil your nerves.

External inspection of the machine

Inform the inspector that you keep the license plates on the presented car and then he must inspect them. The numbers themselves must be in good condition - clean, without defects, numbers and letters are easy to see at a distance of 20 meters. If everything is fine, then the inspector will mark that the signs correspond to GOST.

If license plates are worn, scratched, dented or otherwise damaged, you will have to make duplicates of them.

You may be offered to do it right on the spot (the service will cost 1000-2000 rubles, depending on the region) or they will give you the contact details of an organization that has the official right to issue license plates for vehicles. To do this, they need to provide a vehicle registration certificate and, accordingly, unusable registration plates. In a short time, the same replacement numbers will be made, which will be recognized as corresponding to GOST and subject to preservation.

Make sure that the inspector puts a mark in the papers on the compliance of license plates with GOST.

The storage period for saved numbers has been extended to six months

At the end of a satisfactory inspection, go to the window for registering a car with paid receipts, write an application for assigning the previous numbers to you.

Now, according to the amendments, a period of 6 months is given, instead of 30 days, as it was before, during which you can buy another car and pick up your old registration plates. But do not delay, because at the end of the period, license plates are subject to disposal or can be transferred to another person, or sold.

That's why you need to approach responsibly the appearance of your signs (if they were bought), as some unscrupulous employees may specifically reject the numbers in order to further sell them and enrich themselves on this.

Further, you submit an application along with previously removed state numbers, which are transferred for storage to a specially provided archive. The inspector fills in the TCP with new data, issues new license plates and another vehicle registration certificate.

What else?

After purchasing other rooms, you need to visit insurance company. In which they made an insurance policy and make changes to the current OSAGO policy.

Please note that when saving numbers, you need to pay a fee for this type of service. And this is already a waste of money.

Don't forget that you only have 180 days. During which you need to buy another car and. When submitting an application, indicate to the inspector that you have given the old numbers for preservation, he will note this in the papers and will issue them back upon registration.

Conclusion . Now you know how to leave the numbers from the car when selling in 2019. Good luck to all!

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Registration numbers are given to the new owner of the car.

But what if you want to keep the license plate for yourself and install them on your new car? It turns out that this is a very real task. How to save numbers when selling a car?

State numbers present on cars, as well as on other mechanical means, are an indicator for other participants traffic and traffic police officers, from which region this car is, what status it has. The state number is issued after the re-registration of the car, and also fits into the certificate of registration of the vehicle.

Expert opinion

Natalya Alekseevna

In the Russian Federation, the assignment of license plates is regulated by GOST R 50577-93. The state number itself consists of letters, numbers, and is also classified depending on the color.

Registration numbers can be painted in one of 5 colors, some of which indicate the privilege of their owner and carry information about belonging to departmental divisions of state structures:

  1. Red license plate.
    It is installed on vehicles of trade missions of foreign states, diplomatic departments. The presence of the letter "D" on the red NC indicates that this car is in the personal operation of the ambassador or consul. The letter "T" is written on the cars of trade missions. The set of numbers in front of the letter designation indicate the country code.
  2. Blue number.
    All vehicles belonging to the structural divisions of the police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs are equipped with such GRZ.
  3. Black license plates.
    Employees of military units, units of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs travel with similar ones. A set of numbers on vehicles does not indicate a regional affiliation, but a military district or department that registers this vehicle.
  4. White numbers.
    These are equipped with all ordinary cars and other mechanical vehicles, including trailers, semi-trailers. The presence of the letter "T" on the left side of the license plate indicates that the car is exported outside the country.
  5. Moscow's special license plates are painted grey.

There are license plates that give the motorist a special privilege on the roadway: car numbers registered with the Presidential Administration, the Presidential Administration, employees of the operational investigative services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, vehicles of the Federal Security Service and structures related to this unit, and other important departments.

Drivers of ordinary cars and owners of special numbers consider the preservation of numbers to be a hot topic. In the next section, we will consider how to save the license plate for the purpose of further installation on a new vehicle.

Can I keep my number when I sell my car?

We provide you with detailed instructions.

Step #1 - Find out the value of your license plates

If during the process of re-registration of a car, a motorist wants to keep his license plates, then first of all he must understand whether the license plate has any commercial value.

When the driver has “”, everything is clear with this, but in the case when the GZ is just a regular set of numbers and letters familiar to the motorist, therefore, it is possible to profitably sell this plate.

There are a lot of shady offices and unofficial price lists, with descriptions of prices for alphanumeric combinations with philosophical, numerological, political and other meanings.

There are even separate offices for the manufacture of GRZ, where any of the motorists can apply to order a number with any numbers and letters he likes. And there are a million such examples.

In the case when there are any defects, damages on the state sign, and the car owner wants to keep it with 100% probability, first of all, it is necessary to make duplicate numbers.

Step number 2 - make a duplicate of the GRP

Large subdivisions of the State traffic inspectorate and private offices licensed to conduct such activities are also involved in similar procedures. Most experienced motorists are advised to contact private firms.

If you don’t know where such offices are located in your city, then the easiest way is to contact a small traffic police department, where you should explain: there is an irreparable defect on the GRP, and you will be prompted for the addresses of organizations involved in duplicating state license plates.

Turning to such a company, you only need cash to pay for the duplication procedure, and a car registration certificate, or as it is also called, “plastic” STS. You don’t even have to remove the license plate from the car in order to implement this procedure, and the process itself takes a third of an hour on the strength.

Attention! Turning to a private company, the driver is obliged to control the compliance of the manufactured number with GOST R 50577-93. It must have all the necessary levels of protection and be produced exclusively by licensed organizations with the appropriate level of accreditation in the IMF of the Russian Federation.

Sample contract of sale.

The driver has the right to demand these documents for the purpose of familiarization and to verify the legality of the services provided. Riding with incorrectly executed GRP is punishable by an administrative fine!

Step number 3 - preparation of the necessary documentation

Having taken the duplicated GRZ, money, the necessary documentation, we go to any division of the MREO.

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • registration certificate for the vehicle;
  • OSAGO insurance.

Accordingly, the same documents will be required as in the case of selling a car or for the purpose of carrying out re-registration actions. Retaining ownership of the previous license plates, the driver carries out a full re-registration of the car with the re-issuance of a new registration certificate, a mark in the Title and the issuance of a new GRZ.

After that, you need to pay the state duty for re-registration of license plates. We'll talk more about the amount a little later.

Step number 4 - the procedure for preserving the GRZ

Documents when registering a car.

Abandonment process license plates for the previous owner is as follows:

  1. Having collected all the necessary documentation, taking money to pay the state duty, the driver goes to the MREO, where any inspector on duty will tell you in which window they will help you carry out this procedure.
  2. You submit certificates to the window where the employee must issue a receipt for payment of the state duty. At this stage, you should give duplicates of the GRP to the inspector for verification of compliance with GOST.
  3. The state duty is paid either at the nearest branch of the bank, or through a special terminal located directly at the MREO.
  4. We return the paid state duty along with the completed application. And, if the decision to keep the license plate is positive, then after some time, you will receive a PTS with a re-registration mark, a new vehicle registration certificate and your new numbers. This procedure takes about an hour and a half.

Important! When re-registering license plates for a new vehicle, it is imperative to notify your insurer of the changes!

How much does it cost to keep a number on a car?

How to leave the numbers when selling, we have already figured out with you. Now let's figure out how much you have to pay for replacing state numbers according to this principle.

The procedure for retaining the GRZ for another vehicle involves the following costs:

  • change of registration certificate for a vehicle - 500 rubles;
  • new license plates - 2000 rubles;
  • production of duplicates of GRZ - 2000 rubles.

You can, of course, lay out more for duplicates, if you want, for example, "thieves' numbers"!


Now you know how to keep registration numbers when selling a vehicle and what needs to be done to legally change the data in the MREO database. By adhering to the above recommendations, you will be able to complete the task without any hassle.

Did you or your acquaintances have any experience in the conservation of GRZ? Were there any difficulties and non-standard situations, unreasonable demands of traffic police officers? Share your experience with us and our readers by leaving your comments.

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