How to cook sweet rice porridge with raisins. How to cook kutya from rice with raisins Milk rice porridge with pumpkin and raisins

Rice with raisins is a perfect combination, which is very common in various cuisines around the world. Based on these two components, you can prepare many delicious and quite nutritious dishes. These can be not only desserts, but also savory vegetarian dishes. Their advantage lies primarily in their low fat and protein content, as well as ease of preparation. In addition, rice with raisins is a very tasty and healthy dish, which is very popular among both professional chefs and ordinary housewives.

Every recipe that combines rice with raisins involves the use of high-quality prepared ingredients.

Before use, rice should be inspected, sorted and any impurities removed. Then the cereal must be thoroughly washed several times. The ratio of water and cereal during cooking depends on the desired result.

The raisins should also be washed well, placed on a towel and dried a little. If the raisins are overdried and very hard, it is recommended to leave them in water for a while, even if the recipe does not provide for this.

Recipe No. 1. Rice, raisins and cinnamon

To prepare this dish you will need:

– rice (0.5 kg);

– raisins (85 grams);

– water (1 l);

– butter, sugar and salt as needed.

Place the washed cereal in a saucepan with high sides, add raisins. Then add water, salt, mix well and bring to a boil. After this, add a little cinnamon and simmer with the lid closed over low heat for 10-20 minutes. The water should have evaporated by this time. Place a piece on top of the finished cereal butter and sprinkle with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon.

This is a very simple and quick recipe that is perfect for breakfast.

Recipe No. 2. Raisins and rice with butter

To prepare this sweet dessert, it is better to take long-grain rice - the dish will turn out much more attractive.


– rice (200 grams);

– raisins (150 grams);

– butter (50 grams);

– water (1.5 l);

– sugar (40 grams);

Place the washed rice in a pan of boiling water, add salt and boil until tender.

Meanwhile, the raisins need to be steamed in warm water so that the berries swell. After this, drain the water and place the raisins on a towel.

Melt the butter in a frying pan, add sugar and dissolve it, stirring continuously.

Add raisins to the pan and heat them thoroughly in oil.

Mix the cooked rice with a sweet mixture of butter and raisins.

Recipe No. 3. Honey kutia

Kutia is considered a ritual dish by many peoples. It is traditionally cooked on the eve of some church holidays, and is also used as a funeral dish. A typical recipe assumes the following ratio of water and cereal.

To prepare traditional aromatic kutya, you will need the following components:

– round rice (1 cup);

– water (3 cups);

– raisins (50 grams);

– honey (100 grams).

Pour the cereal into boiling water and boil.

Scald the washed raisins with boiling water and add to the cereal.

Melt the honey carefully over low heat or in a water bath, being careful not to overheat. Then add to the rice, mix everything well and cover with a lid.

Kutya turns out crumbly due to the absorption of excess water by the raisins. Moreover, it is delicious and nutritious thanks to the natural flavors of honey and raisins.

Recipe No. 4. Rice with raisins (no sugar)

This dish can be eaten as a side dish. To prepare this dish with an oriental touch, you will need aromatic additives: cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, bay leaf.


– water (4 glasses);

– rice (2 cups);

– raisins (half a glass);

– butter (3 tablespoons);

– onion (1 pc.);

– cashew nuts or almonds (80 grams);

- aromatic spices.

Rinse the rice thoroughly, add water and let stand for about 20 minutes. Then drain the water and place the cereal in a colander.

Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the nuts in it until golden brown. Then remove the nuts and let the excess oil drain off. At this time, place the raisins in the pan and fry them, stirring. Add spices, stir.

The next step is frying the chopped onion. After this, pour the rice into the pan and fry for 2-3 minutes. Then add water and salt. Once boiling, cover with a lid and reduce heat to low. Let stand for 20 minutes, then combine with nuts and simmer for another 30 minutes.

Dishes made from rice and raisins can be used both as independent vegetarian food and as an original side dish. Both adults and children like them.

It is no secret that raisins are not only tasty, but also very healthy dried fruit. After all, it preserves all the vitamins and nutrients that are characteristic of fresh grapes. Raisins are quite widespread in cooking. It has been used in cooking since time immemorial. Raisins are added to compotes, baked goods, and various fillings.

The dish “Rice with raisins” is quite popular among professionals and housewives. It is easy to prepare and has amazing taste. So, for this dish you will need rice itself (500 grams) and, of course, raisins (85 grams). And also 1 liter of water, butter, sugar, cinnamon and salt - to taste.

Place rice in a deep saucepan and add raisins. Fill everything with water, add a little salt and stir. Bring the mixture to a boil, and then add cinnamon. Reduce heat and cover with a lid.

Let the rice simmer over this heat for about 8-10 minutes until it becomes soft and all the water evaporates. Place slices of butter into the finished rice with raisins and sprinkle a little cinnamon on top. The dish will turn out tasty and aromatic.

This cooking method is the simplest and fastest. There are a lot of recipes for the dish “Rice with raisins”, which contain a variety of ingredients. For example, rice with raisins is very healthy and tasty, the recipe for which also involves adding nuts.

To prepare it, take 450 grams of rice, 150 grams of nuts and raisins, as well as one or two tablespoons of honey (to taste), a glass of milk, one tablespoon (incomplete) of butter, sugar, lemon peel and salt.

Rinse the rice thoroughly. Add salt, butter, a little lemon peel, sugar and add water so that it only slightly covers the rice. Cover with a lid and place in the oven, previously preheated to 190 degrees. When pour in the milk. Do not stir.

About 10-12 minutes before the end of cooking, add the washed raisins to the porridge. Bring the rice with raisins to readiness. Place it on a plate in a heap, sprinkle with toasted crushed nuts and pour over melted honey.

In addition to recipes for cooking sweet rice, there are also other dishes without sweetness in taste. So, it turns out very satisfying and appetizing with raisins and chicken liver. And its main advantage is that it can be served both as a main dish and as a side dish for fried meat.

To prepare rice with raisins and chicken liver, take 3 cups of rice, a cup of raisins soaked in water, 300 grams of liver (chicken), a cup of finely chopped dill, half a cup of pine nuts, 0.5 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, salt, olive oil and pepper. .

First of all, boil the rice until half cooked. You can cook it in a lot of water, but it’s better to cook it in chicken broth. In a large skillet, heat the olive oil until slightly smoking. Place it in it, fry it thoroughly and add raisins to it, mix everything and add this mixture to the rice. Stir again and add pepper and cinnamon. Cook over low heat for another ten minutes. At the end of cooking, sprinkle with dill.

It should be noted that kutia made from rice with raisins is very tender, aromatic and tasty. So, you will need a glass of rice, 100 grams of almonds, dried apricots and raisins, as well as sugar to taste.

Cover the rice with water and slowly bring to a boil. Remove it from heat immediately and rinse with running water. Place the rice in the pan, add water again and cook until done. Then put it on a sieve and cool. Meanwhile, scald the almonds, peel and finely chop. Add sugar, slightly diluted with water, mix and combine with rice.

Wash the dried apricots and raisins and scald them as well. Add to kutia, mix and sprinkle everything with sugar. Serve the finished rice kutia with lean milk.

Enjoy your meal!

Among the various types of porridges, rice has a delicate taste and pleasant aroma. Despite its light texture, the nutritional value of the finished product is high, which ensures a feeling of fullness.

Basic recipe

Cooking process:

  1. Round grains of rice should be sorted before use to prevent any debris or stones from getting into the porridge;
  2. Rinse the cereal 2-5 times or until the water runs clear;
  3. Pour clean water into a saucepan or other container suitable for cooking, place the washed rice in it, and heat on low;
  4. Add salt and sugar to taste to the boiled and swollen rice;
  5. Rinse the raisins and place in hot water for 5 minutes until they become soft;
  6. After the porridge boils, it must be boiled for 15 minutes, then add the raisins;
  7. Continue cooking on low heat for another 3 to 6 minutes;
  8. Then remove from heat, add butter, stir.

Before putting the porridge on the table, you need to let it brew under the lid for about 10 minutes. This time is enough for the rice grains to swell and acquire the pleasant taste of dried fruits.

Rice porridge with raisins and milk

To prepare this type of porridge you will need the following ingredients:

  • rice (preferably with round grains) – 200 g and milk – 400 ml – the main components of the dish;
  • water – 200 ml (or 1 regular glass);
  • raisins (grape jam, optional) – 70 g;
  • butter (sweet) - 50 g (or to taste), sugar and salt also to taste - additional ingredients (fillers for porridge).

Cooking time, including food preparation, is 30 minutes.

Calorie content (100 g serving) – 170 kcal.

Cooking process:

Before serving, remove from heat and cover with a tightly fitting lid. You can also cover with a towel and let the porridge brew for 8-12 minutes. Then add butter and stir the finished porridge.

Sweet rice porridge with apples, raisins and cinnamon

This dish can be used both as a main dish for breakfast or dinner, and as a dessert for children. The following ingredients are involved in the preparation:

  • round grain rice (well cooked) – 100 g;
  • milk (you can use both regular fat and baked milk) – 400 ml (additionally up to 20 ml is allowed);
  • sugar – 20 g;
  • fine table salt - to taste (but less than sugar);
  • large sweet apple – 1 piece;
  • sweet butter – 70 g;
  • cinnamon (spice) – 20 g;
  • raisins (without glaze, seeds) – 45 g;
  • cane sugar – 20 g.

Cooking time – 35 minutes.

The calorie content of the finished dish per 100 g is 168 kcal.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort the rice into mandatory To avoid dirt getting into the porridge, rinse several times additionally (until the water is completely transparent);
  2. Pour water into the pan and add rice, cook over low heat for 10 minutes;
  3. To prevent them from being hard in the porridge, pour hot water over the raisins until they become soft;
  4. Pour milk into the pan, stir, cook, stirring, for another 10 minutes;
  5. Peel and seed the apple, cut into cubes, cover with cane sugar;
  6. Add salt and sugar (refined sugar) to the rice, mix;
  7. Remove from heat, close the lid, and leave for a few minutes.

Before serving, add cinnamon, raisins, sugared apples and butter to the rice and mix well.

Milk rice porridge with pumpkin and raisins

Proven and very delicious recipe. The porridge turns out moderately sweet and very filling. To prepare, you will need to use the following ingredients per 150 g of round rice:

  • water – 250 ml and milk – 350 ml – liquid ingredients;
  • pumpkin – 230 g (only the pulp is used in this recipe) and raisins (dried fruit) – 50 g – fillers for porridge;
  • butter – 50 g, changes up or down by 3-5 g are allowed;
  • salt and sugar are added to taste.

Cooking time – 30 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g – 148 kcal.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort the rice and rinse well until the grains of rice are clearly visible in the water;
  2. Pour water into a container, add rice, cook for 10 minutes, stir (to prevent the possibility of burning);
  3. Pour in the milk, stir, then add the available amount of salt and sugar;
  4. Then cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes and add to the porridge;
  5. Continue cooking for another 15 minutes.

After this, close the pan with a lid and leave to steep for another 5 minutes, but you can leave it for 10 minutes. After this, add raisins and butter, mix, and serve.

Rice porridge with dried apricots and raisins in a slow cooker

In order to prepare rice porridge not only tasty, but also quickly, all you need to do is use a multicooker. The dish will require the following ingredients:

  • rice ( optimal choice in favor of round grain) – 230 g;
  • raisins – 60 g;
  • granulated sugar – 20 g (or crushed refined sugar in the same quantity);
  • dried apricots – 60 g;
  • water (sometimes additional filtering is required before use) – 450 ml;
  • butter – 75 g;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking time depends on the selected program - on average 30 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g – 142 kcal.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour hot water (or boiling water) over the raisins for 7-10 minutes;
  2. Wash the kragu and cut into small pieces;
  3. Rinse the rice until the water is completely transparent;
  4. Pour it into the multicooker (into the bowl);
  5. Pour in water for further cooking, add salt, add sugar and stir;
  6. Set the “Porridge” or “Milk porridge” program, close the multicooker lid;
  7. 10 minutes before it’s ready, so the porridge does not have time to cool, add the prepared dried fruits (drain the water from the raisins);
  8. Stir and cook until done (beep).

Before serving, add butter to each serving. You can also use vanillin as a flavoring (to taste).

Before preparing rice porridge, you should definitely sort out the cereal, as it may contain dirt or small pebbles. It is better to rinse it in cold water, changing it 2 to 4 times - this will allow the porridge to become crumbly.

It is easy to regulate the thickness of the dish yourself - less liquid - thick, more than in the recipe - thin. The optimal ratio of cereal and liquid (milk or water) is 1:2.

Steamed, long, brown rice - all these types of grains are not suitable for porridge, so it is better not to use them for this dish.

Kutia is a Lenten dish that is usually prepared for Christmas Eve or for a funeral table. Today it is also prepared from rice and pearl barley. It is believed that the more satisfying the dish, the more successful the next year will be. You can cook rice kutia in several ways, but for a good taste you must take into account the following recommendations.

How to cook kutya from rice with raisins - features of the dish

  • The main ingredient for kutya is cereal. Usually it is boiled, but the grains should remain intact, and the porridge itself should be crumbly.
  • The most delicate taste is obtained from a dish made from rice with raisins. It is quite easy to prepare, which is why this version of kutia is the most popular.
  • Before cooking rice, it must be thoroughly washed to remove starch and rice flour. Then boil until fully cooked. There is no need to pre-soak the cereal.
  • Syrup is first made from sugar and honey, and then added to rice. Honey can not be diluted, but added ready-made to cereals.
  • Dried fruits are first steamed, then dried, cut into pieces and then added to rice.
  • The finished kutya is transferred to a small bowl. The top of the dish is usually decorated with nuts or raisins.

How to cook kutya from rice with raisins in a pan

Kutya is usually cooked with sweet syrup and raisins. It’s not difficult to prepare, the main thing is to carefully study the recipe and strictly follow it.

Ingredients for the dish:

  • polished rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • cold water – 2 tbsp.;
  • raisins – 150 gr.;
  • butter (not softened) – 40 g;
  • sugar, salt - to taste.


  • Rice grains must be rinsed well until the water runs clear. It is most convenient to do this using a sieve, but you can rinse the cereal in a plate.

  • Place the rice in a saucepan and add cold water. If you use boiling water for cooking, then the volume of water must be reduced by a quarter.

  • When the rice starts to boil, add salt. After half the liquid has boiled away, cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat and cook the cereal until tender.

  • You should have crumbly cereal cooked. Leave it to cool to room temperature.

  • Meanwhile, pour boiling water over the raisins and leave for 5-10 minutes to steam. After the specified time, drain the water and place it on a paper towel. This will allow excess moisture to be absorbed into the napkin.

  • Raisins and sugar must be fried in a frying pan. Add only butter to them. If you are preparing a lean dish, then omit this process. In this case, dissolve the sugar in boiling water and simply add to the rice.

  • When frying, carefully monitor the sugar level. It should melt and take on a light caramel color.

  • Add sweet raisins to the rice and mix well.
  • Serve kutya to the table in small portions in small bowls. For convenience, you need to place a teaspoon nearby.

How to cook kutya from rice with raisins in a slow cooker

The multicooker has already become one of the main assistants in the kitchen. With its help, you can easily and quickly prepare a funeral dish.

You will need the following products:

  • rice groats – 2 tbsp;
  • cold water – 4 tbsp.;
  • raisins – 300 gr.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.


  • The main feature of cooking in a slow cooker is compliance with the specified proportions. Therefore, for fluffy rice, you need to strictly follow the instructions.
  • Rinse the cereal in cold water and place in a bowl. Pour water.

Important! For a multicooker, a special measuring cup is used, which may differ in volume from a regular container.

  • Close the lid, open the top hole and turn on the multicooker to the “Rice” mode. This function provides a recipe for preparing this particular cereal. But if you don’t have it, then select the “Porridge” mode.
  • While the porridge is cooking, rinse the raisins under running water and then steam them with boiling water. If desired, you can use any dried fruit with it.
  • In a separate container, dilute the honey with warm water or melt it in a water bath.

Important! Do not dilute honey with boiling water. Otherwise, all the beneficial properties of the product will be lost. It is also not recommended to heat honey in a microwave oven.

  • Add raisins to cooked rice, then pour in honey and stir thoroughly. Transfer the finished dish to a small plate and serve.

  • Rice porridge should not look like a sticky mass. Therefore, when preparing it, follow the proportions of water and use long-grain rice for cooking.
  • If you first briefly soak the rice in boiling water, the grains will turn out soft and juicy.
  • For kutia, honey is used only in liquid form. The candied product must first be melted. To save useful properties do this in a water bath.
  • Large raisins and dried fruits can be cut into small pieces or strips.

To make the kutia tasty and beautiful, it is important to adhere to the specified proportions. This is not so difficult to do, the main thing is to carefully study the recipe. Bon appetit!

For another recipe for a funeral dish with rice and raisins, watch the video:

Who said that porridge with water can't be tasty? It very well may! Try it and see for yourself.

Rice porridge on water with raisins - great option breakfast for both adults and children. In less than an hour you will prepare healthy and tasty dish with a minimum of effort. All you need to do is rinse the rice, add water and leave to cook, remembering to stir the porridge from time to time. Raisins diversify the finished dish, giving it a pleasant touch of sweetness.

If you don’t want to stand at the stove in the morning, prepare the porridge in the evening. This is even better: there is less hassle, and the taste is better - overnight the porridge will infuse and swell properly. You can serve rice porridge with anything: sugar, honey, jam or jam, just don’t forget to put a piece of butter on the plate - the dish will have a completely unusual taste!

So, to prepare rice porridge in water with raisins, we need the following ingredients.

First, rinse the rice well under running cold water.

Pour 2 cups of filtered water into a small saucepan, add salt, add washed rice and put on fire. Cook for 15-20 minutes until the rice swells and all the liquid evaporates. Stir the porridge periodically so that it does not burn.

At this time, wash the raisins, peel them if necessary and add warm water. Leave aside for 15 minutes so that the raisins become softer and juicier.

After the specified time, salt the water and dry the raisins. clean towel so that excess moisture does not get into the porridge.

Our rice is already cooked! Even though I used round rice, individual grains are very obvious in the finished porridge. At this stage, cooking the porridge can be completed by adding prepared raisins to the pan. I prefer viscous porridge, and therefore I want the rice to boil a little more in the water and swell. To do this, I pour the third glass of water into the rice and cook until the liquid has almost completely boiled away.

Now I throw in the raisins, mix and leave under the lid to brew a little and, as they say, until ready. If you prepare porridge the night before, I advise you to leave it undercooked, that is, in a small amount of boiling water. The porridge will absorb it overnight.

Our rice porrige in water with raisins ready! Serve hot, seasoned with sugar or honey!

Bon appetit and a good start to the day!

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