Air conditioners split rating manufacturers. Choosing an air conditioner for an apartment: rating of manufacturers

At least 40 manufacturers of air conditioners are represented on the Russian market, mainly from Japan, China and Southeast Asia. Taking into account the fact that each of the manufacturers produces at least a dozen models of air conditioners, then list all brands of air conditioners, the list best models it is impossible to compose within one article, and it makes no sense. It is much more useful to simply bring an expert opinion to the reader: which company's air conditioners are better.

In we have already given the top 10 manufacturers of air conditioners, reliability rating. Now let's try to expand this rating of air conditioner companies and make the necessary clarifications.

Daikin Logo

The undisputed leader is the company. Suffice it to say that the average service life of a Daikin air conditioner is 105,120 hours of continuous operation, while an air conditioner is 61,320 hours - only 26,280 hours.

Daikin launched systems capable of operating in Antarctic frosts (down to -50 ° C, but only for cooling), and was one of the first to start switching its air conditioners to R410 freon, which is safe for the ozone layer.

Air conditioning Daikin in the interior

Daikin is the only company that has transferred production not from Europe to Asia, but from Asia to Western Europe: air conditioners under this brand are assembled in Japan, Thailand, China and Belgium.

Unanimous response of experts to the question: “ What are the best air conditioners? — Daikin.

Mitsubishi Electric is somewhat inferior to Daikin in terms of product life, but it has mastered the production of air conditioners that can work to heat an apartment in winter, at temperatures below -15 ° C outside. This is a significant competitive advantage, because operating an air conditioner for heating is cheaper than using conventional electric heaters for this purpose.

Mitsubishi logo

Top household air conditioner rating also includes: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, General (Fujitsu, Fuji). All these four brands are characterized by high quality components and assembly, very low level failures (no more than 1 in 300 manufactured air conditioners), a developed self-diagnostic system that protects the air conditioner from improper operation.

If they ask: “Recommend a good air conditioner,” then you can safely recommend these brands. Unless, of course, take into account their price - about $ 1200 for a two-kilowatt device!

Toshiba air conditioner in the interior

Next group air conditioners in the quality rating- , Sanyo, Hitachi, Aermec, McQuay, Sharp, Carrier, Hyundai. As you can see, non-Japanese brands also penetrated this group: Aermec - Italian, McQuay - American (assembly in Malaysia), Hyunday - Korean.

In general, this group is not much inferior to the top four in terms of reliability, but “does not hold up in detail”: a simplified self-diagnosis system does not always prevent improper operation of appliances, a noisy outdoor unit can disturb particularly sensitive neighbors at night, etc.

But the price of air conditioners in this group is a quarter, or even one and a half times lower.

McQuay ducted air conditioner

It is interesting to note that McQuay specialists pay great attention to deodorization and air purification, and Hyunday air conditioners in this group are the quietest.

In this article, we list only brands of air conditioners, but we must also proceed from the fact that for cottages, country houses semi-industrial split systems may also be suitable. In this case, experts recommend that users pay attention to the already mentioned McQuay products: the developments of US engineers over a long period of time developed exactly split systems for exhibition halls, workshops, and this made the developments of this company attractive in terms of maintaining climate control in large rooms .

Ballu air conditioner in the interior

The third group includes Chinese air conditioners: brands Ballu, Haier, Midea, Kentatsu, Jax with Korean LG, Samsung, Malay Acson, French Airwell (Chinese assembly), Israeli Electra (Chinese assembly) who joined them.

The number of failures in this group reaches 1 per 100 air conditioners, they do not have a self-diagnostic system; trouble-free operation is possible only if the instructions are strictly followed, they have a noisy outdoor unit. But on the other hand, their price is 2 times lower than that of group II air conditioners.

Elenberg air conditioner in the interior

The most imperfect in terms of reliability brands of air conditioners, reviews experts testify that these are Chinese Dantex, Pioneer, Tadiran, Chigo, Aeg, Vectra, Delonghi, Bork, Beko, Vitek, Techno, Elenberg. Many of the listed brands are of European origin, but production, etc., has long been transferred to the Celestial Empire.

The price for them, as a rule, does not exceed $300.

Which air conditioner is better to choose

If the reader decides that the above reference unambiguously answers the question: " Which air conditioner is better to buy? - that is a misconception. There are additional factors as well. For example, modern home air conditioners can be both cooling-only and capable of both cooling and heating (reversible). Mitsubishi is among the leaders in the development of the latter. Its air conditioners can “pump” heat into the apartment at fairly low outside temperatures. In developing this know-how, Mitsibishi specialists have outstripped Daikin.

Choosing an air conditioner is a tricky business.

But think about whether you need to spend an extra $400 if there are best brands air conditioners from the second group of rating plus some good electric heaters?

Request " Recommend the air conditioner in the apartment” most often stumbles upon a counter question: “How much are you willing to spend on a split system?” But the price is not always the decisive argument for the optimal choice.

Everyone knows that air conditioners are divided into two types: conventional (in which the compressor works intermittently) and inverter, in which the compressor works constantly, providing minimal room temperature deviations from the set value. The trouble with conventional air conditioners is their inertia: either it gets too hot in the room, or a stream of cold air beats out of the air conditioner, under which you won’t catch a cold for long.

Under the stream of cold air from the air conditioner, you can catch a cold and fall asleep

Inverters do not have these shortcomings, but their price is, on average, $200 higher. In addition, the production technology of the inversion device is so complex that not all firms are able to withstand the stable quality of products of such complexity.

So when they ask Help choosing an air conditioner”, it is not always possible to give an unambiguous answer: a conventional air conditioner from a manufacturer from the II group of ratings may be better than an inverter one from the III group.

Service center for air conditioners

Another answer to the question: Which brand of air conditioner is better to choose? - The one whose service center is in your city.

In particular, this advice concerns non-Muscovites, residents of medium and small towns. The matter is that firms of I and II rating groups have an extensive service network; most firms of III and IV groups - by no means! And go for spare parts to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, etc. for residents of small towns, it may be more expensive than immediately buying a good air conditioner from a recognized manufacturer that has a developed network of service companies.

Field service of air conditioners

As the British say: "We are not rich enough to buy cheap things!"

So the answer to the question is: What brand is the best air conditioner? not as simple as it might seem.

In recent years, climatic disasters in the region have shown more and more clearly that severe frosts and unprecedented summer heat are difficult to overcome without air conditioning, which, in fact, has long ceased to be considered a luxury, but has become an urgent need. Perhaps this is the only technique that can bring maximum benefit and give incomparable comfort. That is why consumers today are not faced with the question of expediency, but of which model and firm to give preference to.

Air conditioning is not a luxury but a necessity

In order for the long-awaited purchase to meet your expectations, we will try to answer the questions in the article: “Which air conditioner to choose for an apartment” and “which brand of air conditioner is better”, as well as give some practical advice on choosing it.

So, first of all, you have to answer a few questions for yourself:

  1. Why do you need an air conditioner?
  2. what power should it have;
  3. whether it should be equipped with a heating function;
  4. what should be the permissible noise level and electricity consumption;
  5. whether it will be an inverter or not;
  6. what will be the filtration system;
  7. do you need automatic modes;
  8. the choice of class and, of course, the manufacturer.

Let's try to highlight in the article all the acute-angled stones of choosing the most suitable model of air conditioner. We should immediately make a reservation - only air conditioners for apartments will be affected - household-type models, or rather split systems (an indoor unit with a fan and an external one with a compressor, connected to each other using a freon pipeline).

Today, conventional window air conditioners, due to their incompatibility with euro windows and high noise levels, are quickly becoming relics of the past. In addition, let's ignore column or channel-type split systems for the time being, which have become an integral part of modern offices and spacious trading floors.

Which air conditioner is best for an apartment: factors of choice

Purpose and type of air conditioner

The purpose of any air conditioner is to change the characteristics of the air in the room: temperature, humidity, purity and content. While the supply and exhaust ventilation supplies fresh air from the outside into the room, the air conditioner “dumps” warm (cold) air and excess moisture into the street, maintaining the pre-set parameters in the room.

All conditioners are subdivided into models of household type, semi-industrial and industrial function. For intra-apartment use, a household air conditioner is chosen, the service life of which is 7-10 years.

Household air conditioners include:

  1. mobile,
  2. window,
  3. split systems,
  4. multi-split systems.

Mobile and window models you can give preference only if the available space is not enough to install a split system consisting of two blocks (internal and external), interconnected by communications.

Multi split system is the operation of several indoor units and one outdoor unit.

Split systems , being considered the most functional and convenient devices, they can work exclusively for cooling, for cooling and heating air, and also serve as supply and exhaust ventilation. Therefore, further in the article we will focus on split systems.

Power selection

It is a mistake to believe that the power of the air conditioner is determined solely by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room where the equipment is planned to be installed. This opinion does not take into account other important parameters, and it may happen that by installing a Daikin FTXS25J RXS25J air conditioner in a 30 square meter room, you will not get proper cooling (heating) of the air, but a more powerful Daikin FTX35J RX35J model will be required.

From a design point of view, the power of an air conditioner can be determined by the following formula:

P (cooling capacity, W) = V (room volume) x Q + q.

In this case, Q is defined as follows:

30 W / m3 - for rooms without sunlight (north side)
35 W/m3 - for rooms with normal lighting.
40 W / m3 - for rooms with bright lighting (south side) and with large glazing.

q is defined as follows:

120-130 W - heat input from 1 person;
300-400 W - heat input from the 1st computer.

This means that not only the Daikin FTX20J RX20J model, but also the more powerful FTXS25J (FTX25JV) air conditioner will not be enough for a 20 m2 room located on the south, sunny side, where several people or computers are constantly located.

It must be remembered: on average, the power consumption of an air conditioner is 2-3 times less than its cooling capacity. And the higher this ratio, the more economical is the air conditioner. For example, for the FTX25JV, the COP ratio is 4.06, while the ratio for budget models does not exceed 2.5-2.8.

heating function

The cost of an air conditioner with a heating function is $100-200 higher than conventional models. However, during operation, additional costs are more than compensated: in the autumn-winter period, such models can save up to 60% of electricity. One thing is bad - such air conditioners are not designed to operate at negative air temperatures outside.

Most modern models, including the elite class, have heating in their functionality.

Permissible noise level and power consumption

The most important technical parameter of the air conditioner is the air capacity, which determines the volume of air that the system can pass through itself in a set time.

The higher the air capacity, the faster the device will provide the necessary indoor climate. In the case of unreasonably high performance, energy overruns may occur. However, this does not apply to economy air conditioners with high class energy consumption A - such models process large volumes of air masses with minimal energy consumption.

So, if the installation of an air conditioner involves its regular operation and with increased loads, then the best air conditioners for an apartment will be A-class energy saving models.

When buying an air conditioner, you should pay attention to the level of noise pressure: it is optimal if it does not exceed 25-30 dB - in this case the device will work almost silently. At the same time, the maximum permissible noise level established by SNiP is 34 dB.


Often, the need to install an air conditioner occurs at an outdoor temperature of 28-35°C. In order for the room temperature to reach a comfortable level (20-22 ° C), the device will have to work with an excess of power, since the power of their compressor is a constant value. For these purposes, the automation is configured in such a way that as soon as the temperature exceeds the set level by 1-2 ° C, the compressor is activated, which turns off immediately after lowering to the previous level.

This may lead to:

  • excessive consumption of electrical energy when starting for starting currents;
  • rapid wear of the compressor from regular shutdown / shutdown;
  • sharp temperature fluctuations in the room;
  • cold air currents during cooling operation.

Inverter air conditioners do not have such disadvantages. Which company to buy an air conditioner? It's simple, it could be a Daikin FTXS (FTXS25J.

Inverter air conditioners work on the principle of a smooth change in the frequency of revolutions of the compressor, and as a result, its power.

At the same time, it is observed:

  • Low power consumption,
  • Compressor wear is significantly lower,
  • low noise level,
  • Maintaining the indoor temperature more accurately
  • No cold air.

Air filtration and treatment system

Modern models of air conditioners are equipped with a reliable filtration system, consisting of several separate filters or one combined. Any air conditioner, regardless of the class and manufacturer, has a primary (coarse) filter, which can be removed and cleaned independently.

The kahetin filter, plasma or bio-filter is responsible for the quality of antibacterial treatment. More advanced filtration systems destroy microparticles from air streams at the molecular level (fungus and mold spores, allergens) and bring them to the drain.

If the house is full of children, asthmatics and allergy sufferers, then the answer to the question “which air conditioner to choose” will be model, the functionality of which is similar to the air cleaner.

Air conditioners equipped with an ionizer and an oxygen generator are able to enrich the air with negative ions and oxygen molecules, making it useful for well-being. However, such an ionizer involves dosed use, since the effect of anions on the human body is individual.

And finally, the latest development in the field of air conditioning - a split system equipped with a humidification function and with an admixture of air from the atmosphere, combining several household appliances: a heater, a purifier and a humidifier.

Automatic modes

When choosing the best air conditioner for an apartment, you should pay attention to automation and automatic modes. Since the cost of a split system is determined by the functionality and the number of automatic modes, you will have to think about their expediency so that you do not have to overpay.

So, the air conditioner can have the following automatic modes:

  • the "comfortable sleep" mode implies the possibility of working at low power in silent mode;
  • forced mode of operation - operation on full power, operational cooling/heating of the room;
  • the "wind" mode imitates a natural breeze and a chaotic change in the direction of the air flow and its intensity;
  • economy mode;
  • dehumidification mode to a comfortable level;
  • self-diagnosis mode allows you to test the equipment for compliance with the declared functions and automatic modes.

The most popular and expensive automation is the built-in “climate control”, which allows you to effectively control the composition, purity and temperature of the air. The data obtained become the basis for choosing the operating mode of the air conditioner.

Of course, the self-cleaning function of the indoor unit is very useful, thanks to which, the switched off device dries itself from the inside and treats the internal surfaces with such a powerful antiseptic as ozone.

Manufacturer's choice: which company air conditioner is better

Today, the market for air conditioners is represented by products of various brands. We can say that all models have a similar design, but differ in quality and power, a set of additional functions and noise level and other characteristics that divide all air conditioners into three classes:

  1. elite;
  2. middle;
  3. budget.

Elite class

Daikin air conditioners, the largest Japanese manufacturer of air conditioning and ventilation systems, can be attributed to elite models.

These products are different:

  • the widest range of functions
  • noiseless operation,
  • reliable protection against misuse,
  • additional functions of efficiency, "Smart Eye", "No one at home",
  • effective self-diagnosis system,
  • long-term operation - at least 15 years and a warranty period - 3 years.

Middle class air conditioners

Air conditioners of the middle class are distinguished by a good price / quality ratio, high reliability and a long service life.

What distinguishes them from the elite class models and which air conditioners are the best? First of all, more high level noise, simplified protection against incorrect operation and the presence of only some functions.

Which company to buy an air conditioner? Middle class represented by the following leading manufacturers: Toshiba, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Heavy, Panasonic and Gree, General Fujitsu.

budget class

The budget class product group includes Chinese, Korean and domestic production. Technical specifications and the characteristics of budget-class models are much lower, and the quality is in many ways inferior. Budget products are distinguished by high noise, there is no protection against incorrect operation and a self-diagnosis system.

What brand of air conditioner?

First of all: Ballu, Samsung, Airwell, General Climate, Sharp, LG, Midea, McQuay, Haier, Hyundai (Winia/WindAir), Aermec, Sanyo and others.


Searching for an answer to the question: “Which air conditioner to buy in an apartment”, special attention should be paid to the visual perception of the model. However, you should be vigilant: a stylish case can hide a primitive functional set of the device. Conversely, an outwardly unpretentious model can be equipped with excellent functionality.

Traditional classic models with a snow-white body with minimal front panel trim and temperature indicators fit perfectly into any room interior without violating the overall architecture.

Summing up: which air conditioner is better to choose?

So, if you want to become the owner of the most advanced air conditioner model that will serve you faithfully for many years, without burdening you with worries and additional troubles, then the powerful Daikin air conditioner will be the best option.

Would you like to save some money? Then you should pay attention to other elite models of air conditioners, based on your personal preferences.

Even greater savings, of course, without loss of quality can bring the purchase of a middle-class air conditioner. However, the purchase of budget series equipment may cause you some difficulties, since the group contains many models of different quality and functionality. Which brand of budget air conditioner is better? The one that has a more developed and developed trade network - these can be LG and Samsung brand air conditioners.

However, remember that by purchasing a budget model, you will be able to place the outdoor and indoor units at a distance of up to 7 meters, while the elite models allow you to increase this distance to 15 meters.

At the same time, even if you are a master of all trades, do not risk installing the air conditioner yourself - save your strength and money that you will have to spend on eliminating defects or repairing equipment. And, finally, discuss the choice of the optimal model of air conditioner not by phone, but on the spot, after the specialist has examined the premises.

youtube video

The video will help you choose the best air conditioner for your apartment.

  • Mitsubishi Electric- the eternal number two in the Russian market. In my opinion, the equipment is in no way inferior to Daikin in quality, however, the large thick internal blocks of a person who sees them with his own eyes will definitely make you think. At the same time, the trend in series is simple - the larger the dimensions of the block, the more functional and fancy it is ... Everything would be good, but more than $ 1000 for a coffin on the wall would not make me happy ... The most advanced FH or LN series to date in rooms of 15 meters (and God forbid with low ceilings) looks depressing with any repair. Although full functionality, noiselessness and quality are above all praise.
  • Mitsubishi Heavy. I don’t know the correct slogan of this company, but in Russia it would sound something like this: “we are no worse than Mitsubishi Electric, but cheaper.” And I agree! Excellent quality, discreet design, stability, noiselessness and good technical support of official services makes you vote for it if you turn on the mind. All cars of the Mitsubishi Motors concern are equipped with automobile air conditioners of this particular company, and this also says a lot.
  • Panasonic- good air conditioners ... Were ... Were good until March 2012: until they began to scam defective batches in official deliveries for several months. And these are premium inverter series! I will note the design - it is probably the best after Daikin, but the quality of the air conditioners is oh so lame. Whistling boards of indoor units, automation glitches, and crowded service centres claims so far only sadden. The absurd situation of 2012: new series NKD long time sold cheaper than the old MKD by $ 70-100! Near the house there are Panasonic 4-year-old, happy as an elephant, but so far there is no point in looking in their direction. Although ... stop ... completely forgot. In October 2012, Panasonic launched a stimulating program to start selling buggy appliances: buy 2 air conditioners and get a bread maker as a gift! And what - bread makers, they seem to have nothing, I even heard that people praise! It's sad in general, although why be surprised: 10 years ago, Panasonic did not make air conditioners, just like their colleague SONY still does not make them ... Probably it's right.
  • Hitachi- good reliable air conditioners. I see only one minus - despite the low noise level declared in the catalogs, in fact the air conditioners work for some reason louder than the above competitors. Although the catalogs indicate the same minimum noise figures up to 26 dB for almost all Japanese manufacturers, it turns out that Hitachi is a bit, but still audible, but for some reason there is no similar Panasonic or Mitsubishi. And the assembly of almost all Hitachi inverters is China. Not an indicator - you will say, and you will be right. The Chinese are already flying into space, and there is no need to doubt their capabilities, but I personally still doubt the veracity of the noise specifications.
  • Toshiba- that's certainly a complete harmony of price and quality. For rational buyers - that's it! They are harmonious, they are reliable, they do not break and are not whimsical to the most barbaric executions in terms of “I forget to clean the 3rd year” or “oh, why can’t you turn it on at minus 25?” Just unkillable devices! By the way, the first who came up with a split system is TOSHIBA, and without greedy markups, Toshiba representative offices in Russia sell them in unlimited quantities every year. Alas, the most unprofitable brand at the margin of any climate company (even ours), but this is a secret ...
  • Finally General or Fujitsu. This is one plant and the same blocks. But in "our rush" this brand is sold under both brands, with different labels (the difference is one letter, so that no one would guess) and with different prices. There are also two suppliers of these air conditioners to Russia. This move avoids direct competition. However, excellent, good, high-quality equipment. Decent design and features. The price is too high due to the artificial monopoly on the import of this brand to Russia - nothing can be done. The choice is worthy whatever one may say, otherwise you can vote with your wallet.

Almost everyone asks this question, and the reason lies in the huge number of brands, models and functions - the eyes run wide, and even the price spread at first often plunges into a slight shock. In this article I will try to help you with the choice and put everything in its place.

Every year, with the advent of summer, the demand for air conditioners increases significantly. At this moment, most of our fellow citizens are thinking about purchasing this useful, but expensive device. And due to the fact that the modern market of air conditioners is saturated with a huge scattering of brands and models with various options, functions and characteristics, not to mention the range of prices, it is not surprising to get confused about which air conditioner to choose for your home.

After all, to make right choice you need to know by what criteria to evaluate applicants. As these notorious criteria, I propose to single out three: quality, practicality and, of course, cost. All three criteria are of approximately equal importance, since. the quality of the device reflects not only consumer characteristics (such as noise level), but also its resource or the number of years that your new split system will serve you faithfully. Practicality is no less important, because by purchasing a condo with a heating mode, you get a significant advantage - the ability to heat up in the off-season, when it is already cold at night and the heating period has not yet begun.

So, how to determine which air conditioner to choose in an apartment and not face the inconvenience associated with its installation and operation itself? In this article, we will try to cover this important issue.

Which air conditioner to choose: Requirements for applicants on the shelves

The main points on which we decide which air conditioner to choose for an apartment are:


The country of manufacture

Types and modification;

Power (performance) and power consumption;

Appearance and dimensions;

functional set.

Each of these criteria is determined by the relevant features of your apartment and your budgetary possibilities.

Which air conditioner to choose: Which company's air conditioner is better - the price and quality of air conditioners

When we think about the question of which air conditioner to choose, then, undoubtedly, we take into account the brand and the country of origin, and they, in turn, often dictate the price for them.

For more than 60 years, Japan has occupied the first position in this market segment. Most of the inventions related to refrigeration were made there, so Japan is considered the undisputed leader of the industry and sets the overall pace for the entire industry. In this regard, when choosing an air conditioner for a Japanese-made apartment, you can absolutely count on highest quality offered products, but their prices are among the highest on the market. Mitsubishi, Daikin, Fujitsu General and Toshiba are worth noting as the best Japanese manufacturers. Manufacturers Panasonic , Hitachi , Sanyo and others are in catching up positions both in terms of quality and technology, and in terms of prices, which will be about 10-30% lower than the previously mentioned competitors.

We can include devices from Italy (Aermec), the USA (McQuay) and South Korea (, Hyundai, Samsung) to the middle category.

The cheapest, both in terms of cost and quality, are, of course, split systems made in China (Zanussi and Midea, etc.), and it is also worth adding Electrolux, assembled not in Germany, but in other countries.

But do not forget that not everything that glitters is gold, and not everything that is expensive is good. The bottom line is that for a number of very high-quality and expensive goods, you can sometimes get an impressive discount. Depending on the load and time of the year, various promotions are held for climate equipment in various companies, thanks to which you can get expensive air conditioning at a much lower price.

For example, it is possible to get FREE(!) installation when buying air conditioners Daikin. The Daikin FTXB series in itself is one of the most favorable in terms of price and quality, because for a relatively small amount you get an air conditioner from an industry leader manufactured in Europe! And as a gift, you also get delivery with installation, which is currently the best offer in the category of premium air conditioners.

Wall-mounted split system Hyundai H-AR2 Ultra series

Which air conditioner to choose: Power and other technical characteristics of split systems for an apartment

The compressor and its power are responsible for the main task for us - cooling (or heating). Understanding this, you need to select the power of the device based on the size of the room that it will process. For reference: 10 sq.m. area, a power (cooling capacity) of 1 kW is needed, which means for a room of 20 sq.m. at least 2kW of cooling power is required.

It is important to consider that you do not need to buy a conder that is significantly more powerful than it is required. The power reserve should not exceed 30%. Otherwise, the efficiency of your system will be lower and the average power consumption higher.

The main modes that all modern air conditioners have are the cooling mode, the heating mode, the blowing or ventilation mode, the air cleaning and dehumidification mode, the mode of automatically maintaining the set temperature and adjusting the air flow. In addition to standard features, the most modern models are equipped with additional options, such as air ionization, filter fine cleaning, fresh air supply from the street, "winter start" system, plasma air purifier, "spot" cooling or heating, and others. All this pleasure, of course, increases the cost of goods.

And, of course, the most important part of each split system is the remote control, which displays the set temperature indicators and the included modes, as well as configures all the parameters of the air conditioning system.

Which air conditioner to choose: Types of air conditioners for an apartment

With regard to the types of structures and the method of installation, they are divided into three key areas:

Monoblock - having one block (window and mobile);

- split systemsconsisting of one indoor unit (wall, cassette, channel or ceiling) and one outdoor unit.

- multi split systems, consisting of several indoor units (wall, cassette, channel or ceiling) connected to one outdoor unit.

Window monoblock LG

Which air conditioner to choose: Monoblock air conditioning system

The monoblock system, also known as a window system, as a type is almost a thing of the past. Its only advantage is its low cost. But the disadvantages, such as noisy operation, blockage of the window opening and installation in double-glazed windows, associated with a number of problems, force this type of cooler out of the market. But still, we note that in some cases the installation of such a system may be justified (for example, for installation in retail kiosks). This type of device has also undergone modernization over time. Among them, versions with additional functions appeared, such as: air heating mode and remote control, and also became more stylish and their design.

At the moment, mobile air conditioners are gaining popularity, and the reason for this is their unique feature - the possibility of self-transportation. Although they have one significant drawback - the notorious noisy work. This type does not require installation, all you need to do is just plug it into an electrical outlet and bring a hose outside through a window or window through which warm air is removed from it. They, as a rule, are designed for a small area (no more than 25 sq.m.). The cost of the "mobile phone" will be a little higher than that of the window.

Wall split system LG

Which air conditioner to choose: Split systems

Any split system has one outdoor and one indoor unit. Thus, the main source of noise - the compressor, located in the outdoor unit, is mounted outside the room, and the indoor unit, which is installed in the room, operates almost silently. The blocks communicate with each other by means of an electric cable and a freon line.

There are several subspecies of split systems, and they all differ from each other in the type of indoor unit, the choice of which depends on the technical conditions of a particular room. Wall-mounted air conditioners are considered the most common and attractive models, but if it is not possible to install it on the wall, you can buy yourself a cassette, duct, ceiling or floor type.

Which air conditioner to choose: Multi-split system

A multi-split system with one outdoor unit is capable of serving several rooms at once, and this happens due to the possibility of connecting from 2 to 5-6 indoor units of any type to it. The installation of devices of this type is much more complicated and expensive due to the fact that multi-split systems, similar in performance to several split systems, always turn out to be more expensive in themselves, and also require more material when wiring power supply and freon lines. Moreover, it is likely that in this case you will face additional costs for the installation of false ceilings, since some of the communications may have to be carried out along the ceiling. Therefore, when planning to buy a multi-split system, it is important to consider that such systems require a mandatory preliminary calculation, even before repairs are carried out in your apartment. And one more disadvantage of this system that is worth noting is the lack of the possibility of room-by-room adjustment of the operating mode, which means it is impossible to turn on the block for heating in one room and for cooling in the other.

In connection with the foregoing, we summarize that the installation of a multi-split system is justified only in one case - if it is not possible to install several outdoor units (corresponding to the number of indoor units)

Which air conditioner to choose: inverter or not

In this section, we will consider questions that are important to many: what is an inverter, and is it worth buying an inverter air conditioner. If you are thinking of buying an inverter split, then you should consider that, in essence, it differs from a non-inverter one only in the presence of a smooth control of the outdoor unit compressor, due to which certain energy savings and noise reduction of the outdoor unit are achieved. So is it worth buying an inverter condo? The answer lies in its price. Any "inverter" costs significantly more than its younger brother without this technology. The difference, depending on the manufacturer, can be up to 30%, and the energy savings are about 20%. Accordingly, if we are talking about a large number of units with strict electricity restrictions, then this decision will be justified, but when installing a couple of units in an apartment, the electricity savings will be only 0.2-0.3 kW, and the overpayment upon purchase will be significant.

Which air conditioner to choose: Choosing the right place to install an air conditioner in an apartment

We have already figured out a little about how to choose an air conditioner in an apartment, and now the key task is to choose the place where we will mount it. Installing an air conditioner, and to be precise, choosing the right place to install an air conditioner, is a process that requires a balanced and correct decision, and all because it cannot be taken and rearranged to another place, as can be done with a fan or air cleaner.

In many respects, its further successful functioning depends on the chosen place for the split system. The optimal place for installation in an apartment can be determined by following a few simple rules:

Rule 1 - avoid direct exposure of people to the flow of cold air
Direct exposure of the air flow to people in the room is not only undesirable, but even dangerous. The thing is that the jet of air that the block throws into space is colder than everything else. room air at 7-15 degrees Celsius. The ingress of this stream can cause not only poor health, but even threaten with a cold. The air flow of your air conditioner must be directed so that it passes where people are not too often. A number of Daikin air conditioner models are already equipped with the unique Smart Eye function, which prevents direct airflow from reaching people in the room.

Not true! With this placement, a stream of cold air will blow directly at you.

Rule 2 - Install the wall unit at the head of the bed
When choosing an installation location in the bedroom, most of us wonder how it would be most acceptable to place the split system in relation to the bed, on which wall. When it is not possible to place the indoor unit as far as possible from the bed, it should be mounted exactly above the head (although many are afraid of such a scheme, it is the only correct one in such a situation, because the flow will not be directed to the head, it gets to the legs, which we often all covered with a blanket, and therefore protected).

The most correct way to place the air conditioner in the bedroom

Rule 3 - leave at least 10 centimeters between the top cover of the unit and the ceiling
The most reasonable and advantageous location of the indoor unit is when there is free space from the ceiling, which is at least ten centimeters, but if the conditions do not allow hanging the air conditioner at such a height, then the minimum distance between the unit and the ceiling is at least 3 cm
Rule 4 - do not create an obstacle for blown air
It is unacceptable to install indoor units above chests of drawers or cabinets when the distance to the bottom of the unit is less than 70-100 centimeters, and also refuse to place the indoor unit where there is an obstacle to the blown air. With such a scheme, the air flow will have an incorrect circulation, in addition, the operation of the system will be much less efficient, and air exchange will deteriorate.

How to choose a place to install an air conditioner

Rule 5 - do not place the indoor unit far from the outdoor unit of the split system

A prerequisite is a small length of the route. An extended route makes installation more expensive, and, secondly, it significantly reduces the efficiency of the split system.

Which air conditioner to choose: Outcome

So what is the best air conditioner for an apartment? For an apartment, it is definitely better to use non-inverter wall-mounted split systems, and they should be placed as close as possible to the outdoor units, taking into account the fact that their air flow should not fall on people. I hope that our article helped you with your choice and wish you a successful purchase!

Which air conditioner to choose

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This rating will help you choose an air conditioner for an apartment, cottage or office in terms of reliability and quality. For apartments (especially bedrooms) we recommend using inverter split systems, and ordinary ones are suitable for offices on-off models.

Methodology for determining the rating of air conditioners "W.A.S."

Each air conditioner is assigned an index W.A.S., which is calculated by the formula:


Maximum calculated value WAS in 2018 = 82.5 points

Group 1. "Sound pressure level" (G1)

Calculated maximum value G1 - 13.5 points(at catalog noise level 19 dB)

Calculated as follows:

Group 1. " Specifications» (G1)

G1 = G1.1 + G1.2

G1.1=S / 2 , where:

S= 36 - (min. catalog noise value of indoor unit in dB)

G1.2= 5,0 with a Eurovent certificate (we check)

G1.2= 0 in the absence of a certificate

Group 2. "Cost factor for 1 kW of cold for a model of 25 sq.m." (G2)

Calculated maximum value G2 - 17 points

G2 = 1700 / M

M= cost in USD per 1 kW

Group 3. "Brand reliability coefficient" (G3)

Estimated maximum value G3 - 17 points

Each manufacturer of air conditioners is assigned a reliability coefficient by the company's experts.

17 - Daikin

11 - 16 (famous non-Chinese brands)

6 - 10 (famous "factory" Chinese brands)

1 - 5 (OEM - brands)

Group 4 "Technical bells and whistles" (G4)

Calculated maximum value G4 - 17 points including:

Remote control convenience(0-2 points)

1 (backlight)

1 (large display)

Air Filtration Quality(0-3 points)

1 (presence of one fine filter)

1 (the presence of a second fine filter)

1 (super-modern filter that surprised)

Air ionizer (plasma filter) (0-2)

1 ("small" or optional ionizer)

2 ("separate" pre-installed ionizer)

WiFi control (0-2)

1 (optional wifi module)

2 (wi-fi module included)

Human presence sensor (0-2)

1 (energy saving sensor)

2 (3D blinds are controlled by the sensor)

Communication length between outdoor and indoor unit (0-2)

1 with a length of 20 meters or more (for inverter systems)

2 with a length of 25 meters or more (for inverter systems)

1 with a length of 15 meters or more (for on-off systems)

2 with a length of 20 meters or more (for on-off systems)

3D blinds control from remote control(0 or 2)

2 (availability of 3D flow control function)

Energy efficiency for inverter systems (0-3)

0 (no SEER factor)

1 (SEER = 6 or more)

2 (SEER = 7 or more)

3 (SEER = 8 or more)

Energy efficiency for on-off systems (0-3)

0 (EER< 3,0)

1 (EER = 3.0 or more)

2 (EER = 3.21 or more)

3 (EER = 3.5 or more)

Group 5. "Subjective quality factor from experts" (G5)

Calculated maximum value G5 - 18 points:

G5 = ((G5.1A + G5.2A + G5.3A) + (G5.1M + G5.2M + G5.3M)) / 2

Experts (expertA and expert M) based on the results of the video review, they put down their subjective scores for three parameters:

G5.1-build quality factor (values ​​from 1 to 6)

G5.2- design factor (values ​​from 1 to 6)

G5.3- general impression (values ​​from 1 to 6)

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