Mikhail Wolkenstein. Soviet scientist M

Born on October 10 (23), 1912 in St. Petersburg into an intelligent Jewish family. His father is a famous poet, playwright, theater critic and screenwriter Vladimir Mikhailovich Volkenshtein. Mother - Maria Mikhailovna Volkenshtein (1883-1961), piano teacher at the Gnessin Institute.

Graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University (1935).

He headed the laboratory of biopolymer physics at the Institute of Molecular Biology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, headed a department at the Institute of Biophysics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and was a professor at the Department of Physics of Living Systems at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Specialist in the field of molecular spectroscopy, physics of macromolecules, molecular biophysics. Head of the all-Moscow theoretical seminar on problems of biophysics (1967-1991). Elected corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences on July 1, 1966.

In the 1950s, he laid the foundations for the application of statistical physics methods to polymer science. Developed conformational statistics of polymer chains, which for the first time led to a quantitative theory of polymer coil sizes and polymer chain flexibility characteristics. Author of the theory of intensities in the vibrational spectra of molecules; developed the statistical physics of macromolecules based on the so-called rotational isomer theory; conducted theoretical and experimental studies of the structure and properties of molecules, polymers and biopolymers.

Since the early 1960s, he began research in the field of molecular biology and biophysics. Here he made a significant contribution to the physics of catalysis by enzyme proteins and in fact became one of the founders of bioinformatics.

Founded scientific schools in the field of macromolecular physics and biological physics.

In 1955 he signed the “Letter of the Three Hundred”.

In the 1960-1970s, together with A.I. Kitaigorodsky, he came up with a “theoretical justification” for the criteria of pseudoscience, which was subsequently criticized by V.I. Kuznetsov. In 1975 he published “Treatise on Pseudoscience.”

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“How life appeared on Earth” - Is it possible for life to arise on Earth at the present time? Abiogenesis hypotheses: the biochemical evolution hypothesis. To develop knowledge about stages 1 and 2 of biochemical evolution. Francesco Redi. What happened at the first stage of the emergence of life on Earth according to A.I. Oparin’s hypothesis? Evolution at the level of RNA molecules in coacervates took millions of years.

There are 20 presentations in total

Mikhail Vladimirovich Volkenshtein

An encyclopedic course presenting the main sections of the subject - molecular biophysics, cell biophysics and biophysics of complex systems, including problems of biological evolution. The second edition has been revised compared to the first, published in 1981, and supplemented with new sections (bioinorganic chemistry and biophysics, DNA topology, acoustic reception, bioluminescence, etc.). For students - biologists and physicists specializing in the field of biophysics and physico-chemical biology.


Preface to the second edition

Preface to the first edition

Chapter 1. Tasks and methods of biophysics

§ 1.1. The place of biophysics in natural science
§ 1.2. Physics and biology
§ 1.3. Living and inanimate nature
§ 1.4. Biological individuality
§ 1.5. Finalism and causation
§ 1.6. Properties of open systems
§ 1.7. Sections and methods of biophysics

Chapter 2. Chemical foundations of biophysics

§ 2.1. Chemistry and biology
§ 2.2. Amino acids
§ 2.3. Electrolytes
§ 2.4. Composition and primary structure of proteins
§ 2.5. Nucleic acids
§ 2.6. Adenylates
§ 2.7. Chirality of biological molecules
§ 2.8. Carbohydrates and lipids
§ 2.9. Cofactors, vitamins, hormones
§ 2.10. Basic biochemical processes
§ 2.11. Strong and weak interactions

Chapter 3. Physics of macromolecules

§ 3.1. Macromolecules and high elasticity
§ 3.2. Internal rotation and rotational isomerism
§ 3.3. Conformational theory of macromolecules
§ 3.4. Macromolecule as a cooperative system
§ 3.5. Tangle and globule
§ 3.6. Methods for studying macromolecules
§ 3.7. Polyelectrolytes

Chapter 4. Protein Physics

§ 4.1. Protein physics problems
§ 4.2. Polypeptide chain conformations
§ 4.3. Hydrogen bonding and the structure of water
§ 4.4. Transitions spiral - tangle
§ 4.5. Protein globule and hydrophobic interactions
§ 4.6. Relationship between primary and spatial protein structures
§ 4.7. Structure and stability of the globule
§ 4.8. Antibodies and antigens
§ 4.9. Fibrillar proteins

Chapter 5. Methods for studying the structure of biopolymers

§ 5.1. X-ray diffraction analysis
§ 5.2. Diffuse scattering of X-rays by biopolymer solutions
§ 5.3. Nuclear physics methods
§ 5.4. Electronic absorption spectra
§ 5.5. Luminescence
§ 5.6. Natural optical activity
§ 5.7. Natural optical activity of biopolymers
§ 5.8. Magnetic optical activity
§ 5.9. Vibrational spectra
§ 5.10. Nuclear and electron paramagnetic resonance spectra

Chapter 6. Physics of enzymes

§ 6.1. Chemical kinetics and catalysis
§ 6.2. Kinetics of simple enzymatic reactions
§ 6.3. Chemical aspects of enzyme action
§ 6.4. Conformational properties of enzymes
§ 6.5. Physics of enzyme-substrate interaction
§ 6.6. Electron-conformational interactions
§ 6.7. Cooperative properties of enzymes
§ 6.8. Myoglobin and hemoglobin
§ 6.9. Bioinorganic chemistry and biophysics

Chapter 7. Physics nucleic acids

§ 7.1. Molecular Biology and Physics
§ 7.2. Nucleic acid structure
§ 7.3. Intramolecular interactions in a double helix
§ 7.4. Thermodynamics of double helix melting
§ 7.5. Kinetics of double helix unwinding
§ 7.6. Interaction of the double helix with small molecules and ions
§ 7.7. DNA reduplication
§ 7.8. DNA topology

Chapter 8. Physics of protein biosynthesis

§ 8.1. Problem genetic code
§ 8.2. Protein biosynthesis
§ 8.3. Transcription and reverse transcription
§ 8.4. Transfer RNAs
§ 8.5. Broadcast
§ 8.6. Decoding the genetic code and its meaning
§ 8.7. Mutations
§ 8.8. Gene regulation

Chapter 9. Nonequilibrium thermodynamics in biology

§ 9.1. Information and entropy
§ 9.2. Nonequilibrium processes
§ 9.3. Pairing streams
§ 9.4. Pairing chemical reactions
§ 9.5. Stationary states linear systems
§ 9.6. Coupling of chemical reactions with substance transfer
§ 9.7. Processes far from equilibrium

Chapter 10. Physics of membranes

§ 10.1. Cell membranes
§ 10.2. Membrane structure
§ 10.3. Conformational properties of membranes
§ 10.4. Passive membrane transport
§ 10.5. Active membrane transport
§ 10.6. Transfer of charged particles across membranes
§ 10.7. Molecular reception

Chapter 11. Physics of the nerve impulse

§ 11.1. Axon and nerve impulse
§ 11.2. Propagation of a nerve impulse
§ 11.3. Pulse generation
§ 11.4. Ion channels
§ 11.5. Synaptic transmission

Chapter 12. Mechanochemical processes

§ 12.1. Thermodynamics of mechanochemical processes
§ 12.2. Structure of muscle and muscle proteins
§ 12.3. Chemistry and physics of muscle
§ 12.4. Theory of muscle contraction
§ 12.5. Kinetic properties of muscle
§ 12.6. Mechanochemical systems
§ 12.7. Auditory reception
§ 12.8. Biomechanics

Chapter 13. Bioenergetics of the respiratory chain

§ 13.1. Biological oxidation
§ 13.2. Structure and properties of mitochondria
§ 13.3. Chemosmotic coupling
§ 13.4. Electron-conformational interactions
§ 13.5. Cytochrome C

Chapter 14. Photobiological processes

§ 14.1. Photosynthesis
§ 14.2. Two photochemical systems
§ 14.3. Chloroplasts
§ 14.4. Mechanism of photosynthesis
§ 14.5. Vision
§ 14.6. Molecular mechanism of photoreception
§ 14.7. Bacteriorhodopsin
§ 14.8. Bioluminescence

Chapter 15. Modeling dynamic biological processes

§ 15.1. Dynamic ordering
§ 15.2. Physico-mathematical foundations of the dynamics of nonlinear processes
§ 15.3. Lotka and Volterra models
§ 15.4. Autocatalytic systems
§ 15.5. Phase transitions
§ 15.6. Stochastic processes
§ 15.7. Dynamics and regulation

Chapter 16. Periodic chemical and biological processes

§ 16.1. Introduction
§ 16.2. Belousov-Zhabotinsky reactions
§ 16.3. Self-oscillations during glycolysis
§ 16.4. Nonlinear dynamics of membranes
§ 16.5. Autowave processes in the heart muscle

Chapter 17. Problems of biological development

§ 17.1. Origin of life
§ 17.2. Simulation of pre-biological evolution
§ 17.3. Game models and information aspects of self-organization
§ 17.4. Hypercycles
§ 17.5. Other models of prebiological evolution
§ 17.6. Biological evolution
§ 17.7. Evolution of biological macromolecules
§ 17.8. Information aspects of evolution
§ 17.9. Complexity and evolution
§ 17.10. Ontogenesis
§ 17.11. Immunity

Wolkenstein Mikhail Vladimirovich [b. 10(23).10.1912 St. Petersburg] Soviet physical chemist and biophysicist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1966). Graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University (1935). Head of the laboratory of the Institute of Macromolecular Compounds of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1948-67), professor at Leningrad University (1945-53, 1963-68), head of the laboratories of the Institute of Molecular Biology and the Institute of Biophysics of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1967). Main works in the field of physics of polymer molecules and molecular biophysics. Author of the theory of intensities in the vibrational spectra of molecules; developed the statistical physics of macromolecules based on the so-called rotational isomer theory; conducted theoretical and experimental studies of the structure and properties of molecules, polymers and biopolymers. Founded a school in the field of the theory of macromolecular physics. USSR State Prize (1950).

Works: Vibrations of molecules vol. 1-2, M. - L., 1949 (together with M. A. Elyashevich and B. I. Stepanov); Molecular Optics, M. - L., 1951; Structure and physical properties molecules, M. - L., 1955; Configuration statistics of polymer chains, M. - L., 1958; Molecules and life. Introduction to molecular biophysics, M. - L., 1965; Physics of enzymes, M., 1967.

Lit.: M.V. Volkenshtein (on the 50th anniversary of his birth), “Optics and Spectroscopy”, 1963, vol. 14. p. 174; "Journal of Structural Chemistry", 1962, vol. 3, p. 651.

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Yaroslavtsev Mikhail Vladimirovich Major General Born on December 30, 1884. A native of the Tula province, the son of a retired captain. He graduated from the Moscow Cadet Corps and the Alekseevsky Military School in the 1st category and became a second lieutenant on July 1, 1905 in the 68th Life-Borodinsky Emperor

Yudin Mikhail Vladimirovich

From the book Tula - Heroes of the Soviet Union author Apollonova A. M.

Yudin Mikhail Vladimirovich Born in 1912 in the village of Bulychi, Chernsky district, Tula region. After graduating from school, he worked on a collective farm as a tractor driver. In 1934 he was drafted into the Red Army, into the tank forces. He joined the Komsomol, then the Communist Party. During

Alpatov Mikhail Vladimirovich

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Volkenshtein Mikhail Vladimirovich

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Gorlenko Mikhail Vladimirovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (GO) by the author TSB

Kostenko Mikhail Vladimirovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KO) by the author TSB

From the book I Fought on a Bomber [“We bombed all the objects to the ground”] author Drabkin Artem Vladimirovich

BORISOV Mikhail Vladimirovich Before the war, I lived in Belarus in the city of Mozyr, Gomel region. The father left the mother, leaving three children. In the 9th grade, I, a Komsomol member, came to the city committee of the Komsomol, and a military man was sitting there: “Misha, what are you doing?” - “I wanted to ask you to direct me to

Borisov Mikhail Vladimirovich

From the author's book

Borisov Mikhail Vladimirovich (Interview Artem Drabkin) Before the war, I lived in Belarus in the city of Mozyr, Gomel region. The father left the mother, leaving three children. In the 9th grade, I, a Komsomol member, came to the city committee of the Komsomol, and a military man was sitting there: “Misha, what are you doing?” - “I wanted to ask you,

30.17. Krysin Mikhail Vladimirovich

From the book Encyclopedia of Karate author Mikryukov Vasily Yurievich

30.17. Krysin Mikhail Vladimirovich Krysin Mikhail Vladimirovich (Fig. 135) was born on March 28, 1953 in Moscow. Rice. 135. Mikhail Vladimirovich Krysin Even as a child, Mikhail was actively involved in various sports, including athletics, boxing, sambo, and later karate.

October 23, 1912 – February 18, 1992

Soviet physical chemist and biophysicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Head of the Laboratory of Biopolymer Physics of the Institute of Molecular Biology of the USSR Academy of Sciences and head of the department of the Institute of Biophysics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physics of Living Systems of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology MIPT. Specialist in the field of molecular spectroscopy, physics of macromolecules, molecular biophysics. Head of the All-Moscow Theoretical Seminar on Problems of Biophysics (1967-1991). Elected corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences on July 1, 1966.

Main works in the field of physics of macromolecules and molecular biophysics. Author of the theory of intensities in the vibrational spectra of molecules; developed the statistical physics of macromolecules based on the so-called rotational isomer theory; conducted theoretical and experimental studies of the structure and properties of molecules, polymers and biopolymers. Founded scientific schools in the field of macromolecular physics and biological physics.

In 1955 he signed the “Letter of the Three Hundred”.

In the 1960-1970s, together with A.I. Kitaygorodsky, he came up with a “theoretical justification” for the criteria of pseudoscience, which was subsequently criticized by V.I. Kuznetsov. In 1975 he published “Treatise on Pseudoscience.”

He was married to translator and poetess Nadezhda Volpin.


  • Vibrations of molecules. T. 1?2, - M.?L., 1949 (together with M.A. Elyashevich and B.I. Stepanov).
  • Molecular optics. - M.?L., 1951.
  • Structure and physical properties of molecules. - M.?L., 1955.
  • Configuration statistics of polymer chains. - M.?L., 1958.
  • Molecules and life. Introduction to molecular biophysics. - M.?L., 1965.
  • Physics of enzymes. - M.: 1967.
  • Molecular biophysics. - M.: Nauka, 1974.
  • Biophysics of complex systems. - M.: Nauka, 1979.
  • Theoretical biophysics. - M.: Nauka, 1983.
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