Setting up product series. Setting up product series Specifying a series accounting policy for a specific type of product

New in release

    Maintaining batch records by product series
    In the configuration, it is now possible to disable batch accounting by product series. For each specific item of the nomenclature, you can specify whether or not batch accounting should be carried out by series. If batch accounting by series needs to be maintained for a specific product, then the “Keep batch accounting by series” flag is set for it in the item form.

    • Batch accounting by series is maintained
      If batch records are maintained by series (the "Keep batch records by series" flag is set), then information about the series of goods will be filled in in the "Batch of goods in warehouses" registers. This method should be used when the cost must be calculated separately for each series of goods.

      Batch records are not maintained by series
      In the event that batch records are not maintained by series (the “Keep batch records by series” flag is not set), then information about batches of goods will not be filled in the “Batch of Goods in Warehouses” registers. You don’t have to keep batch records for a product by series, but the balances of goods by product series will be taken into account. In the document “Sales of goods and services” you need to fill in information about series of goods. Since the series stores information about customs declaration numbers and countries of origin, information about the series should also be filled in if it is necessary to print an invoice for imported goods indicating the customs declaration number and country of origin.

In both cases, write-off of goods and calculation of cost will be carried out in accordance with the information about the series that is filled out in the document “Sales of goods and services”. In the event that goods with the same series were received according to several receipt documents, then write-off and calculation of cost will occur in accordance with that accounting policy, which is determined at the enterprise (FIFO, LIFO or Average). If there are not enough batches with a matching series, batches with an empty series will be written off. Priority write-off of goods with the series specified in the document is necessary in order to write off “stuck” series of goods for which batch accounting by series was disabled after capitalization. Additional write-off of goods with an empty series is necessary in order to write off goods for which batch accounting by series was enabled after capitalization. The quantity of goods of the series specified in the document is controlled using the “Goods in warehouses” registers.

  • Regulated reporting
    • The regulated reporting includes a declaration on indirect taxes(value added tax and excise taxes) when importing goods into the territory Russian Federation from the territory of the Republic of Belarus (Appendix No. 3 to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2005 No. 31N);
    • The regulated reporting includes a declaration on excise taxes on excisable goods, with the exception of petroleum products, tobacco products and alcoholic products sold from excise warehouses of wholesale organizations (Appendix No. 1 to Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 03.03.2005 No. 32n);
    • The regulated reporting includes a declaration on excise taxes on alcoholic products sold from excise warehouses of wholesale organizations (Appendix No. 3 to Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 3, 2005 No. 32n);
    • The regulated reporting includes a declaration on excise taxes on petroleum products (Appendix No. 5 to Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 3, 2005 No. 32n);
    • The regulated reporting includes a declaration on excise taxes on tobacco products (Appendix No. 7 to Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 3, 2005 No. 32n).
    • The regulated reporting includes an excise tax declaration on excisable mineral raw materials (natural gas) (Appendix No. 9 to Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 3, 2005 No. 32n).
    • The regulated reporting includes a declaration on the profit tax of a foreign organization (Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. BG-3-23/1).
    • Regulated reporting includes forms of statistical reporting:
      • form P-1 “Information on the production and shipment of goods and services” (approved by Rosstat Resolution No. 34 dated July 27, 2004);
      • Appendix No. 3 to Form No. P-1 “Information on the volume of paid services to the population” (approved by Rosstat Resolution No. 34 dated July 27, 2004);
      • form P-2 “Information on investments” (approved by Rosstat Resolution No. 34 dated July 27, 2004);
      • form P-3 “Information on the financial condition of the organization” (approved by Rosstat Resolution No. 34 dated July 27, 2004);
      • form P-4 "Information on the number, wages and movement of workers" (approved by Rosstat Resolution No. 34 dated July 27, 2004);
      • form P-5 (m) “Basic information about the activities of the organization” (approved by Rosstat Resolution No. 34 dated July 27, 2004);
      • PM form “Information on the main performance indicators of a small enterprise” (approved by Rosstat Resolution No. 34 dated July 27, 2004).
    • Part financial statements"Technological analysis" report included accounting". The report is intended for:
      • analysis of the chart of accounts in terms of the composition of accounts (sub-accounts) and the structure of analytical accounting in order to identify possible errors in reporting;
      • identifying technical accounting errors.
    • Uploading water tax declaration data to in electronic format according to the composition of indicators version 3.00001 (the composition of indicators was approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 26, 2005 No. SAE-3-13/179@);
    • Uploading value added tax declaration data according to the composition of indicators version 3.00004 (the composition of indicators was approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 6, 2005 No. ШС-3-13/196@);
    • Uploading value added tax declaration data by tax rate 0% according to the composition of indicators version 3.00002 (the composition of indicators was approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 6, 2005 No. ШС-3-13/196@).

More detailed information about the changes and features of the update can be found at

In this article, we will look at the mechanism for accounting for goods by series, setting up a series accounting policy and possible options for its application. Let's determine how to specify the series accounting policy for a specific type of item and options for identifying series for accounting purposes.


The article was written for the editors of UT 11.1 . If you use this edition, great - all the material provided will be useful for studying.

If you use (or plan to implement) the current edition of UT 11, then the functionality and interface will differ slightly.

The most noticeable difference between UT 11.3/11.4 and 11.1 edition is the Taxi interface. Therefore, in order to master the material in the article, reproduce the presented example on your UT 11 base. This way you will reinforce the material with practice :)

Setting up batch accounting in the configuration “1C: Trade Management ed. eleven"

This happened in December 2012. We received a task to transfer data from a non-standard 1S77 to UT11. The task included the transfer of reference books for nomenclature, partners-counterparties-contact persons, as well as the balances of mutual settlements with partners and the balances of the nomenclature. We are “experienced” people, we told the customer: “We will do everything quickly and efficiently.” And after this it turns out that none of us really worked with this UT11.

In order not to bore you for a long time, I will say that the most interesting thing was entering the balances of goods, since it included the transfer of balances by series. Three brains solved this problem using the configurator, but it would be better to read the instructions first.

This article is written to make it easier for anyone initial setupseriesth in UT11, since there wasn’t much detailed information on the Internet. At the time of writing, the latest release of the “Trade Management” configuration is version 11.1 (

The following applies to her: rules:

  • Accounting for goods by series and expiration dates.
  • Implemented integrated accounting by batches, expiration dates and serial numbers. It is possible to configure the batch accounting policy.
  • A convenient interface for entering series has been implemented, including using a barcode scanner.
  • Implemented tracking of the location of goods with a specific series down to the cell level in the address warehouse.
  • Implemented mechanisms for filling series in documents using the FEFO method.
  • It is possible to obtain the necessary reports on the movement of goods with detail by series and expiration dates.

For those who nevertheless chose a difficult path of knowledge " via the configurator” and does not want to read the instructions - you should pay attention to the functional option Use SeriesItemsWarehouse. It stores its value in Directory.Warehouses.Properties.UseSeriesNomenclature.

An important hint for this prop reads: “Indicative of the use of series in the warehouse. If the flag is set, then in documents for this warehouse it will be necessary to indicate series in accordance with the supported series accounting policies. In an order warehouse, series are indicated in orders, in a non-order warehouse - in acts and invoices.”

But! It seems that in edition 11.0.9 the series had to be specified for the type of warehouse item, and in 11.1 for the type of item without a section on warehouses.

A little important theory.

Entering information about the batch accounting policy for an item type

Accounting for series in the program is possible only if the “Use item series” functional option is enabled in the accounting parameters settings.

Setting up a batch accounting policy

Settings possible options policies for accounting series in the program.

(Click to enlarge image)

How to add a new series accounting policy?

To add a new batch accounting policy, click the “Create” button in the Batch accounting policies list (section Regulatory and reference information).

A new card will be created in which you need to define the batch accounting policy.

What batch accounting policy options can be used in the program?

Batch accounting policy options are defined in the “Policy Type” field. The following options are possible.

Series reference– a rule with this type of policy is created for goods for which it is not necessary to keep records of balances by series and expiration dates, but information on series or expiration dates must be recorded in turnover documents.

Auto calculationby FEFO series balances– a rule with this type of policy is created for goods for which it is not necessary to keep records of balances by series and expiration dates, but when accepting goods, as well as during internal trade turnover, it is necessary to record information by series or expiration dates.

Managing batch balances– a rule with this type of policy is created for goods for which it is necessary to keep track of balances by series and expiration dates. At the same time, records of batches by series and expiration dates are not kept, i.e. When shipping goods, you can specify any series or expiration date registered in the program.

FEFO management of batch balances– a rule with this type of policy is created for goods for which it is necessary to keep track of balances by series and expiration dates. The difference from the previous paragraph is that in the shipment documents the program will offer to write off goods with expiring dates first (first expire first out). In this case, as in the previous paragraph, the opportunity to indicate the serial number or expiration date for each unit of product remains.

In the “Indicate series with checkboxes” group, it is indicated in which documents/operations the series or expiration dates will be indicated.

If the policy type specifies series reference, then the user can determine in which documents the series should be indicated.

If the policy type specifies management of series balances(any of the two options), then all the checkboxes in the “Indicate series” group are selected and become unavailable for editing (i.e., when accounting for balances, indicating series in documents becomes mandatory).

How to determine at what point the series should be indicated?

It is possible to control the order in which series are specified in the order warehouse only if the Accounting balances by series policy is selected. In all other cases, when working in an order-based warehouse, series are indicated at the time of actual receipt and shipment of goods from the warehouse (in the documents “Incoming order for goods” and “Outgoing order for goods”).

Specifying the batch accounting policy for a specific item type

(Click to enlarge image)

Judging by the picture, in edition 11.0.9 of the series it was necessary to specify for the type of warehouse item, and in 11.1 for the type of item without a section by warehouse.

In the item view, select the “Use series” checkbox.

For the item type, it is determined how the series will be identified (expiration date, serial numbers, batches of series, etc.). This information is defined in the "Series Identified" field. The following options are possible.

  • Instances of goods that have unique serial numbers - with this setting, the series will be a unique serial number of a specific product, for example, the serial number of a specific mobile phone, or other complex household appliances;
  • Consignments of goods having identical numbers series - with this setting, a series can characterize minor differences in product characteristics that are associated with production features. For example, batches (series) of wallpaper - as a rule, different batches (series) of wallpaper differ in color shade. Also, with this setting, the series may belong to a product that is sold as a cut from rolls, logs, etc. For example, a series is a roll of linoleum, a coil of cable, etc.;
  • Lots of goods that have the same expiration dates - with this setting, the series will represent the expiration date of a lot of goods, for example, the expiration date of a lot of milk;
  • Lots of goods that have the same batch numbers and expiration dates - with this setting, the series will characterize both the shelf life of the batch and reflect minor differences in product characteristics that are associated with production features. For example, batches of paint - as a rule, different batches of paint differ in shade of color and at the same time, each supply of paint has an expiration date;

For expiration dates (if the Series identify field is filled with the value Batch of goods having the same expiration dates or Batch of goods having the same series numbers and expiration dates), you can specify the accuracy of the expiration date: up to days or up to hours.

Define the batch accounting policy for this type of item. In this case, the following features must be taken into account.

  • If product series identify Instances of goods that have unique serial numbers, then only policies created for reference series accounting can be specified as a series accounting policy for a warehouse, i.e. policies with type Reference series indication.
  • If series identify Lots of goods that have the same series numbers, then policies created to account for expiration dates cannot be added as batch accounting policies, i.e. policies with the types Auto-calculation of series balances using FEFO and Management of series balances using FEFO.
  • If a warehouse does not use an order scheme when reflecting surpluses, shortages and spoilage (the corresponding checkbox in the Use of an order scheme group is not selected in the warehouse card), then for such a warehouse you can only specify policies in which the “When recounting goods” and reflecting surpluses checkboxes are not selected shortages and damage to goods and “When moving between premises.”
  • If a warehouse uses an order scheme to reflect surpluses, shortages and spoilage, then for such a warehouse you can specify any batch accounting policy.

And only after all these “simple machinations” can you see in the documents the treasured button for working with series.

(Click to enlarge image)

And each warehouse will have a button “Setting up batch accounting” in the navigation panel.

(Click to enlarge image)

In order not to rewrite other people's articles, it makes sense to indicate good literature with examples. But you may encounter some inconsistency in it due to frequent configuration updates. See examples in the book.

Bogacheva T.G. “1C:Enterprise 8. Management of trading operations in questions and answers: a practical guide”, edition 5, M.: LLC “1C-Publishing”, 2012.

Two examples of using series are on pages 216 and 404:

Is it possible to take into account the expiration dates of goods when making deliveries?

Our organization sells cable products. The goods are supplied in coils, each of which has a certain length of cable. How to place a customer order in this case?

Good afternoon

Not long ago, in the company where I work, the issue arose of automating the quality department (technological department) and, as a result, entering batch accounting into the UPP.

Before launching this functionality, I tried to find on the Internet how my colleagues implemented similar tasks, but there was little information. Therefore, after a successful launch, I decided to write an article on this topic myself.

A little about the company itself: it produces food products from raw materials supplied by customers. The technological department is divided into two departments: the department of the chief technologist (they deal with the production process itself) and the quality department (they control incoming raw materials and the resulting finished products).

Problems that the business faced:

  1. Uncertainty in the warehouse - it is not clear which raw materials have passed the control of chemists and which have not. It is quite possible that the chemists rejected the product, but it has already been sent for production, and perhaps something has been produced.
  2. The quality department needs some kind of “Batch Accounting” for traceability. The company uses the RAUZ system, which is completely suitable for the company (by batch accounting in my article I do not mean the accounting policy of the organization, but the most banal assignment of a certain number to each invoice for the receipt of raw materials and for the release of finished products).
  3. Automation of the work of the quality department; until the launch, this department was not tied to the 1c system at all.
  4. Simplifying the search for any customer complaints.
  5. Ensuring transparency when passing the inspection of the technology department.

I.Entering some kind of “batch” traceability:

For this purpose, 1C UPP has a standard “Serial accounting” functionality. To use this account you must:

  1. In the accounting policy settings, check the “Use item series” checkbox.
  2. In each item item, also check the boxes “Keep records by series” and “Keep batch records by series”.

For each receipt, it is necessary to create a batch, indicating the batch number and expiration date. Further, when using standard documents (for example, movement or return, etc.), there are two ways:

  1. Select the desired series by hand;
  2. Or use the “Fill and Post” button, then the program will offer the required batch itself (if batch accounting is used by batch, then the batch will be selected according to the expiration date in it using the FiFo method). Please note that this button is only available in online mode.

During a meeting in the company, we decided that since we work according to a tolling scheme, the series for customer-supplied raw materials is equal to the order number, and the series for our own raw materials is equal to the number of each receipt of goods and services. It’s easier with finished products, because the series is printed on the packaging and the operator can fill it himself. I decided to slightly modify the standard functionality:

  1. It was inconvenient for everyone to enter the series by hand upon receipt, so I modified the functionality so that upon receipt the series would be created automatically, or existing ones would be taken if these were customer-supplied raw materials.
  2. To understand what specific product is in the warehouse, I made a printed form with the series number (if you have barcoding introduced, this is not relevant for you, we are just getting there).
  3. When you click on the “Fill and Post” button, the batches are written off according to the expiration date, which is correct for me in the case of my own raw materials, but not in the case of customer-supplied ones, because the product must be taken specifically from the order.
  4. I also added a “Fill and Post” button to the production report for the shift, using which I determine series for materials and create series for products, if it is a semi-finished product, if it is finished products, the series is created by hand.

The transition from accounting without series to accounting by series is carried out smoothly. The system will perceive the entire balance as a balance with an empty series, and first take it during any manipulations with the product.

This functionality solves the issue of batch traceability.

II.Automation of the technological department.

The system contains standard documents “Application for Certification” and “Certification of Products”. It is these documents that chemists give certification to.

These documents had to be greatly altered to make them more convenient to fill out, to add information, and finalized printed forms on them. They are created using the button from Receipt of goods and services. The nomenclature item must have a checkmark “requires internal certification.”

III. The third goal was the following: to prevent uncertified raw materials from going into production and to create transparency in the warehouse so that storekeepers could physically understand which goods are certified and which are not.

I didn’t find the required standard functionality, so I developed it myself. I will only describe the receipt of goods and services; when releasing a production report for a shift, the functionality is identical.

When raw materials are received by a vocational school document, there are several points:

  1. I record it in the reserve “goods on reserve in warehouses”; the reserve document is the receipt itself.
  2. Every 5 minutes, routine processing is launched, which checks the documents that are in reserve under themselves and checks whether they have certification. If there is, then the posting in the “goods on reserve in warehouses” register changes to standard and the goods can be moved.
  3. I created a subscription so that when carried out, the message would not be a standard one (there is not enough product), but “certification has not been created, please contact the quality department.”
  4. I have vocational schools highlighted in several colors to make it easier to work with (red - if there is no certification, yellow - if there is certification, but the document has not yet been processed, blue - if certification is refused, but the goods have not yet been fully returned.

In PTU, a sheet with a series of goods is glued onto the pallet. After the chemists carry out the certification, they print out a marking label and stick it on the pallet. As a result, those pallets that do not have marking labels are not certified.

In this way, I achieved not only traceability in the database, but also real physical traceability in the warehouse and production.

Accounting by series is an additional analytical aspect of item accounting. Series are used if you need to classify goods by batch, or unique serial numbers, or expiration dates, etc. You can set one of the options for using series:

  • A copy of the product by unique number
  • Batch of goods by numbers
  • Batch of goods by expiration date
  • Batch of goods by numbers and expiration dates

If the option is selected Batch of goods by expiration date or Batch of goods by numbers and expiration dates, then you can specify the minimum shelf life quantum itself, up to which it will be taken into account. This can be either a day or an hour.

In addition to specifying what exactly the series identifies, you must also specify the series accounting policy. Available options:

  • Reference indication of series (control of goods balances by series is not carried out, but information on series is recorded in turnover documents)
  • Automatic calculation of series balances using FEFO (control of product balances by series is not carried out, but in the report Remaining goods by expiration dates product balances are dynamically calculated by series and expiration dates using the First Expired Fist Out principle)
  • Management of batch balances (registration of product balances by batch is maintained)
  • FEFO management of batch balances (accounting of goods by batch is maintained; in goods write-off documents, the system first of all offers goods that are about to expire)
  • Cost accounting by series (end-to-end cost accounting by series)

The series accounting policy is configured for a specific type of item. Moreover, it can be applied both to all warehouses and production departments, and to a specific warehouse and/or a specific production department:

Question 1.29 of exam 1C: Professional by ERP Enterprise Management 2.0. Accounting by series of items can be used for types of items:

Question 1.30 of exam 1C: Professional by ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 . By series we mean:

  1. Copies of goods with the same serial numbers
  2. Lots of goods with the same serial numbers
  3. Lots of goods with the same expiration dates
  4. Lots of goods with the same batch numbers and expiration dates
  5. Option 2 or 4 (depending on setting)
  6. Options 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 (depending on setting)
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