Hainan Island sanatorium is a source of health. Russian public center for information support of medical tourism in China

To ensure stable and long-term results from therapeutic and surgical interventions, patients turn to the Health Source sanatorium. The sanatorium also provides treatment for the most common diseases. A pleasant rest against the backdrop of beautiful nature promotes a speedy recovery.

What will the East give us?

Chinese balneologists have managed to introduce the most advanced diagnostic and treatment methods into their daily practice. First of all, this concerns methods of treatment using traditional Chinese medicine. They are constantly being improved without losing their original power, discovered 5000 years BC.

This healing power refers to energy directed by doctors along certain trajectories in the body. To establish the correct movement of energy in the body, the following are used:

  • acupuncture,
  • acupressure,
  • cauterization,
  • Guasha massage,
  • medical banks,
  • Qigong gymnastics,
  • herbal baths,
  • herbal preparations in the form of ointments and tablets.

The Health Source Sanatorium (Sanya, China) is distinguished by the fact that TCM is successfully combined with modern technologies. When treating and restoring the body, each patient is provided with an integrated approach.

The remoteness of the city of Sanya from the metropolis contributes to a high-quality healing process, since the resort area is the focus of the healing powers of nature. Fortunately, the secrets of ancient Chinese healers have survived to this day. What is time-tested never fails.

The Chinese Ministry of Health has recently paid increased attention to the issues of sanatorium-resort treatment in the country and rehabilitation measures. Because of this, the popularity of sanatoriums such as the Source of Health among medical tourists is only growing.

If patients require complex tests, the high-tech laboratory of the local military hospital is at their service.

Energy channels - help in early diagnosis and effective treatment

A trip to the Health Source sanatorium (Sanya, China) provides an excellent opportunity to detect the disease in its infancy. The fact is that before the onset of physical changes in the body, which are manifested by severe symptoms, energy disturbances occur. Timely detection of such an imbalance is the main advantage of Chinese doctors.

Deep knowledge of the etiology of diseases determines the effectiveness of the treatment and rehabilitation process. By normalizing the functioning of the energy body, the Chinese eliminate physiological abnormalities.

Source of Health specialists help people who have the following organs affected:

  • brain,
  • spine,
  • heart,
  • lungs,
  • spleen,
  • liver,
  • pancreas,
  • prostate,
  • kidneys,
  • bladder,
  • joints,
  • stomach and intestines.

At the Health Source sanatorium in Sanya, you can take a treatment course from real TCM masters. Often Western therapy turns out to be powerless where Eastern medicine brings consistently positive results.

One of the main conditions for success is a proper diet combined with psycho-emotional balance, which Chinese healers teach patients.

Reviews from foreigners say that in the Health Source sanatorium (Sanya, China) they said goodbye to such ailments as:

  • spinal hernia,
  • diabetes,
  • migraine,
  • hypertension,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • angina pectoris
  • allergy,
  • arthritis and arthrosis,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • consequences of strokes, heart attacks, unsuccessful operations,
  • nephropathy,
  • gastritis and colitis.

Spa treatment in China means quality at the lowest price.

East Hawaii, as Hainan is called, is beautiful, and believe me, it is in no way inferior to the 51 American states thanks to the warm South China Sea, where the average water temperature is from 22 to 28 degrees.
Hainan is famous for its medicine, so without resistance I go with a guide to the clinic and ask for the best doctor on the coast, the elderly Dr. Li. The sanatorium where we are heading is called “Source of Health” and was created in early 2007 on the basis of a military hospital in Sanya, and later became its commercial branch. 45 people work here: three diagnostic doctors, two orthopedic massage therapists, 15 massage therapists, two spa cosmetologists and six translators.

I head to the star of Chinese medicine, a very stern-looking, but extremely kind doctor Li Wei, who, simply by looking at me and taking his hand, tells me about my body based on my pulse.

Here we are waiting for doctors

My doctor is a fifth generation practicing medicine, with vast experience in the field of treating both managerial diseases (sitting, etc.) and all sorts of women’s ailments.

About 55 body treatment programs are available to patients of the clinic. In eastern melicia, pulse diagnostics is very important; there are points in the body whose pulsation is responsible for the condition of a particular organ. The doctor presses them correctly to get maximum information. There are 6 points on the radial artery where doctors measure the pulse, and by changing the DEGREE of pressure on the points, the doctor receives additional information about the condition of the patient’s 12 organs. The lining of the tongue can also tell a Chinese doctor a lot. Dr. Li and Dr. Lu trust palpation - it is based on the sensations that arise when touching and pressing fingers on different parts of the body and organs, in a word, these are magic doctors.

I combine massage, acupuncture and herbal medicine. The doctor prepared herbs for me for 30 days. What is really expensive in China is herbal remedies from the best doctors. Well, as for needles, back in Ancient China 3000 BC they practiced acupuncture, which allows you to get rid of many ailments and diseases.

Old teachings describe 664 vulnerable points on human body, it is on them and the nerve endings located in the tissues that needles with a thickness of 0.25-0.45 mm and a length of 3-12 cm act. Moreover, the insertion of a needle can be sudden movements or smooth rotations, and sometimes both.

Of course, I was offered acupuncture lifting or cosmetic acupuncture - my complexion improves and wrinkles disappear. It looks scary, but in fact it doesn’t hurt, I guarantee that I can rarely stand mesotherapy :)

And then massage-lifting

I remembered the wonderful song by Semyon Slepakov “Anya Kuznetsova’s ass is growing”...
And do you know what she did-la-la? Anya flew to Tibet-la-la,
She found the abbot there, and he told her urgently,
What if Anya pays 400,000 yuan, Then Buddha will descend to her,
And a miracle would happen to Anya, And they did this to her there, They pierced her with burning arrows,
They poisoned her with Bengal tigers, They stabbed her with Chinese needles, They fed her cockroaches,
They woke her up with drums, threw her into a den with bears,
And then one day they noticed that the ass... was growing...
Once, during the procedure, my needles were quickly taken out, and Dr. Lee, yelling at his subordinates, decided to give another 50 as a bonus - that was a squeak...

The view from the clinic is peaceful, a rooster crows, hens crow, the suburbs of Sanya, or rather the town of Dadonghai, are visible.

Another important part of Eastern medicine is therapeutic massage, which is combined with various procedures.

Thousands of years of experience allows oriental doctors to develop massage technology for each individual disease, stimulating biologically active points on the body. Well, what is written on the card is not easy to understand :)

During its operation, the clinic has already been visited by more than 10,000 people. Here are our family kilograms of medicinal herbs :)

I have prepared a separate video about the sanatorium, which you can see soon...

A licensed medical facility located in the center of Dadonghai Bay. Here you will be met by qualified doctors who have extensive experience and specialize in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases. The junior medical staff of the sanatorium also have special medical education. For your convenience, the center has medical translators.


The sanatorium is located 15 min. drive from Dadonghai Bay. There are no cafes or restaurants near the sanatorium; you can get to them by taxi or bus (about 7-10 minutes to Dadonghai Bay). By taxi it costs about 3 dollars, by bus about 0.5 dollars per person.

In the room: balcony, kettle, TV (Russian channel available), slippers, towel, shower

NOT IN THE ROOM: hairdryer, bathrobes, safe, internet

There is no swimming pool on the territory of the sanatorium, breakfast is not included. There are rooms with King SIZE and TWIN SIZE beds, no extra bed available

VERY IMPORTANT: It is necessary to inform tourists that after checking into clinics, they need to register with the police for accommodation.

The resort offers a wide variety of traditional Chinese medicine treatments that will help restore and strengthen your health.

Features of Chinese medicine:

Chinese traditional medicine is primarily a medicine for preventing disease and treating chronic diseases. In the treatment of diseases, Chinese medicine doctors look for and eliminate the main cause of the disease, which in our minds does not always coincide with the symptoms. For example, pain in the abdominal area does not mean that the root cause of the disease is there. Diagnoses will sound unusual to your ears, since doctors rarely use the terminology of Western medicine.

Diagnostic methods.

There are four main diagnostic methods used in Chinese medicine:

  • visual examination of the patient
  • inspection using hearing and smell
  • patient interview
  • pulse examination and palpation of organs

During diagnosis, the doctor pays attention to the patient’s complexion and general condition, listens to his voice, his breathing and other sounds, asks him about the main symptoms and well-being, carefully feels the pulse, studying its frequency, rhythm, filling and tension. In Chinese medicine, there are more than 20 types of pulse, which serves as one of the main grounds for diagnosis. This is why Chinese doctors manage to find the true causes of diseases and effectively deal with them.
After determining the causes of the disease using these four diagnostic methods, the doctor develops an individual course of treatment.

Methods of treatment.

In Chinese medicine, there are three main ways to treat diseases:

  • reception of traditional medicines
  • acupuncture (acupuncture)
  • several types of massage

Traditional Chinese medicines are made only from natural ingredients, in most cases from medicinal plants. Most often they are used in the form of a healing powder or decoction. Medicines are prepared according to an individual prescription drawn up by a doctor based on diagnostic results. The recipe usually includes up to 20 ingredients of natural origin. Features of taking the decoction and powder are determined individually for each patient.
Acupuncture is considered one of the most effective methods of treatment and can achieve very good results. Even in ancient times, the Chinese noticed that irritation of individual points on the human body leads to pain relief and alleviation of the disease. These points are located on channels or meridians that connect all human organs. Chinese medicine uses more than 10 techniques of acupuncture. The procedure of cauterizing points with a wormwood cigar has a similar effect. Often the point of influence is located far from the diseased organ, but this does not interfere with the effect of this procedure. Reflexology is very effective, which involves influencing points located in the auricle, each of which corresponds to a specific organ.
Massage is a deep impact on the points, meridians and channels of your body.

The sanatorium specializes in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • diseases of the digestive system (gastroenteritis, gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach, duodenal ulcer)
  • pulmonary diseases (upper respiratory tract diseases, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis)
  • diseases of the nervous system
  • gynecological diseases
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system and recovery from injuries
  • diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women
  • and other diseases

The four of us flew to Hainan with our good friends, with whom we vacationed in Turkey last September. When we found out that they were going to Hainan, and even to the Resort Intime Sanya 5* hotel, where we had already lived twice in 2010, we immediately wanted to join them. Having a good company of four people in advance guarantees the success of the trip.

The friends planned in advance to combine their vacation with treatment using Chinese medicine (acupuncture and massage). We decided to keep them company. I’ll say right away that treatment for a company turned out to be quite an expensive pleasure and amounted to about 830 USD for two. To avoid questions about the cost of treatment, I post prices for various procedures. All prices are in RMB. When we were in China in 2010, to convert the yuan into rubles, the yuan had to be multiplied by 5.5. Now it’s easier, you add a zero to the price in yuan and you get it in rubles. Translation has become easier now, but 6 years ago it was more pleasant, after all, everything was half the price.

So, our acquaintance with Chinese medicine began with a diagnosis conducted by Dr. Li Wei, a “legendary doctor,” at the “Source of Health” sanatorium. The basis of Chinese diagnostics is not a hardware examination, but a pulse examination, appearance, examination of the tongue, pupils of the eyes and palpation of organs. Within 10 minutes, Dr. Lee (absolutely silently, because he doesn’t speak Russian and doesn’t talk to clients at all) through a translator diagnosed Lyuba and me for 606 USD, that is, for 10 acupuncture sessions for each. Later, Lyuba added several more cosmetic acupuncture treatments. I have already mentioned the final cost of treatment above.
I must say that Dr. Lee gave us all the needles personally. The procedure was not very painful. I would compare the placement of each needle not with an injection, but with a light slap. Out of ten sessions, each lasting 30 minutes, I was introduced to Chinese medicine 5 times while lying on my back and 5 times on my belly. The number of needles varies - from 14 to 16. The first time I stuck several of them even in the forehead, this did not happen again. The sanatorium is good, there is a lot of space, so Lyuba and I were given a separate room. Lying almost motionless for 30 minutes is quite boring. Time passes very slowly. IN Once again I was grieving that I constantly have to rush time: I wish the 30 minutes of acupuncture would have passed, the plane would have arrived sooner, etc. and so on. And this is at the age of 65.
On one of the first days, lying motionless on my stomach, I asked Lyuba: they stuck it in your back - yes, and in your butt - yes. Wow, the diagnoses are different, but the needles are put in the same places. To be fair, it should be noted that later Dr. Lee began to improvise and put needles in different places for us. During all 10 of our meetings, Dr. Lee did not say a word or express any signs of attention. He must be great and unattainable with his patients, we realized.

What about our friends? When my friend came out looking downcast after the diagnosis, I said that I valued the treatment prescribed for him at 2500 USD. He nodded silently. You see, Vasily, I told him, I am no less a diagnostician than Dr. Lee. He determined your sores by your pulse, and I determined the cost of your treatment by your appearance.

I almost forgot. As a bonus, we received a free 30-minute foot massage. This was the first massage in my life. It was painful and ticklish at the same time. While I was enduring this matter, I thought about many things:
What a person won’t agree to do for free.
How right I went through the previous 64 years without getting a massage.
Next time, if I decide to have a massage, it will be only an erotic one.
Having already returned home, I decided to find out what acupuncture is and how it treats? After all, I had not experienced any ailments before, so I cannot answer the questions about whether I felt any improvements in my body.
Here's a quick reference taken from the Internet.
“Acupuncture originated in China thousands of years ago, but Western countries became known only from the beginning of the 70s of the 20th century. With the help of acupuncture, you can relieve pain from injuries, arthritis, some types of radiculitis, migraines, etc. Also, with the help of acupuncture, nervous tension is well relieved. The range of possibilities of acupuncture is very wide. This happens because its principle is not based on curing diseases, but on stabilizing and balancing the processes occurring in the body. And where there is harmony, there is health. The main postulate of ancient Chinese medicine: vital energy flows through certain channels of the body, which are called meridians. Through them, Ki energy moves to different organs of the body, ensuring their normal functioning. Each channel is connected to external system organs. If the uniform supply of Ki energy is disrupted, one or another disease occurs. The system of meridians passing through the human body has more than a thousand acupuncture points. By influencing these points, the flow of Ki energy improves. With the help of acupuncture, you can determine the blockage of the meridian and clear it."

Discussion of the question of the usefulness of acupuncture comes down to two diametrically opposed opinions.
1.The treatment is certainly useful and brings very positive results.
2. Acupuncture is quackery and a money scam.
I will not object to the first statement, but I will not object to the second either. In my opinion, the most important thing here is psychology - faith in improvement. Remember how Allan Chumak charged water on TV, and many began to really feel better.
In the sanatorium, I never met a single Chinese or non-Russian-speaking patient. Only ours. It seems that Chinese medicine is a typical Russian pastime.

And in conclusion, I want to say that I consider my story about meeting the Chinese medical center on Hainan Island to be no less informative than other stories from travelers about visiting castles, museums, etc. in various cities and countries. Therefore, I take red fists not as a sign of the uselessness of the story, but as ill will towards me personally. In this case, the flag is in your hands, “Red Fists”! However, anonymous people have never commanded respect from anyone.

Accommodation - 2

Food - 2

Service - 2

Accommodation - 2

Food - 2

Service - 2

Accommodation - 2

Food - 2

Service - 2

I will immediately warn readers about the extreme negativity of the review. The most disgusting "hotel".

We chose the simplest “C” rating because we were only going to spend the night at the hotel, but even sleeping and relaxing in the hotel was not very easy. First of all, getting there is located 15 minutes by bus or 10-14 yuan by taxi from the city center. Initially, the tour operator asked the tour operator for a hotel closer to the center, but for some reason they settled us here. Secondly, the service - or rather its complete absence and disregard for visitors. Thirdly, the imposition of dubious services is worth just diagnosing health by pulse.

1. At 11 pm, all working personnel leave the hotel, and a large barn lock is hung on the entrance doors. Naturally, no one warned us about this, so we had to look for alternative ways out - we had to go down to the basement and open the garage doors to leave the building. The staff reminded us of this for the rest of our stay and ultimately wrote it down as property damage and refused to return part of the deposit. They threatened with the police and used Russian obscenities quite skillfully.

2. When leaving for another city for 5 days, they asked me to clean my room. We talked about this earlier to a local manager with a “director” badge, to which he smiled and assured that everything would be done. So, after returning on the sixth day, the smell of spoiled fruit from the trash can that had not been removed was added to the remaining chaos in the room. Only after spending 2 hours on calls different people, including the hotel guide, we were able to get them to clean up and all this at 12 o'clock at night.

And these are not all cases of rudeness and deceit in this hotel.

In general, a bad hotel, I really don’t recommend it. I have been to different hotels, mainly 3 and 4, but I have never seen such disgusting service anywhere. In addition, there was a negative impression of the Chinese themselves as dishonest comrades who are ready to do anything for the sake of profit.

Accommodation - 2

Food - 2

Service - 2

Accommodation: not good, right next to the road (6 lanes), given the local traffic culture (everyone honks for no reason, constant hum), it is not possible to live in rooms facing the road, because There are no air conditioners in the rooms, but once on the other side of the hotel you risk waking up to the crowing of the first roosters, which start crowing at 4 a.m. (behind the hotel there is a local poor community of 2-3 storey houses, each of which has several pens with these marvelous birds...). There is no private or simply landscaped area near the hotel. The nearest more or less decent beach is 15 minutes by bus!!!, which you also have to wait for, although taxis there are cheap).

Rooms: 2 large beds, TV, wardrobe without hangers), not a working refrigerator - yes, we didn’t need it, BUT in addition to the wardrobe and renovation in Chinese (crookedly painted, crooked trim and baseboards)!.

Service: before placement, they clumsily impose diagnostics, they are a “medical center”))) ...by pulse!, while they “found” pathologies in almost all internal organs and did not notice a common cold... Although initially my friend and I expected to experience the wonders of Chinese medicine, the diagnostic process and the cost somehow cooled our curiosity. As it turned out later, in the center of pilgrimage for Russian tourists (Yalonbay or something similar), you can meet many Russian-speaking barkers with much more favorable prices (3 times the difference) and a large list of services (if anyone is interested). Cleaning every other day or two, changing linen - only upon request... in any situation that is inconvenient for them - they pretend that they don’t understand, and there was one funny incident about this before leaving:

Russian tourists were constantly brought to this “medical center” from other hotels, eager to receive treatment. And because the attitude towards the place of our stay had already developed extremely negatively, I decided to inquire from the newly arrived patients - why here? -Have you been to Yalonbey, because it’s cheaper there? To my surprise, these people didn’t even make inquiries... But to even greater surprise, I discovered that our quiet conversation was heard and even understood by almost the guard, then there was a small scandal, where many of those who had not previously understood us showed off their deep knowledge of Russian swear words ... (a crowd of brave ones, one at a time below the grass... - “beast”).

We took the cheapest accommodation because... We spent 6 days out of 14 on the mainland, we only spent the night in the room and not always, but nevertheless we managed to absorb the negativity in full.

P.S. Even after 4 months it was difficult to write; it took me a long time to choose censorship expressions. I will be glad if I help someone not to make a mistake.

Accommodation - 2

Food - 2

Service - 2

Medical center "Source of Health", the hotel positions itself as a three-star hotel. In fact, the main type of activity is not hotel, but “medical” (pseudo-medical). This establishment scams Russian tourists out of their money. Diagnoses are made by simply measuring the pulse on the right and then on the left hand. Massages and decoctions are prescribed. Moreover, in the city center you can find salons where prices are 2-3 times lower.

Naturally, we did not undergo any medical procedures there. We tried to be there as little as possible, mostly spending the night. The room is 2*, there is no air conditioning.

Now about the worst: clients are perceived as “cash cows”, requests and comments are ignored, problems are put on hold. After our room was not cleaned for several days, we approached the “administrator” 2 times (2 days) and explained the situation, but no action was taken. As a result, having arrived at the room at one in the morning and finding that nothing had been done again, we began to call the telephone numbers of all the employees of this establishment that we could find. We raised everyone's ears, after which the maid (granny, the floor duty officer) came up and we explained to her what was required of her.

Another scandal occurred during the checkout, when we were refused to return the deposit in full. I won’t go into details, but it turned out that most of the employees know not only Russian, but also Russian swear words (although before this they stubbornly pretended that they didn’t understand us). Let me add that we did get our money back.

Accommodation - 2

Food - 2

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