Ambassador Andrey Karaulov family children. Andrey Karaulov: biography and personal life of a TV presenter

We met with the popular TV presenter of the “Moment of Truth” program exactly a year ago. Then two serious events happened in his life at once: the long-awaited marriage to the young journalist Ksenia and the scandalous trial with his ex-wife. Has Andrei Karaulov found his “moment of truth”?

American daughter

Let us remind you that Andrei Viktorovich and his ex-wife Natalya Mironova allegedly did not share the apartment after the divorce. Why - allegedly? The “bone of discord” turned out to be not a housing problem at all, but... a child - daughter Sophia. Natalya wanted to go abroad for permanent residence with Sophia...

- Andrey, then you said that you would do anything just not to part with your daughter. Has the situation changed in any way?

Unfortunately no. My personal problems have now become a matter of honor - my honor. My ex-wife Natasha still insists that Sonya, who is now three years old, live in another country and with a different father! I am categorically against it and will never back down.

- Do you maintain a relationship with Lida, your daughter from your first marriage?

We live under the same roof. We never quarreled. True, Ksyushka and I limit our communication with Lida to advice only.

- Does she still need them?

Yes, although my daughter is twenty years old. She studies at the evening department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and works... in a law office. Recently she “delighted” me with the fact that instead of journalism she is going to devote her life to jurisprudence! I'm against! I'm trying to dissuade her, but so far it's not working. Lida admitted that working on television is certainly interesting to her, but she is sure that only the profession of a lawyer can give money. I don’t like this attitude towards material wealth. It may not have the best effect on your character.

- Just because a person is rich does not mean that he is a completely spoiled type...

Yes, but a man must earn money. And a woman is supposed to take care of the house, family or favorite activity. I am wrong?

- Since we talk so much about children today, we can’t help but think about Philip.

He is Natasha's son from her first marriage. I met him when he was nine years old. Raised him. We have always maintained a purely friendly relationship. Today Philip is a student at Moscow State University. Studying to be an art critic.

Most most...

Their feelings were born literally in seventh heaven. They met on the plane, accidentally ending up in the same delegation. He already had two marriages behind him, she had only innocent dates and dreams of a wedding fairy tale. The long romance of Andrei Karaulov and Ksenia Kolpakova grew into love.

- Andrey, your wife is not only beautiful, but also young. Doesn't the 17 year age difference bother you?

Of course not. For the first time in my life I am truly happy. Only at the age of forty-two did I understand what true love was. And I’m not sure, but I know for sure: this is my last marriage. For me, Ksenia is the best, the best, the best!

- In addition to feelings, you are also united by your profession...

Ksyushka is a TV journalist. She worked for RTR in the nightly Vesti, and even earlier - for ITAR-TASS, in the Duma... In the summer she entered the Diplomatic Academy at the Faculty of International Relations. Gets third higher education! And not for the sake of another diploma, but for the sake of knowledge. I'm proud of her. But on the other hand, um...

- ?

I had and still have big plans for our future. Now we really want to have children. I dream of two sons. Will this joy have to be postponed because of Ksyusha’s studies? I don't agree!

Bandits are more cowardly than journalists

- Andrey, you said that you are bathing in love and happiness... And your program “Moment of Truth” provokes you into trouble with each episode. Aren't you afraid for the future?

No I'm not afraid. Every Sunday friends call: “We watched “The Moment of Truth” yesterday. Are you still alive?”

- What do you answer them?

Bandits are more cowardly than journalists. There has never been a single case in my life when I was threatened with death. Simple honesty cannot be mistaken for courage.

- However, I know that you were once attacked by the Chechens...

I was beaten in the entrance of my own house. I'm sure it had nothing to do with work. An absurd accident.

- So, there is no risk in what you are doing. But there will definitely be some troubles...

Certainly. And they are that, wherever we go to film reports, they always ask us questions with a suspicious look: “Why did you come?”, “What are you looking for?” It’s as if they are afraid of exposure in advance. But I must say there is much more good in our work.

- So you are glad that the result of the investigation is visible?

Exactly. Here's an example. Previously, the Karaganda-Moscow train traveled from Kazakhstan with a very strange cargo. However, there was a lot that was unclear about this. Firstly, the train was not subject to customs inspection at the border due to lack of time. The train stood at the Petukhovo station for only three minutes. Secondly, having already driven sixty-two kilometers across Russian territory, he slowed down. And bags of heroin were thrown out of the cars onto the embankment. They were immediately picked up by mysterious horsemen. We have footage of everything that happened. So, after the broadcast of the report, Nursultan Nazarbayev, by his decree, suspended the movement of the “heroin” train. This happened two weeks ago. The so-called "black hole" railway closed.

There is a vacation in December. Ksyushka and I will go to Australia, which she has never been to. We'll celebrate Christmas and New Year there

Yulianna Karaulova is a talented Russian singer who has managed to achieve unprecedented heights in her musical career in a short time. Throughout her work in show business, the girl has changed many teams.

She was a member of the group “YES!”, in which two other girls sang besides her, and she also performed as part of the group “Netsuke”. But the singer gained real popularity as the lead singer of the youth R&B group “5sta Family”.

Having become a real star, Julianna decided to test her strength in a solo career, which also created a real sensation.

Yulianna Karaulova's childhood

The talented singer was born on April 24, 1988 in the capital of Russia - Moscow. Her parents have nothing to do with the music business, but despite this, the girl began to show her creative abilities from childhood.

Yuliana's father worked in the capital of Bulgaria, so when the baby turned 4 years old, she and her mother moved there. There she was enrolled in a local school at the Russian Embassy.

From an early age, the young lady showed her parents her performances, and at the age of six she was already singing full-time on stage. During her school days, she was a real activist, often performing at concerts and other events.

As a 10-year-old girl, Yulianna took part in the Bulgarian competition “Dobrich”, as a result of which she was awarded a diploma “For professionalism and artistry”. In general, the whole family lived in Bulgaria for 8 years, after which they returned back to Moscow. She did not stop her vocal training, but on the contrary, she took on learning new skills with even greater enthusiasm.

Musical career of Yulianna Karaulova

In 2003, the young singer participated in the “Face of the Year” competition, organized by the famous youth glossy “YES!” She failed to become the winner, but received second place of honor.

Two years later, the magazine again organized a competition, but this time the prize was participation in the musical group “YES!” Three singers were declared winners, the list of which also included Karaulova. The other two girls' names were Yulia and Anna. The team wrote four songs, the most popular of which was “Changed My Mind.”

In 2004, all three members of the group “YES!” decided to take part in the fifth season of the Star Factory project, but only Yulianna got on the show.

She later said that she did not immediately agree to come to the casting of this project, because she believed that everything was “bought” there. It was her parents who managed to persuade her to go to the competition.

Yulianna Karaulova in Netsuke’s group “I got caught in the net”

Unfortunately, she didn’t manage to win the show, but the producers approved her as a soloist in new group"Netsuke." The team consisted of three girls, in addition to Yulianna, Daria Klyushnikova and Aksinya Verzhak participated in it. Producer Max Fadeev tried his best to promote the group on television, recorded more than one song together with the soloists, and even shot a video, but “Netsuke” never received the long-awaited recognition from the audience. Therefore, it soon broke up.

Yulianna Karaulova's studies

After such failures, the girl began to think that she needed an alternative profession, so she decided to get a higher education. In addition to music, she also liked journalism, so she wanted to study at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, but she never applied there.

Practically in last days Upon receipt, she changed her mind and submitted documents to the new faculty of pop-jazz vocals at Gnesinka. In parallel with her studies, she found time to work as an editor at YES! magazine.

Yulianna managed to graduate from the academy with honors, and a few months later she re-entered this institution to receive a second higher education majoring in producing.

Yulianna Karaulova and “5sta Family”

The girl met the guys from the group “5sta Family” while she was working as an editor for the glossy magazine “YES!” After a little time, some disagreements began to occur in the group with lead singer Olga Zasulskaya, who eventually left the group because of this.

In search of a new singer, the participants, Vasily Kosinsky and Valery Efremov, held a casting, and remembering the talented Yulianna, invited her to participate in the competition. Of course, thanks to her data, the girl easily got a place in the group in 2011.

In the team, Yulianna managed to truly become famous not only in Russia, but also abroad. The group recorded new songs every year, which became real hits. They performed concerts and even toured neighboring countries.

Yulianna Karaulova about her departure from “5sta Family”

In 2012, the team presented a video for the song “Together We,” and after a while the album “Why?” was released. In 2014, “5sta Family” shot a video for the song “My Melody”.

Personal life of Yulianna Karaulova

While participating in the fifth season of the Star Factory show, the singer met with her project colleague Ruslan Masyukov. Whether this novel was true or just another PR stunt is not completely known, but at the end of the project there was no continuation of this story. After some time, there were rumors that Ruslan Masyukov was a homosexual.

The beauty's next relationship was more serious. This time her boyfriend was an ordinary guy Pasha. He saw the singer in the park when she was walking from the university, and immediately fell in love. For several days he learned everything about Julianna and decided that first he needed to meet her friends, after which he got to her.

Their relationship lasted two years and everything was heading towards the wedding, until Pasha began to dissuade the girl from a musical career. He didn't like the daily attention from other men. The singer left music for some time, but the promised registration of the relationship never came to fruition. The young people decided that it was better for them to remain just friends.

Andrey Viktorovich Karaulov(born September 10, 1958, Kaliningrad) - Russian journalist and TV presenter. Author and presenter of the journalistic programs “Moment of Truth” and “Russian Century” on the TVC channel. President of LLP “Television Corporation “Moment of Truth””. Winner of the TEFI television award.


Born in Kaliningrad near Moscow (now the city of Korolev), Moscow region.

In 1976, he worked as a laborer at the Salyut plant in Moscow.

In 1981 he graduated from the Faculty of Theater Studies at GITIS. A.V. Lunacharsky. Candidate of Arts Sciences.

From 1982 to 1983 - service in the Soviet Army.

From 1983 to 1985 - editor of the Theater Life magazine.

From 1985 to 1988 - head of the humor department of the Ogonyok magazine.

From 1988 to 1990 - works in the almanac “Our Heritage”. Published in the newspaper “Soviet Russia”.

Since 1990 - head of the department of the Rodina magazine.

In 1991 - head of the literature and art department of Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

In August 1991, he attended a press conference of the Emergency Committee together with Tatyana Malkina, a journalist from Nezavisimaya Gazeta, who asked a question about the “coup d’etat.”

From 1992 to 2016 - author and host of the “Moment of Truth” program. In 1992-1997, “Moment of Truth” was broadcast on the RTR channel. In 1998-1999 - on TNT in a talk show format. From February 27, 2000 to September 27, 2010 - on the TV Center channel. Due to the departure of the program from TV Center, information about it was removed from the channel’s website. From June 6, 2011 to December 26, 2016, the program aired on Channel Five.

In 1998-2006, he was the author and presenter of the interview program “Russian Century” on the NTV channel, then on the TVC channel. He also hosted the programs “Stolen Air” and “Russian People” on the TNT channel and “National Treasure” on the TVC.

In 2007 it was initiated Investigative Committee Russian Federation a criminal case of illegal wiretapping, including the host of the “Moment of Truth” program Andrei Karaulov.

On November 12, 2013, on the program “Special Correspondent” - “Litsedei” with Arkady Mamontov, a journalist of the TV channel “Russia-1”, entered into a discussion with the editor of the newspaper “The Moscow Times” Michael Bohm from the USA about the level of development of Russia and the USA.

Author of political books “Around the Kremlin” (the second edition of the book was published in 2 volumes by the Slovo publishing house). The first edition of the book “Around the Kremlin” was published in 1990 and, according to the author, the purpose of this book was “to show through a series of dialogues how socio-political thought lived and developed over the course of one year, where they were going and to what... "; "Russian sun". Author of the monographs “Theatre, 1980s”, “Oleg Ivanovich Borisov”, “Simplified Theatre”.

In the 2003 film “The Truth of the Moment,” R. Fatalieva played himself. Speaks German.


Married for the third time. From his first marriage there is a daughter, Lydia, and from his second marriage to Ksenia Karaulova, a son, Vasily. He was married to the daughter of Mikhail Shatrov, Natalya Mironova (born 1958).



  • 2012 Andrey Karaulov. Russian hell. Ed. Zebra E, 848 pp., circulation 4000 copies, ISBN 978-5-905629-71-6
  • 2011 Andrey Karaulov. Russian hell. On the way to the underworld. Ed. Eksmo, series “Political secrets of the 21st century”, 352 pp., circulation 20,000 copies, ISBN 978-5-9265-0626-3
  • 2011 Andrey Karaulov. Russian hell-2. Meeting with the devil. Ed. Algorithm, series “Political secrets of the 21st century”, 336 pp., circulation 8000 copies, ISBN 978-5-4320-0014-9
  • 2001 Andrey Karaulov. Russian sun. Ed. Collection “Top Secret”, series “Top Secret”, 384 pp., circulation 22000 copies, ISBN 5-89048-087-1
  • 1997 Andrey Karaulov. Ditties. "Bad boy". A new version of a famous book. Ed. Collection “Top Secret”, 256 pp., circulation 5000 copies, ISBN 5-89048-060-X
  • 1996 Andrey Karaulov. Bad boy. Ed. Top Secret, 196 pp., circulation 15,000 copies, ISBN 5-85275-130-8
  • 1994 Andrey Karaulov. Details. Simplified theater. Ed. Bustard, Lyrus, 320 pp., circulation 10,000 copies, ISBN 5-87675-038-7
  • 1993 Andrey Karaulov. Around the Kremlin (in 2 volumes). Ed. SLOVO/SLOVO, 912 pp., circulation 5000 copies, ISBN 5-85050-352-X
  • 1992 Andrey Karaulov. Oleg Borisov. Ed. Art, 318 pp., circulation 12,000 copies, ISBN 5-210-02513-6
  • 1990 Andrey Karaulov. Around the Kremlin. Book of Political Dialogues. Ed. News, 480 pp., circulation 100,000 copies, ISBN 5-7020-0160-5
  • 1988 Andrey Karaulov. Theater, 1980s... Ed. Pravda Publishing House, Ogoneyok Library (Issue No. 17), 46 p.
  • 1988 Andrey Karaulov. Asya Grigorova. Masquerade for power. Ed. Seer, 224 pp., ISBN 9547330276, ISBN 9789547330276



  • 2014 “How Boeing died.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2014 “Ordinary Fascism.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2013 “Fightings without rules.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 Gormost ordered to die. LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 “Above the Chasm of Lies.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 “Gref deceived Putin or it’s not true!” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 “Fashionable verdict of Judge Fedin.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 “Igor Korotchenko, service to the Motherland.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 “Dartboard.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2011 “Father” (in 3 parts). LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2011 “Unknown Putin: the life and work of this man over the past 10 years.” (in 4 parts). LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2011 “Khodorkovsky. Tru(b)py" (in 2 parts). LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2010 “Skunk” about Vladimir Zhirinovsky. LLC "Strategy of the Century" commissioned by OJSC "TV Center".
  • 1998 “Russian Century” visiting Oleg Popov. Television Corporation "Moment of Truth" commissioned by NTV.

Art films

  • 2003 “The Truth of the Moment” (TV series) Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia - plays himself.

Following the photo of the blond baby, Ksenia Karaulova laid out everything and laid out stacks of documents from her bag onto the table: court orders, writs of execution, acts, statements...

Their seven-year marriage to the author and host of the “Moment of Truth” program broke up a little over a year ago. Ksenia herself filed for divorce. To the magistrate's court, without claiming either alimony or division of property. The former spouses are now connected only by their common son Vasya. And legal battles for the right to communicate with him.

“I have always kept our proceedings secret,” explains Ksenia Karaulova. - Now I have no choice. Six days ago, Andrei took our son away, hides Vasya from me, does not answer my calls. And Vasya is sick, he needs medicine and his mother...

Last Friday, the nanny, as usual, went for a walk with Vasya. About half an hour later she called me, sobbing,” Ksenia continues. “Two cars stopped next to them. Andrei Karaulov was sitting in one. The doors of the second foreign car opened and two people jumped out. One sharply pushed the nanny into the snow. The second one grabbed the child, threw him into the car, and the car sped away.

- Do you know where Vasya is now?

I assume that in his father’s country house in the Naro-Fominsk region. Although I can’t say for sure - Andrey does not answer my calls. Of course, the child is not freezing outside, he is well-fed. But for Vasya this is monstrous stress. He is already being monitored in the children's department of the Center for Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation; he has serious allergies, a strict diet, and speech impairment. And he was taken away not only without medicine, even without a change of clothes. A speech therapist and a massage therapist come to see my son every day. But he's not there...

Ksenia tried to stay calm, without hysterics. Maybe her difficult life with a popular TV presenter taught her this. Or maybe fear for his second son, Eric, helped him cope with his emotions - he was born just six months ago in another marriage. (Ksenia Karaulova experienced another tragedy after the divorce: she gave birth to twins - sons Eric and Timur. But Timur died in the second month of life. - Author's note.)

- Were you against Vasya’s communication with his father?

What do you! I didn’t change my son’s last name; there are photographs of his dad in his room,” explains Ksenia. - Why does a child need to know about our differences? Andrey could come to us at any time. Another thing is that he had almost no time. When Vasya and I were in the hospital, he visited the child only once.

And when he filed a lawsuit demanding that Vasya live with him four days a week, I was simply dumbfounded. After all, he based his statement on the fact that I was preventing him from communicating with the child. It is not true.

After lengthy proceedings, the court allocated Andrei Karaulov one day to communicate with his son - Saturday, from nine in the morning to nine in the evening.

Andrei took Vasya on Saturdays, but the nanny always went with them, and sometimes Vasya’s grandfather, my father. The busy TV presenter has no time for the medications that need to be given to his son regularly, says Ksenia, “he cannot monitor the child’s compliance with the regime.

During this entire year and a half, the parents fought for the child in the courts, gave evidence to the police, and wrote statements to the bailiffs. According to Ksenia, her ex-husband dreamed of a child. Although Ksenia was already his third wife, he did not have children in his previous marriages, and the birth of Vasya became a great joy for him.

I was happy about the birth of the baby,” Ksenia perks up. - It was such a joy - we didn’t have children for a long time. But our relationship with my husband, let’s say, far from ideal, became unbearable. Andrei often told me that now, with a child, no one would need me. I must understand this, live by his laws. Every day the psychological pressure on his part grew until I decided to divorce. And when I left and even got married again, Vasya became a “fixe idea” for him. Although, as a mother, it is difficult for me to understand how, out of love for your child, you can traumatize his own soul.

I dream of only one thing - for him to return Vasya to me.

During these six days, Ksenia managed to write further piles of applications to the court, to the guardianship and guardianship authorities, and to the bailiff department. Applications were accepted and registered everywhere. Only the bailiffs still have not reached the village of Novoglagolevo, where the baby now lives at his father’s dacha.

Nobody directly refused me, but when they heard my husband’s name, they lowered their eyes,” Ksenia sighs. - It’s just some kind of magic of a surname.

Only recently “Komsomolskaya Pravda” wrote about how our businessmen take children away from their ex-wives (see “KP” dated November 20 and the website Actresses Galina Belyaeva, Masha Shukshina, Irina Tsivina fought with their ex-husbands for their children. Not everyone managed to defend the child’s right to live his own life, and not play the role of a living doll in the conflict between parents. After all, the struggle itself is an addictive thing. Victories are as intoxicating as cognac, but defeats push you to take drastic steps, sometimes with dire consequences.


When the material was being prepared, the editors of Komsomolskaya Pravda received a letter from the author and presenter of the Moment of Truth program Andrei Karaulov: “Thank God, both Ksenia and the doctors in the clinic, where now, after the death of Timur, her newborn son, my ex-wife is provided with the necessary assistance every day - thank God that Ksenia and the doctors found mutual language, and Ksenia finally agreed to accept this help: for some reason we believe that if a person cannot do without experienced psychiatrists, there is something shameful in this.

Vasya, my son, is safe, at least for the period while the Solnechnogorsk prosecutor’s office is investigating a criminal case into the misfortune that happened to Ksenia - refusal to help her children who were in danger.

I want to once again thank all my comrades, acquaintances and strangers, who did not follow the lead of madness even for the promised fees.

The upcoming “Moment of Truth” will talk about how difficult it is in our country to deprive a woman maternal rights, even in cases where it is proven that she systematically uses hard drugs.

Sincerely, A. Karaulov.”


Having received Andrei Karaulov’s letter, we tried to find out what the “refusal to help children” was, on the basis of which a criminal case was opened. According to the TV presenter, Ksenia refused to send her younger Eric, who fell ill with acute laryngitis, to the hospital. And thereby could endanger the health of Vasya’s eldest son. The ex-wife learned about the investigation of the Solnechnogorsk prosecutor's office from a KP correspondent and claims that her son was only suffering from a common acute respiratory infection, and she never lived with her children in this area of ​​the Moscow region - her parents' summer cottage is only there. Yes, if our husbands were as legally savvy as the respected Andrei Karaulov, then half of the country’s women would already go to the prosecutor’s office for interrogations. After all, quite often we ourselves bring respiratory infections from work and can infect our children. The younger ones bring the flu from kindergarten, the older ones from school. Who would have thought that one could be held accountable for this under the law.

We have not received any documents indicating that Ksenia Karaulova is being seen by a psychiatrist. According to her, this is speculation, and the talk about drug use by mothers will actually be discussed in one of the “Moment of Truth” programs. Only about Ksenia is not mentioned in it.

Known for his program “Moment of Truth,” Honored Journalist of Russia Andrei Karaulov has been trying to deal with the imperfections of our socio-political life live for many years. But it turns out that he deals with his own personal life with the greatest difficulty. Surely any of the former wives of Andrei Karaulov(and he has three of them!) will find several unpleasant words to describe his ex-spouse.

The name of the first wife of the famous journalist is not known, since their love story dates back to their student years, and for 57-year-old Andrei Karaulov this is a long-past story. True, from a short cohabitation with a fellow student, a daughter was born, who was named Lydia. Only the father, busy building his own career, did not particularly bother with raising or caring for his daughter. Their actual acquaintance occurred when the girl was already 16 years old. But the second marriage turned out to be longer. They lived with Andrei Karaulov’s second wife, Natalya Mironova, for almost 9 years. True, a couple of years after the wedding, trying to improve living conditions, divorced and lived civil marriage. Their daughter Sophia was born outside of marriage, and later the journalist completely abandoned her when he divided property with his ex-wife through the court.

In the photo - Andrey Karaulov with Natalya Mironova

In the photo - Ksenia Karaulova with her son Vasily

This whole story with a high-profile divorce did not scare off the next contender for the hand and heart of the journalist. The third legal wife of Andrei Karaulov was Ksenia Kolpakova, also a journalist by profession. There is a significant age difference between them - almost 20 years. The couple's wedding took place in September 1999. The story of their divorce, which took place eight years later, was discussed by the whole country, and even now echoes can still be heard. Because the spouses did not divide the property, but began to challenge each other for the right to “own” the only son Vasily who appeared in this marriage. Moreover, there was some crime - Andrei Karaulov simply stole a child from his ex-wife. However, literally a year later a publication appeared that the couple were back together.

In the photo - Andrey Karaulov with his daughter Lydia and son Vasily

It is difficult to judge whether this is true today, because since the divorce from Ksenia Karaulova, this part of the TV presenter’s personal life has been quite carefully hidden. Official sources say that he is in his third marriage (the first wife, who gave birth to Lydia, never became official), but neither the name, nor even the photo of Andrei Karaulov’s new wife could be found. It is noteworthy that on his 55th birthday two years ago he was photographed only accompanied by his eldest daughter and son.

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